STEM Part 4: Architecture
STEM Part 4: Architecture
STEM Part 4: Architecture
6. Conclusion
The picture above shows the city of Toronto, Canada filled with legends and architectural
wonders indeed.
Architecture is one of the most beautiful aspects of STEM fields. Learning is always a lifelong
experience. I never stopped learning about new subjects and new concepts. That is just me.
I love to research the many subjects of the cosmos. Architecture is a wide-ranging field that
deals with art, planning images, building objects, forming cities including towns, knowing
about zoning laws, using STEM in general, patience, determination, hard work, and
constructing other structures. Since the dawn of human history, its wonders have inspired
the world. When you see the Great Pyramids of Giza, the great structures of the ancient
civilization of Zimbabwe, the World Trade Center (One), and the Statue of Liberty,
architecture is fully abundant with work, mathematical principles, and diverse meanings. It
takes a great understanding of mathematics, physics, culture, art, and other subjects to be
greatly proficiently in understanding the concepts of the field. Architectural design is
beneficial to humanity as it creates homes for people, it establishes institutions to grow
society, and it makes us aware the human creative spirit from the human imagination
(especially in our time of massive climate change when alternative energy is necessary for our
survival literally). Some have evaluated theories of architecture revolving around durability,
utility, and beauty from the Roman architect Vitruvius. Yet, architecture is more complicated
than a myriad of theories. At its core, architecture deals with building something that is of
value to people or used for a specific function.
These column designs were used in the ancient world and are still used today.
Many concepts deal with architecture like column, cornice, facade, baluster, capital,
architrave, cupola, arcade, frieze, entablature, pediment, cantilever, buttress, gable, and
parapet. Being an architect, a construction worker, and other related occupations require
study, skills, learning expertise, certifications, and being in love with architecture. That is
why STEM is so important in our daily lives. Constantly, we are reminded about the power
of creativity and various inventions. It is important to note the contributions of black people,
women, other people of color, and every one of every background who made audacious,
legitimate contributions to architecture too. Learning about architecture certainly is an
important aspect of human existence indeed.
Early Architectural Wonders
Architecture has a very long history in our world of Earth. By the 9000's B.C, there was the Goebekli
Tepe in Turkey. This was believed to be the first place of worship. During the most ancient of times,
there were earthen mounds, stone circles, megaliths, and other structures. Humans used earth and
stone to form geometric forms. Building structures spread globally in the 7000 B.C. when we saw the
earliest town sites in areas of Jarmo, Jericho, and Ain Ghazal on the Levant. India saw Lahuradewa
architecture too on the Ganes plains of India. Catal Huyuk was built in Turkey too. Wood frames in
Chinese architecture like the use of mortise and tenon joinery to build wood beamed houses existed
by 6000-2000 B.C. In the 3000's B.C., the city of Harappa was created in the Indus Valley civilization.
The Yangshao culture in China flourished by the time of 5000 - 3000 B.C. In the time of the 3000 B.C.,
ancient Egypt had tons of architecture wonders from cities to the late Great Pyramids of Giza by ca.
2500 B.C.
The Great Pyramid of Giza is the largest ancient Egyptian pyramid and served as the tomb of the
pharaoh Khufu. It was built during the 26th century B.C., over a period of about 27 years. It was made
of limestone, mortar, and granite. Its original height was 481 feet, its base is about 756 feet. Its volume
is 92 million cubic feet too. The presumed architect was Hemiunu. For more than 3,800 years, the
Great Pyramid was the world’s tallest human made structure. It was built by quarrying with an
estimated 2.3 million large blocks, weighing about 6 million tons in total. The outside layers were
bound together by mortar. The interior of the Great Pyramid has the original entrance, the North
Face Corridor, the tourist entrance, descending passage, subterranean chamber, ascending passage,
Queen’s Chamber, Horizontal Passage, Grand Gallery, King’s Chamber, Grotto, and Well Shaft. To this
very day, more discoverers are made about the Great Pyramid, and mysteries continue to exist about
the Great Pyramid complex of Giza. Historians believes that quarries, pulleys, and levers were used
to carry the stones in making the Great Pyramid a reality. There are debates among researchers on
whether the Great Pyramid has influence from the mathematical concept of phi or not.
