024 Study of Operational Flight Plans and Trajectories
024 Study of Operational Flight Plans and Trajectories
024 Study of Operational Flight Plans and Trajectories
(Study of Operational Flight-plans and Trajectories)
Experimental Summary
The information contained in this document is the property of the EUROCONTROL Agency and no part should be reproduced in
any form without the Agency’s permission.
The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views or policy of the Agency
(Study of Operational Flight-plans and Trajectories)
Experimental Summary
SOFT focuses on the relationship between ICAO ‘filed’ Flight Plans (FPLs) and Operational Flight Plans
(OFPLs) prepared and delivered by AOC’s.
Traditional implementations of Flight Data Processing Systems rely on a central database management
system and trajectory prediction which may differ strongly from the real world.
It is proposed to develop a system linked to the appropriate service of airlines (Dispatch) which provides
Operational Flight Plan Data (containing detailed aircraft data, fuel and takeoff weight etc.) to improve
trajectory prediction.
This document has been collated by mechanical means. Should there be missing pages, please report to:
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1
2. OBJECTIVES ...................................................................................................... 1
3. PROJECT BENEFITS ......................................................................................... 1
4. REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 1
5. PHASES OF THE PROJECT SOFT .................................................................... 2
5.1 Phase 1 : Contacts with Airlines and ATC ...............................................................2
5.2 Phase 2 : Data Collection on 17 June 1997 .............................................................2
5.3 Phase 3 : Design of a Data Base ..............................................................................3
5.4 Phase 4 : Processing of Data....................................................................................3
5.4.1 OFPL data .............................................................................................................3
5.4.2 System Flight Plan Data And CFMU Flight Plan Data ..........................................3
5.4.3 Radar Data ............................................................................................................3
5.4.4 Problems processing received Data .....................................................................4
5.5 Phase 5 : Feedback to Participating Airlines...........................................................4
6. RECOMMENDATIONS........................................................................................ 5
6.1 Forum..........................................................................................................................5
6.2 Future Data Collection...............................................................................................5
7. CONCLUSION..................................................................................................... 5
8. SOFT TEAM MEMBERS ..................................................................................... 5
9. GLOSSARY......................................................................................................... 5
9.1 FPL: The ICAO filed flight plan format .....................................................................5
9.2 OFPL: Operational flight plans .................................................................................7
9.3 SFPL: System Flight Plans of the contacted Area Control Centres ....................10
9.4 RADAR DATA: Radar data Description ..................................................................12
9.5 METEO: Meteorological Data..................................................................................13
9.6 CFMU Data................................................................................................................14
FIGURE 1: EXAMPLE OF FPL AND RADAR PLOTS FOR ONE FLIGHT .......................................................................... 4
1. Introduction
The project SOFT was executed in the frame of the EATCHIP domain ODP «Operational
Requirements and Data Processing Systems» to meet the requirements of DPS.ET1.ST05.
2. Objectives
The objective of SOFT was to study the possibilities to improve trajectory prediction in ATC by
using operational flight-plans (OFPLs).
An OFPL is prepared by the airlines in their flight planning systems. It is composed of AOC
internal data, contains the most precise TOW (take-off weight) and the requested flight profile
which is given to the crew at the moment of briefing. You will find an example of such an OFPL
inchapter 9.2, Operational flight plans, calculated by the Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) SYSTEM.
Other objectives were to :
• establish contact with airlines for close co-operation
• study the exchange of operational flight-plans between airlines and ATC
• study other benefits of the use of operational flight-plans
3. Project Benefits
The long term benefits of this type of research & development are:
• increase precision of trajectory prediction (objective: 1 nautical mile deviation 20 minutes
• increase capacity, through efficient use of airspace by improving
∗ conflict prediction
∗ CFMU flight planning (slot allocation)
• improve quality of operational flight-plans (OFPL)
4. References
[1] (Requirements for Advanced Flight Plan Information, Ralf SCHUPPENHAUER - EEC
Note 14/98)
[2] Trajectory Prediction (TP) for the ‘TP Drafting Group of ODT’, Georges MYKONIATIS
The flight planning sections of the participating airlines were contacted. All contacted partners
agreed with the objectives of the project and expressed their desire to co-operate in the planned
The following airlines participated (alphabetical order):
The following ATC & ATM centres and authorities have participated :
• CRNA EST (Reims)
• CRNA NORD (Athis Mons)
A fruitful co-operation has been established with the ‘service d’exploitation’ and ‘service d’étude’
RADAR data CRNA EST: 3266 correlated flights (but only 2593 call signs)
CRNA NORD: 1974 correlated flights (but only 1832 call signs)
This corresponds to 250 Mbytes of radar data.
The discrepancy between correlated flights and the number of call
signs shows that several flights were filed with the same callsign.
FLIGHT Airlines: approximately 1000 OFPL’s
PLANS This corresponds to 6 Mbytes
Flights of TAP AIR PORTUGAL, who have many flights into and out of Paris, are missing. SITA
did not send the corresponding data. Since this represents a significant part of the traffic it should
be made sure to obtain these data in a future data collection.
