Computers in Amateur Radio
Computers in Amateur Radio
Computers in Amateur Radio
Amateur Radio
© Radio Society of Great Britain 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publ ication may be
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mechanical , photocopying, recording or otherwise , without the prior written agreement of the
Radio Society of Great Britain.
ISBN 9781-9050-8685-6
Publisher's note
The opinions expressed in this book are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the
publisher. While the information presented is believed to be correct, the authors, publisher and
their agents cannot accept responsibility for consequences arising from any inaccuracies or
om issions.
Chapter Page
1. Introduction
2. Datamodes 5
3. Logging Software 17
4. Antenna Modelling 48
5. Propagation Modelling 60
Inde x 2 47
Meet the Contributors
Internet Remote Control
Wojtek (Berni) Bernasinski, GOIDAlSP5GU
My interest in radio bega n at primary school, when a friend made a crysta l set
from an electronics kit. The fact that it needed no battery simply amazed me
and from then on I was hooked ! My first job was repairing radio pagers at a
company where , as well as taking my Morse test first then my RAE, my friend ly
manager gave me the opportunity to build radio projects. This is something I
still enjoy and do today.
In 1993 I stud ied Electronics at the Warsaw Technical University in Po-
land, during which I got a job in the mobi le phone industry as a voice mail and
text messag ing eng ineer. In 1998 I left for Germany, where I set up voicema il
and text messaging servers and serv ices for new mobile phone co mpanies .
One leap in techno log y where I was direct ly involved in was the impleme ntat ion of GPRS in the
Deutshe Bahn railway mob ile network, who were the first to use it in wor ld. In 2000 I changed my
caree r and embarked on gett ing an Airline Transpo rt Pilots Licence.
I am a keen contester and have won numero us events and been awarded many troph ies and
cert ificates . I am now a com mercial pilot wo rking for a major UK airline and live in an urban area with
lots of noise and little space for a 80 m antenna, so have made a complete remote station. Thanks to
a friend who lives in a very qu iet location my antenna is at his QTH, over 1OOkm from my home. With
it I am ab le to enjoy work ing five HF bands , hearing stations I wou ld never have done before .
Antenna Modelling
Ian Birkenshaw, G4UWK
I became a short wave listener at the age of ten and was first licensed as
G8ZAG in 1980. I have a BSc in Electronic Engineering fro m the University of
Wales and am now retired from a caree r in Civil, Military and Space Communi-
cations and Computer Networking , having worked both in the UK and over-
seas . My last wo rking role was as a Radio and Com munications Technology
Consultant fo r the National Health Service .
I became interested in antenna modelling to help in the development of
better low profile directional antennas for DXing from difficu lt urban environ-
ments . This can best be described as 'wo rk in progress '.
I live with my wife who is also licensed, in Midsomer Norton, near Bath. My
interest in radio started at school while bored in Chem istry and I went on to
pass my RAE in 1980.
I was very active during the 1980s and tried almost all aspec ts of amateur
radio. I worked for many years as a Field Engineer in the Cable TV industry . I'm
a member of RAYNET and spent severa l years as a group controller.
I have been involved with APRS for several years and set up MB7UB , the
Bath digipeater. I am also currently the repeater keeperforthe GB3UB repeater
at Bath University.
HF Terrain Modelling
Alan Hydes, G3XSV
I was first licensed in 1968 and served a couple of years as Secre tary of
Southgate ARC, before leaving for Southampton Univers ity. I gained a BSc in
Electronic Engineering in 1974. My career since then has been in the compu-
ter industry, starting with IBM as a graduate R&D eng ineer at Hursley Park near
Winchester. In 19821 moved to Hewlett Packard, firstly in Wok ingham and later
transferring to Bristo l.
I have always been interested in the HF bands , OX, and particularly in
contesting. On moving to Bristol I became involved with the Bristol RSGB Group.
I have been Chairman of their contest ing arm, the Bristol Contest Group, for a
number of years and am delighted with the success we have enjoyed , especially
in field days and IOTA.
My interest in HF terrain analysis came about when try ing to pick good HF co ntest sites and to
understand what types of antenna and heights were needed.
Electromagnetic Compatibility
John Pink, G8MM/F5VKU
After leaving co llege with a deg ree in physics, I fo llowed a long career in the
field of measuring instrumentation and radio communication. After working for
Redifon Comm unications and the Plessey Company I joined Hewlett Packard
and was able to further develop an interest in microwave tec hnology. I became
a specialist in precis ion measurements using automatic network analysers at
both low frequency and microwaves . I remained with HP for over 15 years,
serv ing from time to time on various ITU-R work ing groups. I remained with US-
based companies for almost all my working life, working with Scientific Atlanta
on satellite earth terminals for a number of years and then as Managing Direc-
tor of Wiltron Measurements - a company specialising in microwave instru-
mentat ion for over 17 years .
From 1990 until retirement I was Director and General Manager of the UK arm of Anritsu, the
renowned Japanese measuring instrument company. During this time Anritsu-Wiltrondeveloped a number
of leading edge products, including scalar network measuring systems, microwave power meters and a
Bluetooth protocol analyser. Although in a senior management position, I was able to remain in touch
with technology. I retired in 2002 and have been actively engaged in EMC matters with the RSGB EMC
committee. I am also a member of various BSI committees and working parties concerned with EMC.
I was licensed in 1960 as G30QB and in 2003 was able to get the callsign G8MM re-issued,
which had been in the family since 1937. I currently also hold F5VKU.
Raspberry Pi
In 2000 I became interested in amateur radio after finding out about digital
modes. After a couple of years as a shortwave listener I took the Foundation
Licence in 2002, atta ining the callsign M3PHP In 2008, after leaving Bucking-
hamshire New University with a degree in Multimed ia Technology - Web De-
sign, I attained my Intermediate Licence.
Since leaving university I have been work ing as a freelance web devel-
oper for a variety of clients, whic h lets me play about with all sorts of computer
techno logy, althoug h my work is heavily biased towards techno logies that work
on Linux based systems .
My interests in amateur radio centre on anything I can use a computer to
further the expe rience , I'm still keen on digital modes but also contesting and recently operating
through amateur radio satellites, both portable and from home . I also help run a large number of
amateur radio webs ites, includ ing HamTests.
Inspired by my father, I took to radio and electro nics co nstruction at a very early
age and we spe nt much of my early teens putt ing radios together. We were
fortu nate to have two exce llent component stores loca lly and most Sunday
evenings were spe nt window shopping. This informal apprenticeship served
me well and set me up for a great career with BT that spanned some 40 years.
During that time I worked on just about everything from po les and holes through
to broadcast serv ices, with a significant time dealing with the then emerging
field of data comm unications.
My writing career started about 25 years ago when I was asked to write the
RTTYcolum n in pw. Since then I have been writing regular columns and reviews '-----"''-----'_ -..---.c'''''--'
for a variety of magazines. First licensed as G8HHA, my amateur interests reallytoo k off in the 1970s when
I was able to link my Compuk it UK-1 01 computer with a friend's TRS-80 using full duplex on 2m and 70cm
and an old 300-baud modem . Since then my interest has focused on the digital side of amateur radio.
Logging Software
Mike Ruttenberg , G7TWC
I have been licensed since 1994 and operate mainly in contests due to limited
fac ilities and restricted environments in London locations over the years, in-
deed contesting is my lifeblood. I have been a regular attendee at the contes t
stations of various groups over the years and have wo n sections of CQWW and
CQWPX events on SSB and CWO
I work in Information Technology as a Quality Assurance webs ite tester
and love not hing better than making sure the PC in my shack is optimall y set
up. I have ten years of experience in database management from previous
employment in a database marketing company, so cross-check ing logs and
'looking under the hood ' of the database file behind N1MM to take maximum
advantag e doesn't phase me. I fee l at home with most modern logging software packages - specifi-
cally N1MM, MixW, SO, WinTest and Writelog - but also have exper ience of older packages .
Dave Thomas, MWORUH
My passion for radio came about from the days of CB. I was introduced to some
local amateurs around that time , but didn 't take things further. In 2006 , whilst
vo lunteering, I was trave lling with a paramedic officer when the vehicle radio
burst into life. The officer explained that the transmissions were detectable on
a scanner - an item I had in my possession at the time. Follow ing the monitoring
of these transm issions, I searched the Internet for other possible local trans-
missions . It was then I then came across the new amateur radio licensing
structure. I was hoo ked and too k my Foundation licence exam in February
2007, fo llowed by my Intermediate licence exam in August 2007 . Initially I
operated on HF and VHF, SSB and data (including SSTV and PSK31).
In 2008 I discovered D-Star and began to assist in t he promotion of the mode by giving talks and
demonstrations at local radio clubs. I am the Admin istrator for GB7CD in Wales, the on ly D-Star
repeater that is owned and operated by South Glamorgan RAYNET, of wh ich I am a membe r. I also
hold a NoV fo r MB6BA, Wales' first simplex D-Star Gateway. I wor k full time fo r a Local Authority and in
my spare time respond to 999 calls on behalf of the Welsh Ambulance Service , also assisting a local
search and rescue group , the Cardiff and Vale Rescue Association.
Propagation Modelling
Gwyn Williams, G4FKH
My career in radio started in 1965 when I joined the Royal Air Force and trained
as a Telegraphist , which means that I was taught to type and to send and
receive Morse. I was lucky enough to be stat ioned at an overseas station
where Morse was the only means of contact with the outside world . It was
during this time that I became interested in propagat ion. Upon my demo b I
went into communications (IT) in the City of London. I passed my RAE in 1975
and became G4FKH.
It was inevitable that I would combine my hobby with computers and
automation and now write programs in PERL for propagation prediction pur-
poses . I use all the programs that I examine in my chapter, as well as som e that
do not go into.
My HF propagation pred ictions appear in RadCom and on the RSGB web site. I also prepare
propagation predictions for the magazines of two other national radio societies and maintain a few
databases in Access, which the 5MHz group use and publish on the ir web site.
All other chapters
Steve White , G3ZVW/AF6SU
vii i
by Steve White, G3ZVW
Computers in Amateur Radio
There are a number of criteria that you should consider when selecting
a computer for use in the shack. The computing power of the average
modern machine will be perfectly adequate for most purposes, except
perhaps when used in conjuntion with a Software Defined Radio.
Rather, the aspects of selecting a compute r are more to do with inte-
gration into the station and ergonomics.
Audible Noise
The last thing you are likely to want in your shack is a computer that has
fans so noisy they can be heard when you transmit or prevent you from
hearing a weak station when you receive, so select a machine with quiet
fans. CPU fans tend to be the noisiest, but the type of fan used depends
on the heatsink on the CPU chip. A better heatsink might enable the use
of a quieter fan, and they are relatively easy to swop out.
Laptop computers score highly in this respect , because they do
not have fans on their power supplies and their CPU fans are very quiet.
Electrical noise
Some desktop computer cases are better quality and offer better
screening than others . Equally, more expensive power supplies are
likely to incorporate better filtering. Genrally speaking, the more you
pay for a case, the better screened it is likely to be; and the more you
pay for a power supply, the better filtered it is likely to be .
Laptop computers employ external powersupply modules. Some
of these are more electrically noisy than others. Users should be
particularly wary of cheap, third party replacements.
If you are going to buy a new computer from a shop, it can be
useful to take a portable receiver with you and check how much noise
emerges from the case, cables, power supply etc , by placing it close
to each of them in turn. You might get some puzzled looks from the
shop staff, but you won't be laughing if you get your new machine
home and discover that it causes interference.
You will find more in the EMC chapter on how to select a good PC
case, how to suppress electrical noise and how to wire your station to
minimise noise pickup.
If your shack is small you are hardly likely to want a physically large
computer in it, but generally speaking the bigger the screen , the better.
If space is really at a premium , a laptop computer is likely to be your
best option.
First and foremost , make sure your computer has all the ports that yo u
are ever likely to need .
Few modern PCs have parallel printer ports (somet imes very useful
for keying), and some do not have RS232 serial ports. If required, you
can use plug-in cards to provide you with these interfaces .
Some compute rs have few USB sockets, some have more . If yours
does not have enoug h, a plug-in card or a hub that will give you more
is relatively inexpensive .
If you are going to use a laptop computer that you don 't leave in
the shack permanently, to reduce the number of times you have to plug
in and unplug all your peripheral devices , consider buying a USB hub.
This will enable you to plug items such as interfaces , a keyer, mouse
and keyboard into it and then make one connection to the comp uter.
Operating System
Software Packages
Computers in Amateur Radio
that it is highly dynamic . New web sites are appearing all the time and
old web sites disappear almost as quickly, so it would be impossible to
even attempt to provide an exhaustive list of what is available out there .
The best that any of us can hope for is to use search engines to find
what we want.
In fact the hobby of amateur radio is extremely well served when it
comes to software packages, because a lot of radio amateurs are
technically-minded and have an interest in programming . Those who
are capable of doing so tend to develop new packages to solve a
particular problem, and these days the logical method of distribution is
via the Internet. Althoug h it is necessary to pay for some of these
software packages, many are free. We have our fellow, philanthropic
radio amateurs to thank for that!
by Steve White, G3ZWJ
Computers in Amateur Radio
~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~
Fig 2.1: An
example of two II I I III I1I II II 111111 1
words sent in '---v---' '---v---' '---v---' '---v---'
Morse, with Letter Lette r Letter Lette r
vertical lines to
show the official
space spac e
space spa ce
timing and
space space
With Morse, the dots, dashes and spaces are all intended to vary
in proportion to one another, as transmission speed varies . Depending
on the speed of transmission , it may sound like a heterodyne (steady
whistle) that is switched on and off. As Fig 2.1 shows, a dash (usually
pronounced 'dah') should be three times the length of a dot (pro-
nounced 'dit'). The space between the letters of a word should be the
same length as a 'dah', i.e. three times the length of a 'dit' and the
space between words should be seven times the length of a 'dit' .
Depending on its use and the ability of individual operators, Morse
may be sent at widely differing speeds. On VLF it may be sent extremely
slowly. This is known as QRSs operation , where a 'dit' may be many
seconds long . Such slow Morse would be sent by computer, because
manual operation would be too tedious . At the receive end , it would also
be detected and displayed on a computer. This is because at extremely
slow speeds a computer running a Fast FourierTransform program can
detect and display a signal that is not audible to the human ear.
The speeds that are commonly sent and copied manually by an
operator range from about 5-40 words per minute, although speeds in
the 20s are the most common .
Prior to the development of modern datamodes , looped record -
ings of high -speed Morse (often at 80 words per minute) used to be
employed by Meteor Scatter enthusiasts. Whilst incomprehensible to
the human ear, repetit ive high speed Morse messages sound slightly
rhythm ic. On receive, fragments oftransmission (for that is all that are
typically received in a meteor scatter contact) wou ld be recorded on
tape and then played back at slow speed , for the rece iving operator to
copy by ear.
Morse is normally transmitted by on/off keying (Amp litude Shift
Keying), although many beacon stations use Frequency Shift Keying .
Although not often referred to in such terms , Morse code is the Interna -
tiona l Telegraphic Alphabet No .1.
Baudot (RTTY)
(logic 1)
tone. Practi-
cally any two
audio tones
can be used,
Sta rt
the standard
Computers in Amateur Radio
This data mode was des igned by Pawel Jalocha, SP9VRC, to work
effectively over difficult radio paths, i.e. those suffering from fad ing,
interference, auroral distortion, flutter, etc . It can work when the signal is
10-14dB below the noise level, which means that worldwide communica-
tion is possible using low power.
Olivia has 40 possible formats, this being brought about by the fact
that eight possible numbers of tones can be transmitted in five possible
bandwidths. There can be 2, 4, 8,16,32,64,128 and 256 tones, and
bandwidths of 125, 250, 500, 1000 and 2000kHz. All these combinations
result in differing characteristics and capabilities. The 'standard' formats
(bandwidth/tones) are 125/4,250/8,500/16, 1000/32, and 2000/64, while
the formats most commonly used (in order of use) are 500/16, 500/8,
1000/32,250/8 and 1000/16. Data throughput is just under 60 words per
minute at 1000/8.
The basic code used is 7-bit ASCII and Olivia works by sending
characters in blocks offive overthe course oftwo seconds. Multi
Frequency Shift Keying (MFSK) is employed, with Forward Error Cor-
rection (FEC).
Packet Radio
Computers in Amateur Radio
Computers in Amateur Radio
Throb was written by Lionel Sear, G3PPT. It employs either five or nine
tones, depending on the version in use. The latest is the 9-tone version.
The tones are spaced 8Hz or 16Hz apart, leading to bandwidths of 72Hz
and 144Hz respectively. There are three speeds oftransmission (meas-
ured in Th robs per second) , leading to data rates of 10,20 and 40
words per minute respectively. The baud rates are 1,2 or 4. Throb uses
a special code, which results in a restricted character set. A-Z, 0-9,
Computers in Amateur Radio
characters wo uld drift up or down the paper strip, off one edge and
back onto the other. To minimise drift , the speed of the motor in the
receiving equipment would be adjusted manually by the person operat-
ing it, but invariably some drift rem ained . By printing each character
twice , one at least would be 100% visible.
The original mode is now called Feld-Hell and is still used , usually
employing computers. It uses Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) at 122.5
bauds and transmits at about 25 words per minute. Interference shows
up by corruptions within characters , but messages are often discernable
through corruptions. MUlti-path reception shows up as a ghost on the
received text, but even so it remains quite a useful system for visual use .
There are a number of modern , high-performance variants of
Hellschreiber, including multi-tone - known as MT Hell. In this mode
(which may use 9,10 or 12 concurrent tones) a messages can be read
direct in the waterfall display often provided with modern data modes
software packages. With MT Hell, characters do not need to be transmit-
ted twice, because they appear perfectly in line in the display. In the event
that the receiver is switched to the wrong sideband , the characters simply
appear upside down! FSK-Hell uses Frequency Shift Keying ratherthan
Amplitude Shift Keying and is quite good at reducing corruptions caused
by noise pulses during the 'off' periods inherent with Amplitude Shift
Keying. PSK-Hell uses Phase Shift Keying , similarto PSK31.
(ODFM) technique, where different pulses are sent on each ofthe four
frequencies in turn. The tones are 125Hz apart. There is a pulse on each
frequency in every symbol period, thus it is possible to send many bits
of data per symbol, as the phase and amplitude of each of the pulses
can be varied. The symbol period is 32ms , so each pulse is centred 8ms
after the one before. The pulses are carefully shaped to minimise the
bandwidth, which is exactly 500Hz. Transmitter linearity is important for
this mode, which has a characteristic chirping sound when heard on the
air. Sophisticated error correction and QSO management is offered. It
uses a Reed-Solomon block FEC system in all modes. Errors are
detected on 8-bit groups of data (bytes). Most errors can be corrected ,
without the need to send a repeat request.
There are numerous modulation techniques used for clover.The
protocol allows these to be changed automatically, as radio conditions
permit. The data rate can also change to suit conditions and it operates
in a bi-directional synchronous connected mode, exchanging ASCII text.
Clover can be very effective under poor conditions and when multi-
path is present, but as a mode it is not as popular as it once was.
WOLF was written by Stewart Nelson, KK7KA, the letters standing for
Weak-signal Operation on Low Frequency. It can be used for beacons
and two-way communication.
Unlike most existing datamodes, which are optimised for a particu-
lar signal/noise ratio (and corresponding speed), WOLF can operate
over a wide range of signal levels. For example , consider a WOLF
beacon transmitting a 15-character message repeatedly. Ifthe received
signal is adequate for conventional CW, copy will be displayed in 24
seconds. At a level barely enough for 0.4 words per minute QRSS, copy
will appear within two minutes. Even if the signal is another 10dB
weaker, the message can still be received, although it can take from 20
minutes to several hours , depending on the frequency stability of the
equ ipment.
The WOLF transmitted signal uses Binary Phase Shift Keying
(BPSK) with a specially constructed bit stream. After each data bit, a
reference bit is transmitted. In simple terms, the signal has a data
channel and a reference channel. The reference stream is a long pseudo-
random sequence that is known in advance by the receiver, its purpose
being to enable recovery of the carrier frequency and phase, bit timing ,
and message timing. A message to be transmitted is broken into
packets of up to fifteen characters each. The packet of data is then
'source coded ' into 80 bits. Forward Error Correction with a 1/6 rate is
then applied , resulting in a 480-bit data stream . After adding reference
bits, the final packet is 960 bits long and takes 96 seconds to send.
Computers in Amateur Radio
To get the best out of WOLF, extremely accurate tuning and excel-
lent frequency stability of both the transmitter and receiver are required.
FAX or HF-FAX is not widely used by radio amateurs, but it is still widely
used commercially for the transmission of weather maps. The quality of
a received image can be very good, but it can take 10-20 minutes to
transmit such an image.
This is a new, digital mode that criss -crosses symbols both within the
permitted bandwith and across time. ROS uses a convolutional code
with Forward Error Correction . There are two variants, each of which are
designed to work through the 202kHz passband of a standard SSB
ROSHF is designed for use on the HF bands. There are three
symbol rates ; 1 baud (aimed at weak signals down to -35dB SNR), 8
baud and 16 baud . In 1 baud mode there are reports of it being able to
copy signals that do not even show up on a waterfall display. It can
automatically detect the symbol rate being transmitted and adjust
dynamically, to take changing conditions into account.
ROSEME is designed for moonbounce communication at VHF.
Using 16-tone MFSK, it is very different to ROSHF. The tones are sepa-
rated by 4Hz, resulting in a bandwidth of 64Hz. The advantage ofthe
narrow bandwidth is that it can scan the audio spectrum and recover a
signal wherever it finds it, automatically adjusting for doppler shift.
Interfacing Tips
Logging Software
Logging Software
by Mike Ruttenberg, G7TWC
I Want it All!
If you want it all and you want it del ivered, ready to go, out of the box ,
you 're in for a disappointment, because no single package does
Computers in Amateur Radio
It all depends on what are you trying to do, so let's look at some basic
questions to help you pick a best-fit solution to your needs .
Assuming you want to log QSOs and you're moving away from
paper logging , basic questions need to be asked such as (but not
limited to) :
Logging Software
For some, the time -honoured paper log is their preferred method. It
works, but see the list that follows for the advantages of using a compu-
ter instead. Many things can be done on paper, but when a computer is
there for you to use at little or no cost it's certainly worth a shot at trying
to use it. You don't need specialist knowledge for any of the packages
and there is a lot of assistance for 'newbies'.
Computers in Amateur Radio
Logging Software
o Band timer counter (how long the station has been on the band
before a band change is allowed e.g. the contests run by CQ have
10 minute band time rs in some categories)
o The ability to set the operator callsign . This enables one PC to be
shared by different operators during operating shifts on a multi-op
station. This in turn allows the log to be broken down by operato r,
for later analysis. It may also allow custom ised sound files for each
operator, so that single-press macros send the correct sound file
for the operator on the mic .
This is not an exhaustive list. There is much more besides. All this is
done seamlessly by the software and in less than the blink of an eye,
wh ile you're still trying to decipher the sc ribbles on a logging sheet.
I Hate Contesting!
If you don't like contests, don't let the word 'contesting' put you off.
General 'OX' modules for everyday logging are almost invariably in-
cluded and many other features come in useful too , such as checking
previous QSOs, the ability to print QSL card labels, submit logs for
awards, tell you operator names, tell you distances and bearings,
decode data modes and much more .
The software packages that support contesting are generally
fantastic general logging programs and many cater for additional
modes, whether or not you partake in contests, whether you use these
other mode offerings and features or not.
The fact that many software packages support contesting doesn't
mean yo u have to take part in them. Similarly, a basic logging program
can still cope with contest exchanges - they just go in the comments
field instead of a dedicated field.
Computing Power
Do you need a whizz-bang super computer to use software packages?
Not always. Some software only requires a modest PC by current
standards . Some software runs under DOS, so a PC from the early '90s
will do fine in many cases. For most purposes a Pentium 3 or faster will
do, though faster and more modern PCs do the same thing faster and
allow greater sophistication.
If you are going to use an old PC, it could be prudent to use a
dedicated machine with nothing other than the operating system in-
stalled on it and possibly DOS-based or DOS-compatible packages
such as SO (current) or TRLog (no longer supported). Some software
was written for Windows 95 with only a modest amount of RAM (e.g.
16Mb on a 486 processor).
Computers in Amateur Radio
If you have a Windows machine you may find software that runs
fine under Windows 95 orWindows 98, but some more recent packages
such as N1MM require a modest amount of speed. Where a computer
minimum recommendation of, say, a 500MHz processor is a minimum, if
you have a better PC available then the software will respond more
quickly after performing the functions you asked it to do.
In short, many PCs will do the job and you don't need a state-of-
the-art machine, but an old duffer won't do you any favours either.
You won't usually have to buy a state-of-the-art machine but you
would generally need a Windows machine (Windows 2000 or later
recommended, but not essential), See each package's minimum re-
quirements for details .
Most modern software is not compatible with Windows Vista.
Windows 8 is too new at the time of writing to comment on compatibil-
ity, but if it works under Vista there is a good chance that it will work
under Windows 7, but check your package 's user groups and/or
website for advice .
Windows XP and Windows 2000 seem to be the stable platforms
that are supported . Windows 98 at a push too, but here it depends on
the processor speed whether the software still performs to your speed
and response expectations . The support for Windows 7 is now better
than before, and consequently so is Windows Vista, but check your
chosen package's user groups and/or website for advice.
64-bit Architecture
Wh ilst logging programs are quite advanced, it's not a requirement that
one uses 64-bit PCs and software, so a 32-bit machine and operating
system is supported, and 64-bit is backwardly compatible. There is no
(current) advantage to runn ing a 64 bit machine or operating system for
logging purposes , other than that they will not tax your machine's
processor as much, as these machines tend to be pretty powerful and
the logger should run with ample CPU power to spare .
Logging Software
There are logging and contesting tools for Linux too . However, it's a
specialist area. Although it is loved by many, it isn't a large enough
subject area to warrant a large amount of column inches here. Only a
small percentage of radio users run Linux and many radio packages are
supported under Wine. The advice and tips below though apply equally
to Linux packages as Windows/DOS ones.
If you're getting started in radio and computing, you most likely
have a PC and run a Windows product.
Please note that experience tells me N1MM needs to run under
Windows and doesn't like Wine much, so needs to run natively under
Logging Software
Does software ensure accurate logs?
No, you still can mis-type a call or exchange, or even if you get all the
details correctly there is no vouching for the other station copying
down all your details correctly.
• What mode are you operating with? Some software supports some
modes better than others, e.g. CW/SSB and data modes.
• What operating system are you using? PCs are overwhelming better
• What bands are you using? Some software if dedicated to HF and
others to VHF and above .
• What contest(s), if any, are you operating in?
.Are you a casual operator looking to add to your DXCC count with
no intention of submitting a log so don't need scoring or serial
number logging?
Computers in Amateur Radio
.Some software caters for some contests but not others, some cater
for many contests but not 'minor' ones (minor being dependent on
the region the coder writers live in, or the participation levels of the
.What country do you live in? The software is most often in English,
but some software exists in French, for example.
• Do you mind paying for the software?
• Do you want periodic updates to the software?
• Do you want to use Windows or do you not mind using DOS?
• Do you use a Mac or Linux rather than Windows?
• Do you have internet?
• Do you want to include packet spots via a TNC, the internet, or not
at all?
• Do you want to read and send the CW manually or via the computer?
.Do you want to operate on data modes?
You may have to pay for major updates on some paid software packages .
Logging Software
Computers in Amateur Radio
My mult file isn't correct. The mult isn't recognised. What can I do?
The most common issue is to have a callsign that isn't recognised as the
correct DXCC entity. This is often the case for TO callsign prefixes , as all
French overseas territories ' special prefixes have the same prefix ofTO
instead of FM, FG, FJ etc . Consequently you may need to "'force' the
logger to accept the call at the time of working it (see your manual for
how to do this) . You can always go back and check the mult file and
rescore the contest later.
Most likely you didn't have the most recent DXCC file (CTY.DAT or
the equivalent, e.g, wLcty.dat in N1MM).lfyou go and get it from, load it in to your package (if this step is
required) run a rescore and then it should be fine .
How to edit a CTY.DATfile is not covered here as this is a last resort
and claimed scores don't have to be (and rarely are) 100% accurate. You
will get adjudicated anyway.
Logging Software
Note: You cannot view the SCP with a text editor, as it's encoded.
Tip: You can edit the partial call file or build one yourself from your
previous logs. MEdit software is useful to do this .
( itl).
Key Function
F1 CO - e.g. 'CO de {mycall} TEST'
F2 Send exchange - e.g . 'TU UR RST {RST report} BK'
F3 End of OSO - e.g. 'Thank You' or '73 or Thank you '
and go to CO)
F4 Send my call
F5 Send other station's call (taken from the log window)
F6 'OSO before' message
F8 Request resend of number
F11 Wipe the entry window clean, i.e. bail out
of a OSO and start over
Computers in Amateur Radio
Logging Software
and I have typed his calls ign in. As high lighted, ESM will next send the
conte nts of F5 (acknowledge G3ZWJ) and then F2 (my exchange) the
next time I press < ENTER>.
Sri SenNr
- It Ed! S"". S"", I
Fig 3.1: N1MM in
Fl co F2E>«h 'run' mode with
F5H;, Cal F6QSOB' ESM switched
F9I1R? Fl0S..-.:tNR....,
You hear G3ZWJ Type 'G3ZWJ' into Type 'G3ZWJ ' into
call you. log window. log window.
Press < space> to Press < ENTER>
move to exchange (sends 'G3ZWJ TU
received box , 5NN 107 SK' and moves
Press F5 (sends his cursor to exchange
call: G3ZWJ) . received box.
Press F2 (sends
exchange TU 5NN
107 SK')
Number of F-keys + 6 0
space keys pressed
Computers in Amateur Radio
With ESM on, you are not expected to press the F-keys, although
they are still available for you to use as normal. You could press F5 or
interrupt your ESM flow to send a custom message from another F-key,
or you could use your Morse key at any point. Using ESM doesn't stop
you doing what you want, but it does simplify the basic sequence of
tasks and prompt you what is coming next .
ESM also works for SSB (see below about macros and voice files),
assuming you have a sound card or DVK.
Logging Software
Computers in Amateur Radio
Logging Software
Computers in Amateur Radio
Rotator Control
Some packages can control antenna rotators. You need to investigate
this based on your requirements and the model of rotator you have.