During the 2000's B.C., we saw the development of the ancient city of Mohenjo-daro in India, the
Pyramid of Djoser in Egypt, and the Longshan culture of China. In ancient Egypt, the pharaohs or
rulers allowed the construction of temples, shrines, statues, and pyramids. The Great Pyramids of
Giza had massive mathematical precision which proved that ancient human beings were very
intelligent. Homes in ancient Egypt were built with blocks of sun-baked sun.
There were hieroglyphics, carvings, and frescoes around the temples and tombs of ancient Egypt.
The large pyramids in Egypt were readily the tombs of pharaohs. One of best architects of the ancient
world was the ancient Egyptian architect named Imhotep (he is said to have designed the Step
Pyramid of Djoser). Imhotep was the Egyptian chancellor to the Pharoah Djoser. Their columns were
placed together to support the heavy stone entablature. Art Deco architecture is influenced by
ancient Egyptian architecture. One of the most famous architectural structures in world history was
Stonehenge, which was created in ca. 2,400 B.C. at Neolithic Great Britain. The structure is 30 meters
high and 160 meters wide. The gravel mount of layers of soil, mud, and grass, there are dug pits and
tunnels of chalk and clay. Some believe that Stonehenge was built to signify concepts on the
environment or astronomical reasons. The Ziggurat of Ur was constructed in the 2000's B.C. too.
Chongha Zanbil was built in ancient Harappa in India. By the 1000's B.C., we see architectures in the
four corners of the Earth from Africa to the Americas. In fact, the ancient Mayan and Olmec
civilizations had tons of great architectural structures. In the 900's B.C., there was the earliest Greek
temple built at Samos with some timber framing based on the Mycenaean megaron. The Mycenean
civilization existed before the Greek city state culture. Rome was created by the 700's B.C. Ancient
Greek architecture was found in the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus starting in 515 B.C. We know about
the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus completed in Rome in 509 B.C.
The Parthenon was finished in Athens, Greece by 432 B.C. We know about the construction of
Pataliputra (or Patna) in the Magadha Empire starting in 490 B.C. in the Indian subcontinent. The
University of ancient Tazila existed in India by the 300's B.C. We know about the Mausoleum at
Halicarnassus being completed in ca. 350 BC. The city of Alexandria was created in 221 B.C, and the
city of Antioch was founded in 300 B.C. The tallest ancient world structure in that time was the
Lighthouse of Alexandria in Egypt. The Erechteion in Athens was formed in ca. 206 B.C. The city of
Djenne-Djenno was first occupied in 250 B.C. in Africa. 280 B.C. was when the Colossus of Rhodes
was completed. The Roman bridge in Rome was created in 126 B.C. called the Pons Aemilius. There
was another bridge across the Tiber in Italy called the Ponte Milvio created in 115 B.C. Herod the
Great's temple started to be formed in 37 B.C. We know about of the Roman bridge in Rome called
Pons Fabricius, and the Pont du Gard in Provence, France in ca. 50 B.C. By 15 B.C, Vitruvius wrote De
Architecura. The ancient Romans had the aqueduct system to deal with roads and spreading water
among towns and cities being a very advanced system during the ancient times.
For the first 1000 years after the birth of Jesus Christ on Earth, massive changes in architecture were
formed. The Gungnae City of Goruryeo was finished at 3 A.D. The Lighthouse at Bouogne was built
in 40 A.D, and the Romans formed the city of Londinium in Britain (which would be modern day
London) by 47-50 A.D. The Porta Maggiore was built in Rome too. The Pantheon and the Colosseum
in Rome was built by the year of 100 A.D. People know about the Trajan's Column in Rome. The
Alcantara Bridge or a Roman multiple arched bridge over the Tagus River in Spain was finished by
106 A.D. The Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan was constructed in 200 A.D. The Column of Marcus
Aurelius was dedicated in Rome in 193 A.D. The Dura Europos synagogue was formed by 224 A.D.
