Wheel of Time Supplement Final
Wheel of Time Supplement Final
Wheel of Time Supplement Final
with the
Version 2.1
About This Document While designing new talents and options, I tried to adhere
The Wheel of Time is an epic fantasy book series written by as closely as possible to the existing Genesys mechanics and
Robert Jordan. If you want to see what makes this setting so principles. In my experience of working on this project, I’ve
great, I recommend buying the books, or checking them out found that the Wheel of Time universe and it’s varied rules for
from your local library: magic and abilities fit quite well with the Genesys mechanics.
The Eye of the World Contributors
The Great Hunt I’d like to thank the following people for helping me refine
The Dragon Reborn and play test this document:
The Shadow Rising • Nic Briseño (Targul)
The Fires of Heaven • Teddy Holthaus (Count Telperion)
Lord of Chaos
A Crown of Swords
Play Testers
The Path of Daggers • Darren Fransen
Winter’s Heart • Brent Fransen
Crossroads of Twilight • Travis Lawson
Knife of Dreams Feedback
The Gathering Storm Feedback is welcome! I can be reached by direct message
Towers of Midnight through reddit.com u/RedKappi.
A Memory of Light Also a Very special thanks to Nathan Rule who took his
New Spring (prequel) talents and time with our labor of love and created this
high level professional design and theme specifically for the
Spoilers Wheel of Time.
If you are in the midst of reading the Wheel of Time book
series or plan to watch the upcoming TV series, be aware that
the contents of this document probably contains spoilers. I did Credits
my best to avoid them, but the nature of some of the talents GENESYS and its logo are trademarks of Fantasy Flight Games
and background information I wanted to include means I had in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Fantasy Flight Games
to acknowledge that certain things exist in the setting. characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses
thereof, are trademarks of Fantasy Flight Games. This work
References contains material that is copyright Fantasy Flight Games and/
This document makes use of information and rules in the
or other authors.
Genesys Core Rulebook and the setting book Realms of
Terrinoth, so it is recommended to have a copy of these books. All art is copyright of the artists and its use here is not meant
References to these books, when they appear, will include to infringe on the artists rights. It’s usage is as an unofficial fan
page numbers. In addition, several options presented in this supplement and as such we would like to credit all the artists
document were originally designed by someone else. The work that was used in this document as best as possible.
original source of these options will be noted at the bottom of Adrian Sallusti - Arthur Haefeli - Bimask - Chris Rahn - Darrell
the entry. K. Sweet - Doodlesanddaydreams - Gerralt Landman - Greg
Canon and Rule Design Manchess - Jared Magneson - Julie Bell - Joe Pingelton - John
This setting tries to replicate the behavior of the Wheel of Seamas Gallagher - Kayla Woo - Kyung Hyun Jin - Michael
Time universe as depicted in the books as best it can in the Fitzhywel - Niek Schlosser - Nmezero - Omar Seitisleam - Petar
Genesys ruleset. It’s probably not 100% faithful to canon. Penev - Randy Terrapon - Silvia Bortoloni - Stephan Alsac - Sonya
Anastasova - Vrundar Athalye
THE ONE POWER........................................ 53
CHAPTER 2: 9 NEW RULES.................................................. 54
DELVING...................................................... 55
CREATING YOUR CHARACTER NEW SPELLS................................................. 55
ARCHETYPES............................................... 9
NEW ARCHETYPES..................................... 11 CHAPTER 5: 61
CAREERS...................................................... 12
SKILLS........................................................... 16 THE WORLD OF DREAMS
NEW SKILLS................................................. 17 DREAMWALKERS........................................ 61
MAGIC SKILLS............................................. 18
TALENTS...................................................... 18
FAVORS......................................................... 33
EQUIPMENT................................................ 36
WEAPONS (MELEE)..................................... 36
NEW MELEE WEAPONS............................. 37
R ANGED WEAPONS................................... 38
ARMOR......................................................... 38
CR AFTSMANSHIP....................................... 39
GEAR AND SERVICES................................. 39
NEW GEAR................................................... 40
ANIMALS & RELATED GEAR.................... 41
ANIMALS...................................................... 41
NEW ANIMALS............................................ 42
SERVICES...................................................... 42
WEAPON ATTACHMENTS......................... 42
ARMOR ATTACHMENTS ............................ 43
ANGREAL..................................................... 44
HERBALISM.................................................. 48
Chapter 2: Creating Your Character
Intellectual during the next check they make during that turn, your
The intellectual archetype represents a character who has a character doubles the strain they inflict or the strain they
background grounded in some sort of intellectual pursuit. This heal (you choose before making the check).
pursuit could be science, medicine, teaching, or even magic. Practiced Etiquette: Once per session after a foe makes
You should choose this archetype if you want to make a an opposed social check against your character, you may
character who focuses on one of those intellectual pursuits. You spend a Story Point as an out-of-turn incidental to remove
should also choose this archetype if your character comes from all generated by that foe’s check before any symbols
a highly educated background. are canceled.
Source: https://www.thestoryspanner.net: Expanded Archetypes
2 1 3 2 2 2 Disciple
BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE The Disciple archetype represents a character who is a true
believer in some cause. The venerated cause may be an ideology
such as communism or anarchism, a religion, or devotion to a
• Starting Wound Threshold: 8 + Brawn faction. The cause need not be altruistic. You should choose
• Starting Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower this archetype if your character would rather serve than lead.
• Starting Experience: 100 You should also choose this archetype if your character has a
propensity for strong faith or radical belief.
Starting Skills: An intellectual starts with one rank in
Education during character creation. They obtain this rank
before spending experience points, and may not increase 2 2 2 1 3 3
Education above rank 2 during character creation. BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE
●Choose One:
Brilliant!: Once per session, your character may spend a • Starting Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
Story Point as an incidental. If they do so, during the next • Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
check they make during that turn, you count their ranks • Starting Experience: 100
in the skill being used as equal to their Intellect.
Starting Skills: 1 rank in either Discipline or Coercion
Eureka!: Once per session, your character may spend
a Story Point to make a Knowledge check. Double the Choose One:
generated by the dice before canceling the results. Fervent Belief: Once per session, your character may
Source: https://www.thestoryspanner.net: Expanded Archetypes
spend a Story Point to decrease the difficulty of a fear
Aristocrat check once, to a minimum of Simple (k). If the fear relates
The aristocrat archetype represents any character who has to her chosen cause, she may ignore it entirely.
the gift of a silver tongue. This could be a noble of some sort, Inspired Cohort: Once per session, your
a politician, a bard, or even a salesperson or merchant. You character may spend any number of
should use this archetype if you want to build a character who Story Points as an incidental. If they
fits one of these molds. You should also choose this archetype if do so, that many chosen allies
your character is good at communicating. may use the character’s
ranks in Discipline
instead of their own
1 2 2 2 2 3 ranks in any social skill
employed as part of an
opposed check for the
• Starting Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn remainder of the encounter,
• Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower or until your character is
incapacitated. Each character
• Starting Experience: 100 aided by this ability chooses a
Starting Skills: An aristocrat starts with one rank in Cool social skill separately.
Source: https://www.thestoryspanner.net: Expanded Archetypes
during character creation. They obtain this rank before
spending experience points, and may not increase Cool above
rank 2 during character creation.
Choose One:
Forceful Personality: Once per session, your character
may spend a Story Point as an incidental. If they do so,
Chapter 2: Creating Your Character
Gymnast Work the Crowd: Once per session, your character may
The gymnast archetype represents a character who regularly spend any number of Story Points to make a social check
undertakes intensive physical training. Keeping one’s body in targeting a crowd as if the check were made against a
peak condition is required of athletes, professional soldiers, single person. The crowd’s size may not exceed 10 x Story
and astronauts. You should choose this archetype if you’re Points spent.
Source: https://www.thestoryspanner.net: Expanded Archetypes
making a character who can run any obstacle course or who
fights at a distance. You should also choose this archetype if
your character plays a professional sport. NEW ARCHETYPES
2 3 2 2 2 1 Ogier
The Ogier are a race of large, peaceful, non-humans who live
in communities isolated from most of humanity, called
stedding. Ogier love trees and woods, and grow fantastic groves
• Starting Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn in their stedding. Many humans consider them legends only, or
• Starting Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower think they are shadowspawn when they first see one. Ogier
• Starting Experience: 100 consider humans “hasty”, acting too quickly compared to the
ogier slow, purposeful action. You should choose this archetype
Starting Skills: 1 rank in Coordination
if you wish to play as a non-human, or a character who has a
Choose One: thirst for knowledge and a love for the woods, or as an
incredibly strong warrior.
Adrenaline Rush: Once per session, your character may
spend a Story Point to reduce all incoming strain by 2 for
the duration of the current encounter. After the encounter, 4 1 2 1 2 2
he increases all incoming strain by 1 until completing a BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE
natural rest.
