Expectation Based Consumer Purchase Decisions: Behavioral Modeling and Observations
Expectation Based Consumer Purchase Decisions: Behavioral Modeling and Observations
Expectation Based Consumer Purchase Decisions: Behavioral Modeling and Observations
Expectations play important roles in consumers’ purchase decisions. Among many
types of expectations, consumers often form expectations on future market condi-
tions when purchasing goods or services. This study develops a multiple-selves inter-
temporal choice model for such expectation-based purchase decisions, incorporating
behavioral factors such as present-biased preferences into the model. An analysis
based on the model shows that consumers adopt a threshold perception-perfect strat-
egy when making purchase decisions and the threshold depends on values of model
parameters that capture expectations on key market conditions. Different consumers
often have different parameter values, leading to heterogeneous behavior. The study
further applies the model to explain observations from medical service consumption
data during the COVID-19 pandemic, and shows that the expectation-based purchase
model provides a sound explanation for the observed heterogeneous purchase deci-
sions across individuals with different incomes and health insurance status.
1 Introduction
* Jia Li
[email protected]
Haslam College of Business, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA
School of Business, Wake Forest University, Winston‑Salem, NC 27106, USA
Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
398 Marketing Letters (2023) 34:397–413
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commitment technology (e.g., a snooze button) that disciplines the morning self.
Our study leverages the multiple-selves framework and extends it to study expec-
tations on market conditions, instead of self-control capability, which renders
model specifics and analyses different from the prior studies. Furthermore, while
the multiple-selves framework has been widely used in behavioral economics
(see, e.g., Dhami, 2016 Chapter 11) and economic psychology (e.g., Jamison &
Wegener, 2010), applications in marketing are scarce. Our study applies the frame-
work to marketing applications.
In developing the multiple-selves formulation, one important behavioral fac-
tor that needs to be incorporated is present-biased preferences. Present bias refers
to the fact that individuals’ discount rates over time are far from time-consistent,
but instead are much higher over shorter horizons (see, e.g., Thaler, 1981; Soman
et al., 2005, and Dhami, 2016 Chapter 10). The modeling of present-biased prefer-
ences has been a major endeavor in the recent intertemporal choice literature, with
a simple discount function, the quasi hyperbolic discounting (based on the initial
work of Phelps & Pollak, 1968 and popularized by Laibson, 1994, 1997), consid-
ered having “paved the way for major applications of present-biased preferences”
(Dhami, 2016, p. 38). This study thus adopts this discount function in the multiple-
selves formulation.
Incorporating the aforementioned behavioral factors, we develop a multiple-
selves model to capture expectation-based consumer purchase decisions. An analy-
sis based on the model shows that a consumer adopts a threshold perception-perfect
strategy when making a purchase decision: a consumer purchases a good or ser-
vice after a certain threshold of time, and the threshold depends on values of model
parameters that capture expectations on key market conditions. Different consumers
may have different parameter values, leading to behavioral heterogeneity. To check
whether the model and analysis can explain real consumer purchase observations,
we compile a novel dataset on medical services during the COVID-19 pandemic
and examine the purchase decisions therein. We select the pandemic period because
the pandemic tends to significantly affect consumers’ expectations on market con-
ditions, rendering sharp insights. We select medical services as the field for the
illustration because it is subject to relatively low confounding effects (to be detailed
later). An exploration of the data shows that the pandemic lockdown more signifi-
cantly delayed the medical service consumption of individuals with high incomes
or with health insurance, relative to those with low incomes or without health insur-
ance. We show that this observation can be well explained by our model.
In marketing, the related literature includes a body of empirical studies that con-
sidered consumers’ intertemporal preferences. For example, Winer (1985) developed
a reduced-form consumer purchase model that incorporated consumers’ expectations
about future prices. Song & Chintagunta (2003) developed and estimated a structural
model, in which forward-looking consumers optimize purchase timings by consid-
ering their utilities from buying the product and their expectations on future prices.