The Nalanda of ancient learning center was built in the Gupta Empire in India by the 300's A.D. The
Arch of Constantine in Rome was dedicated to the Battle of Milvian Bridge in 315. By the end of the
1st millennium A.D, cathedrals increase from the Akhtala monastery in the 900's to the Hagia Sophia
being made in the 500's A.D. The Qutub Minar was formed in India by the 1190s. The Cologne
Cathedral was formed during the 1240s in its start. Notre Dame was created from 1163 to 1345. It is
location in France. Mosques spread with great architectural design in the Middle East. We saw the
Timbuktu university as well in Africa. More architecture buildings were formed in the Americas and
in Europe like St. Paul's Cathedral in London. The Taj Malal was formed in Agra, India by the 1630s.
The end of the 1700's saw Baroque style, neo classical, and other architectural movements take shape
in the world massively.
Callicrates lived in the 5th century B.C. Yu Hao lived in the 900’s A.D. He was a Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was a
who was a famous ancient Greek great Chinese architect, structural polymath who was one of the greatest
architect. He worked with Ic nus to be engineer, and writer during the Song scholars in human history. He was a
the architects of the Parthenon Dynasty. He was so great in architectural painter, architect, draughtsman,
(according to Plutarch, Pericles, 13). The skill, that many people called him engineer, scien st, theorist, sculptor,
Parthenon is a former temple at Athens, Master Carpenter (Du Liao Jiang). He and researcher. He drew images
Greece that was dedicated to the was involved in the construc on of the centuries ahead of his me from tanks
goddess Athena. Its columns and Ku Bao Pagoda. to flying machines. He also drew babies,
pediment represent Greco-Roman other human organs, and himself in
architecture strongly. amazing detail (in terms of resolu on).
To understand architecture fully, you must understand its link to mathema cs. You must use
measuring devices, understand geometry, use trigonometry, and evaluate numbers to be an expert
architect, engineer, and other endeavors involving the vibrant atmosphere of STEM fields. From
Pythagoras to modern day scholars of math, architecture does deal with symmetrical imagery, spa al
forma ons, and other geometric pa erns. Some buildings have mathema cal objects like
tessella ons too. Architects do know about mass, weight, force, fluid mechanics, Charles’s Law, Sta c
Equilibrium, atm, Joules, Standard Devia on, the volume of three-dimensional shapes, and other
concepts of mathema cs.
By the 1800's, architecture expanded massively in the world. In 1800, the White House in Washington,
D.C. was completed by a team of people like George Washington, Pierre L'Enfant, and architect James
Hoban. All 3 men were Freemasons. The great African American scholar and STEM expert Benjamin
Banneker also worked with Andrew Ellicott in a survey of the original border of the District of
Columbia too. The Temple of Saint Philip Neri in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico was completed in 1802.
The Arc de Triomphe in Paris was created by Jean Chalgrin, commissioned by Napoleon
Bonaparte. In 1809, there was the birth of the city planner Baron Haussmann. In 1817, Dulwich
Picture Gallery in London was designed by Sir John Soane as the first purpose-built art gallery. The
United States Capitol was completed by 1811. It was designed by Benjamin Latrobe, a Freemason. In
1821, Karl Friedrich Schinkel completed his Schauspielhaus in Berlin and Benjamin Latrobe's
Baltimore Basilica was completed. James Renwick Jr. (the American architect) was born in 1818 and
Benjamin Latrobe passed away in 1820. By 1825, the front and rear porticoes of the White House are
added to the building. In 1830, the Altes Museum in Berlin, designed by Karl Friedrich Schinkel, is
completed after seven years of construction. In 1848, the construction begins on the Washington
Monument in Washington, D.C., though it will not be completed until 1885. The American Institute
of Architects was founded in 1857. The competition to design Central Park in New York is won by
Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux by 1858. The U.S. Capitol dome was completed in
Washington, D.C. by 1863. William Le Baron Jenney builds the first metal-frame skyscraper, the Home
Insurance Building, in Chicago in 1885. The 1889 Paris exhibition showcases some of the new
technologies of iron, steel, and glass, including the Eiffel Tower. The State of Liberty was completed
by 1886.