Conditioned Reflexes: Once per session, your character • Starting Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
may spend a Story Point during combat or another • Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
structured encounter to take an out-of-turn action
(including an attack). She may not do so on her own turn • Starting Experience: 70
and this extra action does not replace the action on her Starting Skills: An Ogier starts with one rank in Education
own turn. and one rank in one other Knowledge skill (your choice) during
Source: https://www.thestoryspanner.net: Expanded Archetypes
character creation. They obtain these ranks before spending
Rascal experience points, and may not increase these skills above rank
The rascal archetype represents a character who uses wits and 2 during character creation.
guile to understand and even manipulate others. This social • Beloved Groves: Ogier gain Survival as a career skill.
savvy is often possessed by news pundits, ruthless executives, • Non-Channelers: Ogier cannot gain ranks in the
bureaucrats, or grifters. You should choose this archetype if Channeling skill and cannot make skill checks using the
you’re making a character who uses trickery to achieve goals Channeling skill.
and persuades others at least as much with cleverness as with
force of personality. • Non-Dreamwalkers: Ogier cannot gain ranks in the
Dreamwalking skill and cannot make skill checks using
the Dreamwalking skill.
2 2 1 3 2 2 • The Longing: One noticeable difference between the
BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE Eastern and Seanchan Ogier is The Longing. During the
breaking, Eastern Ogier have been tied to the stedding
since the Breaking, during which they were unable to find
• Starting Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn stedding. When playing an Ogier, each player chooses
• Starting Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower whether he wishes to play an Eastern or Seanchan Ogier.
• Starting Experience: 100 An Eastern ogier who has not visited a stedding for over a
month suffers on all skill checks until they visit a stedding.
Starting Skills: 1 rank in either Deception or Charm
Your GM may increase this penalty if your character
Choose One: continues to visit or be unable to find a stedding. If
choosing to play a Seanchan Ogier, the player must pay 10
Lucky Break: Once per session, your character may spend XP to not be affected by the Longing.
a Story Point after failing any check to re-roll that check
once, adding to the roll.
Chapter 2: Creating Your Character
Chapter 2: Creating Your Character
Gleeman Healer
Of all the travelers a village would receive, none would be The Healer focuses their efforts on keeping themself and
more celebrated than the arrival of a Gleeman. These traveling their friends alive under dire circumstances. Healers are good
entertainers are skilled in many forms of amusement, from at keeping cool under pressure, maintaining focus, and--of
storytelling and music to juggling and tumbling. course--healing. However, these aren’t their only capabilities.
Gleeman are often great sources of history, legends, and myth, Depending on their background and personality, Healers can
from the favorite stories of Jain Farstrider to the wonders of the be village wisdoms, tough and durable medics, or even morally
Age of Legends. Some act as spies and informants. Regardless depraved surgeons with a penchant for experimenting on
of their beginnings, the life of a Gleeman is sure to be full of their patients.
mirth and adventure. The Healer counts the following skills as career skills: Cool,
The Gleeman counts the following skills as career skills: Discipline, Education, Medicine, Melee (Light), Negotiation,
Charm, Coordination, Deception, Geography, Legends, Resilience, and Vigilance. Before spending experience during
Melee (Light), Skulduggery, and Streetwise. Before spending character creation, a Healer may choose four skills of their
experience in Character Creation, a Gleeman may choose four career skills and gain one rank in each of them.
of these skills and gain one rank in each of them. Starting Gear: Players with a Healer character may choose
Starting Gear: Players with a Gleeman character may choose to start with the following gear instead of spending currency
to start with the following gear instead of spending currency during Step 7 of character creation:
during Step 7 of character creation: • An apothecary’s kit and a dagger or a scholar’s kit
• A musical instrument and dagger • A fine cloak or winter clothing
• A fine cloak • A dagger or a lantern
• Traveling gear consisting of a backpack, bedroll, a rope, • Traveling gear consisting of a backpack, a bedroll, a rope,
flint and steel, 3 torches, and a waterskin. flint and steel, 3 torches, and a waterskin.
• 1d100 silver coins • 1d100 silver coins
Useful Talents: Useful Talents:
• Tier 1: Finesse • Tier 1: Apothecary
• Tier 1: Tumble • Tier 1: Knack for It
• Tier 1: Clever Retort • Tier 1: Surgeon
• Tier 2: Encouraging Song • Tier 2: Well Rounded
• Tier 2: Distracting Behavior • Tier 2: Go Without
• Tier 3: Dissonance • Tier 3: Potent Herbs (Adapted from Potent Concoctions)
Hunter of the Horn
The Horn of Valere is a legendary artifact said to call legendary
A gleeman is an entertainer, heroes from the past to the sounder’s aid. Known as Hunters
often traveling between towns, of the Horn, adventurers from all nations make finding the
villages, inns and taverns. They are horn their lifelong goal, for great wealth and glory waits for
expected to be masterful story tellers the finder.
as well as acrobatic, and typically
Every year the Great Hunt for the Horn is called in the Square
wear a cloak made of many colorful
of Tammaz in Illian. It is widely believed that the Horn should
patches. Most skilled gleemen can play
be returned to Illian, those there is little history supporting
one sort of instrument or another,
Illian as it’s home. The Great Hunt summons people from all
some examples are flute, or if more
walks of life: soldiers, commoners, and nobles alike.
skillful, harp.
The Hunter of the Horn counts the following skills as career
Gleemen are allowed to go almost
skills: Coercion, Geography, Leadership, Legends, Melee
anywhere they wish, as nearly all
(Light), Ranged, Riding, and Streetwise. Before spending
commoners delight in or at least
experience in Character Creation, a Hunter of the Horn may
tolerate their presence. The Aiel
choose four of these skills and gain one rank in each of them.
allow only gleemen, tinkers and
peddlers to cross the Spine of the Starting Gear: Players with a Hunter of the Horn character
World. may choose to start with the following gear instead of spending
currency during Step 7 of character creation:
• A sword and dagger or a bow
Chapter 2: Creating Your Character
Chapter 2: Creating Your Character
Chapter 2: Creating Your Character
choose four skills of their career skills and gain one rank in • Tier 2: Strength with Air / Earth / Fire / Water / Spirit
each of them. • Tier 2: Uncanny Senses
Starting Gear: Players with a Tradeperson character may • Tier 3: Signature Spell
choose to start with the following gear instead of spending
currency in Step 7 of character creation:
• A cestus and mace or an axe
• Padded armor
• Trade tools The following skills from the Genesys Core Rulebook are
• A fine cloak or traveling gear consisting of a backpack, a used in the Wheel of Time setting:
bedroll, a rope, flint and steel, 3 torches, and a waterskin
Skill Characteristic Type Source
• 1d100 silver coin
Athletics Brawn General Genesys CRB, pg 58
Useful Talents:
Brawl Brawn Combat Genesys CRB, pg 67
• Tier 1: Know Somebody
• Tier 1: Knack For It Charm Presence Social Genesys CRB, pg 54
The Wilder counts the following skills as career skills: Melee (Light) Brawn Combat Genesys CRB, pg 68
Athletics, Channeling, Deception, Medicine, Melee (Heavy), Negotiation Presence Social Genesys CRB, pg 56
Resilience, Survival, and Vigilance. Before spending experience
in Character Creation, a Wilder may choose four of these skills One Power Intellect Knowledge New
and gain one rank in each of them. Operating Intellect General Genesys CRB, pg 62
Starting Gear: Players with a Wilder character may choose Perception Cunning General Genesys CRB, pg 62
to start with the following gear instead of spending currency
during Step 7 of character creation: Ranged Agility Combat Genesys CRB, pg 68
• An apothecary’s kit, a staff, and leather armor or a wand Resilience Brawn General Genesys CRB, pg 63
angreal or a greataxe and leather armor Riding Agility General Genesys CRB, pg 63
• Traveling gear consisting of a backpack, a bedroll, a rope,
Skulduggery Cunning General Genesys CRB, pg 63
flint and steel, 3 torches, and a waterskin.
• 1d100 silver coins Stealth Agility General Genesys CRB, pg 64
Chapter 2: Creating Your Character
• Your character is foraging in the wild for herbs. That would The Legends skill represents your character’s collective knowledge
be Survival. of history, the events and figures of past ages, and myth. The
names of heroes from a previous age change, their deeds mixing
• Your character is applying herbs to an injured companion. and becoming confused with others, until eventually they all
That would be Medicine. fade into myth.
• Your character wants to craft gunpowder for use in Your character should use this skill if…
fireworks. That would be Mechanics.
• Your character is retelling the tale of the Fall of Manetheren.
Knowledge Skills • Your character tries to recall a word from the ancient tongue
Education (Intellect) or discern its meaning.
The Education skill represents your character’s general • Your character needs to locate a land from before The
understanding of language, mathematics, physics, philosophy Breaking.
and language, and acts as the default Knowledge skill when no Your character should not use this skill if…
other skill seems appropriate.
• Your character is researching a forgotten weave. That would
Your character should use this skill if... be the One Power skill.
• Your character tries to find out if they know an important • Your character is trying to recall the current rulers of a
fact. territory. That would be the Geography skill.
• Your character wants to determine if a wagon will support • Your character wishes to identify the individual components
a particularly heavy load. of an ancient piece of technology. That would be Mechanics.
• Your character needs to interact with a government or other
bureaucracy. One Power (Intellect)
Your character should not use this skill if... The One Power skill represents your character’s understanding
of the One Power and channeling. Saidin and saidar both have
• Your character tries to remember the limits of a saidin different limits as to what they can accomplish, and those
channeler's use of air. That would be the One Power skill. limits change when the two powers work together. Knowledge
• Your character wants to recall the name of an ancient hero of weaves and their effects can be forgotten, rediscovered,
from a previous age. That would be the Legends skill. and refined. The One Power is a field of research as deep as
• Your character wants to identify the noble family and theoretical physics in the modern world.
heraldry that governs a range of lands. That would be the When adding effects to a spell that adds a ranked quality,
Geography skill. use the One Power skill to determine ranks in that quality. In
addition, when casting an Attack spell, channelers add damage
Geography (Intellect)
equal to ranks in One Power skill.
