Group 2 - Ict

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English Post Graduate Program - 2023




Dr. Acep Musliman, M.Si.

1. Ajeng Ratna Ningdiah Utami (20227470054)

2. Naripudin (20227470101)
3. Tejar Misbahuddin (20227470135)
4. Prasetyo Wahyu (202274700141)
5. Abdul Rohim (20227470080)
What is ICT and What are the Components

ICT stands for information and communications technology (or technologies),

is the infrastructure and components that enable modern computing,
meaning all devices, networking components, applications and systems that
combined allow people and organizations (i.e., businesses, nonprofit
agencies, governments and criminal enterprises) to interact in the digital

ICT encompasses both the internet-enabled sphere as well as the mobile one
powered by wireless networks. It also includes antiquated technologies, such
as landline telephones, radio and television broadcast -- all of which are still
widely used today alongside cutting-edge ICT pieces such as artificial
intelligence and robotics.
What is ICT and What are the Components
Journal 1

A flipped classroom is an instructional strategy and a type of blended learning,

which aims to increase student engagement and learning by having pupils
complete readings at home and work on live problem-solving during class

This pedagogical style moves activities, including those that may have
traditionally been considered homework, into the classroom. With a flipped
classroom, students watch online lectures, collaborate in online discussions, or
carry out research at home, while actively engaging concepts in the classroom,
with a mentor's guidance.
INTRODUCTION; Research Questions
Methodology; Research Design
Methodology; Research Design
Methodology; Data Collection
Methodology; Data Analysis
A Systematic Review of Multiple Terminologies for
ICT in Government: A Mesh of Concentric and
Overlapping Circles

Bulletin of Science, Technology &

Pragati Rawat1 Society 2020, Vol. 40(1-2) 3–14 © The

Author(s) 2020 Article reuse
permissions DOI:
•This article addresses the pervasive issue of terminology confusion in
the realm of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
implementation in government. It sets out to identify and elucidate
seven prominent terms: smart government, e-government, e-
governance, digital government, open government, e-democracy, and e-
participation. Employing a comprehensive three-stage search process, it
endeavors to explore their origins, provide clear definitions, and
delineate models, complemented by visual diagrams illustrating their
relationships. The primary aim of this research is to establish a
standardized vocabulary to enhance communication and comprehension
among both scholars and practitioners within this field.

•The domain of ICT adoption in government is frequently plagued by a

muddle of terminologies, fostering ambiguity and inconsistency. This
article seeks to redress this issue by identifying common terms,
disentangling their nuances, and forging a dependable lexicon for the
benefit of scholars and practitioners alike. This endeavor relies on a
meticulously constructed methodology, encompassing keyword
searches, journal selection, keyword analysis, systematic reviews,
inclusion/exclusion criteria, and supplementary database searches. This
meticulous approach is geared towards fostering clarity and uniformity
in terminology deployment.
•This research employs a series of methodological steps to identify and gather
relevant literature aimed at understanding the use of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) in the context of governance. The study applies
keyword-based search methods across various sources, including Google
Scholar, Scimago, Web of Science, and ProQuest, to identify publications related
to seven predetermined key terms.

•The steps undertaken include searching for combinations of common
keywords, selecting prominent journals across various disciplines, searching for
keywords within these journals, and utilizing additional sources such as
glossaries and reports from international organizations. The search process is
conducted meticulously to ensure that only relevant publications that align with
the predefined inclusion criteria are included in the systematic review.
•The research also notes that Google Scholar serves as the primary source for
gathering literature, but other sources such as Scimago, Web of Science, and
ProQuest are also utilized to strengthen the findings. The research
acknowledges the advantages of Google Scholar in providing easy access to
citation information and facilitating searches on a large scale. Additionally, it
acknowledges that Scopus exhibits a strong correlation with Google Scholar in
terms of citation numbers.

•Lastly, the research highlights that findings from these sources are used to
delve into the definitions, origins, and conceptual models related to ICT and
governance, with a focus on clarifying the relationships between these terms.
This conclusion demonstrates that the research follows a meticulous
methodological approach in gathering and analyzing literature to achieve its
predetermined research objectives..
•- Digital Government: Relates to the application of digital technologies
to enhance government services and operations, emphasizing data
analytics and knowledge management.

•- Smart City: Aims to establish technologically advanced urban
environments with a focus on sustainability, enhanced quality of life,
and increased public participation.

