Street Lighting
Street Lighting
Street Lighting
Driving outside of daylight hours is more dangerous – only a quarter of all travel by car drivers is between the
hours of 7pm and 8am, yet this period accounts for 40% of fatal and serious injuries to the same group 1.
Pedestrians and vulnerable road users suffer from decreased visibility in the dark too. For these reasons, ways
of reducing the risk to all road users during the hours of darkness must be found.
A study for the Department for Transport2 in 2003 found that road safety was perceived as a key benefit for
street lighting improvement. In the study, 73% of respondents agreed that ‘better street lighting would improve
the safety of children, and 63.8% agreed that ‘improved street lighting would lead to fewer accidents on the
Since this study, there has been a trend to either switch off or dim street lighting. A study3 led by researchers
from the London school of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine was carried out in 2015 to assess the impact of this
practice. Researchers analysed 14 years of data from 62 local authorities who had implemented light reducing
measures including reducing the number of lights switched on, dimming lights and LED lamp upgrades. To assess
the road safety implications all roads in the participating authorities were examined, looking at the lighting used
and the number of traffic collisions that happened at night relative to the day between 2000- 13.The study
concluded that there was no evidence of an association between reduced lighting and night-time collisions
across England and Wales.
A further study4 undertaken by the same academic body in 2015 provides an insight in to the public’s perception
of the importance of street lighting. This research looked at the determinants of health and wellbeing in relation
to switching off and dimming of street lighting. Eight local authorities that had carried out, or were planning, a
range of reduced lighting measures at night were chosen for the study. Qualitative data analysis was undertaken
with residents’ views being collected through interviews, transcripts, field notes, documentary data and open
comments on questionnaires.
The report concluded that in a random sample of the population in affected and non-affected streets, there was
little evidence that the introduction of part-night lighting had made significant differences to wellbeing, except
in residents’ feelings of personal security, even where there were strongly held views or anxieties few reported
direct impacts on outcomes such as mobility.
28 Calthorpe Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 1RP | Telephone 0121 248 2000
Registered Charity No: 207823 |
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
As well as the public perception that better lighting improves safety, earlier research that compares the quality
of road lighting with accident reduction, found that it improves safety. Before and after studies have indicated
reductions in collisions of around 30% or more where lighting has been improved5.
A European study found that one third of pedestrian casualties had difficulty seeing the vehicle that
had struck them, while two fifths of drivers had difficulty seeing the pedestrian6.
A literature review7 of studies relating the presence of lighting to accident reduction concluded that
“On urban main roads, with mainly a traffic function, a reduction in accidents involving injuries of
approximately 30% can be expected at night following an improvement in the lighting from very bad to
A Japanese report8 that looked at the reduction in accidents at junctions, following the provision of
lighting, found that there was a 43% reduction in night-time accidents. It also found that the
effectiveness of lighting in preventing accidents depended on its illuminance, and that the brighter the
lighting, the better it is at preventing accidents. However, it did not define an upper limit to brightness
beyond which further brightening would have no, or a negative, effect.
A report by SWOV9 found that a ‘relatively large proportion’ of night-time accidents occur on unlit road
sections. It also found that ‘there are modest indications that the average injury severity and the
proportion of accidents at bends is somewhat greater on unlit road sections’.
A report conducted by the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology10 found that
low illumination is a major contributory factor in the night-time fatality rate.
A more recent follow up study11 by some of the same authors using the same methodology reached
the same conclusion and presented up to date figures showing the effect that lighting has on the
likelihood of fatal injury.
o On motorways, 2.6% of accidents are fatal where street lighting is present, compared to 4.3%
of accidents where it is not.
o On built up roads, 1.3% of accidents are fatal where street lighting are present, compared to
1.9% of accidents where it is not.
o Similarly, on non-built up roads 3.1% of accidents are fatal in lit conditions, rising to 4.9% in
areas without street lights.
Both studies cited an increase in thinking and stopping distances in non-optimal night-time conditions as the
reason why the rate increases. They concluded that on average the presence of street lighting reduces the
severity of injuries by a factor of three.
28 Calthorpe Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 1RP | Telephone 0121 248 2000
Registered Charity No: 207823 |
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
This raises the concern about the relationship between the safety that a driver perceives and the actual level
of safety, and how drivers behave in both conditions. If a driver perceives a better level of safety due to
lighting, and therefore behaves in a more dangerous manner when their vision is not noticeably improved,
could this lead to a greater increase in risk than simply reducing the luminance would suggest?
The latest evidence3 concluded that there was no evidence of an association between reduced lighting and night-
time collisions across England and Wales. However, previous research9 has concluded that there are positive
safety benefits. Surveys have shown that the public are in favour of street lighting as a way of improving road
safety and that, if anything, it needs to be improved in some areas.
There are economic and environmental reasons why some organisations may wish to reduce the amount of
lighting. However, there are safety reasons why lighting needs to be available.
In some locations, a reduction in lighting quality may not increase the risk of an accident. However, there is the
danger that an unconsidered removal or reduction in quality could actually increase accidents and their severity.
Therefore, when considering removal or dimming of lights, location based traffic and accident evidence should
be assessed. Accident rates should be monitored to ensure that sacrificing the quality of lighting does not unduly
increase the risk. Increases in risk may ultimately lead to lives being lost.
28 Calthorpe Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 1RP | Telephone 0121 248 2000
Registered Charity No: 207823 |
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
Ward et al. (2005) ‘Night-time Accidents: A Scoping Study; Report to the AA Motoring Trust and Rees Jeffreys
Road Fund’
Willis et al. (2003) ‘The Value of Improved Street Lighting in Rural Areas’
Steinbach et al (2015) ‘The Effect of Reduced Street Lighting on Road Casualties and Crime in England and
Wales: A Controlled Interrupted Time Series Analysis’, Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 2015:1-7.
Green et al. (2015) ‘Reduced Street Lighting at Night and Health: A Rapid Appraisal of Public Views in England
and Wales’, Health Place, 34:171-180.
Jackett, M. And Frith, W. (2013) ‘Quantifying the Impact of Road Lighting on Road Safety- A New Zealand Study’,
IATSS Research, 36: 139-145.
World Health Organisation (2004) ‘Road Safety – Visibility’
Date Accessed: 22/03/2017.
Schreuder, D. A. (1988) ‘The Relationship Between the Level of Public Lighting and Traffic Safety’
Oya et al. ‘Research on the Interrelation Between Illuminance at Intersections and the Reduction in Traffic
Accidents’, The Lighting Journal, 68:14-21.
SWOV (1994) ‘Street Lighting and Road Safety on Motorways.
Murray et al. ‘Road Traffic Accidents: The Impact of Lighting’, The Lighting Journal, 63:42-46.
Planis et al. ‘Road Traffic Casualties: Understanding the Night-time Death Toll’, Injury Prevention, 12(2):125-
28 Calthorpe Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 1RP | Telephone 0121 248 2000
Registered Charity No: 207823 |