Focus1 2E Testing Programme Audioscript

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Lucy: I’m hungry, Damian. Do you want to go
Unit 1
Damian: No, I haven’t got any money. Let’s cook.
Track 2
Lucy: OK, how about Chinese food?
My favourite day / of the week / is Friday. / I often
Damian: Lucy! You don’t listen. I haven’t got any
go out / in the evening.
money for a takeaway. Anyway, Chinese
food is unhealthy.
Track 3 Lucy: I mean, cook something Chinese. It’s quick
Interviewer: Today, I’m talking to young people and easy and it’s healthy to cook at home.
about their blogs. Firstly, Simon Damian: Oh, OK. That sounds good. Let’s look on
Davies. Tell us about your blog, Simon. the Internet to find some ideas. We can’t
Simon: Hi. Well, I love holidays and travelling cook without a recipe.
so I have lots of photos of me – selfies Lucy: I can. I can cook a great Chinese chicken
– and I write about where they are and fried rice. Where’s the food... here we are.
why they are special to me. I love Chicken, onions, garlic, a red pepper, rice,
getting comments from people – peas, a tin of bamboo shoots and some
friends and others. Some people aren’t Chinese spices and sauces. Right. I can cut
always kind about my photos but I can the meat and you can chop the vegetables
learn from them so I don’t mind. I add and open the bamboo shoots.
something every Saturday but I don’t
Damian: OK. And I can put some music on...
write on schooldays.
Lucy: Right, we’re ready. You can be my student!
Interviewer: Thank you. Now, you’re...
First, put some oil in the frying pan. That’s
Melanie: Melanie Evans. I spend about fifteen right and now add the chicken and the
minutes a day on my blog. It’s the last vegetables. Great. Add the sauce and
thing I do before I go to bed. It’s a spices and mix it all together. Hey, you’re
private blog which means that only my good! I think it’s ready. Let’s eat!
friends can read it. I’ve got twenty
Damian: Err...Lucy, what about the rice?
friends who read it so I can write about
anything. I don’t worry that other Lucy: Oh no! Well, we can boil some water and
people can see it. It helps me to relax wait twenty minutes or we can eat it
in the evening. without rice. I’m hungry. I don’t want to
Interviewer: Great, now Nick Lewis, what’s your
blog about? Damian: I’ve got an idea. We’ve got flour, milk and
an egg. I can make some pancakes in five
Nick: Well, I’ve got two! I write about stories
in the news on one. I don’t do that
often – just when I read or hear Lucy: Chinese pancakes? Err… no thanks. There’s
something interesting. The other blog some bread here. You have the pancakes.
is about computer games. When I buy Damian: OK, but don’t start eating before me!
a new game, I write about it. I say what
I like and what I don’t like. People
often comment and say they really like Unit 3
the blog. I guess some people don’t Track 6
like it but they don’t comment! I am an engineer. / I build and repair / lots of
Interviewer: Great, thanks to everybody and I hope different things. / The job is well-paid.
I can talk to more people later.
Track 7
Unit 2 ONE
Track 4 John: I’m working for my dad this summer. He sells
What is / your mum’s speciality? / She prepares / furniture and I go to people’s houses with the
delicious pancakes / with strawberries. driver and the chairs, tables and other things
and I help to carry it inside. It’s hard work and,

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 1 SECOND EDITION (A2/A2+)


