0823 Gearsolutions
0823 Gearsolutions
0823 Gearsolutions
Your Resource for Machines, Services, and Tooling for the Gear Industry
Powder Metal Gears | Chamfering & Deburring
We measure
quality in
WGT 280 - 1200
Powder metal gears boast many advantages over more
traditional gear-manufacturing processes.
Augmented reality is becoming a growing and useful tool to maintain
a more efficient shop floor during the manufacturing process.
2 gearsolutions.com
SINCE 1994
SINCE 1998
NIST SP 800-171
In this section, the premier supporter of gear manufacturing in the United American
States and beyond shares news of the organization’s activities, upcoming
educational and training opportunities, technical meetings and seminars, Gear Manufacturers
standards development, and the actions of AGMA councils and committees. Association
New products, trends, services, and
developments in the gear industry.
Gear Solutions (ISSN 1933 - 7507) is published monthly by Media Solutions, Inc., 266D Yeager Parkway, Pelham, AL 35124. Phone (205) 380-1573 Fax (205) 380-1580 International subscription rates:
$72.00 per year. Periodicals Postage Paid at Pelham AL and at additional mailing offices. Printed in the USA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Gear Solutions magazine, P.O. Box 1210, Pelham, AL
35124. Publications mail agreement No. 41395015 return undeliverable Canadian addresses to P.O. Box 503 RPO West Beaver Creek, Richmond Hill, ON L4B4R6. Copyright ©2006 by Media Solutions, Inc.
All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage-and-retrieval system without
permission in writing from the publisher. The views expressed by those not on the staff on Gear Solutions magazine, or who are not specifically employed by Media Solutions, Inc., are purely their own. All
“Industry News” material has either been submitted by the subject company or pulled directly from their corporate website, which is assumed to be cleared for release. Comments and submissions are welcome,
and can be submitted to [email protected].
4 gearsolutions.com
Manufacturers of:
August 2023 5
EDITOR David C. Cooper
A look at the many applications Kenneth Carter
of powder metal gears EDITOR
Jennifer Jacobson
W henever a process is used to add material to a product as opposed to subtracting that
material, it stands to reason the process should be more efficient.
At least that’s the concept behind the additive manufacturing aspect of creating powder
Joe Crowe
metal gears. In creating gears using powder metal alloys, the material is compacted into
a mold using high pressure and then sintered to make solid parts. It’s a well-established
process that has become another tool in designing and manufacturing quality gears for SALES
use in a variety of applications. Dave Gomez
It’s an important process, to be sure. NATIONAL SALES MANAGER
To that end, this month’s Gear Solutions takes a deep dive into powder metal gears and
where and why they may show up.
Kendall DeVane
In our cover article, Robert Gavran with Miba shares his insights on the extensive appli-
cations of powder metal gears and how they can have many advantages over more tradi-
tional gear-manufacturing processes. CIRCULATION
Once gears are first made, they still have to go through many steps before they end up Teresa Cooper
in use. MANAGER
One of those steps may involve chamfering or deburring, which brings us to our next
main article on precision machining with abrasive brushes.
Jamie Willett
Abrasive brush machining has been around for decades and can be used in all types of
chamfering, deburring, and finishing of gears.
To help explain more, Adam Mutschler and Eric Mutschler bring their expertise on this DESIGN
often-misunderstood process. Rick Frennea
This issue also includes a look at how augmented reality is helping to assist in the manu- CREATIVE DIRECTOR
facturing process.
In addition to our feature articles, our regular columnists offer up some interesting infor-
Michele Hall
mation on a variety of subjects including: In Hot Seat, Scott MacKenzie looks at understand-
ing nitrogen-methanol atmospheres, while in Materials Matter, Lane Winkelmann and
Malcolm Maxey talk about what to expect from your chemically accelerated superfinishing CONTRIBUTING
process. And in Tooth Tips, Brian Dengel asks and answers the question: What is a gear rack? WRITERS
There’s all that and much more in our August issue. I hope you find it as informative REBECCA BRINKLEY
Stay cool, and, as always, thanks for reading! ROBERT GAVRAN
Coop w
CALL FOR ARTICLES Have a technical paper or other work with an PUBLISHED BY MEDIA SOLUTIONS, INC.
educational angle? Let Gear Solutions publish it. Contact the editor, P. O. Box 1987 • Pelham, AL 35124
(800) 366-2185 • (205) 380-1580 fax
Kenneth Carter, at [email protected] for how you can share
your expertise with our readers. David C. Cooper Teresa Cooper
6 gearsolutions.com
343 JOHN DOWNEY DRIVE • NEW BRITAIN, CT 06051-2907 • PHONE 860-223-7778 • FAX 860-223-7776 • [email protected]
Xxxxxxxx 20XX 7
SEND US YOUR NEWS Companies wishing to submit materials for inclusion in Industry News should contact the editor,
Kenneth Carter, at [email protected]. Releases accompanied by color images will be given first consideration.
8 gearsolutions.com
ANCA to premier latest technologies, including ANCA’s unique nano-
meter control, that revolutionizes precision
sion grinding in industries that rely on small
tools, including electronics, telecommunica-
grinding technology grinding for small and micro tools down to tions, medical devices, aerospace, automo-
We Never Miss
can see firsthand ANCA’s latest technology
that spans tool precision, integrated manu-
facturing systems, industry focus applica-
tions and optimization across the process
“EMO is the global leading manufacturing
technology show, it is where the current mar-
ket trends and innovations are on display,”
said Martin Winterstein, general manager of
ANCA Europe “Our setup in Hanover really Our aerospace and defense
industries are ramping up to
shows hands-on opportunities for tool manu-
meet the challenges of an
facturers, with new application and automa-
uncertain world. Southern
tion solutions tailored to industries’ needs.
Gear’s mission is to meet
I am excited to show visitors our enhanced the growing demand for high
portfolio to include micro tools with the FX precision gears that keep
ULTRA, according to the high demand from missiles on target and aircraft
this growing segment. Experts from ANCA out of harm’s way.
and our partners will be on-site to show
and discuss individual requirements at the Need better gears, delivered
booth.” faster? We’ll hit your quality
In their commitment to creating the and delivery targets with
highest quality product, years of continuous precision accuracy.
refinements at ANCA have made the ULTRA
technology possible. ANCA’s unique verti-
cal integration is key to its success — where
machines, controls, drives, and precision
components are all designed and manufac-
There’s a Better Way.
tured in-house. Successfully introduced to
the industry last year on the MX machine
platform, it boasts the highest accuracy
and quality cutting tools in the world. The
MX7 ULTRA achieves one nanometre axis
resolution, and can maintain better than +/-
0.002mm line form accuracy of any profile
which includes ballnose and corner radius
At EMO, visitors will find out how ANCA
Fine, Medium, Coarse Pitch | Spur, Helical | 800.248.5152
spreads the ULTRA advantages to further
Shafts, Sprockets, Worms | Straight Bevel southerngear.com
fields of application, including smaller
batches, regrinding, and tools with small
diameters. HUBzone | Veteran Owned | ISO 9001 | AS9100D | ITAR Compliant
The FX7 ULTRA introduces cutting-edge
August 2023 9
10 gearsolutions.com
benefits IPM customers with improved col- thickness, accuracy, porosity, and more, is accredited lab, comprehensive reporting, on-
laboration between a much larger team of achieved with the Data Capture software. site calibration, ASME standards evaluation,
experienced metrology engineers and tech- It’s compatible with short range, long range, cleaning and firmware upgrades, portable
nicians with skills, using a broader range of computed tomography (CT), and coordinate instruments and stationary CMMs.
highly accurate and innovative 3D metrology measuring machine (CMM) scanners as well For those who prefer keeping their mea-
tools and technologies. as laser trackers. Additionally, post-process- surement processes in-house, the company
With state-of-the-art measurement tech- ing solutions are tailored to fit the needs of provides training and certification services.
nology, cutting edge design, and ISO 9100 myriad IPM client applications. These include CMS metrology certification,
& AS9100 Rev D certification, the 3D scan- Proper machine alignment involves more geometric dimensioning & tolerancing
ning facilities of the IPM Measurement & than just data collection. Experienced staff (GD&T), dimensional metrology, equipment
Alignment Services Division can capture from all the participating companies have and maintenance and measurement soft-
measurements from objects as small as a the skills, tooling, and knowledge not only ware.
medical heart stent to areas as large as a to provide highly accurate alignment inspec-
football field. Using a fleet of innovative tion data, but also to make the necessary MORE INFO www.inplacemeasureandalign.com
metrology solutions, this new division mechanical adjustments. This saves consider-
offers precision machine alignment, result- able time and money during planned outages,
ing in reduced downtime, improved product emergency shutdowns, rebuilds and instal- Sandvik digital live
quality and minimized waste for many in lations. Using advanced alignment solutions,
the manufacturing and process industries. IPM helps clients increase operating efficien- machining demos
Calibrating 3D measurement systems such
as laser trackers, portable arms, etc. on a
cy through alignment inspections and diag-
nostics, mechanical adjustments, alignment
go global
schedule will maximize the accuracy and planning and technical reports. Sandvik Coromant, a leading supplier of
clarity of the data. Highly trained metrol- Calibration services can be performed tools and technology for the metalworking
ogy professionals help when clients need to onsite at the client’s facility or at one of the industry, has released a new program of digi-
ensure equipment precision and accuracy to IPM ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Laboratories. tal live machining (DLM) sessions.
