RA s2022 013

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Deped Regional Advisory No. _|Q 1.3 s. 2022 January 25, 2022 In compliance with DepEd Order (DO) No. 8, s. 2013, This advisory is issued not for endorsement per DO 28, s. 2001, but only for the information of DepEd officials, personnel/staff, as well as the concerned public. (Visit deped.in/roBissuances) EDUCATIVE EDUCATION IN LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: SCHOOL HEADS. DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Attached is a letter from Dave G. Saceda, Chair and Founder of Saceda Youth Lead School, inviting the Schools Division Offices (SDOs) for the conduct of a limited face-to-face professional development program for School Heads and Master Teachers of DepEd Region Vill to become empowered education leaders and teachers. Participation of both public and private schools shall be subject to the no-disruption- of-classes policy stipulated in DepEd Order No. 9, s. 2005 entitled instituting Measures to Increase Engaged Time-on-Task and Ensuring Compliance Therewith. Considering that this is an Advisory, Schools Division Superintendents are given the discretion to act on this matter. PATIMET Gora eer HROD-ABL DepEd ROB ATA-F21 (CY2018-v03-100) ” 1125122, 9:32 AM Facebook Tis wi go forthe travel and honorarium of speakers certificates and taining materials ‘CORE LECTURER DAVEG. SACEDA Presenter, Continents Journey Oocumemary Fedo of nest Leacetp Development Decision Science Balance, Domains of Inteligences Emergency and Preveneve Megcine,Injerratonal Reatona, ‘Te past 23 years was spat empowering core values and leaders silo ‘ementay igh school an coege students as wel a5 educators Ac Cha and founder af Saceda ‘Youth Lead. he sucessfully estaanshed Youth Lee's iiatve to echool ang unerses inne Phipps andthe Asan region, conducted vaneuetommge on acutyDevelomen and etected SYL'School a leacership gh schoo inthe Phikgpnes and author o LS OUTWEIGH THRILLS. 7, Deadly Sins in Teaching and am uch and so ate You! ‘roe wth a BA eres maj in Hse tom Sian Unersy (cm auce most autetanding ‘Stadet of he year! univers talent awardee far pro and voce ean aptam of he SU Vary ‘Swim Team) and ntematoral Relguons fom he ternatonal Chest Univers, Tokyo. pan, he ‘entre ir myfadeade'sho programs m sever counties. Me enedie gragutle oegree Inzemationalelatons tm Unvesiaag ANonso Xun Ma pate and Me Pet Grsduste Sree Leadership and Change rem we orn F.Kerieay Senoal of Goverment. Harvate Unwersty Seceaa expla “Though he youth we ae the ute of ou country and trough thet good ceeds, ‘we wil pooper es aration’ He: elow atthe Kol ArnanInerations Peacekeeping Trang Centre CaM 1, Borg nattute of Gaverngeg Ateneo X Sao Madd Span ng Comes ‘lob! Potiy Cener anda member ofthe Becton Seence nett ‘TRAINING PROGRAM PROPOSAL TITLE OF THE TRAINING: [EXECUTIVE EDUCATION IN LEADERSHIFT DEVELOPMENT School Head Development Program Leadership Development, Confict Resolution, Decision Making and Balance ‘BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The Master Class in Leadership Developments 93-day intensive program for Level 2 and 3 officials in public and private institutions. Here the parciparts wil explore a completely Powers ofa Teacher |__s soctal Graces ofa Teacher Sva0r300 Lune "7330-1500 | Topic: The School Head as an instructional Leader '¢ Setting the direction ofthe school team ‘© How to Coach and Mentor Teachers ‘Creating the Professional Culture Day? £06:0830 | Sumeraion and Recap/ Preliminaries (0830-1140 | Special Topics in Leadership ‘Emergency and Preventive Medicine + Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Management and | Leaders 1140-7300 Lone 1330-1700) Topic: The School Head as Groanizational Leader ‘Conflict Reson, Problem Solving ard Deets Making Team Effectiveness and Leadership Days | {08000830 | summation and Recap Prliminanes ‘0830-1000 Topic: The School Head as an Exemplar = Vinting Proposals ané Collaborations | _Ratinng Human Resource Development 1100-1200 Closing Program End of Program Note: Verue and meals ofthe taining wl be cided by the SOO. Registration Fees is One Thousand Pesos Php 1,000) which an be pad tru any avaiable funds trom the dsion hitps:hwen facebook comimessenger_ media! twead_id=4575626572588 102Battachment_ié=3500052235009078message_id=mid,%24gABBC.... 