StepplR Control
Some logging software packages can communicate with a StepplR
controller. You need to investigate this based on your requirements. A
good starting point is whether the software supports CAT control. If
yes, then can it send this info to the controller unit? It also depends on
the model of rig you have. Although it is not the only package to
support this function, N1MM is known to support Yaesu FT1 OOOs with
StepplRs attached.
Operator Statistics
For multi-operator stations, some software packages support operator
statistics. If you can set the operator's call in the software (separately
from the callsign being used on the air) you can create statistics based
on an operator's on-time, to see the rate and how some operators
performed or how the band shaped-up during their turn at the helm.
Naturally enough, to do this the software needs to know which
operator is on the air. Check the instructions of your package on how
to change the operator callsign .
Data Modes
There are various software packages out there for data mode operation.
Many modes exist, new ones are being created from time to time and
there are variations on themes (e.g. BPSK63 and 125, MFSK 4 through
64, Olivia 500). As a starting point, let's assume you want to know how
to get these on your PC when hooked-up to your rig.
For modes such as RTTY and PSK31, the simplest way is to get
your PC to generate the audio tones and connect the audio to the rig
either via the 'Patch' port or via the microphone socket. The rig is set to
go into transmit a fraction of a second before the audio plays (using the
PTT command line keying over a serial or LPT port), and the rig trans-
mits the audio that is fed to it. This is known as Audio Frequency Shift
Keying (AFSK).
Alternatively, some modes can be generated by radios natively
(e.g. RTTY, packet), in which case you basically tell the radio when to
go into transmit and what (but not how) to transmit. This is called
Logging Software
Packet Radio
Packet Radio is still alive and well on VHF/UHF, but these days the OX
Clust er can also be accessed via the Internet. The Internet brings you
the c luster faster than ever, and in many cases it ca n popu late a
band map (a panel on-screen showing you what stat ions are on what
frequ ency, in frequ ency order, and can often colour code entries for new
countries/zones/p refixes etc).
If you wa nt, post ing OXsp ots can now be do ne en masse from
you r pack age, merely by enabling a sett ing that posts all QSOs from
Search & Pounce mode (QSOs made where yo u we ren't the station
ca lling CQ) to the cluster.
Many loggi ng packages now include packet OXCluster functional-
ity. Look in your manual for Pac ket access using Telnet, to see if acc ess-
ing th e OXCluster is su pported.
Warn ing :When it comes to the sett ing-up of filters , OX Cluster com-
mands can be very complicated .
Note : Not all software packages support networking, so this doesn't
always work .
Tip : See belowforsimplifying Packet use using AR User (aka
VE7CC) software .
Tip: If the list of Internet packet clusters on your package is small,
you can supplement it with the file of additional clusters from netlindex.php (if this link doesn't
work, look on the Internet for "list of dxclusters").
Tip: Assuming you are contesting or even casually operating,
some contests have Assisted entry categories (i.e. the use of
Packet/OX Cluster use). By having access to the OXCluster
you can find out about additional contacts and/or multip liers
from the OXCluster during a contest, discover what frequency
they are on and jump to them, often by just clicking in the
bandmap (if available) .
Computers in Amateur Radio
• You can find extra multipliers to work, boosting your points
.You can find extra stations to work, e.g. ifthe band seems dead , you
may want to listen on a spotted station's frequency and see if they
appear out of the noise for you to work them when you wouldn 't
otherwise have known they were there
.Some software packages populate a bandmap and may allow you to
click on the spot to take you to the frequency and pre-fill the callsign
box , ready for you to work them
.Spots can be posted in near-real time for you to see ('near-real
time', because the spots may take some time to transfer around the
Packet network)
.It is mirrored on the Internet, so even if you don't have access to a
VHF Packet cluster you can still access it (see the Tip below). The
Internet is usually faster than the Packet network and you can ask for
a backlog of spots quickly or set filters on the spots you receive
• Even if you can't hear a spotted station, it can indicate that propa-
gation is around, e.g. if Belgians are hearing Italians on 6m it may
be possible that the Sporadic-E cloud will reach the UK's Eastern
shores soon
.You can set filters on the spots, so you only receive the mode/band/
multipliers you want, e.g. you may only want 80m stations from G
who are working CWO This is fiddly to do, but possible. (see the Tip
Make using the cluster over the internet easier below)
.Spots can be posted from anywhere, e.g. a US station spot might
spot a VK on 80m , but you're in England in the daytime you have no
chance of hearing or working the VK, so it is not helpful to see this
type of Spot.
• Being on the cluster is no guarantee of you being able to hear the OX.
• 1n remote locatio ns, you may have no access to the Internet or the
• The lang uage used by the OX Cluster for you to set filters, send or
force an update of Spots can be fiddly (see Tip: Make using the
cluster over the internet easier below)
• OX Spots can be wrong - callsigns incorrect, as and as transposed,
letters typed in the incorrect order, etc . Watch out especially for
missing '/P' in Spots, which can affect your score as portable stations
are worth extra points in some contests . In short, rely on your ears,
not on the screen.
Mobile DXClustering
Now that many mobile phones have GPRS or 3G functionality, the
Internet is available wherever you go (subject to coverage), so you can
use your phone as a modem for you r computer. For more info on this ,
consult your phone provider or search on the Internet.
Logging Software
If you are connected to a Packet cluster (whether over the air or via the
Internet) you receive the Packet Spots. Some logging packages popu-
late these spots on to a graphical representation of the band , known as
a bandmap. Depending on the software you use , this may be clickable,
so you can click on the Spot on the band map, the rig changes to the
required mode and frequency and maybe you get to work them. This is
a good way to pick up points if they are a new multiplier.
An example from N1MM is shown in
Fig 3.2. The colours of the callsigns x
represent different things: red = multiplier
needed, green=double multiplier 28500.00 I SH/DXI Wide'
needed, blue=station needed but not a 0.00 RII XII USB Fig 3.2: N1 MM
multiplier, grey=station already worked . bandmap.
If you have use a Telnet Packet 28440
Cluster, to set filters up is hard work and
fiddly, and you need to know how to set
them in a lang uage that the cluster 28450 T77C 128'
Instead of connecting the logging
software directly to the Cluster, we put a 28460
program in the middle to do all the
customisable filtering. A powerful pro-
gram to do this is AR User software (aka 28470
VE7CC), available from
28475 IK4.t..DE 133'
Once installed, you connect AR User to DL9NEF 91 '
your chosen cluster, but now you can set 28480
the bands and modes you want and
don 't want, or which continents or coun-
tries you want/don 't want to see spots 28490
from. This is done via a graphical inter-
face, so it is much easier to use.
This information can then be sent
internally through your PC to the logging 28505
UA9AOZ 60'!:!
software, often using port 1B1AB 180'
In your logging software , e.g. N1MM , 28510 RM4HH/A 67'!:!
RASWNN 63' !:!
point the cluster address to IP address
28515 port 7300. In simple terms , all
network traffic is sent withi n the computer 28520
so that another piece of software (your
28525 G3KIP 146'
logging program) can see it.
You need to leave AR User software L..-=:28::.:5c.::.30~ ---,
Compute rs in Amateur Radio
~ CQ IZ5A ~
r.-- CQ HC8N ~
- 0-- CQ EA618~
8 - CQ WK2G
OJ3 } - CQ N2YO ~
- 0 - CQ CIlEN ~
O- CQ 5.IIW [>
~ CQ CU2A ~
Fig 3.3: CW
Skimmer can
hundreds of
The usual
limiting factor is
the bandwidth
sent to it.
Logging Software
the death-knell of radio, in past generations there have been those who
said that about SSB when AM was commonplace, or when FM was
introduced, or even when electricity was invented! You don't have to
move with the times; you can log with pen and paper if you want. Sure
it presents more options , but it doesn't replace using your ears.
Incidentally, the CW Skimmer idea is not new. Write Log software
has had similar functionality for years, allowing users to decode CWon
or around their frequency in to plain text, albeit not a whole band
CW Skimmer is available at jwww.dxatlas.comjCwSkimmerj (trial
version) and costs US$75 for a full licence.
Note that use of Skimmer in CQ Magazine contests (CQWW,
CQWPX etc) puts you in to the Assisted category.
Decoding CW
Althoug h not a contesting piece of software, there are pieces of software
that help operators with poor CW skills to be able to 'listen' to (or
realistically 'watch') and decode CW signals by transcribing what it
'heard' into text on screen. One such package is CWGet, available at ($35, -30, unlimited free trial).
Basically, you connect the audio from the rig's AF out or similar to
your PC's line in or mic socket and let the software decode what it hears.
.If you have a contesting package open, you need to also have CWGet
open to view it. This may use valuable real-estate on your screen .
• When you click on CWGet it is the PC's focus, the loggingjcontest-
Computers in Amateur Radio
ing package is no longer the PC's focus . If you want to then send
something from the contesting package you first need to make it
active, which involves an extra mouse or key press, (e.g. ALT-TAB to
toggle the focus in Windows) or click the mouse somewhere on the
contesting software screen to make it active. This can lose you
valuable seconds.
e CWGet is not so good if you are COing, as stations don't always
reply to you on the frequency or at pitch you are listening for. To
cater for this there are AutoGTM or GoToMax buttons (used in con -
junction with AFC functionality), but it takes a moment for the AFC to
act, so you may lose the start of the callsign .
elf you don't use AutoGTM or GoToMax, or even AFC, then you need
to click on the signal, which isn't instant because you need to hear or
see the station before you can click on it. Once again you may miss
some characters ofthe callsign.
-JLJ •
• -'!.J '
I : :::tJ
--1.LJ '•
r~ ':,~ no~Q50:....~- ~l/=
, ~
, Uni qu e
,_.1' I 1\
1 , I, 'AI
1,-tL~~ hliD-r.
CwGcl V1.!iO
(tJ' "" 200S Slllg l i P ld* ;ya Ua , LlA')OV
llH ttlO llHIOHl lct H \l"~ blln~a"d d' ll etol
th' MlIohl.
l;t, d .!.J
1fj:;.·.. lNd"'3~
;~ -'-
r -
Tip: To avoid the focus issue, you may wish to have two PCs
active, one for the logging software and one for CWGet, so
the PC is always focused on one task, i.e. the logging soft-
ware on PC1 and CWGet on PC2. PC2 doesn't need to do
anything else but 'listen' to the audio from the radio.
Logging Software
Satellite Tracking
General Resources
Learning Morse
I have found useful tools such as Koch which incrementally build up your
morse alphabet in pairs of letters (free from:
To practice CW in a contest environment there is the excellent
Morse Runner (free from: or you can
try G4FON's Contest Trainer ( They
have adjustable speeds , replicate common macros used in contests and
have customisable noise and numbers of stations calling, just like in a
real contest. You can start with a nice loud signal with no QRM or QSS
and build up your confidence by working 'real' stations without fear of
judgment or other stations nearby drowning you out. No radio is re-
quired, as it's all done through the sound card.
A variety of Morse training software may be found on the CD that
accompanies this book.
Softwar e Plattorm Co ot Support Mo de s Network s uppo rt p ac ket Enter Send s Wln key HF VHF CAT Not es
pac kaq e for mulli-op/mulll- s u ppo rt Mes s3g e (ESM) s u pp o rt s u ppo rte d
machine use mod e support
Softw~ro Platform Co st Su pport Modes Network s uppo rt Pncket Enter S end s Wln key HF VHF CAT Note s
packnge for multi-op /multl- s up po rt Messngo (ESM ) s up po rt s u pported
machine use mod e support
MixW Windows V2,x User suppo rt Data: N Y N Y y y N Widely supports data modes,
new via Yaho o (BPSK
wwwmixw net user groups. [PSI<], see see O livia mode plugin ava ilable via
US$70 QPSK, notes notes free DLL download from website
+tax FSK31,
RTT~ Version updates released
Upgrade MFSK, sporad ically (etten with same
from Olivia, ve rsion numbering)
V2.xto Hellsc hr.,
V3,x SSTV Poor packet spot intertace
US$SO Fax,
+tax Throb, V2 not integrated with a bandmap
(free if Amtor,
regis- Pactor, QRZ,com lookup suppo rted
tered MT63), via externa l drivers
over 10 SSB,
years- CWo Powertul. but tiddly to get started
on line
callsign Has a tendencyto merge macros
to check from previous usage , unless told
status) explicitly not to (not always desirable)
Ro bust networking
MMTTY Windows Free User RTTY N N N N N/A N/A Y Althoug h this can be used as a
support standalone piece of softwa re,
bllpJL via See it can also be used as the data
mm hamsoft ca Yahoo note s engine for other packages. e.g.
groups. N1MM, which allow greater
networking and packet
funct iona lity.
So ftw a re Platform Cosl S up po rt M odes Network support Packet Enter Sonds Wi nkey HF VHF CAT N otes
packaqe f o r muill-op/mulll- support Mess3ge (ESM) s upport su p ported
ma ch tne use mode support
MMV3ri Windows Free Use r RTIY N N N N N/A N/A Y Altho ugh th is can be used as a
support PSK standalone piece of softwa re.
http' //mmham via FSK See it can also be used as the data
soft a mateur- Yahoo MFSK notes eng ine for other packages. e.g.
radio ca/MMyari l g roups. N t MM. whic h allo w grea ter
network ing and packet
funct io nality
JV C omm 32 Windows £49.98 Bye-mail HF-FAX N N N N N N N Rece ptio n-o nly too l for mon itoring
but to its weather HF utilities I amateur radio data
www pervjse ll demo creator. images ,
com/download vers ion SOUS Tx available fo r ham users with
also RTIY ca llsig ns
NAVTEX Su pports Windows 7 including
SSTV 64-bit . but not Vista
H3m Had lo Wi ndows Free Via on line for um Alilhe N Y N Y Y Y Y Software is essent ially a graphical
Oe lu xo(HRO) XP or w ithout ht1p://forums modes front end for yo ur rig
an d 0 lgl131 better support .ham-rad io .ch/ ava ilab le but mu ltip le OXClus te r
M3sl er OM-780 or ind ivid ual on your sessions over the Includes sate llite tracking,
Mac unde Approx support with rig can run interne t rotator support data modes
WWw ham-rad io VMNareo US$80 subscription mult iple (OM-780 softwa re), log boo k,
-deluxe co m! Parallels w ith OM-780 instances awar ds tracking
support module of rigs
subs- supports Advanced con test logging not
cr ipt lon , a large supported. but ad ho c co ntest
plus free number contacts can be Jogged w ith
upgrad of data cont est information
toV6 modes
Software Plaffo rm Cost Su ppo rt Modes Network support Packet Enter Sends Wlnkey HF VHF CAT Notes
packaqe for multl-op /multl- support Mess3ge (ESM) support supported
machine use mode support
FLd lgl Windows Free Bye-mail CW,SS B N N N N Y N Y Powertul progra m that wor ks
MacOSX tothe PSK across platforms
~ Linux development RTIY
FreeBSD team THROB Wide variety of modes supported
LEJ.djgj.b1ml Hell
Olivia Supports contes ting
Thor Modu lar installation of rig oontrol
MT63 and oth er ad ded functionality,
Domi no based on user's needs.
Thro b
Domi no Plug ins available for DXCC, LoTW
WEFAX tracking , and eQSL tracking and
SITORB integration
M inos Windows Free Onli ne forum Log s N N N N N Y N Simple yet powertul offl ine
95/98/ME/ (o pe n SSB, VHF/UHF /SHF logger fro m
bttp"Umjnos XPNista source) CW& GOGJV (previo us DOS VHF
FM logger a uthor)
Lun ix QSOs
(under RSGB VHF contests supported,
Wine) inc luding pos tcode multipliers
Computers in Amateur Radio
Antenna Modelling
by Ian Birkenshaw, G4UWK
Antenna Modelling
Practical Example
We will now model a real life antenna, the popular G5RV multi-band
dipole, complete with transmission line feeder to show how it is done.
We will use the NEC2-based EZNEC program for this .
Computers in Amateur Radio
Antenna Modelling
• '
''''' ...
- -- for BYDipole.
example models. Left click on this, then click 'Open'. The Control
Centre window reveals we have opened the model file BYDipole .EZ
which is a 'Back yard Dipole' for 20 metres at a height of 30ft.
Click 'Wires', which opens the Wires definition window- Fig 4.3.
The single wire dipole is defined as a wire with End 1 and End 2 xyz
co-ordinates. The wire is 12 gauge bare copper and is 33.43 feet long
at a height of 30ft with 11 segments. The Wires window is where the
antenna to be modelled is defined as a series of wires . We will be
using only one wire, but more complex models will need many wires
and it can be a tedious process to correctly define all of them . Certain
tools are provided under the Create function to more easily define
structures like radials, loops and helixes.
Note the last two columns, dealing with insulation. This allows
antennas with plastic coated wires to be modelled. The effect of the
coating is to slightly shorten the required wire lengths compared to
bare copper.
We will now turn this 20m dipole into a 102ft G5RV dipole, made
of copper wire, 0.1-inch diameter, complete with a 20m A.j2 feed stub
made of 450-ohm open wire feeder. We will then examine the radiation
plots and feed -point impedances at the bottom of the feeder.
Fig 4.4 shows the Wires window, modified to create the model of
the G5RV.
Fig 4.4: The
I'7Stoor \ll".~ Wires Window
'''''Z OIl
e- x
I y
e- - edited for the
G5RV. If the Free
Demo version is
used, the number
We have changed the length to 102 ft, the number of segments of segments
to 51 (19 if using the free demo version)and the wire diameter to 0.1- should be 19.
inch. To change these parameters, simply highlight each value to be
changed and type in the new value. Close the window when finished.
The new values are automatically saved.
Note we have used an odd number of segments. This is neces-
sary with NEC2, to allow connection of feed points, or in this case
transmission lines to the exact centre of the dipole.
We will now add a 20m A.j2 450 -ohm ladder-line in the Transmis-
sion Lines Window. We need a half wave long line at 14.175MHz
made from 450-ohm ladder line with a Velocity Factor of 0.9 . This is
32.23 feet long. Real life transmission line losses are 0.082dB per
100ft at 10MHz.
Computers in Amateur Radio
Transmission zu
\Ih.. [l'IftS~Poa
EndUd End2
,f~ £I..",..1
: ". . [1
ll:f_ El I
L Vf A.",,,",- l..on
Click on the Trans Lines button in the Control Centre window to
open the blank Transmission Line window - Fig 4.5.
We now enter the required transmission line parameters. End 1 of
the line is in the centre of Wire 1 at 50%. End 2 would normally be
another wire defined in the Wires window. However, to make life simpler,
we use an EZNEC specific shortcut and use a 'Virtual wire' (v1), which
does not require a physical location to be defined.
Fig 4.6 shows the completed Transmission Line Window. Close
the window.
Fig4.6: The
Transmission Na End l S Pal.
completed for ·w 1 - so 10
the G5RV.
Note that EZNEC V5.0 has a transmission line calculating engine
built in, which will calculate the transmission losses for any given fre-
quency and subtract these when calculating the antenna model gain .
Impedance transformations down the line are also calcula ted.
We now move the source from the centre of the wire to the virtual
wire at the far end of the transmission line.
Open the Sources win dow. Change the Specified pos from wire 1
to v1 - Fig 4.7.
Fig 4.7: The
Sources Window
completed for IV.AI
the G5RV.
Note we are using a 'Current' type source with amplitude of 1-amp .
Click on OK to close the window.
We will now change a number of other model parameters to bette r
reflect real life conditions.
Click on the Ground Type button . In Real Ground Types , click on
the High Accuracy button to change from MININEC ground - Fig 4.8.
The High Accuracy gound model is more accu rate than the MININEC
ground. Click OK to close the window.
The High Accuracy gound model takes into account losses
through the ground close to the
Ground Type .
I· ~i.
antenna, the MIMINEC ground does
II llk not. The downside is wires can not
be directly connected to ground with
r flee SplICe
the High Accuracy ground making
r fedoct
accurate modelling of vertical anten-
Fig 4.8: The r. Beo!
Ground Type Reo! G,ould T~. nas more difficult.
r. 1l9> Ac<uocy Click on the Ground Descrip
Window for the
G5RV. (Ground Description) button.
Antenna Modelling
~ ~:: :
The Cond (Ground Conductivity) and Diel Co nstant in the
Window f or the
sample model are set to those for very good ground. To make the
model more realistic we will
change t hese parameters to II
those for average ground.
Change the Cond
Fig 4.10 : Ground
(Conductivity) value from Cond uct ivity Map
0.0303 to 0.005 Siemens per for the UK. The
metre. Change the Diel Const values are in
(Dielectric Constant) value milli-Siemens
from 20 to 13 - Fig 4.9 . Close per metre.
the window.
This changes these
values from those for good
gro und to average ground.
These may not be those
pertaining at any partic ular
amateur QTH, the only certain
way being to measure them.
However, an idea of the likely ground conductivity anywhere in the UK
can be obta ined from Fig 4.10. Also , http ://!vmox/
gm.html has a useful colour map, showing ground conductivity in the
UK and a list of permittivity values for various soil types .
Commonly accepted values for conductivity and permittivity values
Computers in Amateur Rad io
Antenna Modelling
, .. -
..JJ!.I.l! Fig 4.18: The
(;' !iOohrN
c 1d(52
INF : : : :
: : :
SWR curve for
the G5RV Model,
orm,l J
from 3.5MHz to
S(lUt(e ll
10 30MHz.
3.5 Freq MHz 30
·S09~ ·I:!023~=
SOu:c, I 1
",,"Coe tl o1ge71117S 92 de')
-0 04185" 1° 1900
Rft lou 141 df1
Computers in Amateur Rad io
freq uency step .The impedance and SWR forthe se lected frequency are
detai led in the bottom left hand side.
As can be seen , the SWR around many ofthe amateur bands is in
fact quite high , not the 2.0 or less often expected. For the G5RV it is
normal pract ice to connect 50-ohm coax at the end of the open wire
feeder sect ion to connect to the transce iver (ideally via a choke ba lun).
Transm ission losses on the coax line, particularly at the higher
bands and with a longer length of coax , will be quite high . This can be
reduced by using open wire feeder or ladder line all the way to the
shack and a balanced antenna tuning unit, or placing a remote auto -
matic antenna tuner (AATU) at the base of the ladder line. Either solution
will resu lt in lower transmiss ion losses and is a better way of using the
G5RVthan the 'standard' method .
The SWR plot for any part icular amateur band can be looked at by
changing the start and end frequencies, and by adjusting the frequency
step to an appropriate value. Choosing a small step will take EZNEC
longerto produce results .
We will now plot the 30 radiation patterns for each of the main
amateur (non WARC) bands . Click the Frequency button and change
to 3.65MHz, the centre frequency ofthe 80m band . Click 'OK ' to close
the windows .
Click the 'FF Plot' button. EZNEC now calculates the 30 radiation
plot for 3.65MHz and displays it - Fig 4.19. Note that by click ing on the
'azimu th' or 'elevat ion' buttons then clicking the 'Show 20' plot button
we can change the view of the plot. Be careful with these 20 plots.
For the azimuth plot, the view depends on the elevation angle
Fig 4.19: The 3D
. .
Far Field Plot at
!.J ""
rE~ Sk"*
u -o
. :·L"-=-~"A. lUll
.:.1 '
I °Il
I .:.1 0
L' E
r S;1>ow20 Plol
Antenna Modelling
of lower elevation angle . In the model the antenna is lined up along the
y axis, assign ing a real life compass direct ion to the y axis and using a
Great Circle map will show the parts of the wor ld where the lobes will
maximise DX performance.
The 3D plots for 7.1Mhz , 14.175 Mhz, 21 .225 Mhz and 28 .5 Mhz
are shows in Fig 4.20 to Fig 4.23 . Note that at 28.5MHz a segmenta-
Far Field Plo t fo r
=-- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - ----c= = :----i
... t$:
I ~":
r ~ Sk e
r- E,... '.ik e
l z
Fig 4.22 : The 3D
Far Field Plo t for
. ~~
r 5.how20 Pktt
Computers in Amateur Radio
r S-hcM2Df'bt
.'o ----1:IJ
j..... 1'
. ~11 1~ :
,... ,
z ., c.....
·~ O l
-- ,
''"" ""
.: ~~
Antenna Modelling
The 'Show Ant' window for the lnverted-V is shown in Fig 4.25.
Look at the 3D plot at 14.175MHz - Fig 4.26. We now have a
prominent lobe straight up, just right for picking up ionospheric noise
and possibly unwanted short skip signals. Note also that the six lobes in
the straight version have gone down to four. Use the Azimuth plot to
show that the gain in these lobes is well down on the gain in the lobes in
the straight model. Repeat for the 15m and 10m bands - it's the same.
The moral here is to not install a G5RV as an inverted-V! Unfortu-
nately, many amateurs will only have the one support, making the
inverted-V format the only one possible . Further modelling will show
better antenna solutions than the G5RV for these situations.
Computers in Amateur Radio
Propagation Modelling
by Gwyn Williams , G4FKH
This chapter will discuss how computers can be used in the shack to better
the understanding of propagation .The topics will include information
gathering, pred iction production and beacon and ionospheric monitoring.
It would be frivolous to attempt a comprehensive list of places onl ine
where the various programs and information can be gathered. Instead, the
keywords should be inserted into a favourite Internet search engine and
this should be used as a basis for finding the required programs and
interesting sites . One example ofthis would be to insert 'Bartels Musical
Scales' into a search engine. One ofthe results will be ftp://ftp.gtz- shows a list of files in which
the K, index is shown in a musical format. The files are in PostScript, but
free programs are available on the WWWto read and display them. This
is a little known gem in which the historic K, index can be viewed in orde r
to visualise or predict occurrences of ionospheric disturbances .
It is of co urse possible to replicate most of wha t will be shown in
this chapter without the use of a compute r,assu ming one has a scientific
calculator and all the necessary algorithms to do the work and of course
an awful lot of paper and even more time. I've been utilizing computers of
one sort or another for over two decades to produce propagation
predictions and nowfind the use ofthem indispensible. Let's continue
w ith a discussion on the type of information required so that we are
prepared forthe various data inputs our computer programs require.
It is possible and suggested that those interested reg ister with such
agencies as SEC NOAA SWPC and the Aus . IPS site. They will send
Propagation Modelling
bulletins each day which include the basic propagation indices. For
prediction programs that utilise the VOACAP engine and its derivatives,
put 'predicUxt' into your search engine for the sunspot numbers. Ap and
K, indices can be obtained in the recommended fashion. The Solar
Terrestrial Dispatch site has a wealth of information and products aimed
at the understanding ofthe current activity on the Sun and its subse-
quent interaction with Earth's ionosphere. SIDC in Brussels also has an
interesting array of information and prog rams for users interested in
propagation studies. There are two other very important sites that are
commonly used in propagation research: the Rutherford Appleton
Laboratory (RAL), and the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO).
RAL is designated as a World Data Centre, so all sorts of archives
and data can be found on the site. The section of most interest to those
of us interested in radio conditions now or in the near future is the
ionogram section. In this area ionogram pictures and ionogram data can
be found. lonogram explanations can also be found on the site. There
was also a detailed explanation in the May 2009 edition of RadCom. From
the ionogram data it is a relatively easy task to single-out a particular data
type and graph in order to better understand it. A simple line graph ofthe
F2 layer Critical Frequency (foF2) is shown in Fig 5.1 .
This graph shows the diurnal effect of the foF2 at the bottom of the
sunspot cycle and this time of year. The only real difference that will be
seen at the height ofthe sunspot cycle will be the frequency magnitude.
There are day-to-day and seasonal variations, for example during the
winter months the foF2 tends to peak around the midday period. The
Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF) at 3,000km can also be found within
the sa me data set and will follow the foF2 graph because the two are
interlinked. The SOHO site on the other hand contains a large amount of
data sh?wn mainly as images ta ken from the various satellites that have
been put into orbit over the last several years . The site also contains a
realistic visualisation of the solar wind speed in the guise of a speedom-
eter. Utilizing this information as well as that from the ACE RTSW site , it
is possible to pinpoint the timings of such events as flaring and coronal
hole occurrences . Both ofthese later phenomenon adversely effect
Earth 's ionosphere and its ability to provide skywave communications.
Computers in Amateur Radio
The October 1996 version follows the recommendation ITU-R. P.533 with
recommendation ITU-R P.842 incorporated .This version was compiled
by M I Dick and S M Harrison of RAL and H Sizun of France Telecom,
written forthe old DOS operating system. Soon after this date NTIAjITS
of the US Government took over the administration duties and con-
verted the user interface (Graphical User Interface (GUI)) over to Win-
dows. The output was also consolidated into a VOACAP type format,
which makes the program especially easy to manipulate programmati-
cally. This latter point, along with its inherent accuracy, has made it the
choice of propagation engine for the production of propagation predic-
tions for RadCom and other national society magazines.
When searching for this program, put 'HFWIN32 ' into your search
criteria and seek out the Greg Hand site. He is the person who con-
verted the original program and has since rectified any bugs. Greg is
now retired but still has an interest in REC533. From time to time he
Propagation Modelling
o47E G4A"' H
I 517 SN SWtlPTx-flx I
Becewer 2000S 577 5E 388
Eelh Sho r t Dls tance:! : 9 7H km S Z1SNlIl 6 0 ) 6rn l.::l t1uth : 1 ~7 . 7deg I
Ereq(MHI) 1. 8 0 0 3 . 50 0 7 . 0 0 0 10 .100 14 . 0 0 0 18 .100 Z l.OOO 2 '1.900 2 8 .000 I
Sys tem UOl s e 'hn An g l e Req . Pel. Req SUR Ba ndv ldth
HS( -dBv) J .OOdee;, 50\ Z7dB 18 : I
I Mod uleM n I Plo d u i ll t a cn J.Dlpl1.tucte Rat to T l llle Vlndov f r e q ue n c y_ Vl nd o v
.l.nll loO' n1a- rJa n1a I
x ,A.nfenna • K1n x a x Des l qn Dl rectory\ r l 1ename .:s1:x !!odel !!alnBe aro Po ve r kV
1 2 3 0 0 .000 uaer \g1tkh.ant I a :c lP ' 2 3 1~7 . "7 0. 1000
posts a new version onto his web site. The new GUI can be se en in
Fig 5.3 and is the setup page .