The Statue of Liberty has a long history. It's a colossal neoclassical sculpture on Liberty Island in the
New York Harbor in New York City. It is the cooper statue being a gift from the people of France to
the people of the United States of America. It was designed by the French sculptor Frederic Auguste
Bartholdi (a Freemason too). The metal framework was built by Gustave Eiffel. It was dedicated on
October 28, 1886. The statue is a figure of Libertas or the robed Roman liberty goddess. She holds a
torch above her head with her right hand, and in her left hand carries the tabula ansata inscribed
JULY IV MDCCLXXVI (July 4, 1776, in Roman numerals), the date of the U.S. Declaration of
Independence. A broken shackle and chain lie at her feet as she walks forward, commemorating the
recent national abolition of slavery. After its dedication, the statue became an icon of freedom and
of the United States, seen as a symbol of welcome to immigrants arriving by sea.
Bartholdi was inspired by a French law professor and politician, Édouard René de Laboulaye, who is
said to have commented in 1865 that any monument raised to U.S. independence would properly
be a joint project of the French and U.S. peoples. The Franco-Prussian War delayed progress until
1875, when Laboulaye proposed that the French finance the statue and the U.S. provide the site and
build the pedestal. Bartholdi completed the head and the torch-bearing arm before the statue was
fully designed, and these pieces were exhibited for publicity at international expositions.
The torch-bearing arm was displayed at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia in 1876, and in
Madison Square Park in Manhattan from 1876 to 1882. Fundraising proved difficult, especially for
the Americans, and by 1885 work on the pedestal was threatened by lack of funds. Publisher Joseph
Pulitzer, of the New York World, started a drive for donations to finish the project and attracted more
than 120,000 contributors, most of whom gave less than a dollar (equivalent to $29 in 2020). The
statue was built in France, shipped overseas in crates, and assembled on the completed pedestal on
what was then called Bedloe's Island. The statue's completion was marked by New York's first ticker-
tape parade and a dedication ceremony presided over by President Grover Cleveland. The statue was
administered by the United States Lighthouse Board until 1901 and then by the Department of War;
since 1933 it has been maintained by the National Park Service as part of the Statue of Liberty
National Monument and is a major tourist attraction. Public access to the balcony around the torch
has been barred since 1916. It is important to note that Edouard Rene de Laboulaye was President
of the French Anti-Slavery Society (who was an important thinker). Laboulaye, an ardent supporter
of the Union in the American Civil War, is supposed to have said: "If a monument should rise in the
United States, as a memorial to their independence, I should think it only natural if it were built by
united effort—a common work of both our nations."
William Van Alen completed the Chrysler Building, an Art Deco skyscraper in New York City, US in
1930. The Empire State Building in New York City was completed by 1931. Expo 67 in Montreal
features the American pavilion, a geodesic dome designed by Buckminster Fuller, and the Habitat 67
housing complex designed by Moshe Safdie. The Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri was finished by
1966. I. M. Pei's pyramid addition to the Louvre is opened by 1989. Petronas Twin Towers, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia, designed by César Pelli completed (the world's tallest building around1998–2004).
Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art by Steven Holl opens to public in 1998. By 2006, the Freedom
Tower was started to be constructed. "Water Cube", "Bird's Nest", South railway station, and other
buildings in Beijing, completed for the 2008 Summer Olympics. One World Trade Center opened in
NYC in 2014. In 2010, Burj Khalifa became the tallest man-made structure in the world, at 828 meters
(2,717 ft). Torres Obispado in Monterrey, Mexico the tallest skyscraper in Latin America, completed
by 2020. In 2021, Central Park Tower in New York City, the tallest residential building in the world, is
completed. The Sagrada Familia is expected to be finished by 2026.
The Museum of Design Atlanta (MODA) is a design The Empire State Building is a Los Angeles City Hall, completed in 1928, is
museum located in Atlanta. It is billed as “the only 102 story Art Deco skyscraper the center of the government of the city of Los
museum in the Southeast devoted exclusively to the in Midtown Manhattan, New York Angeles, California, and houses the mayor's
study and celebration of all things design." The City. It was designed by Shreve, of ce and the meeting chambers and of ces
location deals with how design affects people's daily Lamb, & Harmon. It was built of the Los Angeles City Council. It is in the
lives. It has exhibitions, K-12 educational outreach, from 1930 to 1931. The building Civic Center district of downtown Los Angeles
and adult programming. MODA regularly features has a roof height of 1,250 feet in the city block bounded by Main, Temple,
exhibitions on architecture, industrial and product (380 m) and stands a total of First, and Spring streets, which was the heart
design, interiors & furniture, graphics, fashion and 1,454 feet (443.2 m) tall, of the city's central business district during the
more. The museum is located on Peachtree Street, including its antenna. The 1880s and 1890s.
across from the High Museum of Art, in Midtown. Empire State Building was once
the world's tallest building.