boost their bottom line. The Measurement & Alignment Services The sessions are hosted virtually from
Capturing information using 3D scan- Division provides calibration for a wide Sandvik Coromant Centers — a global net-
ning methods to find measurements of array of applications including ISO/IEC 17025 work of facilities equipped with ultramod-
American and Metric Standards
Straight and Helical NEW
Fine and Course Pitch Release
Hard-cut and Soft-cut 2023
KISSsoft Features
Precision Quality to AGMA 12
Prototype and Production Quantities ▪ Gear mesh and bearing frequencies
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▪ Data exchange GAMA / GDE 3.2 / REXS 1.4
Call 847-447-3430 for a free quote! ▪ FKM shaft rating with rainflow matrix
August 2023 11
12 gearsolutions.com
The following bearing types are covered:
deep groove ball bearings (single row), angu-
lar contact ball bearings (single row), taper
roller bearings (single row), cylindrical roller
bearings (single row), and spherical roller
Moving forward, NSK and KISSsoft AG
will continue to update and expand on the
included bearing data.
NSK has provided their extensive bearing data
“catalogue data” for inclusion in KISSsoft software MORE INFO www.kisssoft.com
with release 2023. (Courtesy: KISSsoft)
RHH, Inc.
Quality since 1915 ATLASBR NZE
TRU-VOLUTE Our name says BRONZE,
but we offer so much MORE!
Copper Alloy Forgings • Centrifugals (2” OD - 200” OD) • Sand Castings
Hard Bronzes • Finished Machined Bronze Parts
Mill Runs of Bar Stock • Powdered Metal Bushings, Bars
& Plates • Saw Cut & Surfaced Ground Plate to 144” long
August 2023 13
14 gearsolutions.com
Platinum Tooling AD8222 Color 1/4 pg GS 2023
Klingelnberg to present and the integrated Höfler Cylindrical Gear overview of the current key quality indica-
August 2023 15
P 40 is the universal all-rounder for reduc-
ing measurement times in series measure-
ment using a hybrid solution. The introduc-
American ingenuity, service and support teamed tion of hybrid metrology with optical pitch
with Japanese efficiency, quality and technology. measurement has significantly reduced
measurement times. It is now possible to per-
form optical pitch measurement on almost
all surfaces using the white light sensor tech-
nology (HISPEED OPTOSCAN) developed by
100+ Years of Manufacturing Gear Hobbing Machines
Klingelnberg and partners, along with other
8 Models of Machines from 50 to 1000mm innovative measuring strategies. Two other
processes for reliably measuring single pitch
deviations are also available.
All Klingelnberg Precision Measuring
Centers in the P 26 to P 65 series can be
optionally retrofitted with the optical sen-
sor (HISPEED OPTOSCAN). For new machines,
the “Ready for Optic” option is also avail-
KN 152 CNC able, providing a factory-installed setup for
subsequent retrofitting. Through the sys-
tematic use of the standardized Gear Data
Exchange (GDE) interface when importing
and exporting data and measurement results,
70+ Years of Manufacturing Gear
Klingelnberg has set a higher standard in
Inspection Machines
metrology 4.0 in the area of measurement
Machine Models to 850 OD Capacity results diagnostics and networking of pro-
duction machines and metrology — a system
it calls the Closed Loop.
Compact and tailored to the needs of the
automotive industry, the P 26 precision mea-
suring center has been extremely popular
GEAR TESTER with customers for more than 25 years. Its
25-year success story was built on a founda-
GTR 25 DOUBLE tion of new measurement and evaluation
methods, the implementation of innovative
measuring systems, and uniform quality and
Phone: 586-329-3755 \ Fax: 586-329-3965 reliability.
[email protected] \ www.involutegearmachine.com
MORE INFO www.klingelnberg.com
16 gearsolutions.com
Nidec Machine Tool Exterior of Nidec India
Precision Tools Ltd.’s new
to launch new cutting factory. Nidec Machine Tool to
launch new cutting tool factory
tool factory in India in India to meet growing
demand for automotive
Nidec Machine Tool Corporation, a group and related components by
company of Nidec Corporation, will increasing production capacity
construct a new factory for Nidec India by 1.5 times. (Courtesy: Nidec)
Precision Tools Ltd. (“NMT”), the company’s
cutting tool manufacturer and seller in
Ranipet of India’s Tamil Nadu State.
The new factory, with its production capac-
ity 1.5 times the company’s current manu-
facturing capability, will produce hob cut-
ters, pinion cutters, and other cutting tools.
After its launch, the factory will be able to
quickly supply the company’s customers
in India with its products and meet their
needs in response to the growing demand
for autos, and construction and farming
To be constructed on NMTI’s 55,000-
square-meter property in Ranipet, the
southern city of Chennai, the new factory
will have a f loor space of 2,000 square
meters and be home to production lines
of cutting tools (hobbing, shaping, shaving,
and broaching machines) to cut external
and internal gear teeth, with a production
capacity 1.5 times of its existing facility. In
addition, with a shorter lead time and an
expanded product lineup, the new factory
will meet a wide range of its customers’
needs speedily, while improving recoating
and other after-sales services.
Relatively close to NMTI are Chennai and
Bengaluru, where the country’s auto indus- WE EXCEL at high-speed, high accuracy
try is concentrated. With many two- and continuous generating grinding of cylindrical
four-wheel vehicle manufacturers and sup- gears for turbine and turbo applications:
pliers related to machine tool manufacturers
in those cities, NMTI aims to quickly supply • Gears as large as 1200 mm in diameter
its products to meet the industries’ diverse and module 12 – even beveloids.
needs. Furthermore, with a machine tool
• With technology and software to
show room to be added by autumn this year
grind tip and root relief and other
for customers to see actual products, the new
factory will serve as a sales base of machine modifications without special dressing
tools as well. diamonds.
Since its foundation in 1963, NMTI has • Offering our EXCEL-LENT design
been locally designing, manufacturing, and
software to help you optimize your
selling cutting tools for gear machining for
cylindrical and bevel gear designs.
the past 60 years.
With its efficient and durable cutting
tools gaining popularity from many custom-
ers, the company expanded its businesses as
the market grew larger. This latest invest- Ready to Excel?
ment for production increase is NMTI’s first Contact:
large-scale investment after joining the
Nidec Group in 2021.
815.623.3414 / www.excelgear.com
MORE INFO www.nidec.com
August 2023 17
18 gearsolutions.com
American Rebecca
Vice President
Gear Manufacturers Communications
Engagement &
Association Communications
t is already August. For those of you who run off the fiscal year, you DOWNLOAD THE ONLY GEAR-FOCUSED ECONOMIC
have about one month to get all your hopes and dreams down on REPORTS CURATED BY S&P GLOBAL
a spreadsheet to secure funding for next year’s projects. There is The Gear Market Report is a quarter-
a great deal of uncertainty in the economy right now, so anything ly report included with membership.
deemed “frivolous” most likely won’t make the cut. As someone who Industry data is gathered by the experts
talks to gear manufacturers and suppliers on a daily basis about the and compiled to offer members the lat-
benefits of joining the American Gear Manufacturers Association, I est information on bookings, shipments,
can assure you what we offer is not frivolous but a solution to many demand, economic conditions, forecasts,
of your critical needs. and more. This report is only available through AGMA and can really
Check out some of the main reasons (but not all of them) why you help your team discuss real data about what to expect in the coming
should join AGMA and how putting membership in your budget will quarters.
be the best investment you make all year:
MEET YOUR INDUSTRY PEERS, GROW YOUR NETWORK Gear Technology and Power Transmission Engineering are our publications
Our members not only are immediately and by becoming a member, you get discounted rates and exposure
brought into the fold of hundreds of other through both of our renowned publications. We want to get the word
gear-industry professionals, but they also out about your latest innovations.
get to go to AGMA member-exclusive events.
Events offered include: Annual Meeting in STAY ON TOP OF THE LATEST TECHNOLOGY TRENDS
the spring, the SRN in the summer, curated AGMA prides itself on carving the path to
tours at manufacturing events, the FTM in the future by continuously learning. Our
the fall, and our tradeshow every other year. Joining AGMA automati- Emerging Technology series is focused on
cally puts you face-to-face with industry. keeping our members in the know about
where the tech world is going. From EV
GET EDUCATION DISCOUNTS, ACCESS TO WORLD- to IIoT and automation to 3D printing, we
CLASS INSTRUCTORS have gathered experts from all over the world to share the most
AGMA offers IACET-accredited courses up-to-date data about where our industry is headed. Check out our
so all levels of your company earn CPUs white papers.
while they are improving their skillset and
professional development. AGMA offers OPPORTUNITIES FOR REAL SALES LEADS
online and in-person courses to suit your No one comes to MPT Expo by mistake,
travel and budget needs. Your team has the which means this intimate show allows
opportunity to learn everything from the for real leads, exclusive access to buying
basics to high-level engineering material. authorities, technical innovators, and the
Do you have a large team that needs special training? AGMA can future of gearing. The entire supply chain
help with that by curating on-site courses with our instructors at a for the power-transmission industry comes
discounted price. to this show for solutions — your competitors are already signed up.