Nair (2007) developed a model to investigate empirically a firm’s pricing policy in the
presence of consumers who may delay purchases in expectation of future lower prices,
and solved the model using numerical dynamic programming techniques. Dubé et al.
(2014) presented a survey design to elicit intertemporal purchase decisions and identify
400 Marketing Letters (2023) 34:397–413
utility and discount functions. Interestingly, the study did not find strong evidence for
present-biased preferences in their data (Blu-ray player adoption). While these stud-
ies quantified consumers’ intertemporal purchase behavior in different empirical con-
texts, we build an expectation-based behavioral model and derive analytical results and
insights. To our best knowledge, our study is the first to use a multi-selves intertempo-
ral model with quasi hyperbolic discounting to analytically capture expectation-based
consumer purchase decisions. The derivation of analytical solutions allows us to clearly
characterize how consumers’ expectations on future market conditions affect their pur-
chase decisions. Notably, the market conditions captured in our model are generic and
not limited to certain specific factors (prior empirical studies often focused on just the
price factor); the quasi hyperbolic discounting parameters in our model can assume
any values, including the pure present-biased discounting and the classical geometric
discounting as two special cases (see Section 4 for details); the expectation functions
can assume any general forms (not necessarily a linear form; also see Section 4 for
details). The analytical solution of a model with these generic features renders impor-
tant insights into expectation-based purchase decisions and great potential for numer-
ous future applications. In addition, through the behavioral modeling and observations,
our study adds to the increasingly important literature of behavioral studies in market-
ing (see, e.g., the recent review paper by Dowling et al., 2020), as well as the recent
heightened interest in the blending of theory and data in marketing research (see, e.g.,
Lehmann, 2020).
2 Behavioral modeling
where 0 < 𝛽 < 1 is a “bias for the present” parameter in the quasi hyperbolic dis-
counting framework. Note that a general quasi hyperbolic discounting has another
time-consistent discount parameter 𝛿 , but here for simplicity, we initially follow
the parsimonious formulation in O’Donoghue & Rabin (1999) and assume 𝛿 to be
1. This usually does not incur substantial loss of generality, as most literature sug-
gests that 𝛿 is close to 1 (e.g., 𝛿 ≈ 0.96 as estimated by Laibson (2007) and elabo-
rated on (Dhami, 2016, p. 651; see also Burks et al., 2012 for similar estimates).
Marketing Letters (2023) 34:397–413 401
Nevertheless, in Section 4, we will extend our analysis to the case with 𝛿 < 1 (e.g.,
Frederick et al., 2002 reported possible 𝛿 values below 0.9) and show that the
insights that we have derived remain the same. The intertemporal utility (1) means
that if the individual acquires the good or service in the current period, then the
individual garners the instantaneous utility for the current period; otherwise, the
individual garners the discounted utility for the future period when the acquisition
is made. The boundary condition is uT+1 = 0, meaning that if the individual decides
not to acquire the good or service within the time horizon T, then the individual can-
cels the purchase. In fact, purchase cancellation is a special case of purchase post-
ponement (to period T + 1) because in any period, purchase cancellation is always
weakly dominated by purchase postponement (which yields a non-negative utility).
It is also worth noting that in this formulation, the present bias factor 𝛽 is consist-
ent over time (i.e., it is not 𝛽t ), meaning that a self believes that future selves will
have the same present bias as that of their own. Such a setup is very common in
the literature and has been adopted by studies such as Strotz (1955); Pollak (1968);
Laibson (1997), and the sophisticates model in O’Donoghue & Rabin (1999). Some
self-control studies allow 𝛽 to be time-inconsistent to model more self-control com-
plications. However, since our focus is not self-control, examining the time-consist-
ent case suffices.
