Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

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SIS Management

SIS Management
Copyright © Meridium, Inc. 2014
All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.

This software/documentation contains proprietary information of Meridium, Inc.; it is provided

under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure. All rights including
reproduction by photographic or electronic process and translation into other languages of this
material are fully reserved under copyright laws. Reproduction or use of this material in whole
or in part in any manner without written permission from Meridium, Inc. is strictly prohibited.

Meridium is a registered trademark of Meridium, Inc.

All trade names referenced are the service mark, trademark or registered trademark of the
respective manufacturer.
Table of Contents
ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT ____________________________________ 1

DOCUMENTATION CONVENTIONS _____________________________ 3

BASICS _________________________________________________ 5


WHAT IS A SAFETY INSTRUMENTED SYSTEM? ____________________________ 6
SIS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ______________________________ 9
DATA ARCHITECTURE ___________________________________________ 9
DATA MODEL_______________________________________________________ 9
Overview of the SIS Management Data Model _________________________ 9
Illustration of the SIS Management Data Model _______________________ 11
Safety Instrumented System Family Is the Predecessor Family __________ 13
Instrumented Function Family Is the Predecessor Family_______________ 14
Protective Instrument Loop Family Is the Predecessor _________________ 16
ABOUT SIL ANALYSES________________________________________________ 17
Components of an SIL Analysis _____________________________________ 17
The SIS Management Workflow ____________________________________ 18
STATE CONFIGURATION ______________________________________________ 19
SIL Analysis State Configuration ___________________________________ 19
States and Operations ____________________________________________19
Initial State _____________________________________________________20
Datasheet Configuration __________________________________________21
Reserved States and Operations ___________________________________21
State Configuration Roles _________________________________________21
Protective Instrument Loop State Configuration ______________________ 22
States and Operations ____________________________________________22
Initial State _____________________________________________________23
Datasheet Configuration __________________________________________24
Reserved States and Operations ___________________________________24
State Configuration Roles _________________________________________24
SIS Trip Report State Configuration_________________________________ 25
States and Operations ____________________________________________25
Initial State _____________________________________________________26
Datasheet Configuration __________________________________________26

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Reserved States and Operations ___________________________________26

State Configuration Roles _________________________________________27
INTEGRATION WITH HAZARDS ANALYSIS _______________________________ 28
ACCESSING SIS MANAGEMENT _____________________________________ 28
ACCESSING THE SIS MANAGEMENT START PAGE ______________________________ 28
ASPECTS OF THE SIS MANAGEMENT START PAGE _____________________________ 29


FIRST-TIME DEPLOYMENT WORKFLOW _______________________________ 31

UPGRADE WORKFLOW __________________________________________ 33
UPGRADE WORKFLOW _______________________________________________ 33
UPGRADING SIS MANAGEMENT FROM V3.5.1 TO V3. ___________________ 34
UPGRADING SIS MANAGEMENT FROM V3.5.0 TO V3. ___________________ 35
UPGRADING SIS MANAGEMENT FROM V3.4.5 TO V3. ___________________ 36
SIS MANAGEMENT SECURITY GROUPS _____________________________________ 37
SIS MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION PAGE __________________________________ 42
Accessing the SIS Management Administration Page ___________________ 42
Aspects of the SIS Management Administration Page __________________ 43
Common Tasks Menu _____________________________________________ 46
IMPORTING DATA FROM AN EXIDA PROJECT FILE _____________________________ 48
About Importing Data from an Exida Project File _____________________ 48
Importing Data from an Exida Project File ___________________________ 48
Accessing the Options Screen _____________________________________48
Creating a New Analysis for the Imported Data ______________________51
Appending the Imported Data to an Existing Analysis _________________53
EXPORTING DATA TO AN EXIDA PROJECT FILE _______________________________ 55
About Exporting Data to an Exida Project File________________________ 55
Exporting Data to an Exida Project File _____________________________ 56
DEFINING IPL TYPES ________________________________________________ 60
About Managing the Types of Independent Layers of Protection _________ 60
About Independent Layer of Protection Types________________________ 61
Modifying the Default Values in the Baseline IPL Type Records__________ 63
Defining Additional IPL Types _____________________________________ 63

ii Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Table of Contents

An Example: Defining Additional IPL Types __________________________ 66

USER INSTRUCTIONS ______________________________________ 69

NAVIGATING SIS MANAGEMENT ____________________________________ 69

ABOUT NAVIGATING SIS MANAGEMENT ____________________________________ 69
THE NAVIGATION MENU IN SIS MANAGEMENT _______________________________ 70
WORKING WITH SIL ANALYSES ____________________________________ 71
MANAGING SIL ANALYSIS RECORDS ______________________________________ 71
About SIL Analysis Records ________________________________________ 71
Accessing the SIL Analysis Search Page ______________________________ 72
Aspects of the SIL Analysis Search Page _____________________________ 72
Common Tasks Menu _____________________________________________ 73
Searching for SIL Analysis Records__________________________________ 74
Creating New SIL Analysis Records _________________________________ 75
Accessing the SIL Analysis Definition Page __________________________75
Aspects of the SIL Analysis Definition Page __________________________76
Common Tasks Menu _____________________________________________77
Working With SIL Analysis Records _________________________________78
Modifying SIL Analysis Records ____________________________________81
Opening Existing SIL Analysis Records _______________________________ 81
Removing SIL Analysis Records from the SIL Analysis Search Page _______ 81
About Associating SIL Analyses with a Specific Site____________________ 82
DEFINING THE SIL ANALYSIS TEAM _______________________________________ 83
About the SIL Analysis Team ______________________________________ 83
Accessing the SIL Analysis Team Members Page ______________________ 83
Aspects of the SIL Analysis Team Members Page ______________________ 84
Common Tasks __________________________________________________ 85
Adding New Team Members to the SIL Analysis Team__________________ 86
Creating New Users and Adding Them to the SIL Analysis Team________86
Adding New Team Members Who Already Have A Human Resource Record
Assigning Roles to SIL Analysis Team Members _______________________ 89
About SIL Analysis Team Member Roles _____________________________89
Assigning Roles to SIL Analysis Team Members _______________________89
Viewing Human Resource Records for Existing Team Members __________ 90
Removing Team Members from the SIL Analysis Team _________________ 90
MANAGING REFERENCE DOCUMENT RECORDS _______________________________ 91
Accessing the Reference Documents Page ___________________________ 91
Aspects of the Reference Documents Page __________________________ 92
Common Tasks __________________________________________________ 93
Adding Reference Documents to the SIL Analysis _____________________ 94

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Creating New Reference Document Records and Adding Them to the SIL
Analysis ________________________________________________________94
Adding Existing Reference Document Records to the SIL Analysis ______94
Viewing Reference Documents_____________________________________ 95
Opening Reference Document Records ______________________________ 96
Removing Reference Documents from the SIL Analysis _________________ 96
DEFINING SAFETY INSTRUMENTED SYSTEMS _________________________________ 97
About Safety Instrumented System Records __________________________ 97
Accessing the Safety Instrumented Systems Page _____________________ 98
Aspects of the Safety Instrumented Systems Page ____________________ 98
Task Menus ____________________________________________________ 100
Assessment Tasks _______________________________________________ 100
Common Tasks _________________________________________________ 101
Adding Safety Instrumented System Records to the SIL Analysis ________ 102
Creating New Safety Instrumented System Records _________________ 102
Adding Existing Safety Instrumented System Records to the SIL Analysis
_______________________________________________________________ 103
Copying Existing Safety Instrumented System Records _______________ 104
Modifying Safety Instrumented System Records _____________________ 105
Removing Safety Instrumented System Records from the SIL Analysis ___ 106
DEFINING INSTRUMENTED FUNCTIONS ____________________________________ 106
About Instrumented Function Records _____________________________ 106
Accessing the Instrumented Functions (IFs) Page ____________________ 107
Aspects of the Instrumented Functions (IFs) Page ____________________ 108
Task Menus ____________________________________________________ 111
Assessment Tasks _______________________________________________ 111
Common Tasks _________________________________________________ 113
Adding Instrumented Function Records to the SIL Analysis ____________ 114
About Defining Instrumented Function Records _____________________ 114
Creating New Instrumented Function Records ______________________ 115
About the Instrumented Function Tab _____________________________ 117
About The Safety Requirement Specification Tab ___________________ 118
Working with the Common Cause Failures Tab _____________________ 119
Working with the Concurrent Safe States Tab ______________________ 131
Adding Existing Instrumented Function Records to the SIL Analysis ___ 144
Copying Existing Instrumented Function Records ___________________ 145
Modifying Existing Instrumented Function Records ___________________ 146
Assessing the SIL Level for Instrumented Functions __________________ 147
About Assessing the SIL Level for Instrumented Functions ___________ 147
SIL Level and Required Probability of Failure_______________________ 149
Assessing SIL Values Via the Risk Matrix ___________________________ 152
Assessing Risk via a Hazards Analysis ______________________________ 154
Assessing Risk via a Layer of Protection Analysis ____________________ 161
Promoting Instrumented Functions to ASM __________________________ 178
About Promoting Instrumented Functions to ASM ___________________ 178

iv Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Table of Contents

Promoting Instrumented Functions to ASM _________________________ 180

Viewing Asset Strategies Created from Instrumented Functions ______ 180
About Proof Testing ____________________________________________ 181
Working with SIS Proof Test Template Records ______________________ 183
Common Tasks Menu ____________________________________________ 183
Creating SIS Proof Test Template Records _________________________ 184
Viewing Existing SIS Proof Test Template Records __________________ 188
Working with Detail Records _____________________________________ 191
Copying SIS Proof Test Template Records to Create New Ones _______ 194
Removing SIS Proof Test Template Records ________________________ 195
Working with SIS Proof Test Records _______________________________ 195
About SIS Proof Test Records _____________________________________ 195
Common Tasks Menu ____________________________________________ 196
Creating SIS Proof Test Records __________________________________ 197
Viewing Existing SIS Proof Test Records ___________________________ 200
Recording Proof Test Results in SIS Proof Test Records ______________ 203
SIL VALIDATION __________________________________________________ 205
About SIL Validation ____________________________________________ 205
About Protective Instrument Loops _______________________________ 205
About the SIL Validation Feature _________________________________ 206
The SIL Validation Workflow _____________________________________ 207
Task Menus in the SIL Validation Feature ___________________________ 208
The Navigation Menu ____________________________________________ 208
The SIL Validation Menu _________________________________________ 209
The Common Tasks Menu ________________________________________ 210
Working with Protective Instrument Loops _________________________ 211
Creating Protective Instrument Loops _____________________________ 211
Opening Existing Protective Instrument Loops ______________________ 214
Working with the Diagram View __________________________________ 219
Working with the Grid View ______________________________________ 230
Working with the Summary View _________________________________ 232
Deleting Protective Instrument Loops _____________________________ 233
Working with Templates _________________________________________ 234
About Protective Instrument Loop Templates ______________________ 234
Creating Protective Instrument Loops Templates ___________________ 237
Opening Existing Protective Instrument Loop Templates _____________ 241
Calculating SIL Validation Results _________________________________ 245
About Calculating SIL Validation Results ___________________________ 245
Calculating SIL Validation Results for a Protective Instrument Loop ___ 246
Calculating SIL Validation Results for Multiple Protective Instrument
Loops _________________________________________________________ 247
About Calculation Details ________________________________________ 248
About the Missing Required Values Dialog Box ______________________ 249

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Protective Instrument Loop Final Element Records __________________ 250

About Protective Instrument Loop Final Element Records ____________ 250
About Defining Hazards Associated With Combined Output States ____ 250
Aspects of the Dangerous Combination of Output States Tab in Protective
Instrument Loop Final Element Records ___________________________ 252
Defining Combined Output State Hazards for Final Elements _________ 254
Removing Final Elements From the Dangerous Combination of Outputs
Tab ___________________________________________________________ 262
Protective Instrument Loop Reports _______________________________ 263
About the Protective Instrument Loop Report ______________________ 263
Viewing the Protective Instrument Loop Report ____________________ 265
VIEWING SIL ANALYSIS GRAPHS ________________________________________ 266
VIEWING SIL ANALYSIS REPORTS _______________________________________ 267
About the Safety Requirement Specifications Report _________________ 268
Accessing the Safety Requirement Specifications Report ______________ 268
Navigation ____________________________________________________ 271
Common Tasks _________________________________________________ 272
Searching for Existing Protective Instrument Loop Sensor Records ______ 273
Accessing the Sensor Reference Data Search Page __________________ 273
Aspects of the Sensor Reference Data Search Page _________________ 274
Opening Existing Protective Instrument Loop Sensor Records_________ 274
Creating Protective Instrument Loop Sensor Records _________________ 275
Aspects of the Sensor Reference Data Page ________________________ 275
Creating New Protective Instrument Loop Sensor Records from Scratch
_______________________________________________________________ 277
Creating Protective Instrument Loop Sensor Records as Copies of an
Existing One ___________________________________________________ 278
Approving and Revoking Approval for Protective Instrument Loop Sensor
Records _______________________________________________________ 280
Searching for Existing Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Records _ 281
Accessing the Logic Solver Reference Data Search Page _____________ 281
Aspects of the Logic Solver Reference Data Search Page_____________ 282
Opening Existing Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Records ____ 283
Creating Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Records ____________ 284
Aspects of the Logic Solver Reference Data Page ___________________ 284
Creating Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Records from Scratch
_______________________________________________________________ 285

vi Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Table of Contents

Creating Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Records Based on

Existing Ones ___________________________________________________ 286
Creating Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Records as Copies of an
Existing One ___________________________________________________ 289
Linking Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Channel Records to
Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Records ____________________ 291
Removing Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Channel Records from
Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Records ____________________ 293
Approving and Revoking Approval for Protective Instrument Loop Logic
Solver Records _________________________________________________ 293
Accessing the Final Element Reference Data Search Page _____________ 295
Aspects of the Final Element Reference Data Search Page ____________ 296
Opening Existing Protective Instrument Loop Final Element Records ____ 297
Creating Protective Instrument Loop Final Element Records ___________ 298
Aspects of the Final Element Reference Data Page _________________ 298
Creating New Protective Instrument Loop Final Element Records from
Scratch ________________________________________________________ 299
Creating Protective Instrument Loop Final Element Records as Copies of
an Existing One _________________________________________________ 300
Approving and Revoking Approval for Protective Instrument Loop Final
Element Records _______________________________________________ 302
WORKING WITH TRIP REPORTS ___________________________________ 303
ABOUT SIS TRIP REPORTS ___________________________________________ 303
ACCESSING THE SIS TRIP REPORT SEARCH PAGE ____________________________ 304
ASPECTS OF THE SIS TRIP REPORT SEARCH PAGE ___________________________ 305
OPENING EXISTING SIS TRIP REPORT RECORDS _____________________________ 306
TASK MENUS _____________________________________________________ 307
Navigation ____________________________________________________ 307
Common Tasks _________________________________________________ 308
CREATING NEW SIS TRIP REPORT RECORDS _______________________________ 309
Aspects of the SIS Trip Report Page _______________________________ 309
Creating New SIS Trip Report Records _____________________________ 310
WORKING WITH SIS TRIP REPORT DETAIL RECORDS __________________________ 313
Accessing the SIS Trip Report Details Page__________________________ 313
Aspects of the SIS Trip Report Details Page _________________________ 314
Creating New SIS Trip Report Details Records _______________________ 315
Viewing SIS Trip Report Detail Records _____________________________ 316
Deleting SIS Trip Report Detail Records ____________________________ 317
REVISION HISTORY ___________________________________________ 318
ABOUT REVISION HISTORY IN SIS MANAGEMENT ____________________________ 318