The parameters are input by clicking on the labels on the left side
and answering the questions .The only information needed from the
Internet is the Smoothed Sunspot Number (SSN). All other questions can
be answered with regard to your situation. The aerial specified is one that
has been constructed fro m the HFant program that comes with the suite.
For the aerial, initially choose IONCAP #23 from the defaults directory.
After choosing the aerial, it should be remembered to point your aerial at
the receiver, 'at Rx' should be clicked on the received aerial dialogue and
'at Tx' should be clicked on the transmit aerial dialogue. To perform
predictions , click the 'Run' button at the top then click 'Circuit'. Close that
screen and click 'Run', followed by 'Graph'. Close that sc reen and the Fig 5.4: Part of
necessary output is now available by clicking on 'View' and either 'Circuit' the REC533
or 'Graph', as des ired. Fig 5.4 contains is a segment of the Circu it output. output file, used
fo r analysis.
There are instructions and manuals on the NTIAjlTS web site for
MAY 20 09 SSN = 1 2 . Pa t h
G4 FKH 3B8 AZIMUTHS <Short > N . MI . KM
51. 7 5 N 0.47 E 2 0 . 00 S 57 .75 E 1 27. 68 3 2 8. 5 7 5 24 6 . 2 9 71 5 .2
XMTR 2 -30 ION CAP #23 [user \ g 4 fkh . a nt ] Az =1 27 . 7 OFFa z=3 6 0. 0 0 .100kW
RCVR 2 -30 I ONCAP # 23 [user \ g 4 f kh . a n t ] Az =328 .6 OFFa z=360.0
NOIS E - 1 45 dB W S ! N 50% of Da y s @ 27 d B in 1 Hz RX Ba n d wi d t h
Computers in Amateur Rad io
~ ~
.. ~ !to..... u-.... t . . ~_ tto'f
1·...,loc.-ontor ..ed006
MAY 2009 SStl· 12 . Pat h
G4 FKli 388 AZIMUTHS <Sh o rt> rio HI. KM
5 1. 1 ~ IE 0 . 47 E 20 .00 S ,51 .15 E 127 . 68 328 . 51 5246 . 2 911 5.2
~~ ~=5g ~g:1~~~ :n f ~~~ ~~ gH£g : ~ri~
1l0 I S E -145 dBW S/lI 50\ o f D.!I; Y~ @ 2 7 d B
I ~~: 5~~ I:~n g~~:;:5~g :g O. lOOk"
1 H: RX Ban dwidth
AA.!I; log
Signa l-to -uoi se
Hedla n Dec! 1e
l L. )) L Ur - - HU r
- - r OT
- Mini mWD Maximum
Fig 5.5: SNR " - 9 01 . 0 0 45.00
Ii'" :0
output from the X
~ 18 -l-----1I-----7ft"'--+---+----+---I-'~-+__-_+ ccrx co.fhci9l'lt.a
program using
the same inputs
as previous.
10 1: 1<1
T , :ue (U T )
these programs , the manuals forVOACAP and IONCAP are valid forthe
understanding of REC533. The re is also a very good VOACAP Quick
Guide available from OH6BG, which explains the output ofVOACAP very
well and can be adopted for use with REC533 . The output segment
shown above is for 1700hrs in May 2009, for a circuit between Chelms-
ford , Essex and Mauritius; it is valid fo r 50% of the days in the mont h.
At t his time on 14MHz the Sig nal to Noise Rat io (SNR or SIN) tells us
tha t the received signal will be well above the noise an d the Medium
Field Strength at the Receiver (dBu) tells that we should be able to
hea rthe signal quite well. A figure of -14 and below for the dBu would
signify that the receive signal is predicted to be inaud ible . The SNR at
the receiver is dependent upon a num ber of factors, such as the aerial
and the q uality of the receive r, but as a general guideline CW signals
shou ld be audible at or above 27d B for experienced operators an d
pro bably nearer 35 to 40dB for inexperienced operators. A figure of
ove r 45 or 50dB is usually necessary for SSB reception . Wor king
th rough the output file in t his way will give a very good idea when the
circ uit will be ava ilable and at wh at signal level. The other output
method 'Graph' will provide most of the above information but graphi-
cally, as shown in Fig 5.5 .
This output shows that between about 1600hrs and 1900hrs,
14MHz should be open with an SNR of arou nd 40dB or so. However
you will need to verify the dBu by eithe r choos ing that parameter from
the 'Parameters' choice at the top of the screen or by going to the
'Circuit' output. The thick black line at the bottom which rises at about
Propagation Modelling
0600hrs into a broken black line is the Lowest Usable Frequency (LUF)
and drops below 14MHz again at 1400hrs. When the MUF (the top most
th ick line) is below the LUF no signals are expected to be heard on the
circuit, therefo re, the island around 0500 to 1700hrs on 24.9MHz is really
not a reliable circuit before 1400 when the LUF is computed to be
above the MUF, 24.9MHz is also way above the predicted MUF. How-
ever, it is always best to check these possi bilities as these programs
produce predictions and in reality the pred icted MUF can be - and
occasionally is - exceeded.
W6EL Prop
Termln"IA Termina l B
Prenx or Locator l atitude PrefIXor Locator LatJtude
W6ELProp is quite a different ;DEFAULT- , 75 ] fJi- '- - - 42 21
- -
kettle offish, being not as compli- U"e Dellull I ~----.J
l ongl1.ude he DefaUlt
I r'LongJtude_
TERM I NAL A: 51.7 5 N 0 .47 E G4FKH Sunrise/Set: 0356/1957 UTC Bearing to B: 288.4 deg
TERMINAL B: 42.35 N 7 1.051'1 Boston, Ma ss . Sunrise/Set : 0918/0007 UTC Bear ing to A: 52 .6 deg
SSN : 13 .0 F l u x : 71.3 K: 1 Path Length: 5 295 km
UTC MUF 3 .5 MHz 7 .0 MHz 10.1 MH z 14 .0 MHz 18.9 MHz 21.0 MHz 28 .0 MHz
0000 17 .1 24 A 47 A 50 A 52 A 53 D 53 D
0030 17.0 37 A 49 A 51 A 52 A 53 D 53 D
0100 16.6 42 A 50 A 51 A 52 A 53 D
013016 .0 41 A 50 A 51 A 52 A 53 D
0200 15 .3 47 A 50 A 51 A 52 B 53 D
0230 14.7 47 A 50 A 51 A 52 B
0300 1 4 . 2 40 A 50 A 51 A 52 B
033013 .8 39 A 49 A 51 A 52 C
040013.7 34 A 48 A 50 A 52 C
043013.8 31 A 41 A 50 A 51 C
2230 16. 3 -8 A 33 A 46 A 49 A 51 D
2300 16.2 9 A 36 A 47 A 50 A 52 D
2330 16.1 19 A 39 A 49 A 51 A 52 D
Av a il a b i l i t i e s A : 75 - 100 % B: 5 0 - 75 % C: 25 - 50 % D: 1 - 25 %
SiN s uppressed i f signal leve l below -10 dB relat ive to 0 . 5 u v or i f predicted availab ility is zero
Computers in Amateur Radio
Stat ion WYY DAY DDD HlL'lM PI rT S S AXN PPS Ie" ps
Chilton 2009 JunOl 152 DDSO "1M 1 D15 200 10. Al
65 0 -r-'- - - - , -- - -- - - - - -- - - -- - - - -,
foF2 3. 900 .,
fOF lll
MI A 60 0
. n
"r ,-
fo E ~ .36
~x I 4. 70 55 0
"fOES 3.80
1.ln 2.25 500
" UF(D) 11 . 99
"(0) 3.08 450
0 3000.0
n' F 192 . ~
n 'F 2 MI A 400
n' E "/A
nr s 105 . 0 350
nor 2 3l9 .5
hoF! H/A
hoE 110 .0 300
Fig 5.8: RAL yf2 97. 2
yf 1 U/A 25 0 -
lonosonde y£ 20 .0
SO SO. 4
display for 1 81 5. 96 200
June 2009 at (- 1eve l 11
00:50hrs. Aut o :
Art i ~ t4 . 5 th.:i.J.:"4·"";Il'H,
~ .~os;:: ::.
100311 10 0
I 03 00
0 3 30
14 2
13 .8
L.1ne not s hown
14. 0
14. 0
0. 5 .1
sJ.gnal level below -1 0 dB
F -F
o r l.:t predicted. avaJ.labJ.lJ.ty 1.5 zero
Press F1 fo r Help
Propagation Modelling
when and at what freq uenc ies to look for open ings to particular areas of
the world. Other output from this program includes graphical content
which unfortunately will not show very we ll in black and white and a
comp rehensive advanced feature showing the expected hop configura-
tions at the various frequenc ies, shown in Fig 5.9.
This screen depicts among other important parameters the number
of hops necessary to reach the dest ination and whether the y are via the
E or F layers. MUltiple E-Layer hops are common when Spo rad ic-E is
prevalent. It should be remembered that with multi -hop paths and when
Sporad ic-E is prevalent , it is possible to bounce a signal off the iono-
sph eric side ofthe E-Layer (on the sec ond or succ essive hop) , thus
avoid ing contact with the Earth and negating the losses involved there-
with. AII-in-all this is a program that it is well worth getting to know, it wil l
also assist in the basic understand ing of propagation predictions .
This program was written by Alex Shovkoplyas , VE3NEA in 2006 , but
unfortunately it is not gratis. However, it is the best program that the
author has come across for monitoring the NCDXF beacon chain ,
whether free or not.
The NCDXF beacon network has eighteen beacons that utilize the
five freq uencies once every three minutes . For that reason timing is
paramount. Faros handles this by monitoring a number oftime servers
on the Internet. Consequently a broadband connection is necessary if
Computers in Amateur Radio
i ; f a ros 1.0 ~@
fie !'oW tjelp
14 18 21 24 28
• • •• •• •
••••• OH:
•• •• •• •• ••
•• •• •• •• ••
ZS60 ~l
•• •• • • • CS3B
~l o
14 MHz
• • •• • E -w.<. 0
•... •• • • IR b_
••• a8 100-
••••• D 123 m
••••• F,_y 141 H:
h , , l 4. . .'
Propagation Modelling
Tim e
QRG Beacon 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
14 4X6TU a a a 1 2 a a 1
14 5Z4B a a 1 a
14 CS3B 1
14 KH6WO a
14 OH2B 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
14 RA90 1 1 1 1 a a 2
14 VE8AT 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 a a a a a a
14 YV5B a
14 ZS6DN a
QRG Beacon 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 0 8 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
18 4X6TU a 1 a a a a 2
18 5Z4B a
18 OH2B 1 2 2 1 1 a
18 ZS8 DN a
QRG Beacon 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
21 4X6TU a a a a
21 CS3B a
21 OH2B a a a a
QRG Beacon 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 4X6TU a 2 1 2 1
24 OH2B 2 4 2 2
QRG Beac on 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
23 4X8TU a 1 1
23 CS3B a
23 OH2B 2 2
Computers in Amateur Radio
Access 'Crosstab ' query that puts the output in rough ly the format
shown above . All that is then necessary is to smarten it up a little so
that it loo ks like the spreadsheet above . Now, what practical use has
this spreadsheet? Looking at it closely, it sort of resembles a RadCom
HF Propagation Predictions page, this output is used to ensure that
the HF Propagation Predictions for RadCom are in the correct ball
park. A lot of the beacons are in the same general vicinity as the
destinations listed in RadCom so they lend themselves very well to
this purpose.
Spectrum Lab
Spectrum Lab is a much more complicated and far more sophisti-
cated creature than Faros , but it can be utilized to monitor most
anything including beacons. The ma in consideration is therefore
whether the PC internal clock is correct, if using an older PC, that
is older than one using Windows Vista, then it is suggested that
this program as well as a lot of others requiring accurate timing be
used in conjunction with a GPS time receiver. These receivers can
be found occasionally, quite cheaply on ebay. Spectrum Lab is the
brainchild of Wolfgang Buescher, DL4YHF, and is basically a
Spectrum Laboratory that can be used for applications that are in
the audio part of the spectrum up to those in the GHz bands and
all frequencies in between. It also has an RDF capability. Built in
application files include radio equipment tests , slow Morse recep-
tion, and digimodes. However, the first time user will be required to
carefully read the instruction manual and make the necessary
changes to the setup. This program has a great deal of promise
but the re is a very steep learning curve involved. The rewards,
however, will be great for those able to comprehend the intricacies.
BeSpeak5 is one ofthose programs that show when a particular
NCDXF beacon is transmitting . Others are available from the
: . ,-. site . There is a
Ei e f.d~ ~0Q0inQ :toke announce Rio;I control cbatt Mode Hell! decent manual
and automatic
Home: G4FKH Voice: OFF
58 logging feature
Counlry: Finland 1743 Km 14MHz
57 with this pro-
56 CaIsign: 0 H28 46 18MH z gram that quite
55 accurately
5t<>tu. : OK 21MHz
54 differentiates
53 ISlot No· 14 24MHz between QRM
Fig.5.12: 52
BeSpeak 5 main 51 • ITine: 10:32:16 28MHz and the re-
screen, showing quired beacon
all controls and I VoiceonIOnI I
MIlI'lUaIIog A~o log I Rigcooool I signal. It does
buttons. this by dis -
Propagation Modelling
Logging sc reen.
ZUll VIl2ll lXS!U OMS
with sufficient Vl'£RBP me OH2Il YV5B NB: OH2Bwas
JAllGY zsson CSJB
accuracy to AA90 5Z48 LU.... logged with an
be displayed S-meter reading
here. There is no facility with this program to allow post logg ing of 1.
analysis, so it is suggested that those interested download it and
try the built-in analysis, after all the program is gratis.
This is the name that the program originato r, Peter Martinez,
G3PLX, has selected for this application . It p rov ides a graphical
and text ua l output when logging the three 5MHz beacons;
GB3RAL, GB3WES and GB30RK on 5290MHz. These beacons
were put in place by the RSGB's 5MHz working group to ass ist
with the understanding of propagat ion on that frequency and
especially to ascerta in the extent of NVIS propagation for inter-G
work ing . There is a help system and again it is necessary to read
all of the ava ilable information and to set the program up as de-
scribed. Once this has been completed, logging can proceed w ith
Computers in Amateur Radio
Track Aale
Ir eck Freq
secolday ~
Hz ~
20 UTe offset ~ hours P04kAucio Level
o ·20 ·10 o 10 20 Hz 00 10 20 30 40 50 sec r. Nom,," Time Siglol Noise Sees Frequency
r T....
19.46 91.98 4653 -0.3 1020 6
<fl 19:47 91.66 465 3 -0 3 1022 9
90 2000 87.92 45 87 -0 2 1023 8
80 2(}01 9173 4587 ·0 2 1020 4
2(}02 88 58 45.87 ·02 1022 3
70 20 159169 4656 ·0 3 10237
60 20:169160 46.56 ·0.3 10207
20:17 891 2 46.56 -03 1023 3
50 20.30 92 02 47.67 ·0 2 10237
4 0~-..-J~-· 20.31 91.17 47.67 -02 1020 8
20.32 8429 47.67 -02 1023.1
30 20 4589 6948.00 ·0 1 1023 6
20 46 90 7648 00 ·0 1 10212
20 2047 8568 48.00 ·01 1023 6
10 21:00 90 80 47.43 ·0.3 1023 9
21.01 91.70 47.43 ·03 1020 9
o 12 14 16 18 20 21:02 89 50 47.43 ·0.3 1023 8
Fig 5.15: the minimum of user input. The main screen is depicted in Fig 5.15.
GB3RAL's main The screen shot looks a little busy at first glance, but when you
and monitoring become accustomed to it all the information becomes meaningful.
Starting at the top left is the FFT display. When transmitting , beacons
shou ld show a peak around the '0' point. The next on the right is the
dB output against t ime of the last three beacons. To the rig ht of these
are setup and information displays. The help section should be
consulted if clarification is required. The bottom right is a running
record of textual output for the recorded beacons . The bottom left is
a graphical representation ofthe three beacons received over time .
Fig 12 shows 10 hours of recording. The very top line at the left hand
side in the graph is the GB3RAL beacon . The next is the GB3WES
beacon and the third is the GB30RK beacon . The lowest line repre-
sents the noise level in the receiver. All this information and more are
recorded on disk in a text file . The 5MHz working group would like to
receive these files via the WWw. All information can be found on their
web site. It is a simple matter to read this text file into a small compu-
ter program and do some analysis for oneself, but even without further
manipulation Fig 12 shows some interesting trends. For example, the
GB3RAL signal started to fall off about 1200. This is because the foF2
dropped . When it recovered around 1800 the sig nal for that beacon
was strong again. This can be directly attributed to nearly NVIS
working , while the other two beacons at the receive location are
received via the E-Iayer. In the very early days of the GB3RAL beacon ,
when analysis was first being perfo rmed, it was discovered tha t
GB3RAL was being hea rd late at night when the foF2 was far below
the transmission frequency. To assist with analysis , ionogram pictures
Propagation Modelling
were downloaded from the RAL web site and it was discovered that
the extra-ordinary wave was responsible for the reception. This was
the first time that the author realised that the extra -ordinary wave was
as useful for NVIS, as it is at HF frequencies (as will be shown later) .
Another peculiarity noticed was that the GB3RAL program was show-
ing the reception ofsignals when they were inaudible, thus they were
very weak . It may be possible to exploit this peculiarity by utilizing
the more exotic modes using computers.
Field Strength
This is an ITU database of medium skywave field strength in dB above
1uVjm, normalized for 1kW EIRP for a total of 181 longpath and shortpath
Computers in Amateur Radio
There is a set of programs available under the above scheme for
download from the ITU site. It provides characteristics and applica-
tions of atmospheric radio noise data and man -made radio noise .
There are three programs in the suite: NOIS1 and NOIS2 and
NOISSW. The first two give values of atmospheric noise , man-made
noise and galactic noise from Recommendation ITU-R P1.372.The
only difference between these two programs is the style ofthe
output. The latter program provides all the parameters relating to
atmospheric noise.
Fig.5.16: The Inserting 'NGDC GeoMag ' into a WWWsearch engine gives the URL's for
world's various programs associated with the earth 's Geomagetic state .An
horizontal interesting world map of the horizontal component is shown in Fig 5.16.
magnetic field.
......e -
:<01 3
Propagation Modelling
\ L
\ \
\ sc-
210 '
...=...-:::: =::=:.:---- -
Fig. 5.17: Earth's
Proplab Pro main f ield East
The last piece of software in t his section and indeed for the chapter component.
is a propagation laboratory. Produced by the Solar Terrestrial Dis-
patch; they claim that it is the most advanced radio propagation ray
tracing system in the world . It is ce rtainly the most advanced that
the author has seen for radio ama teurs. It is a state-of -the -art soft-
ware package not for t he feint hearted . It is also a little expensive.
The current vers ion is a lot s impler than previous offerings. The
reasons for this are primarily because the majority of the bac k-
ground input is now gathered by the program off the Internet at the
click of the mouse , plus it's a lot more complex 'under the hood '.
Ray trac ing can be performed in either 2-D or 3-D , the two illustra-
tions - Fig 5.18 and Fig 5 .19 (overleaf)- detail a ray trace from the
author's location to 388 (Mauritius) .
Computers in Amateur Radio
f ~~R.oio~l..-bot.tofy·~ll)J4,.]6
tracing output of
Proplab-Pro. The
start point is on
the extreme left
and the desti-
nation is the little
triangle at the
r. S IllMCl OHlYF r~
.., EIev*'"AngIt$ .J
r S~ OHlY ~ ~ 3 D Ion osph e ric Ray-Trac ing for 200~M)611 0 U :17:3'3 UTe
r SO'l'HP AlldfllotboYetI'rfJt..-udr .. 41MES1.1i111lto n.1Hlt~
[ ~ olIlIan /tu;lft
Fig 5.19 : 3-D ray SI'*"O/J.n:iIe r
!;1L.tbd T '~/!l
tracing output for '-SweR-r
- r r S_GnclReSlA;,
c_ - r:-- ...."'"' 1
"",o" r-- Cool""" I
=:~:n;~:~ soon:~~
E ~1liIcIn OOCOO
Loe« ~8 0
F,equenc,. l Gro:lO t-4Hz R .B ~
Propagation Modelling
each separate one. The lowest frequency from these hops should
be about the best for the circuit.
This quick analysis is not always accurate and it is for this reason
and others that ray tracing has been included in the package.
Computers in Amateur Radio
The last but not least way I would suggest those wishing to gain
more knowledge is to visit the local library, especially if it is within a
large town or city. My own has a number of good reference type books.
Name Function/use
Terrain Modelling for HF
Terrain Modelling for HF
by Alan Hydes, G3XSV
Computers in Amateur Radio
radiation pattern
of a dipole.
90 90
]"' ~\' . ]
: : f::. :: :.: ::ji.~I~~~"· t:
~U() 0. _.. _/.f"/~.
. . .. . · 1
!:: \ \ . ~ ::.:::: 010~;,:d
;'uo .
l !
Fig 6.4:
f~:o ... . .' . ~·k~· {~:ltd J
... .......................,...""-"===-------;
Diffracted and .00
"' I---~-~-~-~-~~
reflected rays. o '00 1000 1';>0 2000 :'00
J30 I---_ -+-_ ...-- -+-_+_-+-_+_--I
U«ilOlll.ill Did llX. Ji"OOlTo" u , Fu t o '00 1000 1' 00 2000 Z,jQO 3000
Uorlzoru l Di ~ anc e from 'rewer. Ftd
Terrain Modelling for HF
The terrain data needed is simply the ground height above sea level
along a line starting at the centre of the antenna and extending out
several kilometres . HFTA needs a text file that contains two values on
each line: distance and height. These can be in metres or feet.
There are several sources of such data.
Printed Maps
Probably the most readily accessible are Ordnance Survey maps.
However, it is qu ite a tedious job to measure along a line and to interpo-
late the height from the cont ours . Fo r eac h data po int yo u need to enter
the dista nce and the height into a line of a text file and g ive the file an
exte nsion of' .pro'. If you use metres as your unit of measure, you will
need to put 'meters' (American spe lling) as the first line ofthe file.
Online Maps
An alternative is the use of an Internet accessible map wh ich has built-in
terrain data . An example is Google Earth . Unfortunately there does not
seem to be a way of accessing the data programmatically, so the
process for extracting the height is still qu ite lengthy.
In Google Earth you can define the line along which you want to
collect distance and height data by clicking the 'Add Path' function
button. Then click the start point at your antenna locat ion and an end
point a few kilometres away in the direction you want to model.
A white line appears on the map and you can now select 'Show
Elevation Profile ' from the Edit menu. This will show a profile similar to
Fig 6.5 . You can now move the cursor along the elevation profile and
record the distance and elevation data po int in a profile text file as for
printed maps abo ve. About 20 data points was found to be adequate,
though 100 is better. Points can be closer spaced near to the antenna,
to get better detail close in.
Computers in Amateur Radio
Fig6.S: How
Google Earth can
be used to
measure height
at various
distances from a
given location.
Terrain Modelling for HF
Frequency: Oiffraction:ON
I 14 MHz Qplions
typical gain data seen in antenna ~ 50 0 0 0
textbooks . The other three terrain files g.i l" :2-EI•• ;: r~ OI:
c 8 1. J..E le -7 0 dE l . 4-El e -8
cSi. 5-Ele ...9 s OBI, e-EI.·,1 0 c8 l. I .e •• -t 2 0 =81
~ ! ~
contain data for difference paths, U1e • for oU.· of ·pN~e aw e; eo . 90"
~ I ~
representing directions 60°, 150° and
'Ant. Type' or 'Heights' can be changed by clicking on the field.
This brings up a dialogue box shown in Fig 6.7 to make your selection .
~.~ '•• • • ~• 8•• +P"t-'..i•• •
fEi.:..:~. ::i:::: ::::::::± ::::: ::::::t::: :::::::::t:::::::::::: ~::::::: .. :~::::: ... _:'-~'J:"'..
100 ~
.. . .... J
Fig 6.8: Plotted
terrains at bear-
~ ~ ~... . + ~ -.-
~ -.!-_.. _ ~ .
ings of 60°,150°
2.000 4.000 • .000 1000 10,000 12.000
Drstance fromTower Base, Feet and 300°, plus
flat ground.
Computers in Amateur Radio
Freq . - 14.0 MH
Flg oUln .3
Note that more than one antenna height can be entered in a row.
This models stacked beams. We've entered a single three element yagi
with the antenna at 50ft .
Terrain plots
If you select the tick boxes and click the 'Plot Terrain' button you will get
a window showing a representation ofthe terrains shown in Fig 6.8.
In this example you can see that the antenna is above land that is
approx 100ft and the elevation rises steeply along a path of 150° to a hill
that peaks at over 600ft. This is in contrast with the path towards the
USA at 300°, where the land stead ily drops over the first mile.
Elevation Responses
On the main window you can select a particular part of the world, to
see what take-off angles are likely to be useful for that path. In the
example we have chosen a path from the UK to Africa which would
be appropriate for the 150° path. Click on 'Compute'! The analysis
Fig 6.10: Terrain results are shown in Fig 6.9.
profile towards
the USA from the In this example the most useful elevation angles for Africa are
Bristol eG's site
shown as a bar graph. You can probably spot how poor the QTH
(descending line)
and flat ground
chosen is for propagation to Africa! Compared to flat ground, the gain is
(straight line). negative all the way up to 14° of elevation, which accounts for most of
the propagation to that part of the
Terrain Profi le
This is in contrast to the gain
for the path of 300°, towards the
USA, which shows enhanced gain
compared to flat ground . This is
between 6dS and 1OdS at lower
HOO: lQOCl .000
angles .
DIstancefrom Tower Base, Feet
Terra in Modelling for HF
11 r:-:"l~,.,..,.,.,,.,..r.:T."":"":=,,":-:-r:-:-r==""""+=:7=,,,,",~=:77::"":'d7r:-:-r:-:-r:-:-=-=-::=c=r
12 · .
11 ·
10 :
.~ 7
:": Fig 6.11: Gain of
CJ • a 3-element Vagi
at the Bristol
3· eG's group's
1 site, compared
o to an identical
-2 antenna at 50ft
0 1 2 34 5 6 and 90ft above
flat ground.
The comb inat ion of the analysis capability and the elevation statistics
der ived from IONCAP make the HFTA software and excellent tool. It
can prov ide valuable evidence when comparing sites and when try ing
to determine what height and location would be ideal for antennas . As
already mentioned, it can't deal with vertica ls, but it is nevertheless a
valuable too l for any amateur who is serious about picking a site or
optimising their antenna system.
Computers in Amateur Radio
• 1-
Fig 6.12: Lat 0 .., .... w t.Ir.lJu Sttorv.ll
La,....". DtcIl'l'\II
Long Calculator
Excel s.,
1 ,Ant. nn. l oc' llon
~ M1 " ' 1
~ . 13927778
8 Numt ll ol Coorlklatn
~ W9)5O'"J)5 m
o. 'Ul'lCt Btt...u n PO<I"1
0 (XX)S.461G df? n
OEC lOl'JG Dn un u ,"omMt.nna If n l )
135141321667 ·2 .,mnro o
15 51.' 376263
-2 nuoo7'68
·] 4' .4813759
PIle_II pr.dllc.. ,pil l'll, fll HFTA:
I EntllMInNLott!lOIIlII"udtWldLongCudf.tromGPSorGooglt ElIlh
16 5 ' .. UQ)S')1 '] 41SJ«,75 W 2 er.llp11hlllgllllol llllclnc!1Oftt'O!.lWMIIOInOl»l
17514U Xll99 ·' 41581974 663 3 CktonShMt2-L.aI1..onIloIuploId.Md C
I ",
=I~~'.":.F~ ...~.....
18 51 4US81<l7 ·2 ·416:'92 '31 Blll
19 5' '' '465515 .'141 61G9Z! : ..I'!'
:i!O 'i' .(151E.. .] 1,17])87 12 11£.0 6 Sehc!tOI'I'lchflllicJrM'll~ PIeirIT.dMd US
21 'j l ,U 5oCOOl ' 4177111'03 ,n 1 ctct tcon- &.add lOftl
22 5' ''1567·(.(
23 5 1-4159470
'] 4 18184691
·2 " ~
,,,,, 8
C..'lIl1tomN ba. s-. ... (CtJl
Rel lOltnt.prt lndcklDIISMet3 P.... R. -
~ 5 1 4' 62:'056 ·H 191Xl615 '823 10 PMt. le.,torn tn. IIIC.. "t
.] 4t96036E6 an9lflll 1 s... . lte;r.1.~~ •• • d >(I'I~ pot
25 514' 6-('33&&
26 5 1 " 1 61Ei67~ ·] 4XD7'!iE&1 '''''
.C:~1 .9S62Il
·2 41 19686 19 "'"
3151 41813:]13
32 5 1 41&40521
.. . . ..: I.~ 1
·2 I n U 1££J9
·1 112'9146 "'"
I !.I
Software Defined Radio
Software Defined Radio
by Mike Richards, G4WNC
What is SDR?
SDR is very broad term that describes any system where software
performs one or more of the core functions of a receiver. The first
examples to make a widespread impact on amateur radio were the
excellent SoftRock receivers and transceivers that were designed and
produced by Tony Parks KB9YIG. These comprised a relatively simple
hardware direct conversion receiver/exc iter with an analogue IQ output
(more on this later) . The IQ signals were fed to a standard PC
soundcard, where tuning and demodulation took place. Dealing with
filtering, demodulation and final tuning in software brought about great
flexibility as the performance and features could be completely trans-
formed with new software . It is this ability to introduce changes and
upgrades with ease that makes SDR technology so attractive. In
addition to the great flexibility offered by SDR, the use of Digital Signal
Processing (DSP) techniques facilitates the inclusion of filters and
advanced demodulation systems that would be virtually impossible with
conventional hardware circuitry.
There are three key technologies that are at the heart of SDR and
Computers in Amate ur Radio
IWWJ~~ -. '---;--'
to Digital is at least twice as fast as the highest
Converter frequency component you want to digi-
tise. Therefore , to digitise an audio signal
.. Digital output
that con tains frequencies from 20Hz to
~ 1.991 ij 01010101010101010 ~
20k Hz you need to take measu rements at
40,000 times per second, i.e. twice 20kHz.