The Geography skill represents your character’s knowledge of
Your character should use this skill if…
current geopolitical territories, their rulers and noble houses,
their cultures, and the terrain that makes up those territories. • Your character tries to remember the limits of a saidar
channeler’s use of earth.
Your character should use this skill if…
• Your character is researching a forgotten weave from a
• Your character wishes to recall the available methods of previous age.
travel between countries, including dominant trade routes
and established road networks. • Your character wishes to determine the effects of an
unknown angreal.
Chapter 2: Creating Your Character
Your character should not use this skill if… a ranked quality, use the Legends skill to determine ranks in
• Your character wishes to recall the cultural customs of a that quality.
distant nation. That would be the Geography skill. Your character should use this skill if…
• Your character is tracing the history of a renowned weapon • Your character wants to teleport to a different location
from the Trolloc wars. That would be the Legends skill. within Tel’aran’rhiod.
• Your character needs to design a bridge to cross a river. • Your character wants to alter their appearance while in
That would be the Education skill. Tel’aran’rhiod.
Magic Skills • Your character wants to summon allies while within
Channeling (Willpower)
Your character should not use this skill if…
The Channeling skill represents your ability to manipulate
the One Power, the power of creation that drives the Wheel of • Your character wants to throw a fireball at a group of
Time. Those with the ability to Channel can throw fireballs at enemies…
their enemies, create shields and bridges of air, raise walls of • Your character wants to travel to another location within
stone and fracture the earth, or control the flow of water. the real world…
The One Power is comprised of two halves: the female half, • Your character wants to heal an ally...
saidar, and the male half saidin. Only men may Channel saidin,
and only women may Channel saidar. Channeling allows
your character to see effects and active Channeling created by
yourself or other Channelers, but only those effects created by
the same half of the One Power you have access to.
The following talents have been created for use in the
Characters may only gain ranks in Channeling if it is a
Wheel of Time setting, or adapted from existing talents to fit
career skill. The Channeling skill may be used to create the
the setting. In addition to these talents, players may choose
Attack, Barrier, Dispel, and Utility spell types, as defined in
talents from Genesys Talents Expanded v5.0 (or other sources),
the Genesys Core Rulebook. Expanded spell types are available
with their GM’s approval. Be aware that not all talents in that
through purchasing the New Weaves talent. When adding an
document are appropriate for the Wheel of Time setting.
effect to a Channeling spell that includes a ranked quality, use
the One Power skill to determine ranks in that quality.
Your character should use this skill if… NEW TALENTS
• Your character wants to throw a fireball at a group of
• Your character wants to erect a barrier of air to block an TIER 1
• Your character wishes to eavesdrop on a conversation in
another room. Tier: 1
• Your character tries to undo the effects of another Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Your character should not use this skill if…
When you take this talent, your character gains Athletics or
• Your character wants to summon an elemental ally… Resilience (your choice) as a career skill. In addition, once per
• Your character wishes to resurrect a fallen ally… session, your character may collect a small favor from any Aiel,
even if they do not owe you a favor.
Dreamwalking (Presence)
The Dreamwalking skill represents your ability to manipulate ALTARAN
the realm of Tel’aran’rhiod, the World of Dreams. The World of Tier: 1
Dreams is extremely malleable, even to one’s own peril if they
are not careful. Activation: Passive
Unlike Channeling, all people are capable of improving Ranked: No
their skill at Dreamwalking, but only a few are able to enter When you take this talent, your character gains Coercion or
Tel’aran’rhiod at will and unaided. Dreamwalking may use the Melee (Light) (your choice) as a career skill. In addition, once
Conjure, Curse, Dispel, Mask, Transform, and Utility spell per session, your character may collect a small favor from any
types while in Tel’aran’rhiod, but has little use in the real world. Altaran, even if they do not owe you a favor.
When adding an effect to a Dreamwalker spell that includes
Chapter 2: Creating Your Character
Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
When you take this talent, your character gains Coordination When you take this talent, your character gains Cool or
or Vigilance (your choice) as a career skill. In addition, once Deception (your choice) as a career skill. In addition, once
per session, your character may collect a small favor from any per session, your character may collect a small favor from any
Amadician, even if they do not owe you a favor. Cairhienin, even if they do not owe you a favor.
Chapter 2: Creating Your Character
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
When you take this talent, your character gains Athletics or
Survival (your choice) as a career skill. In addition, once per
session, your character may collect a small favor from any
Ghealdanin, even if they do not owe you a favor.
Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
When talking with an innkeeper or similar proprietor and
wearing a Gleeman’s cloak, make an Easy (k) Charm check. If
successful, the proprietor provides a free place to stay and meal
for the night. May include one additional ally in the agreement
for each additional s. May spend a to extend the agreement
for an additional night.
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
When you take this talent, your character gains Legends or
Operating (your choice) as a career skill. In addition, once
per session, your character may collect a small favor from any
Illianer, even if they do not owe you a favor.
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Once per session your character may collect up to 100 marks,
per rank of Investments, in either cash or services. The source
of this cash or services must be viable for the location and
local resources
Chapter 2: Creating Your Character
Chapter 2: Creating Your Character
Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
When you take this talent, your character gains Discipline When you take this talent, your character gains Mechanics
or Vigilance (your choice) as a career skill. In addition, once or Vigilance (your choice) as a career skill. In addition, once
per session, your character may collect a small favor from any per session, your character may collect a small favor from any
Shienaran, even if they do not owe you a favor. Tuatha’an, even if they do not owe you a favor.
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
When you take this talent, your character gains Coercion or
Perception (your choice) as a career skill. In addition, once
per session, your character may collect a small favor from any
Tairen, even if they do not owe you a favor.
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
When you take this talent, your character gains Ranged or
Resilience (your choice) as a career skill. In addition, once
per session, your character may collect a small favor from
any person of Manetheren descent, even if they do not owe
you a favor.
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
When you take this talent, your character gains Coordination
or Mechanics (your choice) as a career skill. In addition, once
per session, your character may collect a small favor from any
Taraboner, even if they do not owe you a favor.
Chapter 2: Creating Your Character
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Chapter 2: Creating Your Character
Dreamwalking and Legends become career skills. Your character FORTUITOUS OMENS
gains the ability to sleep on command, and while asleep, may
use the Enter the Dream action. Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-turn)
Tier: 2 Once per session, your character may spend aa from any
Activation: Passive non-combat check to upgrade a single ally’s subsequent non-
combat check.
Ranked: Yes
When the character wields a Brawl, Melee (Light), or Melee GLEEMAN (IMPROVED)
(Heavy) weapon, that weapon gains ranks in the Defensive
item quality equal to their ranks in Defensive Training (this Tier: 2
replaces any ranks in Defensive the weapon already has). Activation: Active (Incidental)
Source: Modified from Defensive Training, Star Wars Force and Destiny CRB (pg. 141)
Ranked: No
ELEMENTAL STRENGTH While wearing a Gleeman’s cloak, may use the Gleeman action
to gain access to a normally restricted or private space, such as
Tier: 2 a lord’s manor or a village after sunset, subject to GM approval.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes
Tier: 2
Your character must have at least one rank in the Channeling
skill to benefit from this talent. When your character purchases Activation: Passive
this talent, choose one of the following attack spell effects (and Ranked: No
the element associated with it): Fire (fire), Ice (Water), Impact
(earth), Lightning ( air), or Holy/Unholy (spirit). Whenever Legends, Charm, and Skulduggery are now career skills for
your character casts an Attack spell, they always add the your character.
chosen effect to the spell without increasing the difficulty. Each
additional time you purchase this talent for your character, INVERTED WEAVE
select a different effect (and associated element). Tier: 2
Source: Modified from Elementalist, Genesys Expanded Player’s Guide, pg 95
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Tier: 2 Your character must have at least one rank in the Channeling
skill to benefit from this talent. While maintaining an active
Activation: Passive weave through Concentration or a Knotted weave, may take
Ranked: Yes the Inverted Weave maneuver to make the weave invisible to
Your character must have at least one rank in the Channeling other channelers. While inverted the weave’s effects remain in
skill to benefit from this talent. When making a Delving place, but only the channeler who created the weave can see it
check with the Channeling skill, add j per rank of Five Power is a product of Channeling.
Delving to the check.
Tier: 2 Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-turn)
Activation: Passive Ranked: No
Ranked: No Your character must have Dreamwalking as a career skill to
Your character must be male and have at least one rank in the benefit from this talent. While in Tel’aran’rhiod, when your
Channeling skill to benefit from this talent. This talent should character suffers a spell effect, before the effect is applied, your
only be used when the Taint of Saidin setting rule is in effect. character may suffer two strain to cast a Dispel spell (suffering
When suffering a Trauma from a Channeling check, reduce an additional two strain as normal) as an out-of-turn incidental.
the Severity of the inflicted Trauma by one to a minimum If successful, your character does not suffer the spell effect.
of Easy (k).