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ACCESSING SIL ANALYSIS REVISIONS_____________________________________ 318

COMMON TASKS MENU ______________________________________________ 321
VIEWING THE DATASHEET FOR A REVISION RECORD __________________________ 322
_______________________________________________________ 323
Accessing the Recommendations Dialog Box ________________________ 324
Aspects of the Recommendations Dialog Box ________________________ 326
Adding Risk Assessment Recommendation Records to the SIL Analysis ___ 327
Creating New Risk Assessment Recommendation Records ____________ 327
Adding Existing Risk Assessment Recommendation Records to the SIL
Analysis _______________________________________________________ 329
Removing Risk Assessment Recommendation Records from the SIL
Analysis _______________________________________________________ 330
Using the Status Field in Recommendations ________________________ 330
Scheduling Risk Assessment Recommendation Alerts _________________ 332
About Scheduling Risk Assessment Recommendation Alerts __________ 332
Scheduling Alert to Notify an Assignee When a Recommendation is Due
_______________________________________________________________ 333
Scheduling an Alert to Notify Assignees When a Recommendation is Due
for Reevaluation ________________________________________________ 334
ANALYSIS _______________________________________________________ 335
______________________________________________________________ 336
ABOUT INSPECTION TASKS RECORDS_____________________________________ 336
Creating Inspection Task Records _________________________________ 337
Viewing the List of Inspection Task Records that are Linked to an Individual
Record _______________________________________________________ 338

REFERENCE INFORMATION ________________________________ 341

ASSOCIATED PAGES___________________________________________ 341

viii Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Table of Contents

CATALOG FOLDER STRUCTURE ___________________________________ 341

DASHBOARDS FOLDER _______________________________________________ 343
LOPA FOLDER ___________________________________________________ 343
PIF FOLDER _____________________________________________________ 344
PROOF TEST TEMPLATE FOLDER _______________________________________ 345
PROOF TESTS FOLDER ______________________________________________ 346
PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENT LOOP FOLDER __________________________________ 347
QUERIES FOLDER __________________________________________________ 347
About The Queries Folder ________________________________________ 347
Queries That Support Module-Specific Pages ________________________ 348
Queries That Support The SRS Report ______________________________ 353
Dashboard Queries Folder _______________________________________ 355
SIL FOLDER _____________________________________________________ 357
SIS TRIP REPORT FOLDER ____________________________________________ 359
FAMILY FIELD DESCRIPTIONS_____________________________________ 360
CONSEQUENCE MODIFIER ____________________________________________ 360
INDEPENDENT LAYER OF PROTECTION ____________________________________ 361
INSTRUMENTED FUNCTION____________________________________________ 364
FUNCTIONAL TEST DETAIL ___________________________________________ 384
LOPA _________________________________________________________ 388
PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENT LOOP________________________________________ 397
PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENT LOOP FINAL ELEMENT ____________________________ 416
PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENT LOOP LOGIC SOLVER _____________________________ 420
SAFETY INSTRUMENTED SYSTEM ________________________________________ 431
SIF COMMON CAUSE FAILURE _________________________________________ 436
SIL ANALYSIS ____________________________________________________ 437
SIS PROOF TEST __________________________________________________ 461
SIS PROOF TEST TEMPLATE __________________________________________ 464
SIS PROOF TEST TEMPLATE DETAIL _____________________________________ 466
URLS ___________________________________________________ 469
PARAMETERS FOR THE SIS MANAGEMENT URL ______________________________ 469
EXAMPLES OF SIS MANAGEMENT URLS ___________________________________ 474
GLOSSARY ________________________________________________ 476

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INSTRUMENTED FUNCTION____________________________________________ 476

MAINTENANCE CAPABILITY INDEX (MCI) __________________________________ 476
PROOF TEST _____________________________________________________ 476
PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENT LOOP________________________________________ 476
SIL VALUE ______________________________________________________ 477

x Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

About This Document
This file is provided so that you can easily print the SIS Management section of
the Meridium APM Help system. This document is not meant to be read
electronically using the PDF. If you want to read the documentation
electronically, you should use the Help system. This file is set up to facilitate
double-sided printing and includes blank pages between sections so that each
section will begin on an odd page and will be printed on the front of the page.

Because this file represents an excerpt from the Help system, parts of this
document may seem incomplete outside of the Help system itself. When you
read the documentation via the Help system, you will see links which serve as
cross-references to other areas of the documentation. These cross-references
are not available in this document.

To access the Meridium APM Help, in the Meridium APM Framework application,
click the Help menu, and then click Meridium APM Framework Help.

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Documentation Conventions
Throughout the documentation, we use various stylistic conventions that make
it easier to interpret information and instructions. The following table provides
a list and description of the conventions that are used throughout the Meridium
APM documentation.

Convention Description Example

Bold Identifies labels The Save As dialog box appears.

that appear on Click Cancel.
the screen.
In the Catalog folder
Identifies folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Core\Queries,
paths and file open the query Field History Records.
names when the
folder path or
file name is
included in step-
\\ Identifies the The query is located in the following
beginning of a Catalog folder:
folder path. \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Core\Queries.
Courier New Identifies text Type root.
that you must
<> Indicates that Click Expand/Collapse <Record>'s
the data inside Children, where <Record> is the ID of the
the angle selected record.
brackets is

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Convention Description Example

[] Indicates that Type the following text:

the data inside <Meridium APM Catalog Path>,[Query
the square Parameters]
brackets is
 <Meridium APM Catalog Path> is
the Catalog path of the desired
 [Query Prompt Value] is a value
that you want to supply for a
prompt in the query. If you do not
pass in query prompt values, you
will be prompted to supply them
when you run the query.

4 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.


Overview of Safety Instrumented System

(SIS) Management
The Safety Instrumented System (SIS) Management module lets you manage the
safety instrumented systems that are in place in a facility to monitor and
maintain controlled processes and ensure efficiency and safety during those

For example, heating the temperature of a room is a process that has a

specific, desired outcome to reach and maintain the desired temperature (e.g.,
20 degrees Celsius). If the temperature increases too rapidly, the temperature
change could lead to a chain of events that may result in equipment failure or
a catastrophic event. To prevent a rapid temperature increase during the
heating process, a sensor within the thermometer continually measures the
temperature and relays that information to a computer. The computer decides
whether the temperature is increasing at intervals that are in line with the
specified safe limits for this process. If the data transmitted to the computer
indicates that the temperature is increasing too rapidly, it will send a
command to the heating element to decrease the temperature.

Together, the sensor within the thermometer, the computer, and the heating
element act as a safety instrumented system that monitors the process of
heating a room to ensure that it is performed safely and efficiently.

Using SIS Management, you can conduct a Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Analysis,
which you can use to assess the integrity of the safety instrumented systems
that are already in place in your facility and to uncover areas that may require
further safeguarding. An SIL Analysis (pronounced S-I-L) lets you assign a
numeric rating to the safety instrumented systems that you are analyzing. This
numeric rating represents the level of protection that those systems currently
provide, called a safety integrity level (SIL).

For instance, consider the previous example. If the heating element safely and
successfully reduces the speed at which the temperature is increasing, this
safety instrumented system would be considered to have a higher integrity
level than one in which the temperature in the room continues to increase
despite the efforts of the system.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

To conduct an SIL Analysis in SIS Management, a team of individuals will:

 Define the function of the safety instrumented systems that will be


 Identify the undesirable consequences that the safety instrumented

systems are designed to prevent.

 Test the components of the safety instrumented systems to determine if

its performance is meeting the specified requirements and identify
failures that may be occurring within those systems.

 Based on the test results, determine where further improvements are

needed within the safety instrumented systems.

In addition, the SIS Management module provides the tools necessary for
compliance with the standard IEC 61511.

The Meridium APM SIS Management module and supporting documentation

are dedicated in memory of Steve Soos IV, Product Manager, whose knowledge,
dedication, and vision are realized therein.

What is a Safety Instrumented System?

A safety instrumented system (SIS) is a system comprised of instruments that
are designed specifically to:

 Monitor the conditions of a process. Processes can be executed by an

equipment and locations.

 Recognize conditions that are indicative of failure. Identifying the

initiating events that could lead to a safety instrumented system failure
can provide the system with enough time to prevent the failure. The
consequences of a safety system failure can lead to a chain of event that
causes further equipment failure and even a catastrophic event.

 Prevent consequences by reacting to conditions that are indicative of a

failure. Safety instrumented systems make adjustments to the process to
bring the conditions to a mitigated state or even shut down that process
to prevent failures.

6 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.


A safety instrumented system consists of the following items:

 One or more protective instrument loops (PIL), which is a series of

interconnected instruments. Each protective instrument loop (PIL) is
designed to maintain a defined condition within the process, meaning
that it serves a specific purpose or instrumented function (IF). In other
words, for every instrumented function that exists for a safety
instrumented system, there is one protective instrument loop in place to
fulfill that function.

 One logic solver, which is a computer that interprets readings from the
components of the protective instrument loop (PIL) and measures that
information against predefined criteria to determine whether that
system needs to make adjustments to mitigate the risk associated with
the instrumented functions of each protective instrument loop.

For example, assume that Unit A provides steam to Unit B, and SIS-A is in place
on Unit A and Unit B to maintain the pressure levels during that process to
prevent loss of pressure or excess pressure beyond the defined safe and
productive levels. Maintaining safe and productive pressure levels are the
instrumented functions of the protective instrument loops within SIS-A. The
logic solver within SIS-A receives data from the components of the protective
instrument loops and decides whether the pressure levels are normal, exceed,
or are lower than the safe and productive pressure levels. If the current
pressure levels indicate the possibility of a process failure, which includes
scenarios like loss of productivity or explosion, the logic solver tells the
components of the SIS to do something to mitigate the current condition. For
example, if the current condition of the process indicates that the pressure is
too low, the logic solver will tell an element of the protective instrument loop
to increase the pressure so the levels are within the safe and productive levels
defined for that process.

The following image illustrates a safety instrumented system and the

relationships described above.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

In summary:

 A given process can have more than one safety instrumented system in
place to monitor and safeguard its conditions.

 Each safety instrumented system contains one protective instrument

loop per instrumented function to fulfill that function within the safety
instrumented system.

 Each safety instrumented system contains one logic solver to interpret

the readings from the components of the protective instrument loop and
instruct those elements to take action if necessary.

 The components of a protective instrument loop provide data in the

form of readings to the logic solver.

8 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.


SIS Management System Requirements

The SIS Management license is required to take advantage of SIS Management
functionality. In addition, your system must contain the basic Meridium APM
system architecture.

In order to use the integration between SIS Management and Hazards Analysis,
the Hazards Analysis license is also required.

Hint: Details on the system requirements for the basic Meridium APM system
architecture and activating licenses can be found in the Installation, Upgrade,
and System Administration section of the Meridium APM Help system.

After you have installed and configured the basic system architecture, you will
need to perform some configuration tasks specifically for the SIS Management

Data Architecture
Data Model

Overview of the SIS Management Data Model

The SIS Management data model uses families to represent the various
components of an SIL Analysis. Meridium APM leverages its fundamental entity
and relationship family infrastructure to store data related to an SIL Analysis.
When attempting to understand and make use of the Meridium APM SIS
Management functionality, it is helpful to visualize the SIS Management data

Because you should already be familiar with the concept of records and viewing
records in the Meridium APM Record Manager, as you attempt to get your
bearings in SIS Management, it may be useful to remember that SIS
Management is simply a customized view of individual records that work
together to make up an SIL Analysis.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Note: While SIS Management provides a customized view of individual records

that exist in the Meridium APM database, you should not use the Record
Manager to manage records for use with SIS Management. You should use the
features provided in the Meridium APM SIS Management module only.

All SIL Analyses begin with an SIL Analysis record. Each SIL Analysis record will
be linked to:

 One Equipment or Functional Location record.

 One or more Human Resource records.

 One or more Reference Document records.

 One or more Instrumented Function records.

 One or more Safety Instrumented System records.

Each Safety Instrumented System record will be linked to:

 One or more Instrumented Function records.

 One or more SIS Proof Test records.

 One or more SIS Proof Test Template records.

Each Instrumented Function records will be linked to:

 One Equipment or Functional Location record.

 One or more Protective Instrument Loop records.

 One or more Inspection Tasks records.

 One Risk Assessment records.

 One or more LOPA records.

 One or more SIS Proof Test records.

 One or more SIS Proof Test Template records.

10 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.


Illustration of the SIS Management Data Model

The SIS Management data model uses families to represent various components
of an SIL Analysis. Meridium APM leverages its fundamental entity and
relationship family infrastructure to store data related to an SIL Analysis.

The following diagram illustrates the families that participate in the SIL
Analysis. The shaded boxes represent entity families, and the arrows represent
relationship families. You can determine the direction of each relationship
definition from the direction of the arrow head: the box to the left of each
arrow head is the predecessor in that relationship definition, and the box to
the right of each arrow head is the successor in that relationship definition.

The SIS Management data model is best understood if you view it in portions,
and to simplify this image, some relationship and entity families are not

This section of the documentation includes images of the portions of the SIS
Management data model that are not illustrated in the preceding image. Each
image illustrates the portion of the SIS Management data model where the
following families participate as the predecessor family in the relationships
illustrated in the image:

 Safety Instrumented System

 Instrumented Function

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Protective Instrument Loop

The Reference Document family is a shared family. Meaning that the Reference
Document family is used by multiple families within the SIS Management data
model. To simplify all the data model images, the Reference Document family
is included only in the preceding image, where the SIL Analysis family is the
predecessor. In addition to this relationship, the Reference Document family
participates as the successor in the Has Reference Documents relationship
definition with the following families:

 SIL Analysis

 SIS Proof Test

 SIS Proof Test Template

 Protective Instrument Loop

 Risk Assessment Recommendation

To simplify the data model images, the following families are not included:

 Risk Assessment Recommendation. Within the SIS Management data

model, the Risk Assessment Recommendation family participates as the
successor in the Has Recommendations relationship definition with the
following families:

 Instrumented Function

 Protective Instrument Loop

 SIS Proof Test

 SIS Proof Test Template

 IPL Type. This family is not related to any family in the baseline
Meridium APM database. The IPL Type family is a subfamily of the
Meridium Reference Tables family. IPL Type records store details about
independent layer of protection types and are used to populate
Independent Layer of Protection records.

12 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.


 Hazards Analysis. The Hazards Analysis family participates as the

successor in the Has HAZOP Reference relationship definition with the
SIL Analysis and Instrumented Function families.

Safety Instrumented System Family Is the Predecessor


The following image shows the relationships where the Safety Instrumented
System family participates as the predecessor.

Note: To simplify this image, the relationships between the Instrumented

Function family and the SIS Proof Test and SIS Proof Test Template families is
not included. This relationship is illustrated in the image that illustrates the
relationships in which the Instrumented Function family participates as the

The Safety Instrumented System family contains records that store information
about the safety instrumented system that you are analyzing. Safety
Instrumented System records are linked to Instrumented Function records,
which store information about the specific functions associated with the safety
instrumented system. Safety Instrumented System records are also linked to
records in the following families:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 13

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 SIS Proof Test: Store details about a proof test that is performed on a
safety instrumented system and serves as a record of the proof test
event. SIS Proof Test record can be linked to Functional Test Detail
records, which store the detailed steps that need to be performed
during the proof test.

