Thin-Film Lithium Niobate Acoustic Filter at 23.5 GHZ With 2.38 DB Il and 18.2% FBW
Thin-Film Lithium Niobate Acoustic Filter at 23.5 GHZ With 2.38 DB Il and 18.2% FBW
Thin-Film Lithium Niobate Acoustic Filter at 23.5 GHZ With 2.38 DB Il and 18.2% FBW
: Title 9
Abstract—This work reports an acoustic filter at 23.5 GHz
with a low insertion loss (IL) of 2.38 dB and a 3-dB fractional
bandwidth (FBW) of 18.2%, significantly surpassing the
state-of-the-art. The device leverages electrically coupled
acoustic resonators in 100 nm 128° Y-cut lithium niobate
(LiNbO3) piezoelectric thin film, operating in the first-order
antisymmetric (A1) mode. A new film stack, namely
transferred thin-film LiNbO3 on silicon (Si) substrate with an
intermediate amorphous silicon (a-Si) layer, facilitates the
record-breaking performance at millimeter-wave
(mmWave). The filter features a compact footprint of 0.56
mm2. In this letter, acoustic and EM consideration, along
with material characterization with X-ray diffraction and
verified with cross-sectional electron microscopy are
reported. Upon further development, the reported filter
platform can enable various front-end signal-processing
functions at mmWave. Fig. 1 Survey of (a) IL and (b) FBW in acoustic filters above 5 GHz.
Index Terms—acoustic filters, lithium niobate, millimeter-
wave, piezoelectric devices, thin-film devices
Fig. 8 In-band power handling response of the filter from −10 to 8 dBm.
and (c). The key dimensions are listed in Fig 5, the number of
IDT pairs refer to the entire resonator. The filter has a small
footprint of 0.75 mm by 0.74 mm, including the ground traces.
The resonators and the filter are first measured using a
Keysight vector network analyzer (VNA) in air at −15 dBm
power level. The admittance and phase of the resonators are
plotted in Fig. 6 (a) and (b), fitted with the mmWave MBVD
circuit model [24] in Fig 6 (c). Unlike conventional MBVD
models, the inductive effects from routing inductance Ls are
Fig. 6 Measured wideband admittance response in (a) amplitude and indispensable. More specifically, a higher frequency resonance
(b) phase. (c) Modified mmWave MBVD model and extracted key
resonator specifications. of electromagnetic (EM) nature occurs due to the self-
resonance of the reactive parasitics embedded in the resonator
routing. Ls and routing resistance Rs are fitted based on EM
resonances. Another effect is that the perceived resonances are
now at 18.26 GHz for the series and 22.67 GHz for the shunt,
which deviate from the mechanical resonances represented by
the motional elements Lm, Cm, and Rm. The measurements show
Q around 40 and a high k2 of around 42% (Fig. 6 inset table). Q
is defined at the anti-resonance due to the inclusion of Rs and Ls
The measured filter response is shown in Fig. 7. The 23.5
GHz filter exhibits a low IL of 2.38 dB IL, a wide 3-dB FBW
of 18.2%, a 20 dB Shape Factor of 1.72 and an OoB rejection
Fig. 7 Measured filter wideband transmission and reflection.
of 13 dB, matching device simulation. Compared with SoA
low-loss acoustic filters (Fig. 1), this work shows significant
thickness variation across the sample. A full width at half frequency scaling and FBW enhancement. The reduced OoB
maximum (FWHM) of 200 arcsec from the rocking curve is performance is a drawback of using a low order filter with only
slightly worse than that with the sapphire substrate (60 arcsec 3 resonators, and will be improved in future works.
in [24]), but significantly improved from that without a-Si [28], Finally, filter response at different power levels is
corroborating the stack choice. characterized. The device is measured using the same VNA at
The fabrication process starts by trimming down the LiNbO3 several power level intervals between − 10 to 8 dBm (maximum
layer to 90 nm (the thickness of the shunt resonator) over the available power), showing little difference in the transmission
entire surface of a 2.1 by 1.9 cm sample. This is accomplished (Fig. 8). We suspect thermal nonlinearity will be the dominant
using ion beam-assisted argon gas cluster trimming, which is factor for such thin-film devices if larger input powers are
reported to maintain surface roughness and high crystallinity applied [30] . Further study on linearity and power handling will
[29]. The trim process using ion-beam has been precisely be studied in future works.
characterized in-house, validated by atomic force microscope
(AFM). Next, release windows are defined and etched using the IV. CONCLUSION
ion beam. Since the resonator bank dimensions are large, We report the design and implementation of a 23.5 GHz
resonators are divided into multiple subsections for easier acoustic filter with a low IL of 2.38 dB and a 3-dB FBW of
release. Moreover, small release windows at the end of the 18.2%, using 100 nm LiNbO3 on Si with an intermediate
IDT’s help confine acoustic energy and slightly improve amorphous Si layer. The device has been tested under different
performance. Afterward, another trimming to 75nm is power conditions showing good linear behavior.
performed over selected regions for series resonators, providing The filter performance significantly surpasses SoA and
the required fs shift. Finally, metal electrodes are patterned, and highlights the possibility of scaling compact acoustic front-end
the resonators are released through xeon difluoride (XeF2) Si signal processing toward mmWave bands.
etch. Optical images of the fabricated stand-alone series and
shunt resonators and the filter are displayed in Fig. 5 (a), (b),
First Author et al.: Title 9