•- Open Government: Advocates for transparency, accessibility, and
responsiveness, utilizing technology to facilitate public participation and
collaboration. It possesses a broader scope than e-government.

•- E-Government: Emerged in the 1990s and entails leveraging ICT for public
service delivery, evolving through distinct stages including cataloging, online
information dissemination, transactional services, and political participation.

•- E-Democracy and E-Participation: These terms involve citizen engagement

in governance via ICT, focusing on democratic processes and policy
formulation, occasionally used interchangeably.

•- E-Governance: Encompasses e-government and extends to the efficient

distribution of information, alongside collaboration with diverse

•This research sheds light on the interconnectedness of these concepts

while elucidating their unique facets and objectives. While these terms
are often used interchangeably, they cater to distinct purposes and may
encompass divergent technologies. Additionally, the study underscores
the adaptive nature of these terminologies in response to technological
advancements and evolving societal expectations.

•In conclusion, this article endeavors to untangle the meanings and

intricate relationships that exist among key terms in the ICT in
government domain. Through this effort, it aspires to forge a
standardized lexicon that will alleviate misinterpretation, guide policy
implementation, and facilitate the progression of knowledge within
this field. The inclusion of visual representations aids in elucidating
these intricate relationships, serving as valuable references for future

Muhammad Yaumi
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin
This article aims at analyzing the terminology of instructional technology from
the historical perspectives. The development of the terms impacts the
nomenclature, role, domain, and the object of the study. The term instructional
technology is perceived the same as educational technology by some experts,
while some others considered different. Technology is the application of
knowledge for practical purposes. In early development, instructional technology
was seen as instructional media, and then it was considered as a science, process,
which includes the field of design, development, utilization, management, and
evaluation of processes and learning resources, and currently is focused on
facilitating learning and improving performance.
Keywords: Terminology, Instructional Technology, Historical Overview.
Setiap kali diperdengarkan kata teknologi, maka perhatian kita langsung tertuju pada komputer, pemutar audio digital
berupa Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG-1) dan lapisan (Layer) 3 atau disebut mp3, perangkat keras dan lunak,
bahkan menerawang sampai kepada pesawat ulang-alik (Smaldino, Lowther, dan Russell, 2008). Begitu pula, ketika kita
menyebut media pembelajaran, ingatan langsung diarahkan pada kapur tulis atau spidol, papan tulis, buku paket,
kertas karton, foto, gambar, diagram, tape, televisi, video, overhead transparancies, dan multimedia. Pemahaman
seperti ini sebenarnya tidaklah keliru, tetapi cenderung direduksi dan disederhanakan karena teknologi hanya
dimaknai secara dangkal, sebatas peralatan fisik saja. Akibatnya, ketika seseorang yang mengambil jurusan teknologi
pembelajaran atau teknologi pendidikan hanya dipandang sebagai sarjana yang bersifat teknis, yang fokus
kemampuannya hanya dalam batas ruang lingkup peralatan fisik, media, dan teknologi. Kesalapahaman tentang kajian
teknologi pendidikan tidak hanya terjadi di Indonesia saja, tetapi juga di negara-negara maju seperti Amerika Serikat
dan Kanada. Beberapa profesor di Ohio State University di Amerika Serikat pernah mengajukan pertanyaan kepada
penulis ketika mengambil program Sandwich-Like pada tahun 2010- 2011 seperti berikut ini: “Mengapa
mengembangkan pembelajaran berbasis kecerdasan jamak (multiple Intelligence Based Learning), padahal Anda
mengambil program studi S 192 Terminologi Teknologi Pembelajaran. Teknologi Pendidikan?” Dapat dipahami bahwa
pertanyaan tersebut menggambarkan bahwa teknologi pembelajaran yang mereka pahami hanyalah sebatas komputer,
internet, DVD dan CD- ROM, peralatan mobile, digital audio, dan semacammya, tetapi tidak sampai pada tataran belajar
dan pembelajaran, serta aspek pengembangan sebagai salah satu kawasan bidang teknologi pembelajaran.
Fenomena tersebut dialami juga oleh Luppicini (2008) di Kanada yang mengkaji “Educational technology at
the crossroads: Examining the Development of the Academic Field in Canada” (Teknologi pendidikan di
Persimpangan Jalan: Menguji Pengembangan Bidang Akademik di Kanada). Salah satu temuan yang menarik
adalah banyak profesor di luar bidang ini memandang teknologi pembelajaran berhubungan dengan peralatan
untuk membantu mereka mengajar kelas-kelas yang berukuran besar dan merupakan suatu jalan untuk
memberi kenyamanan dalam hal pemberian tes dan pengelolaan nilai. Konsekuensi dari pemahaman itu,
teknolog (pengembang) pembelajaran dianggap sama dengan teknisi dan mereduksi peran pengembang
pembelajaran yang lebih luas. Pendeknya, banyak di antara mereka yang menganggap bahwa teknologi
pembelajaran hanyalah berkaitan dengan teknologi komputer atau sebatas media cetak, visual, audio,
audiovisual, multimedia, digital, dan Internet. Kemudian, seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi
dan komunikasi, teknologi pembelajaran dikaitkan juga dengan pemanfaatan youtube, twitter, face book,
web-blog, web 2, audity, skype, yahoo messenger, dan berbagai perangkat lunak jejaring lainnya. Pandangan
tersebut nampaknya tidak salah jika yang dimaksudkan bahwa teknologi komputer tersebut adalah bagian
dari kajian teknologi pendidikan. Tetapi jika teknologi pendidikan hanyalah dimaknai sebatas teknologi
komputer, pandangan tersebut adalah keliru. Untuk menghindari penyempitan makna, reduksi konsep, dan
penyederhanaan bidang teknologi pembelajaran, dalam tulisan ini perlu menjabarkan konsep teknologi
pendidikan baik sebagai media, bahan, metode, dan peralatan fisik maupun sebagai suatu kawasan bidang