 SIS Proof Test Template: Store details about the steps that should be
taken when testing a safety instrumented system. When you create SIS
Proof Test record, you can select an SIS Proof Test Template record, and
the details from the SIS Proof Test Template record will be populated
automatically in the SIS Proof Test record. SIS Proof Test Template
records can be linked to SIS Proof Test Template Detail records, which
store details on the steps that need to be performed during the proof

The SIS Proof Test, SIS Proof Test Template, and Reference Document families
participate as the successor in other relationships within the SIS Management
data model. This means that these families appears in another portion of the
data model.

Instrumented Function Family Is the Predecessor Family

The following image shows the relationships in which the Instrumented

Function family participates as the predecessor.

14 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.


Instrumented Function records store details about a specific function of an SIS.

Instrumented Function records are linked directly to records in the following

 Inspection Task: Stores details on when a task should be performed on

the item represented by the record to which the Inspection Task record
is linked, including the due date for the task.

 SIS Proof Test: Stores details about a test that is taken on a safety
instrumented system and serves as a record of the event.

 SIS Proof Test Template: Stores details about the steps that should be
taken when testing a safety instrumented system. When you create an
SIS Proof Test record, you can select an SIS Proof Test Template record,
and the details from the SIS Proof Test Template record will be
populated automatically in the SIS Proof Test record.

 Risk Assessment: Stores the unmitigated risk associated with the item
represented by the record to which the Risk Assessment record is linked.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 15

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Protective Instrument Loop: Stores the details of the protective

instrument loop and its components, including the calculated results of
the proof test associated with the Safety Instrumented System record to
which the Protective Instrument Loop record is linked.

 LOPA: Stores the details of the Layer of Protection Analysis that you
want to conduct, including a description of the initiating event that is
indicative of a process failure. LOPA records store details of the risk
assessment that is determined after conducting the Layer of Protection

 SIF Common Cause Failure: Stores the details of a failure that affects
the operation of multiple instrumented functions.

 Instrumented Function: Indicates that if both the instrumented

functions represented by the two records are in their safe state at the
same time, a hazardous event may occur.

Note: The SIS Proof Test and SIS Proof Test Template families also appear in
other portions of the data model.

Protective Instrument Loop Family Is the Predecessor

The following image shows the relationships in which the Protective Instrument
Loop family participates as the predecessor.

Protective Instrument Loop records store summary information about all the
records that are linked to that record. The Protective Instrument Loop record

16 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.


combined with all the records that are linked to that record make up the
protective instrument loop.

About SIL Analyses

Components of an SIL Analysis

A Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Analysis lets you assess the safety instrumented
systems in your facility to ensure that they are adequately safeguarding your
equipment, locations, and processes. An SIL Analysis consists of an SIL Analysis
record and ALL the records that are linked to that record both directly and
indirectly. SIL Analysis records store overview information about the analysis
that you are conducting, including the start and end dates for the analysis. The
following image illustrates the records that are linked directly to an SIL
Analysis record.

You can see that records in the following families are linked directly to an SIL
Analysis record:

 Human Resource: Stores information about the people who will

participate in the analysis as SIL Analysis team members.

 Reference Document: Stores the URL path to a document that is

external to Meridium APM and contains reference information related to
the SIL Analysis.

 Instrumented Function: Stores information about the instrumented

functions of the safety instrumented system that you are analyzing.

 Safety Instrumented System: Stores information about the safety

instrumented systems that you are analyzing.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 17

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Additionally, Safety Instrumented System records and Instrumented Function

records are linked to one another through the Has IF relationship. In addition to
the relationships described above, an SIL Analysis includes records in the
families that are linked to Safety Instrumented System records and
Instrumented Function records. For more information on these records, see the
data model image.

When you conduct an SIL Analysis, you will:

 Assess the level of safety integrity per instrumented function, using the
Meridium APM Risk Matrix interface or via a Layer of Protection Analysis
(LOPA). The overall safety integrity level (SIL) for a safety instrumented
system will be calculated automatically by the Meridium APM system
based upon the defined risks.

 Validate the safety integrity level (SIL) of a safety instrumented system

using the SIL Validation tool, which lets you create a diagram of the
protective instrument loops (PIL) that make up the safety instrumented
system and calculate the ability of a protective instrument loop to meet
the required safety integrity level (SIL) for that process. The Meridium
APM system uses equations defined by IEC 61508 to calculate the
probability of failure on Demand average (PFD Avg) or probability of
failure per hour (PFH).

 Determine whether further safeguarding is necessary, based upon the

safety integrity level maintained by those safety instrumented systems.

The SIS Management Workflow

The first step in creating an SIL Analysis is to create an SIL Analysis record.
After you have created the SIL Analysis record on the SIL Analysis Definition
page, you can complete the SIL Analysis by:

 Defining the SIL Analysis team.

 Managing Reference Document records.

 Defining the Safety Instrumented System records.

 Defining Instrumented Function records.

 Assess risk, which includes:

18 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.


 Using a Risk Matrix.

 Conducting a Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA)

 Manage Risk Assessment Recommendation records.

 Validate the safety integrity level (SIL) of the safety instrumented

systems by managing protective instrument loops (PILs).

 Manage SIS Trip Report records.

 Manage Inspection Task records.

 Manage Validation Failure Rate Reference data.

State Configuration

SIL Analysis State Configuration

This topic describes attributes of the State Configuration that is defined for the
SIL Analysis family in the baseline Meridium APM database.

States and Operations

The following State Configuration is defined for the SIL Analysis family. In this
image, a box represents a state, and an arrow represents an operation. The
state to which an arrow points represents a successor state.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 19

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Initial State

The Planning state is the initial state of all new SIL Analysis records.

20 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.


Datasheet Configuration

By default, states and operations will appear on the datasheet when you are
viewing an SIL Analysis record in SIS Management, the Record Manager, or the
Bulk Data Form.

Reserved States and Operations

The following table lists the baseline states and operations and indicates which
of these states and operations are reserved. You cannot remove or modify
reserved states or operation. You can, however, add your own states and
operations to the State Configuration.


State Is Reserved?
Planning Yes
Active Yes
Review Yes
Pending Approval Yes
Complete Yes


Operation Is Reserved?
Begin Yes
Propose Yes
Submit Yes
Accept Yes
Reject Yes
Modify/Reassess Yes

State Configuration Roles

By default, the MI SIS Administrator and MI SIS Engineer State Configuration

Roles are assigned to all states in the SIL Analysis State Configuration. You can
assign State Configuration Roles to any state. In addition, for each state, the
Require a specific user to be assigned to a state check box is selected.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 21

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Protective Instrument Loop State Configuration

This topic describes attributes of the State Configuration that is defined for the
Protective Instrument Loop family in the baseline Meridium APM database.

States and Operations

The following State Configuration is defined for the Protective Instrument Loop
family. In this image, a box represents a state, and an arrow represents an
operation. The state to which an arrow points represents a successor state.

22 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.


Initial State

The Design state is the initial state of all new Protective Instrument Loop

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 23

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Datasheet Configuration

By default, states and operations will appear on the datasheet when you are
viewing a Protective Instrument Loop record in SIS Management, the Record
Manager, or the Bulk Data Form.

Reserved States and Operations

The following table lists the baseline states and operations and indicates which
of these states and operations are reserved. You cannot remove or modify
reserved states or operation. You can, however, add your own states and
operations to the State Configuration.


State Is Reserved?
Design Yes
Pending Approval Yes
Approval Yes
In Service Yes
Out of Service Yes


Operation Is Reserved?
Submit Yes
Accepted Yes
Rejected Yes
Commissioned Yes
Modify Yes
Resinstate Yes

State Configuration Roles

The following table lists the baseline states and indicates which State
Configuration Roles are assigned to each state.

24 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.


State Security Groups

Design MI SIS Administrator

MI SIS Engineer
Pending Approval MI SIS Administrator
MI SIS Engineer
Approval MI SIS Administrator
MI SIS Engineer
In Service MI SIS Administrator
MI SIS Engineer
Out of Service MI SIS Administrator
MI SIS Engineer

In addition, for each state, the Require a specific user to be assigned to a

state check box is selected.

SIS Trip Report State Configuration

This topic describes attributes of the State Configuration that is defined for the
SIS Trip Report family in the baseline Meridium APM database.

States and Operations

The following State Configuration is defined for the SI Trip Report family. In
this image, a box represents a state, and an arrow represents an operation.
The state to which an arrow points represents a successor state.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 25

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Initial State

The Active state is the initial state of all new SIS Trip Report records.

Datasheet Configuration

By default, states and operations will appear on the datasheet when you are
viewing an SIS Trip Report record in SIS Management, the Record Manager, or
the Bulk Data Form.

Reserved States and Operations

The following table lists the baseline states and operations and indicates which
of these states and operations are reserved. You cannot remove or modify

26 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.


reserved states or operation. You can, however, add your own states and
operations to the State Configuration.


State Is Reserved?
Active No
Review No
Pending Approval No
Complete No


Operation Is Reserved?
Propose No
Submit No
Accept No
Reject No
Modify/Reassess No

State Configuration Roles

The following table lists the baseline states and indicates which State
Configuration Roles are assigned to each state.

State Secur0ity Groups

Active MI SIS Administrator

MI SIS Engineer
Review MI SIS Administrator
MI SIS Engineer
Pending Approval MI SIS Administrator
MI SIS Engineer
Complete MI SIS Administrator
MI SIS Engineer

In addition, for each state, the Require a specific user to be assigned to a

state check box is selected.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 27

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Integration with Hazards Analysis

In the Hazards Analysis module, you can conduct a Hazards Analysis to identify
hazards associated with a process, and then assess the risks associated with
those hazards. In the SIS Management module, you can use a SIL Analysis to
assess the risks associated with the instrumented functions in a safety
instrumented system to determine whether it requires additional safeguarding.

After you assess risk in the Hazards Analysis module, you can apply that risk
assessment to an Instrumented Function record in an SIL Analysis in the SIS
Management module. You can use the Risk Assessment record that you created
in a Hazards Analysis to calculate the safety integrity level (SIL) for your
Instrumented Function record without having to recreate the assessment in the
SIS Management module.

To take advantage of this functionality:

 The Hazards Analysis license must be active.

 You must assign at least view permissions to the Hazards Analysis family
to any SIS Management Security Groups that should have access to
integration with Hazards Analysis.

 You must have full permissions to the Has HAZOP Reference relationship

Note: All SIS Management and Hazards Analysis Security Groups have full
permissions to the Has HAZOP Reference family by default, with the
exception of the MI HA Member Security Group.

Accessing SIS Management

Accessing the SIS Management Start Page
To access the SIS Management Start Page:

 On the Meridium APM Framework main menu, click Go To, point to

Asset Safety, and then click SIS Management.

28 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.


The SIS Management Start Page appears.

Aspects of the SIS Management Start Page

The SIS Management Start Page serves as a starting point for tasks that you
can perform using the SIS Management module.

The SIS Management Start Page contains the following links:

 SIL Analysis: Displays the SIL Analysis Search page, where you can
create and manage SIL Analysis records.

 SIL Validation: Displays the Protective Loop Search page, where you
can search for and open existing Protective Instrument Loop records.

 SIL Validation Template: Displays the Protective Loop Template

Search page, where you can create and manage Protective Instrument
Loop Template records.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 29

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 SIS Trip Report: Displays the SIS Trip Report Search page, where you
can create and manage SIS Trip Report records.

 Manage Tasks: Displays the Task List page, where you can view and
manage the Task records that are associated with all SIL Analyses.

 Manage Recommendations: Displays the Recommendation

Management page, where you can view and manage a list of Risk
Assessment Recommendation records that are associated with all SIL

 Manage Validation Failure Rate Reference Data: Displays the Sensor

Reference Data Search page, where you can create and manage records
in the Protective Instrument Loop Element families.

 Perform Administrative Tasks: Displays the SIS Management

Administration page, where you can perform administrative tasks for
the SIS Management module. This link appears only if you are logged in
as a Super User or a member of the MI SIS Administrator Security Group.

30 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Installation, Upgrade, and

First-Time Deployment Workflow

Deploying and configuring SIS Management for the first time includes
completing multiple steps, which are outlined in the table in this topic. The
steps in this section of the documentation provide all the information that you
need to deploy and configure the SIS Management module on top of the basic
Meridium APM system architecture.

Whether a step is required or optional is indicated in the Required/Optional

cell. Steps are marked as Required if you must perform the steps to take
advantage of SIS Management functionality.

The person responsible for completing each task may vary within your
organization. We recommend, however, that the steps be performed in
relatively the same order in which they are listed in the table.

Step Task Required/Optional Notes

1 Review the SIS Management data Optional This task is

model to determine which necessary
relationship definitions you will need only if you
to modify to include your custom store
equipment or location families. equipment or
Modify any relationship definitions as location
needed via Configuration Manager. information
in families
other than
the baseline

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 31

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Step Task Required/Optional Notes

2 Assign the desired Security Users to Required Users will

one or more SIS Management Security not be able
Groups in Configuration Manager. to access SIS
unless they
to the SIS
3 Manage the queries whose results will Required None
appear throughout the SIS
Management module.
4 Specify the whether Equipment or Required None
Functional Location records will be
used when integrating with the Asset
Strategy Management (ASM) module.
5 Import data from an Exida project Optional This is
file. necessary
only if you
want to
create SIL
using an
Exida project
6 Export data from an Exida project Optional None
7 Manage the types of independent Required None
layers of protection that will be used
to populate Independent Layer of
Protection records.

32 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration

Step Task Required/Optional Notes

8 Activate the Hazards Analysis license Optional This is

in Configuration Manager. necessary
only if you
want to take
advantage of
between the
module and
9 Assign at least view permissions to Optional This is
the Hazards Analysis family to SIS necessary
Management Security Groups in only for
Configuration Manager. Security
Groups that
will be used
in the
between the
module and

Upgrade Workflow
Upgrade Workflow
You can upgrade to V3. using the instructions that are provided in this
section of the documentation. To access these instructions, click the starting
version from which you are upgrading:

 V3.5.1

 V3.5.0 SP1 LP

 V3.5.0

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 33

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 V3.4.5

Upgrading SIS Management from V3.5.1 to V3.

The following table lists the steps that are required to upgrade and configure
SIS Management for V3. These steps assume that you have completed
the steps for upgrading the components in the basic Meridium APM system

Step Task Required/Optional Notes

1 Activate the Hazards Analysis Optional This is necessary only

license via Configuration if you want to take
Manager. advantage of the
integration between
the Hazards Analysis
module and SIS

2 Assign at least view Optional This is necessary only

permissions to the Hazards for Security Groups
Analysis family to SIS that will be used in
Management Security Groups the integration
in Configuration Manager. between the Hazards
Analysis module and
SIS Management.

Upgrading SIS Management from V3.5.0 SP1 LP to

The following table lists the steps that are required to upgrade and configure
SIS Management for V3. These steps assume that you have completed
the steps for upgrading the components in the basic Meridium APM system

34 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration

Step Task Required/Optional Notes

1 Activate the Hazards Analysis Optional This is necessary only

license via Configuration if you want to take
Manager. advantage of the
integration between
the Hazards Analysis
module and SIS

2 Assign at least view Optional This is necessary only

permissions to the Hazards for Security Groups
Analysis family to SIS that will be used in
Management Security Groups the integration
in Configuration Manager. between the Hazards
Analysis module and
SIS Management.

Upgrading SIS Management from V3.5.0 to V3.

The following table lists the steps that are required to upgrade and configure
SIS Management for V3. These steps assume that you have completed
the steps for upgrading the components in the basic Meridium APM system

Step Task Required/Optional Notes

1 Activate the Hazards Optional This is necessary only

Analysis license via if you want to take
Configuration Manager. advantage of the
integration between
the Hazards Analysis
module and SIS

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 35

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Step Task Required/Optional Notes

2 Assign at least view Optional This is necessary only

permissions to the Hazards for Security Groups
Analysis family to SIS that will be used in
Management Security Groups the integration
in Configuration Manager. between the Hazards
Analysis module and
SIS Management.

