LMicroprocessor and Assembly

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SPis deereased by Q- x A cy od the Source tontent te the address SPeeidied by SS: sp. : The Sarce iB unchanged cepoved te Scanned with CamScanner amp Tmelaetion ay Ve le wah ce y, 1 2 Surmn| eee Provided bg The eonp (armneure) # achection. Mt has Be foremn 77510 bipen qa otel Hage ot cmp destination Qoursee’ oY qa qe m fy \ the flats inghrnction _Geeriporses detination ool Sourtee log onenpautiog Yesituer on * edertatind 43! valnes mobei f Qourcee Comments . The, result ee Bb abored ry bot Ye dugs ore adfected sof amp is svst ike SUG! ekaept tye déstiviotion | 1S mot aheyed | edeigen SD self Fore excomple Q 2q vam 3 nef emp Ax, Gx Ie CELow Where, ne 2 Ze EH ,end Bx = POT The result of @MP Ax. BAts FFFFH- ors > YPREN- Scanned with CamScanner pelo § BW - ei Write Slolement whe Unit. Pereforemn the Cont ron ‘ es o nton my) JOM D orl! ine 4 fins revop aff 2 1) head the number oe ne or eagthn SO thane [frac Spey Se BP, zoek a vitoulor wipe eae iD, APY. sthe,, er ee, Genii sora of DOT MIC registers 5 of } Arash mov SP) GIP. atrsshrre) 997W a} ts m0) @nPy the een ee ee _ teegister | Whe DS reegistert — oo | boil tan ol fMSt- Mov ps, AX lraseS 3709 : H MS \ _ m4 xf anon 4 | 1414 y amo) Hu2ox off \ 199 7 | a Scanned with CamScanner rg ae pine Tergquoge’ Prigeenei of the doleutog Selemeast "USRD Lowrsirin 1) Load the Tbe aaa Secemee base reegisterc “xD steed DAMN a) mev fins: mov py, Pest VIL ® Copy the content of a oratenntnte, DS fins! vA very 288 4 Mov bs. RP \@ Exchange the erntents of. AL ceagistere usitl, | Bs | regmne ¢ | MS Xena gs, AL oF Memo alk sag ho ) ” of an v my } a _ aa Scanned with CamScanner © fil Wake deuin the asserably Ueaquage, obermente whieh will Percforem’ the Joltousrag ofereebion: — 1) puks Ge affect address of the vardelete MS@ mmo DY ee Pes: LEA Dr.MSe 6 ry SOFA g. vom it |2) Faskalize the DS- ESL mev ax, @ DATA ee | Mov ps, AX} ‘eit totialize DS. ~ u 8) Sursheact coast dram eooel oad Storce the rresult in AK AX = gcoook fas: Mov ar, SO00H: <—_~ Ax = goooh-OOO1H: mov fw, soolh, Scanned with CamScanner @ BH pesenbe different oddnessing Imoded. used im doce “mjeegobrence SB ere 7 - POPBID a “the different woy's in whiee e Seurcee OF fend ah ts devoted tr am imahwetion is Neen as addres Bray’ nthe! 31) drogos yn vom oR There. ore. aed @ oddreeesing omedes, of ap Bee cmntenweprocessort: SPN Meszeb gee a. “Fermediole Raureaiieg misdes.” rb $a2¥id [a Direep > brow! prrccosrer 1 [9° giclee 1 Veh otis oF teoong 1 Registers TaAincees “Addncasing (nodes | 1 Based Address fe rdder-hA rweiaipry 9 Oe Tadexed yl wn Based Fodere a Wl etd oe or 3: Base daeaes re disploactneat “geld Tov vom 3 ade. ) taka} eit a Scanned with CamScanner Jove j 4: Feerrediate ‘Addzeeosing, modes, ain Th tus type of Plein cri? ene F dots 16 the ‘Borel of the Poobrsictonk {itselt 2 1 Frome t= my AX, OOLON, Gs. bit cdi tenes a Alosdute /! Dirceet Adee e8og mode s— Dirceat 0 ddreeseieg Merde tee eSfeats oddeess of “memery| locatten where opertend 48 Present ig waitten drceatty to the Inshaueker | Evemple 4 mov ax, [Boson] ww |p. a Addrceseing Mode a ao | Register oa, oo he dala 48, Stored imo registert ond ibis eS using Mee | Port eulare i. : | Bremple ¢ t- Mov Ar, Bx; “(copies ee Comients O4 the le-loit BX Tegistere into; ne Ib-vit ' | Anemgister ce Scanned with CamScanner de. Registers | Fndinest, Ad Adarcessing , Medes tfc: Prk ane ~ Ta this ediressiey mode : fre oddicess od meen location whieh “cowbihn dhe ore Geran ta deter- mined fn on fadimee t | we. stg" wer’ offset y regislert | 2. abby % “olf'det ptkiees of dataisth either Axe or sr or DT” regi ishert ( Bese Registers Soorcee! ieee ore Bedi kon tadex) The deni mnt 45 {ether DS on © Ge. 29 bien c f S¥emetes mov ax [bx]! geckos , afqregistere Bx Contain 4so6 1, then the | | [tomtenbhs 4 8o5H | 6 0 Marte Katee 40 Ax’) 5. : | Based Addressteg mode ¢— Te ua oldnessh Mode, te offset oli ce of the oferend i given by Othe Sern of eomtemks of the Bx (BP me Hees amd stu / te bu displacement: Scanned with CamScanner pee “thoy Dx fea ou]?” : “6 Indexed , addons prele = | Tas wmode ig.a a spcotal, case od Register: . | Fedex tadirect ‘Addressing mode. BF S | ob fee oi We-opertomail, 1s Shbreect foqyone a (0S) Yen inden, seegisterss : DS ts the beded Pgmert dec ST ond DI, ta stety t rele Hen DS omg ES dedoult Seger dor 7 (Megeler ST ond er. oy af poy Scanned with CamScanner % Base Fodeved | “Adarcessing modes ; The effective addcess ot dote iScloremed ey adding amtent of bese cegisher Pry gee of Br ort BP to the awntewt-od/ tond-es. ipcegistes -—Y one od ST ore DE + the/idefoul? Seqrment F7MeY be Eg or DS. vk Exormple t- ADD oH, LM + sz], | mov ax [Ax +DEy | » Gx ts the base’ ‘nation ead Sx fe | oe registers. S: Based with Displacement Addressing mode Tp 9 pon We At a tos addrcessing emede, the operands oben iS Computed ea adding te base register: Contents An Tmdex rmafierena omatents and S ore 46-bit ‘displacement Eremple Mov Ay, [ex +Dr +eB] 3" Amd eh. [Bx +85, + ey; Scanned with CamScanner BD) Teng! he addreeasings rons, Astlowirag Kastutfiontt)is cebb» oviloo fest. ‘Fritediote | Aiddreeissing» all Mov Ax DS! START «ios 12 a Bas- Registers ee ee iii) ADD Dx, 9 (rl, Ter] . Aes: @ased-Fadex addeessiy, 21 6) 2 Be Tdenkify Yoeir addressing ‘acai wv Mov Al, YoH fs: Frenne diate _Bedecessing” wo Kone Br, Ba; © Pes egies Addcestg diy mov EBP-B]) AX fins Bosed Adidree 68 hog | Ayeralasion of Beis B) tov DAE AH! coed Lo tention prstoP Scanned with CamScanner ao 2 ao dentidy ‘theirs oda 2s! der oe 4 w dressieg prop Dl WM LEA BP, yosehs Hod valh vor Gi feS! Trrmediate, Addressing bored : WW) mov LAL], SoH re py Lees ct | As: Regis tere tndirect 5 addr ssi Conk ay emp [osy, Lexy, Wx). gh vor Git fins: Regieher | indies no co 6 > Peal 2. oy Pats) ws 2 yom i mov AL, Got nbbh . - WS: Taarmediate Addressing | ee @ mov [ep], Sr; xv £3.99) ve fins: Registerc bo diceat-. Addednesstgt ic nal div Lea Bx; Booot; Pres: TParme take Addressteyy . Scanned with CamScanner ye , Rw) Tenby Poe the voddeastaig 9 ansdes is)" |8) mov Als, Colts cuasey .