Get ready for 2023’s show in Detroit, October 17-19.
EXCLUSIVE ACCESS TO JOIN ONE OF 23 TECHNICAL Free set of standards (23K value), free trade webinars, free com-
COMMITTEES TO DEVELOP STANDARDS AND WORK mittee involvement, free curated tours at emerging technology
WITH THE INDUSTRY’S TOP ENGINEERS events, unlimited access to a staff that is ready to help you, and the
Standards are the backbone of AGMA and as gear manufacturers and understanding that when you belong to AGMA, you are part of a fam-
suppliers, our members deserve to have a say in how they are devel- ily. If you want to make a solid investment for this next year (75K in
oped. By joining our technical committees, you get a front-row seat benefits) or even join now to get the last section of the Gear Market
to making an impact on your own industry. Report, contact Rebecca Brinkley at [email protected].
August 2023 19
Upcoming AGMA Education
Involute Spline Design & Rating mizing” a gear design. In this course, we will address the optimization
August 15-16 | Anywhere | Online Course process via an understanding of those factors beyond basic banding
This course will address both geometry and rating of involute splines and pitting ratings. Optimization may focus on load capacity, econo-
of various types. The types of spline joints and their applications will my of production or minimization of overall gear-system envelope.
be discussed. Spline configuration variations, including half depth, In this course, attendees will learn how to improve gear designs via
full depth, and special function designs, will be addressed. Both fixed optimization and gain new insight into concepts presented through
and flexible spline configurations will be examined in terms of usage illustrations and demonstrations. Explore all factors that go into good
and design. Lubrication methods, including grease, oil bath, and flow- gear design from life cycle, load, torque, tooth, optimization, and
ing oil, as well as coatings appropriate for various spline applications, evaluating consequences.
are examined. Shear and compressive stress rating methods are dis-
cussed with analyses methodology presented in both equation and Basic Gear Inspection for Operators
graphical methodology via various rating charts. August 23-24 | Chicago, Illinois
This course will provide a solid foundation for anyone going into
Detailed Gear Design – Beyond Simple Service Factors gear inspection. Learn the common, current, and basics of the tools
August 22-24 | Alexandria, Virginia and techniques used to measure and inspect gears. Understand the
There is a distinct difference between “designing” a gear and “opti- four main categories by which a gear is evaluated and classified. Gain
Gear Manufacturers
20 gearsolutions.com
proficiency in understanding gear quality by learning the numerical
scale on which gear design, manufacture, and inspection are based,
and more.
AGMA has over 1,000 Twitter followers! Join the conversation @agma
1001 N. Fairfax Street | Suite 500 | Alexandria, VA 22314 | (703) 684-0211 | www.agma.org
August 2023 21
Whether you’re looking for technical education, networking opportunities, or a way for your voice to be heard
in the standards process, AGMA has something to offer you. If you would like more information on any of the
following events, visit www.agma.org or send an email to [email protected].
Jenny Blackford: VP, Business Division Eric Van Rens: Schafer Industries
Randy Stott: VP, AGMA Media Nicole M. Wolter: HM Manufacturing
Rebecca Brinkley: Director, Membership Engagement & Communications Scott Yoders: Liebherr Gear Technology, Inc.
General requests: [email protected] | Membership questions: [email protected] | AGMA Foundation: [email protected]
Technical/Standards information: [email protected] | MPT Expo information: [email protected]
22 gearsolutions.com
Detroit - Michigan
Blades | Vanes | Blisks | IBRs | Impellers | Gears | Valve parts | Nozzles | Turbine blade roots | Compressor and turbine disks | Fittings | Valves
Hydraulic components | Fly-by-Wire parts | Landing gear components | Coated parts | 3D printed parts | Cutting tools
were uncovered and addressed by the proper this point, the active chemical product is rinsed from the machine
with a neutral/alkaline solution. The conversion coating is rubbed off
application of isotropic superfinishing. the gear surfaces one final time to produce the superfinished surface.
In this final step, commonly referred to as burnishing, no metal is
removed, just the residual conversion coating.
First in a series
Most people envision an extremely reflective, mirror-like tooth
Ra < 4 µin. (0.1 µm). But, in fact, the gear can look very different and ary processes after isotropic superfinishing such as coatings, so the
still meet those generic requirements. See Figure 1 for an example of presence of any residual conversion coating is not an issue.
a mirror-like isotropic superfinish. In more demanding industries, coatings are becoming more preva-
In some instances, a part may appear hazy due to an incomplete lent. In some cases, the webbing is coated for corrosion resistance.
burnish, but still meet the finish requirement. In other cases, the Additionally, tooth flank coatings are being evaluated for potential
conversion coating may not be removed at all, generating anything performance enhancement. When combining isotropic superfinish-
ing and coating technologies, surfaces that
retain the conversion coating can raise adhe-
sion concerns.
In one recent project, the Gear Research
Institute (GRI) at Penn State University
reached out for assistance reviewing test gears
that had been isotropically superfinished to
remove surface damage resulting from the
shot peening of the tooth flanks. These gears
were destined for use to evaluate several coat-
ings through fatigue testing. Upon receipt at
GRI, the gears appeared to meet the surface
finish requirements, but they retained the
black conversion coating as shown in Figure
2. The team at GRI was concerned with the
appearance, as they typically receive test
gears sent for isotropic superfinishing that
are mirror-like, as shown in Figure 1. Their
main concern was that the coatings may not
adhere properly thus ruining their testing and
Figure 2: Superfinished gear retaining the black conversion coating. the expensive gears. These gears had been not
processed by REM, but REM has been a mem-
from a grey to dark black appearance. See Figure 2 for an example of ber of the GRI Aerospace Bloc for many years and is recognized as an
an isotropically superfinished gear that retains the black conversion expert in the field of gear surface enhancement and isotropic super-
coating. In some cases, shortcuts and poor process control can lead finishing, so GRI reached out to us to evaluate these gears.
to an appearance that masks other finishing issues such as uneven After a quick review of the project with the team and GRI and
finishing, or even tooth profile distortion. their customer, it was determined that these gears would be sent to
The removal of the conversion coating is not necessary, or cost- REM for further evaluation. Upon receiving the gears, REM was able
effective for some end uses. The automotive industry demands fast to confirm that these gears had been improperly or incompletely bur-
tact times and low cost, so the burnishing step may be eliminated to nished. After a discussion with GRI and their customer, REM agreed to
meet these requirements while still delivering an isotropically super- burnish the parts to the mirror-like appearance GRI was accustomed
finished gear that performs much better than it would in a ground or to receiving. In the next installation of this article, we will review
lapped condition. These types of gears typically do not receive second- what we found hiding under the thick conversion coating.
Lane Winkelmann joined REM Surface Engineering, Inc. in 1996. He has held multiple positions there, including director of services where he
managed three ISF® Service Centers covering the U.S. and European markets. He is currently director of research and development. During
his career, Winkelmann has developed numerous products and processes as well as has co-authored several patents and papers on the use of
superfinishing. He received a B.S. from Texas A&M University in 1991, and his M.B.A. at Tulane University in 2005. He can be contacted at
[email protected].
Malcolm Maxey is a process engineer who works in the Research and Development Group with more than 20 years of engineering and account
management experience in the automotive, petrochemical, and telecommunications fields. As a process engineer, Maxey verifies and develops work
procedures for isotropic surface finishing processes. In addition, he is responsible for the procurement management of raw materials required for
process-aid manufacturing. Maxey has a B.S. in mechanical engineering from Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, Texas.
August 2023 25
A gear rack is a type of gear on which gear teeth are cut on one face
of a bar. The bar can be square, round or rectangular in cross sec-
tion and the teeth can be either parallel to the base or set at an angle.
pitch diameter. The calculations vary depending on whether the teeth
are produced in the normal system or the transverse system. Table
1 details the calculations for a gear rack and a profile shifted pin-
They are a simple and common type of element in mechanical drive ion. This gear tooth modification factor is not typically applied but is
systems and are always paired with a pinion. sometimes used to manipulate the center distance of a gear rack and
Gear racks convert power and motion from rotary motion into pinion. In most applications, this value is set to zero for the pinion.
linear motion. For straight tooth gear racks, the mating pinion must The first value needed to produce a gear rack is the pitch. In the
be the same pitch, and the same pressure angle. When the gear rack metric system, this is known as the module. As the value of the mod-
teeth are helical, the pitch, the pressure angle, and the helix angle ule increases, the size of the gear tooth increases. In the English stan-
of both the pinion and the gear rack must be the same; however, the dard system, the pitch of a helical gear is known as the diametral pitch
direction of the helix angle of each component must be opposite. (DP). It represents the number of teeth that are found on a gear with
The teeth of a gear rack are cut using a rack milling machine. a one-inch reference diameter.