sometimes, we don’t finish work until 9 or 10 Track 9

p.m. Dad says it’s good for me! I can learn ONE
about the business! I want to work in the
It’s funny. I don’t really care about my appearance. I
office with him but he’s got a secretary who
haven’t got many clothes although I try to follow the
does everything there. She doesn’t like me
latest fashions when I can. When I go out, I spend a
and I don’t like her but I like the man I work
lot of time looking at other people and thinking ‘Oh
with. He’s funny. I don’t earn a lot but I’ve got
no! I don’t like that.’ Or ‘Oh wow! I want a dress like
some money and I hope I can have a holiday
that!’ I usually wear the same kind of clothes, a shirt
before school starts again in September.
and skirt, all the time – to school, to parties and on
TWO dates. I feel comfortable in them. I just wear
Cheryl: I’m a student. I want to work in the travel different colours depending on my mood; bright
business when I finish university. That’s colours when I’m happy, black when I’m upset. It’s
why I’m working as a tour guide this strange but a lot of people like my clothes and they
summer. It’s good experience. I show often want to know where I buy them from.
groups of tourists around my town. I live in
Stratford-upon-Avon, Shakespeare’s home
town, so there are a lot of tourists here. I
love my work. It’s always interesting and I love fashion. I spend hours trying to look like my
the people are friendly and happy to be favourite models and actors. I don’t know why no
here. I don’t earn any money but the one ever asks me where I buy my clothes! Maybe
tourists usually give me something. I finish because my friends usually look even better than I
work at five o’clock but, sometimes, the do. The most important thing, for me, is to wear the
customers ask me to show them a nice pub right clothes for the right event. Some people wear
or restaurant after the tour. It isn’t work, smart clothes to a rock concert or festival, which is
it’s fun but I often get home late and I am fine, they can do what they like – but I can’t do that.
tired the next day. I wear jeans and T-shirts to rock concerts, dresses to
restaurants or the theatre and shorts to the beach. I
like looking good but I don’t want to stand out from
THREE the crowd too much.
Emily: I’m working in a café. It’s hard work and
quite boring but it’s well-paid. I work as a
waitress but the kitchen workers
sometimes don’t come to work. On those I’m afraid I’m not an expert on clothes or hairstyles.
days we also wash up. It’s very difficult. I don’t know what this year’s colours are. I don’t
The customers are usually friendly and I care. I just wear clothes that are comfortable. But
like my colleagues. The only person I don’t now, I’ve got a girlfriend! She always looks great and
like is the manager. She is never happy I’m not sure she really likes my appearance! She
with us and, when we do two people’s doesn’t say anything but I can see it in her eyes! So
jobs, she doesn’t give us any extra money. now, before I go out, I ask my sister and her friends
She just tells us to hurry up and to smile at about the right things to wear and what to do with
the customers. I try but it isn’t always my hair. They’re two years older than me and they
possible. Of course, she doesn’t do help me a lot.
anything to help us. She just stands there,
watching us. FOUR
I get quite annoyed about my colleagues. They all
follow the latest fashion. I follow alternative
fashions. I don’t want to look better than other
Unit 4
people. I just want to be happy with my appearance.
Track 8 The problem is that, every time we go out, someone
I am quite well-built. / I usually wear / comfortable says something not very nice about my appearance.
clothes / and trendy trainers. I don’t know why they don’t like it. I think I have the
right to make my own choices and to be an
individual and I can’t understand other people’s
intolerance but I guess they just want everyone to
look the same as them.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 1 SECOND EDITION (A2/A2+)


Unit 5 Simon: OK, great.

