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Work and Study: 3a Learning For Life

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Teacher’s notes Module 3

Photocopiable activities
3A Error correction p. 121
3B Priorities p. 122
Work and study
Module 3 covers the topic of education, as well as issues related to work and emotional intelligence.

Teacher’s Online Materials

• Test Practice Lesson: Writing 1
• Module Test 3
3C Verb patterns p. 123

Lead-in p. 39 3b Focus students’ attention on the first sentence of the

summary and the missing word. Ask students which part
of speech the missing word is (a noun) and what kind
Warm-up of information they are looking for (a reason). Then ask
Write this idea on the board: The best education is life itself. them to identify the paragraph where the answer will be.
Divide students into small groups and ask them to discuss
A (It explains the reasons for carrying out the experiment.)
their views. Get feedback from the whole class.
3c Ask students to read paragraph A in detail and discuss
1 Before students discuss the questions, check that they which word is correct, and why.
understand the meaning of compulsory (something that
must be done). Get brief class feedback on the questions. success (synonyms are come near the top and triumph)
2 Students can discuss the questions in pairs or as a whole class. 3d Ask students to do this exercise individually and then
compare answers in pairs.
3a Learning for life 2 control group (There were two groups, and the ones with the
Chinese teachers were in the ‘study group’. The opposite must be
Reading pp. 40–41 the ‘control group’.)
3 experiences (Chinese teachers were interviewed about how they
Lesson objective: using the structure of a text to follow
felt about what happened.)
its ideas
4 behaved (a synonym of disciplined)
5 admitted (a synonym of agreed)
6 imagination (a synonym of creativity)
Divide students into pairs and ask them to describe
their favourite teacher from their early school days. Get 4 Refer students to the Test Strategies on page 169
feedback from the class, and ask students what makes a before doing this activity. Then, ask students to skim the
good teacher. summary quickly and decide which parts of speech the
missing words are (all are nouns) and therefore, which
1 Ensure that students have dictionaries for this exercise. word from the list they can eliminate (A – unnecessary).
Get brief feedback from the class. Ask students to do the exercise individually and then
2a Give students a minute to skim the title and the compare answers with a partner.
introduction of the passage. 1E 2D 3H 4G 5F
The passage is about an experiment to bring Chinese teachers to
5 Divide students into pairs to discuss the questions. The
the UK. synonyms used are underlined below.
2b Do this exercise as a whole class. Give students 30 1 Attitudes to testing, research in India and conclusions.
seconds to read the first sentence in paragraph A, then 2 1 E (All of this suggests that an obsession with testing does not
elicit the correct topic (1–4). Continue with the other
exist in the UK, which would be untrue.)
2 D (their teaching methods did get results … They get results
1C 2B 3D 4A because we are in school for so long.)
3 H (a little chaos in the classroom is not necessarily a bad thing)
3a Before doing this exercise, write the topics of paragraphs 4 G (his research suggests that the presence of someone in
A–D on the board in order (4, 2, 1, 3). Ask students to
charge is neither essential nor desirable)
skim the summary quickly, and elicit the answer.
5 F (each country has an educational approach which is unique
The whole passage. and reflects the values and expectations of its society)