The milling head machines a section of rack and then indexes to the The pressure angle is the angle between the line of action of the
adjacent section until the rack is completed. The maximum length gears and the tangent to the pitch circle. It determines the contact
of a rack is only limited by the length of the milling machine. Gear between the teeth of the gears and affects the load-carrying capac-
racks can be produced from various materials, including steel, brass, ity and efficiency of the gears. In the English system, helical gears
A gear rack is a type of gear on which gear teeth are cut on one face of a bar.
26 gearsolutions.com
Table 1: The calculations of dimensions of a profile shifted spur gear and a rack.
typically have values for pressure angle of 20 degrees or 14 degrees The design of gear rack involves determining the pitch height,
30 minutes. For metric helical gears, the pressure angle is typically module, pressure angle, addendum, dedendum, and backlash. These
20 degrees. factors are dependent on the desired speed ratio, power transmission
The number of teeth for the pinion is chosen by the end-user based requirements, and the design of the mechanical system. Gear racks
on the speed ratio that is desired for the application. Each rotation of will only transmit power between perpendicular axes. As the pinion
the pinion will travel a specific linear distance along the gear rack. A rotates, the teeth engage and transmit torque from the pinion to the
pinion with a smaller number of teeth will need to rotate faster than gear rack. If the rack is fixed and the pinion is rotated clockwise,
a larger pinion in order to travel the same distance. then the pinion will translate to the right. If the pinion is fixed and
The addendum of a gear rack tooth is the linear distance between rotates clockwise, then the rack will translate to the left. The distance
the pitch height and the tooth tip. Correspondingly, the dedendum of translation along the rack is equal to the pitch circumference of
is the linear distance between the pitch height and the tooth root. the pinion. When using a normal module, this distance is fractional.
The sum of the addendum and the dedendum determines the total When using a circular pitch instead of module, you can achieve a
tooth height. fixed translation. For example, a module 3 pinion with 30 teeth will
Although not shown in Table 1, the value for backlash is important translate 282.74 millimeters per rotation, whereas a CP10 pinion with
for gear racks. This value measures the distance between the pinion 30 teeth will translate exactly 300 millimeters per rotation. Another
gear teeth and the rack gear teeth when they are not in contact. It way to achieve a fixed rotational value is to use a helical rack and
is necessary to have a minimum amount of backlash for the gear pinion with a helix angle of 19° 31’ 41” as this value converts module
teeth to mesh properly and for lubricant to engage with the rack and to circular pitch as well.
pinion at their point of contact. As rack and pinion systems are typi- Gear racks are a commonly used element in mechanical systems
cally used for positioning applications, the accumulation of backlash because they are simple in design, efficient in operation, and cost-
errors can have a significant impact on position accuracy. Additional effective. Understanding the technical definitions and design prin-
mechanisms such as optical encoders are incorporated into rack and ciples of gear racks is essential for anyone working with mechanical
pinion systems in order to maintain positional accuracy. systems.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Brian Dengel is general manager of KHK-USA, which is based in Mineola, New York. Go online to www.khkgears.us
August 2023 27
Nitrogen-methanol atmospheres are used frequently when natu-
ral gas is unavailable. While excellent and repeatable production of
endothermic atmospheres is possible, there are some caveats that
must be understood to produce an endothermic atmosphere of the
proper composition.
A typical nitrogen-methanol system is usually composed of a meth-
anol storage tank, cryogenic nitrogen tank, vaporizer, and methanol
delivery system (pump or pressure). A control panel comprised of a
series of flowmeters is also included. This is shown in Figure 1.
28 gearsolutions.com
Methanol storage should be in a dedicated area, away from build-
ings. This area should be specifically marked off and placarded as a
hazardous area. Safety measures should be readily available for expo-
sure, spillage, and fire.
In most nitrogen-methanol control panels, rotameters are used to
control the amount of methanol and nitrogen. In a rotameter, a float
is installed in a vertical tube and the fluid flows around the float. The
float is raised due to the flow. This measurement technique is depen-
Figure 2: Variation of dynamic viscosity of methanol as a function of temperature. dent on viscosity and temperature. Most flow meters are calibrated
for a specific fluid, at a specific temperature and pressure. For liquids,
the pressure is critical because liquids are incompressible.
However, viscosity is important. Viscosity is strongly influenced
by temperature, and methanol shows a large variation in dynamic
viscosity as a function of temperature (Figure2).
This means that at temperatures other than the calibrated temper-
ature, the indicated flow rate of the methanol is incorrect. Depending
on the incoming methanol temperature, the variation can be very
significant. A scale factor, determined by taking the viscosity at the
calibration temperature, divided by the viscosity at another tempera-
ture, can then be applied to the displayed reading on the flow meter.
An example of the correction factor for different incoming tempera-
Figure 3: Correction factor of indicated flow, for a methanol flowmeter calibrated
at 70°F (21.1°C). tures of methanol is shown in Figure 3.
To minimize the variation of temperature, and resulting changes
recovered, using the cold nitrogen to condense the methanol. This in viscosity, the use of a small chiller can be used to ensure that the
nitrogen can be routed back to blanket the system. temperature is maintained at the calibration temperature. This will
Regarding the nitrogen system, it is very important that the vapor- ensure that precise metering of methanol can be accomplished.
izers on the nitrogen tank are sized appropriately for the maximum
purge flow rate for all furnaces. This is critical in case of an extended CONCLUSIONS
power failure to properly purge the furnaces with atmosphere, and In this article, we have described some of the issues with storage
maintain a positive pressure in the furnaces as the temperatures in and control of methanol used to create nitrogen-methanol endo-
the furnaces fall. This also provides protection of work in the furnaces thermic atmospheres. Safety during storage and having appropriate
and helps minimize oxidation of parts. engineering controls is important to protect people and equipment.
Understanding the physical parameters of methanol, and the differ-
METHANOL TANK STORAGE & INSTALLATION ent measuring techniques, will enable precise methanol (and atmo-
Methanol storage tanks can be either above ground, or below ground. sphere) control.
Where depends on either local fire or environmental regulations. Should you have any questions regarding this column, or sugges-
Many fire codes (at least previously) required underground storage tions for any future columns, please contact the author, or the editor.
tanks. These tanks at, at a minimum, were double walled, with intrin-
sic sensing. Modern environmental regulations require above ground REFERENCES
storage, with containment. In many respects, the storage of methanol [1] D. Aronowitz, D. W. Naegeli and I. Glassman, “Kinetics of the Pyrolysis of
is like that of gasoline. Methanol,” J. Phys. Chem., vol. 81, no. 25, pp. 2555-25559, 1977.
For larger underground tanks, once the pit has been dug, before [2] D. Aronowitz, R. J. Santoro, F. L. Dryer and I. Glassman, “Kinetics of the
the tank is covered with dirt and asphalt, it should be immediately oxidation of methanol: Experimental results semi-global modeling and
filled with methanol. It should also be fully strapped down with con- mechanistic concepts,” Symposium (International) on Combustion, vol. 17,
crete piers on a concrete stab. Failure to do so before filling the tank no. 1, pp. 633-644, 1979.
with methanol may result in the tank floating out of the pit if a heavy [3] P. E. Liley, “Thermodynamic properties of methanol,” Chem. Eng. , vol. 11,
rain or ground water fills the pit (don’t ask me how I know this). no. 59-60, 1982.
Methanol is routinely stored in above-ground, internally baffled
[4] Methanol Institute, Methanol Safe Handling Manual, 5th ed., Alexandria,
tanks. These tanks must be properly grounded to avoid ignition from
VA, 2023.
static electricity. Nitrogen is used to inert the space above the liquid
methanol. [5] NFPA, “NFPA 30: Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code,” National
Methanol burns with an invisible flame. First responders should Fire Protection Association, 2024.
have remote heat detection capability. The installation is recom- [6] Occupational Safety and Health Administration, CFR 49 1910.119: Process
mended to have some sort of remote temperature sensing capability. safety management of highly hazardous chemicals.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR D. Scott MacKenzie, Ph.D., FASM, is senior research scientist-metallurgy at Quaker Houghton. He is the past president
of IFHTSE, and a member of the executive council of IFHTSE. For more information, go to www.quakerhoughton.com.
August 2023 29
30 gearsolutions.com
Powder metal gears boast many advantages over
more traditional gear-manufacturing processes.
owder metallurgy is a manufacturing process
that involves compacting metal powder under
high pressure and then sintering them at ele-
vated temperatures to form solid components.