Upgrading SIS Management from V3.4.5 to V3.

The following table lists the steps that are required to upgrade and configure
SIS Management for V3. These steps assume that you have completed
the steps for upgrading the components in the basic Meridium APM system

Step Task Required/Optional Notes

1 Activate the Hazards Analysis Optional This is necessary only

license via Configuration if you want to take
Manager. advantage of the
integration between
the Hazards Analysis
module and SIS

2 Assign at least view Optional This is necessary only

permissions to the Hazards for Security Groups
Analysis family to SIS that will be used in
Management Security Groups the integration
in Configuration Manager. between the Hazards
Analysis module and
SIS Management.

36 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration

Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration

SIS Management Security Groups
The following Security Groups are provided for use with SIS Management:

 MI SIS Administrator

 MI SIS Engineer

 MI SIS User

These groups are intended to support the three main types of users who will
use Hazards Analysis. Each of these groups has privileges assigned to it by
default. The baseline family-level privileges are summarized in the following

Family MI SIS MI SIS Engineer MI SIS User


Entity Families
Asset Criticality Analysis View None None
Asset Criticality Analysis View None None
Consequence View, Update, View View
Insert, Delete
Consequence Modifier View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Equipment View View View
Functional Location View View View
Functional Systems View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Functional Test Detail View, Update, View, Update, View, Update,
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Human Resource View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 37

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Family MI SIS MI SIS Engineer MI SIS User


Independent Layer of View, Update, View, Update, View

Protection Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Instrumented Function View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
IPL Type View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
LOPA View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Notification View, Update, View, Update, None
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Probability View, Update, View View
Insert, Delete
Protection Level View, Update, View, Insert View
Insert, Delete
Protective Instrument Loop View, Update, View, Update, View
Element Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Proven In Use Justification View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
RBI Components View, Update, View, Update, None
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Reference Document View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Risk View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Risk Assessment View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Risk Assessment View, Update, View, Update, View
Recommendation Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Risk Category View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Risk Matrix View, Update, View View
Insert, Delete
Risk Threshold View, Update, View View
Insert, Delete
Safety Instrumented View, Update, View, Update, View
System Insert, Delete Insert, Delete

38 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration

Family MI SIS MI SIS Engineer MI SIS User


Safety Integrity Level View, Update, View View

Insert, Delete
SIF Common Cause Failure View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
SIL Analysis View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
SIL Threshold View, Update, View View
Insert, Delete
SIS Proof Test View, Update, View, Update, View, Update,
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
SIS Proof Test Template View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
SIS Proof Test Template View, Update, View, Update, View
Detail Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
SIS Trip Report View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
SIS Trip Report Detail View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Site Reference View View View
Task View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Time Based Inspection View View View
Time Based Inspection View View View
Relationship Families
Analysis Has Human View, Update, View, Update, View
Resource Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Asset Criticality Analysis View None None
Has System
Equipment Has Equipment View View View
Functional Location Has View View View
Functional Location Has View View View
Functional Location

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 39

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Family MI SIS MI SIS Engineer MI SIS User


Has Consequence Modifier View, Update, View, Update, View

Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Has Equipment View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Has Functional Location View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Has Functional Test View, Update, View, Update, View, Update,
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Has Functional Test Detail View, Update, View, Update, View, Update,
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Has Hazard Event View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Has HAZOP Reference View, Update, View, Update, View, Update,
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Has IF View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Has Independent View, Update, View, Update, View
Protection Layer Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Has Instrumented Function View, Update, View, Update, View
Revision Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Has Instrument Loop View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Has Instrument Loop View, Update, View, Update, View
Revision Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Has LOPA View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete

Has LOPA Revision View, Update, View, Update, View

Insert, Delete Insert, Delete

Has PIL Device View, Update, View, Update, View

Insert, Delete Insert, Delete

Has PIL Device Revision View, Update, View, Update, View

Insert, Delete Insert, Delete

Has PIL Group View, Update, View, Update, View

Insert, Delete Insert, Delete

40 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration

Family MI SIS MI SIS Engineer MI SIS User


Has PIL Group Revision View, Update, View, Update, View

Insert, Delete Insert, Delete

Has PIL Subsystem View, Update, View, Update, View

Insert, Delete Insert, Delete

Has PIL Subsystem Revision View, Update, View, Update, View

Insert, Delete Insert, Delete

Has PIL System View, Update, View, Update, View

Insert, Delete Insert, Delete

Has PIL System Revision View, Update, View, Update, View

Insert, Delete Insert, Delete

Has Proven In Use View, Update, View, Update, View

Justification Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Has RBI Components View, Update, View, Update, None
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Has Recommendations View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Has Reference Documents View, Update, View, Update, View, Insert
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Has Reference Values View, Update, View View
Insert, Delete
Has Risk View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Has Risk Category View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Has Risk Matrix View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Has SIF Common Cause View, Update, View, Update, View
Failures Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Has SIS Analysis Revision View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete

Has SIS Revision View, Update, View, Update, View

Insert, Delete Insert, Delete

Has SIS Trip Report Detail View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 41

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Family MI SIS MI SIS Engineer MI SIS User


Has Site Reference View, Update, View, Update, View

Insert, Delete Insert, Delete

Has Task History View, Insert View, Insert View, Insert

Has Tasks View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete
Has Task Revision View View View

Has Template Detail View, Update, View, Update, View

Insert, Delete Insert, Delete

Has Templates View, Update, View, Update, View

Insert, Delete Insert, Delete

Has Time Based Inspection View View View

Mitigates Risk View, Update, View, Update, View
Insert, Delete Insert, Delete

Was Promoted to ASM View, Update, View, Update, View

Element Insert, Delete Insert, Delete

SIS Management Administration Page

Accessing the SIS Management Administration Page

Accessing the SIS Management Administration page:

 On the SIS Management Start Page, click the Perform Administrative

Tasks link.

The SIS Management Administration page appears.

42 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration

Aspects of the SIS Management Administration Page

The SIS Management Administration page contains the following sections:

 Manage Queries: Contains the following options:

 SIL Analysis Search Query: Specifies the query whose results will
appear on the SIL Analysis Search page. The query
Management\Queries\SIL_Analysis_Search is specified for this
setting by default.

 Protective Loop Search Query: Specifies the query whose results

will appear on the Protective Loop Search page. The query
Management\Queries\Safety_Loop_Search is specified for this
setting by default.

 Protective Loop Template Search Query: Specifies the query

whose results will appear on the Protective Loop Template

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Search page. The query \\Public\Meridium\Modules\SIS

Management\Queries\Safety_Loop_Template_Search is specified
for this setting by default.

 Sensor Reference Data Query: Specifies the query whose results

will appear on the Sensor Reference Data Search page. The
query \\Public\Meridium\Modules\SIS
Management\Queries\Sensor_Reference_Data_Search is specified
for this setting by default.

 Logic Solver Reference Data Query: Specifies the query whose

results will appear on the Logic Solver Reference Data Search
page. The query \\Public\Meridium\Modules\SIS
Management\Queries\Logic_Solver_Reference_Data_Search is
specified for this setting by default.

 Final Element Reference Data Query: Specifies the query whose

results will appear on the Final Element Reference Data Search
page. The query \\Public\Meridium\Modules\SIS
Management\Queries\Final_Element_Reference_Data_Search is
specified for this setting by default.

 IF Protective Loop Search Query: Specifies the query whose

results will appear on the Protective Loop Search page when you
search for protective instrument loops associated with an
instrumented function. The query \\Public\Meridium\Modules\SIS
Management\Queries\IF_Safety_Loop_Search is specified for this
setting by default.

 SIS Trip Report Search Query: Specifies the query whose results
will appear on the SIS Trip Report Search page. The query
Management\Queries\SIS_Trip_Report_Search is specified for this
setting by default.

For the preceding options, you can specify a different query by clicking
the button that appears to the right of each option. This button
displays the Select Query dialog box, where you can navigate to the
desired query.

 Import/Export Exida Projects: Displays the text Import from Exida

Project and Export to Exida Project with corresponding buttons, which
appear to the right of these labels:

44 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration

 Import: Displays the Import Builder, which takes you step-by-step

through importing data from an Exida project file stored on your
computer. When you import data from an Exida project file, that
data is transferred into Meridium APM records and creates an SIL
Analysis or updates an existing SIL Analysis.

 Export: Displays the Export Builder, takes you step-by-step

through exporting SIL Analysis data from the Meridium APM
database to an Exida project file stored on your computer.

 ASM Integration: Using SIS Management, you can promote to ASM

Instrumented Function records, which contain an Equipment ID and
Functional Location ID field. The ASM Integration section contains the
text Asset Source Field and the following options that you can use to
specify which field in the Instrumented Function record that the
Meridium APM system will use to promote to ASM the corresponding
record that represents the equipment or location:

 Equipment: Specifies that the Meridium APM system will promote

to ASM the Equipment record that is specified in the Equipment ID
field in the Instrumented Function record. This is the default

 Functional Location: Specifies that the Meridium APM system will

promote to ASM the Functional Location record that is specified in
the Functional Location ID field in the Instrumented Function

At the bottom of the SIS Management Administration page, the following

options appear:

 Save: Saves the current administrative settings.

 Exit: Displays the SIS Management Start Page. If you have unsaved
changes on the page, a dialog box appears first, asking if you want to
save your changes.

The SIS Management Administration page contains one task menu Common

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Common Tasks Menu

The Common Tasks menu on the SIS Management Administration page

contains the following options:

 Save: Saves the current administrative settings.

 Open Analysis: This link is disabled.

 Delete: This link is disabled.

 Send To: Displays a submenu with options that let you provide a link to
the current page on your desktop (create shortcut), in an email
message, or on a Home Page.

 Help: Displays the context-sensitive help topic for the SIS Management
Administration page.

Specifying a Different Query on SIS Management

Administration Page
In the Manage Queries section on the SIS Management Administration page,
you can specify the Catalog path to a query other than the one that is currently

To specify a different query on the SIS Management Administration Page:

1. Access the SIS Management Administration page.

2. To the right of the text box that corresponds to the query that you want
to change, click the button.

46 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration

The Select Query dialog box appears.

3. Navigate to the desired query.

4. Click the Open button.

The Select Query dialog box closes, and the name of the query that you
selected appears in the corresponding text box.

5. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Save link.

Your changes are saved.

Specifying the Asset Source for ASM Integration

When you specify the Asset Source for ASM integration, you are specifying
which relationship family you are using to relate Instrumented Function records
representing the desired equipment or location. You will need to specify
whether this relationship is Safety Analysis Has Equipment or Has Functional
Location. If you are using both relationships, you will need to specify which one
you want to use to promote an asset to ASM when the Instrumented Function to
which it is linked is promoted.

To specify the asset source for ASM integration:

1. Access the SIS Management Administration page.

2. In the ASM Integration section, to the right of the Asset Source field
label, select the option that corresponds to the relationship family that
you are using.

3. Click the Save button.

Your changes are saved.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Importing Data from an Exida Project File

About Importing Data from an Exida Project File

exida™ is a software solution, where you can store information about the
systems in a facility. When you import data from an exida™ project file on
your computer, you are importing information to automatically create
Instrumented Function records in the Meridium APM database. Those records
are also automatically linked to the SIL Analysis to which they belong. The
information in this section of the documentation provides details on using the
Import Builder on the SIS Management Administration page to import data
from a file on your computer into the Meridium APM database.

When you use the Import Builder to import data from an exida™ file, you will
have two options that you can use to do so:

 Create a new SIL Analysis for the data.

 Append the data to an existing SIL Analysis.

Depending on the method that you select, the screens that you see in the
builder will change. This section of the documentation provides instructions for
using the Import Builder to:

 Accessing the Options screen, where you can select the import method
that you want to use.

 Creating a new SIL Analysis for the imported data.

 Appending the imported data to an existing SIL Analysis.

Importing Data from an Exida Project File

Accessing the Options Screen

To import data from an exida™ project file:

1. On the SIS Management Administration page, in the Import/Export

Exida Projects section, click the Import button.

48 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration

The Import Builder appears, displaying the Welcome screen.

2. Click the Next button.

The Specify exSILentia file screen appears.

3. In the Path text box, type the path to the file that you want to import.


Click the button to search for the file on your computer. These
instructions assume that you want to search for the file.

The Import dialog box appears.

4. Navigate to the desired exSILentia file, and click the Open button.

The path to the selected file appears in the Path text box.

5. Click the Next button.

The Select Instrumented Functions screen appears, displaying a list of

Instrumented Function records that exist in the specified file.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

6. Select the rows containing the Instrumented Function records that you
want to import.

7. Click the Next button.

The Options screen appears, displaying the options that you can use to
import the Instrumented Functions.

At this point, you can follow the procedure for importing data via the
desired method:

 Creating a new analysis for the imported data.

50 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration

 Appending the imported data to an existing analysis.

Creating a New Analysis for the Imported Data

The following instructions provide details on using the Options screen and
successive screens in the Import Builder to import data from an exida™ project
file and create a new analysis for the data. For details on importing data from
an exida™ project file and appending it to an existing analysis, see the
instructions for appending imported data to an existing SIL Analysis.

To create a new analysis for the imported data:

1. Access the Options screen in the Import Builder.

2. Select the Create a New Analysis option.

The Next button is disabled.

3. Click the Finish button.

A new blank SIL Analysis record appears in a new window.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

4. Provide values in the fields as desired. Note that the Analysis ID field is

5. Click OK.

The SIL Analysis record closes, and the Progress dialog box appears,
displaying the progress of the import process.

When the import is finished, the Confirmation dialog box appears,

indicating that the selected Instrumented Function records were
imported successfully.

Note: If the import process is unsuccessful, a message will appear,

indicating that the process was not successful. If you see this message,
you will need to correct any issues, and then try again.

6. On the Confirmation dialog box, click OK.

The Import Builder closes, revealing the SIS Management

Administration page. At this point, you can view the new SIL Analysis.

52 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration

Hint: On the Confirmation dialog box, you can click the Detail>> button
to view a list of IDs for the Instrumented Function records that were

Appending the Imported Data to an Existing Analysis

The following instructions provide details on using the Options screen and
successive screens in the Import Builder to import data from an exida™ project
file and append that data to an existing SIL Analysis. For details on importing
data from an exida™ project file and creating a new analysis for that data, see
the instructions for creating a new SIL Analysis for imported data.

To append the imported data to an existing analysis:

1. Access the Options screen in the Import Builder.

2. Select the Append to Existing Analysis option.

The Finish button is disabled.

3. Click the Next button.

The Select an Analysis screen appears and displays a query prompt for
the record state and SIL Analysis Owner of the desired SIL Analysis

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

4. Select the desired search criteria, and then click OK.


Accept the default All options, and click OK.

The Select an Analysis screen is revealed, and the query results are
displayed in the grid.

54 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration

5. In the grid, select the row containing the SIL Analysis record to which
you want to link the Instrumented Function records.

6. Click the Finish button.

The Progress dialog box appears, displaying the progress of the import

When the import is finished, the Confirmation dialog box appears,

indicating that the selected Instrumented Function records were
imported successfully.

Note: If the import process is unsuccessful, a message will appear,

indicating that the process was not successful. If you see this message,
you will need to correct any issues, and then try again.

7. On the Confirmation dialog box, click OK.

The Import Builder closes, revealing the SIS Management

Administration page. At this point, you can view the new SIL Analysis.