Chapter 2: Creating Your Character
Chapter 2: Creating Your Character
Chapter 2: Creating Your Character
DARK ONE’S OWN LUCK Your character must have at least one rank in the Dreamwalking
skill to benefit from this talent. When your character casts a
Tier: 3 transform spell on themselves using the Dreamwalking skill,
Activation: Active (Incidental) you may spend a Story Point to have them use this talent
Ranked: No to maintain the effect, without performing concentrate
Once per check, the character may suffer two strain to increase Source: Modified from Face of the Wild, Genesys Expanded Player’s Guide, pg 97
the difficulty of the check by one. Then, after canceling
opposing symbols, they double the number of remaining a. FLAME AND VOID (IMPROVED)
Source: Modified from Double or Nothing, Star Wars EotE: Fly Casual, pg.32
Tier: 3
DREAM TAPPING Activation: Passive
Tier: 3 Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Action) Your character must have purchased the Flame and Void talent
Ranked: No to benefit from this talent. Your character may perform the
Flame and Void maneuver as an incidental.
Your character must have Dreamwalking as a career skill
to benefit from this talent. While sleeping and not within GOLDEN EYES
Tel’aran’rhiod, may take the Dream Tapping action, making an
Hard (kkk) Dreamwalking check. If successful, you locate Tier: 3
and view an unwarded dream of one sleeping character of Activation: Passive
your choice.
Ranked: No
ELASTIC SHIELDING Your character must have taken the Wolfkin talent to benefit
from this talent. Your character reduces the difficulty of
Tier: 3 Perception checks by one (k) to see and identify anything at
Activation: Passive Long range or greater. In addition, your character may remove
Ranked: Yes up to jj from darkness or low-light conditions from all
skill checks.
Your character must have at least one rank in the Channeling
skill to benefit from this talent. When a channeler on whom KNOTTED WEAVE
you have successfully shielded (using the Shielding weave)
attempts to break the shielding, they increase the difficulty of Tier: 3
the check once per rank of Elastic Shielding. Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Your character must have at least one rank in the Channeling
Tier: 3 skill to benefit from this talent. While maintaining an active
Activation: Active (Incidental) weave through Concentration, may take the Knotted Weave
Ranked: No action: make an Easy (k) Channeling check. If successful, the
effects of the weave now persist for one hour for each uncanceled
Your character must have at least one rank in the Channeling s without requiring the use of the Concentration maneuver.
skill to benefit from this talent. When your character casts The default difficulty to dispel a knotted weave is Average (kk).
an attack spell, they treat the spell’s Blast quality as having
a rating equal to twice your character’s ranks in One Power NEW WEAVES
(instead of your ranks in One Power). When your character
casts an Attack spell with the Blast effect, you may spend one Tier: 3
Story Point to use this talent to trigger the spell’s Blast quality, Activation: Passive
instead of spending a(even if the attack misses).
Ranked: Yes
Source: Modified from Explosive Casting, Genesys Expanded Player’s Guide, pg 97
Your character must have at least one rank in the Channeling skill
FACE OF THE WILD to benefit from this talent. Your character may use Channeling
to create new effects. When you acquire this talent, choose one
Tier: 3 spell type your character cannot currently use from the list below.
Activation: Active (Incidental) Your character may now use that spell type with the Channeling
skill. Each rank of New Weaves allows the character to use an
Ranked: No additional spell type:
Chapter 2: Creating Your Character
Battle Weaves Your character may use the Utility spell type with the
Channeling skill. The Utility spell type is defined in the
Your character may use the Attack spell type with the Channeling Genesys Core Rulebook, pg. 214.
skill. The Attack spell type is defined in the Genesys Core
Rulebook, pg. 212.
Balefire Tier: 3
Your character may use the Balefire spell type with the Activation: Passive
Channeling skill. The Balefire spell type is defined in Chapter
4: The One Power. Ranked: No
Your character must have the One Pack talent in order to
Compulsion benefit from this talent. May use the One Pack action to
Your character may use the Curse spell type with the Channeling summon wolf allies in combat. A number of wolf allies equal to
skill. The Curse spell type is defined in the Genesys Core s immediately appear at extreme range and come to your aid.
Rulebook, pg. 213. May spend aa immediately inflict the Hamstrung Critical
Injury on the taper range band to reduce their starting range.
Cutting Weaves
Your character may use the Dispel spell type with the Channeling RESIDUAL WEAVES
skill. The Dispel spell type is defined in the Genesys Core Tier: 3
Rulebook, pg. 213.
Activation: Active
Flame of Tar Valon
Ranked: Yes
Your character may use the The Flame of Tar Valon spell type
Your character must have at least one rank in the Channeling
with the Channeling skill. The Flame of Tar Valon spell type is
skill to benefit from this talent. Take the Residual Weaves
defined in Chapter 4: The One Power.
action: Make a Hard (kkk) Channeling check. If successful
Folding Air your character can see the residue of any uses of the One Power
(of the same half the character uses) at the scene within the
Your character may use the Conjure spell type with the past 24 hours. Information revealed in this way may include
Channeling skill, but cannot be used to conjure or summon some or all of the following information: what elemental flows
creatures from nothing. The Conjure spell type is defined in the were used, the relative strength of the channeler, location of the
Genesys Core Rulebook, pg. 212. channeler and/or their targets when the weave occurred, and
Foretelling how long ago the channeling occurred. If a weave effect ends
through use of the Unweaving talent, then no information may
Your character may use the Predict spell type with the Channeling be obtained.
skill. The Predict spell type is defined in the Genesys Expanded
Player’s Guide, pg. 98. RIVER UNDERCUTS THE BANK
Hardened Air Tier: 3
Your character may use the Barrier spell type with the Channeling Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
skill. The Barrier spell type is defined in the Genesys Core
Ranked: No
Rulebook, pg. 212.
Your character must have purchased the Parry talent to benefit
Healing from this talent. When your character suffers a hit from a
Your character may use the Heal spell type with the Channeling melee combat check and uses the Parry incidental to reduce
skill, with the exception of the Resurrection effect. The Heal the damage from that hit, after the attack is resolved, the
spell type is defined in the Genesys Core Rulebook, pg. 214. character may spend hhh or d immediately inflict the
Hamstrung Critical Injury on the target with a wielded Melee
Mirror of Mists (Heavy) weapon.
Your character may use the Mask spell type with the Channeling
skill. The Mask spell type is defined in the Genesys Expanded SNIFFING
Player’s Guide, pg. 98. Tier: 3
Soul Sleeving Activation: Passive
Your character may use the Augment spell type with the Ranked: No
Channeling skill. The Augment spell type is defined in the Your character gains the ability to smell acts of violence and the
Genesys Core Rulebook, pg. 212. perpetrators of violent actions. The strength of these scents is
Utility proportional with the severity of the violence, with murder or
Chapter 2: Creating Your Character
combat smelling very strongly, and breaking a window or door WOLF SENSES (IMPROVED)
much fainter by comparison. The more time that passes since a
violent action occurred, the more difficult it is to smell. Tier: 3
Activation: Passive
Tier: 3 Your character must have purchased the Wolfkin talent to
Activation: Passive benefit from this talent. Your character may use the Perception
skill to detect, identify, and track scents and smells.
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Sudden Shift talent to
benefit from this talent. When an NPC your character can see TIER 4
within Tel’aran’rhiod uses the Shift action, may immediately
suffer two strain to perform the Shift action as an out-of-turn DARK ONE’S OWN LUCK (IMPROVED)
incidental. If successful, your character teleports to within Tier: 4
short range of the NPC at their new location.
Activation: Passive
ON THE WHIRLWIND When performing the Dark One’s Own Luck incidental, after
Tier: 3 canceling opposing symbols, the character also doubles the
number of remaining s
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Source: Modified from Double or Nothing, Star Wars EotE: Fly Casual, pg.32
Ranked: No
May take the Thistledown Floats on the Whirlwind maneuver: DISRUPTIVE STRIKE
Add the Blast quality equal to your character’s ranks in Agility Tier: 4
to your character’s next Melee (Light) combat check this round. Activation: Active (Action)
Your character does not suffer damage from this attack’s Blast
quality (but allies do!) Ranked: No
Source: Modified from Shockwave, Realms of Terrinoth, pg. 90 After making a successful Melee (Light) combat check against
one engaged target, the character may spend one Story Point
TRUE DREAMS to add f equal to the character’s Agility to the target’s next
Tier: 3 combat check made during this encounter.
Source: Modified from Disruptive Strike, Star Wars Force and Destiny CRB, pg. 142
Activation: Passive
Your character must have purchased the Dreamwalker Tier: 4
talent to benefit from this talent. While sleeping and not Activation: Active (Action)
within Tel’aran’rhiod, may use the Predict spell with the
Dreamwalking skill. Ranked: No
Once per session, your character may use the Channeling
UNWEAVING skill to create one spell type from the New Weaves talent they
Tier: 3 currently don’t have access to. The difficulty of the spell is
upgraded once.
Activation: Active (Action)
Your character must have at least one rank in the Channeling Tier: 4
skill to benefit from this talent. While maintaining an active Activation: Passive
weave using the Concentration maneuver, may take the
Unweaving action: make a Channeling check equal to the Ranked: No
original difficulty of the weave, and upgrade the difficulty Your character must have purchased the Flame and Void talent
once. If successful, the character ends the effect of the weave to benefit from this talent. While benefiting from the Flame
without leaving any residue, preventing other channelers from and Void effect, your character removes an additional f and
it’s effects. h (for a total of fhh) from all combat and magic skill
checks until the end of the encounter.