The database has been designed in collaboration with the Technische Universität Berlin (TU).
The EEC has sponsored the thesis of R. Schuppenhauer of the TU (Requirement Definition for
Advanced Flight Plan Information [1]). This thesis deals with Business Objects and proposes
their use in air traffic control (see Annex II, Business Objects in ATC).
The Design Tasks were :
• definition of a common structure for the data of different origin
• definition of the extended FPL (XFPL)
• merging of the Radar data from CRNA NORD and EST
The operational flight plans have been checked concerning their syntax, semantics and
5.4.2 System Flight Plan Data And CFMU Flight Plan Data
The system flight plans of CRNA EST and NORD and the CFMU flight plans are considered as
additional information on creation and evolution of a flight (plan).
• Nested flight plan data, via SITA network caused an additional programming effort.
• LIDO® Data for short haul flights were NOT for operational use.
• Operational flight plan within Airlines have not been homogenious in layout.
• Radar Data from Reims were divided in four parts due to technical reasons, re-
assembling caused extra effort.
• No reliable access to Meteo Data
• Flight profiles are very different from the one calculated for the OFPL. Amongst the 1000
only 15 flights could be used to improve the EEC data base of aircraft performances
• Calculated TOC and realised TOC are different, this may be due to the fact that the
trajectory is always based on the longest possible SID. In addition LIDO® OFPL’s for short
haul flights have been experimental and could not be taken into account.
• ATC has given clearances for routes forbidden by the TOS.
• Controllers do not always update ATC system flight plans.
6. Recommendations
6.1 Forum
It is intended to organise a forum inviting all partners in order to present the results of the study.
This forum will also be an opportunity to present other projects of the Experimental Centre and
the IFPU 2, i.e. a Real Time Simulation, the projects RAMS and FREER and FASTER.
The Forum should intensify the contacts with the airlines and involve the airlines more closely in
the definition of future ATM systems.
It appears that a one-day experiment is not sufficient (please refer to conclusion in the next
paragraph. It is recommended that a new data collection be carried out covering two weeks, one
in spring (which is generally a quieter time) and one in summer.
During a future data collection KLM could also provide FMS data downlinked via the ACARS
Currently trajectories are published on the Intranet . The presentation of the project and this note
are available on Internet (http://www.eurocontrol.fr).
NOTE : For legal reasons Radar data may NOT be displayed on the external Web.
Good contacts with airlines have been established and need to be maintained and expanded.
The collected data have been used by other projects of EUROCONTROL, especially the
Trajectory Prediction (TP) for the ‘TP Drafting Group of ODT’ [2] and for the validation of aircraft
performances of BADA.
Only 1.5 % of the data could be used for the improvement of the aircraft performance data (see
Annex III). It is recommended that a new data collection be carried out covering two weeks, one
in peak season and one in a low traffic season. This would provide significant flight data including
CFMU data, system FPLs, operational flight plans and radar tracks to improve the aircraft
performance data in BADA and thus in trajectory prediction in ATC.
9.1 FPL: The ICAO filed flight plan format
PSGR..../.../...ZFW41.2/.....TOW49.1/.....LW43.9/....LI....MACZ.. ..
ATIS................................................QNH....MACT.. ..
The previous example shows a sample operational flight plan from Scandinavian Airlines (SAS).
This OFPL contains the following items that are of interest:
¥ TIME: 22 - 0:22 total time since take-off in hours:minutes, and in between beacons.
¥ WINDS: FL370 261/21 wind information in knots/heading for different flight levels.
9.3 SFPL: System Flight Plans of the contacted Area Control Centres
20 SAS561 ENFB LFPG 3868 +0 MD80
21 366 330 442
32 456 461 463 471 472 475 475 480
33 330 296 250 240 240 110 110 40
42 451 453 458 458
43 456 463 473 483
44 490
20 =
21 365 350 444
32 491 495 499 499 504 507 516
33 350 350 260 240 190 150 40
42 486 486 486
43 491 494 515
44 516
50 32 402 ENFB
¥ Heure: Time UTC at which the aircraft passes over a given point.
We have collected radar data from the CRNA Nord in Athis-Mons and the CRNA Est in Reims.
Every CRNA carries out its recordings in the same format. The position of each flight is recorded
every eight seconds by radar, so that one receives a very precise trajectory recording with all the
above information.
The collected meteorological data is provided by Meteo France. There is an updated set of
weather information every three hours UTC time about the outside air temperature (in degrees
Kelvin), the wind heading (in degrees) and the wind magnitude (in metres/second). The
measurements are taken at intervals of 10,000 feet up to an altitude of 50,000 feet; these
altitudes are not expressed as flight levels but as air pressure (in Isobars).
Latitude and longitude co-ordinates together with the altitude form a point in space. For each
latitude value there are ten longitude values in steps of 15 minutes. The latitude values are also
separated in steps of 15 minutes.