Fig7,1: The other vital point to consider is the accuracy or resolution of each
Illustrati on of the sample . You can think of this in terms of how many digits you have
analogue to available on your digital voltmeter. If you were to use an 8-bit measu re-
ment you wou ld have just 256 possible values for each measurement
whic h may be a bit too coarse for many purposes . As a result, it is
common practice to use 16-bits or g reater for radio applications - a 16-
bit sample contains 65,536 possibilities for each measurement. Whe n
the ADC process is complete , the result is a data stream of 16-bit
numbers that are generated atthe sampling frequency. Returning to our
simple audio signal , that would produce a data stream running at 16
(bits) x 40,000 (sample rate) which is 640 ,000 bits per second. As you
can see , one of the problems with the ADC process is the relatively high-
spee d data streams that have to be processed.
So where in the receiver chain do you put the ADC? In many
systems the ADC in the computer's soundcard is employed and whilst
this works very well there is so much more you can do if you can
move the dig itisation closer to the antenna. At the time of writ ing
there have been a number of systems introduced that digitise the
Software Defined Radio
IQ Data
Computers in Amateur Radio
Software Defined Radio
oscillator carriers at 0 and -90 degrees and then combines the result-
see Fig 7.5. This makes for a very elegant modulation system that can
handle a huge range of operating
modes at any carrier freq uency.
When it comes to reception
with SDR systems, 10 data is the
vital ingredient, as monitoring the
change in 10 values over time will
Baseband Carrier ~_ ~ Modu lated
reveal the modulating message IQ inpu t oscillato r ~o utPut
regardless of whether it's a form of
AM, FM, PM or a combination of all
three, thus providing a simple multi-
mode demodulator. Q------..
Computers in Amateur Radio
as 22kHz. If we then analyse thi s signal with an FFT using 8,192 bins,
each bin would be 22,OOOHz (hig hest aud io frequency) /8 ,192 (number
of bins) = 2.69Hz w ide wh ich wou ld produce a very fine reso lution
spectrum display. One other point to note - the Nyquist-Shannon
theorem applies to FFTs and to provide the 8192 FFT bins the FFT
needs twice as many samples or points, i.e. 16,384.
One of the problems associated w ith the FFT algorithm is the
assumption that each analysed sample is co ntinuously repeating . Not
too much of a problem you might th ink but if the beg inning or end of
the sample chops through a signa l that's rap idly chang ing, the abrupt
cut wi ll theoretica lly have lots of harmonics and the FFT will attempt to
show that by spreading the energy over many bins . This would spoil our
otherwise clean spectrum display. The solution is to apply some more
digital wizardry to gently reduce all samples to zero at the beginning
and end of the measurement per iod. The filter that ach ieves this is ca lled
an FFT Window and you may find that you have a cho ice of windows
ava ilable - especially in FFT measurement systems. If in doubt, the
most usefu l general purpose window is the Hamm ing -see Fig 7.7 .
In addition to using FFTs to display the frequency spectrum, they
can also be used to create superb filters . As the FFT can be used to
separate the incoming sampled data into narrow FFT bins, filtering the
signal can be just a case of dec iding which of the bins should be kept
and wh ich should be discarded . Using the aud io example from earlier
,....- ..., that would mean
Fig 7.7: FFT
we could create
Hamming I I
----1-- -
-- - - - - - l -- -- - - -T-
band -pass, low-
pass or high-pass
_ _ __1_ __ __.1 J __! ! _ filters with adjust-
ments in 2 .69Hz
J __ 1 .!. _
Amplitud e
_ _ _ _ 1_
_ _ _ _ ~
steps! This is a
1 I
very simplistic
.J J 1 _
_ ___I
_ _ -'
based filters but
_, J J 1_
1 I I
J __
should give you
I I I I I an idea of how
o Samples
41 96 they can work .
FFT Parameters
When you start using SDR systems and other FFT based systems you
will find that the software often provides user adjustments, so you can
fine tune the performance . In this section I'll give you some guidance
on what the various settings mean and how you can make best use of
them. Probably the first to look at is the FFT points or sample size.
This is simply the number of samples that the FFT will use to calculate
Software Defined Radio
Practical Systems
Computers in Amateur Radio
CD VfO).. "'0'
Fig 7.9:
PowerSDR main
screen. "n
" fi03
""", fi03
F.... ·2 7\.
5 C1. Hit 1.
'"'0 13k 1 !Ill 2711:
2'" 1 1k ,.
CP\J".. ltl
Software Defined Radio
FUNcube Dongle
Computers in Amateur Radio
Software is the essential ingredient to any SDR system and there are an
ever growing number of software packages around, all of which are
undergoing frequent upgrades as this new technology blossoms .The
main players at the time of writing are PowerSDR that works with the
FlexRadio SDR hardware, HDSDR wh ich is an updated version on
WinRad, SDRsharp and Simon Brown 's (HB9DRV) excelientSDR-
Console. This latter program has recently been completely re-designed
and Version 2.0 includes su pport for a wide range of hardware systems
Fig 7.11: SDR- and can run with up to six receiver panels simultaneously! There will
Radio main doubtless be more developments as time progresses .
Let's just spend some time running through how to use a typical
Software Defined Radio
SDR software rig and for this example I'll use Simon Brown 's SDR-Radio.
One ofthe first things to remember with just about all SDR systems is
that you have to start the radio and choose your input source. As SDR
software operates on an 10 data stream this can come from a number of
sources including data files that have been stored to disk. The facility to
store radio spectrums as 10 data is used extensively by security services
for surveillance work. Getting started in SDR-Radio is done by pressing
the Start (or Play) button from the Input Source menu . Once started, the
display should burst into life with a spectrum display of the currently
selected band. You will usually find an assortment of display options in
most programs but the most useful for amateur radio is the combined
spectrum and waterfall display as shown in Fig 7.11. This display shows
a spectrum analyser display in the top section with frequency plotted
horizontally and signal strength vertically. Below this is a scroll ing
waterfall display that plots frequency horizontally but the signal level is
shown by the intensity and colour of the plot. As the waterfall scrolls
relatively slowly, the display builds a pattern of the signal overtime
which is extremely useful for signal recognition. When you first encounter
this type of display it may seem a bit daunting but you will soon find
that this combined display reveals a huge amount of information about
the signals on the band. In Fig 7.12 I've shown a segment of the 20m
amateur band and highlighted a number of signal types that are in-
stantly recognisable from the waterfall pattern they create.
Tuning SDR rigs also involves newskills, as there's no tuning knob
to spin! With SDR, tuning is normally carried-out with the mouse and
simply clicking the desired frequency on the display immediately sets
Computers in Amateur Radio
the demodulator to that frequency with fine tuning completed using the
mouse wheel. This makes tuning around the bands extremely quick and
easy. For more precise frequency setting there is normally the option to
type-in the frequency or to use up and down arrows to get to the
desired setting. You can also change the scale of the frequency axis
and zoom-in on a particular band segment. This can be very useful
when the bands are busy to help spot a clear frequency.
One of the areas where SDR really excels is filtering and the
software always includes some mouth-watering options. In the SDR-
Radio software there is a separate audio spectrum display available
that shows a spectrum analyser display ofthe audio frequencies wh ich
is overlaid with the shape of the current filter (Fig 7.13). To change the
shape or width of the filter you simply grab one edge with the mouse
and drag it to the desired setting! This is very powerful, especially as
you can see the signals as you change the filter so if you have an
interfering signal you can drag the filter edge to cut it out whilst
having minimal effect on the wanted signal. The filter sides are ex-
tremely steep , so you can create some incredible filtering with the
click of a mouse! As with all the SDR parameters any changes you
make within the software can be saved as pre-sets so that you can
recall them for use later.
Another often overlooked feature that is unique to SDR is the
facility to record IQ data direct to your computer's hard disk. By
record ing the IQ signals of a particular band segment you capture all
the activity in that seg ment and can therefore replay and decode it at a
later date. IQ reco rdings are so much more powerful than conventional
audio recordings be-
cause, you are effectively
replaying the RF signals
so you have the full
range offiltering and
demodulation options at
Fig 7.13: SDR
audio frequency your disposal. With many
spectrum and systems you can also set
filters. the playback to loop;
very helpful if you're
trying to resolve a
difficult signal. Record-
ings can also be linked
to a timer so that you
can capture transmis-
sions when you're not at home. Receiving weather pictures from the
NOAA low orbit satellites is a good example where scheduled record-
ings can be very helpful.
The SDR receiver also has full access to all the other parameters
that you would expect from a high quality rig such as AGC, CW filter,
noise Blanker, noise reduction, speech processing, etc. You 9an also
Software Defined Radio
expect to see encoders and decoders for many of the more popular
data modes being incorporated into the main SDR software.
Computers in Amateur Radio
Data Modes Software
by Mike Richards, G4WNC
Data Modes Software
modes. The second group are specialist programs that only cover a
single mode or a very small group of similar modes. These are often
the only way to go for some modes (such as ROS) , but do generally
offer better results for their specific modes . You will often find that
these packages have been written by the inventor/developer ofthe
data mode in question, and for that fact alone they are likely to be
particularly effective.
Is downloading safe?
Virtual computing
Computers in Amateur Radio
well . I've shown web links to them in Table 8.1. You will need a reasonably
powerful PC with at least a dual -core Pentium or equiva lent to run this
software successfully. A lesser machine will be too slow and probably
grind to a halt.
The use of macros are common place across most data mo des but
newcomers are often unsure where to start, plus the use of macros can be
intimidating for a new user as the distant station bombards you with
stacks of stored text ! Let's start with a brief introduction to mac ros. They
are not at all complicated and are little more than a collection of stored
text messages that can be recalled with a sing le key press. They are used
to sto re all the routine informa tion that is exchanged in most QSOs. A
good example is the basic handover between overs. The sending station
would typically end an over with something like 'G4ABC de G4DEF PSE
K'. If you had the text 'de G4DEF PSE K' stored in a macro you would
only need to type his call and then press a single button to add the
stored text and make the complete handover message . The same can be
done with details such as name , QTH and your equipment. By mak ing
use of these simple stored texts you can carry out a basic QSO with
minimal typing .
Modern data modes software take macros a step furthe r and provide
special character combinations that can be used to control the flow of
informa tion. A good example is transmit/receive switch ing in FLDIGI,
where adding the characters ' <TX>' automatically switches the program
to transmit and' < RX> ' switches it back to receive . Many also have
methods of capturing the other station's call, so it can be automatically
inserted into a macro . The actual macros you need will depend on the
mode in use , as ope rating practice varies between modes. You will also
find that most software is supplied with some generic macros already
setup, so you will just have to modify them to suit your operating style.
All the softwa re discussed here uses the audio output from the PC's
soundcard to drive the transmitter. Beca use of that it's important to be
able to adjust the out put level, so as not to overdrive the transmitter.
Whilst some data modes do not require the transmitter to operate in
linear mode , othe rs do, so for beg inners I always suggest running the
Data Modes Software
Waterfall displays
These have become the standard tuning indicator for the vast majority of
data modes software. The waterfall is simply a spectrum display that
shows the signal level as different brightness orcolour dots. Each sample
produces a single line of dots and subsequent lines follow behind , to
create a scrolling display. The reason this display makes such a good
tuning indicator and signal detector is that it shows an historical record of
what's been received over recent minutes . Even if a station has stopped
transmitting, you can click on the historical trace to set the correct tuning
point. For modes like the ever-popular PSK31, a spectrum display will
show the entire band 's activity in one sweep, so it becomes very easy to
spot new signals and to move around the band segment.
Soundcard troubleshooting
Computers in Amateur Radio
should see activity in the bar graph. Ifthe tests so far have worked and
you have s igns of life in the Sound - Recording tab but not on the
waterfa ll, then you need to loo k at the software setup. The precise steps
will depend on the software you're using, but you need to access the
configuration and make sure you have se lected the correct sound card
and input. If th is fails I suggest you visit the support forum for your soft-
ware to see ifthe users have any suggestions . In my experience, audio
path problems are usually very s imp le to solve, providing you adopt a
logical approach .
Multi-Mode Software
Created by W1HKJ , FLDIGI (Fig 8.1 )is one ofthe most comprehensive
and versatile systems currently available. Operat ing system support is
excellent with versions for Windows, Linux and OS X. You can even get
th is to run on the Raspberry Pi!
For Windows , download the Windows Setup package from the
Downloads page of the site and save it to a convenient location - Win-
dows Downloads is fine. The download should be quick, as the file is only
4MB . When the download is complete , double click the .exe file to start
the installation . If you accept the default options during installation , the
software will install in the Program Files directory with desktop and
toolbar links to launch the software. That completes the installation.
Running FLDIGI for the first time will take you to the configuration wizard
that will guide you through the important settings that will allow you to get
on the air qu ickly. The first step is to enter your call sign, name and station
details. It's worth thinking about this, because the data stored here will be
used in the transmit macros that you'll be using to save typing whilst on the
air. The next step is to select the audio input and output settings and for a
Windows system you should tick PortAudio and choose the record ing and
playback sound cards that you intend to use. The Settings and Right
Chan nel tabs can be left at the ir default settings. The final step ofthe
configuration wizard is to set up the Rig Cont rol settings. If you don 't use a
rig control system you can ignore this panel. Users of rig control syste ms
will need to refer to the ir rig control instructions to establish the cor rect
Data Modes Software
- ~
u<1_", . f ~1 .'-""'."'".,
· I~'
"'". . ,~ "
R ~
I ··
Fig 8.1: FLDIGI
Type ahead buffer screen layout.
t Macro buttons t
settings for this panel. That completes the basic configuration, but if you
want to make any changes at a later time all of FLDIGI's configuration
settings are accessible via Configure on the main menu bar.
As you can see from the software table, FLDIGI supports a very wide
range of data modes and th is versati lity is one of the reasons it is so
popular. Considering the versat ility of FLDIGI, the interface has been kept
remarkably simple, but I'll run through the important sections here. At the
very top, mode selection is done via the OpMode menu item. The section
immediately below the menu bar is a logbook entry panel, where you can
keep a record of your QSOs. You will see that there are entry fields
available for all the vital information, such as call sign , operator name,
QTH, signal reports in and out, etc. When you've finished your QSO you
need to press the save button to store the information in the electronic
logbook. This store button is the lower of the stack of three buttons to the
left of the log.
Immediately below the log is the received text panel. This is where
all the decoded text messages are displayed. You will also find your
transmitted text shown in this section after it has been sent, but it will be
coloured red so it's easy to identify. This panel effectively keeps a full
running log of all your QSOs in the current operating session .
The pale blue panel below is what's known as the type-ahead
buffer. It is where text messages can be created and stored prior to
transmission. The contents of this section will be transmitted as soon as
you switch to transmit.
Immediately below the type-ahead buffer is a line of macro buttons.
Computers in Amateur Radio
These are pre-configured w ith sample macros that you can edit to suit
your operating style . Editing macros is very simple in FLDIGI- just right-
click on a button and the macro ed itor will open up . FLDIGI has a very
powerful set of macro commands and it's worth tak ing some time to read
the excellent user gu ide to make the most of this feature. However, to get
on the air quickly it is very simple to custom ise the default macros . When
you've updated the macros , go to File - Macros - Save to store the
updated macros to disk. When you re-start the program at a later date
you will need to re-load those saved macros.
The next section is the all-important spectrum display, where you
can view all the available signa ls and use a simple left-click ofthe mouse
to tune-in to a specific signal and start decod ing. Finally there is a set of
controls forthe waterfall display, transm it/receive sw itching, etc .
Here a few operational tips for FLDIGI that might make life a bit easier.
Type-ahead - If you click to place the cursor in the type-ahead buffer the
output will stop at that point. This is very handy, as you can prepare a
message and only let it go out when you 're ready.
Signal Browser- Providing you have a reasonably powerful PC, you can
use the Signal Browser to simultaneously decode all the signals in the
audio band . To activate this you select View - Signal Browser from the
<LOG> - Don 't forget to add <LOG> to your OSOfinal over macro to
automatically save a log entry at the end of the OSO .
Data Modes Software
Follow the link and menu to get to the Download section, where you can
access the current or earlier versions. The download is 95MB, so it may
take some time, depending on your Internet speed. Once downloaded,
double click on the .exe file to run the installer. For a standard installation
you can accept all the default options. You may see a message about
installing the Microsoft C+ + 2010 redistributable. This is a set of software
libraries that are required to run the program, so you should agree to the
installation. Ifthis fails (as it did for me) this is often because you have a
later version ofthe re-distributable files already installed. In this case you
will need to download the files separately from Microsoft. After the HRD
installation has completed, open your browser and Google 'Microsoft
C+ + 2010 redistributable', then choose the Microsoft link to download
the library. Double-click on the .exe to complete the installation.
When installation is complete and you run HRD, you will be presented
with a small connection configuration screen where you can enter details
of your rig. If you have a rig control interface you should enter the appro-
priate details here . If you don't have rig control and just want to use the
DM780, choose Dem-o-Matic as the company and any rig you fancy from
the list. Before leaving this screen tick the box marked Start DM780 and
then press the connect button at the bottom left. When the full HRD
opens you will be presented with a 'Getting Started' screen where you
enter your station details for inclusion in macros and also select your
soundcard and radio interface details .The Getting Started page covers
this extremely well, so I won't repeat it here. Once you've completed the
configuration you can close the Getting Started tab. If you need to return
~ ...f- .!. ...:....~ .! ~ .....!....
text Fig 8.2: Screen
1_ ..
• 1olOI """1
layout for DM780
• software.
o 0 · ·- ":I
Type ahead
Mode selection buffer
~ _ . _ . "" ,, <iJ' _~
, ~
Computers in Amateur Radio
to this section , it can be found via the menu system - Tools - Program
Options where you'll find the Getting Started button at the bottom left.
Before you finish configuration , I find it useful to have the modes showing
in the Waterfall toolbar. This is activated by clicking the Modes icon and
ticking the box at the top labelled "Show modes in waterfall toolbar". You
can then choose to display all your favourite modes using the tick boxes
adjacent to each mode.
In addition to using the menu immediately above the waterfall display,
you can also select the operating mode using the drop-down menu at the
top of the TX/RX text box. Once the desired mode and frequency has
been selected, any activity will be shown on the main waterfall display.
Tuning to a station is simply a question of clicking the mouse in the centre
ofthe signal. The bandwidth ofthe signal is shown by the highlighted bar
that follows the mouse click. Received text appears in the top text box, as
does the transmitted text (after it has been sent). The lower text box is the
transmit type ahead buffer, where you can prepare messages ready for
transmission. The combination of DM780 with HRD and its logging and
control functions make for a very powerful and sophisticated setup that is
beyond the scope ofthis simple introduction.
Navigate to the Download page and choose the latest MixW full version.
The download is under 8MB , so should be fairly quick. At the time of
writing the download comprised a zip file with a single .exe file inside.
When the download is complete, extract and run the .exe file to start the
installation. Follow the default settings in the installer for a normal
When you run MixW for the first time you will be presented with the
Data Modes Software
Personal Data panel , where you should enter your call sign and station
details for automatic inclusion in macros and logs. The next step is to
make sure the correct sound card or interface has been selected. To do
this, choose Configure - Sound Device Sett ings from the Menu bar and
use the drop-down selection to choose the correct sound card . If you
are using a proprietary interface it's worth using the separate Interface
wizard to help complete the configuration . The wizard can be found via
the menu at Configure -Interface Setup Wizard. Immediately below the
menu bar you will find a set of Macro buttons that can be configured
using a right-click.
MixW is very easy to use and, like most of the programs here, uses a
waterfall display to show activity and aid tuning. To receive a new
station you simply click the mouse on the waterfall trace and decoding
will start immediately. MixW also makes use of your Internet connec-
tion to automatically look-up received call signs, report their location
and even tell you whether or not you've worked them before . Double
clicking on a call sign in the received text box will automatically
transfer that call to the electronic log and the stored call will also be
used in the macros. If you get in a muddle , the Escape key causes an
immediate switch back to receive .
Macro buttons
• El
lAJT RA! t n t 0
QSO log Received text Fig 8.3: Screen
layout for MixW.
Computers in Amateur Radio
WinWarb ler (Fig 8.4) is a free proqrarn that SUPPQrts CW, PSK and RTTY
communications at a variety of speeds and has proven to be very PQPU-
lar, due to its ease of use.
WinWarbler is part of the DXLab Suite of proq rarns, SQ the first stage in
the installatlon is tQinsta ll the DXLab Launch er app lication , Full instruc-
tions for this are well docu mented Qnthe DXLab Suite web site. Once the
launcher is installed and running YQU can start the WinWarbler installation
by clicking the ww button in the launcher. If YQU accept all the default
settings during the installatio n, WinWarblerwili be installed in c:\DXLab .
Con figuration
As with most of the software described here , WinWarbler SU PPQrts the
use of trans mit macros and a certain amount ot automation of the IQg
keeping process . One of the first requirements is to populate the soft-
ware with you r call sign and YQU may find that YQU are prompted tor this
when the proqrarn starts for the first time. TQ update that information ,
Fig 8.4: Screen click the Conflq button in the tQP right -hand section of the main screen.
layout for When the Confiquration screen opens YQU will find the call sign entry on
WinWarbler. the General tab . YQU should use the Soundcard tab to select the appro-
" 1111
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Data Modes Software
Many operators find the WinWarbler channel monitor particularly helpful ,
as the software can decode more than 40 channels of PSK simultane-
ously. This is a very effective way to assess band activity. Each decoded
signal is supplemented by a signal strength and quality measurement.
Activating the Broad Band Decoder (BBD) is simply a case of ticking
the BBD box at the bottom left of the main screen. In add ition to show-
ing the decoded output in the Channel Monitor screen, you will not ice a
number of small white triang les in the spectrum display. These are
channel indicators for the stations that are currently being processed by
the Channel Monitor.
Start by downloading the latest HamScope zip file from the Internet site
(v1 .56 at the time of writing). The resultant zip file can then be extracted to
a locatio n of your choice. A separate directory on the C drive is probably
best. The next step is to download and install the help file using the same
process. Make sure you put the help file in the same directory as the
HamScope extracted file. If you want to be able to use HamScope for
RlTYjASCIl you need to download the MMlTY engine using the links on
the HamScope site and then copy the mmtty.exe file to the HamScope
directory. For Packet you need to download the AGWPE engine from:
btt p:// copy the installed files to the
HamScope directory. For a more detailed description of using Packet
with HamScope, take a look at the tutorial on : btt:R;LL
Windows 8 compatibility: I encountered a compatibility problem
when running Hamscope under Windows 8 that caused my ATI graphics
Computers in Amateur Radio
The first step is to open the Settings menu - General Setup and make
sure the appropriate sound card has been selected for send and receive.
If you have a transceiver interface lead you can also enter the details on
the screen , to allow HamScope to control you r rig. The next step is to
custom ise the macros. These are to be found in the centre ofthe screen,
immediately below the menu bar. A few ofthe macros are predefined, but
you will need to custom ise them for your QSO preferences. To edit a
macro you simply right-click on the button to open-up the macro edit
screen . Here you can change the macro and use keywords to create
more complex macros with automatic TxjRxswitching .
One important po int to note is that the screen of HamScope (see Fig
8.5) doesn 't automatically re-size in quite the same way as many mod-
ern Windows prog rams , so you need to expand the window to make
sure you are seeing all the con trols. The next step is to select the
required ope rating mode. This is done via the Mode selection box that 's
located in the cen tral panel between the upper text boxes and the lower
spectrum displays . This section also carries all the other adjus tments
that are appropriate for the mode, i.e. speed, shift, etc . As with most of
Data Modes Software
the prog rams here, HamScope uses a type-ahead buffer so that text can
be prepared prior to transmission. As an indicator oftransmission
progress the type-ahead text is displayed in red prior to transm ission
but turns green when sent. The bottom window ofthe display provides a
very useful spectrum display, so you can easily find stations and then
tune with a single mouse cl ick. To abort transmission at any time , press
the Escape key on your keyboard .
MultiPSK (see Fig 8.6 ) is free software written by French amateur Patrick
Lindecker, F6CTE . It features an extremely wide range of modes that
include BPSKjQPSK, CW, Packet , PACTOR 1, AMTOR , ASCII, MFSK8,
MFSK16, Olivia, Contestia, Throb, Domino, PAX, ALE , JT65, FELD-HELL,
HF-FAX and SSTV In addition, MultiPSK includes receive only capability
for a number of commercial modes. The inclusion of so many modes and
options has made the interface extremely crowded , which can be confus-
ing for the inexperienced operator. However, the software perfo rmance is
very good , hence its inclusion here.
The software is supplied in a zip file that can be extracted to a directory of
your choice. Once extracted , the software can be run from that directory
by dou ble-clicking on the MULTIPSK.exe file .
The initial sc reen s hown at start-up is the configuration panel and the first
Fig 8.6: Layout of
the MiitiPSK
Received text
11 3
Computers in Amateur Radio
task is to run through the top menu and set the Sound Card (Input) and
Sound Card (Output). To get to the main operational screen of MultiPSK,
press the large RXfTX Screen button towards the bottom left of the
configuration screen. Macros are located just below the waterfall display
and are edited via a right -click ofthe mouse.
In addition to a busy interface, general operation ofthis software is
slightly quirky. To tune to a RTTY or similar signal you must click on the
right-hand peak rather than the centre. The text screen layout is also
different, with the received text occupying the lower section while the
type-ahead buffer uses the upper text box. The central text box is used to
show text after it has been transmitted. MultiPSK retains the use ofthe
Escape key to abort transmission.
WebLink: http://physics.princeton.eduLpulsar/K1JI/
Support Site:'
The WSJTsuite of programs (see Fig 8.7) by Joe Taylor, K1JT have been
developed for use with difficult signal paths such as Earth-Moon-Earth
(moon-bounce), ionospheric scatter, etc. As such they are mainly con-
cerned with the task of establishing whetheror not basic communications
have been established , ratherthan the conversational style of other
amateu r data modes . Joe Taylor has provided excellent PDF manuals for
all the software in the WSJT suite, so I would strongly recommend using
those to help you get going. The following text is intended to provide a
brief run through the installation and setup. Most of the WSJI modes rely
on accurate timing between the transmit and receive sites, so it is vital
that the accuracy of your PC clock is maintained. For most applications
the Windows InternetTime service is adequate, but if you want improved
accuracy you can install specialist time synchronisation software such as
Dimension 4, Socket Watch or NetTime.
MAP65: This software provides a 90kHz wide band receiver for WSJT65
signals and displays a band map showing all the decodable signals within
the band.
Data Modes Software
Installation - WSJT
WSJT installation is very simple and starts by downloading the latest
WSJTWindows executable which is about 11MS. Double-click the .exe
file to install it. I suggest installing somewhere other than the Program
Files directory, because some users have experienced runtime errors
when installing in the normal Program Files. This may be due to permis -
sion problems, which can be avoided ifthe software is installed outside
the Program Files directory.
Configuration - WSJT
To run the software successfully for the first time you may need to run it
with Administrator authority. To do this right-click, choose Run as Adminis-
trator and click 'yes' to the prompt that follows. The next step is to
choose Options from the Setup menu item, so you can enter your call
sign, grid locator and select the appropriate soundcard and interface
connection . Soundcard selection is a little unusual, as you need to enter
the device numbers and these are shown on the Console Window that
should have opened when the program started. The next step is to adjust
the input and output audio levels, which can be done via the soundcard
mixer or interface level controls. The input level should be adjusted so to
show around OdS on the bar graph at the bottom rights ofthe Spectrum
screen . Once the configuration is complete you can use the Mode menu
item to select the appropriate mode for the band you 're using.
r- '"
r ...
r ..
r ..
r ..
Computers in Amateur Radio
Operation - WSJT
Operating these weak sig nals modes is very different to most other data
modes, as there is no real conversational mode. Instead, exchanges
follow a formal protocol that's designed to confirm little more than the fact
a two-way contact has taken place. Rather than describe the process
here I suggest you refer to the excellent tutorials on Joe Taylor's web site .
Installation - MAP65
The software can be downloaded via the WSJT site and installed by
do ub le-click ing on the downloaded .exe file. Following the installation the
software will optimise the FFT (Fast Fourier Transforms) for your PC. Th is
can take a litt le while, so you need to be patient whilst th is stage com-
pletes .
Configuration - MAP65
Th is software provides a wideband receive function, so it can on ly operate
with certain wideband SDR receivers . The most popular choices are the
FUNcube Dongle (original v1 .0) orthe SoftRock series of receivers .
MAP65 includes frequency control tools forthe FUNcube Dong le (c1.0)
and the SoftRock that can be accessed via the Setup menu item.
Operation - MAP65
If you 're using a SoftRock receiver with a Si570 series local oscillator you
can adjust the centre freq uency ofthe MAP65 receiver by typing the
frequency in SetRxFrequency box in the lower right ofthe waterfall dis-
play. For FUNcube Dongle users, frequency adjustment is performed via
the Setup menu under FUNcube Dongle Settings . In addition to being
able to change the Dongle frequency, this panel gives you access to all
the dongle settings.
Installation - WSPR
Its very simple to install this tool- download the Windows exe file and
double-click to install. Follow the default prompts and you will find the
software in the Program Files directory.
Configuration - WSPR
As with the other software in this series you need to enter your call sign
and soundcard details . This is done via the Setup menu, then choosing
Station Parameters. The soundcard selection is somewhat easier with this
software, as the devices are all listed by name rather than just the device
number. As a final part of the configuration make sure you tick the upload
spots box just below the waterfall display, as th is will enable your spots to
be added to the central database.
As WSPR is a propagation reporting tool your station is really being used
as part of the overall network of WSPR stations and contributing to the
Data Modes Software
WebLink: bttp:/lrosmodem.wordpress.comL
Support Site:
Download and extract the zip file to a location of your choice. Once the
file has been extracted, double-click on the Install.exe file to complete the
installat ion process. Unlike conventional Windows programs the installa-
tion routine does not put an entry in the Programs list, but the program
can be run by double-clicking the BaS v...exe file in the extracted direc-
tory. You can create a desktop item by right-clicking on the .exe file and
choosing Send to Desktop.
The first step is to open the Configure menu item and choose Operator to
enter your station information. This is followed by the rig setup, where you
can choose the type of rig control you want to use and select your rig.
BaS makes this process very easy as it automatically scans the COM
ports to locate your rig and automatically configures the data rate, etc.
The final step is to select the appropriate soundcard for input and output.