Miba Sinter USA uses a range of metal powders such as
iron, steel, and alloys, depending on the specific appli-
cation requirements. Powder metal gears are widely
used in various industries such as automotive, indus-
trial equipment, and power-transmission applications.
The core process of powder metallurgy includes
powder mixing, tooling, powder compacting, green
machining, sintering, sizing, packaging, and final
inspection. Secondary process includes inductive
hardening, heat treatment, machining and nitriding.
(Figure 1)
Powder metal gears, like gears produced using other
manufacturing techniques, can have a variety of tooth
profiles depending on the specific application require-
Figure 2: Spur gear
ments. The tooth profile is crucial as it determines the
gear’s performance in terms of load capacity, efficien- Helical gears have teeth that are cut at an angle to
cy, and noise characteristics. Some commonly used the gear axis, resulting in a helix shape. This helical
tooth profiles for powder metal gears include: tooth profile allows for smoother and quieter opera-
Spur gears have straight teeth that are parallel to tion compared to spur gears. Helical gears can transmit
the gear axis. They are the simplest and most common power between parallel or non-parallel shafts, and they
type of gear. Spur gears are suitable for transmitting provide higher load-carrying capacity. (Figure 3)
power between parallel shafts and provide high effi- These are just the most common examples of tooth
ciency but can generate noise due to their engagement profiles commonly used in powder-metal gears. It’s
characteristics. (Figure 2) important to note the selection of the tooth profile
Figure 1: The core process of powder metallurgy includes
powder mixing, tooling, powder compacting, green machining,
sintering, sizing, packaging, and final inspection. Secondary
process includes inductive hardening, heat treatment,
machining and nitriding.
August 2023 31
depends on factors such as the application APPLICATIONS
requirements, desired gear ratio, torque Powder metal gears find extensive applica-
transmission, and efficiency considerations. tions in various automotive systems, includ-
Design engineers typically consider factors ing:
such as load distribution, noise generation, 1. Transmissions: Powder metal gears
efficiency, and manufacturing feasibility are widely used in automatic and manual
when determining the appropriate tooth transmissions, providing reliable and effi-
profile for a specific powder metal gear appli- cient power transfer between the engine
cation. and wheels. Their high strength and
wear resistance ensure smooth shifting,
POWDER METAL MATERIAL improved gear engagement, and prolonged
When it comes to material choices in powder transmission life.
metallurgy for gears, several factors need to 2. Electric powertrains: As the automo-
be considered: tive industry shifts toward electric vehicles
Mechanical Properties: Gears are sub- (EVs), powder metal gears play a vital role in
jected to significant stresses, including electric powertrain systems. These gears are
bending, torsion, and fatigue. Therefore, employed in electric motor drives, gearbox-
the chosen material must possess adequate es, and differentials, delivering the neces-
strength, hardness, and wear resistance. sary torque and speed required for optimal
Figure 3: Helical gear
Common materials used in powder metal- EV performance.
lurgy for gears include low-alloy steels, iron-based alloys, and some 3. Steering systems: Powder metal gears are employed in
non-ferrous alloys. steering systems to transmit power from the steering wheel to the
Density: The density of the powder metallurgy gear material wheels. Their durability, precision, and quiet operation contribute
affects its ability to transmit power efficiently. Higher density mate- to responsive and accurate steering control.
rials offer better strength and load-bearing capacity. However, the
density must be balanced with other factors such as cost and pro-
cessability. (Figure 4)
Lubrication and wear: Gears require lubrication to minimize fric-
tion and wear. Some powder metallurgy materials possess inher-
ent self-lubricating properties, such as copper-based alloys or iron-
copper-graphite compositions. These materials reduce the need for
external lubrication and improve the gear system’s performance
and durability.
Cost: Powder metallurgy often leads to cost savings compared
to traditional manufacturing methods. The material cost, as well
as the ease of processing and secondary operations such as heat
treatment, must be evaluated to ensure an optimal balance between
performance and cost.
Miba powder metal gears are known for their excellent strength,
durability, and precision. With its patented densification process, the Figure 5
company achieves a density of >7,6g/cm3. The high density is mainly
needed for gears in the e-drive and automotive industry. Miba’s patent- VALIDATION OF POWDER METAL GEARS
ed densification process can be used for inner and outer splines. Due The validation process of powder metal gears involves comprehensive
to this densification process, a strength of solid steel can be achieved testing and analysis to assess their performance characteristics. The
on the surface of its powder metal gears. (Figure 5) goal is to verify the gears meet the desired specifications and can
withstand the intended operating conditions. The process typically
consists of the following stages:
The initial step involves verifying the gear design using computer-aid-
ed engineering (CAE) tools. Finite element analysis (FEA) is employed
to simulate the gear’s behavior under different loads, speeds, and
operating conditions. This analysis helps identify potential design
issues, such as stress concentrations, deflection, or excessive wear,
which can be addressed before physical prototyping.
Powder metal gears are manufactured using specific metal pow-
ders and additives. The materials used must undergo rigorous test-
ing to validate their properties and suitability for gear applications.
Figure 4: Common materials used in powder metallurgy for gears include low-alloy Mechanical tests, such as tensile strength, hardness, and fatigue test-
steels, iron-based alloys, and some non-ferrous alloys. ing, are conducted to ensure the powder metallurgy process results
32 gearsolutions.com
in materials with the required strength and durability. Material selection: Miba uses a range of metal powders such as
iron, steel, and alloys, depending on the specific application require-
COMPONENT TESTING ments. These materials offer high strength, wear resistance, and
Once the gears are manufactured, a series of component-level tests fatigue resistance.
are performed to evaluate their performance. These tests include: Precision manufacturing: Miba employs advanced techniques in
Gear tooth strength: The gears undergo tests to evaluate their powder metallurgy to ensure tight tolerances and high dimensional
resistance to tooth breakage or wear. This involves subjecting the accuracy. This precision manufacturing process allows for the pro-
gears to high loads and measuring the tooth deflection, stress dis- duction of complex gear geometries with minimal post-processing.
tribution, and fatigue life. Cost effectiveness: Powder metal gears offer cost advantages
Gear mesh efficiency: The meshing characteristics of the gears compared to traditional machined gears. The ability to produce
are assessed to determine their efficiency and minimize power loss complex geometries and the elimination of secondary operations
due to friction. This is achieved by analysing the gear meshing pat- like machining and heat treatment contribute to cost savings.
terns, backlash, and contact ratio. Improved efficiency: Miba powder metal gears are designed to
minimize friction and wear, resulting in
improved efficiency and reduced power
losses. They also offer excellent noise and
vibration damping properties.
Customization: Miba can tailor the
design and properties of powder metal
gears to meet specific customer require-
ments. This flexibility allows for optimized
gear performance in terms of load capacity,
speed, and noise reduction.
Reliability: Miba powder metal gears
undergo rigorous testing and quality con-
trol procedures to ensure high reliability
and long service life. They are designed to
withstand demanding operating conditions
Figure 6: PM tech is considered more environmentally friendly compared to other manufacturing processes.
(Courtesy: Powder Metallurgy Review, July 6, 2016) and provide consistent performance.
Light weight: Compared to solid steel,
Noise and vibration analysis: Powder metal gears are evaluated the weight of powder metal gears is lower by about 10 percent.
for noise and vibration levels during operation. Accelerometers and Enhanced noise and vibration damping: The inherent porosity of
sound level meters are used to measure and analyze vibrations and powder metal gears acts as a natural dampening mechanism, reduc-
noise generated by the gear system. This helps identify potential ing noise and vibration during gear operation. This makes powder
issues and optimize the gear design for quieter operation. metal gears particularly suitable for applications where noise reduc-
tion is critical, such as transmissions and drivetrain systems. The
SYSTEM-LEVEL VALIDATION ability to dampen vibrations contributes to increased driver comfort
Powder metal gears are integrated into the targeted system, such as and a quieter driving experience.
transmissions or drivetrains, for comprehensive system-level vali- Design flexibility: Powder metal technology enables the pro-
dation. This involves subjecting the gears to real-world operating duction of intricate gear shapes and features that are difficult or
conditions, including varying speeds, loads, and temperatures. The impossible to achieve with traditional manufacturing methods. This
performance and durability of the gear system are evaluated through design flexibility allows for optimized gear performance, includ-
extensive testing, including endurance tests, thermal cycling, and ing improved load distribution, reduced weight, and enhanced
accelerated life testing. efficiency.
Consistency and quality: Powder metal technology offers excel-
COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS lent control over the manufacturing process, resulting in consistent
Powder metal gears must adhere to industry standards and regula- gear quality. The process enables tight tolerances, high dimensional
tions. Validation includes verifying compliance with standards such accuracy, and uniform material properties throughout the gear. This
as ISO, AGMA, IATF, or specific automotive OEM requirements. These consistency ensures reliable performance and reduces the need for
standards define parameters such as gear quality, material proper- post-processing or secondary operations.
ties, and performance criteria, ensuring consistency and reliability Environmental sustainability: Powder metal technology is con-
across the industry. sidered more environmentally friendly compared to other manu-
facturing processes. It generates less waste, consumes less energy,
PM BENEFITS and reduces the need for raw materials. Additionally, the ability
What are the benefits using powder metallurgy technology for your to recycle and reuse excess powders contributes to overall sustain-
gear? ability. (Figure 6)
Robert Gavran is with Miba. He started his career in 2011 with powder metal gears and worked on many different gear projects mainly for the
automotive industry. Gavran is in Detroit, Michigan.