We next formulate the expression of the instantaneous utility ut to incorporate an
individual’s expectation on market conditions. As an example, in a pandemic con-
text, such conditions primarily concern health-related and cost-related conditions:
the acquisitions of many goods or services require physical contacts, posing infec-
tion risks; the pandemic may also affect employment, leading to poor affordability
for the good or service. To model an individual’s expectation on market conditions,
we adopt a simple linear model and assume that acquiring the good or service in
period t ∈ {0, 1, ..., T} renders an instantaneous reward of ar + br t and incurs an
instantaneous cost (a combination of risk, payment, logistics, opportunity cost, etc.)
of ac + bc t . The parameters ar , ac , br and bc are specific to the specific individual
and the specific good or service. However, for notation simplicity, we omit the cor-
responding subscripts and consider only one individual and one good or service in
our model, while delaying a discussion of how different parameter values of dif-
ferent individuals, goods or services affect behavioral choice to later sections. It is
also worth noting that although this parsimonious linear model well serves our main
purpose of deriving insights into human choice with time-dependent expectations,
we nevertheless consider general expectation functions in Section 4 and extend our
insights therein.
Given the reward and cost, the individual’s instantaneous utility for the good or
service in period t is:
ut = (ar + br t) − (ac + bc t) ∶= a + bt, (2)
where a = ar − ac and b = br − bc. As an example for practical meanings of the
reward and cost formulations, in the context of medical services during the COVID-
19 pandemic, the reward can derive from a service’s medical necessity; a lower
necessity means a lower reward. The cost can include both health (infection) risk
402 Marketing Letters (2023) 34:397–413
and affordability of the good or service. A very cautious individual may believe the
health risk right now is too high, and thus delay the purchase. In this case, ac can be
large (i.e., the current risk is high) and bc can be negative (i.e., the expected future
risk will be lower). The more cautious the individual is about the current health risk,
the larger the ac; the more optimistic the individual is about the future health con-
dition, the smaller the bc. In like manner, the affordability of the good or service
is often linked to an individual’s financial status. An individual highly concerned
about their financial instability in the future may believe bc > 0, i.e., the affordabil-
ity of the good or service will become poorer or the relative cost will be larger; in
contrast, an individual with little financial instability concern may believe bc ≈ 0.
The aggregated parameters a and b can be either negative or positive, representing
an overall negative or positive view of the current or future conditions. As an exam-
ple, an individual may have an overall negative view of the current condition (a < 0)
and does not want to make a purchase right now. However, if the individual is opti-
mistic about the overall future condition (b > 0), then the instantaneous utility may
eventually justify the purchase in a future period (i.e., ut > 0 for some t).
Given this multiple-selves model with the expectation formulation, an individu-
al’s choice is described by a strategy s = (s0 , s1 , ..., sT ), where st ∈ {Y, N} specifies
whether or not to make a purchase in period t given that the individual has not yet
done it. Similar to a dynamic game and the corresponding subgame perfect equi-
librium concept, even if the individual makes a purchase in period t (i.e., st = Y ),
we still need to specify what the individual’s decision would be after period t (i.e.,
to specify st′ for all t′ > t ). The solution concept of this multiple-selves model is a
perception-perfect strategy, in which the self in period t aims to make a decision
to maximize the intertemporal utility Ut , expecting that the future selves will do
the same. It follows straightforwardly from a backward induction procedure that:
This definition means that an individual makes a purchase if and only if the
intertemporal utility of doing so is no less than that of delaying it into a future
period 𝜏 or canceling the demand eventually. With this definition, we now present
the main result. In this study, “increasing” means “nondecreasing” and “decreas-
ing” means “nonincreasing.” The notation ⌈⋅⌉ denotes the function that rounds its
argument up to the nearest integer.
(ii) If ut ≥ 0 for some t and b > 0, then there exists a threshold 𝜅 such that, for
t ∈ {0, 1, ..., T},
Marketing Letters (2023) 34:397–413 403
N if t < 𝜅,
st =
Y otherwise,
Proof By (1) and (2), for t = 0, ..., T − 1, the individual’s intertemporal utility is:
a + bt if 𝜏 = t,
Ut (𝜏) =
𝛽(a + b𝜏) if t < 𝜏 ≤ T.