In order to find out the actual weather conditions for a given radar track, it will be necessary to
interpolate between different values obtained from Meteo France.
ENFB;LFPG;SAS561 ;SAS;MD80;9706170630;AA10356769;9706170605;FPL;
SAS561 ;350;NEXE;NEXE;N;N;N;9706170637;9706170605;TE;SI;NS;000566266
;_;_;_;_;N;TPPG17E ;4;0;RDY;CHG;SAM;_;PFD;FPL;_;_;_;0610:ENFB:ENFBSKI1A:0
0615:GRS:ENFBSKI1A:076 0623:SKI:UA7:203 0635:SVA:UA37:347 0645:DANKO:UA37:350
0656:GARNA:UA37:350 0701:DANDI:UA37:350 0707:ABSIL:UA37:350 0713:SAMON:UA37:350
0716:MULIT:UA37:350 0720:BEENO:UA37:350 0722:SITKO:UA37:350 0722:KOMIK:UA37:350
0727:SPRAT:UA37:350 0730:BASAV:UA37:350 0731:GABAD:UA37:350 0734:LOGAN:UR1:350
0737:TRIPO:UR1:350 0739:MANGO:UR1:350 0740:WESUL:UR1:350 0742:LAM:UR1:350
0748:MID:UB39:330 0753:SFD:UA47:337 0755:WAFFU:UA47:297 0756:HARDY:UA47:275
0757:*LFG2:UA47:250 0802:DPE:LFPGDPE1P:190 0806:*2CRL:LFPGDPE1P:150
0808:*1CRL:LFPGDPE1P:150 0809:MERUE:LFPGDPE1P:142 0818:LFPG:LFPGDPE1P:0 ;
0610:ENOSTMA:0619 0619:ENOSSW:0627 0627:ENOSUPP:0645 0645:EKDKUSN:0701
0701:EGTTBNH:0729 0729:EGTTCLE:0733 0733:EGTTCW1:0740 0740:EGTTLUE:0746
0746:EGTTLUW:0751 0751:EGTTWOR:0757 0757:LFFTP:0809 0810:LFFZDAW:0817
Traffic Demand in CFMU Area. The number of flight plans having been activated in TACT.
Number of (All) Regulated Flights: Number of flights passing through one or more regulations
protecting the country or the ACC.
Number of (most Penalising) Regulated Flights: Only the flights for which the regulation is the
most penalising are taken in account.
Number of Delayed Flights: Number of flights delayed by a regulation, i.e. for which CTOT -
ETOT > 0.
Total ATFM Delay: The sum of the delays calculated from the CASA regulations.
Mean Delay per Delayed Flight: The Total ATFM Delay divided by the Number of Delayed Flights.
Mean Delay per Regulated Flight: The Total ATFM Delay divided by the Number of Regulated
Mean Delay for the Traffic Demand: The Total ATFM Delay divided by the Traffic Demand.
It is intended to find a means for optimisation of the existing ATC system by defining common,
modular and reusable business objects as a design option for future systems. Following the ideas
of Oliver Sims [Sim94] the ATC domain can be decomposed into prototypical business objects.
Focusing on flight plans, as the central information source for pilot intentions, requirements for
the definition of such business objects have to be detected.
The shift in paradigm from monolithic systems to reusable independent components will result in
new architectures for industry-scale systems. The central objective of this thesis is the definition
of a common and reusable business object to be used in a distributed architecture for the ATC
domain. The ATC domain can be decomposed into prototypical BOs. With special regard to flight
plans, requirements for the definition of business objects have to be elicited. This raises the
following questions:
Consequently, this thesis shall propose business objects for the ATC domain with special regard
to flight plans. On the basis of the «CFPS/SOFT» project, existing data sources have to be
evaluated and their relationships to requirements defined by a set of clients/actors have to be
studied. The available information sources, e.g. operational flight plans provided by different
airlines, have to be analysed with respect to their structure and semantics. Relating the
requirements of individual actors/clients to the available information analysed in the previous
phase will outline the structural requirements for the BO.
«The following is an explanation of what has been done with regard to the analysis of the radar
data and the problems that were encountered:
• Some 800 radar trajectories in total were available.
• The OFPL was available for some of these flights (no exact number). Of those flights for
which both radar and OFPL data was available only a limited number had a complete
coverage of the climb or descent trajectory (to or from approximately. 1500 ft). Within this
group some of the actual cruise levels did not match the levels indicated in the OFPL, making
a good comparison between OFPL and radar data quite hard.
• Only 15 - 20 flights from the total of 800 could be used to compare the radar , OFPL and
BADA data. The BADA data is used to see if the knowledge of parameters like weight,
speeds accurate wind and temperature could lead to a more accurate trajectory prediction.
Another exercise over a longer period of time is required and it is imperative that this time all the
correct OFPLs are collected. With approximately 100 useable flights a proper statistical analysis
can be made.»