In the central area, just above the type-ahead buffer, you will find the
macro buttons that are pre-configured with a selection of useful texts.
These can be edited by right -clicking over any ofthese buttons .
The author has made BaS extremely easy to operate, especially if you
are able to link BaS with your rig. As Fig 8.8 shows , at the top right of
the screen you will see the band and channel information. You can use
these controls to select your operating frequency. To the left ofthat panel
you will find the activity reporter that uses your Internet link to flag-up
other BaS activity across the bands . The central area also contains a
Computers in Amateur Radio
Received text
Fig 8.8: Screen
layout for ROS
dashboard of indicators that may at first look a little daunting. These are
simply gauges that show the quality ofthe received signal- the more
greens you get the better the signal. You will also note that ROS provides
a measured signal-to-noise ratio. It s customary to use this as the signal
report, rather than the subjective RST system. It is also important to note
that ROS is a very robust system with built-in error correction, so you
don't need to repeat key information such as name, QTH etc.
Support Site: bttp--JLgIQ!J.P~yahoo.comLgmypN4Protocol
This new mode was developed by Rick Muething, KN6KB and provides a
fully error corrected keyboard QSO mode. V4Chat is an extension to the
WINMOR protocol that was originally developed as an alternative to
PACTORfor amateur HF e-mail systems. WINMOR operates using a new
soundcard based Terminal Node Controller ([NC) . Both the WINMOR TNC
and V4Chat are free of charge.
The program installation file can be found in the Files section ofthe
Yahoo! support site . Download and unzip the file, then start the installa-
tion by double-clicking on the V4ChatSetup.exe file. On completion ofthe
installation you will find a desktop icon available to run the program.
Data Modes Software
When you run the prog ram for the first time you will be presented with a
registration reminder. You can either choose 'remind me later' or clic k on
the web link to register. The registration process takes you to a site where
you can make a voluntary registration donation of $25 to support the
Amateur Radio Safety Foundation. When the program starts you will see
two windows , one of which shows the V4 Sound ca rd TNC and the other
is the V4Chat program. In V4Chat choose File - Setup and enter your call
sign , locator and select the appropriate V4 Capture and Playback devices
(sound cards). In the lower right ofthe setup screen choose Radio Setup
to configure your rig control. When th is is completed don 't forget to hit
Save Settings and then Update on the following screen to ensure all your
settings are saved. The final stage in the configuration is to adjust the
audio drive so that the transceiver is operating in its linear region. To help
with th is V4Chat includes a two-tone test signal that can be sent via the
Test menu on the TNC panel. One final point to note is that this mode
requires rapid switching from transmit to receive and rarely works with
systems using VOX for TX/RX switching. You will need to use CAT or PIT
line switching .
V4Chat (Fig 8.9) has two operational modes wh ich are ARQ (Automatic
V4 Chat LOA.o i _~ . , .
, File ' Mode:ARQ • Abort
Cell Freq
Contact Name
Sign (kHz)
Log area
Received text
Tx/Rx switching ime
. i "'
4 SOUnolc.d
5lolus Hide Test Send CWID _ Filter In 08 ~o
Rev lrtel·
_._Clf.. · OHl
. - Sq.«h,
E,: by, ro;;r:ra::;:J
Computers in Amateur Radio
WebLink :bttp:/Ihamsoft.caLpages/mmvari.php
Support Group: .com/group/MMVARII
The software downloads as an EXE file so can be run immediately to start
the setup. Installation is menu driven and if you accept the default
optionsthe software will be installed in C:\Ham\M MVARI.
The first time the program is started you will be prompted to enter your
callsign, which will then be used in MMVARl's macros. The next step is
to select the appropriate soundcard . This is done via the Options -
Setup MMVARI menu item. Select the Misc tab of the setup panel and
you will find the Sound card section at the top left. You can then use
the drop-down selection box to choose the appropriate card . If you
Data Modes Software
TX abandon
Received text
Fig 8.10: MMVARI
..:J screen layout.
I== = = = = = = = .........=~========= ~II
Macro buttons
want to use rig con tro l MMVARI can s upply bas ic rig control com-
mands , but you need to select the rig in the Options - Radio Com-
mand menu item . Here you can select the COM port, radio and other
parameters. One po int to note is that Baud rate is limited to a top
speed of 19200, so you may need to change your rig settings to match
this . MMVARI has lots of macro buttons and each can be programmed
by right-clicking on the appropriate button , which w ill open the macro
editor window. Th is gives access to a very wide range of macro com-
mands that include a s imple programming language " so you can make
interactive macros . .
One other task that is not essential but can lead to improved
decoding is to calibrate your sound card using the Opt ions - Calibrat-
ing the SoundCard menu item . When opened, you will see a screen
with instructions that are very slowly scrolling down the screen. The first
step is to tune your receiver to a standard frequency transmission;
RWM on 9.996Mhz be ing a good choice in the UK. When you are
tuned-in, note the audio frequency of the beeps as shown in the display
at the top of t he screen and enter that into the Tone bo x at the bottom
of the screen. The display will then change to show a new pattern of
colour blocks. Let this run for about 10 or 15 min utes and you sho uld
have a sc reen full ofthis pattern , wh ich will probably be slanting slightly
to one side or the other. The slan t is caused by inaccuracy in your
sound card 's sampling clock and the next step measures and corrects
that. Now click on the bottom left of one th e colo ur blocks and move
the cursor to the top of that block so t hat the line produced by t he
Computers in Amateur Radio
cursor matches the slant of the signal and click again. That completes
the measurement and calibration. Pressing the OK button to store the
correction completes the process.
MMVARI is very simple to operate, but has some sophisticated features
hidden under the bonnet. The main tuning display can be seen at the top
right of the display and this can be set to display a waterfall, spectrum or
a synchronisation display. The bandwidth of the display can be altered by
the adjacent buttons. MMVARI also includes variable Band Pass Filters
(BPF) that can be very helpful when the band is very busy or noisy. One
particularly useful feature of MMVARI is its sub-channels decoders that can
be set to monitor different freq uencies and modes within the audio
passband. The Sub Channels are activated via the View-Sub Channels
menu item and appear as small, separate decoding windows. The win-
dows respond to tuning by mouse click and the mode can be changed
by clicking on the mode window for that channel.
MMVARI is one of the few programs that don't use the Escape key
to abandon a transmission, so you have to remember press the TXOFF
button on the main panel for this . If you double-click on a callsign in the
received screen it will automatically pop into Call box on the log and be
ready for use in macros. You can also gather other station details quickly
by clicking on the received text, whereby you will be presented with a
menu where you can choose how to use the information.
Table 8.2: Multi- QPSK y y y y y y
mode software RTTY Y Y Y Y Y Y y
Packet Y Y Y
table. Pactor 1 Y Y
Contestia Y Y Y
Olivia Y Y Y
Domino Y Y Y
Hell Y Y Y y
MT63 Y Y Y y
Olivia Y Y Y
Thor Y Y
Throb Y Y Y y
Slow Scan Television
Slow Scan Television
by Paul Young, GOHWC
Analogue SSTV
MMSSTV is by Makoto Mori, JE3HHT. The latest version is 1.11 G, final
release. The software is a standalone package and includes all the
regular modes plus many obscure modes.
DM780 by Simon Brown , HB9DRV, is part of Ham Radio Deluxe
and within DM780 is an SSTV module. DM780 is an ongoing develop-
ment, but as it is now it covers most of the regular used modes . More
will be added over the course of its development. The advantage of
DM780 is that it also caters for other modes such as PSK and CWO
Software Set-ups
Don't skip the setting-up step in any analogue SSTV program, because
all analogue software requ ires slant adjustment to be undertaken .The
reason for this is that programs use the clock on the soundcard for
Computers in Amateur Radio
Fig 9.2: A slightly timing and this is not 100% accurate. To overcome the offset, all SSTV
slanted SSlV programs have an option to calibrate the soundcard, effectively com -
image. pensating for it. Every SSTV program has its own setup for th is and if
r - - - - - - = " ' " - - - - - - - - - ------,, you skip it your transm itted images will be slanted. See
Analogue Modes
There are many SSTV modes, from the early Robot-8
(8 second black & white + grey scale) up to things
like Scottie-OX (268
seconds RGB). There
are some obscure
Slow Scan Television
Computers in Amateur Radio
audio path in the software, what sound card your radio is connected
to and adjust the audio level. The best places to listen are either
14.233MHz or 3.733MHz and wait until you start to receive DRM. You
will know when the signal is DRM, as you will see the vertical Sync bar
change from all red to green . Not until all green is lit up to the top will
the program be decoding the signal. In Fig 9.7 you can see the
EasyPal screen.
In the box at the top left is the callsign of the station being
received. Just under the callsign, 'RX -13Hz' indicates that his transmis-
sion is 13Hz low. This could be adjusted from the radio, but the soft-
ware is doing this for us . Under this, 'SNR 8dS' indicates how good
the signal to noise ratio is. In this case it's not very good, at only 8dS.
The next item down is 'Total 245' . This is the total number of data
segments needed to fully display the image. 'OK Segs 60' indicates
how many seg ments have been received OK. 'Position 139' is the last
segment received and '185 missed segments' is the numberofseg-
ments needed to finish the image. The first vertical box to the right of
the callsign box shows your settings for transmit and the settings that
the received station is sending, in this case mode S, as the sending
station is on 20m , width 2.4 (this is used 99% of the time), ErrFix is set
to high and should always be set to this . Regarding QAM, this is 16
(which is used most of the time on 20m) but QAM 4 could be used if
the signal is not 'making the trip '. Finally, 'Leadln' . 24/lng is the default
and should always be used.
Under the control buttons is a spectrum display window that
displays the receive audio. Under this is a waterfall display. In it you
can see that three vertical lines stand out. These are in line with three
Slow Scan Television
small markers at the top of the waterfall. They stand out because they
have higher gain , transmitted at twice the power and are used to
calculate the initial coarse frequency offset of the received DRM signal.
At the bottom left of the screen is the receive progression line. The size
of this is set by the size of the file being received , the red part being
missing data and the green being received data. The right of the
window shows the last received image. The program has been
configured to append some data about each received image to the
top corner of it - the callsign of the sending station , date and time
received , and the mode it was received in. This is handy to append to
the image if you decide to FTP your received images to your website .
Some time needs to be spent in fully understand ing Easypal and
setting it up. A good place, with all the help files you should ever
need, can be found at:
The DRM mode is a modern digital transmission mode for HF,
based on DRM. In some aspects it is similar to RDFT, but in others
very different. Both use many carriers: RDFT (W11 to W14) uses 8, and
EasyPal uses from 45 to 51 carriers. Both also use the Reed Solomon
code for Forward Error Correction . The RDFT carriers are modulated in
phase with 9 different phases, and they are fully separated in the
frequency domain.
The HamDRM/EasyPal carriers use Orthogonal Frequency Divi-
sion MUltiplex (OFDM). The modulated carriers are overlapping in the
frequency domain and are modulated in QAM (quadrature amplitude
and phase). The transmission of a file requires three separate opera-
tions; coding , recording (ofthe transmission) and decoding, which
increases the total time of transmitting/receiving.
In HamDRM/EasyPal a file is codified and transmitted simultane-
ously. Also, it is decoded at the same time that it is received. There is
only a small delay between the end of the transmission and the recep -
tion (some seconds). Mode A is faster than Mode B, but Mode A
doesn't tolerate the negative effects caused by multi-path propagation,
so Mode B is more robust. Mode E is the slowest, which helps in bad
conditions .
The QAM modulation can be in 4,16 or 64 vectors or symbols .
64 QAM is much faster, but needs a very good Signal-to-Noise Ratio
(SNR) or a high quality channel. 4 QAM is the slowest, but supports
more noise or a smaller SNR. On the VHF/UHF bands you will often be
able to use 64 QAM, but on HF you will struggle with this , so 4 or 16
QAM is usually called for.
Interleaving consists of changing the natural symbols sequence. If
long (2 seconds), it allows better error correction with slow fading , but
it causes a little larger delay in the reception. Short interleaving is
400ms .
In Easypal the occupied bandwidth for the DRM signal can be set
to 2.2 or 204kHz. The smaller is a little slower and should be used if the
SSB TX/RX equipment's filters are too narrow or do not have a flat
Computers in Amateur Radio
transfer function .
The DC frequency simply refers to the inferior limit of BW, and
also should be chosen to agree with the equipment's filters .
Finding activity
When you have set up some bas ic templates you can start monitoring .
The main place to find SSTV is on 20m . The main frequency is
14.230MHz, and sometimes 14.227MHz. Note the 3kHz spacing ; any
less would result in QRM. When you start hear ing sounds, look at the
panoramic display. If you are rece iving SSTV you shou ld see some-
th ing like the image shown in Fig 9 .8. Note the sp ike on the left . This
shows the line synchronization pulses that tell the software to go to the
next line of the image. This should always be centred on 1200Hz . If it is
not, you need to make fine tuning adj ustments on your radio . The
wide peak on the right between 1500Hz and 2300Hz is the image
Slow Scan Television
pulse still works in the same way, but depending on the mode in use
the part between 1500Hz and 2300Hz works in different ways. Pictures
are either sent as RGB (Red , Green and Blue , separately) or YC
(Luminance and Chrominance). All software will send a Vertical Interval
Signalling (VIS) code at the beginning of
an image. See Fig 9.9. It consists of bits
of 30 milliseconds in length. The code
starts with a start bit at 1200Hz, followed
by 7 data bits. An even parity bit fol- Fig 9.9: Makeup
lows, then a stop bit at 1200Hz. The VIS code is decoded by the of the VIS code.
receiving software and sets it into the same mode as the transmitting
station. Then the image is sent. At the end, most software will then
send a Frequency Shift Keying Indent (FSKID) code at 1900Hz and
2100Hz at 45.45 Baud. This contains the callsign ofthe sending
station and when decoded will display the callsign within the software .
More comprehensive programs like DM780 will add this into the log
and even send an eOSL card if wanted.
When starting out it is good to watch for a while , to see how
OSOs work and also to get some ideas on templates that others use
in their CO calls etc . Before you transmit you need to pick a mode . If
sending a reply to someone , you would be best to reply in the same
mode as you received the image from the other station. If you make a
CO call, try either Scottie2 or Martin2. With luck you will get a reply
and have your first analogue OSO. Over time you will hopefully make
new templates and obtain new
images to send. It is good to con-
Fig 9.10: An
tinuo us ly get new images to send, analogue SSlV
using either your digital camera, a image received
webcam, or even the Internet, be- on 20m.
cause there is nothing worse than
seeing the same images from a
station over and over again. If you
become a reg ular SSTV user you will
soon know what is meant.
Many SSTV users have websites
where the images they have received are uploaded and can be viewed.
Some sites have pages that display the latest received images from sites
all round the world. Take a look at as an exam-
ple . Figs 9.10-9.13 showsome images received on 20m.
Computers in Amateur Radio
T r,1lWnll:l«1 I~U~t
Ut er ID your c e Ll s rq n
iI,~~.·!~L~_tr~ .~
1- -I
I "_(11_ II "_11,..-"" I
o~ · B¥ld ,L 1040d0 ~ T metl¥lll
Slow Scan Television
will need to turn FTP on. You need to decide if you want to send just
your received images to your site or both transmitted and received. It's
your choice and the templates that you will have downloaded and put
on your site will eithe r be able to display just your received images or
both . If you want to turn on the FTP for received images only , just click
on the FTP button just under the left side of your RX window. If you want
both , click on the SSTV pull-down from the top menu bar, then 'FTP'
and highlight both TX and RX icons . You can test the FTPfrom the FTP
set-up page or from the main screen above your saved images by
clicking 'FTP all' . This will upload your latest images to your site and fill
your page.
You will need the external program FTP Widget installed . This is a small ,
very stable program that will do all the wo rk for you.
Before you set up FTP widget you need to configure MMSSTV to
send the received images to a specific fo lder on your PC. You can make
this any place you want. Personally , I use a folder called 'mmsstvfiles' off
the root of C:. When you have made the folder, go to MMSSTV and
click on the 'History' tab above the RX window. Now right click on the
image and from the menu click on 'Assig n another folder name '. In here
you need to put the full path to the folder you have made . On mine it
looks like this : c:\mmsstvfiles You must use the full path and drive letter.
When you have done that , right click again on the history image and
click on 'Auto copy to another folder name '. This will turn on the service
and from this point onwards any images
r FTP S«Vef Sdti'lg J l ocal Drive a'ld OredOl)'Pa!h-
r- ~
you receive will also be sent to your new FTPAdcien I.; nel tj C\
to 'Auto copy to the another folder' and '-----
r ImageName Propetbt;
'Copy as JPEG format' . Now you need to MOfe Optil:lm
run FTP Widget. Click on 'File' and then Hi:t1XY 1l'Rbge; r;s::] j ~-~ ~ ~ I
'Properties'. This will open the set-up D ~e OllgNl lmagtt r
U•• t) ELET E ' C~ P'
window shown in Fig 9.15 . Just fill it in as
shown, but add your ca llsign and password . The most common mistake Fig 9.15:
is incorrect sett ing-up of the 'Local Drive and Directory Path' . To confirm, MMSS1VFTP
double click on the dr ive at the top . This will show the folders unde r the setup.
drive. Double click on 'mmsstvfiles', so it changes to blue and then click
the 'Save' button . The fina l th ing you need to do is click the 'file' button
and then click 'Scanning'. The program is now waiting for an image to
arrive in the 'mmsstvfiles' folder to do its work . To check that it is work -
ing you will need to wait until you receive an image. Each image you
receive will move all the images down by one , until your page is full.
Until your screen is full , when the program finds an image and sends it
to your site you will see errors on the details window of FTP Widget, as
it tries to renumber image files on your site. Do not worry about this .
Computers in Amateur Radio
Errors will stop when you have a full set of images (set at 15 within the
set-up screen).
= EasyPal
i<:<l·'"'' rw..,....... This has FTP bu ilt in. Click the 'FTP'
1- cab<>1 .1Js<mImo button from the menu bar then click
Il YW: ~ P4SSWOfd ,-...-- 'Allow FTP Auto -Up load of your received
_ 1 ·~~
I..."''''""", "" fie pict ures' . This will bring up the window
sho wn in Fig 9.16 .
Fig 9.16: EasyPal ~'"1tnaoel"and~1·
Fill in the deta ils as shown, but with
FTPsetup. ~ exactly as "'magel.n?0
Useful links
MMSSTV* : http ://
Ham Radio Deluxe (DM780)* : http ://
EasyPal: http://vk4aes .com/
EasyPal help files: http ://www.g4rob
DigTRX311: .htm#downl
FTPWidget: http ://ke5
GOHWCpages, showing received analogue and digital images plus
pages showing latest images from hundreds of other ham sites round
the world with links : http ://
2DODRM was the first to bu ild a page showing live feeds from EasyPal
sites all round the world :
Cheap, well-built interfaces, ready -wired for your radio:
* Included on the CD that accompanes this book
Internet Remote Operation
Internet Remote
by Wojtek (Berni) Bernasinski, GOlDA,SP5GU, and Steve White, G3ZVW
Basic Overview
The first part of this chapter is based around the RRC-1258 Mkll from
Microbit. It comes in two parts; one for the remote end and one for the
home end. The remote unit controls Voice Over IP and serial data to the
rig and is connected to a router via a Local Area Network hub, which in
turn is connected to the Internet and a Web Switch for switching relays
(which will switch the power supply on and off as well as the remote
controller and the rig). The home end comprises a PC with Windows XP
running Ham Radio Deluxe, a Virtual Comm Port Emulator (for the
Microham unit) and the RRC-1258 Mkll controller, which is connected
directly to the router at home via an Ethernet cable. Headphones,
iambic key, foot switch and microphone all connect to the control box.
When complete, the Internet will carry signals between home and
the remote station, and here lies the essence of using a remote station
which could be located anywhere in the world .
Computers in Amateur Radio
For a start the Remote Control units I will be describing are not cheap
and are priced at around £400. The Web Switch, described later, costs
around £160. Assuming you already have a transce iver, a power supply,
antenna system and a free place with free Internet and ma ins, then your
basic cost at the time of wr iting has already mounted up to £560, the
price of a small but adequate HF rig !
Delays in the Internet may cause problems and there will certain ly be a
de lay between ta lking at the home end and what is actua lly transm itted.
I measured mine using 'traceroute' command and found 15 hops (rout-
ers) between my home and the remote site and a latency of60-90ms.
This changes a bit every time I connect to the remote stat ion, as differ-
ent routes are used through different routers on the Internet.
A remote station needs to conform to current radio licensing regula-
tions, the most important one being for the radio to go back to receive
should the transm itter get stuck. Some modern radios include in their
menu a setup for timeout. I have set mine to five minutes , in the hope
that none of my transm issions will be any longer than that.
Our licence states that our messages 'must be adequately secure'
from one end to the other, but do not mention what is meant by the word
'secure'. I am happy with the idea that my signal go ing into the Internet
and out into my radio is secure, as 'Joe Public' is unable to intecept the
data easily. There isn't much we can do about data between the time that
it leaves our router and arrives at the remote end anyway.
Security of equipment can be of concern if it is hosted on a remote site,
for example in a shed in the middle of a field. These are just the basic
Internet Remote Operation
.t' ~- ,ltl r~ I'".1'11111
.. _ it' L..;;;;;..I I~
"" ---1-
G) "
un A~ m. . -.te:
disadvantages but they could be enough to put you off such a project.
Fig 10.1: Front
I have been very lucky at the remote end, as I have free Internet view of the RRC-
access, free mains and good security forthe equipment, hence this 1258 Mkll.
project has been worthwhile.
Hardware Requirements
The project revolves around the remote control units RRC-1258 MKII,
as seen in Fig 10.1, produced by MicrobitofSweden .
On the left hand side you can see the controller which connects
to the rad io at the remote end, while the controller on the right con -
nects to the PC and router at the home end. They look almost identi-
cal, except for a CW speed control on the right hand unit.
The small USB format sockets on the far left are used to program
the initiallP address ofthe units via a utility program which can be
downloaded from the SM20 website Alterna-
tively, a serial connection can be used on Com 1 for the same pur-
pose. The next socket, AUX/MIC, is where the microphone and PIT
are connected via a network type plug. Here I just made patch leads
to plug into my head set and PIT footswitch . My speaker plugs
directly onto the socket marked 'SP' . At the remote end, microphone
and PIT leads are
connected from this
socket to the trans-
ceiver. A lead (grey) is
connected from the
speaker socket of the
transceiver to the back
of the controller, into the Fig 10.2: RRC-
microphone input 1258 MKII back
socket, as seen in Fig view.
10.2, as well as a serial
cable which controls the
rig, the 12V DC cable
and the network cable .
The lowest band-
Computers in Amateur Radio
Internet Remote Operation
Web Switch
The Web Switch is set up in the same way as the controllers , via the
mini USB port at the side of the unit. All that is required is an IP
address to get you started . I used
Once connected , using your web browser on port 80 through your
Local Area Network, you then need to change the port number to 8090
for remote administration. At the same time a username and password
should be added. The menus are found on the left hand side.
The home end needs to know the IP address of the remote end,
so a FQDN needs to be inserted into one of the setup fields. You can
make one up from the web site www.dyndns .comlt will look some-
thing like '' where, when you ty pe this into
you r browser, this address will find the remote station on the Internet.
The Web Switch will
WEB Switch 12168 • 12168 Web Switch
then send every 30
minutes (this is
configurable) to the web microbit n
site a WI!B S,,11cll 1210 H I
Rela y I :
~ !2!d PSUoo
request , and the web Sy stem Info
Set r elays
Relay 2: ON ~ Radio on
site will then do a Inputs
T emperature
Relay 3:
~ ...!?!!J
reverse lookup on the i
Relay 4:
IP setllngs
remote end IP address Reloy settings
I Relay 5:
~ ....2!U Fig 10.4: Web
Serllll settin gs
and resolve the FQDN AdvMCed setllngs II Switch relay
DynDNS setllngs
sta tus page.
'remote.dyndyns- ~catiCll upgrad e
- II
Computers in Amateur Radio
which the Internet and route rs understand. You can nowtype your own
FQDN with port 8090 in your web browser and you should be pre-
sented with the Web Switch adm inistration page.
Radio Equipment
Software Requirements
1) A software package of your cho ice, which will control your radio
remotely. I am currently using Ham Radio Delux, as it fulfils my
requirements .
2) Software wh ich specifically controls hidden functions, updates etc .
For the K3 I use 'K3_EX', as Ham Radio Deluxe does not have these
functions built in.
3) Software from Microbit to configure the controllers and Web Server
via mini USB.
Internet Remote Operation
Using the utility K3_EZ I have access to various menus and func- Fig 10.5: Ham
tions which Ham Radio Delux does not offer. Your rad io of choice may Radio Deluxe.
need such software . One smart function this offers is to see the SWR
over a range on a band . Fig 10.6 shows a graph ofthe SWR on 40m .
I also use K3 utility software for uploading any firmware changes
and many other functions . The last most useful function is the one to
turn the radio off. Using the CMD Utility I issue the command 'PSO ;' and
the rig sw itches off.
-I ~
s-t.l "'-I [..... 1Q .... I ......."""'" ~c.fIgl D(CrigI «5-.1 OC)IMW """k".oIQ.l2~1
.--+ . .. .
all its connect ing cables ".
is shown in Fig 10.7 ,
H .
(over leaf). From top to ,
lO .
bottom and left to right ".
we have the rig control- I
12 .
Computers in Amateur Radio
- _'
- - --~~U'~
- ~"--.~
Internet Remote Operation
On Air Results
Like for like, the price of the project wouldremain roughly the same if
one were to use a dedicated computer atthe remote end. However, the
the simplicity of setting up the RRC-1258 MKII is of great benefit. Also,
it is certainly smaller than any laptop to date. Being a dedicated unit
for remote control it has numerous features built in, one of which will
automatically reconnect the controllers if the link drops.
Internet bandwidth can be controlled quite well and power con-
sumption is certainly lower than a PC.
Introduced in 2012, the Icom RS-BA1 offers the owners of selected Icom
transceivers the ability to operate remotely. The package comprises the
RS-BA1 remote control software and the RC-28 USB encoder.The soft-
ware will work with modern Icom HF radios, but not older models.
Computers in Amateur Radio
shaft encoder (Fig 10.11) used on many Icom HF radios , providing the
same 'feel' to the user.
Internet Remote Operation
Computers in Amateur Radio
11 .
by Dave Thomas, MWORUH
Initially you were only able to operate on D-Star (simplex range ex-
cepted) by purchasing Icom factory-built repeaters , but since then
many new ways of entering and using the system have surfaced .
To encourage people to adopt D-Star, Icom offered discounted
D Star
D-Star modes
D-Star carries digitized voice and digital data, but it does the job in two
different ways, there being a combined voice and data mode (DV) and
a high speed data only stream (DD).
Although data and voice are carried at different rates and are
managed in different ways, they are transmitted as packets. The D-
Star protocol is therefore similar in some ways to the Packet Radio
(AX.25) protocol that allows the exchange of data between Terminal
Node Controllers (TNCs) orthe Ethernet protocol used by home and
business computers.
The AMBE codec was mentioned earlier. It can digitise voice at
several different rates. D-Star uses 2.4kbps (bits per second). In
addition, AMBE adds information to the voice data that allows the
codec at the receiving end to correct errors in the transmitted stream.
The result of the overhead is that the digitized voice stream carries
data at a rate of 3.6kbps.
Simultaneously to the digitised voice, DV Mode (low speed data
mode) can also carry 8-bit digital data at 1200bps. This data is un-
modified when transmitted, so it is up to the operator's software to
manage the flow of data whilst it is being exchanged.
When operating in DD Mode (high speed data mode), the voice
signal is unused and all packets are dedicated to the use of digital
data. Transmitted data is sent as raw data at a rate of 128kbps. Like DV
mode, this is transmitted with no modification, the flow control being
undertaken by the software package chosen by the user. In DD mode
the net data rate is comparable to or better than a high -speed dial-up
Internet connection .
Computers in Amateur Radio
Header Data
Sync Control 10 Check- Voice Digital Voice Digital .... ... . Voice Digital Check-
flag s data sum frame frame frame sum
Header Data
Sync frame
Bit Sync is a standard pattern for GMSK 1010 modulation used by D-Star.
Control f lags
Control flags are used to direct the processing of the packet.
Flag 3 Used to ident ify the version of D-Star protocol being used, so
that as new functions are added the receiver can apply them
P-FCS Checksum
A checksum is used to detect errors. The P-FCS checksum 10 is com-
puted from the flag and 10 data.
Computers in Amateur Radio
D-Star system
Fig 11.3: leom I 23cm voice port
I \/ We will begin with
D-Star Repeater.
I 70cm voice port
I the D-Star repeate r.
Unlike an analog ue
repeat er wh ich
I 2 m vo ice port
I ope rates on a
part icular band
I 23cm DO port
I with an individual
I I I I callsign such as
I Controller
I GB3QQ, aD-Star
repeater can be
bu ilt according to
the keeper's
requ irements and
be active on
Gateway PC
several bands with
the same callsign .
GB7CDwili be
used as an exam-
ple. At present it
only has the 70cm (B port), but Fig 11.3 illustrates a full repeate r
stack setup .
As you can see from the illustration, a fully loaded D-Star re-
peater can be constructed with four ports . It can also be built with any
combination of the four ports . Funding, the frequencies available to
the builder and any licencing restrictions in his or her particular area
will determine how complete a D-Star repeater is.
Assuming a
complete setup ,
a user would be
free to access the
system on any of
the bands avail-
ab le within the
repeater. Across
the wor ld it has
been decided
that wherever
Fig 11.4: Satoshi possible the 'A'
node adaptor port will carry
board. 23cm (1.2GHz)
voice traffic, the
'B' port 70cm
o Star
voice and slow data, the 'C' port 2m (144-146MHz)
voice and slow data, and the 0 port 23cm (1.2GHz)
high speed data.
For the system to be able to take advantage
ofthe capabilities of D-Star, the repeater requires
a broadband connection to the Internet to
'Gateway' the completed project. It should also
be mentioned that a gateway connection requires
specific Linux software to allow full operation on
an Icom factory built system. A server-based PC
would give the system the best results, although a
good spec PC will work well.