Let ΔUt (𝜏) = Ut (t) − Ut (𝜏) = (a + bt) − 𝛽(a + b𝜏) = (1 − 𝛽)a + (1 − 𝛽)bt − 𝛽b(𝜏 − t), then
Y if ΔUt (𝜏) ≥ 0,
st =
N otherwise.
However, these inequalities cannot happen at the same time when b > 0 and 𝜉 < 𝜄,
leading to a contradiction. Thus, the threshold policy holds.
By the threshold policy, 𝜅 = arg mint {ΔUt (t + 1) ≥ 0, t = 0, ..., T}, i.e., 𝜅 is the
first period such that Ut (t) ≥ Ut (t + 1); any period t > 𝜅 must satisfy Ut (t) ≥ Ut (t + 1)
since st = Y for all t > 𝜅 by the threshold policy. Since t = 𝛽∕(1 − 𝛽) − a∕b solves
ΔUt (t + 1) = 0, straightforwardly,
𝜅 = ⌈𝛽∕(1 − 𝛽) − a∕b⌉.
Case 2. a < 0 and b ≥ 0. In this case, if ut = a + bt < 0 for all t, then clearly st = N
for all t. If ut = a + bt ≥ 0 for some t, then let T0 solves a + bt = 0 (i.e., T0 = −a∕b)
and it must be that ut ≥ 0 for t ∈ [⌈T0 ⌉, T] and st = N for t ∈ [0, ⌈T0 ⌉). Now for
t ∈ [⌈T0 ⌉, T],
404 Marketing Letters (2023) 34:397–413
where ⌈T0 ⌉ is the starting period of the transformed time horizon with respect to ̃t ,
and ⌈𝛽∕(1 − 𝛽) − (a + b⌈T0 ⌉)∕b⌉ is the threshold on the transformed time horizon,
which is obtained from the expression of 𝜅 in Case 1 with ã = a + b⌈T0 ⌉ ≥ 0 and
b̃ = b. In fact, this threshold has the same expression as that in Case 1.
Case 3. a ≥ 0 and b < 0. In this case, u0 = a ≥ 0. If ut < 0 for all t > 0, then
clearly s0 = Y and st = N for all t > 0. If u𝜏 ≥ 0 for some period 𝜏 > 0, then we
need to consider whether or not in period 0, the individual will delay the demand to
period 𝜏 . We note that ΔU0 (𝜏) = (1 − 𝛽)a − 𝛽b𝜏 ≥ 0, so s0 = Y .
Case 4. a < 0 and b < 0. In this case, ut < 0 for all t, so st = N for all t.
The appendix provides a visualization of these cases to illustrate the intuition
behind the analysis. Upon analyzing these cases, we further combine the results for
a conciser expression. The results in Case 2 when ut < 0 for all t and Case 4 can be
combined as (i) in this theorem. The results in Case 1 and Case 2 when ut ≥ 0 for
some t can be combined as (ii). The result in Case 3 corresponds to (iii).
This theorem means that an individual makes a purchase after a certain threshold
of time. The threshold can be at the beginning of the time horizon, meaning that the
individual makes an immediate purchase, or at the end of the time horizon, meaning
that the individual cancels the purchase. In terms of structures, this strategy is simi-
lar to the stopping rule in studies like Su (2007). In this theorem, Scenario (i) may
happen when the good or service to be purchased is not that necessary in compari-
son with the high cost, so that it is not worthwhile to make the purchase. Scenario
(ii) may occur when it is necessary for the individual to purchase the good or service
and the individual is overall optimistic about future market conditions. In this case,
the individual may delay the purchase. Scenario (iii) may occur when it is necessary
for the individual to purchase the good or service, but the individual is overall pessi-
mistic about future market conditions, so the individual chooses to acquire the good
or service right at the beginning of the time horizon.