Chapter 2: Creating Your Character
Chapter 2: Creating Your Character
Chapter 2: Creating Your Character
Chapter 2: Creating Your Character
In the westlands, barter is common and expected amongst
the rural areas, and those with limited acces to urban centers.
Coins and money are a privilege of the merchant and noble
classes. Of course, this rule is not hard and fast. In rural areas,
minor lords may find it more convenient to barter with far-
traveled visitors when in major city centers, such as Tar Valon
and Andor. Actual monetary value is frequently determined
by weight in precious metals, since the content of coins from
different nations does vary. The following scale is used in Tar
Valon and Andor, who are believed to have the heaviest coins
in the Westlands:
• 10 copper pennies = 1 silver penny
• 10 silver pennies = 1 silver mark
• 10 silver marks = 1 silver crown
• 10 silver crowns = 1 gold mark
• 10 gold marks = 1 gold crown
Smallfolk tend to work in copper and silver marks, while gold
crowns fill the purses of noble lords and ladies. The “exchange
rate” is set by various nations with most adhering to list above,
unless that nation has their own exchange rates and their own
Chapter 3: Equipment and Gear
Name Skill Dam Crit Range Encum HP Price Rarity Special
Melee (Heavy)
Longsword +3 2 Engaged 2 2 250 4 Defensive 1, Unwieldy 2
or Melee (Light)
1 Daggers may be thrown using the following profile: 3 A pike can be used to make melee attacks against targets at
(Ranged; Damage +2; Critical 3; Range [Short]; Accurate 1, short range (the difficulty remains Average (kk), but it cannot
Limited Ammo 1) be used to attack engaged targets.
2 Light spears may be thrown using the following profile:
(Ranged; Damage +2; Critical 3; Range [Short]; Accurate 1;
Limited Ammo 1)
Chapter 3: Equipment and Gear
A small shield, typically held in the off-hand and used to block
opponent’s attacks. The buckler’s size makes it less ineffective at
defending against missile fire, but is relatively cheap compared
to the standard shield.
Longer and heavier than regular swords are the favored weapon
of Blademasters throughout the world, with its use going back
to the Age of Legends. A longsword’s extended grip allows the
weapon to be used one or two-handed.
While wielded with one hand, characters make attacks with
Longswords using the Melee (Light) skill. While wielded
with two hands, characters make attacks with Longswords
using the Melee (Heavy) skill. While wielding a Longsword
and not holding another weapon, shield, or object, a character
may adjust their grip from one-handed to two-handed or from
two-handed to one-handed as a maneuver, changing the skill
the character uses when attacking with the Longsword. The
Quick Draw talent may be used to reduce this maneuver to
an incidental.
A sword-breaker resembles a dagger, but with deep serrations
along one side of the blade, allowing the wielder to catch an
opponent’s blade. Sword-breakers are most often used as a off-
hand parrying weapon.
When your character is targeted by a melee attack, after
the attack is resolved, you may spend a hh or d from the
attacker’s check to disarm them of a bladed weapon used in
the attack.
Chapter 3: Equipment and Gear
Name Skill Dam Crit Range Encum HP Price Rarity Special
Type Defense Soak Encum HP Price Rarity
Brigandine 1 +1 2 1 400 5
Chainmail1 0 +2 3 2 550 4
Heavy Robes 1 0 1 1 45 0
Leather 0 +1 2 1 50 3
Padded 0 +1 2 0 35 2
Plate2 1 +2 4 2 1000 6
Scale1 0 +2 4 1 410 4
Chapter 3: Equipment and Gear
A concoction of multiple
POWER-WROUGHT herbs, such as andilay root or
five-finger, which dulls pain
Power-Wrought objects consist of any steel or stone object and assists in recovering from
Painkiller 0 25 3
in which the One Power was used during its construction, a small injuries. This functions
identical to Painkiller as
process known as Aligning the Matrix. They are renowned for described on page 116 of the
their ability to retain an edge, and never corrode or rust. Genesys Core Rulebook.
Armor: The armor gains the Reinforced quality, and cannot Affected characters must make
be damaged except from cuendillar, the One Power, or Power- a Hard (kkk) Resilience check
Wrought weapons. Reduce the armor’s hard points to 0. as an out of turn incidental or
suffer 4 wounds (not reduced
Weapon: The weapon gains the Reinforced quality and by soak) plus 1 strain per
Poison 0 200 5 (R)
h. GM may spend d on
cannot be sundered except from cuendillar, the One Power, or the check to inflict a Critical
Power-Wrought weapons. Shadowspawn suffer +2 damage per Injury or force the target
uncanceled success instead of +1. Reduce the weapon’s hard to repeat the check at the
beginning of their next turn.
points to 0.
Pole 2 10 1 Thirty Hands Long.
Price: Cost x 50
Rope 1 5 1
Rarity: +5
Scholar’s Kit 2 200 4 Add j to all Knowledge
Thieves Add a to Skulduggery checks
1 75 5 (R)
Item Encum Price Rarity Use / Benefit Tools to open a lock or latch.
Chapter 3: Equipment and Gear
Cloaks made from fancloth, a special material produced by
the White Tower. When the wearer is still, these cloaks blend
into the background, making them difficult to spot. Aes
Sedai provide their warder’s with these cloaks, making them a
hallmark of an Aes Sedai and her warder.
Your character adds jjj to Stealth checks when standing
still and wearing Color-shifting cloak.
Most trades require specialized tools. Smiths require a forge,
anvil, and shaping tools, such as a hammer. Carpenters require
chisels, hammers, saws and planes. Trade tools represent a
compact, mobile kit of the basic tools a tradesperson would
require to perform their work. The actual contents depend
entirely on the trade of your character. It does not include SCHOLARS
any tools or appliances that are not easily transported. Your KIT
GM has final say whether a particular tool would be included
within this kit
Trade tools count as having the right tools for the job when
performing Mechanics checks.
Filled with assorted small books, vivisection and sample
collecting tools, charcoals and paper for sketching new
findings, vials for chemical analysis, and other essentials, this
kit allows a scholar to act effectively even when away from their
office or lab.
Your character adds to all Knowledge checks they make while
using a scholar’s kit.
Chapter 3: Equipment and Gear
Beast of - 200 1 Animals used to carry gear, but not trained for riders.
Raken - 2000 8 Flying mount used by the Seanchan for scouting and messages.
Saddlebags +4 75 3
War Mount - 1500 6 A riding beast specially trained to be taken into combat.
4 3 1 1 1 1
4 5 N/A 00
Chapter 3: Equipment and Gear
Meal (Tavern) - 2 0
2 3 1 3 1 1
Porter (Per day) - 1 1
Talents: None
Wine (Bottle) - 2 1
Abilities: Keen Senses (While making skill checks, corlm
remove up to jj from imposed due to darkness or
concealment). Silhouette 2 WEAPON ATTACHMENTS
Equipment: Claws and beal (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 3; Item Encum Price Rarity
Range [Engaged]; Vicious 2).
Balanced Hilt 1 1000 6
Raken (Rival)
Often confused for shadowspawn, raken are horse-sized Duelist Cross Guard 1 800 5
flying animals from the Seanchan continent. The Seanchan
have managed to not only domesticate this unique animal, but Hair Trigger 1 150 3
also learn to ride it, providing the Seanchan a strategic
advantage in scouting and communication. Razor Edge 1 1250 6
SOAK VALUE W. THRESHOLD S. THRESHOLD M/R DEFENSE Superior Weapon Customization 1 750 7
2 14 N/A 00
Weighted Head 1 250 2
Chapter 3: Equipment and Gear
Modifiers: The weapon gains the Pierce 2 quality, or increases Reinforced Plating 2 8000 7
any existing Pierce quality by 1. The weapon also decreases its
Crit rating by 1, to a minimum of 1. Spikes 2 600 4
Hard Points Required: 1
This attachment applies angled plates to help deflect
Making the limbs of a bow or crossbow curve away from the incoming ranged attacks.
wielder increases the penetrating power of the bow’s shots, even
if it also makes the bow larger and more difficult to wield. Use With: The attachment can be applied to any armor.
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any bow Modifiers: Wearer increases their ranged defense by 1.
or crossbow. Hard Points Required: 1
Modifiers: The weapon gains the Pierce 2 quality, or increases
any existing Pierce quality by 1. The weapon also gains the GILDED
Unwieldy 2 quality, or increases any existing Unwieldy Though it serves no practical purpose, many nobles like
quality by 1. to adorn their armor with gold leaf. It certainly makes the
Hard Points Required: 1 wearer seem impressive, but acts as a lure for every bandit
within eyesight.
SERRATED EDGE Use With: The attachment can be applied to any armor.
Adding jagged sawteeth to a bladed weapon means the Modifiers: While wearing this armor, your character adds j to
wounds it makes are particularly brutal and damaging. Charm, Negotiation, and Leadership checks.
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any combat Hard Points Required: 0
weapon that has a blade.
Modifiers: The weapon gains the Vicious 1 quality, or increases
any existing Vicious quality by 1.
Hard Points Required: 1
Chapter 3: Equipment and Gear
INTIMIDATING VISAGE used by both male and female channelers. Angreal are capable
of a wide range of effects and the list below is not all inclusive.