Several homebrew options are now currently
available in simplex (licenced in the UK as MB6xx
callsigns) and in full repeater mode (GB7xx callsigns). These use either Fig 11.5: The DV
Satoshi Yasuda's DV Node Adaptors (see Fig 11.4). Satoshi, 7M3TJZ/ Dongle.
AD6GZ , was a member of the original committee that designed D-Star.
Alternatively, by the use of other node adaptor boards listed as mini
hotspots (or not so mini hotspots) and manufactured in the US and
Netherlands by other enthusiastic hams looking to develop the hobby.
Anyone of these boards can be connected to an analogue radio
with a 9600 packet data port to create a passage for the packet to be
passed via the adaptor to the system . You will, however, still require a
D-star radio to access these nodes, as they do not provide a
platform for an analogue radio to enter the system (which
some believe they do). There are also severa l software applica-
tions around to operate these nodes , either via Windows or
Linux platforms. Some amateurs have coupled these
hotspot adaptors to dummy loads , to provide an
access point solely for their use at home.
This enables access with aD-Star
handheld on very low power. Fig 11.6: DV
For those with property or Access Poin t
anten na restrictions, or if trave lling
regularly, a DV Dongle - Fig 11.5 -
is the best choice for operation .
This is a device with the AMBE
codec installed and works in a similar way to Voice over Internet
Protocol (VoIP).
Any PC running t he DV too l so ftware along with the DV Dongle
and a suitable headset can access D-Star from anywhere they can get
the ir PC / Laptop / Netbook to operate using WiFi or fixed broadband
connections. They have even been heard mobile via a laptop and a
mobile phone in a vehicle . This DV Dongle method is the preferred
option for those who have no local D-Star equipment.
The latest piece of equipment to hit the market - shown in Fig 11.6
- is the DV Access Point (DVAP). It transmits 1OmW of RF on the 2m
Computers in Amateur Rad io
Fig 11.7 : D-Star band (freq uenc y of your cho ice) and is co nnected (similarly to the DV
header. Dong le) to a PC and ded icated software, which then permits the use of
a D-Star radio to access th e network anywhere with in range of the
DVAp, via the PC's Internet connection . These have been in used in
hotel rooms by amateurs on business or on holiday, and have been
reported as invaluable around the home . External antennas have been
known to increase the distance from the DVAP and people have been
heard in the locality using these .
Operating D-Star
So far the emphasis has been on the theory behind D-Star, how it is put
together and methods of access ing the network, but for someone who
has never operated on D-Star before, how do you get up and running?
Most of the problems for new users seem to be assocated with
correctly configuring their radio to operate the mode. This because,
unlike analogue where you switch on your radio and tune to a specific
freq uency and begin to operate, D-Star is menu driven and its main
requirement is to ensure that certain information is included in the
header (Fig 11.7) to guarantee that your conversation is heard and
routed to where you want it to go.
D-Star has a more complicated configuration priorto making that
all important first contact. The operator is req uired to input information
into their radio to correspond with
the identification section of the
UR Sets who you send to
header. It's this information that
Fig 11.8: These determines success orfailure . This
RPT1 Sets the local repeater
fou r fields are part ofthe radio configuration , shown
call and band
sometimes in Fig 11.8, is sometimes described
known as the as the 'Ohm's Law' of D-Star. It
'Ohms Law' of
RPT2 Sets call routing -
contains four fields of information
D-Star. Local or Distant
corresponding to the identification
MY Who you are contained within the header. All D-
Star radios require this information
set in an exact manner to make it
wor k (simplex excluded, where only CQCQCQ fURl and you r callsign
[MY] is required) .
To get to grips with these four fields of information we are going to
set some information into the menus, with an explanation of some likely
information that must be contained in it to make that all-important QSO.
As with an analogue repeater, your radio would need to be pro-
grammed with the freq uency of GB7xx . The output frequency would
have to be set and the 'shift' set to the des ignated split, so that it
transmits and receives on the appropriate frequencies . There is no
CTCSS used in D-star. In the setup shown in Fig 11.9;
Charact e 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 51h 61h 7th 8th Fig 11.10: Menu
pos itio n set with the
important 8th
C allsign G B 7 X X Bl ank Blank B character
set up space space
Computers in Amateur Radio
I M odlll . A I
Mod ul. B ~d-;C Reflectors
I GB7JF B [ONOCPS B'-+.. - ---! A reflector is a 'hub' or conference
i GB7M!l B roNOOSC
i GB7NMB ·I HB""'9'-IA''C'"c'"- j - - - I room where users congregate .There
I GB7NLB I are many of these ac ross the world .
r VK5RE<B I The most up-to-date list can be found
I GB7AU B I on the Internet at
fGB7WT B I As has already been explained,
I GB7CD B I D-Star repeaters may have A, B, C
I- - - ;-- - -; and D ports . Reflectors normally have
DV Dongle Users
three possible connections (mod -
ules). There is no st rict rule as to
which of the th ree modules (A, B or
C) is used for any specific use, it is
the decision of the reflector owner.
Fig 11.12 shows the Dashboar d
of Reflector 5, the London-based
ma in UK reflector and the connec-
tions made on some of the modules.
Su m, as of 2010108104 17.55:51
DV Dong les and some simplex
DSta r
Characte 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Fig 11.13:
posit io n Chang e UR
menu to conne ct
Callsig n R E F 0 0 5 A L to Reflect or SA.
with yo ur loca l repeater and po rt setting , your RPT2: wit h you r loca l
repeater an d 'G' Gateway setting and the MY: your ow n callsign set.
Once co nnected , the UR: men u needs to be switc hed back to
'CQCQCQ', to undertake you r QSO whi lst con nected to your now
chosen reflector.
Once your conversation is completed you may wish to disconnect
your local repeater. To do th is you use the unlink command, simply a
'U' for unlink. See Fig 11.14.
This will bring your local repeater into Standalone mode for local
use (remember again to switch the UR: menu back to 'CQCQCQ').
Some repeater keepers auto link their gateways in a semi -perma-
nent way. This is to encourage users to use the network by keeping
traffic on their gateway. Many users feel obliged to leave them in their
semi-permanent location , but I am not aware of any keeper who re-
stricts the movement from this semi permanent setting, so feel free to
disconnect and move to wherever you Wish.
Those repeaters with semi permanent connections have default
scripts installed which automatically disconnect after a period of
inactivity. This brings them 'home' to their semi-permanent location .
Computers in Amateur Radio
It is good practice to drop the link to the system when you wish to
speak locally with a station on the same repeate r, because it frees the
reflector for other users.
There are other ways of using the D-Star network (repeater to
repeater, direct callsign routing). The UR: menu is key to these opera-
tions. Once the RPT1: and RPT2: fields are set to your local gateway
and stored in a memory in your radio (along with your own callsign), it
is just the UR: field that will determine the success of your routing and
use of the network. Once you become accustomed to the methods
described here of connecting to the network, the rest should come
easily at a later stage .
So far we have concentrated on the use of D-Star for voice and the
principles of connecting and disconnecting using the menu settings, as
this is the starting point to effectively use the mode , but D-Star can do
other things.
D-Star can simultaneously send data whilst streaming voice, so
you can talk to other users whilst typ ing messages to them via the
keyboard of your PC. The only additional requirement to carry out this
activity is the use of an interface lead to/from the radio.
Radio amateurs across the globe have become involved with the
provision of software applications to exploit this data capability and it
is widely used by radio emergency teams (especially in the USA) for
weather nets and so forth.
Some software packages allow low speed file transfer, picture
exchange and e-mail capability. Examples ofthese are D-Rats, D-Chat ,
D-Star TV and D-Star Comms , to name but a few of the many packages
out there on the World Wide Web. Conduct a D-Star search and you
may be amazed at how much there is.
D-Star can transfer your GPS position to servers such as APRS.ti, it
can help you locate another user on GPS, tell you which direction you
need to travel and how far away that station is, then effectively home
you into them by following the direction arrow on your radio's front
panel to their beaconing signal. Imagine this in an emergency situation,
where medical care maybe urgently required! Even their latitude and
longitude is displayed on your radio. The 23cm DD mode in particular
has endless possibilities.
Computer connection
D-Star radios are quite complex and it is well worth investing the extra
money to purchase the necessary interface lead and software dedi-
o Star
cated to the transceiver of your cho ice .
Programming can be qu ite ted ious and a long process to learn,
but many local D-Star groups have ready-made files that can be
dropped into the radio via the soft ware, sav ing many hours of hard
work . Look ing through these files on your PC will also give you a better
understanding of how the mode really works .
Future Development
Computers in Amateur Radio
Computers in Amateur Radio
Last Update (UTC): Registered: Activated: Online: On1lR.~: % lotal: Fig 11.15:
ircDDB: 2012108/23 12:33 95 1 946 598 6~ .9", 69.1' , Gateway
US-TJ1lst: 2012108/23 12:02 847 842 531 6~. 7·, 61.4'.
would like a long ragchew with your mates , you can QSY to modules
DCS005'O', 'P' , 'Q' or 'R' . You can also visit the London area on
DCS005'L' or the Midlands on the 'M' modu le, or maybe in the eve-
nings Wales and the West on DCS005 'W', or switch to other areas of
t he world such as USA (DCS006) or Australia (DCS014) . Many Euro-
pean countries also have their own reflectors, so if you are proficient
at a foreign lang uage you can communicate or practice your skills in
these areas of the network.
At the time of writing, ircDDB had overtaken the US Trust in terms
of network provision , so from being a secondary network it has now
become the primary one . Statistics from August 2012 are shown in
Fig 11.15.
With this new network comes new ways of following the data and
Fig 11.16 shows the live feature page which can be accessed at
www.ircddb .net Here systems that utilise ircDDB have data that
corresponds with each PTT on the network and offers the users a
location to see where activity is.
All active connections to each of the available DCS reflecto rs can
be found on dedicated Internet pages, which identify whe re and how
long each connection has been linked. It also shows the last user of
ircDDB Live
13:01 :31
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0 ircDDB Live.
Computers in Amateur Rad io
11km .... Uaked DCSGROL'P
United Kingdom
He~rdD\, l] •• r
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DCSllO' UO.......: 2m .... United Kingdom UlIOAA
liii_- G8lWF 0 11km Midlands GOIWf
....s.n .
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
11;2$. . . .
Unl dKlngdom
United Kingdom
o Star
. . a Xldl cd or,ndneull \t · c ~ "flo1ofOt'l'l'~~"C"'lteJmI".Td P oft'
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".lIt•• t ll l • • .,O 111 DCS h. " •• ,, ' Jetllll••• ,
Computers in Amateur Radio
Reporting System
by Chris Dunn, G4KVI
Automatic Packet/Position Reporting System
passing bulk message traffic (e-mail) from po int-to -point, but it does
not do well at real-time events where information has a very short
lifespan and needs to get to everyone qu ickly.
Although APRS is mainly intended to be used locally, the Internet
monitors APRS worldwide , but this is not the primary objective. How-
ever, like our other radios , how we use APRS in an emergency or
special event is what drives the des ign of the APRS protocol. Although
APRS is used the vast majority of the time over great distances and
benign conditions , the protocol is designed to be optimized for short
distance real-time crisis operations using RF.
APRS provides universal connectivity to all stat ions by avo iding
the complexity and limitations of a connected network . It permits any
number of stations to exchange data, just like voice users would on a
voice net. Any station that has information to contribute simply sends
it, and all stations rece ive it and log it.
What happens next is that the packet is re-transmitted by every
digi than can hear it, including any Internet Gateway (iGate) . This is
Computers in Amateur Radio
Automatic Packet/Position Reporting System
digis, including
the original
1::1 digipeater.
Practical uses
Computers in Amateur Radio
GPS Receiver
Fig 12.6: The There are many GPS receivers
Kantronics KPC3 to choose from. They come in
can interface many shapes and sizes, some
between a GPS, being more practical than
computer and
others fo r specific appl icat ions.
Any GPS receiver used fo r APRS must have a data connection and
must output NMEA format data . Consider whether you want to have
your GPS rece iver powered via external power or internal batteries .
Whether you use a mobile or handheld depends on how mobile you
wil l want to be . In most urban areas handhelds/low powered trackers
are sufficient for general use .
Kenwood have the THD-7E (Fig 12.7), which can be used as a
standalone APRS transce iver. For a more permanent mobile solution,
the Kenwood TM-D700 and TM-D710 are ideal transceivers . D-Star
radios are also capable of transmitting positioning data to the APRS
network . Whichever solution is used, care must be taken with the
cabling, as most radios have totally different connection methods .
You only need a computer if you want to see other
stations or you want to run an Internet gateway or
smart digipeater. Older laptops are ideal to use with
APRS, as it is a small program . Also, newer laptops
may not have RS-232 ports, which you will need to
Fig 12.7: The connect to a TNC. If your laptop has USB ports
Kenwood only, you can buy a USB to serial adapter which
THO·7E handheld should do the job .
transceiver can
If you want to run really portable, consider
be used as a
using a palm device or a pocket PC. These are really
standalone APRS
radio. good if you want to be pedestrian portable. It is now
even possible to run an APRS tracker on the latest
Andro id smartphones, indeed the author successfully
runs an APRS tracker using exactly this method .
Automatic Packet/Position Reporting System
APRS Software
If you want to see APRS stations , you 'll need some software . There are
software packages for most operating systems. Once you have de-
cided on your hardware there are also some basic software settings
you will need to know.
Unproto Address
There was a huge debate as to what address should be used , with a
Computers in Amateur Radio
Beacon Comment
This can be any text , such as a freq uency that you mon itor.
Status Text
This can be transm itted alongside the beacon and can include the
status of your station, e .g. On Duty, On Stat ion, En Route, Comm itted,
APRS in practice
I hope you now have a broad understand ing of the bas ic hardware and
software equ ipments for an APRS station . That being the case, we are
now ready to see what APRS can do. You will first need a suitable
program . These are availab le for most platforms. One of the most
popular in use is UIView (htt p:// You will also need a
su itable TNC . If you have an old packet radio setup , th is is ideal for
APRS. All APRS traffic in the UK uses a sing le frequency of
144.800MHz . Once you have the station set up, you should see a
screen like the one shown Fig 12.9. In it you will see that there are
different symbols on the map. These ind icate what information each
station is transm itting . It is udeful to go through the most common
ones and explain howthey are generated .
Base stations
The illustration in Fig 12.10 shows a typical station's information. The
Beacon and Status text can be changed to suit individual circum-
Automatic Packet/Position Reporting System
Computers in Amateur Radio
n :.__.: 1993.7 IhPal 29.34 1in
~o n
[11[=:J Temperature
W .... E degree , I [ l i ] C C3IJ F Most APRS programs are able
Dew-point to take data from commer-
Speed S Gust W'chill I []TI c [1[] F cially available weather sta-
[]I] []I] OD Rain Today
mph mph F JC:[[J mm []ID in tions and output it as shown in
Fig 12.12.
-Efft ctiv. digip¥.h
Automatic Packet/Position Reporting System
Mobile Phones
In recent years the use and availability of sma rtphones has exploded ,
the most popular being the iPhone and those running the Android
software . There are several applications available which enable these
devices to run APRS. These use the signal from the 3G / WiFi network
and the inbuilt GPS to send location information to an APRS Internet
server, such as APRSJi The most popular are APRSDroid (https://
github .com/ geOrg/aprsdroid/wikij) and U2APRS (http :// japanese/U2APRS1 O/indexe.html) for Android phones
and iBCNU for the iPhone . These applications enable the device to be
used as a full feature APRS tracker. Although this may be seen by some
as not amateur rad io th is is an excit ing development enabling realtime
tracking without the use of an expensive rad io or computer. One again it
shows how amateur radio can evolve and emb race newtechnologies .
Practical applications
Computers in Amateur Radio
by John Pink , G8MM , and Steve White , G3ZVW
Whilst the use of a computer in the shack has been shown as necessary
for the implementation of many amateur radio facilities , such as logging
or PSK operating modes , great care is required to avoid interference
with the main purpose of radio communication. In a nutshell, the com-
puter and all of its associated peripherals and interfaces must be
electro-magnetically compatible. That is, the computer must not inter-
fere with radio communication, and it must be immune to interfe rence
from the transmitters in the shack. This requires considerable care and
consideration by the operator.
Equipment Issues
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Computers in Amateur Radio
Tower PSUs
Probab ly the biggest contributor to RFI is the power supply. These
days all computer po wer supp lies are Switched Mode un its . These
are notorious for rad iating unwanted emiss ions. Even when they use
'best practice' they can be detected somewhere in the HF spectrum .
The biggest single offence that manufacturers commit is to omit
the mains input filter components. Fig 13 .1 shows an example of a
power supply where the filter has been omitted at the manufacturing
stage. Without opening the case it is d ifficult to determine whether
these components have been fitted. However, it is possible with an
optic-scope to take a peep inside through the rear fan opening . In
any event , the absence of the filter parts w ill be obvious on an HF
receiver when the computer is turned on . See the recommendat ions
that follow!
Fig 13.2 gives typical plots of a second power supply (see Fig
13.3), showing the emissions when in 'stand-by ' mode , and when
Fig 13.1:
Purchased from
a High Street
vendor - showing
how the power
line filter
were omitted in
manufacture to
save cost. This
unit failed to
meet the limits
by more than
Area of
Electromagnetic Compatibility
loaded with a nominal operating current. In this case the load was a
pass ive resistance , avoid ing any possibility of other emiss ions. The
limit lines indicate the Class B standard limits.
188 .8 dB~Y
REr 188 .8
~ ~
JJl.i L111
....... ....! .
OP - - - - '0 ••• • •• • •• 011 ll.U.
Av g. -- - - .. ::~~·.,:;:;.l::.~:~~·.~:!. ::.:::.::::.: !::::.::i".:::.~:: .r.'._iki::i.~
. .. ··7::··4 ·-'~:.··:~.:.:~::~:·~:~: .:::.:::.:.:::.:.~::::::~~::.:~:.:·· r~-t·h· LIM CHCK
........... ':' : .. ..:.; .: _ -: - -.; :...:.::::
OH ll.U.
.. .. ~ ~ ':' ~ .. ~ .. ~. ,:, .~ . . , f r ~ "';" '? ':';';' to • • • • • •
Computers in Amateur Radio
84..4 01 -70.0
not properly tightened by interface
board manufacturers, and they only
hold in place by friction or because
10..84 _
2.5 -80.0
somebody has applied a dab of
Loctite. They often unscrew when a
cable is removed.
All screws should be tight and if
0.44 -95 .0 they help to perform an earth con-
nection you should ensure that there
- is no paint or other insulator under
Tight screws the parts.
-110.0 Don 't entrust the tightening of
screws, closing of gaps and installa-
100 lk l OOk 1M tion of clip-on ferrites - check them
Start lreq 100Hz Slop lreq 1MHz yourself!
Electromagnetic Compatibility
There are some advantages for the use of laptop computers in the
radio shack, and especially on the field portable site . Size is some-
times an important consideration, where the shac k is in a very
confined space.
From the point of view of EMC, laptops perfo rm quite well. Be-
cause ofthe compact nature , radiation from the compute r unit is quite
well controlled, and this speaks well for the direct ingress of RF.
However, all modern laptops have an external, in-cable, powe r
supply, and these are a potent ial sou rce of RFI. Even the more
expensive laptops use PSU's 'Made in Ch ina', and whilst some of
these are built to a very tightly controlled specification, the re is
evidence that others are not.
Unfortunately, this is one of the areas where reading the specifi-
cation is not a good indicator of EMC performance that will be good
eno ug h in the radio shack . Fig 13.5 : A power
Poss ibly the biggest disadvantage of using a lap top is that line filter
the I/O po rts may be quite c o nstricti ve . Many now have on ly USB recovered fr o m a
an d/or Firewire ports, which means that all level conversion for
plasma TV.
RS232 or TTL m ust be achieved outs ide of the unit. Unfortunately The f ilter
t hes e p rod ucts are not well screene d, oft e n being housed in components are
p lastic ca ses. It is importan t to examine the q ua lity of ite ms like ac ross th e top
US B/serial convertors, an d US B port exten de rs. Look fo r products half of the PCB .
in metal c ase s!
Mitigation Measures
However good the filtering, it
should be remembered that it was
provided at a pr ice and the
manufacturer will have been cost-
conscious. Some additional
mains filte ring could prove valu-
able, both by provid ing a reduc-
tion in the leakage signals, but
also by breaking the common
mode impedance between the
computer and its associated
hardware, and the elements ofthe
radio station itself.
A typical common mode filter looks like a low-pass filter,
usually w ith two inductive elements, which are common mode
chokes, and three stages of capacitive decoupling, perhaps us ing Y-
capacitors. A very good source of these materials is o ld computer
po wer supplies, or if you find somebody dismantling a defunct large
screen plasma TV they have excellent fi ltering on the mai ns . Fig 13 .5
shows a unit recovered from an old Sony plasma, which also con-
tains low vo ltage cont ro lled po wer o n/o ff switching, and as can be
Computers in Amateur Radio
65.0 650
60 .0 60.0
55.0 55.0
50.0 50.0
45.0 45.0
40.0 40.0
35 .0 35 .0
30 .0 30 .0
25 .0 25.0
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Higher clock frequencies present less of a problem on HF, but are
potentially more noticeable on VHF. However, most motherboards
and I/O boards, have clock dividers/multipliers which result in a
myriad offrequencies that could result in 'birdies' within the usable
radio spectrum.
Most motherboards are very well manufactured from the point of
view of RFI. They are built on multi-layer PCBs, with the outer planes
often being ground or power supply rails. All ofthe active tracks are
buried well away, inside the board. This is done, not only to control RFI,
but more particularly so that the impedance of the tracks can be closely
controlled. Many of the signal paths will be carrying bit rates well up
into the 1GB/s region, so impedance control becomes critical.
All motherboards will have an array of clock oscillators and
multipliers/dividers. It is therefore inevitable that some 'birdies ' will be
heard somewhere within the radio spectrum. The choice of a
motherboard will come down to preference of a particular chip-set
(Intel/AMD) and the user interfaces available, although these are becom-
ing more standardised.
Computers in Amateur Radio
If poss ible, these convertors are best housed within the tower
cab inet. The USB port connections can be found on the motherboard
and routed to the convertor, and its ser ial/parallel output routed to the
rear pane l. A good idea is to find the finger-p lates from old unused
interfa ce cards - these will have standard RS-232 connecto r or para llel
connector cut-outs and can be adapted to carry the connections to the
outs ide world . Often these will have fully screen connectors with built in
capac itors , so do not throwaway the or iginal connectors. It is a truism
that some of yesterday's products were better built than todays!
A big advantage of putting all the hardware inside the computer
case is that it is all connected to a common earth, thereby reducing the
possibility of ground loops .
Of course it is still possible to purchase motherboards with at least
two serial ports and there are su itable PCI - I/O cards which can add
more serial and/or parallel ports . These, however, are not the norm .
There is no doubt that the monitor of choice for the radio shack are
flat -screen solid -state LCD models. Perhaps this will change in the
future, with the rapid introduction ontp the market of Organic LED
(OLEO) monitors.
Very few RFI problems have been identified with LED monitors,
but once again you should look to the interface cable as a potential
source . Make sure that the screws are properly tig htened and keep
the cable away from live RF circu its.
Many monitors are independently supplied by small , Switched
Mode power units . These are notoriously bad sources of RFI. The
manufacturer may have fitted clip -on or moulded-on ferrites, but these
are often insufficient to stop radiation at higher frequencies. It is
advisable to fit additional ferrites on the power cord, and on the
output cable of the supply. Trying another PSU, of suitable voltage
and current rating may also help - quite often t he switching frequency
will be diffe rent, and a spurious sign al may be moved away/outside of
frequenc ies of interest. You may even find an old linear power supply
of sui table size and ratings .
There is also the issue of various clock osc illators within the
Monitor. The wise and add itional precaution here is to fit clip -on
ferrites to both the signal cable com ing from the computer, place this
as close as possible to t he connector on the mon itor, and once again
on the cable lead ing to the PSU. Finally, do not leave cables
sprawled around behind the monitor/computer. It is best to coil them
up , not only to make them look neat and tidy, but more particularly
to minimise radiation and pick-up of RF in the shack .
External Hardware
Already mentioned is the issue of common-mode signals andhowthey
can be prevented, but it is worth emphasising the need to connect all
Electromagnetic Compatibility
parts of the system to one common earth po int and ensure that any
cab les do not carry common mode signals by the generous use of clip-
on common-mode ferrite chokes .
Connections to/from transceiver(s) require special attent ion . Most
CAT interfaces use the RS232 interface standard , althoug h some
(notab ly Icom) have adopted a TIL interface.
Whichever is used , it is good practice to use an optically isolated
interface on data and contro l lines . Th is may either be built within a
purchased interface adapter or with a home -brew adapter bu ilt to one
ofthe many publ ished des igns .
TNCs and issues connected with these are somewhat sim ilar to the
CAT interface, except that the modulation signals need to be consid-
ered . In practice, by far the best way of dealing with low frequency
aud io circu its is by the use of 1:1 isolation transformers. Although these
are getting a litt le harder to source, they can be found in older surplus
modem interface cards . See the chapter on Interfac ing and Interfaces .
The more expensive solution for those who do not have an apt i-
tude for construction is one of the ready-made multi -mode interface
units, which hand le keying , data-mode modulation schemes as well as
the essent ials ofthe CAT interface.
For the homebrew constructor wishing to deal with sound card
input/outputs , there are a number of published circuit configurations,
the simplest involv ing small audio transformers to achieve physical
isolation, and thereby ground loop problems which may result in RFI/
EMC problems .
When tracking-down RFI it is important not to fo rget direct radia-
tion from interface devices. TNCs, mult imode adapters, bridges/routers
and the like that will contain microprocessors clocked at frequencies
up to or even greater than 24M Hz. Once aga in these may be divided or
multiplied, thus providing a spectrum full of birdies .
When investigating these problems, start with everything tu rned off
except for the station receiver. Turn things on one at a time, investigat-
ing at each stage what unwanted signals have ap peared . You should
certa inly find some sig nals and you will have to assess whether they
warrant tracking down.
Most computer clocks can be identified . Being crystal oscillators
thay are reasonably stable, if not a little raucous in tone . However, in
recent years there has been a tendency towards the use of 'dithered'
clock oscillators. These are quite diff icult to identify and sound more
like a noise source . The only way of being certain that they are a
source of interference is to turn them off.
The techniq ue of dithering a clock oscillator sp reads the spectrum
created, thus reducing the Power Spectral Density. Since EMC meas -
urements are made with defined bandwidth filters, spreading the sig nals
across the spectrum reduces the peak level, making it easie r for a
manufactu rer to meet the limits in the standard.
Computers in Amateur Radio
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Computers in Amateur Radio
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Ifrequired, further
filtering can be added to
the separated ADSL Plugs into
signal, by fitting a suit- master socket
able low pass filter. The
design shown in Fig
Connections to
13.14 is attributed to phone extensions
OZ7C . Standard value and ADSL modem Clip-on ferrite
components can be
placed in series and/or parallel, to
Ll L2
acheive the required values. It is 6.51uH 6.51uH
Fig 13.14: ADSL
filter attributed to
stated as having a 1dB ripple up
to its cutoff freq uency of 1MHz Uno 14.;31nF 16.~nF 14.;33nF modem
and offering 40dB of attenuation
at 1.8MHz (see Fig 13.15). L3
~ L4
6.5 1 uH 6.51 uH
-~~ --- - f---
-- --l -~ -
- --
Depending on the
distance ofthe access
multiplexer from the
subscriber's premises,
1\- ADSL2+ cantheoreti-
cally acheive download
\ - -
__L__ speeds of 24M bit/sec
and upload speeds of
I \ I I
I 3.5Mbitjsec. Using the
\ trading name BT Infinity,
BT is actively rolling it
=1 0.6 0.8
1.4 1.6 1.82.0
out across the UK. Early
experience is good,
although there have
Fig 13.15:
Performance of
MHz been reports of interfer- filter.
Computers in Amateur Radio
ence with 160m (Top Band), causing broadband to drop out. The
simple cure is to get the modem to train-up in the presence of the
amateur transmission. Be aware that if the modem retrains at another
time (for example after it has been power cycled), it will need to be
trained again in the presence of the amateur signal.
Instances of interference have been rare, which is as a result of
the very good balance of the network cables and wiring, right up to
the modem. BT do not use stub connections within their network,
which might otherwise cause imbalance and radiation. An important
point to remember here is that the 'good practice' BT adheres to
should be maintained right throughout the wiring. By choice, the
modem will be as close as practical to the master socket. All in-house
wiring beyond the modem should at the very least comply with the
CAT5 or - even better - CAT6 standard . Maplin and other suppliers
stock suitable cable with 5 Uniform Twisted Pairs (UTP), and connec-
tor boxes .
The filter shown in Fig 12.14 is not suitable for homes served with
ADSL2, since it cuts -off at too Iowa frequency. For ADSL2 frequencies
up to 2 .2MHz are employed .
If you have issues the best you can do for yourself is fit a Service
Specific Faceplate (SSFP) fitted to eliminate the internal wiring, since
(a) internal wiring acts as a significant antenna system to pick up
interfering signals, and (b) the SSPF will eliminate the additional
unbalance that this 3-wire network can create . If a SSFP is not suitable
because you require the flexibility provided by plug-in micro-filters,
the BT Broadband Accelerator plate ( may
help improve things, although this is only suitable for ADSL and
ADSL2 +. This however does not matter since BT Infinity is currently
installed with a SSFP only. BT also has a common mode filter, the
BT80A-RF3 (an example can be seen on www.kitz
btsockets.htm), that engineers will fit if they suspect noise issues (for
example from SMPSUs), but I don't know how you would go about
requesting this item from BT.
Sites like Kitz (www.kitz .co .uk) provide a lot of very useful infor-
mation on broadband and how it works, issues etc, with the section at .uk/adsl/rein.htm dealing with interference from faulty
power supplies (what BT call REIN).
If you suspect your broadband service is being interfered with by
REIN (it could be a regular pattern every evening or at a particular
time of day and fine at all other times), try listening on a battery
powered Medium Wave rad io tuned off station when you are experi -
enc ing broadband problems. You may hear a horrible buzzing noise,
especially if the radio is placed near the telecom network cable. If you
do hear this, turn off your mains power. If the no ise disappears the
source is almost certainly within your own home and you should trace
it by turning circuit breakers off one at a time and iso lating ind ividual
items of equipment. (Note that faulty power supplies can also be
Electromagnetic Compatibility
incredibly hot to the touch!). If you turn all the power off and the
buzzing does not disappear the problem is likely to be within another
property in the neighbourhood, in which case you could talk to your
neighbours to see if they have similar issues at the same times and
perhaps get them to do the same power down of their property.