Track 10
My worst subject is Maths. / I often have to / retake Unit 6
tests / but I am improving my skills. Track 12
He is into cycling. / His sister / enjoys kite surfing /
Track 11 and bungee jumping. / What sports / are you
Melissa: Hi, Simon. Where were you earlier? interested in?
Simon: Hi, Melissa. I was at a school trip meeting.
Melissa: Wow! Are you a student representative? Track 13
That’s new. You weren’t interested in the Jason: So, Helen, are you ready for the fun run on
school at all last year. Saturday?
Simon: I know but I’m glad. It’s really interesting. Helen: I hope so, Jason. I usually do some running
You should come. before school but the weather is really bad
Melissa: I can’t this year. I go to three extra classes at the moment so I prefer to stay in bed.
after school. I spend all my time studying. Jason: How far do you run?
I’m surprised you have time with all your Helen: I’m not sure. I run for about an hour but
sports. not very fast. I probably run about eight
Simon: It’s only one sport now. I play basketball kilometres. How about you?
twice a week but that’s all. What about Jason: I run ten kilometres every day but after
you? school.
Melissa: Me! Play sport? No way! Anyway, tell me Helen: I’d like to but my parents say I must do my
about the school trip. Where are we homework first and, by the time I finish,
going? it’s dark. Then they say I can’t go out
Simon: Well, I don’t know yet. We couldn’t agree. because it’s dangerous. But I don’t get up
The teachers want to go somewhere early at the weekend. I run after breakfast.
educational. Their idea was Stratford- Jason: That’s great. I work all day Saturday and
upon-Avon and a trip to see Hamlet at the Sunday so the only running I do is to and
Shakespeare theatre. Fiona was very happy from the restaurant!
with that idea but the rest of us weren’t.
Helen: I’d hate to work at the weekend. We go to
We want to go walking somewhere. There
visit my aunt quite often. She lives in a
are some beautiful national parks near
small village and I love going there. I can
run or walk or cycle. I’d love to live
Melissa: What if it rains? somewhere like that.
Simon: It doesn’t matter! Rain doesn’t hurt you! Jason: Really? I love living in a big city. I like
We can wear coats. shopping and going out with my friends to
Melissa: Hmm. Well, I don’t usually agree with the cinema or to concerts. And, of course,
Fiona but I think she’s right this time. there are things like the fun run here.
Stratford is great. It’s close to Warwick, Helen: That’s true. Was there a fun run last year?
which is a beautiful town with an amazing
Jason: Yes, there was. I didn’t run in it but I
castle and it’s a good place to walk too.
watched it. It was great fun. That’s why I
You can walk along the River Avon and
started running. It looked cool.
there are parks and forests not far away.
Helen: I started a few years earlier but I don’t
Simon: Great ideas. You should come to the next
remember the fun run at all. Maybe I was
meeting and tell everyone your ideas.
at my aunt’s house. None of my friends like
Melissa: Well, let me think about it. When is the running so no one talked about it or
next meeting? wanted to watch it. Who did you go with?
Simon: On Tuesday, after school. Have you got any Jason: Gareth and Paul. My friends from the
extra lessons that day? athletics club. You can run with us on
Melissa: No, but we always get a lot of homework Saturday if you like.
on Tuesdays. I don’t know. Ask me again
on Monday.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 1 SECOND EDITION (A2/A2+)


Helen: OK, great. I hope I’m not too slow. Oh no, TWO
break time is over. I’ve got Physics now. Alec: Hey, Sara, have you ever been on a
Jason: Never mind. It’s almost the end of the camping holiday?
week. See you later. Sara: Yes, I have. My family and I go camping
Helen: Bye. every year. Last year we went to Wales. It
was my first time there. It was great.
Unit 7 Alec: What about the weather? I mean, what do
you do when it rains?
Track 14
Sara: Well, it doesn’t matter. The tent is dry and
Her children went on holiday / by coach. / They there’s room inside to read or play games.
stayed / at a youth hostel / in the mountains. We always take lots of things to do.
Alec: And is it comfortable? I mean, to sleep?
Track 15 Sara: Yes, it is. The only problem is the light. In
ONE the summer, the sun comes up at about
Andy: Hi, Clara. Have you booked the tour yet? five o’clock and then it’s difficult to sleep.
Clara: Hi, Andy. No, I haven’t. There’s some more Alec: Five o’clock! That sounds terrible!
information that I need to tell you. We’ve Sara: Not really. I just go to bed early. If you
got three choices. A bus tour with forty or want to sleep until late in the morning, it’s
fifty other people. You see all the sights best to find a campsite in a forest. The
but with a big group so it’s difficult to get trees keep out the sunlight.
nice photos and there are always queues Alec: Good idea. What about food? Do you cook
for toilets and in restaurants. your own?
Andy: That doesn’t sound great. Sara: Sometimes. My parents have got a small
Clara: You can do the same tour on a minibus gas cooker. Sometimes we have takeaways
with fifteen people on it. It leaves and or eat out. So, why all the questions?
returns at the same time as the bus tour Where are you thinking of going?
but goes to the sights in a different order Alec: Some friends are going camping in France
so that you aren’t there with the coach and they’ve asked me to go with them.
parties. So, you eat in the same
restaurants but they are quieter. Sara: Do it. It’s fantastic!
Andy: OK, let’s do that.
Clara: Wait a minute. The third option is a private THREE
tour. On that, you can decide where to go Girl: Excuse me, is this the train to London?
and how long to stop at each place. It’s Man: I hope so. That’s where I’m going.
expensive but I like the idea. If a place is Girl: Oh great.
boring, we can just leave.
Man: Can I help you with your backpack?
Andy: So, how much are the tours?
Girl: Thanks.
Clara: The bus tour is £10 each. On a minibus, we
pay £25 each and the car costs £140 Man: It’s heavy. Where have you been?
altogether. Girl: I’ve just got back from Madeira.
Andy: £70 each. No way! Man: Madeira? Where’s that?
Clara: Well, you can get four people in a car so Girl: It’s in the Atlantic Ocean. It’s a Portuguese
we can find two other people and pay £35 island but it’s closer to Africa than
each. Portugal. It’s beautiful and the weather
Andy: But they may not like the same places as was fantastic.
us. Man: Lucky you. I’ve been on a business trip to
Clara: That’s true. OK. So, what do you think? The Chicago.
mini-bus or the bus? Girl: Wow. I’d love to go to the United States.
Did you enjoy it?
Man: Well, I arrived on Wednesday after an all-
night flight, I went straight to a meeting,