Warriors from many cultures paint their armor or add
imposing face masks to intimidate opponents. A character may only benefit from one angreal or sa’angreal
at a time. If your character has a Shadowbane angreal and a
Use With: The attachment can be applied to any armor. staff angreal, they must choose which one to use when casting
Modifiers: When wearing this armor, the user adds s to a spell. Holding an angreal or sa’angreal does not impose j on
Coercion checks the make, and automatic f to Charm checks your character’s check for not having their hands free.
they make.
Item Encum Price Rarity
Hard Points Required: 0
Angreal 1 - 8
Restorative Angreal 1 400 4
This attachment represents adding extra layers of armor or
using stronger materials to reinforce the armor. Sa’angreal 1 - 10
Use With: The attachment can be applied to any armor.
Scepter Angreal 1 350 5
Modifiers: The armor gains the Reinforced quality. The armor
also increases its encumbrance by 1. Shadowbane Angreal 1 300 3
Hard Points Required: 2
Shield Bracelet Angreal 0 425 5
Staff Angreal 2 400 6
Particularly unscrupulous warriors sometimes add sharp
spikes or barbs to their armor, especially to gauntlets, vambraces, Wand Angreal 1 400 6
and pauldrons. In the press of melee, they can use a shoulder
check or a wild swing to slash or even impale an opponent. Angreal
Use With: The attachment can be applied to plate armor. When your character creates a weave while using an angreal,
Modifiers: If your character is targeted by a melee combat reduce the difficulty of the weave by one (k), to a minimum
check while wearing this armor, you may spend hhh or d of Easy (k).
to cause the attacker to suffer 3 wounds.
Restorative Angreal
Hard Points Required: 1
When your character creates a Heal weave while using
a restorative angreal, adding the Restoration effect does not
ANGREAL increase the difficulty. In addition, Heal weaves case by your
character increases the wounds healed by 2.
Angreal are the magic items of Wheel of Time, and come in
three different types: basic angreal, ter’angreal and sa’angreal. When your character creates a weave while using a sa’angreal,
They come in many forms, from jewelry or weapons, to entire reduce the difficulty of the weave by two (kk), to a minimum
buildings and giant statues. All angreals are fairly rare and of Easy (k).
cannot normally be purchased, though many have been found
hiding in dusty collections or passed down as family heirlooms, Scepter Angreal
often without their true purpose being known. Identified When your character creates a weave while using a scepter
angreal are highly sought after and hoarded by channelers angreal, add j to the check and adding the Close Combat effect
and channeler organizations, such as the Aes Sedai and their does not increase the difficulty. In addition, Attack weaves cast
White Tower. by your character increase their base damage by two.
Note: Prices for angeal listed below are for Step 7 of character Shadowbane Angreal
creation only. Angreal of all forms are not normally available
for sale. When your character creates a weave while using a
shadowbane angreal, adding the Holy effect to an Attack weave
Angreal does not increase the difficulty.
Angreal allow channelers to draw more of the One Power
without harming themselves. This makes channeling some or Shield Bracelet Angreal
all weaves easier (i.e. reducing the difficulty to cast or add an When your character creates a Barrier weave while using a
effect), depending on the angreal. All known angreal only work shield bracelet angreal, the first Additional Target effect does
for either saidar or saidin, meaning there are none that can be
Chapter 3: Equipment and Gear
not increase the difficulty. In addition, further reduce the Item Encum Price Rarity Effect
damage of all hits the target suffers by one.
Enslaves a channeler to the
A’dam 1 - 5 will of another channeler.
Staff Angreal
Bowl of the
When your character creates a weave while using a staff Winds 3 - 8 Controls the weather.
angreal, the first Range effect added to the spell does not
Protects wearer from
increase the spell’s difficulty. In addition, Attack weaves cast by Disruptor 1 - 6 channelers.
your character increase their base damage by four.
Prevents Traveling to an
Dreamspike 1 - 7
Wand Angreal area.
When your character makes or obtains a wand, your GM Library 1 - 5 Information repository.
determines one effect that wand lets your character add to any
Send messages across
appropriate weave without increasing the weave’s difficulty. Messengers 1 - 5 great distances to a paired
The chosen effect, without a wand, should only increase ter’angreal.
the difficulty of a weave by one. Attack weaves cast by your Wearer gains Defensive or
character increase their base damage by three. Protection 0 - 6 Deflection.
Chapter 3: Equipment and Gear
BOWL OF THE WINDS Bowl, make an Average (kk) Channeling check, focusing on
The Bowl of the Winds is a ter’angreal used to control the a place or area. If successful, the channeler is provided a view
weather. During the Age of Legends, several of these ter’angreal of that place at the current time.
were used together to strictly control the weather of the world.
The Bowl may be used with both saidin and saidar. SENTRY
Sentries are a common name for a wide range of ter’angreal
DISRUPTOR which are able to detect and alert the bearer to a variety of
A Disruptor is a defensive ter’angreal which makes any different conditions. One such sentry is capable of sensing the
channeling that targets the wearer more difficult or even channeling of saidin and saidar near the wearer, while others
impossible. Channeling checks targeting the wearer of a warn of the presence of an angry or hostile person. The exact
disruptor upgrade the difficulty of the check a number of times effect of each sentry is determined when it is created.
equal to the Disruptor’s rating, unless otherwise noted.
DREAMSPIKE A sleep trap is a small ter’angreal no greater than the large
A Dreamspike forms a barrier within reality and the realm knuckle on a man’s hand. One known sleep trap was shaped
of Tel’aran’rhiod that prevents instantaneous travel within its as a hedgehog carved out of wood. Touching the Sleep Trap
boundaries, including use of the Traveling weave. Anyone forces the victim into a peaceful, dreamless sleep for half a day
inside the effect of the Dreamspike may travel out of it. or longer.
No one may outside its effects may travel to the inside. All
attempts to Travel inside the area protected by the Dreamspike SLEEPWEAVER
automatically fail. A Sleepweaver allows a person access to Tel’Aran’Rhiod while
sleeping. They can be any shape or object. One well known
LIBRARY sleepweaver is shaped as a twisted stone ring with only one side.
A library is a ter’angreal which stores books, music, or other Some require channeling to use. Depending on the quality of
information. Libraries are capable of containing thousands of the sleepweaver, the user may appear misty in the dream world.
books or songs worth of information within them, and provide A sleepweaver allows a character to use the Enter the Dream
an interface to browse the available content. Libraries require a action (Chapter 4: The World of Dreams).
Simple (k) Channeling check to use.
MESSENGERS Veils are a group ter’angreal which can hide or disguise a
Messengers are pairs of ter’angreal which may be used to person or object from view. One such ter’angreal makes the
send messages to one another across great distances. bearer invisible to shadowspawn, while another, in the shape
of a bookmark, makes the book it is set invisible when closed.
OATH ROD Yet another veil could allow a woman channeler to embrace
saidar without other channelers sensing it. The exact effect of a
This long ivory white cylinder makes the oaths sworn while particular veil is determined when it is created.
holding unbreakable. Channeling is required to activate the
Oath Rod and so may only be used on channelers. Oaths sworn WARD
using the Oath Rod may not be knowingly broken.
A ward is a ter’angreal that drives away vermin, such as rats
PROTECTION and insects. Possibly other creatures could be made the target
of such ter’angreal.
Often appearing as a bracelet or necklace, a Protection
ter’angreal gives the wearer “armor that is better than steel”. A WELL
Protection ter’angreal provides the wearer with a Defense rating.
A Well is a ter’angreal which can store a portion of the
SEED One Power, allowing the channeler wearing it to access the
One Power even when shielded or otherwise cut off (but not
A Seed is a ter’angreal which may be used to create new severed). Each well has a rating, which represents the number
angreal and sa’angreal. Using a seed requires channeling for of difficulty dice that may be spent on weaves before the well
long periods into an empty vessel, and afterward leaves the must be refilled. For example, a well with a rating of 3 allows a
channeler greatly weakened in the One Power for a time after number of weaves to be cast up to a total combined difficulty of
it’s use. (kkk). This could be one weave of Hard (kkk) Difficulty, or
one Average (kk) and one Easy (k). At the GM’s discretion,
SCRYING BOWL the bearer of a well may cast any number of Simple (k) weaves
A wide, flattish bowl about a pace across, this ter’angreal before it is expended.
allows a channeler to view things far away. To use a Scrying
Chapter 3: Equipment and Gear
Chapter 3: Equipment and Gear
*You prepare one additional dose (may select multiple Healall and Willowbark 25 3
x2 a times).
or t *Reduce time to prepare potion by half. Itchweed Powder 50 4
Chapter 3: Equipment and Gear
Chapter 3: Equipment and Gear
GOATFLOWER AND CORRENROOT PASTE incidental or suffer 6 wounds (not reduced by soak) plus 1
strain per threat. You or your GM can spend hhhh or a d
A paste made to stimulate blood flow and make new blood on the check to inflict a Critical Injury or to force the target
along with aiding the healing of broken bones, this should be to repeat the check at the beginning of their next turn, as the
applied to more serious wounds and can serve as a stop gap poison continues to wrack their body.
bandage until regular bandages can be applied.
Can be used to help heal Critical Injuries as if the character ASPING ROT
just obtained a full night’s rest (pg 116, GCRB). Character
Character’s affected by Asping Rot make a Formidable
also recovers up to 3 wounds and uses one of their depreciating
(kkkkk) Resilience check as an out-of-turn incidental or
painkiller uses for the day.
suffer 8 wounds (not reduced by soak) plus 1 strain per threat.