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Teacher’s notes Module 3

6 Students can discuss this as a whole class, giving their 4a Do the first item as an example before students complete
views on the advantages of studying abroad. the exercise individually. Ask students to record any
unknown collocations in their notebooks.
Extra! 1 success 2 research 3 example 4 background 5 consideration
Divide students into small groups. Ask them to think of 6 theme 7 opportunities 8 methods
their ideal school. They should discuss what kinds of things
are most important to have in the school and why. Then 4b You could set this question as a debate. Divide students
each group can share ideas with the whole class and vote into groups of four, in which two will agree with the
on the most important aspects. statement, and two will disagree. Give students a minute
to prepare their ideas and make notes before starting the
Student’s Resource Book > Reading pp. 26–27 discussion.
MyEnglishLab > 3a Reading Student’s Resource Book > Vocabulary p. 28
MyEnglishLab > 3a Vocabulary
Vocabulary p. 42
Speaking (Part 3) p. 43
Lesson objective: to build vocabulary related to
education and research Lesson objective: to practise giving reasons in Part 3
of the Speaking Paper
As a class, make a mind map of words related to education.
Start by writing the word education in a circle on the board Write a list of sports on the board (e.g. skiing, football, yoga,
and then writing people, places, verbs, adjectives, activities (or judo, basketball, fishing) and ask students to decide if the
other appropriate categories) around the circle. Elicit ideas correct verb for each sport is play, do or go (go skiing, play
for each category and write them on the board. football, do yoga, do judo, play basketball, go fishing). Then
ask them to discuss whether these sports should be taught
1a–b Ask students which prepositions often follow the noun or practised in schools.
research (on/into). Ask them to complete the exercise,
focusing on the prepositions which need to follow 1a Remind students to give reasons for their answers.
each word in italics. Remind students that recording 1b Play the recording and ask students to write down their
prepositions which follow nouns, verbs and adjectives is a answers while they are listening.
good way to expand their vocabulary.
1 negative 2 mixed 3 positive
1B 2F 3C 4A 5D 6E
1c Ask students to underline the words that helped them.
1c Encourage students to use the words in italics from
Exercise 1a in their discussions. 1 C (they should be using that time for things like sports, not
2a Make sure students have dictionaries for this exercise. school time)
2 B (we needed somewhere to run around in wet weather)
1 attendance 2 elementary 3 campus 4 Higher 5 qualification 3 A (someone beats you)
6 top 7 formal 8 behaviour
1d Students can do this in pairs or as a whole class. Write
2b Students can do this exercise in pairs or small groups. their ideas and reasons on the board.
3a Write helpful, educational and supportive on the board and 2a Ask students to decide which question is being answered.
ask students what part of speech they are (adjectives).
Point out that the endings -ful, -al and -ive are typical 1
adjective endings. Students can do the exercise as a whole
2b Match the first stage as a whole class before students
class. Point out the correct spelling of each adjective.
continue the exercise individually.
-able achievable, doable
1 D (I think that) 2 B (because) 3 A (and also) 4 C (I think that)
-ful careful, harmful
-ive creative, informative 2c Write the phrases from Exercise 2b on the board for
-al alphabetical, minimal students to refer to.
-ing annoying, disappointing
Suggested answers
3b–c Remind students to pay attention to their spelling in 1 When I went to school, I did sports. I think that it was good
this exercise. Point out that in the IELTS exam, it is easy because we could relax and it also helped us to study better
for candidates to lose marks for incorrect spelling. Check afterwards. That’s why I think sports are an important part of school.
answers with the class. Then divide students into groups 2 I don’t think that there are very good facilities in my country
to discuss the questions. because the equipment is old, and also there aren’t many playing
1 doable/achievable 2 minimal 3 annoying/disappointing fields in city schools. I think sport is good for kids, so we need to
4 alphabetical 5 careful spend more money on school sports.