Hint: On the Confirmation dialog box, you can click the Detail>> button
to view a list of IDs for the Instrumented Function records that were

Exporting Data to an Exida Project File

About Exporting Data to an Exida Project File

When you export data from the Meridium APM database to a file on your
computer, you are exporting information from Instrumented Function records
an exida™ project file. The information in this section of the documentation
provides details on using the Export Builder on the SIS Management
Administration page to export data from the Meridium APM database to an
exida™ project file on your computer.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Exporting Data to an Exida Project File

The following instructions provide details on using the Export Builder to export
Instrumented Function records and Protective Instrument Loop records to an
exida™ project file on your computer.

To export data to an exida project file:

1. On the SIS Management Administration page, in the Import/Export

Exida Projects section, click the Export button.

The Export Builder appears, displaying the Welcome screen.

2. Click the Next button.

The Select SIL Analysis screen appears and displays a query prompt for
the record state of the SIL Analysis whose Instrumented Function records
you want to export.

3. In the State list, select the state that corresponds to the record state of
the SIL Analysis whose Instrumented Function records you want to


Accept the default option, All.

4. Click OK.

The Select SIL Analysis screen appears, and the query results are
displayed in the grid.

56 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration

5. In the grid, select the row that contains the SIL Analysis record whose
Instrumented Function records you want to export.

6. Click the Next button.

The Select Instrumented Function screen appears, displaying a list of

Instrumented Function records that are linked to the SIL Analysis record
that you selected on the Select SIL Analysis screen.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

7. In the grid, select the rows that contains the Instrumented Function
records that you want to export.

8. Click the Next button.

The Select Protective Instrument Loop screen appears, displaying the

list of Protective Instrument Loop records that are linked to the
Instrumented Function records that you selected on the Select
Instrumented Function screen.

9. In the list, select the rows containing the Protective Instrument Loop
records that you want to export.

10. Click the Next button.

The Specify Output File screen appears.

58 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration

11. In the Path text box, type the file path to the desired location.


Click the button to search for the desired file. These instructions
assume that you want to search for the file.

The Export dialog box appears, where you can navigate to the desired
exSILential file.

12. Navigate to the desired file on your computer, and then click the Save

The specified file path appears in the Path text box.

13. Click the Finish button.

The Progress dialog box appears, displaying the progress of the export

When the export is finished, the Confirmation dialog box appears,

indicating that the selected records were exported successfully.

Note: If the export process is unsuccessful, a message will appear,

indicating that the process was not successful. If you see this message,
you will need to correct any issues, and then try again.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

14. On the Confirmation dialog box, click OK.

The Progress dialog box appears, displaying the progress of the import

When the import is finished, the Confirmation dialog box appears,

indicating that the selected Instrumented Function records were
imported successfully.

Note: If the import process is unsuccessful, a message will appear,

indicating that the process was not successful. If you see this message,
you will need to correct any issues, and then try again.

15. On the Confirmation dialog box, click OK.

The Import Builder closes, revealing the SIS Management

Administration page. At this point, you can view the new SIL Analysis.

Hint: On the Confirmation dialog box, you can click the Detail>> button
to view a list of IDs for the Instrumented Function records that were

Export Builder closes, revealing the SIS Management Administration


Hint: On the Confirmation dialog box, you can click the Detail>> button
to view a list of IDs for the Instrumented Function records that were

Defining IPL Types

About Managing the Types of Independent Layers of


To manage the types of independent layers of protection that will be used to

populate Independent Layer of Protection records, you will need to:

1. Modify the values in the Default Value fields in the baseline IPL Type

60 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration

2. Define additional IPL types.

About Independent Layer of Protection Types

An independent layer of protection is a system, action, or item that mitigates

the risk associated with an instrumented function. In SIS Management, details
on independent layers of protection are stored in Independent Layer of
Protection records. When you conduct a Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) to
assess risk for a given instrumented function, you will create one Independent
Layer of Protection record per independent layer of protection. When you do
so, you will need to select in the Type list the type of independent layer of
protection that the record represents. Throughout the documentation, we
refer to the values in the Type list as IPL types.

The IPL type that you select in the Independent Layer of Protection record is
used to determine the probability of failure data (PFD) value that is associated
with that type of independent layer of protection. The PFD value is stored in
the PFD field in the Independent Layer of Protection record and used to
calculate the overall risk associated with a given instrumented function. On the
Independent Layer of Protection datasheet, the Type list contains the IPL types
that are defined in the Meridium APM database in the form of records belonging
to the IPL Type family.

The IPL Type family is a subfamily of the Meridium Reference Tables family and
is not related to any families in the SIS Management data model. You can think
of IPL Type records as templates that you can use to define Independent Layer
of Protection records. The following list contains the Record IDs for the
baseline IPL Type records that are provided in the Meridium APM database:

 Control loop

 Human performance (trained, no stress)

 Human performance (under stress)

 Operator response to alarms

 Vessel pressure rating above max challenge

The baseline IPL Type records contain a value in the Default Value field. As
part of the administrative steps for the SIS Management module, you will need
to review and modify these default values. The value in the Default Value field

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 61

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

is used to populate the PFD field in the Independent Layer of Protection


For each baseline IPL Type record, a corresponding System Code is provided in
the LOPA IPL TYPE (MI_IPL_TYPE) System Code Table. You can use these System
Codes to translate the baseline IPL types, if desired.

In the Type list, the following information is displayed for each IPL type:

<IPL Type ID> (<Default Value or Lower Boundary> - <Upper Boundary>)


 <IPL Type ID> is the value stored in the IPL Type ID field in the
corresponding IPL Type record.

 <Default Value> is a numeric value that is stored in the Default Value

field in the corresponding IPL Type record.

 <Lower Boundary> is a numeric value that is stored in the Lower

Boundary field in the corresponding IPL Type record.

 <Upper Boundary> is a numeric value that is stored in the Upper

Boundary field in the corresponding IPL Type record.

Together, the values stored in the Lower Boundary and Upper Boundary fields
define a PFD range for that IPL type.

For example, the baseline IPL type Control Loop is displayed in the Type list as
Control Loop (.01), where .01 is the value stored in the Default Value field in
the corresponding IPL Type record. Likewise, the baseline IPL type Human
performance (trained, no stress) is displayed in the Type list as Human
performance (trained, no stress) (0.0001 - 0.01), where 0.0001 - 0.01 is the
PFD range defined for that IPL type. Specifically:

 0.0001 is the value stored in the Lower Boundary field in the

corresponding IPL Type record.


 0.01 is the value stored in the Upper Boundary field in the corresponding
IPL Type record.

62 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration

In addition to the baseline IPL types, you can define additional IPL types that
will appear in the Type list on the Independent Layer of Protection datasheet.

Modifying the Default Values in the Baseline IPL Type


The following instructions provide details on modifying the baseline IPL Type
records to change the values stored in the Default Value fields in these records.

To modify the value in the Default Value field in a baseline IPL Type record:

1. Open the baseline IPL Type record whose default value you want to

2. In the Default Value field, modify the value as desired.

3. On the datasheet toolbar, click the Save button.

The record is saved.

Defining Additional IPL Types

If desired, you can define additional IPL types that will appear in the Type list
on the Independent Layer of Protection datasheet. To define additional IPL
types, you will need to create a new record in the IPL Type family, using the
Record Manager. To do so, you must be logged in as a member of the MI SIS
Administrator or MI SIS Engineer Security Group. After you save the record, the
IPL type will be available in the Type list on the Independent Layer of
Protection datasheet.

Remember that the values you enter in the IPL Type record define a type of
independent layer of protection and will be used to determine the PFD value in
Independent Layer of Protection records. The following table provides a
description of the fields that appear on the IPL Type datasheet and how they
effect Independent Layer of Protection records when you select an IPL Type
record in the Type list. You should use this table to determine how to define
additional IPL types, based upon how the values will be used by Independent
Layer of Protection records.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

IPL Type IPL Type Field Effect on Independent Layer of Protection

Field Description Records

A numeric value
representing the PFD
Default value that is The PFD field will be populated
Value associated with the automatically with this value.
IPL type.
This field is required.
A description of the The Description field is populated
IPL type. automatically with this value.
This value will be displayed in the Type
list, along with the:
 Value in the Default Value field.
An ID for the IPL -or-
type. This value is  Range defined by the values in the
used to identify the Lower Boundary and Upper Boundary
IPL Type record. fields.
The value that is displayed here depends
upon whether the Is Fixed Value check box
is selected in the IPL Type record.

64 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration

IPL Type IPL Type Field Effect on Independent Layer of Protection

Field Description Records

A check box that

indicates whether the If the Is Fixed Value check box is selected
IPL type is associated in the IPL Type record:
with a fixed PFD  The PFD field will be required, and
value or a PFD range. the value that you enter in the PFD
 If the Is Fixed cell must fall within the PFD range
Value check defined in the IPL Type record.
box is If the value that you enter in the PFD
selected, the cell does not fall within the PFD
Lower range, a message will appear,
Boundary and indicating that you must enter a
Upper value that falls within the specified
Boundary range.
cells are
 In the Type list, the IPL Type ID will
Is Fixed disabled, and
be appended with the values stored
Value the Default
in the Lower Boundary and Upper
Value cell is
Boundary fields in the IPL Type
record, which define the PFD range.
 If the Is Fixed
If the Is Fixed Value check box is cleared in
Value check
the IPL Type record:
box is cleare,
the Default  The PFD field will be populated
Value cell is automatically with the value stored
disabled, and in the Default Value field in the IPL
the Lower Type record.
Boundary and  In the Type list, the IPL Type ID will
Upper be appended with the value stored
Boundary in the Default Value field in the IPL
cells are Type record.
If the Is Fixed Value check box is selected
A numeric value in the IPL Type record, this value will be
representing the displayed in the Type list, along with the
lowest value in the following values stored in the IPL Type
PFD range associated record:
with an IPL type.  IPL Type ID
Together, this value  Upper Boundary
and the value in the In addition, when you enter a value in the
Upper Boundary field PFD cell, the Meridium APM system will use
define the PFD range this value to determine if the PFD value
for the IPL type. falls within the defined PFD range. If the
If the Is Fixed Value value does not fall within the PFD range, a
check box is selected, message will appear, indicating that you
this field is disabled. must enter a value that falls within the
specified range.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

IPL Type IPL Type Field Effect on Independent Layer of Protection

Field Description Records

If the Is Fixed Value check box is selected

A numeric value in the IPL Type record, this value will be
representing the displayed in the Type list, along with the
highest value in the following values stored in the IPL Type
PFD range associated record:
with an IPL type.  IPL Type ID
Together, this value  Lower Boundary
and the value in the In addition, when you enter a value in the
Lower Boundary field PFD cell, the Meridium APM system will use
define the PFD range this value to determine if the PFD value
for the IPL type. falls within the defined PFD range. If the
If the Is Fixed Value value does not fall within the specified
check box is selected, range, a message will appear, indicating
this field is disabled. that you must enter a value that falls
within the specified range.

An Example: Defining Additional IPL Types

Assume that you want the IPL type Vessel pressure rating below minimum
challenge to be available for selection in an Independent Layer of Protection
record. In addition, assume that a fixed PFD value of .2 is associated with this
IPL type. To define this additional IPL type, you would create the following IPL
Type record.

If you create a new Independent Layer of Protection record and select the
Vessel pressure rating below minimum challenge IPL type in the Type list, that
record would look similar to the following image.

66 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration

Alternatively, if you assume that the Vessel pressure rating below minimum
challenge IPL type is associated with a PFD range of 0.00001 -0.000001, you
would create the following IPL Type record.

If you create a new Independent Layer of Protection record and select the
Vessel pressure rating below minimum challenge IPL type in the Type list, that
record would look similar to the following image.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

At this point, you could modify the PFD value that is populated automatically
with the value in the Default Value field in the specified IPL Type record. The
PFD value that you type must fall within the PFD range (shown in parenthesis in
the Type list).

68 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Navigating SIS Management

About Navigating SIS Management
SIS Management is context-driven. This means that each page that you view
within the module will contain data related only to the SIL Analysis with which
you are currently working. After you have opened an SIL Analysis record on the
SIL Analysis Definition page, the ID of the SIL Analysis will appear on the site
map and the title bar on each page within the module, indicating that SIL
Analysis with which you are currently working.

The Navigation menu appears on almost every page in SIS Management and
provides access to the pages that contain the features that allow you to create
and perform SIL Analyses. After you open an SIL Analysis record on the SIL
Analysis Definition page, you can use the links on the Navigation menu to
facilitate a workflow for creating the remaining records that make up the SIL

For example, assume that the SIL Analysis record B0007-009 Steam Boiler SIS
appears on the SIL Analysis Definition page. The site map and the title bar will
contain the text B0007-009 Steam Boiler SIS as shown in the following image.

To define the SIL Analysis team for the SIL Analysis B0007-009 Steam Boiler SIS,
you could click the Team Members link on the Navigation menu and see that
the site map and title bar on the SIL Analysis Team Members page still contain
the Analysis ID B0007-009 Steam Boiler SIS.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

The Navigation Menu in SIS Management

The Navigation menu appears on most pages in SIS Management and provides
access to the SIS Management features. A green arrow to the left of an option
indicates the feature that you are currently viewing. The Navigation menu
contains the following links:

 Analysis Definition: Displays the SIL Analysis Definition page, where

you can modify an SIL Analysis record or create a new one.

 Team Members: Displays the SIL Analysis Team Members page.

 Documents: Displays the Reference Documents page, where you can

manage Reference Document records for the current SIL Analysis.

 Systems: Displays the Safety Instrumented Systems page, where you

can mange the Safety Instrumented System records for the current SIL

 Functions: Displays the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page, where you

can manage the Instrumented Function records for the current SIL

70 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 All Recommendations: Displays the Recommendation Management

page, where you can manage the list of Risk Assessment
Recommendation records for the current SIL Analysis.

 Revision History: Displays the Analysis Revision History page, where

you can manage the SIL Analysis Revision records that exist for the
analysis. This link is enabled only if the state of the SIL Analysis record
with which you are currently working has ever been set to Complete.

Working with SIL Analyses

Managing SIL Analysis Records

About SIL Analysis Records

SIL Analysis records store information about an SIL Analysis. Creating an SIL
Analysis record is the first step in creating an SIL Analysis. All other records
that you create for the SIL Analysis will be linked directly or indirectly to the
SIL Analysis record.

SIL Analysis records are defined via a custom form datasheet that contains the
following tabs:

 SIL Analysis

 Safety Requirement Specifications

 General SIS Requirements

 General SIF Requirements

After you have created the SIL Analysis record, it will appear on the SIL
Analysis Definition page, from which you can use the links on the Navigation
menu to:

 Define the SIL Analysis team.

 Define Reference Document records.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Define the safety instrumented systems that you are analyzing.

 Define the instrumented functions that make up the safety instrumented


 Manage Risk Assessment Recommendation records that are linked to the

SIL Analysis record.

Accessing the SIL Analysis Search Page

The SIL Analysis Search page lets you search for existing SIL Analysis records or
create new ones. To access this page, you must be a Super User or a member
of the MI SIS Administrator, MI SIS Engineer, or MI SIS User Security Group.

To access the SIL Analysis Search page:

 On the SIS Management Start Page, click the SIL Analysis link.

The SIL Analysis Search page appears.

Aspects of the SIL Analysis Search Page

The SIL Analysis Search page contains the SIL Analysis Search workspace,
which displays the results of the query specified in the SIL Analysis Search
Query text box on the SIS Management Administration page. This
documentation assumes that you are using the baseline SIL_Analysis_Search
query, which contains two prompts that appear as lists at the top of the SIL
Analysis Search Workspace:

 State: Contains a list of record states that have been configured for the
SIL Analysis family. You can choose from the following baseline states:

 Active: Displays the list of existing SIL Analysis records whose

State field contains the value Active.