August 2023 33
34 gearsolutions.com
Abrasive brush machining is a cost-effective,
time-reducing method that can complement many
workpiece types and solve the problems of many
chamfering, deburring, or finishing challenges.
brasive brushes are useful tools in all sorts of with two elements:
applications. They’ve been around for many Impact: This is determined by the size, shape, and
years and are used every day in all types of trim length of the bristle itself (the nylon carrier).
chamfering, deburring, and finishing processes Cut: This is determined by the grit size and type
but when properly applied, they can be used as a preci- of grit, as well as the concentration.
sion machining process holding incredible tolerances. Other important aspects include placement of the
Their application is often misunderstood and applied brush and, most importantly, maintaining proper
in ways that set the brush up to fail. engagement of the brush once all process parameters
What is an abrasive brush? are set. If the bristle can access the area requiring
These are brushes made from a wide variety of fila- the work, it can succeed. If there are obstructions,
ments fabricated into a wider variety of power brushes. the bristle may not reach the intended area. The typi-
They can be radial (wheel) brushes, disc (cup) brushes, cal response to this is more pressure or engagement,
end (face) brushes, bottle brushes, as
well as other more specialized configu-
The filament is made by mixing
nylon and abrasives grain and then co-
extruding the filaments. This allows the
abrasive to be present throughout the
filament as the brush wears, constantly
presenting fresh grains as the nylon
breaks down.
Common abrasives are silicon car-
bide (most common), but more recent
arrivals include ceramic grain as well
as CBN and diamond grains.
Brushes can be made to perform as you
need them to. The variables include
diameter, density, general construction
(disc-type brushes), and trim length.
Bristle filament types can be round or
Ceramic chips require a very specific controlled edge radius. The radius size as
rectangular, straight or crimped. Each
well as shape are both held to a ±0.002” tolerance. (0.0075” target). The radius
configuration has a very specific use and must be a full radius equally spaced. This application used a silicon carbide 320
behavior when applied to the workpiece. grit brush to succeed as anything more aggressive would chip the brittle ceramic.
Additionally, grit size, filament diame- This process replaced the tedious grinding solution that was used for years and
ter, and concentration (ratio and size of had a 50 percent scrap rate due to chipping. (Courtesy: CDMC)
abrasive grains relative to nylon carrier)
all play a role in the end results. There are endless com- which usually leads to more problems, including
binations that can be made, and minor adjustments improper chamfer, premature brush wear, or wear-
can make significant changes in performance. ing the brush irregularly. Nylon abrasive brushes
typically work only on the edges of a workpiece with
HOW DOES A NYLON ABRASIVE the exception of the ceramic and diamond media.
BRUSH WORK? The radius will generate, and the base material will
Placement and control of engagement are critical for not be disturbed or changed. The edge will generate
proper results. The brush works best when it passes the quickly at a small level and as it increases, the rate of
edge perpendicularly. It does not work as effectively cut will slow down as the edge becomes larger. Other
when contacting the edge parallel. The filament cuts media types are designed to be more aggressive and
August 2023 35
Precision machining with abrasive
brushes requires control over
variables. This is critical.
Tolerances of 0.0001” can
be held with abrasive
Shown here is a carbide drill also with edge prep applied. In this case, the manufacturer wanted a 0.0015” full radius applied on both angles of the drill point (as shown).
(Courtesy: CDMC)
can remove base material when brushed heavily or not properly brushes. To be fair, in most cases, these tolerances will not be noticed.
controlled. But they will be in precision-radius applications. We source media
from Europe that is verified and provided within stringent tolerances
VARIABLES, VARIABLES, VARIABLES in diameter, nylon type, and concentration of media.
Precision machining with abrasive brushes requires control over vari- Brush construction varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.
ables. This is critical. Tolerances of 0.0001” can be held with abrasive The methods used to construct a brush are typically proprietary, and
brushes. The conditions under which these tolerances are held are tolerances are not generally provided. Working closely with trusted
highly controlled. Specialized machines are available to perform sources, brush construction can be controlled to an acceptable level.
these tasks and achieve these results. Consider a brush is made in an automated fashion. Bundles of fila-
Variables range from consistent and qualified brushes to con- ment are weighed and assembled and inserted into the brush body.
trolled machine parameters that monitor and adjust the engagement, These bundles can vary to the point of creating a very different
dwell time, and position of the workpiece. result in the cut. Controlling the bundles and construction are also
Brush tolerances you may not know about. It’s all about control. key to success.
As with any cutting tool, consistency and control are key to con-
trolling tight tolerance requirements. Brushes are often overlooked, CASE IN POINT
and their tolerances are misunderstood until you are controlling a Our application team was approached by a customer that had a chal-
radius to a micron level. lenging requirement. Very specialized materials used in products
Brushes are made with a filament that has a tolerance of ±10 per- that fly required some unique results to be obtained. These results
cent. This can be huge in both impact results as well as access to roots required the application of a radius on a square edge of a spline.
and corners. A more controlled tolerance filament is available at a cost The tolerances were 0.005” full radius +0.005” -0.000”. Applying a
and should be employed as a part of the overall process development. radius to these edges included several angled surfaces as well as
Media concentration is also allowed a ±10-percent tolerance as a long lengths of spline teeth. Applying this level of tolerance was
standard product. This is also huge and can affect results dramati- not something that a manual operator can accomplish consistently
cally. We have proven this in many applications using off-the-shelf by applying the part to a pedestal grinder, and this proved to be
36 gearsolutions.com
predictably capable within the allowable tol-
erances using a 1.67 Cpk.
This type of application requires collabora-
tive teamwork between the customer and
the machine supplier. Having capable and
committed people on both sides will make
success much easier to attain. All points of
the process must be maintained and cannot
be deviated from to maintain capable results.
If brushes are not as defined, there will be
problems. If the machine is not functioning
as it should, there will be problems.
Defining and maintaining a level of con-
trol is the recipe for precision machining
An example of pump gear with a radius. (Courtesy: CDMC)
with nylon abrasive brushes.
true. The variables between operators, skill level, fatigue, and the CONCLUSIONS
overall difficulty of the repetitive motions make this unpredictable. “A brush is a brush is a brush” can be a true statement depending
Although not an ultra-tight tolerance, consistency was an absolute on the application. The end results have much to do with the under-
requirement. standing of how exactly the brush is, its placement to the part, and
The part had a set of spines each with lead and trailing angles. Each the control used to apply it to the workpiece.
of the edges needed to be chamfered equally to meet the print require- To achieve the results of high tolerance control, rules must be fol-
ments. This is a total of 12 surfaces on each part to be chamfered. lowed. In doing so, the repeatability of high tolerances is quite within
We chose a ceramic brush to do the job. A Pferd 120 grit x 0.028” the capability of most shops.
diameter crimped filament was capable of reaching the roots due to Abrasive brush machining is a cost-effective, time-reducing meth-
the small filament diameter. The ceramic grit cut predictably, and od that can complement many workpiece types and solve the prob-
the process was developed. The results were that all of the edges were lems of many edge finishing challenges.
Adam Mutschler has been the president of Cleveland Deburring Machine Co. since 2010 and has been involved in deburring technology for
20 years. Eric Mutschler is the VP of sales for Mutschler Edge Technologies. He has been involved in deburring and edge prep technology for
almost 40 years.
August 2023 37
38 gearsolutions.com
Augmented reality is becoming a growing and useful
tool to maintain a more efficient shop floor during the
manufacturing process.
anufacturers are increasingly incorporating Several additional quality controls.
augmented reality in their digital transforma- Possible additional logistical costs.
tion strategy. Augmented reality provides a Generate dissatisfaction for end customers.
multiplier effect for improving the efficiency A detected non-conformity or error often implies
and quality of production and inspection processes. more time to devote to the handled part, which can
Defect detection assistance, improved produc- even go as far as stopping the production to identify
tion rate, increased safety for the factory and teams, and resolve the problem. The challenge is to detect
increased productivity, reduced cycle times, and, above errors as early as possible in the process to avoid late
all, reduced costs: The benefits are numerous. detection and the need to stop production. This can
AR allows the industrial sector to gain effectiveness be a major challenge, especially when an operational
and efficiency while reducing errors and the additional excellence strategy is needed.
costs generated, but it does not stop there. An augmented reality solution allows workers to
Here is a closer look at some of the main benefits of anticipate these errors. With an AR tool, quality con-
augmented reality in manufacturing: trol information is contextualized and localized to
simplify the inspection process. Operators are guided
1 INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY through each inspection point using 3D data imported
THROUGH AUGMENTED REALITY directly into the field and superimposed on the part to
AR is a solution whose effectiveness and value to the be inspected throughout the manufacturing process.
industry are more proven than ever to increase indus- This capability supports efficient validation of product
trial productivity. When used in factory and produc- conformity. In addition, errors are precisely localized,
tion processes, there are many gains to be made in a allowing the proper corrective and repair actions to
quest for operational excellence. be applied. DELMIA Augmented Experience solutions
In addition to allowing workers to be more effective are already helping many industrial customers identify
and faster in each of their tasks (assembly, inspection, and efficiently report production defects.
maintenance), such a solution will enable them to be But the best way to reduce quality problems is to
more efficient by optimizing processes and providing avoid assembly errors in advance. AR effectively guides
digital instructions for operators. the operator to achieve “first-time right” via the con-
A company’s teams can identify non-conformities textualization of work instructions and their display
faster and drastically reduce errors and related costs. in the field, making them intelligible.