You or your GM can spend hhh Threat or d on the check
HEALALL AND WILLOWBARK to inflict a Critical Injury or to force the target to repeat
A common blend of treatments meant to help get a person the check at the beginning of their next turn, as the poison
back on their feet and either back into action or sustain them continues to wrack their body.
until they can get more Medical attention.
Healall and Willowbark is a painkiller, as described on page SMOKE VIAL
116 GCRB More often a trick or item that an Illuminator would know
that a true herbalist, again this is an item that can likely be
ITCHWEED POWDER figured and made with either Herbalism or Mechanics. When
Made from dried and ground itchweed plants, this powder broken, typically by throwing to the floor, various chemicals
can be applied in many ways similar to a poison to get the mix to produce a cloud of thick and choking fog. The fog is
same effect, though it doesn’t seem to apply to a weapon the not harmful (unless treated with another agent, which must
same way. be purchased separately), though it is unpleasant to be caught
within and is impossible to see through.
Victims must make a Hard (kkk) Resilience check or find
themselves extremely itchy until the end of the encounter As a maneuver, a character can throw a smoke vial at a
or scene. This causes them to add 2 Setback dice to any skill point within short range. Upon impact, the vial shatters and
checks made as they are constantly scratching at various parts produces a fog enough to conceal a single character and all of
of their body. those engaged with them. Provides concealment worth +2 dice
(Concealment pg 110, GCRB)
Every culture has their own poisons ranging from botanical SORFA ROOT LINIMENT
extracts to refined chemical compounds. Most are relatively When rubbed into ones skin, this liniment assists with
easy to use, but illegal to purchase. healing/protecting against bruising and lessens pain to the
Your character can apply a poison to a target’s food or drink, applicable region while assisting with any clotting as well
in which case the target suffers the effects when they ingest When your character applies sorfa root liniment they gain +1
it. Poison can also be applied to smoke vials or other items at soak for your character’s next three turns
the GM’s discretion. As a maneuver, it can also be applied to
a weapon with a sharp point or edge that can introduce the
poison into the target’s bloodstream. If applied to a weapon,
the first successful hit that deals at least one wound causes Able to be applied to a smoke vial (purchased separately) or
the target to suffer the effects of the poison. Once the poison applied to a character’s clothing or food. The targeted character
has affected one target, it is depleted and another dose must (or area) must make a Hard (kkk) Resilience check or add
be applied. two setback dice to all skill checks for the rest of the scene or
encounter as they wretch uncontrollable. Healing or certain
GREY FENNEL narrative conditions may clear this effect.
Character’s affected by grey fennel make a Hard (kkk)
Resilience check as an out-of-turn incidental or suffer 4
wounds (not reduced by soak) plus 1 strain per threat. You or Often added to some other liquid for use in medically
your GM can spend d on the check to inflict a Critical Injury expunging one’s stomach contents, it can be used a little more
or to force the target to repeat the check at the beginning of offensively if slipped into someone else’s food or drink.
their next turn, as the poison continues to wrack their body. A character who ingests this syrup must make a Hard (kkk)
Resilience check or add 2 setback dice to all skill checks for the
DEATH’S HEAD MUSHROOM rest of the scene or encounter as they wretch uncontrollably.
Character’s affected by Death’s Head Mushroom make Medical treatment or various healing effects could also clear
a Daunting (kkkk) Resilience check as an out-of-turn this condition.
Chapter 3: Equipment and Gear
Channeling vs. Magic in Genesys
Genesys provides an extremely flexible rules system for the
running and interpretation of magic that converts very well
to the world of the Wheel of Time. In many ways the basic
T he magic of the Wheel of Time is called the One Power.
The One Power stems from the True Source, a literal
source of energy capable of manipulating the universe. The act
magic rules from the Genesys Core Rulebook (GCRB) starting
on page 210 should work as detailed there. There is a brief
summary to follow for ease of use and a section to follow on
of using this magic is called channeling and those who have the
new rules specific to the Wheel of time setting.
ability to use the One Power are called channelers.
The One Power is composed of two halves: saidin and saidar. Channelers
Each half is accessible only to channelers of a particular sex, i.e. As with the standard rules, if your character does not have at
only male channelers can use saidin, and only female channelers least one rank in Channeling they may not attempt to use magic
can use Saidar. The two halves of the One Power behave very as granted by those skills. All channelers will benefit greatly from
differently from each other, but are capable of accomplishing having at least a couple ranks in the Knowledge skill associated
the same feats. with their channeling skill. The Channeling skill is restricted
With access to the One Power, channelers can manipulate the to Attack, Barrier, Dispel, and Universal action types without
five elements that comprise reality: air, earth, fire, spirit, and talent based modification, though narrative use remains open
water. Through the act of channeling, these elements are woven to GM discretion.
into different patterns to create effects, which are called weaves Using Weaves in a Narrative Encounter
(the equivalent of weaves).
Channeling checks are handled like any other skill check, and
Differences between saidin and saidar call for similar circumstances. Checks should be required only
Saidar is described as a gentle, but infinitely powerful river. when dramatically appropriate with results and consequences
Using saidar requires using patience and persuasion, otherwise it for failure.
will carry you away. Female channelers refer to accessing saidar Channeling in particular can be so open ended as to present a
as embracing the power. Conversely, saidin is described as a seeming one stop shop for any problem, however it tends to be
raw, untamed force that must be wrestled with in order to use. much more complicated than utilizing the more mundane skill
Channelers of saidin describe this as seizing saidin. associated. If a weave replicates the effect of a mundane skill,
Female channelers are able to sense and see the weaves of other assign the difficulty correspondingly and consider increasing it
channelers of saidar, but not saidin. A woman holding saidar by one for channeling checks.
appears with a white glowing aura to other saidar channelers. Channeling is more taxing than other activities in one
There is no way for a woman to tell when a man is channeling, other respect; when your character casts a weave that requires
except through a special weave. Male channelers can see weaves a check (whether or not it succeeds and whether or not it is
made from saidin, and can sense the use of both saidar and narrative or structure based), they suffer 2 strain after resolving
saidin, but only as a feeling of awe and menace for saidin, and the check. This limit keeps channelers from using their magic
as goosebumps and pinpricks for saidar. However they are not indiscriminately. Note that this strain is only suffered when
capable of pinpointing the channeler or its use. Women are they need to make a check so minor effects should not impose
able to test another woman for the ability to channel with a this penalty.
simple weave. Male channelers may channel a simple flow until
a feeling of resonance is felt from the man being tested. Penalties for Channeling
Finally, male and female channelers often vary in their strength As with the standard magic rules Table III.2-3: Penalties When
of using the different elements. Male channelers are frequently Casting Spells (pg 210, GCRB) and Table III.2-4: Spending h
stronger with fire and earth, while female channelers are stronger and d on Magic Skill Checks (pg 211, GCRB) both apply
with air and water. Spirit is present in equal strengths for both to Channeling
sexes. These are only generalizations, and not an absolute rule.
Chapter 4: Channeling and The One Power
If the character performs the counterspell maneuver, all Only talents purchased by the leader may be used for
opponents within medium range upgrade the difficulty of checks Channeling checks performed by the circle. For example, if the
to cast weaves once, until the end of the character’s next turn leader of a circle wishes to use the Heal weave type on an ally,
the leader of the circle must have the Healing talent.
CONCENTRATE The circle may make use of any angreal or sa’angreal held by
any member of the circle, however the circle can only benefit
If a channeling action can be sustained through concentration,
from one angreal or sa’angreal at a time (the same limitations
the action description notes this. Spells that can be sustained
as an individual).
through concentration last until the end of the character’s
next turn. However, if the character performs the concentrate Passing Leadership
maneuver during that next turn, the spell’s effects last until
the end of the character’s following turn, instead. See also The current leader of a circle may pass leadership to any
Maintaining Spells in Narrative Encounters - Inset pg other member of the circle as a maneuver. Another member
213 (GCRB) of the circle cannot forcefully take over leadership of a circle.
Leaving a Circle and Incapacitation
NEW RULES A member of the circle may leave at any time with a maneuver.
If a member of the circle is incapacitated (for example, by
exceeding their strain threshold) or killed, that member leaves
the circle. If any member of the circle moves to medium range
CIRCLES or further from the leader, that member leaves the circle. If
Circles allow multiple channelers to combine their strength the leader of a circle leaves, then another member of the circle
and achieve greater feats that they would not normally be able becomes the leader (as an out-of-turn incidental).
to achieve. The combined power of a circle is not equivalent If the loss of a member cause the circle to break the
to sum of all channelers strength, but rather allows for a more limitations (for example, by losing the only male channeler in
precise and effective channeling. a circle of 14 or more women), then additional members from
Forming a Circle the circle are forced to leave (the leader of the circle determines
who) as an out-of-turn incidental until the circle is within
Forming a circle requires a Simple (k) Channeling check. limitations again.
If successful, a circle is formed between all willing channelers
within short range, within the limitations. The initiator of the
circle becomes the leader and may make Channeling checks CUT OFF FROM
with skilled assistance (see Genesys CRB, pg. 26) from the THE ONE POWER
circle’s members. The leader upgrades the ability of the circle’s
channeling checks once for each additional member of a circle Severing
beyond the initial two. Members of a circle who are not the Severing is the act of cutting a channeler off from the One
leader may not use the Channeling skill, but are treated as Power. It is often used as a punishment, and sometimes as an
actively holding the One Power. Non-leader members of a attack in battle. A character who has been severed cannot make
circle may still perform actions and maneuvers as normal. Channeling checks. Those channelers who have been severed
often fall into a deep depression and have suicidal tendencies.
