Sptve Smaw 8 Las 4
Sptve Smaw 8 Las 4
Sptve Smaw 8 Las 4
Department of Education
Region V
I. Introductory Concept
This Learning Activity Sheet covers the knowledge and skills involved in shielded metal
arc welding. This includes defects, common cause and cure for weld defects. Read,
understand the lesson and accomplish the given activity with utmost honesty.
A. Readings/Discussions
Common cause, defects and cure for weld
Poor parent metal preparation and poor technique in manipulating electrode during
welding process can cause weld defects and discontinuities. It is important that all welder
should know what the welding defects that they will encounter and how to work around and fix
it. Here are some of the welding defects, its causes and possible remedies.
2. Pinholes and Both pinholes and porosity can be Use shorter arc length and
porosity caused when length is too long and keeping the puddle molten
travel is too fast. for a longer period so that
the gasses may boil out
Both pinholes and porosity can be before the metal freezes.
caused when length is too long and
travel is too fast. Use dry electrode and
clean the surface of the
base metal.
3. Undercutting It is usually caused by too high Reduce the current and
current of too long arc length. shortening the arc length.
III. Activities
Activity 1. (Complete Me!)
Direction: Fill in the empty boxes with the correct letters to complete the word.
Activity 2. (Tell Me Why?)
Directions. Explain briefly the questions below in not less than 3 sentences.
1. Why it is a necessary for a welder to know the welding defects, its causes and remedies?
2. Interview at least four (4) welders in your area. Ask them the common defects that they
encountered in welding and how they repaired the defects. Compose a short narrative report
about your interview and make sure that your work is signed by the welder as a proof that an
interview was conducted. Narrative report must be written in a separate paper. (Browse the
internet and search what are the common defects encountered in a welding shop and
make a short narrative report about your findings. Answer must be written in a separate
paper. This activity should be used in lieu of the actual interview of welders during this
pandemic time.)
IV. Rubrics
V. Answer Keys
Activity 1.
Activity 2.
Note: Answers of students may vary and will be evaluated using the rubrics.
Activity 3.
Performance of students may vary and will be evaluated using the rubrics.
VI. References
Competency-Based Learning Material, Second Year, Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)
NC I, Module 4, Laying-Out Beads on Carbon Steel Plate, page 38.
Prepared by:
Teacher I
Teacher I
Language Validator:
Teacher I
Reviewed by:
Division Industrial Arts Coordinator