Marketing Letters (2023) 34:397–413 405
consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic.1 This area has relatively low con-
founding effects, because unlike other goods or services which often have many
available brands, colors, styles, etc. for consumers to choose, medical services are
used to treat certain diseases unchoosable by consumers. In addition, medical ser-
vices are usually not subject to price shopping (i.e., consumers usually do not com-
pare prices among different stores before purchasing), demand sensitivity to price
(medical service prices are highly regulated and stable, and patients’ demand for
medically necessary services usually does not significantly change with price), and
supply chain issues. Thus, with less confounding factors than other areas, medical
service data render a neat way to derive sharp insights.
We collect medical service data that contain the following key pieces of infor-
mation: what types of consumers (consumer demographics) acquired what kinds
of medical services (medical service categories) at what locations and what times
(medical visit records). We collect medical visit records from SafeGraph, a high-
quality database that provides accurate and comprehensive foot traffic data from
census block groups (CBGs) to business establishments by tracking mobile devices
in the entire USA SafeGraph (2021). A CBG is the smallest geographical unit used
by the U.S. Census Bureau to publish sample data. As household-level data are con-
fidential, the anonymized CBG data serve as the basic units. From SafeGraph, we
collect weekly visit data from all the 6125 CBGs in North Carolina to 16,325 health-
care facilities (HFs, e.g., clinics and hospitals) for the first 37 weeks of 2020. This
time period is selected around the stay-at-home lockdown to allow sharp behavio-
ral observations.2 The appendix contains more details about the data collection and
exploration process in this section.
Upon obtaining the CBG-to-HF traffic data, we further obtain consumer demo-
graphic data (per capita income, health insurance status, etc.) of the CBGs and ser-
vice categories (immunology, cardiology, neurology, etc.) of the HFs. We obtain the
demographic data by accessing the American Community Survey (2016) organized
by SafeGraph, with 20 (0.3% of) CBGs dropped due to the lack of data. The iden-
tification of the HFs’ service categories is more challenging, since the SafeGraph
data do not provide such information. We accomplish this by first matching the HFs
to Yelp businesses through business locations, and then acquiring the Yelp business
category tags (Yelp 2021c) of the matched HFs. After that, we associate the Yelp
business category tags with standard medical categories according to the medical
specialty guide of the Association of American Medical Colleges AAMC (2021)
and the American Medical Association AMA (2021). This classifies 14,655 (89.8%
This study considers medical services in all specialties (e.g., immunology, cardiology, dentistry, neu-
rology, optometry, pediatrics, and urology), not just those related to the coronavirus.
World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic on March
11, 2020. Starting on March 15, US states issued formal stay-at-home, shelter-in-place, or similar lock-
down orders, which, among other requirements, specifically required residents to remain home at all
times, unless engaging in essential activities Mendelson (2020). As of May 20, 2020, all states started
to lift their stay-at-home orders and other restrictions on businesses Mendelson (2020). We focus on the
consumption data before, during and after the lockdown because the lockdown had the most dramatic
restrictions on people’s activities and thus the data around the lockdown are expected to exhibit clear
behavioral patterns.
406 Marketing Letters (2023) 34:397–413
Marketing Letters (2023) 34:397–413 407
of) HFs into 39 categories, with the remaining HFs that do not have matched catego-
ries dropped.
An exploration of the data reveals interesting findings. While the pandemic has
adversely affected medical service consumption of all individuals, the impacts on
individuals with different income levels and insurance status are very different, as
shown in Figs. 1 and 2. In the figures, the horizontal axes represent time and the
vertical dashed line indicates the lockdown start date due to the pandemic. To con-
trol for factors such as trend and seasonality, the vertical axes report the weekly visit
percentage change relative to the week right before the lockdown (top panel) and
relative to each corresponding week in 2019 (bottom panel), respectively. For exam-
ple, if the percentage of low-income individuals in a week is 52% and that in the cor-
responding benchmark week is 50%, then a percentage change of 2% is reported in
the figures.3 The low- and high-income groups are divided at the median household
income level (roughly $60,000).4 The figures clearly show a change in the composi-
tion of individuals who sought medical services. Specifically, right after the begin-
ning of the lockdown, individuals with high incomes or with insurance exhibited
a decreasing portion of the medical visits, whereas individuals with low incomes
or without insurance gained an increasing portion. This consumer group composi-
tion change is statistically significant (i.e., it is not simply due to randomness), as
detailed in the appendix, and, to our best knowledge, such change patterns have not
been discovered by any prior studies.