Kajian Historis tentang teknologi pendidikan

Telaah teoretis tentang Terminologi teknologi Pendidikan


Apa itu teknologi?

Teknologi pembelajaran sebagai suatu bidang ilmu

Teknologi pembelajaran VS teknologi pendidikan


Kata teknologi (technology) berasal dari bahasa Yunani techne yang berarti seni,
kerajinan, atau keterampilan dan logia yang berarti kata, studi, atau tubuh ilmu
pengetahuan. Secara etimologi, teknologi merupakan pengetahuan tentang membuat
sesuatu. Technology is the application of knowledge for a practical purpose (Spector,
2012: 5). Maksudnya, teknologi adalah aplikasi pengetahuan untuk suatu tujuan
praktis. Definisi yang lebih formal diberikan oleh Galbraith dalam Newby dkk (2000:
9) di mana dikatakan bahwa teknologi adalah “the systematic application of scientific
or other organized knowledge to practical tasks” (aplikasi sistematis dari
pengetahuan ilmiah atau pengetahuan terorganisir lainnya untuk tugas-tugas
Berdasarkan tabel di slide sebelumnya, secara teknis, teknologi pendidikan berbeda
dengan teknologi pembelajaran khususnya dilihat dari area kajian, kata kunci, fokus,
tujuan, dan lingkup kajian. Namun secara umum, kedua istilah tersebut memiliki
objek kajian yang sama yakni berpijak pada bagaimana memfasilitasi belajar dan
memperbaiki kinerja. Dalam buku ini, penulis menggunakan istilah teknologi
pembelajaran karena pertama, konten buku ini sengaja dirancang untuk kebutuhan
pembelajaran secara formal di sekolah, perguruan tinggi, dan dapat juga
dipergunakan untuk kebutuhan pelatihan. Kedua, buku ini dikembangkan untuk
mengembangkan media dan teknologi sebagai alat untuk memfasilitasi belajar dan
memperbaiki kinerja peserta didik dan peserta pelatihan. Ketiga, buku ini dirancang
untuk pengembangan dan penciptaan sistem belajar tatap muka, online, dan
kombinasi dari keduanya (blended learning) dengan menggunakan berbagai macam
teknologi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan peserta didik.