Finally, ifthere is excessive RF around the shack (or household),
the use of clip-on fer rites may eliminate RFI on the phone connec-
tions, especially if the in-house network is old and runs alongs ide
mains cabling.
Computers in Amateur Radio
Internet Linking
by Steve White, G3ZVW (with information from other sources)
These days there are several ways in which radio amateurs can commu-
nicate without the straightforward use of a transceiver. Some Internet-
linked systems don't involve radio at all, but of those that do, not all
methods offer the same facilities.
The Internet Repeater Linking Project (IRLP) began in 1997, initially just as
an attempt to use the Internet to link radio systems across Canada. Early
trials were fraught with difficulties, butthe developers found that by using
computers running Linux instead of Windows, not only was the system
more stable, but it was easier to program for this as.
IRLP uses Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) with custom software
and hardware to link amateur radio systems without the use of an RF
link. The software used by
IRLP has a name - Speak
Freely - and a purpose
built hardware board (see
Fig 14.1).
Fig 14.1: The Referring to Fig
IRLP control
14.2 , IRLPworks like this:
At the local host,
audio is sampled by the
AID converter in a stand-
ard PC sound card . A 16-
bit stream of monaural
Internet Linking
PIT in
cos out
Transceiver Aud io out
Mia in
Three no rma lly
ope n MOSF ET Fig 14.2: How the
switches for
external co ntrol IRLP board
Line O ut
connects w ith a
Line In
PC and a
Cable or DSL
audio at 120 kb/sec is comp ressed down to 32kb/sec, split into packets
and transm itted via the Internet to the remote host. At the remote host
the aud io is decompressed back to a 16-bit stream and played through
the sound card. The software controls the stream using Carrier Operated
Squelch (COS) or Cont inuous Tone Coded Subaudible Squelch (CTCSS)
to start and stop the stream . When COS is present, the computer
detects it through the IRLP interface board. The PIT line to the radio is
controlled by the buffer that joins the audio packets back together.
While there are packets in the buffer the IRLP interface board receives a
'transmit' signal from the computer, and an 'unkey' command when the
buffer is empty.
Radio amateurs communicate over the IRLP network by interfacing
to the IRLP computer at a local node, using Dual Tone Multi Frequency
(DTMF) signals sent overtheir radio. DTMF sequences are programma-
ble and can used to accomplish almost any function. The DTMF signals
are detected on the IRLP interface board and sent directly to the com -
puter in binary, where they are converted into numbers . The commands
associated with these numbers are what start and stop Speak Freely,
basically establishing and breaking the link .
IRLP does not support access direct from the Internet; all QSOs are
via RF at each end . See: http://status.irlp .netjfora list of nodes.
Computers in Amateur Radio
When you start t he EchoLink softwa re, you r comp uter ta ps the
Interne t to connect to an EchoLink serve r. Before you can make you r
first connection to the network , you r callsign must be verified with the
information in the FCC database. This can take minutes or hours ,
depending on the state of the system , but it helps reduce the chances
of ,non hams ' entering the EchoLink network.
Once you 're validated (you only do this once) , the rest is easy.
The EchoLi nk server acts like a telephone switchboard in cyberspace. It
maintains a directory of everyone who is connected at any moment.
Afte r browsing the directory, you can request a connection between
your computer and that of another amateur.
Here's where it becomes interesting. The amateur on the EchoLink
receiving end may be sitting in front of his computer with a headset and
microphone. Alternatively he may have his compute r connected to a
radio at his station that is acting as an RF relay to a handheld trans -
ceiver or mobile rig. Or the destination station may be part of a re-
peater system . In any case, once the connection is established, any-
thing you say will wind up being heard in the other amateur's headset
or transmitted over the air.
At your end of the EchoLink connection, you may be the one
wearing the headset, or using a simplex connection to your base radio,
or using a repeate r. When you connect to an individual station , the
custom is to call in the same fashion as you would during a traditional
on-air conversation. If you are connecting to a distant repea ter system ,
you need to hesitate for about two seconds before speaking , to com -
pensate for the delay.
The EchoLink servers also support confe rencing , where several
amateurs can converse in a roundtable fashion. There are even
EchoLink nets that meet within these conference areas on a sched-
uled basis.
Internet Linking
Computers in Amateur Radio
Fig 14.5:
Connections of
the Yaesu HRI-
100 interface.
Cable or DSL
Internet Linking
Computers in Amateur Radio
ter's line input socket. Alternatively, the rig's built -in keyer automatically
converts typed messages into CW at user-chosen speeds ranging from
10 to 35WPM and at adjustable pitch from 400 to 650Hz. A novel feature
is opt ional background noise, which disappears when a stat ion is tuned
in and wh ich can be removed between stat ions by means of a Squelch
button . It's a useful fac ility that provides reassurance that the receiver is
actua lly wo rking ! An authentic-looking S-meter shows modu lation depth
on both transm it and rece ive.
The relative newness of CQ100 means that activity level is still
building but it is rare to make contact with anyone who is less than
enthusiastic about its potential. Unlike the real ionosphere , it's poss ible
to mo nito r activ ity via an automatic server activity g rap h helpfully
provided on the QSONET home pag e. Activity peaks seem usually to
occur mid-afternoon and in the early hours ofthe morning UTC. The
number of nets and skeds is increasing. A particularly interest ing exam-
ple is WA5QPZ's Sunday afternoon Flex Radio net (14.239MHz,
19.00UTC) wh ich runs bot h on HF and as a simulcast on CQ1 00. Any-
one struggling with 'real' ionospheric reception problems can turn
seamlessly to the virtual ionosphere bac kup; a good example of the two
technologies working toge ther, rather than in opposition.
The software appears to be remarkably bug-free and it is certainly
user-friendly and instinctive. Any perceived deficiencies - and there are a
few - are largely down to facto rs outside the control of the system's
desig ners. Speech quality is variable, simply because the quality of
computer sound cards is variable. Computer-type microphones also
often leave a lot to be desired . Another occasional problem is sound
break-Up because of Internet congestion.
When working well, CQ100 is very impressive indeed; and at a
time of indifferent band conditions the idea of having noise-free and
QSS-free contacts with stations all over the world will be attractive to
many radio amateurs , particularly those who live in a flat or similar
accommodation where antennas are a non-starter, or travel the world
with the ir laptops and can be 'on the air' in seconds wherever there is a
broadband facility. Another more incidental attraction is that CQ100
can also reach stations that cannot be contacted by conventional
radio, like Iraq during part of 2007 where radio transmissions were
banned but where computer links survived.
The most recent add-on is 'Dahdidah', which enables the CQ100
to be used for CW via a key connected to the computer's serial port.
Some work has been done on a logging program and a picture
sharing add-on.
As for future developments, the CQ100 Forum has produced a
number offanciful ideas includ inq the possibility of introducing simu-
lated 'bad band conditions ' and QRM.
Interfacing and Interfaces
Interfacing and
by Steve Wh ite, G3ZVW
There are nume rous commercially-made items of equ ipment that will
interface between a computer and a radio . Some are complex and
some are so simple that those with basic knowledge of electronics
should be ab le to build them . In th is chapter you will find information on
commercial and make-at-home interfaces .
Build Yourself
The simplest c ircuit that can be used to connect a computer with an
RS232 serial port (or a Centronics parallel port) to a transmitter requires
just one resistor and one general-purpose
NPN transistor. It is suitable for key ing CW Output
and PIT. For use in keying the PIT, make
sure that your transm itter has diodes across I 2N2222 or
nput equiva lent
the changeover relays to suppress the back Fig 15.1: Simple
EMF that inevitably arises when they release, CW keying and
or the transistor may be destroyed the first PTT interface.
time the PIT
signal goes off !
The circuit is K.e¥in9 9-pin RS232 25-pin RS232 Centronics
Input 4 20 17
shown in Fig
Ground 5 7 1
15.1. Typical Table 15.1:
connections are SimpleCW
EII 9-pin RS232 25-pin RS232
shown in Table keying and PTT
Input 7 4
15.1.Such interface
Ground 5 7
circuits are often connections.
Computers in Amateur Radio
Fig 15.3: Keying 1k A better method still of keying
interface using which removes the possibility
an opto-isolator.
of hum loops and reduces the
Input Tl~~~~~~25 possibility of RF pickup is to
use an opto isolator. The
circuit for this is shown in Fig
15.3. The type of opto isolator
is not critical. Darlington and non-Darlington types should work equally
well. The pinout of many opto isolators is as shown in Fig 15.4. If you
use a different type to the ones mentioned in the circuit, check before
you build the interface that the pinout is the same.
Once again, if you are going to use a curcuit such as this to key
Fig 15.4: The
pinout of typical the PTT, make sure the relays in the transmitter have diodes across them.
For datamode operation via a sound card , screened cables are called
for. The simplest connection will be two screened cables, one to carry
audio from the sound card of the computer to the radio and a second
to carry audio from the radio to the sound card. If your transmitter has a
'phone patch' (external , high level audio) input, it is recommended that
you use it in favour of the microphone input. This is because most
transmitter microphone inputs are very sensitive and it is all too easy to
Fig 15.5: Cabling
overload the input stage,
and audio
Radi o
audi o out
(Iine/p atch/
spea ker)
;};C Sound ca rd
Line In
which will result in distorted
audio when you transmit. If
suitable for you connect to a high level
connecting a Radio
10k Sound card audio socket, remember to
computer to a Micin Line Out unplug your microphone
radio that does 100R
during datamode operation
not have a high or it is possible that it will
level audio input.
pick up and transmit the
sound of whatever is going on in your shack while you are transmitting.
If your radio does not have a phone patch input you should build
the circuit shown in Fig 15.5, which includes a 100:1 attenuator. If your
radio does have a phone patch input, it is likely that you will be able to
omit the two resistors and connect the sound card output direct to the
radio input. Either way, adjust the microphone gain to a level that does
not cause the audio stages of the transmitter to be over driven.
Interfacing and Interfaces
frequencies. Suitab le types to use are shown in Table 15.2. Do not use
iron dust cores (eg T200-6), which can often be identified by the fact
that they are co lour coded .
If you experince hum on Radio
Sound card
Line Out
can be used to
isolate a radio
from a
Computers in Amateur Radio
tor radios, PC
modem cards, or
purchased from
various retailers .
Fig 15.8 shows an
old modem card
Fig 15.8: An old from a PC, with the
modem card audio transformer
from a computer, circled.
with the audio
Interfacing and Interfaces
Computers in Amateur Radio
Live Internet
by Steve White, G3ZVW
Chat Rooms
The most popular amateur radio chat rooms for arranging QSOs are run
by ON4KST (see Fig 16 .1). They are available at www
These text only chat rooms are used mainly by VHF/UHF OXenthusi-
asts (there are separate rooms for 50/70MHz, 144/432MHz, JT6M/EME/
CW and microwave), but there is also a chat room for 160m/80m. The
chat rooms are used prima rily to arrange QSOs and as an instant
messaging type talkback facility . A log in is required, but this is free and
it takes only moments to fill in the application, receive an e-mail re-
sponse and activate an account.
chat pages.
. ...
Centre panel -
OX Cluster.
Right panel -
current users.
lJ.JQl t~
1) 19 4S , ,U C\li·:QRI.r .w.:.
t) IUI DICW "",,
Live Internet Applications
Online Receivers
For a number of years there have been receivers available for use
online. The problem with conventional receivers is that only one person
can use them at a time, so usage by any given individual tends to be
very time limited. These days a whole new world has been opened up
because there are Software Defined Receivers (SDRs) available online.
As Fig 16.2 shows, at this time the SDR at the University ofTwente
in the Netherlands (see htlp:// is perhaps
Fig 16.2:
Composite of the
seven bands on
which the
University of
Twente DSP
receiver listens
m-LOOl><»J:w !'''OT"aU~ fJ
c.a« rtJ:l ~ lNt ywht lli' r----
CM'Il'I'>tUJaboutwhJi YWMIr"'I- - - -
<MAo "f'&": W LOObod 1& r.'OT oJ aus::nccJ;1
L.- ---.II ~Y trtet ~l eat )'W l" llI \~l dd f71:rm
Computers in Amateur Radio
the most usefu l for HF enthus iasts . It can be tuned across any amateu r
band up to 14MHz, with the aud io being heard via yo ur computer's
sound card. The receive mode , frequency, sideband and bandwidth are
highly adjustab le, and the receiver has an S-mete r and simultaneous
waterfall disp lays for all ba nds .
Fig 16 .3 shows details ofthe usage of one band (7MHz). At th e
time of ca ptu ring the image, 26 peop le were using the receiver simulta-
neously on this band alone. If you give your callsi gn , it shows up
against the frequency you are listening on, otherwise it shows your IP
See for a list of online SDRs.
Reverse Beacons
The Reverse Beacon Network (RBN) is a revolut ionary idea, which has
only become possible because ofthe Software Defined Receiver (SDR)
and Skimmer software . Instead of relying on beacon stations act ively
transmitting signals , the RBN is a worldwide network of SDRs that listen
continuously to the amateur bands and report what stations they hear,
when and at what signal strength .
Fig 16.4: The ::::J ., x ------'~~
I -
page, showing
recently heard
~'~-' _._--'.'
. . . _.. <_...... _bl'_._".-.-...
_ l'''''
18Gl'l ' ( 0
ltol1O. (0
Wl ll l O,",
~'tI"V ... .
0" ..~
,,~ ,,~
Live Internet Applications
PSK Reporter
p .
• Pq . SltItY- tooll - o· ..
31 uSI"9la1modf s 3 owrt M lnt l 12h ours :::J ~ ~
Computers in Amateur Radio
OX Clustering
The OX Cluster came into being as a near real-time alert system in the
mid 1980s , soon after the widespread adoption of Packet Radio around
the start of that decade. A large network of stations (mostly on VHF/
UHF, but some on HF) would pass 'OX Spots' around; information on
OXstations that had been spotted on the air. When you view OX Spots
it enables you to identify new or rare countries that you may wish to
contact, and when you input OX Spots it helps others to do the same.
The OX Cluster also has live online keyboard-to-keyboard chat, mail and
conference facilities .
In the early days it could take several minutes for a OXSpot to
propagate around the world. Even before the Internet became popular,
the radio network was linked to it. These days a high percentage of OX
Spots are input and viewed via the Internet, so much so that in many
countries the number of radio-based nodes has diminished. Even so, the
command structure of online cluster nodes that you can Telnet into is
still the same as it was in the 1980s.
There are a number of web sites and applications devoted to OX
There are numerous web-based OXClusters in existence, the 'OX
Summit' by Radio Arcala, OH8X (www.dxsummitfi)
gives users the opportunity to view OXSpots and Announcements.
Spots can be filtered by band, if required. OX Spots can also be input
(no login or user validation required) , for onward passing around the
network. OXSummit also has a search facility, whereby - for example -
all OX Spots relating to a given callsign or country prefix can be looked
up. Filters for mode or year can be applied , and lists of differing length
can be selected. To provide an easy link for additional information, when
OX Spots are displayed, the callsign of the spotter and the spotted
-- ,.
Fig 16.6: VE7CC ~~::::::;::::~:i~!.;.~;;~:!:;:;;!~;':: :::.;::!:=-,;~::::::::~~:;:::~::~:~::,;.;:'!'~;~::~;:':::::;; ..........,,,.,....
CC1,"1 111 1.5""0Il1 Jl«- ' - -ll1 '· " Ul " t kc U I K.I"·II "",,·nJ· 1U ·IlU.. · n · 1 ~ - U- U · • " Czn h - lIt pllt l l c- OIl" hl , - HlI... d h rU- Ujl,· ·HQ M
offers DX t l ,"ll ll l.I"U "",,", . -:el'· ' 11n · c~ tx cq U "ItUllH"I""'U"X1TTT- l""U"1\ "U""- • ·( lt oll1 .. ·f S· AI I .- ..... n t ~ l r'k- U., · ·HQU
Fell-l'lll.•-zn.- ,-K,W-111,",.s.rp, U' ".U D' K"US"'''"ItMPtls,"u"n" ,.-" · I n · S..,t ~ - IIf r1 c . - lS " U ill1 -(,,r -lhl n i . - U Jl- ·
Cluster users a
graphical user
...... .. . ...
CC11·'1 IU. 1"On J" ' -Kw -" 11" 11\61" Tl'tX"nUW"1U"U\"SUC LX"1I " 1.": 1"1\" " " - h -O¥"Sl IOlPllh - H " ·
llW _P U'"X1O - 1 1 -"""' ·1111 U 1U ,. ~ ,.\ 1I". ptll pr)
..... "M ,.
C_ _ U ..... ""
......, _.. .. ...... ... ::J
Sp_ tt. r Fr . q
interface. 'w
, ,
, ,
, ,
' r;;;-
, '" "
" "
., ',. : .... n
Sf 1·11 • • ~ 1-1
Live Internet Applications
Fig 16.7: OX
maps. When a
spotted, the
callsigns at each
end of the QSO
are added to the
map in the
place and a line
is drawn
between them .
Computers in Amateur Radio
and for individual bands from 28MHz to 432MHz. The maps are con-
stantly updated, providing a near real-time picture of what is going on
OX-wise on the VHF bands. They should not be relied upon 100%
though , because the informstion used to create them is what has been
input by users of the OX Cluster, and mistakes are sometimes made.
There is a perfect example of this in Fig 16.7, because it shows TA7Q in
KM91 when he is actually in KN91.
Path lines are shown in different colours , according to the propa-
gation mode via which a QSO took place and users soon get accus-
tomed to looking at where red path lines cross , because that is where
the Sporadic-E clouds are. There is also a page that gives estimates of
Sporadic-E MUFs.
An alternative to the OX Sherlock facility is the Live MUF program
by Dave Edwards, G7RAU. It is available as a free download from http:/
/g7rau .demon
Live MUF is a OX Cluster Telnet client that attempts to resolve
propagation modes from spots and also attempts to calculate Spo -
radic -E possibilities, based purely on incoming data from the OX
Cluster. It has great circle mapping built in to the application for the live
mapping of spots. Live MUF can also be used as a worldwide converse
Telnet client, ON4KST Telnet client and OX Cluster at the same time.
" T SA'''' kle of t.tull Scotla nd ( 6 003W, 56.22" . 1066 xj Il at e51: da la from 01 B.t.2010 122:00 UTe
200 :. ... :., /: ;.. . . .~ 1; :K) :v ,& : :": C '" s :
)0 ; :K O: :K 2: :K 2: :K 2 :K 3 ' '10' KO:
: :
Fig 16.8:
GM4PMK's live
.. ~ .
.. 1 T.
1 ,· ·,..· 1· >.,r. I""".,.fI..,A r.. -;;a~
Live Internet Applications
The Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi
by Peter Goodhall , 2EOSQL
Technical Specification
The Raspberry Pi
USB port and no Ethernet (network connection), whereas the Model B Fig 17.1: Life size
has 512Mb RAM, 2 USB ports and a 100Mbps Ethernet port . top and bottom
Both models use a Broadcom BCM2835 that contains an views of the
Raspberry Pi.
ARM1176JZFS with floating point, running at 700MHz , plus a Video core
4 GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) which has more than enough power
Fig 17.2:
to play Blu-ray quality video using H.264 at 40Mbitsjs.
Raspberry Pi
Overall the real-world performance ofthe Raspberry Pi is similar to
Model B layout.
a 300M Hz Pentium 2 and the CPU is on
par with the Microsoft Xbox 1.
using network ing and high current USB peripherals (keyboard , mouse),
will require aro und lOOmA. The Model A will likely require around
300mA. If you want a more 'green' option or to use it portable , it's
possible to run it using 4 x AA cells . It is however recommended you use
a voltage regula tor.
You have two options for connecting the Raspberry Pi to a visual
display; you can use the composite connector and an old style ana-
logue television or the HOMI connector which provides a 1080p high-
quality output. If you don 't have an HOMI input on your monitor or
television , you can get adapters to convert HOMI into OVI or VGA.
Audio output via a 3.5mm plug . It is also poss ible to get aud io out
via the HOMI connector. What isn't available is an audio input, so if
you're looking at feeding audio in from your radio you will need a USB
Next are the USB connectors . Oepending on which model you
choose you will either have one or two USB2.0 ports. Both ports use the
same bus, so if you want to connect lots of USB devices it is highly
recommended you purchase a powered hub to go along with your
Raspberry Pi.
Netwo rking is prov ided on the Model B via a 100M bps Ethernet
port. If you buy a Model A and require networking capabilities, you will
need to purchase USB Wireless (
RPi_VerifiedPeripherals#USB_WiFi_Adap ters) or Ethernet devices (http:// that are
suitable for Linux.
Storage for the Linux-based operating system is provided by the
SO card slot on the underside of the board. You can use any class of SO
card , but most users seem to use between Class 4 and Class 10 with
reasonable successes. However, it is worth noting that not all SO cards
will work well with the Raspberry Pi. The eLinux Wik i (
RPi_VerifiedPeripherals#SO_cards) has a comprehensive list of what
others have tried and tested , to find what works or doesn't.
Unlike most desktop computers that you can buy on the high street
running Microsoft Windows or Apple OSX, the Raspberry Pi uses the
Linux operating system . This is nothing to worry about. You'll quickly
get used to using it.
The Raspberry Pi Foundation recommends that you use the
Raspbian Linux distribution (http :// ,
which is based on the Oebian (http :// is one ofthe
most popular Linux distributions in the world. Of course , if you 're a more
technical user, there are a couple of other flavou rs of Linux available
including Arch and RiscOS , and many more being ported to the ARM
The Raspberry Pi
! Ra:spi-cont'l q
Username: pi ••
Password: raspberry • ~xpand_:roo~ f '
oyer s can
l xp a nd roo t 'Pa r<tlt l o n to t111 so card
Chanqe c'Yer.tle..n
ccn!lqur~ ll:t~'bo.r d Set. 1I:
,, }"boa r d l.yout
chanqc pa, s Chanqt J:as .llIOr d r e f ' '1'1' us er
ehanqe.- loeal e Se t re e ere
change-t~ rone Set ttae::one
If the tool didn 't load after this you can aaII:Jzy-spll t Ch&r..; e - . c ry s p U .t
Oyerc:l oc:1I: ConUIr,u:e o., ercloell:1nq
do a 'sudo rasp i-config ' within this area. You .,h
boot tleh...ioll.z
En.a.ble o r S:Jh :le t T e r
.start <H lI ln:cp en bool;?
updai"" Tr y to \;pqra d e r,upi -cQnfi q
can res ize the SO card , set a new password
(highly recommended) and also enable
over-clocking . I'd recommend doing th is. It
doesn 't void the warranty (http:// In the Overclock section enable the
Turbo mode. This allows the CPU to boos t up to 1GHz, rather than the
default 700MHz.
In the config tool you may also want to enable SSH if you plan on
connecting to the Raspbe rry Pi remotely. If you selected the
Expand_rootts the Pi will need to reboot. Once it has and you 've logged
in with your newly created password you can start the graphical inter-
face by typing:
start x
The Raspberry Pi
to further programs wh ich have bee n installed . You'll not ice as you
install more applications they won't all show and you'll have to run them
from the term inal screen .
To install other applications you can normally find them via the
Advanced Packaging Tool. From the Terminal screen, type:
Shack Usage
The Raspberry Pi could and can have many uses within the amateur
radio shack . Due to it being a new product the possibilities are only just
starting to be explored.
In th is section we are going to explore using the Raspberry Pi to
do some basic tasks . This should give you a sufficient understanding, so
that you can then start exploring what's possible and push the bounda-
ries of the device yourself.
There are numerous software packages available for Linux that will
decode APRS packets. Some of these are pre-co mpiled binaries that
you can install via APT. Alternatively they will need to be compiled
manually from source. Don't let this stop you though, because most
have comprehensive guides on howto set them up.
The Raspberry Pi
Due to the fact the Raspberry Pi doesn 't have any soundcard
inputs you will either have to connect a TNC or try one of the sound
modem packages such as Multimon - Packet Soundcard (http://
www.baycom .org/-tom/ham /linux/multimon .html)
A grea t package to get started with is XASTIR (http :// .This is sown in Fig 17.6. Installation is straightforward .
Open -up the terminal screen then issue the com mand to insta ll:
This process might take some tim e, de pen ding on the speed of
yo ur Internet co nnection
and what else your Pi is
currently doing, but it will
tell yo u when it is com - Fig ure 16.7:
plete . Once installed if FL-Digi in PSK-31
you click on the start
menu icon then go to
'other' you shoul d find
xastir. If not, ty pe the
fo llowing on the com-
mand line and it should
load up :
';xas it r
You'll now need to configure the interfac e that you want to use and
also the maps . You ca n either use the basic wor ld outl ines or the highly
comprehensive Ope n Street Map tiles.
Digital Modes
Even though the Raspberry Pi doesn't have audio inputs, don't let this
put you off. With the help of a cheap externa l soundcard or a data
interface which has a bui lt in soundcard you can achieve good results .
A great application to start with is FL-Digi (Fig 17.7 shows a
screenshot of FL-Digi in PSK-31 mode) . It's simple enough to install, just
by installing though the APT package manager:
The Raspberry Pi
Remote SDR IQ
A very useful
application for the
Raspberry Pi might
be as a remote
SDR IQ streaming
serverfor RTL
chipset SDRs
... , _w ..
, ... ilrw q-
. f l t ' . . f.l."
• •_
. .....
NUol.ll'04"U" U ,
_ .. . u.l.UI
remotely control
the dongle via a
range of software
packages like SDRSharp (http://sdrsharp .com) on Windows (see Fig
17.10) . This is made possible using the RTL-SDR toolset which is avail-
able from
Getting it to work on the Raspberry Pi requires a little work, but it's
worth the effort. To do this type the commands below in the terminal.
The Raspberry Pi
Figure 17.10:
NfW ..... LS8 use streaming the
• WI N 0S8 C'Wl cw.u broadcast band.
r ,~ 99,112,n7 :
c... 99 ,400 .000 :
... D
r_",.. ~ ... ~l
r.... . . . . r_oW
".,.,. :
You then need to compile what you have done with the following:
cd rtl-sdr/
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install
sudo Idconfig
Once it's completed and you've restarted the Raspberry Pi, type:
rtUcp -a
Please note that the IP address should be the one assigned to your
Raspberry Pi, so you'll probably need to change it. As long as you get
no errors you're now ready to connect to the RTL_TCP server from
another application . I'm going to use SDRSharp , but there are other
applications available for Linux.
SDR# is easy to use. I'd recommend you download the nightly
build as it has all the latest features, then it's just a matter of selecting
RTL-SDR / TCP and filling out the IP information to match the Raspberry
Pi and clicking Play! You can now use SDRSharp normally.
External Interfaces
The Raspberry Pi
Useful Programs and Web Links
Useful Programs
and Web Links
by Steve White, G3ZVW
Besides the usefu l software that can be found on the CD that accompa-
nies this book (and listed in Append ix 2) , here are some suggestions .
A bas ic drawing package will enab le you to create circuit symbols and
draw lines between them to create a circu it diagram . Such a package
will also enab le you to draw block diagrams, flow charts, antennas and
simple plans.
Circuit simulators
Designing RF filters used to involve a lot of mathematics. It still does,
but now your computer can do that for you and show you graphically
the response of a filter that you have designed. Such a package will
contain virtual test equipment, so it will also be capable of taking a
circuit diagram andsimulating its operation, to give you confidence in it
working. Most packages work to the SPICE (Simulation Program with
Integrated Circuit Emphasis) standard.
Circu it simulator packages will not design circuits for you and are
not easy to learn, but they are capable of similating quite accurately any
design and finding a fault in it.
Computers in Amateur Radio
Antenna design
There are nume rous tools available to desig ning antennas . Some exist
as web based applications, while others exist as downloadable pro-
grams orspreadsheets.
Internet Resources
Well-known for its worldwide callsign database, this site also has discus-
sion forums, an online swapmeet, practice amateur radio exams (US
syllabus) and an amateur radio trivia quiz.
This suite of programs from Andy Talbot , G4JNT includ ing programs for
calcula ting distances and bear ings, the spot height for any given site,
Locator system conversions and distance / bearing measurement,
Useful Programs and Web Links
troposcatter loss for two sites , the path profile between two sites , maps
of paths worked between many sites, a local height colour map , 3D
representation of local heights, a Great Circle world map based on any
locator, a wide area height colour map, the horizon view from any site
and more.
The programs were written for a DOS environment, but you should
have no problems running them underWindows. You will need PKUNZIP
or WINZIP to open the download file.
The regulatorforthe UK communications industries, with responsibilities
across television , radio , telecommunications and wireless communica-
tions services.The site contains a number of information sheets of
interest to radio amateurs.
Yahoo! Groups
Discussion boards on just about every amateur radio topic, from indi-
vidual models of equipment, through DXing to local clubs.
Locator calculators
Calculate Locator from latitude and longitude (and vice-versa):
Find Locator direct from Google maps:
http ://
Calculate Locator from UK National Grid Reference:
IARU Societies
Most national societies have web sites . They are all accessible via a
page at the IARU web site, www.iaru .org/iaru -soc .html
Software collections
There are so many web sites that contain collections of utilities and
programs it would be impossible to list them all. Here are three worthy
of mention:
A site that contains links to numerous utilities.
Computers in Amateur Rad io
Conta ins numerous links to programs and utilities. The emphasis is on
satell ites, but there utilities of all kinds .
Utilities and software mainly for MS Windows .
This is the starting point for the site. Navigation buttons are provided to
take you to the rest ofthe site. The latest news headl ines are displayed
prom inent ly, as are links to special offers and new features . There are
links to pages for news, local information, membersh ip, committees
and operating.
Members' area
The Members' Area ofthe RSGB website offers a selection of valuable
amateur radio resources to members of the society. The weekly news is
published here two days before is appears on the piblic pages, plus
there are news archives, the minutes of Broad and Council mettings,
Fig 18.1: Join this downloadable logos, the RSGB bylaws, planning advive, a searchable
Yahoo! Group if version of the small ads that is found every month in RadCom, informa-
you need tion on operating abroad, the RSGB QSL Bureau, details of the insur-
technical advice ance offered to affiliated groups, hundreds of links to the web sites of
or can help national and local clubs and societies, links to technical leaflets etc.