What drove this group composition change? We next show that our expecta-
tion-based behavior model can provide a sound explanation. In medical service
consumption during the pandemic, three factors play key roles. First, the value
of service is an intrinsic feature of the service sought. If the service sought is not
that medically necessary (e.g., treating a mild, self-healing disease), then an indi-
vidual, in view of infection risks, may cancel the visit. While this value of service
factor is important, it is unlikely to be the main cause for the observed heteroge-
neous patterns because each income or insurance group is likely affected by this
factor in similar ways (the compositions of services sought by each group are in
fact consistent over time, as shown later). Second, health cautiousness is another
important factor, as different groups of consumers may have varying degrees of
cautiousness toward infection risks, leading to heterogeneous decisions. Finally,
the pandemic has also had disparate impacts on people’s financial conditions:
studies have shown that low-wage workers experienced more and longer job
losses Cajner et al. (2020); Chetty et al. (2020); Gonzalez et al. (2020). Thus,
financial instability concern is another critical factor that may cause the heteroge-
neous decisions.
Therefore, the interplay of health cautiousness and financial instability concern
is likely to be the main cause for the observed heterogeneity. An individual with a
The two curves in each plot are symmetric with respect to the horizontal axis, because, as an example,
a 2% increase in high-income visitors implies a 2% decrease in low-income visitors; the percentages of
the different groups of visitors add up to one.
We also explore dividing data in other ways (e.g., by mean household income level) and find that the
empirical patterns are not sensitive to the selection of the cutoff point.
408 Marketing Letters (2023) 34:397–413
low income or without insurance is likely to be more concerned about their financial
instability and the relative affordability of the service in the future. Hence, that indi-
vidual tends to have a large, positive bc and, consequently, a negative b (recall that
b = br − bc). The individual then makes an early purchase according to our theorem.
In contrast, an individual with a high income or with insurance is likely to be less
concerned about their financial status. If, in addition, the individual is concerned
about the current health risk and expects the risk will be lower in the future, then
bc < 0 and b > 0 and the individual delays the purchase. In our observations, each
group (each curve in Figs. 1 and 2) is likely to contain a heterogeneity of individu-
als with different expectations. However, by the above analysis, the high-income or
insured groups are likely to contain more individuals who tend to more significantly
delay their purchases. Thus, the observation can be explained by our expectation-
based behavioral model.
While we have shown that our model can explain the observation, we also explore
some other plausible explanations and show that they in fact cannot explain the
observation. First, a natural intuition for the composition change might be that cer-
tain groups of people face a high risk of exposure to the coronavirus and, hence,
must seek immediate medical services. For example, many low-income individuals
are essential workers with higher infection risks, so the increasing portion of their
medical visits might be attributed to virus-induced medical visits. While this might
sound reasonable, the medical visit data in this study include all medical specialties
(e.g., immunology, cardiology, dentistry, neurology, optometry, pediatrics, and urol-
ogy), and visits directly caused by the coronavirus only represent a very small por-
tion. Thus, virus-induced medical visits are unlikely to cause the composition change.
Another possible explanation might be that the pandemic altered the categories
of medical services sought by the different groups of people, so that they needed
to see doctors for different types of diseases with different degrees of urgency. To
see whether or not this explanation holds, we perform a statistical analysis on the
service category change over time (details in the appendix). The result shows that
the service category compositions are consistent over time, i.e., the different groups
of people saw doctors for statistically the same compositions of medical services as
before. This matches our intuition since the coronavirus is unlikely to significantly
change people’s general medical needs in the wide variety of categories (immunol-
ogy, cardiology, dentistry, etc.). In summary, virus-induced visits and service cat-
egory changes cannot explain the observation.
