CV Mfaa 2023 Eng

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María Fernanda Anaya Avila

Phone +52 55 2727 5089 E-mail: [email protected]
Experienced director with a proven track record in the private and public sector. The main goal is to take
forward my skills, experience and dedication towards new challenges into areas with a social mission.
Said experience is found in: strategic planning, project management in various sectors (national and
international level), coordination and commercial strategy, reporting and measurement of results (P&L,
contract management, marketing, purchasing/cost/supply management, controllership, and control
systems), processes (establishment and creation of quality processes).
2022 - today ATLAS REAL ESTATE
Leasing Specialist
Reporting to Property Managers
Responsible for processing all rental applications, initiating and
finalizing lease agreements, and following up on all rental leads.
Impeccable organization, and expeditious responsiveness. V e rify
that all applic ants have proof of inc ome , valid ID , and r e ntal
re fe renc e contac ts . R un bac kg round and cre dit c he c ks and
know ing the diffe re nc e be tw ee n g ood and bad cre dit. P re pare
le as ing ag re e ments and follow throug h to c omple te the proc es s
Communication with potential residents, references, and property
managers through different platforms.
Confidential information managed
- Knowledge of Housing Laws and Vouchers
- Appfolio, Tenant Turner, Findigs
- Monday, Teams, Ring Central


Sector Network Management Subdirectorate / L@Red de la Gente
Reporting to Deputy General Directorate of Financial Inclusion
- Management, administration, monitoring and projection of Trust
10055 L@Red de la Gente: Popular Savings and Credit Sector, Popular
Financial Companies and a Development Band. International remittances
and other products.
Management of L@Red de la Gente, a commercial alliance between what
is now Banco del Bienestar and the Sector of Popular Savings and Credit
Companies, which offer the population a wide range of financial products
and services in a secure manner, assisting the objective of national
financial inclusion policy in Mexico. It implies the monitoring of the
reception of international remittances, and the movement of the rest of
the products (microinsurance, payment of third-party services, CONSAR),
both of the companies and of BaBien, the promotion and management of
the trust administration.
2,834 branches in Mexican territory (September 2021)
2015 – 2020 HOTELES MISIÓN
Brand Director / Food & Beverage
Reporting to Chief Executive Office
- Project management
- - Standardization of service and image: commercial projection of
Restaurantes Del Pueblito located in 20 of the 60 Misión Hotels, as well as
other smaller consumption centers within them. Establishment and
measurement of results against budget. P&L management.
- - Communication, implementation and training of the processes of the
Quality Management System. Interdepartmental coordination of
measurable goals and objectives. Control of purchases and costs.
Relationship with suppliers, creation of agreements at the national level.
Multisectoral Mexican Marketer – PARTNER
- Real Estate (investment, leasing, maintenance, administration)
- Food & Beverages
- Las Vecinas de Frida Restaurant 2009-2014
Cattering – Events (Operative Supervision – Quality – Client)
High Quality Mexican Gourmet Healthy Food
- Event and Product Photography.
Development of different successful business lines.
Average Value of Projects: 10MDP
Commercial Area
In General Management
Real Estate Developer. Mexico City, Yucatan, Hidalgo, Houston Tx.
Average Value of Projects: 60MDP
2005-2008 Blue Marine Technology Group /Arrendadora Ocean Mexicana SA de CV
Marketing Manager / Organizational Communication
In Presidency
- Organizational development. Generation and implementation of
quality manual.
Presidency and General Management: Internal Communication/Committee
- Strategic Planning / New Projects / Valuation
- Sales. Tenders with Petróleos Mexicanos. Tankers, Dynamic Positioning
Ships. Relationship and negotiation with international brokerage agencies,
Mexican and international suppliers.
Average Value of Projects/Commercial Area: 6 projects with a variable total
value of 60-70 million dollars
2004-2006 P.M.I. Comercio Internacional S.A. de C.V. /PEMEX
Analyst A. Interim. (Temporary Square)
Reporting to Charter Subdirectorate
Commercial Direction of Refined Products
- Marketing and National and International Logistics of Tankers. Coordination
with the marketing/operation of residual products and gasoline. Fuel Market
2000 – 2002 Eurocentro de Nacional Financiera en México
Active Research in Europe and Latin America Program ( A.R.I.E.L.)
AL-Invest Program: Amerique Latin-Investissement
Project Manager (Mexico)/ Expert ARIEL (European Commission)
Mexico City, Mexico; and eventually the European Union.
- Management of commercial alliances between Mexican SMEs and the
European Community. Analysis of investment and generation of companies.
- Technical assistance. Financial Health Assessment.
Business record for monitored companies: 150 SMSCs 30 thousand euros
minimum, per company.
1999 Mexico’s Chamber of Commerce in Canada
Special events coordinator. Relationship with Mexican and Canadian Investors.
Montréal, Canada
- Analysis of internationalization of companies. Counterparts’ search to
Mexican and Canadian companies.
Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina CAF 2021
Financial Inclusion Diplomat

Instituto Nacional de Economía Social 2021

Social Economy Diplomat
Universidad de Barcelona, España 2002-2003
Master in Business Administration
Communication, Information and Audiovisual Especialidad

Universidad Iberoamericana, Plantel Santa Fé 1998-2002

International Relations Bachelor’s Degree
International Economics and Politics Academic Excellency Scholarship 50%
Thesis Honorific Mention: Active Research in Europe and Latin America

English 100% Spoken, read and written TOEFFL, OXFORD,
French 80% Spoken, read and written DELFS, France-
Langue Intermediare
Italian 50% Basic conversation

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