The Steps on the Development of a Home
1. The Homesite must be prepared. There must be zoning 5. The insulation is added to keep the home warm during
laws being adhered to too, the great homesite must be the Winter. A myriad of installations is in existence that
established, and a floorplan officially must be established. depends on the location’s climate. The home must have
The land must be surveyed, and utility access must be set energy efficiency to reduce energy costs (saving money).
up before any home is created on that property. The home must be properly insulated from the roof all the
way down to the foundation. Insulation is needed in tons of
places like the exterior walls, the attic, and any floors above
the garage including the foundation.
2. Ultimately, the foundation must be laid out. After the lot 6. The drywall is affixed. That means that drywall is put on
has been formed, architects and workers start to build the the walls and ceiling. There are specialty screws, brackets,
home. A concrete foundation is poured. The foundation is and joint compound (or drywall mud) to make sure that
reinforced with steel rods before it dries up. When the drywall is placed on all rooms of the home. Many holes are
foundation hardens, the foundation is sprayed with a cut for lighting fixtures and electrical outlets. Later, the
waterproofing substance to make sure that it will be dry for drywall is primed with a sealer, so paint can be absorbed
many years. Diverse foundations exist based on geographic evenly across the entire surface area.
locations like slab foundations and basement foundations.
3. The framing of the house must exist usually with a 7. Now, the interior and exterior are finished and are added
wooden framing. This is when the house takes shape, and to the house. This is the final stage of the home coming
the floor plan is followed. Floor joists are installed including together. The interior is about to be finished. There is
the subfloor. Windows and doors are installed. There is hardwood flooring, carpeting to countertops, and cabinets
Tyvek house wrap put over the exterior to prevent water being built. For the exterior, the driveway is paved, and sod
and moisture from getting into the home. The insulation has been added to the yard. Professional design specialists
and the energy efficiency part of the home must function. can help people select the final exterior and interior
That makes the home cool in the summer and warm in the finishing touches on the home.
4. Later, the home is dried in. That means that the interior 8. During the end, there is the final inspection and
is completely protected from rain and moisture. Later, walkthrough. After the home passes the final inspection,
workers, engineers, and architectures install the systems of people can walk through the home with the Construction
HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), plumbing, Manager to make sure everything is up to standard. If there
and electrical services. Once these parts of the home are is something missing, people are used to making final
installed, inspectors come into the house to proof them adjustments to the home. After this, the home is finally
individuality, making the sure the home continues to be of completed. Like always, homeowners should get home
great quality. insurance and inspect the home too.
These Sisters, who are architects, are Beverly Lorraine Greene, Zen Howard, and Devanne Pena.
The culture of architecture is very diverse. Since the 1980’s, buildings have existed in a more complex
fashion. We see a changing environment too. Some approve or disapprove of the Modernist and
Post-Modernist culture of architecture. Recent cultural changes deal with New Urbanism, Metaphoric
architecture, and new classical architecture. Because of climate change, there is an increased look at
architecture dealing with sustainability. Landscape architecture is very much used in parks, various
mountains, and other places. The misconception is that architects must always build something large
for it to be functional. The truth is that this isn’t the case. Some airports have easily navigable
locations. Adaptability is one aspect of the culture too. Flexible structures can last for generations.
There are cultural architects whose purpose is to change the mindsets of other human beings. Culture
is about the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a group of people or society. So, diverse cultures
of the world in Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, Oceania, the Americas, etc. have tons of temples,
religious places, hotels, skyscrapers, health centers, gyms, and other buildings that reflect the cultures
of those large global regions. People like Adaeze Cadet and Beverly Lorraine Greene show the long
legacy of black architects doing their contributions in the world.