Teknologi adalah aplikasi pengetahuan untuk suatu tujuan praktis. Teknologi juga dimaknai
sebagai pengetahuan praktis dan sistematis, berdasarkan eksperimen dan/atau teori ilmiah,
yang meningkatkan kapasitas masyarakat untuk memproduksi barang dan jasa, yang
diwujudkan dalam keterampilan produktif, organisasi, atau mesin. Pada mulanya teknologi
pembelajaran dipahami sebagai media pembelajaran yang objek kajiannya berupa alat bantu
visual yang terdiri atas gambar, model, objek, atau alat-alat yang dipakai untuk menyajikan
pengalaman konkret dengan cara visualisasi.
Melalui evolusi dan kesepakatan bersama, organisasi yang bernama DAVI berubah menjadi
Association for Educational Communications and Technology atau disingkat AECT yang
berdampak pada perubahan teknologi pembelajaran sebagai bidang ilmu tersendiri dan
sebagai suatu proses. Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya, teknologi pembelajaran dipandang
sebagai kawasan bidang yang mencakup desain, pengembangan, pemanfaatan, pengelolaan
dan evaluasi proses dan sumber belajar. Saat ini teknologi pembelajaran di fokuskan pada
memfasilitasi belajar dan memperbaiki kinerja.
Information Communication
Technology in Education K.
Ratheeswari* Department of Value
Education, Tamilnadu Teachers Education
Journal of Applied and Advanced Research, 2018: 3(Suppl.
1) S45S47
ISSN 2519-9412 / © 2018 Phoenix Research Publishers I,
Chennai – 97, Tamil Nadu, India (Received: 24-03-2018;
Accepted 18-04-2018; Published Online 21-04-2018)

“Information and internet

technology”. It refers to wireless networks
technologies that provide
access to information cell phones
telecommunication. other communication mediums
a learning program that makes use of an information
network- such as the internet, an intranet (LAN) or
extranet (WAN) whether wholly or in part, for course
E learning delivery, interaction and/or facilitation. Web-based

learning is a subset of e learning and refers to
learning using an internet browser such as the
model, blackboard or internet explorer (Tinio, 2002).

learning models that combines the face-to-face
classroom practice with e-learning solutions. For
Blended example, a teacher may facilitate student learning in
Learning class contact and uses the model (modular object
oriented dynamic learning environment) to facilitate
out of class learning.
learning environment that pays attention to
knowledge, skills, attitudes, and beliefs that learners
Learner- centred bring with them to the learning process where its
learning impetus is derived from a paradigm of learning
environment called constructivism. In the context of this article, it
means students personal engagement to the
learning task using the computer and or the internet
essential conditions to improve
learning IN ict
Students and High quality, Teachers must
teachers must have meaningful, have the
sufficient access to and culturally knowledge and
digital responsive skills to use the
technologies and new digital tools
the Internet in and resources to
content must
their classrooms, help all students
be available
schools, and achieve high
teacher education for teachers
institutions. and learners.
ICT helps to keep pace with the latest
with the help of different technologies
included in it.
www stands for world wide web which
is one of the most important and widely
accepted services (like IRC, E-mail etc.) of
the Internet. Its popularity has increased
dramatically, simply because it’s very
easy to use colourful and rich content.

According to Dennis P. Curtin (2002): -

“Web is a series of interconnected
documents stored on computer sites or
E-learning is also known as online learning.
E–learning encompasses learning at all
levels both formal and non-formal that
uses an information network– the Internet,
an intranet (LAN) or extranet (WAN). The
components include e-portfolios, cyber
infrastructures, digital libraries and online
learning object repositories.
All the above components create a digital
identity of the user and connect all the
stakeholders in the education. It also
facilitates inter disciplinary research.
Group Discussion
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is among the
popular Internet service people mostly
use for live chatting. Group of people
with common interest can exchange
views / opinions with each other
instantly through Internet. Description of
the internet technologies required to
support education via ICTs (www, video
conference, TeleConference, Mobile
Conference, CD Database, Word
Processor, Intranet, Internet etc.)

Modules written are converted

and stored into digital version
into a computer using word
processor accessible by the user
through internet.
Audio – Conferencing Video – Conferencing

it involves the live allows the exchange

(realtime) exchange not just of voice and
of voice messages graphics but also of
over a telephone moving images.

Web – Based Open and Distance

Conferencing Learning
involves the All these services
transmission of text availed through ICT plays
and graphic, audio and a great role in teacher
visual media via the education.
The use of such technology in teaching training
programmes the quality of teaching will increase
effectively. A well-designed teacher training
program is essential to meet the demand of
today’s teachers who want to learn how to use ICT
effectively for their teaching. It is thus important
for teacher trainers and policy makers to
understand the factors affecting effectiveness
and cost-effectiveness of different approaches
to ICT use in teacher training so training strategies
can be appropriately explored to make such
changes viable to all.