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Teacher’s notes Module 3

3 Before you do this exercise, you could ask students to 2a Play the recording. Then ask students to compare answers
read the Test Strategies on page 172. You could follow in pairs.
this by going through the exercises in Expert Speaking on
Bartlett Rugby
page 187, which give students extra practice of Part 3 of
the Speaking Paper. good course programme? ✓ ✓
Give students some time to think about how they could year’s work placement? ✓ ✗
use the phrases to answer the questions. Ask students good options? ✓ ✓
to take turns asking and answering the questions. The
student asking the questions could tick off the phrases better teachers? ✓ ✗
in the box when they hear their partner use them. Get rowing team? ✗ ✗
students to record themselves, if possible.
2b Remind students that the complete sentences must make
sense and be grammatically correct.
Expert IELTS
For Speaking Part 3, students will not be asked to talk 1B 2E 3C 4A 5D
about themselves. They will need to develop a range of
3 Before doing this exercise, you may wish to refer students
opinions on topics such as the media, the environment and
to the Test Strategies on page 169. Ask students to do this
education. Ensure that students receive practice in this area
exercise individually, to give them realistic exam practice.
so that they can develop their ideas, and their confidence in
talking about issues affecting society and the world.
Expert IELTS
4 If students could record their performance, they could In Listening Section 3, it is important for students to be able
re-listen to help them answer these questions. If not, the to distinguish between the different speakers. You can give
ticking suggestion in Exercise 3 could help. students practice in this by playing the recording and asking
them to count the number of times each person speaks.
Extra! Do this before students attempt the actual test practice, to
get them used to listening to more than one speaker.
Ask students to make a list of other questions an examiner
could ask about the school curriculum in Part 3 of the
Speaking Paper. Give students about 10 minutes to prepare 1 C (take building design and planning, for example. It’s obviously
their questions and monitor, correcting them where not going to be taken off the curriculum any time soon)
necessary. Then change the pairs and ask students to role 2 B (we’ll probably only need 80 percent of the doctors that we
play their questions and answers. have today)
3 B (while we’ll still need programmers, there won’t be anything like
MyEnglishLab > 3a Speaking A and B the number of opportunities that there are today)
4 C (Neither art nor fashion design are going to disappear for many
Listening p.44 years to come.)
5 A (Soon enough, there’ll be enough creative writing courses
Lesson objective: to practise identifying similarity and
available online that nobody will be willing to attend university for
it anymore.)
Warm-up 4 Ask students to read audio script 3.4 on page 205 and
Divide students into small groups and give them five discuss the questions. Ask them to underline words and
minutes to decide on the three most important functions of phrases to justify their answers.
universities (e.g. to provide education, do research, prepare 5 Encourage students to give reasons for their answers.
students for the world of work, etc). Write students’ MyEnglishLab > 3a Listening A and B
ideas on the board and then ask them to vote on the most
important thing. Ask students to compare and contrast the Language development p. 45
functions before voting.
Lesson objective: to review use of comparative forms
1 Encourage students to discuss the ideas while ranking
them, comparing and contrasting them. Get feedback
from the class.
Divide students into groups. Ask them to discuss the
following: who studied the most yesterday, who watched the
most TV last night, who has read the most books.


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Teacher’s notes Module 3

1b Elicit the answer and write it on the board.

Expert IELTS
Comparative forms can appear in all parts of the IELTS It shows the cost of an undergraduate degree course in four
exam, so students should become familiar with grammatical countries, including study fees and living costs.
structures and vocabulary to show similarity and difference.
1c Ask students to do this exercise individually. It is important
1a Before this exercise, you may wish to refer students to the that students become used to noticing and selecting
Expert Grammar section on comparative forms on page specific information from charts.
175. Get students to complete the exercise in pairs before 1 Australia 2 Germany 3 highest – Australia; lowest – Germany
checking with the class. 4 highest – Australia; lowest – United States
1 more accurately 2 easier 3 less common 4 more popular
1d Ask students to read sentence 1 and find the information
5 more carefully 6 as much 7 fewer 8 more creatively in the graph. Then ask them to complete the exercise
1b Do this exercise as a whole class. individually.

2 over four times (those of refers back to study fees)

A 2, 3, and 4 B 1, 5 and 8 C 6 and 7
3 around 50 percent higher (that of refers back to the total cost of a
2a Get students to complete the exercise individually before three-year degree)
comparing answers with a partner. 4 twice

1 as many subjects 2 as practical 3 as creatively 4 less important 2 Ask students to discuss how the words in the box can link
5 as highly valued 6 less respectful 7 as dominant as information (All in all = considering everything; Although
8 more pressure = separates two pieces of contrasting information;
Both = describes two things; In fact = for emphasis or
2b Students can do this exercise in small groups, especially if to introduce something different; That meant that = to
they are of different ages or from different countries. explain something). Then get students to complete the
3a Remind students to skim the text quickly to find out what exercise individually or in pairs.
it is about. Ask students to do this exercise individually
before comparing answers in pairs. 1 Both 2 In fact 3 Although 4 That means that 5 All in all

