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We, ________________________ and ____________________________, both
of legal age, Filipino, with offices at
________________________________________, after having been sworn to in
accordance with law, hereby depose and say that:

1. We have caused the preparation and filing of the Omnibus Motion.

2. We CERTIFY that; (a) the allegations in the said Omnibus Motion are true
and correct of based on our personal knowledge or based on authentic
documents or records; (b) the said Omnibus Motion was not filed to harass, cause
unnecessary delay, or needlessly increase the costs of litigation; and (3) the
factual allegations therein have evidentiary support, or if specifically so
identified, will likewise have evidentiary support after a reasonable opportunity
for discovery.

3. We further CERTIFY that: (a) we have not theretofore commenced any action
or filed any claim involving the same issues in any court, tribunal or quasi-
judicial agency; (b) to the best of our knowledge, no such action or proceeding
has been filed or pending in the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals or any other
court, tribunal or agency; and (c) should we learn thereafter that a similar action
or proceeding has been filed or is pending before the Supreme Court, Court of
Appeals or any other court, tribunal or agency, we hereby undertake to report
such fact to this Honorable Court within five (5) calendar days from notice

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this

________________________ in __________________________.

____________________________ ____________________________

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _________ day of

_______________ 2023 in ____________________ , Affiants personally known to me to
be the same persons who executed the foregoing and exhibiting to their competent
evidence of her identity.

Doc. No. _______; Notary Public

Page No._______;
Book No._______;
Series of _______.

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