History of The Origin of Piano in The SC Eacc6364

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e-ISSN : 26203502

International Journal on Integrated Educatioon

p-ISSN : 26153785

History of the Origin of Piano in the Science of Instrumen

ent Performance

Z. Ziyavutdinova
Associate professor of the Deepartment of Music education, Andijan state university,
u Uzbekistan

Abstract: in this article, thee appearance

a of the keyboard (piano) has a llong history. The first
musical instrument to appear ar in ancient Rome was the monochord. This is instrument was in the
form of a one-string box, whi hich was gradually improved with the addition
ion of wires. The article
explains how his keys were created,
c who invented them and named thee iinstrument "Piano". It
was later reported that the ins
instruments of the clavichord and clavichord were
w gradually phased
Keywords: instrument of pia iano, harpsichord, folk, melody, song, dutar,
ar, music, book, music
theory, music book, history, musicology,
m mediator, nokhun, clavier, harpsic
sichord, clavichord.
When it comes to musicall iinstruments today, one of the most comm mon and widely used
instruments is the piano. It is loved and used in the West and the East. In ancient Rome, during
the time of Plato, there wass a musical instrument called Monochord. Thhe word monochord is
Greek and means monos - one ne, shord - wire. The monochord was in the for
orm of a box. There is a
wire in a wooden box. Over er the centuries, several wires have been add
dded to one wire after
another. The wires were played
yed using fingers, sticks, and mediators.
In the XII century the clavic
ichord appeared. Harpsichord also existed at the same time as the
clavichord. Clavis means key.
y. It was not possible to control the pitch of the
th instrument as much
as you wanted. The lengths of the sounds were the same length. At the en end of the 17th century,
the lower keys (instead of modern
mo white keys) were black keys and were ere made of ebony. The
keys above are made of ivory.
y. By the 18th century, the color of the keyboaoards was in the form of
modern pianos and grand pian
The clavichord means we enco
counter the genesis of the first piano. The clav
avichord is a copy of an
instrument known as the harp.
p. But it looks like a harp, not a closed wooden
en box.
According to European schola lars, the harp and piano in general were deriv
ived from the homeland
of chess, that is, from Eastern
ern countries. In this case, after 1000 years,, after
a the X century, it
entered Europe. Thus, the ide
dea that the genesis of the piano belongs to the
th Eastern countries is
close to the truth. For example
ple, in the East, the Armuna- keyboard of wind
ind instrument is similar
to the piano.
It can be seen that Armuna is a modern keyboard instrument. Armuna is si
similar to an accordion,
but it is a musical instrument
nt that is placed on the ground and controlle
lled by vibrating the air
pressure with one hand.
The range is up to two and three
thr octaves, which is not very large. Howevever, two- and three-tone
chords with an accordion and are located and heard in an automatic combin
The piano was first made in En
England. The fact that its chess-like features are
ar played on black and
white keys is also a philosoph
phical worldview of this period. It was easierer to make new types of
amazing Armunasimon instrum ruments, that is, to carry them with them all the time, to put them on
your knees, on the table or on the floor. For the first time, the strings of this instrument were
arranged on both sides, tightly
ly from the inside to the nails.
Lidwig Van Beethoven oncee said:s "The piano is a keyboard instrument tha
that expresses the power
of a single sound precision."" IIn Beethoven's time, the piano was not yet perfect,
pe and only unison
sounds were played.

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e-ISSN : 26203502
International Journal on Integrated Educatioon
p-ISSN : 26153785

Compared to the piano, thee clavichord

c has a history of 300 years andd was one of the most
popular instruments than the piano.
p This musical instrument is decorated w
with precious wood and
patterns, selected in modernrn language, and surrounded by gold water, er, and later ornaments
appeared in unique elementss aand were made of gold-colored copper. Thee keys
k of this instrument
are made of ivory and have pri
priceless looks. The piano is new, the sound of the instrument is soft,
comfortable, pleasant, but thee problem is that when the singer was accomp
mpanied, it could not be
heard in the room or hall, bec
ecause his voice was low, so the negative side
ide was visible. In other
words, it was more difficult lt for the singer to become an accomplice.. Therefore, it was not
possible to accompany the cho
hoir, orchestra or percussion instruments.
In 1711, the harpist Bartholoolomew Christopher invented a new musical cal instrument. On this
instrument, the performer coululd control the volume of the melody as he wished
w (piano or forte).
Hence the Pianoforte, later ren
enamed the Piano.
By the XIX century there werere 2 main pianos: 1 horizontal piano (Frenchh piano-king) 2 vertical
piano (Italian piano - smalll piano).
p The Royal has become a musicall in instrument for various
musical evenings and concerts
By the end of the 18th century
ury, the piano had almost completely eliminate ted the use of the piano
and harpsichord. The advantag
tage of the piano is that it has more than ninety
ety strings that sound in
chromatic order. The sound of o the strings increases from left to right,, the
th strings of low and
middle sound consist of thick
ck wires, the lowest sounds are one, the middl dle sounds are two, and
the highest sounds are three.. B
By pressing the appropriate keys, similar ham
ammers hit the wire and
make a sound. As the fingersrs rise from the keyboard, the volume stops.. The
T sound is amplified
when the left foot of the foot
ot pedals is pressed with the foot. The pianoo has
h the ability to play
both solo and multi-voiced different
dif chords. The volume is seven octaveses and can be used solo
on piano, ensemble and orchehestra. To date, there are two main types of piano:
pi Piano and Piano.
Piano is an acronym for Piano.o. It is smaller than a piano.
Structure and range of narrow
w wires:
a) Piano – its diapason lya fro
rom fa-lya subcontrol octave to Do of 5 octave
b) Royal- its diapason fa from
m subcontract octave to 5-octave fa-sol-.
These instruments are chromaatic adjustable. The end of the XVIII century
ury is a breakthrough in
the art of the piano.
In short, in the study of thee word piano, the student traces the historyy of
o this instrument, its
origin, the appearance of the first
fi monochord - a musical instrument in anc ncient Rome, which was
drawn in the form of a box,, a single wire, They learned about the gradu dual addition of strings,
how keys were created, and who
w invented the name "Piano," and how hee gradually
g removed the
keyboard and clavicles from use.
Through the history of the piaiano, students are taught the importance of developing
de their interest
and performance skills, skillss aand competencies in the study of the musical
al instrument.
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terms of Creative Commons Attribution n License (CC BY).To view a copy of this Volumee 4, Issue 10, Oct 2021 | 234
license, visit https://creativecommons.orgg/licenses/by/4.0/
e-ISSN : 26203502
International Journal on Integrated Educatioon
p-ISSN : 26153785

7. Khasanova D. Features ofo the implementation of folklore elements in

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