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HEALTH POLICY AND PLANNING; 15(3): 338–345 © Oxford University Press 2000
A stakeholder analysis
1Health Policy Advisor, National Health Insurance Fund, Budapest, Hungary and 2Senior Lecturer in Public Health,
This paper provides guidance on how to do a stakeholder analysis, whether the aim is to conduct a policy
analysis, predict policy development, implement a specific policy or project, or obtain an organizational
advantage in one’s dealings with other stakeholders. Using lessons learned from an analysis of alcohol policy
development in Hungary, it outlines issues to be considered before undertaking the stakeholder analysis con-
cerning the purpose and time dimensions of interest, the time-frame and the context in which the analysis
will be conducted. It outlines advantages and disadvantages of an individual or team approach, and of the
use of insiders and outsiders for the analysis. It describes how to identify and approach stakeholders and
considers the use of qualitative or quantitative data collection methods for estimating stakeholder positions,
levels of interest and influence around an issue. A key message is that the process of data collection and
analysis needs to be iterative; the analyst needs to revise and deepen earlier levels of the analysis, as new
data are obtained. Different examples of ways of analyzing, presenting and illustrating the information are
provided. Stakeholder analysis is a useful tool for managing stakeholders and identifying opportunities to
mobilize their support for a particular goal. However, various biases and uncertainties necessitate a cautious
approach in using it and applying its results.
Figure 1. Time focus of a stakeholder analysis (past, present or future) by key dimensions to be considered in conducting the analysis
wide range of actors needs to be considered, especially where organizational environment (see Stakeholder analysis: a review
the policy context is complex and there is no clearly defined for examples, this issue).
policy direction. A study of alcohol policy in Hungary (Var-
vasovszky 1998), to assess the feasibility of different policy In project management, stakeholder analysis is used to
options, revealed almost 30 different stakeholder groups increase the chances of project success through informing
which had an interest in, or would be affected by, such a their design, preparation and implementation; or as part of an
policy. The complexity of the policy field meant that the evaluation, during or after project completion. Organiz-
analysis had to be deepened and extended, necessitating ational wellbeing is of less importance than in health manage-
many months of data collection and analysis. It also necessi- ment, in that project personnel come together in a temporary
tated a greater reliance on qualitative approaches to data alliance which focuses on, and is time-bound by, the life of the
collection. Figure 1 identifies different dimensions to be con- project. As in health management, the perspective is prospec-
sidered which will determine how one conducts the analysis. tive and pragmatic. The results of the analyses can be used to
develop project logical frames, and are useful in identifying
An analysis to assist in formulating a national health insurance assumptions on which the success or failure of project out-
policy in the Eastern Caribbean was somewhat narrower and comes depend (Nancholas 1998). A stakeholder analysis to
more goal-oriented than in the case of alcohol policy develop- facilitate project implementation is frequently a less complex
ment in Hungary (Huff-Rousselle et al. 1998). The focus can and time-consuming endeavour than when used to analyze
be narrower still when the analysis is conducted to facilitate the policies.
implementation of a specific policy, as part of a political
mapping process as described by Reich (1994). In health Depending on the aim of the analysis and the resources avail-
management, organizations use stakeholder analysis as a tool able, it may be conducted over a short period of time (e.g. a
for achieving specific operational goals, or advantages in their couple of weeks to a month, where a rapid appraisal is
dealings with other organizations, through identifying poten- sufficient). This can be the case in the planning stage of a small
tial allies and building alliances or removing threats (Blair et local project when only a limited number of stakeholders are
al. 1996a). It may be carried out to inform strategic planning involved, a brief assessment is sufficient to consider stake-
for a specific short-term objective, or as a periodically con- holder interests, and there are only one or two well-defined
ducted exercise to scan the current or predict the future questions. The time frame of the project cycle, including
14 Varvasovszky (jl/d) 25/7/00 1:43 pm Page 340
project deadlines and resource limitations, frequently deter- Ministry of Health (MOH) may be treated as a single actor in
mines the scope of the analysis. A more in-depth analysis with the case of an inter-sectoral national policy on road injuries; or
detailed assessment of stakeholder interests, positions, net- as a group of units or interest groups in developing a policy on
works and influence can take a few months. In this case the health services decentralization, where different divisions (e.g.