 Complete: Displays the list of existing SIL Analysis records whose

State field contains the value Complete.

 Pending Approval: Displays the list of existing SIL Analysis records

whose State field contains the value Pending Approval.

72 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 Planning: Displays the list of existing SIL Analysis records whose

State field contains the value Planning.

 Review: Displays the list of existing SIL Analysis records whose

State field contains the value Review.

Selecting the All option will cause the query to return all SIL Analysis
records in any state.

 SIL Analysis Owner: Contains a list of User IDs of the users whose name
is stored in the Owner field in any SIL Analysis record.

After you select different criteria, you can click the Run Query button to run
the SIL_Analysis_Search query and displays the results in the grid at the bottom
of the page. The query results will include hyperlinked Analysis IDs, which you
can use to open the SIL Analysis record on the SIL Analysis Definition -
<Analysis ID> page, where <Analysis ID> is the ID of the SIL Analysis with
which you are currently working.

Below the query results, options appear that you can use to navigate the

The SIL Analysis Search page contains the following task menus:

 Common Tasks

 Associated Pages

Common Tasks Menu

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

The Common Tasks menu on the SIL Analysis Search page contains the
following options:

 Find Analysis: Displays the SIL Analysis Search page. This link appears
on other pages in SIS Management and is disabled on the SIL Analysis
Search page.

 Create Analysis: Displays a new SIL Analysis record on the SIL Analysis
Definition page.

 Copy Analysis: Displays on the SIL Analysis Definition page a new SIL
Analysis record, which is populated with information from the SIL
Analysis record that is currently selected.

 Open Analysis: Displays the selected SIL Analysis record on the SIL
Analysis Definition page.

 Delete: Displays a confirmation message, asking if you want to delete

the selected record, and then deletes the selected SIL Analysis record.

 Send To: Displays a submenu with options that let you provide a link to
the current page on your desktop (create shortcut), in an email
message, or on a Home Page.

 Help: Displays the context-sensitive Help topic for the SIL Analysis
Search page.

Searching for SIL Analysis Records

To search for an SIL Analysis record:

1. Access the SIL Analysis Search page.

2. In the SIL Analysis Search workspace, in the State list, select the record
state by which you want to filter the results.

3. In the SIL Analysis Owner list, select the User ID for the name of the
analysis owner by which you want to filter the results.

4. Click the Run Query button.

74 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

The records that meet your search criteria appear in the query results

Creating New SIL Analysis Records

Accessing the SIL Analysis Definition Page

The SIL Analysis Definition page displays:

 A new blank SIL Analysis datasheet, which you can use to create a new
SIL Analysis record.


 The datasheet for the selected SIL Analysis record, which you can use to
modify the SIL Analysis record.

To access the SIL Analysis Definition page:

1. Access the SIL Analysis Search page.

2. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Create Analysis link.


Click the hyperlinked Analysis ID of an existing SIL Analysis record.

The SIL Analysis Definition page appears.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Aspects of the SIL Analysis Definition Page

The SIL Analysis Definition page contains the following items:

 SIL Analysis Definition workspace: Contains the SIL Analysis record with
which you are currently working. Via the SIL Analysis Definition
workspace, you can create a new SIL Analysis record or modify an
existing SIL Analysis record.

 Task Menus: The SIL Analysis Definition page contains the following
task menus:

 Common Tasks

 Navigation

 Associated Pages

76 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Common Tasks Menu

The Common Tasks menu on the SIL Analysis Definition page contains the
following options:

 Find Analysis: Displays the SIL Analysis Search page.

 Create Analysis: Displays a new SIL Analysis record on the SIL Analysis
Definition page.

 Copy Analysis: Displays on the SIL Analysis Definition page a new SIL
Analysis record, which is populated with information from the SIL
Analysis record that is currently selected.

 Save: Saves the current SIL Analysis record.

 Open Analysis: This link is disabled in the SIL Analysis Definition page.

 Delete: Displays a confirmation message, and then deletes the current


 Send To: Displays a submenu with options that let you provide a link to
the current page on your desktop (create shortcut), in an email
message, or on a Home Page.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Reports: Displays a submenu with the captions of the reports that are
stored in the Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\SIS

 Graphs: Displays a submenu with captions of the graphs that are stored
in the Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\SIS

 Help: Displays the context-sensitive Help topic for the SIL Analysis
Definition page.

Working With SIL Analysis Records

About Defining SIL Analysis Records

You can define SIL Analysis records via the SIL Analysis datasheet on the
Analysis Definition page. The SIL Analysis datasheet is a custom form that
contains the following tabs that displays fields that are configured for the SIL
Analysis family:

 SIL Analysis

 Safety Requirement Specifications

 General SIS Requirements

 General SIF Requirements

Creating SIL Analysis Records

To create an SIL Analysis record:

1. Access the SIL Analysis Search page.

2. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Create Analysis link.

The SIL Analysis Definition page appears, displaying a new SIL Analysis

3. On the SIL Analysis tab, in the Analysis ID field, type a unique name for
the SIL Analysis.

78 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

4. Provide values in the remaining fields as desired.

5. Click the Safety Requirement Specifications tab, and enter values as


6. Click the General SIS Requirements tab, and enter values as desired.

7. Click the General SIF Requirements tab, and enter values as desired.

8. At the top of the datasheet, click the Save button.

The SIL Analysis record is saved.

Copying SIL Analysis Records

When you copy an existing SIL Analysis record, you are creating a new SIL
Analysis record that will be populated with the values from the record that was
copied. The values in all the fields from a source record will be copied to the
new record with the exception of the following fields:

 Analysis ID

 Analysis End Date

 Analysis Start Date

 Equipment ID

 Functional Location ID

 Hazards Analysis Date

 Hazards Analysis Reference

 Hazards Analysis Reference Key

 Hazards Analysis Revision

 Last Modified By

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Last Modified Date

To copy an SIL Analysis record:

1. Access the SIL Analysis Definition page for the SIL Analysis record that
you want to copy.

2. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Copy Analysis link.

A new SIL Analysis record appears and is populated automatically with

values from the currently selected record.

3. In the Analysis ID text box, type a unique name for the SIL Analysis. This
field is required.

4. If needed, modify the values in the remaining fields.

5. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Save link.

The new SIL Analysis record is saved.

80 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Modifying SIL Analysis Records

To modify an SIL Analysis record:

1. Open the desired SIL Analysis record on the SIL Analysis Definition page.

2. On the SIL Analysis datasheet, modify the fields as desired.

3. At the top of the datasheet, click the Save icon.

Your changes are saved.

Opening Existing SIL Analysis Records

To open an existing SIL Analysis record:

1. On the SIL Analysis Search page, search for the desired record.

2. In the results, locate the row that contains the desired SIL Analysis

3. In the Analysis ID column, click the hyperlinked Analysis ID.

The record appears on the SIL Analysis Definition page, where you can
modify the record and continue working with the SIL Analysis.

Removing SIL Analysis Records from the SIL Analysis Search


If you are finished with an SIL Analysis record and no longer want to see that
record in the query results on the SIL Analysis Search page, you can remove
the SIL Analysis record from the query results via the Delete option on the
Common Tasks menu.

Using the Delete option does not delete the SIL Analysis record from the
database. Instead, when you remove an SIL Analysis record:

 The Is Deleted check box in the record is selected, and that record will
no longer appear in the query results.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 The links between that record and other records associated with the SIL
Analysis are deleted.

You can remove an SIL Analysis record from the query results on the SIL
Analysis Search page regardless of the state of that record. After an SIL
Analysis record has been removed from the query results, you can still access
the record via a search.

To remove an SIL Analysis record from the SIL Analysis Search page:

1. On the SIL Analysis Search page, select the row containing the SIL
Analysis record that you want to delete.

2. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Delete link.

A confirmation message appears, asking if you really want to delete the

SIL Analysis record and all the records linked to that record.

3. Click the Yes button.

The SIL Analysis record is removed from the SIL Analysis Search page,
and the links to all the records that are linked to that record are

About Associating SIL Analyses with a Specific Site

Some companies that use the Meridium APM software have facilities at multiple
sites, or locations, around the world. Each site contains unique equipment and

If desired, you can define these sites and associate equipment and locations
with the site to which they belong. You can also associate risk matrices with
specific sites. If a risk matrix is associated with a site, you can specify which
site you want to associate with an SIL Analysis. You can associate a site with an
SIL Analysis by selecting the ID of the desired Site Reference record in the Site
ID field in the SIL Analysis record for that SIL Analysis.

After an SIL Analysis is associated with a site, when you create a Risk
Assessment record for an Instrumented Function record associated with an SIL
Analysis, rather than seeing the default risk matrix, you will see the risk matrix
that is associated with the specified site.

82 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Defining the SIL Analysis Team

About the SIL Analysis Team

The SIL Analysis team is a group of individuals who will complete the SIL
Analysis. You can add Meridium APM users and non-Meridium APM users to the
SIL Analysis team.

 Meridium APM users will have an existing Meridium APM Security User
record and an associated Human Resource record that was created
automatically when the Security User record was created.

 Non-Meridium APM users will not have a Meridium APM Security User
record or a Human Resource record. To add a non-Meridium APM user to
the SIL Analysis team, you will need to create a Human Resource record
for that user. You can do so via the SIL Analysis Team Members page or
using Meridium APM Framework Tools.

Note: A Meridium APM Security User record is required for logging in to the
Meridium APM Framework application and using SIS Management. SIL Analysis
team members who do not have a Security User account may participate in and
contribute to the analysis but will not be able to use the application.

Any member of the SIL Analysis team can be assigned a role within the SIL
Analysis team, which provides a reference of the tasks for which that team
members is responsible.

Accessing the SIL Analysis Team Members Page

On the SIL Analysis Team Members page, you can add team members to the
SIL Analysis and assign team members the role of Process Owner or Facilitator.

To access the SIL Analysis Team Members page:

1. Open the SIL Analysis record for the desired SIL Analysis.

2. On the Navigation menu, click the Team Members link.

The SIL Analysis Team Members page appears.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Aspects of the SIL Analysis Team Members Page

The SIL Analysis Team Members page displays the Team Members workspace,
which consists of a grid that displays the names of the SIL Analysis team
members. Each row in the grid represents one Human Resource record. For
each Human Resource record that appears in the grid, the following
information is displayed:

 User ID: The name of the team member as it appears in the First Name
and Last Name fields in the Human Resource record for that user.

 Process Owner: Indicates whether or not the team member has the role
of Process Owner. This check box can be selected for only one team
member per SIL Analysis team.

 Facilitator: Indicates whether or not the team member has the role of
Facilitator. This check box can be selected for only one team member
per SIL Analysis.

Below the grid, the following buttons appear:

84 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 Add New Member: Displays a new Human Resource record that you can
define and link to the SIL Analysis record.

 Add Existing Members: Displays the Find Items window, where you can
search for an existing Human Resource record and link it to the SIL
Analysis record.

 Remove Members: After asking for confirmation, removes the selected

user from the team. This button is enabled only when records appear in
the grid.

The SIL Analysis Team Members page contains the following task menus:

 Navigation

 Common Tasks

 Associated Pages

Common Tasks

The Common Tasks menu on the SIL Analysis Team Members page contains
the following links:

 Find Analysis: Displays the SIL Analysis Search page, where you can
search for an existing SIL Analysis record.

 Create Analysis: Displays a new blank SIL Analysis record on the SIL
Analysis Definition page.

 Open Analysis: This link is disabled.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Delete: This link is disabled.

 Send To: Displays a submenu with options that let you provide a link to
the current page on your desktop (create shortcut), in an email
message, or on a Home Page.

 Help: Displays the context-sensitive Help topic for the SIL Analysis
Team Members page.

Adding New Team Members to the SIL Analysis Team

Creating New Users and Adding Them to the SIL Analysis Team

When you create new users and add them to the SIL Analysis team, you are
creating new Human Resource records in the Meridium APM database and
linking them to the SIL Analysis record. This option should be used for team
members who do not have a Human Resource record. If you want to add a team
member who is already has a Human Resource record, see the topic for adding
new team members who already have a Human Resource record.

To create a new user and add that user to the SIL Analysis team:

1. Access the SIL Analysis Team Members page.

2. At the bottom of the Team Members workspace, click the Add New
Member button.

A new Human Resource record appears.

86 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

3. Enter values in the fields on the datasheet as desired. Note that the Last
Name field is required.

4. Click OK.

The Human Resource record is saved, and the new SIL Analysis team
member appears in the Team Members workspace.

Adding New Team Members Who Already Have A Human Resource Record

When you add a new SIL Analysis Team Member who already has a Human
Resource record, you are linking an existing Human Resource record to the SIL
Analysis record. This option should be used for team members who already
have a Human Resource record. If you want to add a new SIL Analysis team
member who does not already have a Human Resource record, see the topic for
creating a new user to add to the SIL Analysis team.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

To add a new team member who already has a Human Resource record:

1. Access the SIL Analysis Team Members page.

2. At the bottom of the Team Members workspace, click the Add Existing
Members button.

The Find Items window appears, and the Human Resource family is
selected in the Search In list by default.

3. If desired, type your search criteria in the Look For text box., and then
click the Find Now button.

The search results appear.

4. Locate the desired Human Resource record, and click the Open button.

The new SIL Analysis team member appears in the Team Members

88 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Assigning Roles to SIL Analysis Team Members

About SIL Analysis Team Member Roles

SIL Analysis team member roles serve as a reference of which SIL Analysis team
member is responsible for a given task related to the SIL Analysis. The
following roles are available for an SIL Analysis:

 Process Owner: The team member who is responsible for the SIL
Analysis. After you assign a team member the role of Process Owner,
that team member's name will appear in the Owner field in the SIL
Analysis record.

 Facilitator: The team member who is in charge of conducting the SIL

Analysis and organizing the SIL Analysis team.

There can be only one Process Owner and one Facilitator per SIL Analysis. A
single team member, however, can be designated as both the Process Owner
and Facilitator.

Assigning Roles to SIL Analysis Team Members

The following instructions provide details on designating a team member as the

Process Owner or Facilitator. Assigning a team member to a role serves as a
reference for the team.

To assign a role to an SIL Analysis team member:

1. Access the SIL Analysis Team Members page.

2. In the Team Members workspace, locate the row containing the team
member that you want to assign the role of Process Owner or Facilitator.

3. In either the Process Owner or Facilitator column, select the check box
to indicate that the team member is assigned to the corresponding role.

The team member is assigned the specified role, and the Owner field on
the SIL Analysis datasheet is populated with that team member's name.

To assign a role to a different team member, select the Process Owner

or Facilitator check box in the row that represents that team member.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Viewing Human Resource Records for Existing Team


To view the Human Resource record for an existing SIL Analysis team

1. Access the SIL Analysis Team Members page.

2. In the Team Members workspace, locate the row containing the team
member whose Human Resource record you want to view.

3. In the User ID column, click the team member's hyperlinked User ID.

The Human Resource record for that team member appears. At this
point you can modify the fields if desired.

4. Click OK.

Your changes are saved.

Removing Team Members from the SIL Analysis Team

When you remove a team member from an SIL Analysis team, you are deleting
the link between the Human Resource record and the SIL Analysis record.

Additionally, if you remove from the SIL Analysis team a team member who is
assigned the role of Process Owner, the Owner field in the SIL Analysis record
will be cleared.