Lecturer, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Today science and ICT (Information and Communication

Technology) have left their impact on every aspect of human
life. Most of the significant developments that one can
observe today can be attributed to the impact of science and
technology. Even in education sector, we witness that
technological advancement and innovations have made a
visible impact and have changed a scenario. Traditional
methods of imparting higher education have become less
motivating. Here, technology plays an important role in
creating innovation and motivation for the learners
(Stockwell, 2016)
The word ‘ICT’ includes any communication device such as
computer, mobile phones, radio, and television and satellite
system. It has to do with the Internet facilities. Now, the role
and use of technology as a tool for teaching of the English
language is increasing as educators have understood its ability
to create both independent and collaborative learning
environment in which students can learn English with much
ease. The use of ICT in teaching and learning process is the
need of an hour and teacher is expected to be innovative and
enthusiastic in his/her teaching learning process by integrating
ICT. A teacher needs to think of using technology in imparting

The use of ICT in teaching-learning process is the need of

an hour. The teacher is expected to be traditional as well
as modern/innovative in his/her teaching learning process.
The teacher must be adequately prepared to make use of
information and communication technology (ICT). In the
21st century, technologies are truly communicative and
interactive but the implementation is low in thelanguage
classroom. When one tries to bring about an innovation in
the educational field, one needsto think of the audio-visual
aids and their extensive usage in imparting education
ICT can be defined as scientific, technological and
engineering based management techniques usedin
information storage and communication mechanism
with optimal time and space utilization in comparison
to other traditional methods adopted for the same. The
word ‘ICT’ includes any communication device or
application such as computer, mobile phones, radio,
television, satellite system etc (Saxena,Jyotsana&
Rai,Geeta). Today teacher can make use of these
different tools of technology and can make his/her
teaching innovative and interesting.
The use of ICT in teaching-learning process is the
need of an hour. The teacher is expected to be
traditional as well as modern/innovative in his/her
teaching learning process. The teacher must
beadequately prepared to make use of information
and communication technology (ICT). In the
21stcentury, technologies are truly communicative
and interactive but the implementation is low in
thelanguage classroom. When one tries to bring
about an innovation in the educational field, one
needsto think of the audio-visual aids and their
extensive usage in imparting education.
ICT Tools

1. Web 2.0 Applications

2. Radio and Television

3. Language Laboratory
4. Language Laboratory for listening and understandi
5. Audio Active Laboratory

6. Audio-Active-comparative language lab. (A. A. C.)

7. Films
8. Overhead Projector
Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) has brought a remarkable
revolution in education sector. The
Ministries of Education across the world
have already agreed to the point of
integrating ICT in their education system. In
addition, UNESCO has been providing their
maximum support to Government of Saudi
Arabia (GoB) to adopt ICT in Education.
Different private organizations and NGOs
are extending their hands in integrating
ICTs as innovative approach to Education
(Chowdhury et al., 2011).
With the aim of integrating ICT tools in
classroom and to create successful teaching
learning environment, education policy has
been rephrased and as a part of this,
Secondary English Curriculum has also been
revised. Digital technologies are made
available in the classrooms for the successful
technology enhanced language learning and
teachers are given special training in the use
of ICT.
Information technologies have proven to be
beneficial to language learners while learning a
second or foreign language. Integrating ICTs in ELT
have become both slogan and selection in both
developed and developing countries. However, they
do not seem to have been properly integrated for

language learning in rural schools in Nepal though

they have already been used for other purposes and
their use is rapidly growing.
This article sheds lights on how Nepalese ESL teachers
of rural schools have integrated ICTs in their classes and
what they view about the strategies and challenges
while integrating ICT based tools in teaching English.
Analysing the data collected through questionnaire and
semi-structured interview, it was found that the
secondary English teachers integrate ICTs in ELT by
using effective strategies though they have been facing
some challenges on it.
ICT based English language teaching and learning

English language learning and teaching

methodologies undergone many changes over the
last four decades: moving from a traditional
grammar-translation method to more student
centered methods such as Total Physical Response,
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and Task-
Based Learning (TBL) which are more popular among
language teachers (Richards &Rodgers, 2001).
The fast-growing advance of information and
communication technologies (ICTs) has made potential
contributions to English language education for the past
few decades. As a matter of fact, the use of technologies
provides learners with unprecedented opportunities to
practice English and involve themselves in authentic
environments of language use (Kramsch & Thorne, 2002)
The fast-growing advance of information and
communication technologies (ICTs) has made potential
contributions to English language education for the past
few decades. As a matter of fact, the use of technologies
provides learners with unprecedented opportunities to
practice English and involve themselves in authentic
environments of language use (Kramsch & Thorne, 2002)

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