¢g had & BS! Tyrmedtate Addmesbing ! >> A a) mov [Aeron] Dr; aiee «Pah vor ( ‘sem Dircee+ pddrcesiing on Y Ui) Mov AL, Cex] (se eel _ / . Bes: Base tader addnessing | i ea Ww mev Sw | WY mey(epl. Ste... oo fies: Register tadireect Addessing- 3 2ech ode xg Ad Scanned with CamScanner 7 Gh Difference oetween. GOSS 6 amd FOLASH miero - — Prtoae Sor - epee “ihe Fotel SOLSE iSa 16- | mi ertapren cessore ond’ lit smigreopreoce 380r¢ teat | Aniarto Coatreollert tratrewiduived Wad Witres'daced owl J im 1992. alata L9b2: 1a. Also’ Wenouin as the |& St also aaicketed as IAP 166 or just 196 | the FAPK ASS | cotied intel 426 + 8 Ta Gorge the Conkroller|9. py goase the Contes chip is Set Im fhe rniere--ilere AEP 1S agus Pro eessort boy raterc- \Seporoted dreem eynierto Preo@eSSOTC: A Mt wos 8 based om the y. ft was the divest 8086 Intel goss and Like It. Losed apy with Serace- hada Ig-bit extemal | te, nee dade bus amulttplered with oddreess amt O- go-bit address Lus . Scanned with CamScanner Go1se GOATS alae SESS Fan DoT onbalade apeaeaara 3. tye Paternal dock | a4 genercotors, yeeplaceS |B The bth ls Provided | Pre extercock B2B4A | by the, (Ba284 Cer abock, generator ‘used genecoor ‘aon Whe gysten 1 | wid the gage Omierto- | aentreat signole¢ ore bec LPreecessori 8, the reduss spreovi ded log the. 32288 r the exmpancst | ‘agster lus Gamkreattere- im a apt: : - a 7 fies. Scanned with CamScanner th pidferen ee. Gelween ORGE, sal Bose wwe if : . : : Processor. Qonee 4 Te Patel FOQSTO VS a: 4, The Fatel 20.286 lO-bit amniacprocession [18,0 B2- bit ‘ami exopreace- thet was (atrre duced on [Sore Info duced in 1986. ! February 1962. 2 Mt alse cmarketed. as sla. 2. Ay, alco | ereue as | vthe i-APK 2¢6 and shien| igs ore gust B86 | Glled: Tatel 266..), 13 Ahe Go 306 Pastuetion BF w69s the Lest Bose! gop Pricgranfyrivicngt cone de | leased @pu wily Separete ond lot warn cn ding oe MI - srultiplered oddress Bill the Goummin demo- and date buses and srimater Sore all 2° bit alo the Airest with “Kee Preoeesserts. a2 | LiS ferred the -i3¢ ad smenogermeat | orcehitectuce KEG, ond wide protection ‘ore TA-32 deperding abilities. i aontext - Scanned with CamScanner BOR GO2sG 258 SOBEL Taste 40.286 raiercopiod 4 Te BeBse wHierPradely, essere Sem advenced Is am enhanced Version Version OF the eos6 of the BO2EE “rni ecoPreo anjerteprocessor that POCSSOre: amd inelvdes ‘Tia destamed re Fault | OEMS, Srmnagewtnt: ‘user aad cmnultites ie vmit fs enhoneed: te | Provide renetrrore Poghy i lemvirtsirneete 3 The 20286 addreess| 5, The goges has a | lem legte of plystel Phabicak rmemorg) SRE! memory ond 1G Byles of LG Bates task Gombe od Viral memory] ; addye ssed: as. Viretiah by using t's, Pome memore| With YP to. | Sheogement ‘een | Gur Byte: Scanned with CamScanner erence: Galween £0396 ond SOUS b, meroProee- - s30r: a 1% bi ee Lils E pcr PpBONESr eo yi shies i The Ae G09et isa ga 4: The FoiekS Bouse is a | bit ami erePrte Ge Ssort” ag B2- bit Ten Crwsprew Ce ESOS -dseed in t9e5- Qtrhes 32-b59) addreess | ¢ tha ond 92 bt dose bus |2 eogee | 18 0, ogi ical etter | it Wos “rnbreeduced f in {989 -Siom of E26: §hisvare 9, Te Ysbis, is, osieally 0 oO 4 high] Pifelined. : | tange rohegreal x Gerst ushiel, ‘Conte's on dest Lust ma o moth aoprocessors, a Smemmom Onan ernent Unit : , mm ood on ak He 3 Mie imshauchon Set of C Mw 4 98 20986 13.0 Supnset Oho ET dy OF dher onember's of gose; B- BO4se bas Dx end orig be Sw Versions. Scanned with CamScanner 20486 aE g "has Ba vi date 4. All Ug 6 \PRECeSBere ee | tus cram.