1 as dull as / duller than 2 less aware 3 most important 3 Get students to read the Test Strategies on page 171
4 less interesting 5 most disgusting 6 most ancient 7 older than before doing this exercise.
8 more grateful 9 less likely 10 better Divide students into pairs to discuss the pie charts and select
the information to write about. Then ask them to write a
3b Students can do this in pairs, groups or as a whole class. If paragraph. You can give a time of limit for this (20 minutes).
students are still at school, you could tell them about what
school was like for you or your parents’ generation. Students Model answer
could think about this before having the discussion. The vast majority of students in the survey were in state education.
4a Get students to complete the exercise individually before In fact, nine out of ten children attended state school, compared
comparing answers in pairs. to only 10% of the students in a private school. However, the gap
between the number of private and state schools was much smaller.
1 most common 2 twice as many 3 slightly higher than The number of state schools was only three times higher than that
4 second most popular 5 the same as 6 half as many of private schools, at 75% and 25% respectively. Private education
7 much lower 8 as popular as accounts for a quarter of the number of schools in the area.
4b Ask students to listen carefully to their partner and 4 Students can do this exercise in pairs and answer the
correct any inaccuracies they hear. questions for their own, or their partner’s writing. You could
Student’s Resource Book > Language development p. 29 collect the students’ writing and make any corrections after
MyEnglishLab > 3a Language development class. You could then start the following class by showing
some good examples of students’ writing to the class.
Writing p. 46
Lesson objectives: to practise selecting data for
Writing Task 1, and focus on linking information Work and study are excellent topics for students to
practise creating their own charts and graphs. They could
Warm-up do a class survey related to education or work (what you
would like to study, etc.) and turn the information into a
Divide students into groups and ask them to write a list of graph. Then, students could give their graph to a partner
things someone would need to do in order to prepare for to write a description. After the activity, students could
studying abroad. Then ask them to discuss which items on analyse how well they interpreted each other’s graphs and
their list would be easy and difficult. Ask students to share how well they wrote about them.
their ideas with the class.
Student’s Resource Book > Writing p. 30
1a Encourage students to give full answers to the questions, MyEnglishLab > 3a Writing
giving reasons and explanations.

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Teacher’s notes Module 3

3b The world of work Extra!

Write a list of typical IELTS topics on the board (e.g.
Listening p. 47 media, transport, health, technology). Ask students to discuss
the kinds of academic conversations they might hear in
Lesson objective: to practise identifying how ideas are Listening Section 3 for each of these topics. For example,
compared and contrasted in Listening Section 3 for transport, the conversation could be between three
students discussing an essay about transport of the future,
Warm-up or a tutor could be helping two students develop their ideas
for a class presentation on transport.
Brainstorm jobs which can be done indoors and outdoors.
Write students’ ideas on the board. Then discuss which of Student’s Resource Book > Listening p. 31
the jobs are more popular and why. Ask students which job
MyEnglishLab > 3b Listening
they’d like to do most, and to give reasons for their choices.

1 Ensure students understand the words in the box before Language development and vocabulary p. 48
discussing the questions.
Lesson objectives: to review the use of verb patterns,
2 Refer students to the Test Strategies on page 168 to help and build vocabulary related to business and finance
them understand this part of the Listening Paper. Ask
students to answer the questions, then get feedback from
the class.
Write the following verbs on the board: decide, practise,
1 The topic is an office-design project. enjoy. Divide students into pairs and ask them to write a
2 There is a pause between Questions 1–5 and Questions 6–10. sentence for each verb, followed by the correct verb form
3 Students’ own answers. (-ing or the infinitive). Get feedback as a class and ask
students to correct each other’s sentences, if necessary.
3 Refer students to the HELP box at the bottom of the page
for extra guidance. Play the recording and ask students to 1 Refer the students to the Expert Grammar section on
do the exercise individually. Check answers with the class page 175, for more information about verb patterns. Ask
and write the answers on the board. Remind students that students to complete the exercise and compare answers
the spelling has to be correct, otherwise their answer will with a partner.
not be marked correct in the exam.
1 to include 2 to get 3 Creating 4 working 5 understanding
1 800 / eight hundred (the maximum we allow is eight hundred) 6 sitting
2 26th/26 (June) (the deadline, which is on the twenty sixth of June)
3 walls (there are no walls in the office) 2a Ask students to do the activity individually before checking
4 sofas (The sofas allow people to sit and discuss or work problems answers with a partner.
in a more relaxed way)
1 to do 2 making 3 to get 4 to think 5 doing 6 Asking
5 (the) temperature / (the) environment (They can change the
7 to identify 8 to work out 9 doing 10 Listing 11 to learn
temperature at their desks by opening a window or turning up
12 to see/seeing 13 to teach/teaching 14 working/to work
individual heaters.)
15 to end up 16 regretting
6 B (people who work in jobs where they need to have lots of new
ideas) 2b Before students write their questions, do an example as
7 C (had fewer problems with depression or generally just feeling a class (e.g. What part of the IELTS exam do you find most
down) difficult to do?)
8 C (The main difference between homes and offices is that homes 3a Ensure students understand the following vocabulary:
often contain personal objects such as plants) set up (start), brands (well-known products), currency, (a
9 A (light from the sun or daylight, helped people to get more country’s money), funding (money given by a government
and better rest at night than those who were working in an office or organisation to help a business or activity), invest (use
without windows)
money in the hope of making a profit).
10 B (Soft lighting has been found to encourage people to come up 1E 2B 3A 4F 5G 6D 7H 8C
with more solutions …)
3b Each pair can present their idea to the class, and students
4 Ask students to analyse audio script 3.5 on page 205 can vote on the best one.
for this exercise. Ask them to underline the comparison 4a Get students to do this exercise individually before
language and think about why they got any answers checking answers with the class.
1 set up 2 invest 3 sales 4 currency 5 competition 6 funding
1 Students’ own answers.
7 commercials 8 brand
2 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9
4b Students can do this activity in pairs or as a whole class.