Severing is sometimes referred to as “stilling”, if the victim is a
Any two women channelers may form a circle together, woman, or “gentling” if the victim is a man.
and include other women, up to a maximum of 13. Male
channelers are not able to form a circle with another male on Burning out
their own. They must instead form a circle with at least one Burning out is the act of one severing themselves from the
female channeler first, at which time the other man may join. One Power, usually as an accident from drawing too much of
When a circle of women reaches 13 in size, it must first add a the One Power or improperly using a ter’angreal. A channeler
male channeler before it can expand any further, after which who is burned out is considered severed, and therefore unable
another 13 women may join. In circles of three or larger, men to make Channeling checks. Burn out can be a possible result
cannot outnumber women. of generating dd or more from a Channeling check.
Chapter 4: Channeling and The One Power
Chapter 4: Channeling and The One Power
of the Genesys Core Rulebook, using the Channeling skill the weaves below. New or unique Effects related to the specific
instead of a combat skill. When making a Flame of Tar Valon weave are outlined below it.
check, the character must select one target at short range (but
not engaged). The default difficulty of the check is Daunting Known Weaves and Learning
(kkkk). A target struck by the flame becomes encased in To learn a new weave a character needs to see someone
crystal and is considered dead (as if they had suffered a 151+ else create the weave first, or to experiment with new
Critical Injury result). The effect extends to one additional weave techniques (which is handled mechanically with the
target or object engaged with the primary target for every Experimental Weaves talent). Characters are not limited
sss. Before making a Flame of Tar Valon attack, choose to a set number of weaves they are allowed to remember.
any number of additional effects listed on the table below. Mechanically, however, a character must be able to use the
appropriate spell type or types, for the weave. For example,
Flame of Tar Valon Additional Effects a novice of the White Tower may have spied upon a warder
Additional Effects Difficulty Mod Bonding and now understand how to create the Bond weave,
but must still acquire the Augment spell type before they may
Range: Increase the range of the weave by one range
band. This may be added multiple times, increasing
Upgrade Once themselves create the weave.
the range by one range band each time. (k to l)
For narrative reasons, some weaves may be unusable or
Close Combat: May select a target engaged with Upgrade Once unable to be learned, as determined by your GM. If a campaign
your character (k to l) takes place in a time before Traveling is widely known, then a
GM has a right to prohibit characters from using, learning, or
Spending Results from Balefire Checks attempting to invent that weave.
Cost Result Options
The effect extends to all characters and objects
aaaaa engaged with the target. May be spent multiple times, The Bond weave forms a permanent psychic link between
or t increasing the effect by one range band each. two or more people, allowing all members of the bond to sense
the emotions of their fellow members as well as their relative
location when not together. As the bond persists, new effects or
WEAVES properties may develop.
Within the Wheel of Time setting there are several iconic Required Spell Type(s): Augment
weaves with effects that are not easily translated using the
Genesys Magic rules. Those weaves and their difficulties Concentration: No
are listed here. All weaves in this section have one or more The channeler chooses two or more people within short
Required Spell Types. A character must be able to weave one range and makes an Average (kk) Channeling check. If
or all of the listed spell types to use that weave. Generally, any successful, the targets become psychically linked with one
Additional Effects available to the spell type may be applied to another, allowing the sharing of emotions and a sense of
relative location of each other. When using the Bond weave,
the channeler is not required herself as part of the bond. The
bond is a permanent effect.
Deathgates make use of the dangerous qualities of Traveling
gateways and twists them into a weapon. A gateway is opened
Chapter 4: Channeling and The One Power
and shut in rapid succession, and then pushed towards the SEVER
target. The variable size of the opening coupled with each
change of position alters the destination of the gateway (which Severing is the act of destroying a character’s ability to
is random), brutally segmenting any object or creature which is channel. A weave of pure spirit is used, cutting the person’s link
unfortunate to pass through it, and distributing their remains to the True Source. A channeler who has been severed often
randomly across the world. suffers a deep depression and suicidal thoughts.
Required Spell Type(s): Attack and Conjure Required Spell Type(s): Barrier and Dispel
Concentration: No Concentration: No
The channeler targets one creature in short range and makes a The channeler targets one character that can channel within
Hard (kkk) Channeling check. If successful, the attack deals short range and makes a Daunting (kkkk) Channeling
damage equal to the channeler’s Willpower, gains a Critical check. If successful, the target is severed, and may not make
2 rating, and the Vicious quality with ranks equal to the Channeling checks.
channeler’s ranks in One Power. Shadowspawn targeted by the
weave suffer +2 damage instead of +1 for each uncanceled s. SHIELDING
Shielding prevents a channeler from accessing the One Power
KEEPING as long as the effect is maintained, but does not completely
A keeping weave will prevent perishable food or materials cut the ability to channel out. It is often used as a way to
from decaying and going rotten for a period of time until the capture and neutralize enemy channelers. Those who have been
weave fades. shielded can attempt to break through it.
Required Spell Type(s): Utility Required Spell Type(s): Barrier or Dispel
Concentration: No Concentration: Yes
The channeler targets a perishable object or volume of The channeler targets one channeler within short range and
material no greater than silhouette 0 within short range, makes an Hard (kkk) Channeling check. If successful, the
and makes an Easy (k) Channeling check. If successful, the target is unable to make Channeling checks, except to break
perishable is kept in its current state of freshness for a number the shielding effect. On their next turn, affected targets may
of days equal to uncanceled s. Before making a Keeping make an opposed Channeling check with the channeler to end
weave, choose any number of additional effects listed on the the effect, and prevent them from being shielded again until
table below. the end of their next turn.
Chapter 4: Channeling and The One Power
A once forgotten weave, Traveling allows a channeler to form
a gateway in the air that connects two different locations as
if they were adjacent to each other. The channeler and any
other characters may use the gateway to walk from the current
location to the destination. To form a gateway, the channeler
must first know their current location, and then decide where to
travel to. Care must be taken when moving through a traveling
gateway so as not to touch the edges, which will instantly cut
any flesh that it passes through.
Required Spell Type(s): Conjure
Concentration: Yes
The channeler makes a Hard (kkk) Channeling check.
If successful, a gateway no larger than silhouette 1 appears
within short range, leading to a destination determined by
the channeler. Before making a Traveling weave, choose any
number of additional effects listed on the table below.
Traveling Additional Effects
Additional Effects Difficulty Mod
Chapter 4: Channeling and The One Power
Chapter 5: The World of Dreams
Difficulty: Average (kk) Dreamwalking Check
While within Tel’aran’rhiod, dreamers may take the Available To: All dreamers
following actions: Description: Unlike the real world, traveling vast differences
is considerably easier within Tel’aran’rhiod. To shift to a
ENTER THE DREAM different location, the dreamer must make an Average (kk)
Dreamwalking check. If successful, the dreamer is teleported
Difficulty: Dreamwalking check (Difficulty varies)
to the location of their choice within Tel’aran’rhiod.
Available To: Dreamwalkers and users of Sleepweavers
Description: Once asleep, a dreamwalker or someone using a MANEUVERS
Sleepweaver ter’angreal may purposefully enter Tel’aran’rhiod.
The difficulty of the check varies from character to character. While within Tel’aran’rhiod, dreamers may take the following
For Dreamwalkers (characters who have purchased the maneuvers:
Dreamwalker talent), the check is Simple (k). For characters
using a Sleepweaver, the difficulty of the check depends on the FOCUS
rating of the Sleepweaver (see the Sleepweaver entry in Chapter Available To: All dreamers
2 for more details).
Description: Characters may use this maneuver to focus on
the task at hand, adding j to their next Dreamwalking check.
Difficulty: Hard (kkk) Dreamwalking check LEAVE THE DREAM
Available To: Dreamwalkers Available To: All dreamers
Description: Dreamshards are private realms hosted within Description: Characters may use this maneuver to leave
the dreamer’s own mind that adjoin Tel’aran’rhiod. To Tel’aran’rhiod completely.
make a dreamshard, the dreamwalker makes a Hard (kkk)
Dreamwalking check. If successful, the space is created and
they immediately enter the dreamshard, which resembles
any environment or location, along with any amenities, the
dreamwalker wishes. The dreamwalker may permit or deny
access to the dreamshard for any dreamers they choose.
While within their own dreamshard, Dreamwalkers treat all
Dreamwalking checks as having a difficulty of Simple (k),
regardless of how many effects are added to any spell.
Difficulty: Hard (kkk) Dreamwalking check
Available To: All dreamers
Description: While within Tel’aran’rhiod, dreamers can use the
malleable nature of the world to search for things that exist in
the real world, but covering much more ground than searching
in the real world. The Seek action is used to find a particular
place, object, or even a person. To use the Seek action, make a
Hard (kkk) Dreamwalking check. If successful the dreamer
is teleported to a location within Tel’aran’rhiod near their
desired goal. The more uncanceled s generated, the closer
the character gets. The dreamer may not recognize the location
they are taken to, and must discern it themselves. Dreamers
may spend a or t generated on a Seek check to provide
additional details or clues as to their goal, while h or d may
lead them to a hazard that blocks their way.
Chapter 5: The World of Dreams