1/1 1125102, 931 AM Facebook a on ‘SACEDA YOUTH LEAD SCHOOL Empowering Leaders, Strengthening Communities January 5, 2022 OR. EVELYN FETALVERO. Regional Director- DepEd Region Vi Taeloban City Re: Proposal to conduct the Executive Education in Leadership Develeoment ‘School Heads Development Program in ine with RA 9155 and RA 10583, In tine wth RA 9155 of the Governance Basic Education Act of 2001 that species ‘hata school head shall be both an nstrucional and admanistrative leader and RA 10533 of the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2073, that supulates that principals shall undergo Workshops and tramings to enhance thew skils on ther role as academic, administrative, fd community leaders Saceda Youth Lead Schoo) an authorized service provider by the National Educators Academy of the Philppines with Authorization No. LSP 2021-0008-0902, proposes the Leadership Course forthe Schoo! Heads Development Program for al he HT, MTS, TICS and. Principals n your region 10 equip teachers 10 become LEADERS, to become ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERS, to become INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERS and to become a (CHANGE MAKERY INFLUENCER. Ths traning arms to. (1) reenergze each ofthe participants as one who leads and teaches others 2} expose them 10 new ideas, different vewpomts, challenging experiences and peertc-peer leering, and (3). resume their role refreshed, and with greater claty of ‘thought and vision ‘Attached is our proposal. We hope for your endorsement. Thank you very much Shcetely yours, YO > DAVEG SACEDA Chat and Founder SACEDA YOUTH LEAD SCHOOL, hits. facebook comimessenger media/thread_i4=45756266723881028attachmenl_id=509952235000078message_id=mid.X24gABBC.... 1/1 1125122, 9:32 AM Facebook a@ a | TARGET PARTICIPANTS AND MODE OF TRAINING +The particpants are Principals. Supernsors, Teacher-n-Charge, HTs and MTS, + They willbe selected by ther own respective nsttutions and funding to attending this event ison personal account, however participants can salt from fami, friends and others +The raining empleys lmted Face 1 Face and shal flow health protocols PROPONENT: SACEDA YOUTH LEAD 1 RATIONALE: ‘Saceda Youth Lea buids leadership through education and action For 20 years now. Continues empowering elementary, high school and college students and even teachers to become most effectve etizens By providing them opportunities in leaders, communty Service and exchange. As part of our greater commitment to ational development we brganize several ieadersyp development tramings inte Phippines, ASEAN and the West ‘fncan regions Training Needs Anaiysis: hat Training is needed and why? Today, there 1 need to empower our Supervisers, Principals and Teacher in Charge who Show greater interest in leadership development and social action The taming is One of the trainings to be considered because it focuses on leadership development, which means it ‘evaluates the signficant experiences of a woukbbe leader. equio hinvher with the necessary Sskils based on his/her mieligences and values and polish hin her wih the huge skis ‘he/she can lear Fam his/her pees, faciltators and lecturers The tang actites have stiong emphasis n leadership. decision making. conflict resolution and balance str the nterest ofthe partcgant to pursue a path of leaders ‘and eeevice for God and country, How wil the traning be provided? The trainng wil be provided by seves of lectures, workshops and simulations, Most Importantly 1 focuses on expenences(talure and success) of every parent which they learn from teamwork How much wilt cost? The registration foe 1s PT,000. Whats the pact on the setiparcipant? The partixpant wil be empowered through the various activties and workshops, hntps:ww facebook comimessenger_media/hread_id=4576626572308102Battachment id=350905223500007Emossage_Id=mid, %24gABBL " 1128922, 832 AM a0) 1A Determining Desived Outcomes Facebook | Waderstanding of one's strengths and opportunities Decrease laxines trough the rnprovement of skis based on ‘nteligences Strengthened values system To become a Prcipalin the future Links of Desired Outcome | Eradication of shyness, arrogance and pride toBehavior Personal suturing of emotional and psychological bleeds which may have an effect m one's leadership potential, To.be bolder, courageous in contributing tothe overall evelopment of students and teaches, “entity Tramabie Guaities | ABiities one Should possess when embracing leadership, Evaluation of Competencies and Gaps Determining howto conduct the traning ‘valuation OBJECTIVES The SHOP wil ‘Study the diferent ‘Study and practice | m ‘Wiest hntps:nwen facebook com/messenger_ media/?hvead_id=4576526572388 1028attachment_id=350905223500007&mossage_id=mid. “24gABBC... ‘bilities that can be learned slong the nay "This can be done through Performance Evaluation. Sel Assessments, Personal interviews, Feedbacking " Mentoring and coachung Tectare/ workshops, case studios How much da the tramng improve competencies? How dd the rarang improve one’s valves system?

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