number of stakeholders and interests in the issue are usually hospital services, manpower, vertical disease control pro-
greater, their positions and relationships more complex, and a grammes, etc.) have different interests and concerns about the
more detailed analysis is needed for the success of the project outcome.
or policy, especially if it involves major resource and policy
implications. A longer-term and more considered analysis is
feasible in a retrospective study without an immediate prag-
matic goal; and may have more research value than a ‘quick
Analysts and analysis teams
and dirty’ analysis conducted for immediate decision-making
purposes. The analysis can be conducted by an individual, a team, or by
an individual analyst working with the support of selected key
informants and/or a supervisor. Resource and time con-
What is the context?
straints often determine which. Because judgement is critical,
Understanding the culture and context is necessary for decid- particularly as qualitative data are analyzed and quantified, a
ing how to interact with stakeholders, collect and analyze team approach can provide a more balanced analysis. A team
data. Managerial, administrative and political cultures are can compensate for and neutralize individual biases and ques-
influenced by history and cultural traditions: for example, in tion untested assumptions. It can provide a more objective, or
the United States, independence and individual initiative are at least a less individually biased, perspective of stakeholder
valued within management practice; in Japan, organizational positions and interests, and assessment of levels of resources
allegiance and specialization are highly valued (Economist and influence they can bring to bear. Single analysts can
1999). In many developing countries, especially, ethnic and ensure a more uniform approach in collecting qualitative
cultural affiliations may make demands on politicians and data, ensuring higher reliability and more internally valid
national policy makers to maintain channels of communi- cross-comparisons of data. They can also work with a support
cation, and be accessible to potentially influential individuals group (or research supervisor) to whom they present interim
and groups, which are not envisaged in the official positions conclusions and proposed next steps in the data collection
they occupy. In moving between developed and developing and analysis. This can help to reveal unjustified assumptions
country contexts, even those who have considerable trans- and potentially fruitful directions which an individual analyst
national experience may fail to notice subtle, cultural and may otherwise overlook.
interpersonal communication constraints which can affect the
success of the analysis. Therefore a wide range of key inform- Analysts can be insiders and/or outsiders, distinguishing
ants, including those who can mediate or transcend cultural between insiders who are directly involved in the project,
positions, is recommended at all stages (Ford and Sporne management question, or policy studied, and those who are
1988). They can assist in minimizing individual biases, reveal insiders to the organization or cultural context, but outsiders
different ways of interpreting information and stakeholder to the study question. Location pertains to organizational
positions, and help in developing a more comprehensive affiliation, to having a potential vested interest in the
picture. In the study of alcohol policy in Hungary, the analyst outcome of the process, or to being part of or outside of the
needed to be aware of how strong top-down control, with its culture or context where the analysis is done.
roots in the previous communist regime, had impaired the
development of initiative at lower levels and the willingness ‘Managers (insiders) can sometimes hold strong opinions
and ways in which middle level managers would participate in about stakeholders which conflict with generalised percep-
the study (Varvasovszky 1998). tions of the environment. The external analyst can play a
valuable role as an ‘independent auditor’ of those stakehold-
ers.’ (Crosby 1992)
At what level will the analysis take place?
The analysis can take place at one or more levels – local, A potential limitation of the insider, especially one with a
regional, national and international – which influences how stake in the issue, is if pre-existing relationships with (other)
one collects data and who to consider a stakeholder. A com- stakeholders influence the latters’ willingness to participate
parative analysis of pharmaceutical policy formation was con- and their responses. A strength of being a cultural insider is
ducted across three countries (Reich 1995), alcohol policy familiarity with the local modes of verbal and non-verbal
analysis in Hungary focused on the national level (Var- communication. In an analysis of alcohol policy in Hungary,
vasovszky 1998), while the analysis of decision-making in a US the author’s lack of previous involvement in the field was con-
hospital focused only on a single organization at the local level sidered an advantage, facilitating objectivity in the data col-
(McDaniel and Ashmos 1996). A local level analysis often lection and analysis, while balanced by a good understanding
means that all stakeholders can be reached and interviewed of the public health environment and context (Varvasovszky
individually. A supra-national analysis, involving inter- 1998). A mixed team of insiders and outsiders provides the
national actors, is likely to rely more on a review of policy opportunity for outsiders to draw on the contextual insights
documents, reports and existing data. The definition of who is of insiders and for insiders to gain insight into how their
a stakeholder can also vary with the level of the analysis. The assumptions may be biasing the analysis.
