Focus1 2E Testing Programme Audioscript
Focus1 2E Testing Programme Audioscript
Focus1 2E Testing Programme Audioscript
Helen: OK, great. I hope I’m not too slow. Oh no, TWO
break time is over. I’ve got Physics now. Alec: Hey, Sara, have you ever been on a
Jason: Never mind. It’s almost the end of the camping holiday?
week. See you later. Sara: Yes, I have. My family and I go camping
Helen: Bye. every year. Last year we went to Wales. It
was my first time there. It was great.
Unit 7 Alec: What about the weather? I mean, what do
you do when it rains?
Track 14
Sara: Well, it doesn’t matter. The tent is dry and
Her children went on holiday / by coach. / They there’s room inside to read or play games.
stayed / at a youth hostel / in the mountains. We always take lots of things to do.
Alec: And is it comfortable? I mean, to sleep?
Track 15 Sara: Yes, it is. The only problem is the light. In
ONE the summer, the sun comes up at about
Andy: Hi, Clara. Have you booked the tour yet? five o’clock and then it’s difficult to sleep.
Clara: Hi, Andy. No, I haven’t. There’s some more Alec: Five o’clock! That sounds terrible!
information that I need to tell you. We’ve Sara: Not really. I just go to bed early. If you
got three choices. A bus tour with forty or want to sleep until late in the morning, it’s
fifty other people. You see all the sights best to find a campsite in a forest. The
but with a big group so it’s difficult to get trees keep out the sunlight.
nice photos and there are always queues Alec: Good idea. What about food? Do you cook
for toilets and in restaurants. your own?
Andy: That doesn’t sound great. Sara: Sometimes. My parents have got a small
Clara: You can do the same tour on a minibus gas cooker. Sometimes we have takeaways
with fifteen people on it. It leaves and or eat out. So, why all the questions?
returns at the same time as the bus tour Where are you thinking of going?
but goes to the sights in a different order Alec: Some friends are going camping in France
so that you aren’t there with the coach and they’ve asked me to go with them.
parties. So, you eat in the same
restaurants but they are quieter. Sara: Do it. It’s fantastic!
Andy: OK, let’s do that.
Clara: Wait a minute. The third option is a private THREE
tour. On that, you can decide where to go Girl: Excuse me, is this the train to London?
and how long to stop at each place. It’s Man: I hope so. That’s where I’m going.
expensive but I like the idea. If a place is Girl: Oh great.
boring, we can just leave.
Man: Can I help you with your backpack?
Andy: So, how much are the tours?
Girl: Thanks.
Clara: The bus tour is £10 each. On a minibus, we
pay £25 each and the car costs £140 Man: It’s heavy. Where have you been?
altogether. Girl: I’ve just got back from Madeira.
Andy: £70 each. No way! Man: Madeira? Where’s that?
Clara: Well, you can get four people in a car so Girl: It’s in the Atlantic Ocean. It’s a Portuguese
we can find two other people and pay £35 island but it’s closer to Africa than
each. Portugal. It’s beautiful and the weather
Andy: But they may not like the same places as was fantastic.
us. Man: Lucky you. I’ve been on a business trip to
Clara: That’s true. OK. So, what do you think? The Chicago.
mini-bus or the bus? Girl: Wow. I’d love to go to the United States.
Did you enjoy it?
Man: Well, I arrived on Wednesday after an all-
night flight, I went straight to a meeting,
Carole: Maybe it’s you! Do you smile? Do the one week after our meeting. We will make sure the
other two waiters get more than you? whole country knows what is happening here!
Josh: No, they don’t. It’s because there is a ten
per cent service charge so people think we THREE
get that. Of course we don’t.
Hi. Welcome to my vlog. It’s Saturday night and here
Carole: That’s terrible. Can the restaurant do that? I am talking to a camera on my computer. All my
Josh: I don’t know. I should find out really. I’ll friends are at a party, having an exciting time and
look on the Internet later. Or, I could ask I’m at home with nothing to do. I’ve got a
the manager tomorrow. temperature. I feel fine but my parents say I can’t go
Carole: What’s he like? out because they don’t want me to be ill and miss
school next week. I think going to a party and
Josh: He’s OK. He works harder than any of us.
missing school sounds fine but I have to do what
At least we get breaks. He never stops. He
they say.
takes over from us when we have a break
and then does the same for the kitchen
staff. FOUR
Carole: Wow. He sounds like a good boss. Lucy: Hi Tom. Do you want to walk with me as
Josh: Yes, we all like him. Well, the chefs don’t. far as the Maths room on your way to
They’re rude to him but he doesn’t say Physics?
anything because they are really good at Tom: I’ll walk with you but I haven’t got Physics.
their jobs. They’re rude to all of us. The Lucy: Yes you have. You always have Physics last
only people they aren’t rude to are the lesson on a Tuesday.
customers but that’s only because they
Tom: Not today. Our teacher is ill and we can go
never meet them!
Lucy: Really?
Track 19
Tom: Yes, there are about eight teachers off
ONE today because of flu. We’re all over
Neil: Come on Stephen, move. eighteen so we can go home. Younger
Stephen: I’m trying. It isn’t easy. students have to stay at school. Enjoy your
Maths lesson!
Neil: Look out, the ball’s coming. Stephen, the
ball! Hey. That was a good catch. Do you
play for your school cricket team? FIVE
Stephen: No. I’ve never played cricket but I can Hi Jake. It’s Simon. I’m sorry I haven’t phoned and I
catch a ball. Hey, this ball will be a nice didn’t come to your party. I’ve been ill in bed. The
souvenir of our day here. doctor gave me some medicine but it didn’t do any
Neil: You can’t keep it. You have to give it back good. I’ve had blood tests and I’ve seen three
to them. They need it to continue the doctors and no one knows what’s wrong. So they’ve
match. Ah. Here are our seats. At last. Now just told me I have to go to hospital for a few days so
we can sit down and enjoy the game. they can do some more tests. If you have some free
time, it’d be nice to have a visitor and I guess I
Stephen: Have you got some water? I’m thirsty after
should find out what school work I’ve missed. Call
running from the bus stop.
As you all know, last week, the local council decided
Cathy: Hi Jason. Are you waiting for Heather?
to cut down hundreds of trees in the forest to build
houses. This area of natural beauty will disappear if Jason: No. Heather can’t come out tonight. I’m
we don’t do anything. Next week, we are going to with Lee. Well, he was here. He’s waiting
have a meeting with council members but, if they for his girlfriend, Anna. She’s late and she
don’t agree to stop the building plans, we will isn’t answering her phone so Lee’s gone to
protest starting on the 23rd of this month. It’s the look in her favourite shops! That’s where
10th today so that’s in just under two weeks’ time, he usually finds her! How about you? What
are you doing?