Adaeze Cadet is one of the greatest architects of the 21st century. It is definitely fitting to show her
story to the people. She is a black woman architect who wants to inspire others in architecture careers
too, especially among black women. She was raised in Sacramento, California. Later, she is the LA-
based Principal and Design Director at the renowned architecture firm of HKS. She earned her
Master’s Degree. At the age of 9, when she was playing with LEGO blocks, she told her family that
she wanted to be an architect when she grows up. Her mother took her to open houses to study the
designs of them. She brought her architecture books to study further in the field of architecture. She
couldn’t find architects looking like a black person or a woman years ago. She was motivated to
promote representation and diversity in her field of work. Representation always matters. Cadet
transferred to the HBCU of Prairie View A&M University to further her studies. The professors at the
school supported her. Classmates expressed camaraderie with her. HKS is an international
architecture and design firm. Adaeze Cadet is the first black woman Principal ever at HKS. Her
Master’s Degree came from Prairie View in Architecture. She overseen multi-family units, hotels, and
resorts. She overcame the racism and sexism found in her job. She never gave up. There is the J.E.D.I.
Council or the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion council. She wants BIPOC people and women
to achieve leadership roles in architecture occupations. BIPOC is an acronym meaning Black,
Indigenous, and People of Color. Her recent projects are
Robertson Lane in West Hollywood and Jasper in San Franscisco,
including the Two Tower Residences in Bellevue, Washington.
Zena Howard is one of the unsung architects of our generation. She overseen many high-profile
projects. She was involved in the design of the National Museum of African American History and
Culture. She graduated from Rocky Mount High School in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. She earned
a B.S. degree in architecture form the University of Virginia. Howard is a Principal and Managing
Director at Perkins + Will in Durham, North Carolina. She served as Senior Project Manager for the
design of the National Museum of African American History and Culture, the International Civil Rights
Center and Museum in Greensboro, North Carolina, and the Motown Museum expansion in Detroit,
Michigan. She is a founding member of her firm’s Global Diversity and Inclusion Committee and is
involved in projects and initiatives that aim to increase the number of women and minority architects.
She worked on many more projects like the Destination Crenshaw in Los Angeles, California, the
Hogan’s Alley Initiative in British Columbia, the Anacostia Library in Washington, D.C., etc. Now, Zena
Howard is mentoring other black women and women of color to achieve their own dreams involving
architecture, etc. Howard won an award for her work too. Ever since she was young, Zena Howard
loved to draw and sketch information. There are over 400 African American women architects in
Zaha Hadid (1950-2016) was Elizabeth Carter Brooks Amaza Lee Meredith (1895- Royce Epstein is the Senior
an Iraqi and British architect, (1867-1951) was a famous 1984) was a great architect, Design Director of the
artist, and designer. She African American architect, educator, and artist. She was Mohawk Group. She has been
represents a major individual educator, and social activist. an art teacher at Virginia State a professional architect for
in the architecture She wanted to maintain University. Later, she co- more than three decades. She
development of the late 20th historical buildings in America. founded the Azurest has been an interior designer,
and early 21st centuries. She Also, she was passionate in Syndicate Inc., a vacation product designer, developer,
was born in Baghdad, Iraq. helping other African destination for black middle- and university lecturer plus
Hadid studied mathematics as American to have personal class Americans on Sag educator. She wants to use
an undergraduate and then success. She lived in New Harbor, New York. She was environmentally friendly
enrolled at the Architectural Bedford, Massachusetts. Her born in Lynchburg, Virginia. products to help the planet. In
Association School of mother, Martha Webb, was a She was inspired by his father the Philadelphia area, she is
Architecture in 1972. She was former slave. Webb ws (who was a carpenter) to be well known for her
influenced by Suprematism involved in the Underground an architect. His father knew multifaceted
and the Russian avant-garde railroad too. Brooks loved to how to draw blueprints and accomplishments involving
to create new elds of study architecture skills and built models like she did. STEM elds. Royce Epstein
building. She has ben involved designs. She joined the Amaza Lee Meredith had a taught at Moore College of Art
in the Vitra Fire Station, NAACP and formed her own friendship and partnership and Drexel University. She
MAXXI, Bridge Pavilion, chapter in New Bedford. She with Dr. Edna Meade Colson was named the 2015 Designer
Contemporary Arts Center, oversaw the sponsorship of being honorary members of of the Year by Interiors and
Heydar Aliyev Center, and many places in her the Gill eld Baptist Church. Sources Magazine. She is a
Riverside Museum. She used community. She was a teacher She earned her master’s board member of Collab at the
geometry in her work and was and married W. Sampson degree at Columbia University Philadelphia Museum of Art
the rst woman to earn the Brooks. in 1934. She was an architect (as she lives in Philadelphia
Pritzker Architecture Prize in of Azurest South which was now).