14 Varvasovszky (jl/d) 25/7/00 1:43 pm Page 341
Conducting the analysis important. In the study of alcohol policy in Hungary, access
was facilitated by a letter from an international research insti-
Identifying and approaching stakeholders
tution considered important in the public policy arena. This
In conducting a policy analysis, the first step is to identify the was preceded and followed by phone calls to secretaries to
different components of the policy issue or problem. Stake- explain the importance of the study and to arrange interviews
holder analysis can then be used to map the positions of the with busy, often senior officials (Varvasovszky 1998).
actors in relation to the issue, as well as to each other. Stake-
holders can be defined as actors who have an interest in the
Data collection methods and data
issue under consideration, who are affected by the issue, or
who – because of their position – have or could have an active Face-to-face interviews using checklists, semi-structured inter-
or passive influence on the decision-making and implemen- views and structured – often self-administered – question-
tation processes. They can include individuals, organizations, naires can all be used to collect data from primary sources.
different individuals within an organization, and networks of Usually these are individual respondents, though groups of
individuals and/or organizations, i.e. alliance groups. Famili- stakeholders may also be interviewed, e.g. through focus group
arity with the issue, which may rely heavily on an initial or informal group discussions. Secondary sources include pub-
review of secondary sources (literature, reports, etc.) where lished and unpublished documents, reports, policy statements,
the focus is on the national or supra-national level, con- internal regulations of organizations, etc. Interviews provide
tributes to building an initial list of stakeholders. opportunities to access additional secondary sources, e.g.
internal documents not obtained in the initial literature search.
In analyzing national policies to reduce the burden of alcohol- Semi-structured interviews can help structure data collection
related problems, Varvasovszky (1998) considered the differ- while keeping the focus sufficiently broad to allow for hidden
ent possible components of a control programme: alcohol or emerging themes. When analyzing complex issues, especi-
production, availability, price regulation, minimum drinking ally for policy analysis, qualitative approaches are essential so
age, drink-driving regulations, advertising, primary preven- as to preclude premature focusing on a limited number of
tion campaigns, and treatment and care. The different com- aspects of the issue, to the neglect of others which may emerge
ponents helped identify relevant national organizations and during the process of data collection and analysis. There is a
individuals. In policy analysis, especially where the issues are wealth of literature on qualitative data collection methods
complex or involve a range of national and international which this paper does not attempt to review.
actors, the identification of stakeholders is often a protracted
and iterative process. Unlike in the more stable context of US As the issues and positions of the key stakeholders emerge,
health management or in a circumscribed local development particularly around how to move forward in developing a
project, important actors may emerge at a late stage. There- policy or implementing a project, more structured tools, e.g.
fore, in the Hungary study a ‘snowball technique’ was used Delphi methods, can assist in more reliably quantifying stake-
whereby, at the end of each interview, respondents were asked holder positions and levels of stakeholder support or opposi-
to identify all other important stakeholders who had, or could tion. When used as an organizational management tool, where
have, considerable influence in the alcohol policy arena (Var- all the important stakeholders are believed to be known and
vasovszky 1998). In this way, a comprehensive list of almost 30 issues have been defined and agreed by the stakeholders early
separate stakeholders (organizations or individuals) was com- on – or the analysis is around a pre-determined direction such
piled. In stable contexts where the issues are clearly defined as the implementation of a defined policy or project – the stage
and circumscribed, most of the relevant stakeholders may be of qualitative interviewing may be curtailed early on, or even
visible and, as in the US health management field, the analyst dispensed with altogether (Blair et al. 1996b). However, the
may move quickly to deciding who is important and to ascer- premature use of quantitative tools may lead to the neglect of
taining their opinions on how much importance to give to important issues. This is a bigger danger where a broader, less
other stakeholders. Premature focusing down on a limited focused analysis is needed, as in an historical analysis of a
number of stakeholders can have pitfalls, through omitting complex policy process or, perhaps even more importantly, in
important ones (see Stakeholder analysis: a review, this issue). charting future policy directions and developments. The prin-
cipal objective at the beginning is to identify the issues and
Gaining access to interview stakeholders can depend on how actors, generating rather than testing a range of hypotheses;
the approach is made, how potential respondents perceive the careful judgement is needed to avoid premature assumptions
remit and status of the interviewer, and their interest in the on subsequent directions for the analysis. Approaching stake-
issue. An introductory letter, phone call or other intervention holders with too narrow or tight a focus may prematurely
from a powerful stakeholder may facilitate access but may determine which issues and questions are important, and
also colour the perceptions of the potential respondent. It where levels of consensus or disagreement need to be estab-
may influence and bias responses, especially if the introduc- lished. Too broad or loose a focus may allow the process to
tion is from a stakeholder with a potential interest or advan- become chaotic; stakeholders may see no overall aim or justifi-
tage to be gained from the issue, or where there is cation for involvement and giving time to the process, and may
organizational interdependence or competition. This can also lose or make no commitment to it.