To remove team members from the SIL Analysis team:

1. Access the SIL Analysis Team Members page.

2. In the Team Members workspace, select the rows containing the team
member that you want to remove from the SIL Analysis team.

3. At the bottom of the Team Members workspace, click the Remove

Members button.

90 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

A confirmation message appears, asking if you really want to remove the

selected team members.

4. Click the Yes button.

The selected team members are removed from the SIL Analysis team.

Managing Reference Document Records

Accessing the Reference Documents Page

The Reference Documents page lets you create and manage Reference
Document records that are linked to the SIL Analysis record for the current SIL

To access the Reference Documents page:

1. Open the SIL Analysis record for the desired SIL Analysis.

2. On the Navigation menu, click the Documents link.

The Reference Documents page appears.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Aspects of the Reference Documents Page

The Reference Documents page contains the Reference Documents

workspace, which consists of a grid that displays a list of Reference Document
records that are linked to the current SIL Analysis. Each row in the grid
represents one Reference Document record. For each Reference Document
record that appears in the grid, the following information is displayed:

 ID: The value that exists in the ID field of the associated Reference
Document record.

 Description: The value that exists in the Description field of the

associated Reference Document record.

Below the grid, the following buttons appear:

 Add New Document: Displays a new blank Reference Document record

in the <empty> (new Reference Document) dialog box.

 Add Existing Documents: Displays the Find Items window, where you
can search for an existing Reference document record to link to the SIL

92 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 Remove Documents: Displays a confirmation message and then removes

the Reference Document record from the SIL Analysis. This button is
enabled only when a row in the grid is selected.

 Open Document: Opens the file associated with the selected Reference
Document record. This button is enabled only when a row in the grid is

The Reference Documents page contains the following task menus:

 Navigation

 Common Tasks

 Associated Pages

Common Tasks

The Common Tasks menu on the Reference Documents page contains the
following links:

 Find Analysis: Displays the SIL Analysis Search page, where you can
search for an existing SIL Analysis record.

 Create Analysis: Displays a new, blank SIL Analysis record on the SIL
Analysis Definition page.

 Open Analysis: This link is disabled.

 Delete: This link is disabled.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Send To: Displays a submenu with options that let you provide a link to
the current page on your desktop (create shortcut), in an email
message, or on a Home Page.

 Help: Displays the context-sensitive Help topic for the SIL Analysis
Team Members page.

Adding Reference Documents to the SIL Analysis

Creating New Reference Document Records and Adding Them to the SIL Analysis

When you create a new Reference Document record and add it to the SIL
Analysis, you are linking the new Reference Document record to the SIL
Analysis record.

To create a new Reference Document record and add it to the SIL Analysis:

1. Access the Reference Documents page.

2. Below the grid, click the Add New Document button.

A new Reference Document record appears.

3. Follow the standard procedure for creating a Reference Document


The new Reference Document record is saved and linked to the SIL
Analysis record, and the record appears in the Reference Documents

Adding Existing Reference Document Records to the SIL Analysis

When you add an existing Reference Document record to the SIL Analysis, you
are linking the Reference Document to the SIL Analysis record.

To add existing Reference Document records to the SIL Analysis:

1. Access the Reference Documents page.

2. Below the grid, click the Add Existing Documents button.

94 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

The Find Items window appears, and the Reference Document family
appears in the Search In list by default.

3. Provide additional search criteria if desired, and then click the Find
Now button.

The search results appear.

4. In the search results grid, select the row containing the Reference
Document record that you want to link to the SIL Analysis record.

5. Click the Open button.

The selected record appears in the Reference Documents workspace.

Viewing Reference Documents

When you view a reference document, you are opening the file specified in the
Reference Document record. To be able to view a reference document on your

 The file must be saved to a location that can be accessed from your

 The application required to open that document must be installed on

your computer.

To view a reference document:

1. Access the Reference Documents page.

2. In the Reference Documents workspace, select the row containing the

reference document that you want to view.

3. At the bottom of the Reference Documents workspace, click the Open

Document button.

The reference document file appears in the application required to

display it. For example, if the reference document is a word document,
it will appear in the Microsoft Word application.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Opening Reference Document Records

To open a Reference Document record:

1. Access the Reference Documents page.

2. In the Reference Documents workspace, locate the row containing the

Reference Document record that you want to open.

3. In the ID column, click the hyperlinked Record ID of the record.

The Reference Document record appears in a new window. At this point,

you can modify the records as desired.

To close the Reference Document record and return to the Reference

Documents page, click OK (to save your changes) or Cancel.

Removing Reference Documents from the SIL Analysis

When you remove a reference document from the SIL Analysis, you are deleting
the link between the Reference Document record and the SIL Analysis record.
You are not deleting the Reference Document record from the database.

To remove reference documents from the SIL Analysis:

1. Access the Reference Documents page.

2. In the Reference Documents workspace, select the row containing the

reference document that you want to remove from the SIL Analysis.

3. Click the Remove Documents button.

A confirmation message appears, asking if you really want to remove the

selected record.

4. Click the Yes button.

The selected record is removed from the SIL Analysis and is no longer
displayed in the grid.

96 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Defining Safety Instrumented Systems

About Safety Instrumented System Records

Safety Instrumented System records store details about safety instrumented

systems (SIS) for which you are conducting an SIL Analysis. A safety
instrumented system is a system that is equipped with one or more protective
instrument loops (PIL), which consist of a series of interconnected instruments
that are designed specifically to monitor the process defined by that protective
instrument loop's instrumented function and prevent consequences within that
process. You should add to the SIL Analysis one Safety Instrumented System
record per safety instrumented system that you want to asses via the analysis.

When you add a Safety Instrumented System record to an SIL Analysis, you are
linking the Safety Instrumented System record directly to the SIL Analysis
record. Additionally, Safety Instrumented System records can be linked to
records in the following families:

 Instrumented Function: Store details on the specific function of a given

protective instrument loop within the safety instrumented system.

 SIS Proof Test: Store details on the steps that need to be performed to
test each safety instrumented system and the results of that test.

 SIS Proof Test Template: Store details on the steps that need to be
performed to test an instrumented function. You can use an SIS Proof
Test Template record to populate an SIS Proof Test record with data
that is common to more than one proof test.

You can add Safety Instrumented System records to the SIL Analysis using the
following methods:

 Create a new one.

 Add an existing one.

 Copy an existing one and automatically create a new one.

After you have added to the SIL Analysis the desired Safety Instrumented
System records, you can define the specific Instrumented Functions (IFs) of
those Safety Instrumented Systems.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Accessing the Safety Instrumented Systems Page

On the Safety Instrumented Systems page, you can create new Safety
Instrumented System records and modify existing ones.

To access the Safety Instrumented Systems page:

1. Open the SIL Analysis record for the desired SIL Analysis.

2. On the Navigation menu, click the Systems link.

The Safety Instrumented Systems page appears.

Aspects of the Safety Instrumented Systems Page

The Safety Instrumented Systems page contains the Safety Instrumented

Systems workspace, which consists of a grid that displays a list of Safety
Instrumented System records that are linked to the current SIL Analysis. Each
row in the grid represents one Safety Instrumented System record. For each
Safety Instrumented System record that appears in the grid, the following
information is displayed:

98 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 System ID: The value that exists in the SIS ID field in the Safety
Instrumented System record.

 Description: The value that exists in the SIS Description field in the
Safety Instrumented System record.

 Logic Solver Type: The value that exists in the Logic Solver Type field in
the Safety Instrumented System record.

 Is Default: Specifies whether or not the Safety Instrumented System

record is the default. If you have more than one safety instrumented
systems defined for an SIL Analysis, you will need to specify one as the

Below the grid, the following buttons appear:

 Create New System: Displays a new blank Safety Instrumented System

record in a new window.

 Add Existing System: Displays the Find Items window, where you can
search for an existing Safety Instrumented System record to link to the
SIL Analysis record.

 Copy System: Displays a new Safety Instrumented System record and

populates it automatically with values from the currently selected
record. This button is enabled only when a record appears in the grid.

 Remove System: After displaying a confirmation message, deletes the

link between the selected Safety Instrumented System record and the
SIL Analysis record. This button is enabled only when a record appears in
the grid.

The Safety Instrumented Systems page contains the following task menus:

 Navigation

 Assessment Tasks

 Common Tasks

 Associated Pages

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Task Menus

Assessment Tasks

The Assessment Tasks menu on the Safety Instrumented Systems page

contains the following links:

 Test Templates: Displays a submenu with the following options:

 Create: Displays the Proof Test Template Definition page, where

you can create a new Proof Test Template record and link it to
the selected Safety Instrumented System record.

 View: Displays the Proof Test Templates page, where you can
view a list of Proof Test Template records that are linked to the
selected Safety Instrumented System record.

 Proof Tests: Displays a submenu with the following options:

 Create: Displays the Proof Test Definition page, where you can
create a new Proof Test record to link to the selected Safety
Instrumented System record.

 View: Displays the Proof Tests page, where you can view a list of
Proof Test records that are linked to the selected Safety
Instrumented System record.

 Tasks: Displays a submenu with the following options:

 Create: Displays a new Inspection Task record that you can link to
the selected Safety Instrumented System record.

 View: Displays the Task List page, where you can view a list of
Inspection Tasks records that are linked to the selected Safety
Instrumented System record.

100 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

The Assessment Tasks menu appears on multiple pages throughout SIS

Management. The links that are available to you will vary depending on where
you are accessing the menu.

Common Tasks

The Common Tasks menu on the Safety Instrumented Systems page contains
the following links:

 Find Analysis: Displays the SIL Analysis Search page, where you can
search for an existing SIL Analysis record.

 Create Analysis: Displays a new blank SIL Analysis record on the SIL
Analysis Definition page.

 Open Analysis: This link is disabled.

 Delete: This link is disabled.

 Send To: Displays a submenu with options that let you provide a link to
the current page on your desktop (create shortcut), in an email
message, or on a Home Page.

 Help: Displays the context-sensitive help topic for the Safety

Instrumented Systems page.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Adding Safety Instrumented System Records to the SIL


Creating New Safety Instrumented System Records

When you create a new Safety Instrumented System record, it will be linked
automatically to the SIL Analysis record for the current SIL Analysis.

To create a new Safety Instrumented System record:

1. Access the Safety Instrumented Systems page.

2. At the bottom of the Safety Instrumented Systems workspace, click the

Create New System button.

A new blank Safety Instrumented System record appears in a new


102 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

3. In the SIS ID text box, type a unique name for the safety instrumented
sysetm. This field is required.

4. Provide values for the remaining fields as desired.

5. Click OK.

The record window closes, and the record is created and linked to the
SIL Analysis record for the current analysis and appears in the Safety
Instrumented Systems grid.

Adding Existing Safety Instrumented System Records to the SIL Analysis

When you add an existing Safety Instrumented System record to an SIL Analysis,
you are linking that record to the SIL Analysis record for the current SIL

To add an existing Safety Instrumented System record to the SIL Analysis:

1. Access the Safety Instrumented Systems page.

2. At the bottom of the Safety Instrumented Systems workspace, click the

Add Existing Systems button.

The Find Items window appears, where you can search for an existing
Safety Instrumented System record.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

3. If desired, in the Look For text box, type the desired search criteria,
and click the Find Now button.

The search results appear and contain only the Safety Instrumented
System records that are not currently linked to an SIL Analysis.

4. In the search results, select the row containing the record that you want
to add to the analysis.

5. Click the Open button.

The Find Items window closes, and the selected record is linked to the
SIL Analysis record for the current SIL Analysis and appears in the Safety
Instrumented Systems grid.

Copying Existing Safety Instrumented System Records

When you copy an existing Safety Instrumented System record, you are creating
a new Safety Instrumented System record that will be populated with the
values from the record that was copied. The new record will be linked
automatically to the SIL Analysis record for the current SIL Analysis. That
values in all the fields from a source record will be copied to the new record

104 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

with the exception of the SIS ID field. Each Safety Instrumented System record
should have a unique ID.

To copy a Safety Instrumented System record:

1. Access the Safety Instrumented Systems page.

2. In the Safety Instrumented Systems grid, select the row containing the
Safety Instrumented System record that you want to copy.

3. At the bottom of the Safety Instrumented Systems workspace, click the

Copy System button.

A new Safety Instrumented System record appears in a new window and

is populated automatically with values from the currently selected
record with the exception of the SIS ID field.

4. In the SIS ID field, type a unique name for the safety instrumented

5. Modify the values in the remaining fields as desired, and then click OK.

The record window closes, and the new record is linked to the SIL
Analysis record for the current SIL Analysis and appears in the Safety
Instrumented Systems grid.

Modifying Safety Instrumented System Records

To modify a Safety Instrumented System record:

1. Access the Safety Instrumented Systems page.

2. In the Safety Instrumented Systems grid, locate the Safety

Instrumented System record that you want to modify.

3. In the System ID cell, click the hyperlinked Record ID of that record.

The selected record appears in a new window.

4. Modify the values in the fields as desired, and then click OK.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Your changes are saved.

Removing Safety Instrumented System Records from the SIL


When you remove a Safety Instrumented System record from the SIL Analysis,
you are deleting the link between the Safety Instrumented System record and
the SIL Analysis record for the current SIL Analysis.

To remove a Safety Instrumented System record from the SIL Analysis:

1. Access the Safety Instrumented Systems page.

2. In the Safety Instrumented Systems grid, select the row containing the
Safety Instrumented System record that you want to remove from the

3. At the bottom of the Safety Instrumented Systems grid, click the

Remove System button.

A confirmation message appears, asking if you really want to remove the

Safety Instrumented System record form the analysis.

4. Click OK.

The link between the selected record and the SIL Analysis record for the
current analysis is deleted, and the record is removed from the Safety
Instrumented Systems grid.

Defining Instrumented Functions

About Instrumented Function Records

Instrumented Function records store details about the specific functions that
exist within a safety instrumented system. An instrumented function is a
specific need required of a safety instrumented system to monitor the
conditions of a process. For each instrumented function defined for a safety
instrumented system, one protective instrument loop (PIL) will exist to satisfy
that need. A protective instrument loop consists of interconnected safety
instruments that monitor aspects of a process and take readings on its

106 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

condition. You should create one Instrumented Function record per

instrumented function on an SIS. An instrumented function may be associated
with a particular equipment or location within the process that the SIS exists to

When you create an Instrumented Function record, it will be linked

automatically to the SIL Analysis record for the current analysis. When you
define the Instrumented Function record, in addition to details about the
instrumented function, you can specify the:

 Safety Instrumented System record to which the Instrumented Function

record is linked.

 Equipment and Functional Location record to which the Instrumented

Function record is linked.

 SIF Common Cause Failure records that are linked to the Instrumented
Function record.

 Hazardous events that may occur if the safe state associated with the
current instrumented function occurs at the same time as the safe state
associated with a different instrumented function.

You can add Instrumented Function records to the SIL Analysis using the
following methods:

 Create a new one.

 Add an existing one.

 Copy an existing one and automatically create a new one.

After you have defined the desired Instrumented Function records, you can
assess the risk associated with an instrumented function and define the
protective instrument loop that exists for an instrumented function.

Accessing the Instrumented Functions (IFs) Page

The Instrumented Functions (IFs) page lets you mange the Instrumented
Function records that are linked to the SIL Analysis record for the current SIL

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 107

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

To access the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page:

1. Open the SIL Analysis record for the desired SIL Analysis.

2. On the Navigation menu, click the Functions link.

The Instrumented Functions (IFs) page appears.