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Teacher’s notes Module 3

5 You may wish to refer students to the Test Strategies on

page 172 before doing this activity. Divide students into
Ask students to write their own answer for the essay title pairs to ask and answer questions 1–4 in Exercise 2a. Ask
in Exercise 4a. This could be given for homework, but them to record their answers if they can.
students could brainstorm ideas together in class before 6a If students were able to record themselves, get them to
they start writing. listen to their answers again and answer the questions.
Student’s Resource Book > Language development and Vocabulary
pp. 32–33 Extra!
MyEnglishLab > 3b Language development and Vocabulary Ask students to repeat Exercise 5, trying to give more
reasons for their answers, and using more connectors. This
Speaking p. 49 time, they can spend some time (10 minutes) preparing
their responses. They should work on explaining their
Lesson objectives: to practise giving reasons for reasons fully and using a range of connectors. Ensure there
opinions in Speaking Part 3 and improving grammatical are dictionaries available during this preparation time,
range and accuracy and respond to any questions or clarify the grammatical
structures used with different connectors.
6b Students can discuss these questions in small groups or as
Divide students into pairs and ask them to tell each other a whole class.
about the most interesting object they have ever bought
Student’s Resource Book > Speaking p. 34
and why they like it. Ask a few students to report back to
the class. MyEnglishLab > 3b Speaking A and B

1 Encourage students to give full answers when discussing Reading pp. 50–51
the questions. You may want students to do this in small
groups, asking different questions to different students. Lesson objective: how to locate the main idea in a
2a Before playing the recording, remind students that paragraph
connectors are words which can connect two or more
simple sentences, making them into one complex Warm-up
sentence. Brainstorm different connectors and write Write the following words on the board: logic, memory,
them on the board. Elicit examples of simple and complex emotion, awareness, creativity. Divide students into pairs and
sentences from students (e.g. I like food shopping in ask them to look at the words and discuss how they relate
markets. I like food shopping in markets because they are to how intelligent a person is. Follow up by asking if there
usually cheaper and have better quality produce.). are different kinds of intelligence.
1 No. She occasionally uses and.
1 If your students have limited experience in the workplace,
2 She uses short sentences, with just one subject, verb and object. you may want to do this discussion as a whole class. For
2b Ask students to do the exercise individually. Check example, write the following jobs on the board: nurse,
answers with the class. accountant, teacher, pilot. Then ask: In which jobs could
these ‘intelligences’ be most useful?
Suggested answers 2 You may wish to refer students to the Test Strategies on
1 I think that most visitors to my country go to the shops to buy pages 169–170 before doing this Reading task.
clothes because they’re very cheap in my country. For this task, you may want to set a time limit of 20
2 The shops are also very beautiful and attractive so you want to minutes to give more realistic test practice. However, you
the things that are in them. can adjust the time based on the ability of your students.
3 They also have good lights, and decoration, and places where you Go through the HELP box with students before doing the
can sit with your friends while you have a coffee and a chat. When task.
you see some clothes, you’re already feeling good, so you buy them.
1 Yes 2 Not given 3 No 4 Yes 5 Not given 6 Yes 7 E 8 B 9 G
4 I like to go shopping. However, I sometimes decide not to go
10 J 11 H 12 K 13 C
because there are no places in the car park. When I have to wait a
long time, like an hour, it’s not good.
Expert IELTS
3 Refer students to the descriptors on page 184.
Students should focus on the language around the gaps
1 these rarely cause comprehension problems (Band 6) in summary-completion tasks in the Reading Paper. The
2 may make frequent mistakes (Band 6) structure of sentence and the language immediately before
3 may cause some comprehension problems (Band 5) and after the gaps gives clues to help students choose
4 uses a mix of simple and complex structures (Band 6) the correct word. Remind students that if a word in the
5 uses a limited range of more complex structures (Band 5) list does not fit the summary grammatically, it cannot be
4 Play the recording and ask students to discuss the question
in pairs. Play the recording a second time if necessary, to
point out specific features of Zhuang’s performance.