be the case where the interviewer has a contractual relation-
ship with, or is a member of, a stakeholder organization. An A pair of interviewers can facilitate contemporaneous note-
independent researcher is more likely to be viewed as a taking and are particularly useful where there is more than one
neutral player, but may not be perceived as being sufficiently respondent. They can help in picking up important non-verbal
14 Varvasovszky (jl/d) 25/7/00 1:43 pm Page 342
clues and interactions. However, a single respondent may feel can be a more reliable way of obtaining stakeholder assess-
intimidated or inhibited by the absence of a one-to-one ments, and in making cross-comparisons of scores. However,
balance. The tape-recording of responses may be negotiated at the analyst needs to evaluate their validity because of the
the beginning, depending on the culture, the position of the limitations of these tools and the potential for ascertainment
respondent within the organization, and the sensitivity of the bias (see Limitations). Tools are only as good as the people
issue. Reaching agreement around issues of anonymity, attri- who use them. Assessments of levels of influence, support or
bution of opinions and how the information can be used is opposition to how a policy position was reached or directions
advisable. However, this may be postponed till the end of the for moving forward are provisional and may need to be
interview when a measure of trust and openness has been revised at later stages. Explicit criteria for making such assess-
established. As stakeholder organizations are approached and ments can assist in reducing research biases.
interviewed sequentially, a more complete and potentially
more complex picture emerges. Interview checklists may need Feedback of summaries of discussions to the stakeholder
to be supplemented and earlier stakeholders revisited to respondents may help to build trust and enable them to
clarify earlier answers or raise new questions. Because of the correct inaccurate reporting, give more considered responses,
complexity of the issue and the cultural context, the analysis of or qualify earlier responses. These considered responses can
alcohol policy in Hungary relied mainly on qualitative data, help to clarify stakeholder positions around the more sensi-
collected through semi-structured face-to-face interviews, with tive and potentially contentious aspects of an issue. Feedback,
contemporaneous note-taking. however, is not always beneficial as it may influence and alter
the stakeholder’s position, reducing the utility of the analysis.
Feedback of outputs may also be inappropriate if the stake-
Organizing and analyzing data
holders are in a position to influence or control the outcome
As data collection progresses, interim outputs such as matrix of the analysis, where a preliminary assessment is not
tables or maps are constructed to quantify stakeholder inter- favourable to them. The usefulness also depends on the
ests in an issue, the resources and/or influence they can bring intended audience and how the results will be utilized,
to bear, their support or opposition to moving in particular whether it is intended for a single client, the academic com-
directions; and, depending on the aim of the analysis, what munity or a broader audience. Data collection and analysis
level of importance to give to each (see Table 1). The analy- are iterative processes: they entail a process of continuously
sis team needs to take stock, and the individual analyst to look extending and deepening the analysis until all important
for support and feedback from neutral informants or ad- stakeholders have been identified, their positions and
visors, to determine when this stage has been reached. Struc- relationships mapped, and their actual or potential influences
tured tools such as Delphi questionnaires, visual analogue or – and how these will be utilized – have been assessed.
