Branch Chairman
Dear Students,
It gives me immense pleasure in connecting with all of you and in witnessing with great joy,
the blossoming of brilliant young minds with the passage of time. In our branch, we are
arranging different programmes,industrial visits,seminars,study circles etc for our students.
You all must take benefit of the various programmes & facilities that our branch is providing
to you not only to gain knowledge but to also develop yourself as a true professional. I request
students to participate in different activities of EICASA and send suggestions for
improvement. It enables you to learn practical aspects of our profession. Our programs are
designed to address all major challenges faced during examinations ,articleship & professional
excellence. I am happy to learn that, our EICASA has arranged Indoor games for the benefit of
our students. At EICASA it is always be a great opportunity to learn, get motivated and to
network with students from different locations.
It is my pleasure to communicate through this Newsletter of EICASA Bhubaneswar Branch of EIRC of ICAI.
Education plays a vital role in building future of a person vis-à-vis nation building. Choice of an institute of
repute and right subject play an important role in the career of a student. This Branch is committed to provide
quality education in building the future of today’s youth. In the era of globalization, working environment has
become highly competitive and challenging. Instead of interacting materialism through only IT Training, OP
Training, Advanced IT Training, Advanced MCS training and Coaching class for CA students. EICASA
Bhubaneswar motivates students to take part in debates, quiz, seminars, CA festival, sports i.e. indoor-
outdoor games facilities etc., The EICASA Bhubaneswar Branch has play a vital role for coordinating Campus
Placement for CA Final Students twice in a year.
All this purpose to make the students ready to face the competition and challenges in life.
I hope, wish and pray to god for all candidates of CA – Intermediate & Final Examination held in May 2023. I
am sure that once again a good result would show a strong and firmness of our students while attempting the
I invite the students at large to associate with our Branch Activities and contribute articles for the monthly
newsletter and stay updated about the EICASA Bhubaneswar Branch Activities.
Expenditure incurred in connection
with the transfer of a virtual digital
Kumari Nilam Saha asset;
(ERO0245022) Cost of improvement relating to a
virtual digital asset;
Indexation of cost of acquisition of a
virtual digital asset;
Exemption under Section 54F
Let’s start with basics. What is a Virtual
Tax rate applicable
Digital Asset (VDA)? As per Section 2(47A) of
As per Section 115BBH (1), the income arising
Income Tax Act, 1961, unless the context
from the transfer of virtual digital assets
otherwise requires, the term Virtual Digital
shall be taxed at the rate of 30%. Thus,
Asset (VDA) means,
short-term and long-term capital gains both
any information or code or number or
shall be taxed at a flat rate of 30%. Further,
token (not being Indian currency or
no deduction under Chapter VI-A or an
foreign currency), generated through
exemption under Section 54F shall be
cryptographic means or otherwise, by
allowed from such capital gains. However,
whatever name called, providing a digital
relief under Section 87A can be claimed.
representation of value exchanged with
Income from other sources
or without consideration, with the
As per section 56(2)(x), the deemed income
promise or representation of having
under this provision can arise from the
inherent value, or functions as a store of
following transactions:
value or a unit of account including its use
Where any property is received without
in any financial transaction or
consideration and the aggregate fair
investment, but not limited to investment
market value of which exceeds Rs.
scheme; and can be transferred, stored or
50,000, the whole of the aggregate fair
traded electronically;
market value of such property will be
a non-fungible token or any other token
chargeable to tax.
of similar nature, by whatever name
Where any property is received for a
consideration that is less than the
any other digital asset, as the Central
aggregate fair market value of the
Government may, by notification in the
property by an amount exceeding Rs.
Official Gazette specify.In simple words,
50,000, the difference between fair
the virtual digital asset shall mean a
market value and consideration is
cryptocurrency, NFT or another virtual
chargeable to tax.
digital asset as notified by the Central
In both the situations, the limit of Rs. 50,000
Govt. It will not cover subscriptions to
shall be checked for every transaction and
any OTT platform, mobile applications, e-
not in aggregate of all transactions.
commerce platforms, etc.
The Finance Bill, 2022 included virtual digital The value of the benefit arising under this
assets within the scope of movable assets. provision shall be taxed at the rate
Thus, section 56(2)(x) shall apply to the applicable to the assessee. Such income shall
following properties: not be taxed at 30% under Section 115BBH
Shares and securities; because it does not arise due to the transfer
Jewellery; of a virtual digital asset. However, when the
Archaeological collections; recipient further transfers such assets, the
Drawings; resultant gains shall be taxable under
Paintings; Section 115BBH.