Operations are performed correctly by having the right
information in the right place at the right time and 3 CONNECTING THE FIELD WITH NEW
assigned to the right person. DIGITAL CAPABILITY
To summarize, whatever the industrial perfor- What if the augmented operator was the connection
mance, it will be optimized thanks to: point that could reconcile the real and virtual worlds?
Faster learning curve for new operators. Displaying digital data from the design teams on the
Reduction of inspection time (DELMIA Augmented shop floor allows the operator to interact with the data.
Experience provides up to 84 percent reduction of AR becomes the link to creating a tangible connection
inspection time measured at our customers). between the virtual (and all the digital information
Reduction of cycle times and reporting. from the engineering office), with the real, meaning
Automatically updated reports and documenta- the operations happening on the field.
tion. Implementing an augmented reality solution, espe-
Better traceability. cially if the chosen technology offers integration capa-
bilities with the existing systems (MES, for example),
2 IMPROVING QUALITY THROUGH AR may be the answer to the digital gap between V + R.
The detection and reduction of non-conformities are
one of the main objectives of the teams in charge 4 SUPPORTING THE FUTURE OPERATOR
of inspection and quality. The slightest error can be BY BOOSTING SKILLS DEVELOPMENT
extremely costly and can lead to a series of time-con- Integrating AR solutions in the factory can positively
suming corrective actions, such as: affect team training. The simple fact of using augment-
Correctly identified defects. ed reality contributes to an operator’s training and
New production runs. increases their skills. Using digital work instructions
August 2023 39
Digital continuity can be possible with augmented reality. (Courtesy: DELMIA)
training and increases their skills. field teams can better understand the company’s processes.
40 gearsolutions.com
Augmented reality technologies can improve a factory’s safety and comfort. (Courtesy: DELMIA)
that will feed the digital twin. bly and inspection times.
It encourages operator-skill development. With augmented reality, performance can be optimized consider-
It contributes to the reduction of cycle times by reducing assem- ably while reinforcing manufacturing processes.
Wendy Mlynarek is strategic business development director at Dassault Systèmes for the DELMIA brand, supporting aerospace and defense
and the virtual twin experience marketing for manufacturing operations program. She has more than 25 years of experience in marketing
manufacturing solutions globally.
August 2023 41
42 gearsolutions.com
Horn USA offers a wide array of cutting tools
that can be used wherever maximum precision
is required: From the automotive industry and
aerospace technology to the jewelry industry
and medical technology.
By KENNETH CARTER, Gear Solutions editor
hen it comes to manufacturing gears, the the human capital within a company, according to
bottom line often boils down to precision Csizmar. HORN employs a global team with extensive
— precision in cutting, precision in milling, hands-on experience with gear machining and the
precision in skiving. Whatever the process, design of gear cutting tooling. It leverages knowledge
precision is key. from numerous applications around the globe and
Horn USA, a subsidiary of Paul Horn GmbH, contin- trains the internal team regularly on the latest pro-
ues to advance its goals of producing the best and most cesses and developments.
precise gear tooling available to the industry. “HORN has also invested heavily into software to
“HORN is exceptional at creating precise forms assure the quality and precision of the gear form,” he
between flanks,” said Mike Csizmar, national sales said. “In some cases, we have helped customers find
manager for Horn USA. “We work to microns, and our errors on their prints and specifications using our
form tolerances are accurate and repeatable. We utilize software.”
the most advanced equipment available
combined with our own software solu-
tions to generate gear tooling. HORN
also coordinates with cutting edge
machine tool partners to execute the
design with the highest measurement
Gear processes available from HORN
include milling, broaching, skiving,
deburring, and finishing, according to
“Our philosophy is to engineer a solu-
tion to produce the gear form correctly
the first time,” he said. “HORN has solu-
tions from module 0.5 up to module 30.
The indexable and solid tools we manu-
facture cover spur gears, shaft hub con- Gear processes available from HORN include milling, broaching, skiving, deburring,
and finishing. (Courtesy: HORN)
nections, worms, bevels, pinions, and
custom forms. HORN supplies gear pro-
duction solutions for 5-axis milling, broaching, gear CONSULTIVE SELLING
hobbing, and skiving.” Csizmar emphasized HORN strongly advocates consul-
tive selling as a means to achieve its objectives.
STRONG PARTNERSHIPS As an example, Csizmar mentioned a customer that
As with all the tooling HORN produces, it strives to was outsourcing the splining of shafts. HORN devel-
partner with its customers and deliver the highest pos- oped a solution that allowed the customer to produce
sible value, according to Csizmar. HORN’s cooperation the spline in the same machine in one set-up, thus
doesn’t stop with the end user. It also works with top eliminating scrap and weeks of lead time.
OEMs to develop gear-manufacturing processes for a “By partnering with our customer and helping
complete solution, which allows for a more complete them improve their process, they have grown from a
picture of the process, the limitations, and dimension- three-machine shop to over 20 CNCs,” he said.
al requirements.
DEVELOPING NEW TECHNIQUES As Horn USA has continued to grow its presence in
The key to successful gear machining starts with North America, that growth is reflected in the com-
August 2023 43
Horn USA, a subsidiary of Paul Horn GmbH, continues to advance its goals of producing the best and most precise gear tooling available to the industry. (Courtesy: HORN)
44 gearsolutions.com
Gear Solutions wants to make sure the best
possible audience knows your company.
Through our print, online, and social media
presence, our experienced staff can get your
message to an industry that wants to know
what you can do.
August 2023 45
GF Machining Solutions
unveils new CUT F
Series of EDMs
With the perfect balance of precision
and productivity in mind, GF Machining
Solutions launched the first model of its
new CUT F Series of wire electrical discharge
machines (EDMs) at the grand opening of the
company’s Medical Center of Competence. As
the first of its kind, the new center provides
Fixtureworks nut runner clamps for robotic and automated clamping. (Courtesy: Fixtureworks)
manufacturers supplying the medical indus-
try with comprehensive applications support
along with world-class production technolo-
Fixtureworks nut runner up to 1,350 pounds, swing into position, then gies, one of which is EDM.
clamps for robotic and clamp straight down onto the workpiece for
direct downward pressure. When releasing
Stemming from more than 100 years
of EDM experience, the new CUT F 600
automated clamping the clamp, the arm swings out 90 degrees
for easy removal and placement of the work-
is designed for ease of use and f lexibil-
ity, thanks to many of the company’s most
Fixtureworks®, a leading North American piece. The internal spiral groove forces posi- innovative technologies. These include the
manufacturer and supplier of clamps, fix- tive clamp arm rotation both in the clamping Uniqua control, ISPS and iWire intelligent
turing accessories, machine tool components, and unclamping motions. These clamps are functions, and RFID Smart Wire system
and rollers and bumpers, now offers a line of designed to be used in robotized production along with design enhancements for thermal
nut runner clamps in both swing and block lines where robots use nut runners. A torque- stabilization, vibration control, and machine
pull versions that can provide robotic clamp- settable impact wrench may also be used to movement precision.
ing, automated clamping, and unclamping operate these clamps. The CUT F 600’s intuitive Uniqua human/
on automated and robotic production lines. Block pull clamps, with clamping force machine interface (HMI) delivers optimal
A nut runner is a member of the industrial up to 2,700 lb., provide very quick and secure functionality and ergonomics with a 19-inch
torque wrench family — a series of tools used fastening and are ideal for 5-axis machining. vertical touchscreen, full keyboard, and
to tighten nuts, bolts, and screws in situa- They consist of a clamp base used with clamp- mouse. For the utmost compatibility, Uniqua
tions where torque is crucial. Unlike stan- ing screws. Block pull clamps mount under a supports legacy file types from various EDM
dard wrenches, torque wrenches can apply workpiece, which allows the surface that will manufacturers, and with offline and at-the-
a defined level of torque to a bolt. be machined to be accessible to the cutting machine programming, ISO-based func-
Unlike hydraulic solutions, Fixtureworks tool. In addition to tightening with a wrench, tionality and object-oriented programming,
nut runner clamps provide mechanical this clamp can be operated with nut runner Uniqua provides a powerful graphic tool
clamping without the need for hydraulic pip- for automation and impact wrench for lower with integrated CAM and also ensures com-
ing. This simplifies fixture design and main- workload. Clamping screws are used with patibility with major CAD/CAM programs.