ordinal scales, and lickert scales or preferential ranking may
be used to elicit additional data, e.g. by revisiting stakehold-
Presenting findings (outputs)
ers interviewed earlier. Alternatively, the analyst or team
may make these judgements and scores, based on the primary The literature includes many examples of matrices, charts,
and secondary sources of data collected. Quantitative tools position maps, network maps and other figures for presenting
Table 1. Stakeholder characteristics around the development of a comprehensive national alcohol policy
Stakeholders Characteristics
Involvement in the issue Interest in Influence Position Impact of
the issue /power issue on actor
National Public National centre of public health with Low-medium Medium Non-mobilized Low-medium
Health Institute strong support from MOH,
(NPHI) alcohol has been a neglected public
health issues, although now included
in a new strategic plan
Transport and Road Faced with alcohol problems in Medium Medium-high Supportive Medium
Safety Division of everyday practice; has not articulated
the Police (TRSDP) specific policies around alcohol
Association of Spirit Has a market interest in maximizing Low High Opposed High
Producers (ASP) alcohol sales; is worried about
decreasing market share; currently is
an influential lobby group
14 Varvasovszky (jl/d) 25/7/00 1:43 pm Page 343
data (see for example: Reich 1994; ODA 1995; Blair et al. The prediction is that the National Public Health Institution
1996b). Some examples are given below. (NPHI) would become more influential and would move
from being non-mobilized to being supportive. This is
Tables or matrices can illustrate characteristics – interest in the because Parliament had delegated to it the task of developing
issue, importance each gives to the issue, positions adopted, strategies for reducing national alcohol consumption; finan-
and influence – for each stakeholder (see Table 1). Where the cial resources had been allocated for this purpose; and
potential for, and direction of, a national alcohol policy in because of the forthcoming appointment of a new director
Hungary was being explored, the characteristics of four who had good personal relations with those in government.
important stakeholders are illustrated: two had a designated The Transport and Road Safety Division of the Police
interest in public health issues, one in another sector with an (TRSDP) would remain supportive but less so because its
interest in the health and safety issues pertaining to such a attention was shifting towards the control of illicit drug use,
policy, and one had a commercial interest in alcohol produc- reducing its interest and support for an alcohol policy.
tion. On the basis of the characteristics of each stakeholder and However, its influence was also likely to reduce as it would no
the aim of the analysis, the analyst – or analyst’s client – could longer be a member of an influential parliamentary commit-
then decide how much attention to give to each stakeholder. tee. The National Institute for Alcohol (NIA) would remain
Outputs, such as tables and position maps, are provisional; strongly supportive but would continue to have little influ-
they need to be revised and updated as new data are collected, ence on deciding the future direction of a national alcohol
the characteristics of stakeholders re-assessed, and the analy- policy. Figure 2 is a way of illustrating shifts in power and the
sis refined. Maps and other ways of displaying data are both an levels of support of key stakeholders in an historical analysis
output and an aid to the analysis and organization of data so as of how a policy has evolved (Shretta 1999). It can assist the
to produce useful information. They can be used, depending strategist, e.g. the manager or policy maker, in assessing how
on the purpose of the analysis, both as tools for understanding effective strategies have been in managing stakeholders; and
and for influencing future directions and decision making. A in advising on how to manage the future strategically. Repeat-
limitation, where there is a large number of stakeholders, is ing the analysis at a later stage in the process can demonstrate
that maps and figures can become too complex and cluttered. to what extent the strategists managed to shift influential
stakeholders towards supporting the project or policy direc-
Figure 2 is a forcefield illustration which shows how two key tion; and, where some stakeholders have remained opposed,
characteristics of stakeholders – levels of influence and support how effectively their influence has been reduced.
– for the development of an alcohol policy could shift over
time. It predicts likely changes in influence and support, based Stakeholder analysis considers not only the characteristics of
on recent policy decisions; it also identifies opportunities for stakeholders with regard to the issue of interest, whether it be
developing a more coherent public health policy around around a policy, project or organizational objective. It can
alcohol. The Association of Spirit Producers (ASP) was likely also be used to illustrate existing organizational relationships
to become less influential in the policy arena because its most and predict – or help develop – stakeholder alliances. Where
prominent leader, a member of parliament, had a serious there is a short-term pragmatic goal, e.g. implementation of a
illness and his avenues for lobbying political leaders and policy specific policy or project, the identification and assessments of
makers were being cut-off. Reduced influence and a change in the nature and strengths of these relationships can assist in
leadership might provide an opportunity for the policy strate- developing strategies for managing the stakeholders. Reich
gist to lessen the ASP’s opposition to such a policy. (1994) and others use network maps of stakeholder positions,
Figure 2. Forcefield matrix showing predicted changes in stakeholder positions and influence regarding a national alcohol policy
14 Varvasovszky (jl/d) 25/7/00 1:43 pm Page 344
showing internal, interface and external stakeholders in con- and what resources are available for implementation. The
centric circles, to illustrate influence, potential influence and final report often remains an internal working document of
conflictual relationships between them. those doing the planning. The ultimate aim is successful
implementation, for which strategies to handle stakeholders
with strong opposition to the project or policy but high influ-
Using the findings
ence in the policy arena are crucial. Attention must also be
Stakeholder analysis has been used as a management and stra- given to those with considerable resources but neutral pos-
tegic tool for identifying the optimal strategies for managing itions, and to how these resources can be mobilized. A clear
other stakeholders, identifying current and future oppor- strategic alliance is needed with those who have both inter-
tunities and threats and how best to handle them (Blair and est in the policy or project and also considerable influence in
Fottler 1990). The optimal fit is about how much and what kind the policy arena. If the analysis is used for evaluation, results
of attention to pay to other stakeholders. From the manager’s more often become public. If the aim is to improve per-
perspective, the optimal fit is determined by the potential formance, a careful balance of what aspects of the analysis
threat of others to, and potential for cooperation with, one’s are made public, and what should remain internal infor-
own organization. The optimal fits are to collaborate with mation, is required. This is of particular importance in a
‘mixed-blessing’ stakeholders, i.e. those which combine ele- context where constructive open criticism is not a coherent
ments of support and non-support and offer high potential for part of the policy and decision making culture.