4 Extensions
In our analysis so far, we have developed a behavioral model and showed that the
model can explain real observations. While we believe the model captures major
elements in expectation-based purchase decision-making, we have made simplifying
assumptions. One major assumption is that, in the (𝛽, 𝛿) quasi hyperbolic discount-
ing formulation, we have assumed that the time-consistent discount parameter 𝛿 = 1
for simplicity. We next extend our analysis to the case with 𝛿 < 1 to generalize our
Marketing Letters (2023) 34:397–413 409
results and insights. When 𝛿 ≤ 1 (this analysis includes the original 𝛿 = 1 case as a
special case), the intertemporal utility function (1) becomes
{ t
𝛿 ut if 𝜏 = t,
Ut (𝜏) =
𝛽𝛿 𝜏 u𝜏 if 𝜏 > t.
The two expressions only differ in that the former uses the discounted utility at time
0, while the latter uses the discounted utility at time t. However, the two expressions
yield exactly the same strategy. We thus adopt the former expression.
To analyze this general case with 𝛿 ≤ 1, we let vt = 𝛿 t ut = 𝛿 t (a + bt). The inter-
temporal utility then becomes
vt if 𝜏 = t,
Ut (𝜏) =
𝛽v𝜏 if 𝜏 > t. (3)
This utility function has the same format as the original utility function (1), but
unlike ut = a + bt in (1), vt = 𝛿 t (a + bt) here is neither linear nor even monotonic.
In fact, it can be shown that (details in appendix), depending on the sign of b, vt
is either unimodal or U-shaped. At first glance, this change of the expectation
form would alter the threshold strategy structure. This is, however, not the case,
as shown in the following theorem for general quasi hyperbolic discounting (i.e.,
0 ≤ 𝛽 ≤ 1, 0 ≤ 𝛿 ≤ 1). The proof of this theorem, as well as that of Theorem 3, is
relegated to the appendix.
(ii) If ut ≥ 0 for some t and b > 0, then there exists a threshold 𝜅 such that, for
t ∈ {0, 1, ..., T},
N if t < 𝜅,
st =
Y otherwise.
The strategy in Theorem 2 is the same as that in Theorem 1, except that the
expression of the threshold 𝜅 in (ii) is much more complicated and hence is given
in the appendix. Theorem 2 shows that the threshold perception-perfect strategy
continues to hold for general quasi hyperbolic discounting. For example, the strat-
egy holds in the special case of 𝛽 = 1, which corresponds to the classical geometric
410 Marketing Letters (2023) 34:397–413
discounting scheme. Thus, the insights we have derived are robust with respect to
the discounting scheme—the strategy structure and behavioral heterogeneity apply
to general expectation-based purchase decisions, regardless of the specific discount-
ing scheme.
In fact, while Theorem 2 generalizes the analysis to general quasi hyperbolic
discounting which features unimodal or U-shaped expectations, we can further
generalize the analysis to any expectation forms. Consider the intertemporal util-
ity in (3) but vt now can take any general form. We can conduct the analysis by
dividing the expectation function into monotonic pieces and examining the strat-
egy on each monotonic piece in a backward manner according to the following
(i) st = Y only if vt ≥ 0.
(ii) If vt is increasing on [t1 , t2 ], then that s𝜄 = Y for some 𝜄 ∈ [t1 , t2 ] implies that
st = Y for all t ∈ [𝜄, t2 ].
(iii) If vt is decreasing on [t1 , t2 ], then that s𝜄 = Y for some 𝜄 ∈ [t1 , t2 ] implies that
st = Y for all t ∈ [t1 , 𝜄].
5 Ending remarks
Marketing Letters (2023) 34:397–413 411
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