2004. done in 1939.
Ieoh Ming Pei Ieoh Mind Pei (1917-2019) was a
genius who loved the beauty and
majesty of architecture in
enumerable ways. He was a
The Iconic Architect of Chinese American architect who
was raised in Shanghai, China. He
studied in the University of
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King Power MahaNakhon Teshima Art Museum (by One Trade World Fisht Olympic Stadium (by
building (by 2016) in 2010) in Japan Center (by 2014) in New 2014) in Sochi, Russia
Bangkok, Thailand York City.
Burj Khalifa (Dubai) was The Duo Skyscrapers, National Museum of The Jackie Robinson Museum
completed in 2010 being Singapore (by 2017) in Qatar (by 2019) in (2022) in New York City
the tallest building on Singapore Doha, Qatar
The Civic Tower (by 2015) World Market Center (by SkyBridge at City Place, St. Regis Chicago building (by
in Lagos, Nigeria. 2005) in Las Vegas, Toronto, Canada (by 2020) in Chicago, Illinois.
Nevada. 2013)
When it is all said and done, architecture is one of the glories of the Universe. Architecture
teaches us that human creativity is powerful and strong. It also gives us the truth that there
are limitations of invention. Human beings are very intelligent, but we aren’t omnipotent,
omnipresent, and all-knowing. Only God is. Therefore, we see architecture as a glimpse into
the massive creativity among human beings and the responsibilities that we have in the
Universe in general. All over the world, kids and adults feel a sense of awe or wonder about
the glories found in architectural displays. Some architecture is created for human need like
shelter, forming governments, and establishing spiritual locations of worship. Other forms
of architecture are established for aesthetical reasons or for the purpose of artistic
representations. Engineers, construction people, and other human beings all have a role in
the art of architecture. From the Neolithic age to 2023, complex architecture has spread all
over the world from Africa to the Americas. As human history evolved from the Neolithic
Age to other eras, we saw architecture evolve into the Ziggurat of Ur, the Great Pyramids of
Giza, the Pantheon (found in Rome), the Temple of Diana, the Temple at Teotihuacan, the
Great Enclosure of Zimbabwe, Art Deco designs, and other structures.
Black Excellence is not just a reality in the She constantly works nationwide to
Universe. It is a way of life that shows the inspire the youth (including minorities) to
power and resiliency of our people. This pursue a eld in architectural design.
gracious woman is Sister Dina Grif n. For Architecture is a splendid, magni cent
years, she has worked in the architecture eld to go into. It requires work,
eld. Architecture deals with many elds dedication, and unique skills. Also, black
like art, mathematics, technology, and people have a very long history in
other facets of human expression. You architecture too. Many of the most
must use engineering too in making sure beautiful structures in human history
that materials t and that structures show have been developed by black people.
balance and stability in their Dina Grif n was a graduate of the
compositions. Architecture is beautiful University of Illinois School of
and much of it resides from the creative Architecture at Urbana-Champaign. Her
impulse found in the human mind. Not
only is Dina Grif n an architect. Today,
We always recognize unsung encouragement, her
accomplishments, and her words of
Contemporary architecture in the 21st century is about diversity, not making a single style
being dominant, and using high tech, pro-green imagery. The National Museum of African
American History and Culture (NMAAHC) represents modern day architecture to the
fullest. David Adjaye was one architect out of many architects involved in the project to fully
form the NMAAHC building. The building houses an amazing display of black American
literature, artifacts, clothes, pictures, sculptures, and other displays of black culture. The jobs
involving plumbing, agriculture, engineering, electronics, welding, transportation,
architecture, etc. have intrinsic value in the Universe. STEM Fields and architecture go hand
in hand because you need a great understanding of science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics to make architecture to come alive for real.
By Timothy
Peace and Blessings Y’all.