cooperation and are also a potential threat; involve supportive
ones; defend against non-supportive ones, i.e. those who rep-
Limitations, validity and reliability of the analysis
resent a high threat and low potential for cooperation; and to
monitor marginal stakeholders who represent low threat and The analysis provides snapshots of what may be a rapidly
low potential for cooperation (Blair et al. 1996b). In the US changing context, where positions and influence are subject to
health management field, collaboration may entail the need change from internal events, external events and possibly the
for highly detailed contracts, specifying duties and expec- stakeholder analysis process itself. An in-depth analysis seeks
tations, and less trust in inter-organizational dealings. Figure 3, to add value through obtaining and analyzing stakeholders’
from Blair et al. (1996b), shows the consequences of finding or current perceptions of the historical processes which have led
not finding the optimal fit. Sub-optimal fits include missed to the present. Recall and perceptions of these processes are
opportunities, mainly through failing to involve supportive influenced and coloured by the events in the intervening
stakeholders; placing one’s organization at risk, through failing period, and by current positions and interests. Both strengths
to defend against non-supportive ones; and wasted energy and limitations of the tool, as explained in the Conclusion of
through paying too much attention to marginal ones. Stakeholder analysis, a review (this issue), lie in it being cross-
Similar strategic questions arise when a project or policy is
implemented. If the analysis is undertaken in the planning The environment, the context of the analysis, stakeholder
stage, the aim is to get a comprehensive picture of the interests, positions, alliances and influence change over time.
environment, stakeholder interests, their likely influence, The political context of policy-making is frequently unstable,
especially in many developing countries, and can be subject to Blair JD, Fottler MD, Whitehead CJ. 1996a. Diagnosing the stake-
sudden, unexpected transformations. Therefore, if the time- holder bottom line for medical group practices. Key stakehold-
frame of a prospective analysis is too long or study results are ers’ potential to threaten and/or cooperate. Medical Group
Management Journal 43(2): 40, 42–8, 50–1.
not applied in a relatively short period of time, especially in Blair JD, Rock TT, Rotarius TM, Fottler MD, Bosse GC, Driskill
complex and unstable settings, the relevance of the analysis for JM. 1996b. The problematic fit of diagnosis and strategy for
informing stakeholders on how to manage the future decreases medical group stakeholders–including IDS/Ns. Health Care
rapidly. However, its utility for policy research can be in Management Review 21(1): 7–28.
demonstrating, through an historical analysis, the importance Brugha R, Varvasovszky Z. 2000. Stakeholder analysis: a review.
of an unstable or unpredictable political context; and the Health Policy and Planning 15: 239–46.