Sculptures; Set off and carry forward
Any work of art; Section 115BBH(2)(b) provides that no set-off
Bullion; and of loss from the transfer of the VDA
Virtual Digital Assets. computed shall be allowed against income
Thus, if a person receives a virtual digital computed under any other provision of this
asset without consideration (gift) or for Act to the assessee, and such loss shall not
inadequate consideration and the value of be allowed to be carried forward to
such benefit exceeds Rs. 50,000, it shall be succeeding assessment years.
taxable in the hands of the recipient under However, the losses from one virtual digital
Section 56(2)(x) as income from other sources. asset should be allowed to be set-off from
The fair market value of the virtual digital the gains from another virtual digital asset.
asset for taxability under Section 56(2)(x) shall Section 115BBH(2)(b) prohibits set-off the
be determined in accordance with Rule 11UA. losses from virtual digital assets as
i.e., computed under Section 115BBH(1)(a)
1. If purchased from registered dealer- The against income computed under any other
invoice value of such asset shall be its fair provision of this Act. As capital gains from
market value. the transfer of any other assets are
2. 1)If received in other mode- The fair computed and taxed under other provisions,
market value of such asset shall be while as the income from sale of all virtual
estimated to be the price that it would assets are computed under Section 115BBH,
fetch if sold in the open market on the such set-off of loss from one virtual asset
valuation date. If the value of such asset against income from another virtual asset
exceeds Rs. 50,000, then the assessee may shall be allowed.
obtain the report of the registered valuer For example, the short-term capital loss
in respect of the price it would fetch if from the sale of a cryptocurrency cannot be
sold in the open market on the valuation set-off against the short-term capital gains
date. from the sale of listed shares. Similarly, the
long-term capital loss from the sale of NFTs
cannot be set-off against the long-term
capital gains from the sale of mutual funds.
Kumari Nilam Saha
However, short-term capital loss arising from Where consideration is partly in cash
the transfer of Ethereum (cryptocurrency) and partly in kind, but the part in cash is
can be set-off against short-term capital gains not sufficient to meet the liability of
arising from the transfer of bitcoin or an NFT. deduction of tax in respect of whole of
such transfer.
Deduction of Tax at Source [Section 194S] However, no tax shall be deducted under
The provisions of section 194S is applicable this provision in the following
from 01-07-2022. As per section 194S, any circumstances:
person responsible for paying any sum by 1. Consideration is below Rs. 10,000- No
way of consideration for the transfer of a tax shall be deducted under this
virtual digital asset is required to deduct tax provision if the consideration is payable
at source. Tax is required to be deducted by any person (other than a specified
under this provision if the amount is payable person mentioned in point 2) and its
to a resident person. Tax is required to be aggregate value does not exceed Rs.
deducted at the rate of 1% of the 10,000 during the financial year.
consideration. The rate shall not be further 2. Consideration is below Rs. 50,000- No
increased by Surcharge and Health & tax shall be deducted under this
Education Cess. However, If the deductee provision if the consideration is payable
does not furnish his PAN to the deductor, the by the following specified persons and
tax shall be deducted at the rate of 20% as its aggregate value does not exceed Rs.
prescribed under Section 206AA. 50,000 during the financial year:
The tax shall be deducted at the time of An individual or a HUF who does not
payment by any mode or at the time of credit have any income under the head profits
of such sum to the account of the resident, and gains of business or profession.
whichever is earlier. An individual or a HUF, whose total
Tax is required to be deducted from the gross sales, gross receipts or turnover does
amount of consideration paid to the resident not exceed Rs. 1 crore in case of business
person for the transfer of virtual digital or Rs. 50 lakh in case of a profession,
assets. However, in the following cases, during the financial year immediately
before releasing the consideration, the person preceding the financial year in which
responsible shall ensure that tax has been such virtual digital asset is transferred;
paid in respect of such consideration for the Where a transaction is subject to TDS under
transfer of virtual digital asset: section 194-O and section 194S, tax shall be
Where consideration is wholly in kind; deducted under section 194S. Further, a
Where a transaction is in exchange for transaction in respect of which tax has been
another virtual digital asset, and there is deducted under this provision, no tax shall
no part in cash; or be deducted or collected under any other
Disclaimer of Opinion:
The auditor shall disclaim an opinion when A statement that the auditor’s
the auditor is unable to obtain sufficient responsibility is to conduct an audit
appropriate audit evidence on which to of the entity’s financial statements in
base the audit opinion, and the auditor accordance with the Standards on
concludes that the possible effects on the Auditing and to issue an auditor’s
financial statements of undetected report;
misstatements could be both material and A statement that, however, because of
pervasive. the matters described in the Basis for
Disclaimer of Opinion section, the
When the auditor modifies the opinion on auditor is unable to obtain sufficient
the financial statements, the auditor appropriate audit evidence to provide
shall, in addition to the specific elements a basis for an audit opinion on the
required by SA 700: financial statements; and
Amend the heading “Basis for Opinion”
to “Basis for Qualified Opinion”, “Basis The statement about auditor
for Adverse Opinion” or “Basis for independence and other ethical
Disclaimer of Opinion” as appropriate; responsibilities.
Within this section, include a The auditor shall communicate the
description of the matter giving rise to matters with those charged with
the modification. governance that led to the expected
When the auditor disclaims an opinion on modification and the wording of the
the financial statements due to an modification.
inability to obtain sufficient appropriate
audit evidence, the auditor shall
amend the description of the auditor’s
responsibilities required by SA 700 to
include the following:
Harapriya Pati
Priya Chapalachhanda
Q1) If a giraffe has two eyes, a monkey
has two eyes, and an elephant has two
eyes, how many eyes do we have?
A) 3 B) 4
C) 1 D) 2
A) 062
B) 602
C) 042
D) 204