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Teacher’s notes Module 3

3 Ensure you give students sufficient time to complete this

Expert IELTS
exercise thoroughly.
In Writing Task 1, students must understand what the x
1 1 … used by government leaders and educators as the and y axes are showing on a graph and think about how the
solution to a wide range of problems … we’ll have more caring information is being represented. For example, if the graph
educational institutions, workplaces and better healthcare … shows time (years), is it in the past, present, future, etc.? If
3 … the audience was less likely to challenge the message and the graph shows numbers, are they shown as percentages,
remembered less of the content. Interestingly, though, audience millions, billions, etc.?
members were so moved by the speech that they believed that
they had remembered more of it … 2a It may be better to do this exercise as a whole class.
4 The employees who engaged in the most harmful behaviours
Before discussing the questions, ask: What do the X and Y
axes show? When does the graph start and end? Which two
were masters of manipulation with high emotional intelligence,
groups of people are represented in the chart?
using their emotional skills to demean and embarrass their peers
for personal gain.
After the exercise, you can refer students to Expert
Writing on page 194, which gives a model Task 1 answer
6 Of course, people aren’t always using emotional intelligence for
for students to look at.
evil ends. … In a study of emotions at the Body Shop, a research
team led by Stanford professor Joanne Martin discovered that 1 It shows how much women earned compared with men in
founder Anita Roddick used emotions to inspire her employees to the USA between 1975 and 2005. The figures do not represent
fundraise for charity. amounts, but women’s wages as a percentage of men’s earnings.
7 higher emotional intelligence translated into better work. 2 The 16–24 and 25–34 age groups have the smallest pay gaps.
However, in jobs such as mechanics, scientists and accountants the 3 The overall pattern has been for the pay gap to get smaller.
results were reversed.
2b Students can write their introductions in pairs.
8 If your job is to analyse data or repair cars, it can be quite
distracting to read the facial expressions, vocal tones, and body Model answer
language of the people around you. The graph illustrates the gap between male and female earnings in
9 Instead of assuming that emotional intelligence is always useful, the USA over a 30-year period. From the chart, we can see that,
we need to think more carefully about where and when it matters. although women were still paid less than men by the end of the
10 … employees were asked to complete a test about managing period, the gap between males and females was closing gradually
and regulating emotions, and then managers were asked to evaluate throughout this period.
how much time employees spent helping their colleagues and
customers. 3a Before this activity, you can refer students to the Test
11 The relationship between emotional intelligence and helping Strategies on page 171. Elicit the main features of the chart
from students and write them on the board. Then, divide
simply didn’t exist: helping is driven more by our motivations and
students into pairs to discuss what data they would choose
to support the points. Get feedback from the class, and
12 Emotionally intelligent employees spoke up more often and
point out that the answers to the questions in Exercise 2a
more effectively. When colleagues were treated unjustly, they felt are probably the most interesting trends to highlight.
they had to speak up, but were able to keep their anger in check
3b Students can do this exercise as a whole class. Ensure
and reason with others. students justify their answers.
13 When they brought ideas for innovation to senior leaders, their
ability to express enthusiasm helped them avoid threatening leaders. 2
2 Students’ own answers.
3c Ask students to read the instructions again and answer the
MyEnglishLab > 3b Reading question.