| BR bit dake bus » 8X : od rae “ Version does rot hove on gaan : | @hip -rumert& CPrto Ce8Son > | Ab Com address 2 PUPK |. = Leaf smemery| od; 232) | veg Abytes. ond! 13380 { Bethe use oahieves its erect! Mah speed Gperation {ieee ed fe dackere Glock Speeds. ollows it to address © vere” pipe Umed 4 t ‘2u6 ore GUT bytes hye and Use of Rr3se@ 4 Qpeed VP) the b The. get ton be Sera tilerenal cnierto code: Lied im ome of Heellaney ; rere “Srnegemnent G USG olde hos US6 DX IMedes 1 '@ Baged armde omd USED Xy Versions © fe Posed crnode wits” deuce vend Harte 8 “abe Speedy oe 8 Ce Virtual addresses eae a one represented wit, gelecfed Gormponet’s ond cad offget Component wih, go2e6 . Scanned with CamScanner 2ole Th Dele the tereme rmaskalle./katermpt. and erom-amaskable botererwpt With exerapte <4 Wes :- Maskable pan Were aged (|The Proecessere has the facility brs, accepting of rejecting hercdwarce Fatercceaphs. Preegrecrrraing the Precessore fo rreyeet om ratereouP t's 1s reefererten to as omnasting ort disolteing foo Presgcermring ke Prtecessore to) accept | won treet {Ss refe- erred do as Umresking em cooling! Ea aot the iatercceupt Aba CTR) Cen be Set fo ome ae Urmmesk grt enalcle all haredwarte atersmpts Od TR te alearced Yo Serte fo Task? OT disable o hercdudace nlerruths exeert NMT- The fterrwpls whee creeqyees 47 Gen be “elthere oecepted oye re yeeted Cl the PrweesSorr ore “Calleal Smaskeble Fplererapt. Example t- Tr R pines SoBe Scanned with CamScanner "| ten maskelle Fnbererupin— } sdf ocehod ENERO NRE IY PIP | The tmbermupts Whose apst Wee te i _ defy | accepted (or Gsemet bes wetjceted ) by the | Peecesser arte’ @olled” NB Hm sswatte otal | The pracensan lac ie Hewth : theneyers o request ts ee by nesikoble Tolereapt, ‘the ‘qrcseassore eS ok de Lint tel) accept tak rev" reequett cond Bervice otk Iritereupe leg seeding ges. Oorereat | Pregram ond eyecutrag oa rsR ih ani “ Prtocessor oll the harduerse reer 3 2 : Fniiated Haccovg h FATR Pin ore npaaskolele ) bg dering interrepe deg: (te): Thee baer initiated Yareergh NM Pm ab ond, colt Sofware. TatetrwP}'s are, Mga- seresioble Example % NMIT, Pimi wd B0eb 5 be —_— * — Scanned with CamScanner 232 i STB piety discuss he bwdiiaine and’ Sefluare nope 4 COSA neweropredeessbre: *) t | hott while tie MierOPrideadon I> enecutrn i Peegrcirre . on tnkercmpt y byyreak's Yel rinartrnal | Seqence Of execution of sinstmuebion » diverts Lit exeation 40 sernme others Beegrcorm egtie | Tatecrapt Service Routine GTQ) er Merce are hwo kinds ey Tptenrmte. ® taredsarce, © Sofusarce. Foterceah ts tecdaees tm gelero pt The mlenewet's trihialed) bog | eet homdwane by Sending ony oFPrtopriate siged te the trheneup+ pinltke processor 1S called hhorediiare mierwpt. The Gogo Prtoae 880° | hos lw interrupt pin's LTR, oma, Nm. eae “EUPtS tnihioled ea opplying apprmprist € Signdl ts thes pins jarce coed hrarediiore= mlupte of GOES. There onto hy potere euPt , Scanned with CamScanner

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