3 • (
RSGBTech is technical help forthe
".. ~T""
_ .........._ .. ....._ ....." '_......__........1_
21st Century. It is an RSGB Internet
site located on Yahoo!(see Fig 18.1).
11.......-01 ' _ _ ""1 .
_ , hI .oIo.
Its purpose is to be the first port of
"'....r - call for technical queries on amateur
..._. ..._.. ..-.. . . __.. . '. __II_'.. ..-:..,.rJ·,......
- . . - - .. _ _ ...._ _ A.:!:• •
site, but people from other special
interest groups and radio amateurs
from overseas .
Useful Programs and Web Links
Contest Committee
Sinc e the merg er of the HF an d VHF Con-
test Committees, there has bee n a major
reorganisation oftheirweb pages . There is GB3CS
st ill a frequency dist inction between HF and
VHF events , but all RSGB contesting pages
now co me under one site .
The major part of the site is devoted to GB3 HA
Computers in Amateur Radio
nu merous EMC leaflets , to help you iden tify and resolve problems .
There are also links to lists of EMCjtechnical advisors . Another page
lists all the different models and uses of the ferrite rings and EMC filters
that RSGB stock .
Spectrum Forum
The Forum was launched in 2004. It is a grouping of all RSGB spectrum-
related voluntary bodies and close affiliates. The Forum replaced the
earlier RSGB structure ,whereby separate committees focused upon
different areas ofthe spectrum. The Forum looks across the whole
spectrum , forming short-term Working Groups or ad hoc teams to focus
on specific issues. Thus , the Forum is agile , better linked both internally
and externally with other groups and is able to be seen as a single point
of representation for the UK amateur radio enthusiast.
A major part ofthe site is devoted to band plans , with HTML and
Excel spreadsheet versions available . Other parts of the site deal with
news, awards , consulation documents, developments,
Useful Programs and Web Links
Computers in Amateur Radio
Appendix 1
The Modern Personal
by Steve White , G3ZVW
Power Supply
The power supply converts the AC supply from the mains to various DC
voltages used by the PC. More powerful machines need supplies
capable of delivering more current. In desktop systems such as the one
shown in Fig 19.1, the power supply is almost always at the top back of
the machine . It will require a mains cable with a female IEC connector.
Some power supplies have power and/or voltage selector switches ,
while some don't. Some power supplies also have an IEC female (outlet)
connector on the back, for powering additional equipment, for example
the display screen.
The Random Access Memory (RAM) used in PCs comes in standard
sizes (256MB , 512MB, 1GB etc). Depending on the operating system
and software you run , you may require more or less of it. Systems with
less momory tend to run slower, so a relatively inexpensive way of
increasing your computing power is to increase the amount of memory.
The Modern Personal Computer
Power cabling
A wiring loom with a variety of connectors will emerge from the power
supply. Each device installed in the machine will need power connecting
to it. Even in machines that are loaded-up with a lot of devices , some of
the connectors are likely to remain unused.
CD/DVD Drive
For installing programs, listening to music, backing-up data, etc . Older
Fig 19.1: Inside a
drives were CD-only read -only types. More modern drives can also read
modern desktop
DVDs, as well as write to a variety of media . The most modern machines computer.
may have a BluRay drive.
(beneath CD/DVD
fan and drive
/"-......- -/'--- - -1""'' "---- - - --==-..;:,-- - -='''''--..-
dashed Loud- RTC Ribbon cables (for data USB
line) speaker battery to/from disk drives) sockets
Computers in Amateur Radio
Floppy Drive
Almost obsolete now, but used for installing small programs, backing up
small amounts of data etc. New machines are not equipped with floppy
disk drives, because it has become more convenient to move or store
small amounts of data on memory sticks or across networks.
Hard Drive
Sealed disk that stores most ofthe information (programs and data) on
the machine. Data is retained when the machine is switched off. Some
machines may be equipped with more than one hard drive.
USB Sockets
The Universal Serial Bus is used for the connection of a wide variety of
hardware, such as printers, scanners, external disk drives, memory sticks
etc. USB sockets are often found on the back of computers and some-
times on the front as well .
Ribbon Cables
Used for devices that require parallel connection to carry data, typically
disk, CD and DVD drives . Different drives (e.g. floppy disk and hard
disk) use different cables , which are not interchangeable.
RTC battery
Used to keep the Real Time Clock running when the machine is
switched off, this battery also enables the machine to retain basic
settings (disk drive types and capacities etc) when it is switched off.
Most systems use a flat, button-shaped lithium battery. Expect such a
battery to last about five years. The battery can be unclipped from its
holder and replaced.
Used by the machine for basic sounds, e.g. error warnings on startup.
Populated with components that carry out many of the functions of the
machine. There will be a Basic Input Output System (BIOS) chip that
enables the computer to boot from disk, the Real Time Clock (RTC) and
controllers for the keyboard, mouse, video graphics, network, sound ,
joystick, USB etc. The CPU chip invariably plugs into a socket. On
different motherboards expect the components shown in Fig 17.1 to be
in different places.
Expansion Slots
Printed circuit boards that can be used for numerous purposes plug into
these sockets. In early PCs is was common for several boards to be
required, indeed older motherboards were larger and has more sockets.
The Modern Personal Computer
I/O Connectors
Accessed from the rear of the machine, there will be sockets for the
kayboard, mouse, network, USB devices, sound, joystick, video display
etc. Some motherboards are equipped with sockets for a parallel printer
and/or RS232 serial comms. See the following paragraphs .
Power Switch
Typically a small rocker switch, this can be used to power the computer
completely off. Of left 'on', the power supply will in fact be in standby
mode when the computer appears to be 'off'.
Voltage Selector
Used for switching between 115/230Voperation. Some power supplies
are 'universal' types that can accommodate any input voltage, in which
case this switch will not be present.
Computers in Amateur Radio
Power Inlet
Male IEC connector. Power supplies that have an outlet will be equipped
with an additionallEC female connector.
The most popular wiring scheme for lEE 802.3 networking uses
Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cable. The standard plug and socket is
the RJ45 'jack'. Cables need to be made with care to work efficiently at
higherspeeds. When used for 10/100/1 OOOBASE-T networking , the
maximum cable length for Cat5e is 100m (sorn horizontal). When used
for 10GBASE-T, Cat6 is limited to 37m or 55m, depending on its envi-
ronment. Cat6 cables must not be kinked or bent too tightly.
For connecting a computer to a router, switch or hub , a straight
cable is required. For connecting two computers together without a
router, switch or hub, a crossover cable is required.
If you are going to make a cable , you must use the correct cable
type, because the guage of the conductors and the twists in the pairs
are critical to performance. You will require a special crimping tool to
terminate the cables . Also , there must be an absolute minimum of
untwisting of the pairs as they enter the plugs. Either wiring scheme
shown below is OK.
The Modern Personal Computer
The Video Graphics Adap ter connector is a 15-pin high density D-type.
High Definition Multimedia Interface. The Type A is commonplace. Type
C is the newer mini HDMI plug. The pinouts shown below apply to the
Type A and Type C. The 29-pin Type B is able to carry an expanded
video channel, but is rarely used .
Pin Name
1 TMDS data 2+
2 TMDS data 2 shield
3 TMDS data 2-
4 TMDS data 1+
5 TMDS data 1 shield
6 TMDS data 1-
7 TMDS data 0+
8 TMDS data 0 shield
9 TMDS data 0-
10 TMDS clock+
11 TMDSclockshield
12 TMDS clock-
13 CEC (control)
14 No connection
15 SCL (DDC clock)
16 SDA (DDC data)
17 DDCjCECground
18 +5V
19 Hot plug detect
Computers in Amateur Radio
Analog joystick interface . On Gameport connectors fitted to sound
cards, pins 12 and 15 are usually devoted to MIDI (Musical Instrument
Digital Interface) usage .
PS/2 Connectors
The keyboard and mouse on an IBM-compatible PC are connected with
a 6-pin miniature DIN plug ofthe same type. A mouse plug and socket
are usually green, while a keyboard plug and socket are usually purple.
Pin Name Description
1 DATA Data 6 5
Not connected
Gnd ,~,
4 VCC +5VDC 2 1
5 CLOCK Clock
6 N/C Not connected
Pin Name Description
1 DATA Data
2 N/C or DATA2 for dual PS/2
3 GND Gnd
5 CLOCK Clock
6 N/C or CLOCK2 for dual PS/2
The Modern Personal Computer
There are two connectors in common use, both D-types. In older equ ip-
ment it tends to be 25-pins (which supports the full specification) , whi le
on modern PCs it is 9-pin . This smaller connector means that only a sub-
set of the modem control signals are supported , but it is sufficient for
normal communication .
RS232 was introduced to enable electronic equipment to commu-
nicate serially via modems . This led to two terms being introduced -
Data Terminal Equ ipment (DTE) forthe main equipment (originally
Teletype terminals , but now also computers and USB-RS232 adapters ,
etc) and Data Set Equ ipment (DSE) for modems . DTE equipment will
have a 9-pin male connector, the fema le connector being on the cable .
Designed to connect peripherals such as mice , keyboards ,scanners ,
digital cameras , memory sticks , printers and hard disks. Up to 127
devices may be connected in a tree -like fashion on a USB bus.Hubs
may be cascaded .
r --- - ~
Pin Name Colour Description
1 VCC Red +5VDC 1 2 3 4 A
2 D- White Data -
3 D+ Green Data +
GND Black Ground
May be disconnected ,
GND, or used as
~ 4 3
attachment I/D
am-% Mini
Computers in Amateur Radio
Firewire (IEE1394)
A high speed serial interface that uses differential signals. Used typically
for high-end equipment and applications such as scanners , digital
video, digital audio mixing, etc.
8 ; d~ 43 21
On desktop systems there are usually three 3.5mm stereo jack sockets ,
for the inputting and outputting of audio . In terms of left and right audio ,
all the sockets are wired the same. The microphone input is usually red,
the line input is usually blue and the output is usually green. Many
laptop computers only have one input socket.
Connection Usage
Sleeve Ground
Ring Right
Tip Left
The Modern Personal Computer
Pin Pin Name Description
(PC) (Prtr) 0000000000000
1 1 IStrobe Strobe
25 14
2 2 00 Data Bit 0
3 3 01 Data Bit 1
4 4 D2 Data Bit 2 18
Data Bit 3
Data Bit 4
Data Bit 5
\ 36 19
8 8 D6 Data Bit 6
9 9 07 Data Bit 7
10 10 lAck Acknowledge
11 11 Busy Busy
12 12 POut Paper Out
13 13 Sel Select
14 14 IAutofeed Autofeed
15 n/c Not used
16 OV Logic Ground
19 17 ChassisGnd Shield Ground
18 +5VPuliup +5 V DC (50 mA max)
20 19 Gnd Signal Ground (Strobe)
20 Gnd Signal Ground (Data 0)
21 Gnd Signal Ground (Data 1)
22 Gnd Signal Ground (Data 2)
23 Gnd Signal Ground (Data 3)
24 Gnd Signal Ground (Data 4)
25 Gnd Signal Ground (Data 5)
26 Gnd Signal Ground (Data 6)
27 Gnd Signal Ground (Data 7)
28 Gnd Signal Ground (Ack)
29 Gnd Signal Ground (Busy Ground)
25 30 IGndReset Reset Ground
16 31 IReset Reset
15 32 IFault Fault (Low when offline)
33 OV Signal Ground
34 n/c Not used
35 +5V +5VDC
17 36 ISlctin Select In (Taking low or high sets printer
on-ine or off-line respectively)
Computers in Amateur Radio
Appendix 2
Software on the CD that
accompanies this book
The following are brief descriptions and information from the maker's
websites ofthe included shareware/freeware on the CD that accompa-
nies this book. Please note this software is supplied with no warranty or
implied approval by the Radio Society of Great Britain. The producers
of this CD have made no charge for the software listed below and
provide no technical support for it. Most of these programs are de-
signed for PC use only and not all will work with Vista, Windows 7 or 8.
If you choose to use the software it is entirely at your own risk and you
are bound by any conditions applied by the makers or their agents.
Should any feature ofthe software's use be illegal or have restrictions
placed on its use in your jurisdiction, you must only make legal use of
this software or its features. The Radio Society of Great Britain will not
accept any responsibility for losses or damage arising from the use of
this software. We provide no installation instructions, but all items are
either zip or self installing files .
A comprehensive logger program designed for amateur radio station
operators. It has a convenient interface , a good set oftools, is fast and
very easy to use. It looks like your paper logbook and uses all power of
your computer. It can be integrated with the CW terminal program
CwType, Morse decoder, CwGet and RTTY/PSK31 software TrueTTY.
Also you can use AAVoice for voice operations . AALog is LoTW and compatible.
Software on the CD that Accompanies This Book
AGW Software
This package includes:
AGW DX Robot Disp lays the DX Robot Auro ra and Sporad ic-E
Propagation for Europe .
Airlink Express
A user-friendly digital mode software package for the amateur rad io
operator. The software is compatible with Microsoft Windows Xp,
Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Windows 7. It offers PSK, MFSK
and RnY digital modes, with logging and macro capabil ities. If you
have ever used Digipan software you will be immediately familiar with
Airlink Express .
Contest Trainer
A great contest trainer, produced by G4FON . Please note that this is
shareware and limited to 20 OSOs .
Translate Morse code to printed text with your PC sound card . Version
2 .81 .2, Vista Compatible .
A program to decode Morse code (CW) via sound card to text. It can
also work as a narrowband DSP filter. No additional hardware is required
- you need only a receiver and a computer with a sound card . Can
integ rate with AALog logger.
Computers in Amateur Radio
A program to learn and train the Morse code, which needs a sound card
and Win95/98/ME/2000/NT/XP. The Morse message of page amateur
radio has been generated with CW_PLAYER. CW_PLAYER includes
automatic CW keying of the transmitter, through serial and parallel
ports, or manual keying through the Joystick port. A special menu will
add some fun for children.
Version 1.6. Multi-channel CW decoder and analyzer used with the
software defined radios.
• A very sensitive CW decoding algorithm based on the methods of
Bayesian statistics;
• Simulatneous decoding of all CW signals in a receiver's passband
(up to 700 signals can be decoded in parallel on a 3GHz P4 if a
wideband receiver is used);
• A fast waterfall display, with a resolution sufficient for reading Morse
code dots and dashes visually;
• Callsigns are extracted from the decoded messages, and t he traces
on the waterfall are labeled with stations' callsigns;
• Extracted callsigns are exported as DX cluster spots via the built-in
Telnetcluster server;
• A DSP processor with a noise blanker, AGC, and a sharp, variable-
bandwidth CWfilter;
• An I/O recorder and player.
The termi nal program for CW operators. You can transmit both from the
keyboard and from a paddle connected to game or LPT port. You can
also operate in iambic mode. Control of the transceiver (PIT and CW
keying) is made through the LPT or one of the COM ports. Can inte-
grate with AALog software.
A suite of interoperating applications designed to automate amateur
radio DXing activities. Each application can be independently installed
and utilized. When multiple applications are running, they sense each
other's presence and interoperate appropriately. All DXLab applications
are free and contain no advertising. They run on Windows 95, 98, 98SE,
NT, 2000 , and XP. Commercial use is expressly forbidden. You will also
find the latest development releases of the same software.
Software on the CD that Accompanies This Book
• Commander allows you to control your Alinco, Elecraft, Flexradio,
Icom, JRC, Kachina, Kenwood, TenTec, or Yaesu radio from a PC
(Vista compatible).
• DXKeeper is comprehensive amateur logging software.
• DXLab Launcher makes it easy to control individual DXLab applica-
tions, or a specified group of DXLab applications.
• DXView presents a world map, upon which beam headings, stations
you spot, the sun's position, and the solar terminator are continu-
ously displayed.
• Pathfinder makes it easy to find QSL information from web-accessi-
ble sources like address and manager databases and country-
specific callbooks.
• PropView uses VOACAp, ICEPAC, and IONCAP propagation predic-
tion engines, to forecast the minimum and maximum useable fre-
quencies between two locations over 24 hours.
• SpotColiector is a free application that captures spots from up to
four additional telnet-accessible DX Clusters, the DX Summit spot-
ting network (via the #CQDX IRC channel) and local PacketCluster
(via a TNC or the AGW soundcard packet engine).
• WinWarbler allows you to conduct QSOs in PSK31, PSK63, PSK125
and RTTY modes using your soundcard's analog -to-digital and
digital-to-analog conversion functions.
Rig Control
Provides rig control through a richly-featured full-screen interface and
other products in the Ham Radio Deluxe Suite via a direct connection
orTCP/IP remote access.
Provides QSO logging, DX cluster connectivity, callsign lookup, awards
tracking (with integration to LOTW, eQSL, and Ham Radio
Deluxelog .net), and contesting. Microsoft Access and MySQL are
supported, with strong features for backup and recovery.
Computers in Amateur Radio
Satellite Tracking
Provides satellite operations, with rig control and Goog le Earth integration.
Provides control for 15 popular models of antenna rotators .
Jason Mode
Jason is a weak signal communication program, especially ta ilored for
LF work.
This program is for transm itting and receiving SSTV using a PC's
Superb RTTYsoftware program.
A multi-mode sound card amateur radio program for receiving and
transmitting in RTTY, PSK, FSK and MFSK modes.
Antenna analyzing tool based on the moment method, which was
introduced in MININEC.
Morse Trainer
Version 9 of the great Morse trainer produced by G4FON.
Multi PSK
Multimode program by F6CTE that supports phase shift keying modes,
on-off keying modes, frequency shift keying modes, multi frequency
shift keying modes, baseband modes, Hellschreiber modes, graphic
modes , OSP filters / analysis / bnaural CW reception, RTTY, CW,
BPSK31, BPSK63 and PSKFEC31 panoramics, and Video ID / RS ID /
Call 10 iden tifiers , a TCP/IP digital modem and an integered SDR
Software on the CD that Accompan ies This Book
N1MM Logger
The world' s most popular contest logging program. For CW, phone
and digita l modes, its combination of contest-optimized features is
unmatched. All major and many minor HF Contests are supported .
Inc lud es general OX logg ing, OXped ition, OXSatellite and VHF OX.
SSB, CW and digital support. Multi-user support, rover support for QSO
part ies and ot her contests which support th is. VHF and up contesting .
Transverter support (SHF bands supported up to 10 , 24, 47, 76, 142
and 241 GHz) . Oxped ition mode (stay in run, or S&P) .
This nice software, developed by WB8RCR, lets you des ign and print
your own QSL cards , allowing you to personalise the background by
importing pictures or just filling with a plain colour, and lets you person-
alise headings and address, as well as your own callsign . It can import
AOIF log file for auto-filling fields during the print process, or allows you
to insert QSO data directly into a tab le.
Satellite tracking program for Windows, Mac OS and Linux . You can
use it to find out the position of any of the 8000+ satellites and orbital
debris in orbit around the earth right now. Anything from the Interna -
tional space station to a misplaced spanner can be tracked right on
your screen, with no special equipment. Your very own NORAO com-
mand and control on your computer desktop. If you are a star-gazer
and want to see (with the naked eye) the International Space Station fly
over your house, or you're a radio amateur who wants to know when
you can have a QSO with your buddy thousands of miles away, this is
. the program you need . It is easy to use, looks pretty and there's no
need to be a rocket-scientist because it will do all the maths for you .
Freeware for satell ite tracking and antenna positioning. Handles the
following antenna tracking interfaces : PourSat, FOOTrack, EA4TX,
GS232, EASYCOM, TRAKBOX, KCT, PROSISTEL and other compatible
interfaces such as LVBTracker and SatDrive. SAT EXPLORERis com-
patible with TRX-Manager for pilot ing transceivers and other antenna
systems .
Computers in Amateur Radio
Sets the standard for fast, simple logging and editing in the major
international contests and in dozens of others worldwide. It is intended
for single-op unassisted entries, on both SSB and CWO SD runs on all
versions of Windows, from Win95 to Win?, with a character-based
SD is free and unrestricted in the following contests . There's no
need to register - just download and away you go! All RSGB SSB and
CW events, for both sides where applicable , including: IOTA, RSGB
DX, Commonwealth, Field Day, 1.8MHz, 21/28MHz, 80m Club Sprints,
80m CC, AFS, RoPoCo, Low Power, 160m Club Calls, ARSI
Hima layan, CQMM DX (PY), CW Open, CWops Mini Tests, FOC Mara-
thon, FOC QSO Party, INORC, IRTS 80m Counties, WAPC (China - both
sides). In all other contests logging is delayed after 10 QSOs if you're
not registered.
SDVforVHF Contests is free, and is unrestricted .
This repeater software quickly creates a free radio repeater. Handles
simplex, duplex, transponder and mixed repeaters . Requires a sound
card and Win95/98/ME/2000/NT/XP
The program includes a lot of recording functions and a watching
function program. WATCHDOG is also included in the zip. Time bea-
cons through the french COUCOU orthe multilingual Speaking Clock
Amateur radio digital voice with high -speed data transfer mode.
This program calculates grid squares from latitudes and longitudes, the
reverse, and calculates distances and headings from two sets of lat/
long orgrid squares. The program saves your home QTH information.
Also Includes:
Software on the CD that Accompanies This Book
IPS EmulatorforWindows
A fully functional emulator for IPS (Interpreter for Processor Systems)
used on Phase3 amateur satellites.
WSJT - by K1 JT
Open-sou rce programs designed for weak-signal digital commun ication
by amateur radio . Normal usage requires a standard SSB transceiver
and a personal computer with soundcard. Some SDR-style hardware
including the SDR-IQ, Perseus, SoHRock, and FUNcube Dongle are also
supported . SimJT is a utility that generates simulated signa ls for test
purposes .
Weak S.ignal Communication by K1 JI offers sp ecific digi tal protocols
optimized for meteor scatter, ion osp heric scatter, and EME
(moonb o unce) at VHF/UH F, as well as HF skywave pro pagation . The
program can decode frac tio n-of-a-seco nd sig nals reflected from ionized
mete or tra ils and ste ady signa ls 10d B below th e audible thres hold.
Check the WSJT page for details about new modes in WSJT 9.3 and the
experimental program release WSJT-X.
Versio n 2 impleme nts a wideb and receiver for JT65 signals. It can be
used together with Linrad (by SM5BSZ) or SDR-Rad io (by HB9DRV), or
with direct input from a soundcard . The program decodes all detect-
ab le JT65 signals in a passband up to 90kHz wide, prod ucing a band
map of decoded ca llsigns sorted by freq uency. The principal applica-
tion of MAP65 is EME on the VHF and UHF bands . In a dua l-po lariza-
tion system, MAP65 optimally matches the linear polarization ang le of
each decodable signal , thereby eliminating problems with Faraday
rotation and spatial polarization shifts . Check the MAP65 page for
details on modes JT6582 and JT65C2 in MAP65 v2.4 .
Pronounced 'whispe r' , Weak Signal Propagation Reporter is designed
fo r sending and receiving low-power transmissions to test propagation
paths on the MF and HF bands . Users with Internet access can watch
results in real time at WSPRnet. Version 2 .11 ofWSPR includes FMT, a
package of comma nd-line utilities t hat can help you make highly
accurate freq uency measurements without expensive laboratory
Computers in Amateur Radio
Generates JT65 and CW test signals with a user-specified signal-to-noise
ratio. It is useful for testing the JT65 decoder and the relative capabilities
of these two modes.
Logging software designed and wo rking on all Microsoft Windows
platforms , e.g. 95j98jMEjNT4j2000jXPNista/W7/W8. This software has
been in development for many years and is ongoing , In the true 'Ham
Spirit ', the author (GOCUZ) provides this software free to use by all
radio amateurs and SWL's. As such no warranty is implied or given as
to it's suitability or reliability.
Although Winlog32 is general purpose logging software , it has a
definite slant on DXing on both HF and VHF, with comprehensive
tracking of various awards programs like DXCC, IOTA, WAZ etc. It also
includes all the features you would expect from good quality logging
and DXing software , and more.
The easiest logging software available for free to the amateur radio
community. Made in Italy, youLOG is a simple and efficient logg ing
system suita ble for DXpeditions , special events , or just simple fun.
youLOG full includes the WCall by IK1MTT, with 1.7 Million callsigns
included. It runs even on a small display netbook and is portable, as it
doesn 't need to be installed (you can run it from a USB memory stick).
No mouse is required , as it has bee n designed for those operators who
require time on the air without being distracted by their software.
Adobe Reader XI
This indispensable product lets you read and print from any system any
document created as an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file,
with its original appearance preserved. PDF files are compact and can
be shared, viewed, navigated, and printed exactly as the author in-
tended by anyone with Adobe Reader.
Software on the CD that Accompanies This Book
An alternative to Adobe's Acrobat Reader (above) and much more.
Viewing PDFs is incredibly simple and it excels with its added features.
The program's interface looks and feels remarkably like Acrobat Reader,
but with more command icons along the top. Users who are familiar with
view ing PDFs will find th is fairly intuitive and the control panel along the
top displays a long list of options for editing your PDFs. The most useful
we found was the option for making bright red shapes and lines, which
can be utilized to mark errors and make comments (an element that has
always been one of Acrobat's best tools) .
Open Office
A free and credible rival to MS Office, includes powerful
applications for making text documents, spreadsheets, presentations,
diagrams, and databases, as well as HTML and XML documents. Not
only does it let you edit bas ic documents, it also handles equations and
complex and multipart documents with bibliographies, reference tables,
and indexes. The interface is similar to that of MS Office , and even
advanced Office users will find almost everything they're used to: tem-
plates, macros , and even a programming language. You can open and
save documents in formats as diverse as MS Office formats, PDF, HTML,
and XML and import files in a huge range of formats. It normally saves
files in the open-standard Oasis Open Document XML format, for maxi-
mum compatibility with other applications.
RSGB Antenna File
The Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) has been promoting antenna ~
experimentation for over 100 years and for most of this time publishing the work done in a.
its monthly journal. The RSGB Journal RadCom has therefore developed a reputation ~
for producing some of the best material on antennas published anywhere.This book is Q.
a compilation of some of the best articles about antennas that have been published in ::
the RSGB in recent years. ,g I/)
The RSGB Antenna File covers all parts of the spectrum from HF to UHF - and even LF ~
and microwave frequencies. From simple wire dipoles to morecomplex multi-band and .~
multi-element arrays, RSGB Antenna File contains dozens of 'how to' constructional «
articles , complemented by many features explaining how antennas work, facts about UJ
feed lines, antenna matching, earthing and much more besides. The doublet, Moxon Sl
and 'Super Moxon', cubical quad, 'low noise' and 'long' Yagis, log periodic, loaded UJ
dipole, horizontal loop, magnetic loop, delta loop and J-pole are just some of the
antenna designs featured in this book.
The RSGB Antenna File reproduces the articles as originally published and is broken
down into five logical sections. HF Antennas is the first and largest section and this
is followed by a section covering VHF, UHF and Microwave Antennas. Antenna
experimentation is though much more than this, so readers will also find sections on
Feeders and Baluns and ATUs and Antenna Matching. There is even a section of the
less easily defined antenna article called Miscellaneous Antenna Articles.
In short, there are nearly 120 antenna articles here crammed into 288 pages with
information on antennas of all types that will be of interest to all antenna experimenters
everywhere. Today antenna experimentation is alive and well and as popular as ever,
making the RSGB Antenna File a 'must have' book for every radio amateur.
RRP £14.99
Many of us would like to analyse the performance of our stations but find that ~
professional test equipment such as spectrum analysers prohibitively expensive. Yet a.
it can be easy to make many pieces of very useful test equipment yourself at home. g:
Test Equipment for the Radio Amateur is a book that provides the definitive guide to c.
the equipment that can be made or used to measure the various parameters of an ~
amateur radio station. ..r::
This fourth edition of Test Equipment for the Radio Amateur has been fully updated to .~
show what can be achieved today with the simple, inexpensive and easily obtainable. c.
Test equipment for measuring current, voltage, the value of components, frequencies, <c
receiver performance, RF power, modulation, antennas and transmission lines, noise, LlJ
transmitter linearity and much more is all covered. For the home builder there are ~
numerous projects, from a simple fuse tester to a high quality 1.3GHz signal source LlJ
and much more. One chapter even covers software based test equipment that runs
on a PC and includes specialist calculators , oscilloscope and spectrum analyser
programs , signal generators, SINAD analysis and even design tools for RF filters.
Surplus equipment often appears on the amateur market and the use of this equipment
such as frequency counters and oscilloscopes, is well documented in this book. There
is an appendix of useful reference data with everything from resistor colour coding
to discrete semiconductor coding and surface mount device identification to common
coaxial cable equivalents. There is even a second appendix of PCB and component
layout diagrams for many of these projects.
RRP £14.99
The Low PowerSpratbook is divided into seven parts, covering transmitters, receivers, .~
transceivers, antennas, ATUs, Morse keys and keyers, and a section for those circuits ;;:
which might best be categor ised as 'miscellaneous'. Circuits vary in complexity from w
an "ultra-simple" 80m CW transceiver using just 14 parts to the more sophisticated Sl
'Sparkford', designed by Walford Electronics and also for use on 80m CWO You will w
find early 'classics' within these pages, including the 'OXO' transmitter and the 'ONER'
both GM30XX designs. The Low Power Spratbook also includes QRP classics such
as versions of the 'FOXX' transceiver, the 'Pixie', the 'Epiphyte' and the 'Naxos'. All are
presented as they were originally printed.
The Low Power Spratbook will appeal to the dedicated QRP enthusiast through to all
those who have never tried QRP construction work before. This book is a veritable
gold mine of ingenious designs and circuits and provides a superb introduction and
reference book dedicated to the art and science of low-power or QRP amateur radio.
RRP £14.99
Live Internet Applications 200 Operating Systems 3
Chat Rooms 200
OX Clustering 204 Propagation Modelling 60
Live VHF OX Maps 205 Beacon Monitoring Programs 67
Near Real-time Magnetometer 206 Ionospheric Monitoring Programs 73
Near Real-time MUF Map 206 Propagation Prediction Programs 62
Online Receivers 201 W6EL Prop 65
PSK Reporter 203
Reverse Beacons 202 Raspberry Pi 208