Students are specifically told to select and report the main features
Writing pp. 52–53 and make comparisons where relevant. Band 6 candidates would not
ignore this instruction.
Lesson objective: to practise selecting data; using
linking words 4a Ask students to read the criteria on page 191. You may
want to review the meaning of cohesion and coherence
Warm-up (cohesion = connecting ideas together clearly and logically;
Divide students into pairs or small groups and ask them coherence = being understandable to the reader). Students
to think of a job that they would like to do in the future. can do this exercise alone or in pairs.
Write the following questions on the board for them to 1 uses cohesive devices effectively (Band 6)
discuss: Is this job typically done by men or women? Do people 2 presents information with some organisation, but there may be a
who do this job earn a high or low salary? Do you think it is an
lack of overall progression (Band 5)
important job for society? Why/Why not?
3 cohesion within and/or between sentences may be faulty or
1 Ask students to discuss the questions and ensure that they mechanical (Band 6)
give reasons for their opinions. 4 arranges information and ideas coherently and there is a clear
overall progression (Band 6)


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Teacher’s notes Module 3

4b Students can do this exercise as a whole class. Ask them improving after 1995. In fact, they were the least well-off by the
to justify their answers.
end of the period. While the gap between men’s and women’s
2 is not relevant, because it is not selecting and reporting the main earnings closed, men still earned more than women.
features and making comparisons where necessary. From the chart, we can conclude that although the pay gap
decreased, certain age groups do appear to be more
4c Students can do this activity individually or in pairs. Check disadvantaged than others.
answers with the class. After that, you may want to refer
students to the Expert Writing section on page 194 and
ask them to identify these parts in the model answer. Extra!
Introduction: introduction sentence, overview of the data in the Prepare your own model answer to analyse after students
chart have written theirs (or use the suggested answer above).
Main paragraph: description of how things have changed over the Give each pair of students a copy of the answer and
years, comparison of the younger and older age groups, numbers ask them to compare their description with the model.
from the chart Alternatively, students could underline language they would
like to be able to use and then rewrite their answer for
Conclusion: Summary statement
5a Before doing this exercise, ask students: Which two words
or phrases in the box have the same meaning? (despite, in 7–8 After students have discussed the questions, get
spite of). feedback from the whole class.
Student’s Resource Book > Writing p. 35
1 Despite / In spite of 2 Although 3 However
MyEnglishLab > 3b Writing
4 despite / in spite of 5 although

5b As it is important for students to get the grammar around Review p. 54

connectors correct, it could be beneficial for students to The review section revises vocabulary and grammar from the
do this exercise individually, in order to see if they need Module. As the section contains examples of both Writing
further practice with this language. Tasks 1 and 2, these could be given to students as further
practice in class or as homework. You can also get students to
2 Although most of the women saw their wages rise, but the
spend some time analysing the examples for useful language
wage increase for women aged 34–45 was slower. (You do not
and structures.
use two conjunctions to join the same sentence.)
3 Despite seeing a general rise in the amount that women 1 1 higher 2 qualification 3 achievable 4 elementary 5 top
earned, there was still a significant gap. (The sentence needs 6 harmful 7 formal 8 disappointed 9 creative 10 campus
a second clause.) 2 1B 2E 3D 4A 5C 6F
4 In spite of the fact that women’s pay grew, that growth 3 2 higher 3 lowest 4 bigger 5 greatest 6 better off
slowed down in the 1990s. (In spite of and despite need to be 7 less important 8 more valuable
followed by a noun, an -ing form or the fact that).
MyEnglishLab > Module Test 3
5 There was an improvement in earnings for both women under
24 and However there was an improvement in women’s
wages aged 25–34. (This is relationship of similarity and the use
of however is particularly confusing. Students must use connectors
correctly to gain marks in the IELTS Writing Paper.)

6 You may want to give students a time limit of 20 minutes

for this exercise. Remind students to use connectors
correctly in their summary. Remind them to write at least
150 words.

Model answer
The chart gives an overview of the gap between male and female
earnings in the USA over a 30-year period, starting in 1975. The
chart shows that men consistently earned more than women
throughout that period, but the gap was greatest among those of
the older age groups.
In 1975, even the youngest age group, 16–24 years, were earning
around 78% of male wages, while the oldest group, 45–54 years,
earned almost half that of their male counterparts, at just 58%.
Over the decades, all age groups showed a steady improvement,
with the exception of women aged 35–44 years, which stopped


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