tenance, shortens preparation time, and low- block pull clamps. The iWire function of the CUT F 600 auto-
ers costs. They are equipped with a hex head In addition to nut runner clamps, matically identifies and adapts wire speed to
for automated clamping and unclamping. Fixtureworks offers quick change pneumat- changing erosion height conditions during
Spiral-acting swing clamps and block pull ic clamping fasteners, quick action sliding the wire EDM process. This capability elimi-
clamp types are available. They offer the high locks spring plunger clamps, handle and nates wire breakage while reducing overall
clamping force needed on machining and levers, knobs and grips, equipment han- wire consumption per job, in some instances
assembly lines. They can provide rigid and dles, hand wheels and cranks, hinges and by as much as 29 percent. The iWire func-
easy mounting to the plate and provide no latches, leveling supports, industrial rubber tion works in tandem with the company’s
tool interference for top surface machining. bumpers, stops and wheels, fixture clamps, Intelligent Spark Protection System (ISPS),
The swing clamps, with clamping force clamping locating systems, work position- both of which are part of the Uniqua control.
46 gearsolutions.com
ANCA launches MX7
ULTRA to produce highest
accuracy cutting tools
ANCA’s new MX7 ULTRA can manufacture
large volumes of endmills and other cutting
tools of the highest accuracy and quality. The
minute size of a micron is beyond the human
eye, but in becoming even more precise and
moving from micrometers to nanometers,
ANCA will offer the highest accuracy and
quality in a cutting tool in the market. New
software, hardware, and design features
are combined to make significant advances
in surface finish, accuracy, and controlled
runout, to deliver batch consistency from
the first ground tool to the thousandth. The
machine will be displayed September 9-14 at
IMTA Booth #237406.
The MX7 ULTRA includes:
Nanometer control system.
New servo control algorithm for smooth
System and mechanical upgrades
enhance stiffness and rigidity.
In-process measuring, balancing, and
runout compensation for consistent accuracy.
GF Machining Solutions’ new CUT F 600 is designed Motor Temperature Control (MTC) –
for ease of use and flexibility, thanks to many of the compensation for thermal expansion on the
company’s most innovative technologies. (Courtesy:
Weiler Abrasives
introduces Tiger 2.0
cutting, grinding wheels
Weiler Abrasives, a leading provider of
abrasives, power brushes and maintenance
products for surface conditioning, released
the next evolution of abrasives — Tiger 2.0
zirconia alumina and aluminum oxide cut-
ting, grinding, and combo wheels. Designed
for demanding metal fabrication industries
such as shipbuilding, pressure vessel, and
heavy equipment fabrication, these abrasives
help cut through inefficiencies, safety issues,
and labor shortages that prevent companies
Introducing one nanometer axis resolution, ANCA’s new MX7 ULTRA machine’s performance can maintain
less than ±0.002mm line form accuracy of any profile which includes ballnose and corner radius endmills. from doing their best work.
(Courtesy: ANCA) “We understand that our customers’ pro-
duction environments are ever-changing
grinding spindle. could produce premium cutting tools that and many are challenged with doing more
Specialist training support in how to are above the current market standard in work with less labor,” said Tony Hufford, cat-
grind industry leading cutting tools. both accuracy and tool life,” Mathew said. egory manager Metal Fabrication at Weiler
“The MX7 ULTRA is a significant develop- “We introduced nanometer resolution into Abrasives. “We listened to their feedback to
ment in precision machine design and will our axis, which is new to the cutting tool determine what they want and need in their
change the industry expectations for accu- market. The result is a perfect example of abrasives. The result is wheels that offer fast
racy and tool life,” said Pat Boland, ANCA ANCA’s vertical integration capabilities as cut-rates with extended life that we devel-
co-founder. “Achieving these outstanding we have the in-house ability to fine tune or oped through countless hours of trials and
results has only been possible because of our develop the new algorithms for our drives to validation to provide the best product to
extensive experience working with custom- make this happen. market.”
ers to manufacture the highest quality cut- “Cutting tools like ballnose, corner radi- In addition to offering fast cutting speed,
ting tools over many years. At ANCA, we are us, barrel shape ballnose, and double cor- Tiger 2.0 wheels last up to 40 percent longer
always designing and innovating to find bet- ner radius endmills are used widely across to increase efficiency in operations’ cutting
ter customer solutions and I am very proud of industries including diemold, aerospace, and and grinding applications. The wheels fea-
the ANCA team that has developed the MX7 power generation. The surface finish qual- ture an award-winning blotter design that
ULTRA.” ity, accuracy and runout are critical for the includes an industry-first, patent-pending
“The ULTRA machine is truly market- performance and cutting life in all applica- Optimum Use Line. The line is a visual indi-
changing,” said Thomson Mathew, ANCA tions — so our customers want a guarantee cator that helps the operator use the wheel to
product manager for the MX series and that their first tool will be exactly the same its full life. This innovation reduces change-
software products. “It is the culmination as the hundredth, or thousandth. The MX7 overs, allowing for greater productivity while
of ANCA’s elite technology, deep industry ULTRA can produce high quality cutting also reducing waste and abrasive spend. In
knowledge, and customer experience in tools to suit all customer needs to satisfy all some cases, users experience three times
grinding.” industry types.” more efficiency than with their previous
Unlike its competitors, ANCA is vertically MX7 ULTRA performance highlights: abrasives.
integrated. This provides a significant advan- Greater control for the velocity and Tiger 2.0 grinding wheels feature anti-
tage as it means ANCA teams can develop and acceleration or deceleration along with chipping technology, an advanced bond
manufacture their own machines from base machine jerk limits. formulation that reduces uneven edge wear
to canopy — including controls and drive sys- ULTRA-fast response to internal or and chipping to improve safety and the user
tems, design and simulation software, and external disturbances. experience, and extend wheel life.
even machine-monitoring software. Owning Better cycle time and higher productiv- All of the wheels deliver smooth, predict-
all the technology means engineers and ity of high-quality cutting tools. able cutting and grinding, making the work
designers can consider the entire machine Reduces setup times and scrap. safer. The addition of a QR code on the wheels
as a single system when developing new solu- Increased wheel life and better-quality makes it convenient for operators to access
tions. tools. crucial safety information where and when
“We wanted to create technology that Consistency in finished tool quality. they need it.
48 gearsolutions.com
Formerly Gear Expo
Huntington Place Convention Center
Attending Motion + Power Technology Expo puts you right in the center
of the power transmission supply chain.
August 2023 49
Register today!
ultrashort pulse
vides a wide range of applica-
bility, high precision, and out-
laser marker standing process stability.
“The laser head is so com-
FOBA’s new F.0100-ir marking system cre- pact that we can integrate it
ates deep black markings on medical stain- into our M-Series marking
less steel, titanium, or plastics. Its adjustable workstations. And that is
pulse width and its 10 watts laser power often a requirement with our
enable accurate results on various surfaces. customers. Since the system is
In combination with FOBA’s validation- FOBA F.0100-ir ultrashort pulse laser marking system with its laser air-cooled and uses hardly any
control and supply units. (Courtesy: FOBA)
ready process solution, the F.0100-ir provides consumables, it requires little
advantages especially for medical device maintenance. In addition, the
manufacturers. proven FOBA workflow. high marking speed in combination with
The ultrashort pulse laser marks in the “For our customers, it is of course crucial FOBA’s established camera and software solu-
deepest matte and non-reflective black with- that our lasers achieve consistently reliable tions enable lean and efficient part manufac-
out generating significant heat input on the marking results,” said FOBA director prod- turing.”
workpiece. Even through further process- uct management Philipp Febel. “But they also FOBA offers interested users sample
ing steps, such as passivation, the marking trust that the entire process is highly depend- markings with the new USP marking system.
remains reliably legible and corrosion resis- able, and a new marking system has to keep Marking applications from medical device
tant. Due to the very short pulses down to up with that.” manufacturing, automotive component pro-
the femtosecond range, in combination with The integration of a capable, compact, and duction, or electronics are suitable. Materials
high pulse energies, the system marks vari- very flexible laser source was the top priority that are usually marked with other wave-
ous stainless steels, titanium, and a variety during product development. lengths such as UV can also be considered.
of plastics. “Our laser system offers adjustable pulse Detailed advice on the best possible marking
When developing its ultrashort pulse widths for specific material requirements,” configuration will be part of the service.
laser system, FOBA placed particular empha- Febel said. “This is not a matter of course in
sis on its ability to be integrated into the the ultrashort range. As a result, the FOBA MORE INFO www.fobalaser.com
52 gearsolutions.com
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CONTENTS PAGE NO. www.toolink-eng.com
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August 2023 55
56 gearsolutions.com
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