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 1 SECOND EDITION (A2/A2+)


had a meal in my hotel, slept and caught a FOUR

flight back the next morning. I didn’t see I’ve always wanted to go to Australia. There are so
anything. I hate business trips. Oh, look many wonderful creatures there. Of course I’d be
out. Here’s the ticket inspector. I hope this scared of all the poisonous snakes and spiders but as
is the right train.
long as you are careful, there is no need to be afraid.
I’ve finally saved up enough money and I’m going to
Unit 8 fly to Sydney in two weeks. I think the temperature
Track 16 will be difficult for me, I don’t like too much heat but
Scientists think that / in a hundred years / there will there is wetter weather forecast so I think I’ll
be eleven billion / humans on Earth. survive. I can’t wait to see all the amazing things I’ve
read about in books. It’s going to be the trip of a
Track 17 lifetime.
I live in a small village but there is a beautiful forest I’m trying to do my part to stop climate change so I
a few hundred metres away. Many rare birds come try not to travel by plane but it’s very difficult and I
to spend the colder months here and I love to watch still fly a few times a year. I live in Norway, where it
them feed their young in the spring. When the skies is very cold, but in the last few years I’ve noticed the
are clear you can watch them flying up above. They weather getting warmer. Last winter we even saw
are looking for mice and snakes to catch. polar bears close to our village. Usually they stay far
Unfortunately, the number of birds in the forest is away but they came looking for food. I’m really
falling so I hope scientists will do something to scared it will happen again but luckily there are
protect all the wildlife living here. people trained to scare them away and keep us, and
the bears, safe.
I travelled around Asia a few years ago and the place
that left the biggest impression on me was Nepal. END-OF-YEAR TEST
The scenery there is breathtaking, especially the
mountains which are the highest in the world. The
Track 18
people who live there have adapted to live In these
conditions, but I actually felt quite sick from being so Carole: Hi, Josh. Are you OK?
high above sea level. I hope global warming doesn’t Josh: Hi Carole. No. I’ve just finished work and
change the area too much, but every year there is I’m exhausted.
less snow falling and it melts faster. I’m quite Carole: Don’t worry. It’s Sunday tomorrow.
worried about what will happen in the future. Josh: Yes, but I work on Saturdays and Sundays.
At least the restaurant is quieter on
THREE Sundays. On Saturdays it’s impossible.
I spent last summer in Northern Spain. It was great Sometimes I think I should stop working
because I lived a five-minute walk from the sea
where I saw some amazing wildlife. Not many Carole: Why don’t you?
people know that there are dolphins and whales Josh: I need the money! I don’t earn much but
swimming there. I went to Spain to escape from a it’s better than nothing.
stressful job and luckily I found a new passion. I now Carole: Do you work alone?
work for a charity which fights against water Josh: No, there are two other waiters there but
pollution. We work to keep lakes, rivers and seas we have about ten tables each to look
clean from toxic waste and to protect all the wildlife after and it isn’t easy.
living there. I absolutely love my new life. Carole: Oh well, I guess you must get quite a bit of
money from the customers.
Josh: Well, one or two people leave money but
most don’t.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 1 SECOND EDITION (A2/A2+)


