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Grammar Awareness.

Listening Activity: "Pronoun Challenge"

Objective: To improve listening skills and reinforce the use of reflective and intensive pronouns.


Prepare a short audio recording or find a video clip that includes the use of reflective and intensive
pronouns. Make sure it is clear and easy to understand.

Provide each student with a blank piece of paper and a pen.

Play the audio or video clip once without any pauses.

After playing the clip, instruct students to write down as many reflective and intensive pronouns as they
can remember.

Replay the clip and pause after each pronoun is used. Allow students to write down the pronoun as it is

After the clip has finished, have students share their lists with a partner or small group. Encourage them
to discuss any pronouns they missed or any that were used in a unique way.

As a class, review the list of reflective and intensive pronouns and discuss their meaning and usage. Ask
students to give examples of how they could use these pronouns in their own writing and speaking.

Finally, provide a writing prompt that requires the use of reflective and intensive pronouns. For
example: "Write a paragraph about a time when you had to rely on yourself to solve a problem. Use at
least three reflective and intensive pronouns in your writing."

This activity can be adapted for different levels of proficiency by varying the complexity of the audio or
video clip and the writing prompt

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