In this interview, the Chairman of Hatsun Agro Products discusses the company's performance and outlook. He mentions that raw material inflation impacted margins but has started softening. While milk growth was slower due to inflation, ice cream and curd grew faster. The chairman expects a return to normal performance this year with double digit revenue growth and margins in the early teens. The company's production capacity could reach peak revenues of Rs. 8,500-8,700 crores currently and Rs. 10,000 crores with minor additional investments. The lumpy skin disease affecting cattle is said to be behind them.
In this interview, the Chairman of Hatsun Agro Products discusses the company's performance and outlook. He mentions that raw material inflation impacted margins but has started softening. While milk growth was slower due to inflation, ice cream and curd grew faster. The chairman expects a return to normal performance this year with double digit revenue growth and margins in the early teens. The company's production capacity could reach peak revenues of Rs. 8,500-8,700 crores currently and Rs. 10,000 crores with minor additional investments. The lumpy skin disease affecting cattle is said to be behind them.
In this interview, the Chairman of Hatsun Agro Products discusses the company's performance and outlook. He mentions that raw material inflation impacted margins but has started softening. While milk growth was slower due to inflation, ice cream and curd grew faster. The chairman expects a return to normal performance this year with double digit revenue growth and margins in the early teens. The company's production capacity could reach peak revenues of Rs. 8,500-8,700 crores currently and Rs. 10,000 crores with minor additional investments. The lumpy skin disease affecting cattle is said to be behind them.
In this interview, the Chairman of Hatsun Agro Products discusses the company's performance and outlook. He mentions that raw material inflation impacted margins but has started softening. While milk growth was slower due to inflation, ice cream and curd grew faster. The chairman expects a return to normal performance this year with double digit revenue growth and margins in the early teens. The company's production capacity could reach peak revenues of Rs. 8,500-8,700 crores currently and Rs. 10,000 crores with minor additional investments. The lumpy skin disease affecting cattle is said to be behind them.
to CNBC TV18 on 11th May, 2023, two days after the Meeting of the Board of Directors held on 09th May, 2023
Duration CNBC TV18 Mr. R G Chandramogan
Slot 1 The next management with us Rupa See..Raw material inflation has been Hatsun Agro with us… Yes.. very high in the last 2 years. But it absolutely. So, Lets straightaway gets has started softening from the month to it. Ah..The next something that we of April.. So April end we are back are chatting with the…Hatsun’s to normal,. And the commodity margins were hit by dairy inflation. prices are comparatively coming The Company’s gross margin has down in April.. about 3-4%. So, it come down to a 24 quarter low.. R G gives an indication that the inflation, Chandramogan, Chairman of Hatsun the top of the inflation we have Agro is with us. Now Mr already seen and the price correction Chandramogan good morning. whatever we have to do we have Thanks very much for joining in…So done it. So, going forward, we Lets get the big elephant in the room expect a normal year similar to prior all the way. This inflation that we to Covid. Covid 2 years and have seen in milk price.. I think it subsequent to covid it was inflation impacted your gross margins to.. and other things greatly hit. . we are almost 300 odd basis points. Ah… back to normal..hopefully, this year What’s happening now in the first we will be. quarter.. milk prices…ah….have started cooling off and what is the outlook you can give us on the margins given the trend in raw material inflation. Slot 2 So..ah…. your gross margins were Normally it should be 3% more about 27%..what will they be....I compared to mean.. when you say, you projecting a normal…sorry..compared to the last normal year like pre covid where will year. Because, things are getting they be fine.. FY 24 sir? better. Slot 3 So, about…ah…about 30% gross We can look at. margins. Slot 4 Okay. So that …that explains the the See..the.. because of milk inflation, margin picture and you know…the there is some slowdown on the EBIDTA level you should be better growth of Milk. Milk is growing at off..ah..lets talk about the top line a comparatively lesser pace. But,Ice demand, volumes..ah.. what are the Cream and curd is growing trends that you are seeing in to the first comparatively much better and quarter….ah… you know..kicked faster. So, overall probably ..we will off this year and what’s the be able to grow ….say.. combined expectation on volume growth?? effort, better than last year. But, Probably, it is too early to predict the whole year… because.just now only we are getting out of the shocks of inflation and other things. So, market has to pull up and