Course Name: Cyber Law & Professional Ethies (3 Cr.)
Course Code: CACS401
Year/Semester: IV/VII
Class Load: 4 Hrs. / Week (Theory: 3Hrs. Tutorial: 1 Hrs.)
Course Description:
This course presents different concepts of cyber law, cybersecurity, and ethics for IT
professionals and IT Organizations. This course also presents different concepts related to
intellectual properties and their protections, privacy, and social networking issues,
Course Objectives:
‘The primary objective of this course is to provide knowledge of cyber law, cybersecurity,
privacy protection, intellectual property protection, and ethics for IT professionals and IT
Course Contents:
Unit 1: An Overview of Ethics, Ethics for IT Workers and IT Users (10 Hrs.)
Ethics, Ethics in the Business World; Corporate Social Responsibility; Fostering Corporate
Social Responsibility and Good Business Ethics; Improving Business Ethics; Ethical
Considerations in Decision Making; Ethics in Information Technology; Managing IT Worker
Relationship; Encouraging Professionalism of IT Workers — Professional Codes of Ethics,
Professional Organizations, Certifications and Licensing ; Encouraging Ethical Use of IT
Resources among Users
Unit 2: Cyberattacks, Cybersecurity, and Cyber Law (12 Hrs.)
Threat Landscape — Computer Incidents, Types of Exploits; CIA Security Triad
Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Implementing CIA at Organizational, Network,
Application, and End-User Level; Response to Cyberattack - Incident Notification Protection
of Evidence and Activity Logs Incident Containment Eradication Incident Follow-Up Using
an MSSP, and Computer Forensics; Cyber Law; Provision of Cyber Law and Electronic
Transaction Act of Nepal
Unit 3: Privacy and Freedom of Expression (10 Hrs.)
Privacy Protection and the Law - Information Privacy, Privacy Laws, Applications, and Court
Rulings; Key Privacy and Anonymity Issues - Consumer Profiling, Electronic Discovery,
Workplace Monitoring, Surveillance; First Amendment Rights; Freedom Expressions: Key
Issues; Social Networking Ethical Issues
Unit 4: Intellectual Property (8 Hrs.)
Intellectual Property, Copyright; Patient; Trade Secrets; Intellectual Property Issues
Plagiarism, Reverse Engineering, Open Source Code, Competitive Intelligence, Trademark
Infringement, and Cybersquatting,
Unit 5: Ethical Decision in Software Development and Ethies of IT Organizations (8 Hrs.)
Software Quality and its Importance; Strategies for Developing Quality Sofiware; Use of
Contingent Workers; H-IB Workers; Outsourcing; Whistle-Blowing; Green Computing
Teaching Methods aa
The teaching faculties are expected to create environment where students can ‘update and
upgrade themselves with the current so@hario ofeompuing and information techndlogy with,
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Weeniethe help of topics listed in the syllabus. The general teaching pedagogy that can be followed by
teaching faculties for this course includes class lectures, laboratory activity, group discussions,
case studies, guest lectures, research work, project work, assignments (Theoretical and
Practical), and written and verbal examinations.
Evaluation il
Examination Scheme
Internal Assessment External Assessment Total
Theory Practical Theory | Practical
40. 60. =
Recommended Books:
1. Ethics in Information Technology, Sixth Edition, George W. Reynolds.
2. Ethics and Technology: Controversies, Questions, and Strategies for Ethical Computing,
Fifth Edition, Herman T. Tavani, John Wiley and Sons, 2016.
3. Ethics for Information Age, Eighth Edition, Michael J. Quinn, Pearson,