Crosby B. 1992. Stakeholder analysis: A vital tool for strategic man-
potential of individuals who achieve positions of national
agers. Washington DC: USAID.
power to radically change the policy landscape, where major Economist. 1999. The good (and bad) model guide. The Economist
international stakeholders have invested years of effort to (April 10th): 68.
influence the policy process (Glassman et al. 1999). Ford N, Sporne C. 1988. Survey interviewing and key informant inter-
viewing. Exeter: Institution of Population Studies, University of
Additional caveats need to be considered in conducting an Exeter.
analysis. In attempting to interpret responses, both for Glassman A, Reich M, Laserson K, Rojas F. 1999. Political analysis
of health reform in the Dominican Republic. Health Policy and
meaning and validity, the analysis needs to consider: the pos- Planning 14: 115–26.
ition of a respondent in an organization, and how stable or Huff-Rousselle M, Lalta S, Fiedler J. 1998. Health financing policy
provisional that position may be; that responses reflect indi- formulation in the Eastern Caribbean. International Journal of
vidual views which may contradict or run counter to those of Health Planning and Management 13(2): 149–63.
the organization; and the degree to which a stakeholder has Lindenberg M, Crosby B. 1981. Managing development: The political
implicit or covert positions on an issue which are not revealed dimension. Hartford, CT: Kumarian Press.
McDaniel RR, Ashmos DP. 1996. Internal stakeholder group par-
to the analyst. In situations where salary levels are low, pos- ticipation in hospital strategic decision-making: making struc-
itions of employment are temporary and organizational ture fit the moment. Journal of Health and Human Services
allegiances are uncertain, individual needs are frequently met Administration 18(3): 304–27.
in complex ways. A stakeholder may express support for a Nancholas S. 1998. How to do (or not to do) ... a logical framework.
policy or project while covertly opposing and obstructing it. Health Policy and Planning 13: 189–93.
The validity and reliability of responses may be difficult or ODA. 1995. Guidance note on how to do a stakeholder analysis of aid
projects and programmes. London: Overseas Development
impossible to establish with any certainty, though they may
become more evident as the process of data collection and Palmer J. 1998. Prioritization in community health planning: Com-
analysis develops. Because of the inherent dynamic of the bining methods to achieve implementable priorities. Journal of
policy making process, as the position of one major player Health and Human Services Administration 21(1): 109–34.
changes, others’ positions are also likely to change. PHR. 1998. Interest mapping for MoH reform in Ecuador. Bethesda,
MD: Partnerships for Health Reform, Abt Associates Inc.
Finally, the role and possible impact of analysts on the policy Reich M. 1994. Political mapping of health policy; a guide for man-
aging the political dimension of health policy. Boston, MA:
process need to be considered, especially where the focus is Harvard School of Public Health.
on mapping the future policy direction. Analysts bring to the Shretta R. 1999. The Goodwill Pill, policies and politics of drug
analysis their own values, perspectives and understanding of donations: malarone – a case study. MSc thesis, London School
the policy issue, which are essential to developing new of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. London: University of
insights into the process. In implementing a project or policy, London.
analysts frequently are stakeholders themselves, or are acting Varvasovszky Z. 1998. Alcohol policy in Hungary. London School of
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. London: University of London.
on behalf of a stakeholder client. Policy researchers, in ana-
lyzing policy directions, may start with an aim, e.g. to assist in
developing public health promoting policies. During the Biographies
analysis they may develop a clearer picture and have an inter-
Zsuzsa Varvasovszky is a health policy advisor at the National
est in seeing particular policies emerge which have the best
Health Insurance Fund in Hungary, with a background in public
chance of achieving this aim. Increasingly, thereby, they health and policy research. Her current interests are in health care
become stakeholders. Epidemiologists are particularly con- policy and management issues particularly in countries with unset-
cerned about minimizing ascertainment biases and about the tled policy environment.
Hawthorne effect, whereby they change what they are study-
ing. Policy researchers, throughout the process of data collec- Ruairí Brugha is a Senior Lecturer in International Public Health,
tion and analysis, need to give careful consideration to their with a background in clinical work, public health practice and
research in Africa and Asia. His current research interests are in the
role and impact on the process; and, when stakeholder analy- public health role and potential of private for-profit health care pro-
sis is used to predict and influence the future, where to find viders in developing countries; and in policy and health systems
the balance between being analysts and being agents for posi- research.
tive change in the public health policy-making process.
Correspondence: Zsuzsa Varvasovszky, MD, Ph.D., Health Policy
Advisor, National Health Insurance Fund, 1137 Budapest, Váci út
References 70/a, Hungary. Email: [email protected]
Blair JD, Fottler MD. 1990. Challenges in Health Care Management: Ruairí Brugha, MB, MD, Senior Lecturer in Public Health, London
Strategic Perspectives for Managing Key Stakeholders. San Fran- School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, London,
cisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. WC1E 7HT, UK. Email: [email protected]