Carole: Maybe it’s you! Do you smile? Do the one week after our meeting. We will make sure the
other two waiters get more than you? whole country knows what is happening here!
Josh: No, they don’t. It’s because there is a ten
per cent service charge so people think we THREE
get that. Of course we don’t.
Hi. Welcome to my vlog. It’s Saturday night and here
Carole: That’s terrible. Can the restaurant do that? I am talking to a camera on my computer. All my
Josh: I don’t know. I should find out really. I’ll friends are at a party, having an exciting time and
look on the Internet later. Or, I could ask I’m at home with nothing to do. I’ve got a
the manager tomorrow. temperature. I feel fine but my parents say I can’t go
Carole: What’s he like? out because they don’t want me to be ill and miss
school next week. I think going to a party and
Josh: He’s OK. He works harder than any of us.
missing school sounds fine but I have to do what
At least we get breaks. He never stops. He
they say.
takes over from us when we have a break
and then does the same for the kitchen
staff. FOUR
Carole: Wow. He sounds like a good boss. Lucy: Hi Tom. Do you want to walk with me as
Josh: Yes, we all like him. Well, the chefs don’t. far as the Maths room on your way to
They’re rude to him but he doesn’t say Physics?
anything because they are really good at Tom: I’ll walk with you but I haven’t got Physics.
their jobs. They’re rude to all of us. The Lucy: Yes you have. You always have Physics last
only people they aren’t rude to are the lesson on a Tuesday.
customers but that’s only because they
Tom: Not today. Our teacher is ill and we can go
never meet them!
Lucy: Really?
Track 19
Tom: Yes, there are about eight teachers off
ONE today because of flu. We’re all over
Neil: Come on Stephen, move. eighteen so we can go home. Younger
Stephen: I’m trying. It isn’t easy. students have to stay at school. Enjoy your
Maths lesson!
Neil: Look out, the ball’s coming. Stephen, the
ball! Hey. That was a good catch. Do you
play for your school cricket team? FIVE
Stephen: No. I’ve never played cricket but I can Hi Jake. It’s Simon. I’m sorry I haven’t phoned and I
catch a ball. Hey, this ball will be a nice didn’t come to your party. I’ve been ill in bed. The
souvenir of our day here. doctor gave me some medicine but it didn’t do any
Neil: You can’t keep it. You have to give it back good. I’ve had blood tests and I’ve seen three
to them. They need it to continue the doctors and no one knows what’s wrong. So they’ve
match. Ah. Here are our seats. At last. Now just told me I have to go to hospital for a few days so
we can sit down and enjoy the game. they can do some more tests. If you have some free
time, it’d be nice to have a visitor and I guess I
Stephen: Have you got some water? I’m thirsty after
should find out what school work I’ve missed. Call
running from the bus stop.

As you all know, last week, the local council decided
Cathy: Hi Jason. Are you waiting for Heather?
to cut down hundreds of trees in the forest to build
houses. This area of natural beauty will disappear if Jason: No. Heather can’t come out tonight. I’m
we don’t do anything. Next week, we are going to with Lee. Well, he was here. He’s waiting
have a meeting with council members but, if they for his girlfriend, Anna. She’s late and she
don’t agree to stop the building plans, we will isn’t answering her phone so Lee’s gone to
protest starting on the 23rd of this month. It’s the look in her favourite shops! That’s where
10th today so that’s in just under two weeks’ time, he usually finds her! How about you? What
are you doing?

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 1 SECOND EDITION (A2/A2+)


Cathy: I’m waiting for my mum and dad. They’ve

gone shopping for shoes. Dad always takes
ages to decide what to buy. Oh, here they
come now. See you later. Have a good

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 1 SECOND EDITION (A2/A2+)

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