settle. Slot 5, may be just the first quarter Q4 probably,, the volumes have figure give us some sense on.. on been comparatively stagnant we can volumes..ah.. to what extent, the say. But, Q1 of this year, probably volumes impacted in Q4 on on Milk volumes are stepping up . But, we specifically on your overall total are only in the middle of it. And volumes and what do you envisage things are improving. Normally, lets say for Q1 of the first half of the once you are adjusting the price for year ? inflation and increasing the price, market will take about a month to settle down and then start giving a small increase. So, all these corrections have been done in the fourth quarter and we are now set with the first quarter of the year. So, this first quarter probably, slowly we are coming out of all the problems and the inflation is behind us. inflation is not hitting us any more and inflation can deflate a little over a period of june…july..coming months Slot 6 Okay..Alright. Sir, You could just Probably I don’t want to say give us some more colour you know.. anything right now. Because, we are it is difficult year.. because, things are only on the recovery track probably shaping up… there is a recovery in I will have a better conviction by sight? But What kind of a top line june end. But, definitely things are growth you are unable to give us. But improving that I can say. at least, we can assume double digits? Double digit growth is definitely positive in terms of revenues and in terms of margins early teens are possible 12-13% that is gettable? Slot 7 Ok… So, We will take the See. You said the double digit improvement as of now and atleast, minimum double digit… double digit growth is what you are working with. Now, in the last 4 years, your gross block has see has gone up ..because you have incurred some Coming this year, probably, the peak Capex. I think, close to 1500 to 2000 revenue potential is something like Crores approximately. I want to 8500 to 8700.. understand from these revenues you are delivering of around 7500 Crores. Current investment, we can go up to What is the potential the peak revenue10000 crores with minor balancing potential because you haveinvestment. Minor balancing undertaken some Capex? investment may be required. But, the main components are capable of No… I asked the… yeah…peak… delivering 10000 Crores revenue. peak potentials… peak potential.. not what you are doing currently…but at optimum levels, given the kind of capex that you have done… in the next few years… I mean what could be the peak revenue potential?
Ok. Alright. Not.. Not for just this
year sir.. Going by the current investment that you have made, ah..without incurring too much of capex, can you go to 10000 crores.. can you go to 11000 crores in terms of potential? Slot 8 Oh god. Ok. There is the capability As we are just coming out of what not what you are saying you will inflation, it is too early to commit. do.. but, the… the…what you can do But, we are on the track and we are with the existing with some looking forward. investments infused. Ofcourse, Yes.. Slot 9 Yes.. No.. I just want to clarify that No. It is a history. No more the ah.. sir, ah… this lumpy skin problem is existing and probably, we disease..ah… how is.. yeah, we are have come out of all that seeing the back of it now or that is going to continue to be a factor in FY 24 as well. Slot 10 Okay. So all behind. And you said Needs Correction. But, Probably it that… compared.. in milk you are has also started recovering So, we saying there is a bit of a slow down… are only on the transition as of now. Is it? milk demand.. as compared to But, the transition is faster. other products like ice cream etc.,. Slot 11 Hmm…Okay. Alright Sir.. You could See the private companies probably give us few more details… they had their own issues compared know, you are trying to go to .. non to them. That’s a different market south geographies.. and I think.. you and this is a different market. We are targeting closer on 20%. Could are all you see.. risk Capital. And you tell us.. ah… what.. what is the Cooperatives have got certain near term contribution that you are advantages of using government looking at from non south… and also, help and infrastructure and other had an other question… I am looking things.. say.. certain unions they at Amul.. you know.. obviously very have the advantage of using the different market.. but the growth in subsidy… certain unions they have comparison to FY 20 has been far the advantage of using certain other superior. How come that is benefits. We didn’t have those happening? benefits. As a company, we continue to grow and last 2 years, we have been heavily investing keeping the future in mind. And our Capex has been done at a right time when the capex was comparatively less for the capacity what we have built. going forward, but we don’t want the comparible. Slot 12 Ah.. That Mr Chandramogan Thank you very much for detailing all the… you know… the various aspects at plane at the business time around really appreciate you to joining us on the show.