Aspects of the Instrumented Functions (IFs) Page

The Instrumented Functions (IFs) page contains the following sections:

 Instrumented Functions: Consists of a grid that contains a list of

Instrumented Function records that are linked to the SIL Analysis record
for the current SIL Analysis and options that you can use to manage
those records. Each row in the grid corresponds to one Instrumented
Function record. For each Instrumented Function record in the grid, the
following information appears:

 Function ID: The value that exists in the IF ID field in the

Instrumented Function record. This value appears as a hyperlink,

108 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

which you can click to view the contents of the Instrumented

Function record.

 Description: The value that exists in the IF Description field in

the Instrumented Function record.

 SIL Method: The value that exists in the SIL Assessment Method
field in the Instrumented Function record.

 SIL Mode: The value that appears in the SIL Mode field in the
Instrumented Function record.

 Selected SIL Level: The value that exists in the Selected SIL Level
field in the Instrumented Function record. If the Selected SIL
Level field is empty (i.e., an SIL Level has not been assessed), the
Selected SIL Level cell will contain the value 0.

 Protective Loop ID: The ID of the Protective Instrument Loop

record that is linked to the Instrumented Function record. If more
than one Protective Instrument Loop record is linked to the
Instrumented Function, this field contains the ID of the Protective
Instrument Loop record that is in the Approved state. If a
Protective Instrument Loop record that is linked to the
Instrumented Function record is not in an Approved state, this
field contains the ID of the first Protective Instrument Loop record
that is linked to the Instrumented Function record.

Below the grid, the following buttons appear:

 Create New Function: Displays a new blank Instrumented

Function record in a new window.

 Add Existing Functions: Displays the Find Items window, where

you can search for an existing Instrumented Function record to
add to the SIL Analysis.

 Copy Function: Displays a new Instrumented Function record that

is populated automatically with values from the source record.
This button is enabled only when a record appears in the grid.

 Remove Function: Displays a confirmation message, and then

removes the selected Instrumented Function record from the SIL

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Analysis. This button is enabled only when a record appears in the


 Associated Risk Assessments: Consists of a grid that contains a list of

LOPA records that are linked to the Instrumented Function record that is
currently selected in the Instrumented Functions grid. Each row in the
grid represents one LOPA record. For each LOPA record in the grid, the
following information appears:

 LOPA ID: The value that exists in the LOPA ID field in the LOPA

 Description: The value that exists in the Description field in the

LOPA record.

 Calculated SIL Level: The value in the Calculated SIL field in the
LOPA record.

 RRF: The value that exists in the Required PIF Risk Reduction
Factor field in the LOPA record.

Below the grid, the following buttons appear:

 Create New LOPA: Displays the LOPA Definition page, where you
can create a LOPA record and conduct a Layer of Protection

 Add Existing LOPA: Displays the Find Items window, where you
can search for an existing LOPA record to link to the SIL Analysis.

 Copy LOPA: Displays on the LOPA Definition page a new LOPA

record that is automatically populated with values from the
currently selected LOPA record.

 Remove LOPA: Displays a confirmation message, and then

removes the LOPA record from the SIL Analysis.

You can collapse and expand the Instrumented Functions and Associated Risk
Assessments sections using the following buttons, which appear in the top right
corner of the sections in turn:

: Indicates that the section is expanded. You can click this button to
collapse the section.

110 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

: Indicates that the section is collapsed. You can click this button to
expand the section.

The Instrumented Functions (IFs) page contains the following task menus:

 Navigation

 Assessment Tasks

 Common Tasks

 Associated Pages

Task Menus

Assessment Tasks

The Assessment Tasks menu on the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page

contains the following links:

 Risk Matrix: Displays the Risk Assessment interface from which you can
define the unmitigated risk for the selected Instrumented Function

 Protective Loops: Displays the Protective Instrument Loop Diagram

View page, where you can mange Protective Instrument Loop records.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Recommendations: Displays the Recommendations dialog box, where

you can manage Risk Assessment Recommendations records for the
selected Instrumented Function record.

 Asset Health Manager: Displays the SIS - Asset Health Manager for
<Instrumented Function Record ID> (Instrumented Function) page,
where you can manage the Health Indicator records for the selected
Instrumented Function record.

Note: The integration between SIS Management and Asset Health

Manager (AHM) is not documented.

 Test Templates: Displays a submenu with the following options:

 Create: Displays the Proof Test Template Definition page, where

you can create a new Proof Test Template record and link it to
the selected Instrumented Function record.

 View: Displays the Proof Test Templates page, where you can
view a list of Proof Test Template records that are linked to the
selected Instrumented Function record.

 Proof Tests: Displays a submenu with the following options:

 Create: Displays the Proof Test Definition page, where you can
create a new Proof Test record to link to the selected
Instrumented Function record.

 View: Displays the Proof Tests page, where you can view a list of
Proof Test records that are linked to the selected Instrumented
Function record.

 Tasks: Displays a submenu with the following options:

 Create: Displays a new Inspection Task record that you can link to
the selected Instrumented Function record.

 View: Displays the Task List page, where you can view a list of
Inspection Tasks records that are linked to the selected
Instrumented Function record.

 ASM: Displays a submenu with the following options:

112 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 Promote: Promotes the Equipment or Functional Location record

that is linked to the selected Instrumented Function record to an
ASM and displays on the ASM - Asset Strategy Overview page the
Asset Strategy for that record.

 View: Displays the Asset Strategy for the Equipment or Functional

Location record that is linked to the selected Instrumented
Function record. This link is enabled only if that Equipment or
Functional Location record has been promoted to ASM and has an
existing Asset Strategy.

The ASM link is enabled only if the selected Instrumented Function

record is linked to an Equipment or Functional Location record and a
Risk Assessment record.

The Assessment Tasks menu appears on multiple pages throughout SIS

Management. The links that are available to you will vary depending on where
you are accessing the menu.

Common Tasks

The Common Tasks menu on the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page contains
the following links:

 Find Analysis: Displays the SIL Analysis Search page, where you can
search for an existing SIL Analysis record.

 Create Analysis: Displays a new blank SIL Analysis record on the SIL
Analysis Definition page.

 Open Analysis: This link is disabled.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Delete: This link is disabled.

 Send To: Displays a submenu with options that let you provide a link to
the current page on your desktop (create shortcut), in an email
message, or on a Home Page.

 Reports: Displays a submenu that contains the captions of the following

Catalog items as links:

 IF Report: Displays in the Report Viewer the IF Report for the

selected Instrumented Function record.

 IF Risk Matrix Result Report: Displays in the Report Viewer the IF

Risk Matrix Result Report for the selected Instrumented Function

 Help: Displays the context-sensitive help topic for the Instrumented

Functions (IFs) page.

Adding Instrumented Function Records to the SIL Analysis

About Defining Instrumented Function Records

Instrumented Function records are defined via the <Record ID> (Instrumented
Function) window, where <Record ID> is the value stored in the IF ID field in
that record. The <Record ID> (Instrumented Function) window contains the
following tabs:

 Instrumented Function: Displays the Instrumented Function datasheet,

which is a custom form and contains fields that store information about
the instrumented function that record represents.

 Safety Requirement Specification: Displays the Safety Requirement

Specification datasheet, which is a custom form and contains fields that
are used by the Safety Requirement Specifications report.

 Common Cause Failures: Contains options you can use to manage the
SIF Common Cause Failure records that are linked to Instrumented
Function records.

 Concurrent Safe States: Contains options you can use to manage the
other Instrumented Function records that are linked to the current

114 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Instrumented Function record and specify the hazardous event that can
occur when the instrumented functions represented by those records are
in safe states at the same time.

The following image shows what an Instrumented Function record looks like in
the <Record ID> (Instrumented Function) window, where the Instrumented
Function tab is selected by default.

Creating New Instrumented Function Records

When you create a new Instrumented Function record, it will be linked

automatically to the SIL Analysis record for the current SIL Analysis.

To create a new Instrumented Function record:

1. Access the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

2. In the Instrumented Functions section, below the grid, click the Create
New Function button.

A new blank Instrumented Function record appears in the <Record ID>

(Instrumented Function) window, and the Instrumented Function tab
is selected by default.

3. In the IF ID text box, type a unique name for the instrumented function.
This field is required.

4. Provide values in the remaining fields as desired.

5. Click the Safety Requirement Specification tab, and then provide

values in the fields as desired.

116 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

6. Click the Common Cause Failures tab, and define the common cause
failures associated with the instrumented function.

7. Click the Concurrent Safe States tab, and define the concurrent safe
state hazards associated with the instrumented function.

8. Click OK.

The window closes, and the record is linked to the SIL Analysis record
for the current analysis and appears in the Instrumented Functions

About the Instrumented Function Tab

The Instrumented Function tab on the <Record ID> (Instrumented Function)

window displays the Instrumented Function datasheet, which is the default
datasheet for the Instrumented Function family. This datasheet is a custom
form and contains fields that are used to define the instrumented function that
the record represents.

The following image shows what the Instrumented Function tab looks like in
the <Record ID> (Instrumented Function) window.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

About The Safety Requirement Specification Tab

The Safety Requirement Specification tab on the <Record ID> (Instrumented

Function) window displays the Safety Requirement Specification datasheet,
which is a custom form that contains fields that store information that is used
by the Safety Requirement Specification report.

The following image shows what the Safety Requirement Specification tab
looks like on the <Record ID> (Instrumented Function) window.

118 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Working with the Common Cause Failures Tab

About SIF Common Cause Failure Records

SIF Common Cause Failure records store details about a failure or a condition
within a plant that can affect the operation of multiple instrumented
functions. Throughout this documentation, we refer to these items as common
cause failures. SIF Common Cause Failure records must be linked to at least
two Instrumented Function records. In other words, for every SIF Common
Cause Failure record, there will be at least two Instrumented Function records
that represent the instrumented functions that are affected by the common
cause failure defined in the SIF Common Cause Failure record.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

For example, incorrect maintenance of sensors can affect multiple

instrumented functions. In this case, you would first create an SIF Common
Cause Failure record to document incorrect maintenance of sensors as a
common cause failure and then link that SIF Common Cause Failure record to
the Instrumented Function records representing the instrumented functions
that would be affected by the incorrect sensor maintenance.

You can manage SIF Common Cause Failure records via the Common Cause
Failures tab on the <Record ID> (Instrumented Function) window for an
Instrumented Function record. Using the Common Cause Failures tab, you can
specify the common cause failures that exist for the current instrumented
function and other instrumented functions that are defined in the Meridium
APM database. More specifically, to define a common cause failure, you will
need to:

 Link SIF Common Cause Failure records to the current Instrumented

Function record.

 Link additional Instrumented Function records to those SIF Common

Cause Failure records.

The following illustration shows the records that will exist for a given common
cause failure scenario.

When you are working with records in the SIF Common Cause Failure and
Instrumented Function families, it is helpful to refer to the SIS Management
data model in which the Instrumented Function family is the predecessor

The following image shows what the Common Cause Failures tab looks like on
the <Record ID> (Instrument Function) window.

120 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Aspects of the Common Cause Failures Tab

The Common Cause Failures tab on the <Record ID> (Instrumented Function)
window contains the following sections:

 Common Cause Failures: Contains a grid that displays the SIF Common
Cause Failure records that are linked to the current Instrumented
Function record and the additional Instrumented Function records that
appear in the Related Instrumented Function grid. Each row in the
Common Cause Failures grid represents one SIF Common Cause Failure
record. For each SIF Common Cause Failure record, the following values
that are stored in the corresponding SIF Common Cause Failure record
are displayed:

 CCF ID: An ID for the common cause failure. This value appears as
a hyperlink, which you can click to view the contents of the
corresponding SIF Common Cause Failure record in a new window.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 CCF Description: A description of the common cause failure.

 CCF Mitigation: A description of the way(s) in which you can

mitigate the occurrence of the effect of the common cause

Below the grid, the following buttons appear:

 Create New: Displays a new SIF Common Cause Failure record in a

new window, where you can define a common cause failure and
automatically link the SIF Common Cause Failure record to the
current Instrumented Function record. After you create an SIF
Common Cause Failure record, a new row will appear in the
Related Instrumented Functions grid to represent the current
Instrumented Function, and a message will appear in that section,
indicating that you must link at least one more Instrumented
Function record to the SIF Common Cause Failure record.

 Add Existing: Displays the Find Items window, where you can
search for an existing SIF Common Cause Failure record and link it
to the current Instrumented Function record. After you link an
existing SIF Common Cause Failure record to the Instrumented
Function record, a new row will appear in the Related
Instrumented Functions grid to represent the current
Instrumented Function record, and a message will appear in that
section, indicating that you must link at least one more
Instrumented Function record to the SIF Common Cause Failure

 Remove: After displaying a confirmation message, deletes the

link between the SIF Common Cause Failure record and the
current Instrumented Function record. If the SIF Common Cause
Failure record is linked to an Instrumented Function record other
than the current one, that link will not be removed. This button is
disabled until at least one SIF Common Cause Failure record
appears in the grid.

 Related Instrumented Functions: Contains a grid that displays

Instrumented Function records, if at least one SIF Common Cause Failure
record appears in the Common Cause Failures grid. Specifically, the
rows in the Related Instrumented Functions grid contain the:

 Current Instrumented Function record. This record always appears

in the first row.

122 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 Additional Instrumented Function records that are linked to the

SIF Common Cause Failure record that is selected in the Common
Cause Failures grid.

Below the grid, the Add Existing button appears, which displays the
Find Items window, where you can search for an existing Instrumented
Function record that you want to link to the selected SIF Common Cause
Failure record.

The following image shows what the Common Cause Failures tab looks like
when ONE SIF Common Cause Failure record is linked to the current
Instrumented Function record and two additional Instrumented Function

Creating New Common Cause Failure Records

When you create a new SIF Common Cause Failure record, it will be linked
automatically to the Instrumented Function record with which you are
currently working.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

To create a new SIF Common Cause Failure record:

1. Open the Instrumented Function record to which you want to link a new
SIF Common Cause Failure record.

2. Click the Common Cause Failures tab.

The Common Cause Failures tab appears.

3. In the Common Cause Failures section, click the Create New button.

A new SIF Common Cause Failures record appears in a new window.

124 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

4. Provide values in the fields as desired. All the fields are required.

5. Click OK.

The SIF Common Cause Failures record closes, and the following rows
are added to the Common Cause Failures tab:

 One row in the Common Cause Failures section that represents

the SIF Common Cause Failure record.

 One row in the Related Instrumented Functions section that

represents the current Instrumented Function record.

In addition, a message appears, indicating that you must link at least

one more Instrumented Function record to the SIF Common Cause
Failure record. The following image shows an example of how the
Common Cause Failures tab appears after you create a new SIF
Common Cause Failure record.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

6. Link the additional Instrumented Function record(s) to the SIF Common

Cause Failure record.

7. Click OK.

The Instrumented Function record closes, and your changes are saved.

Linking Existing SIF Common Cause Failure Records to Instrumented Function


To link an existing SIF Common Cause Failure record to an Instrumented

Function record:

1. Open the Instrumented Function record to which you want to link an

existing SIF Common Cause Failure record.

2. Click the Common Cause Failures tab.

The Common Cause Failures tab appears.

126 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

3. In the Common Cause Failures section, click the Add Existing button.

The Find Items window appears.

4. Perform a search for the desired SIF Common Cause Failure record.

5. In the search results, select the row containing the SIF Common Cause
Failure record that you want to link to the current Instrumented
Function record, and then click the Open button.

The Find Items window closes, and the following rows are added to the
Common Cause Failures tab:

 One row in the Common Cause Failures section that represents

the SIF Common Cause Failure record that you selected.

 One row in the Related Instrumented Functions section that

represents the current Instrumented Function record.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

In addition, a message appears, indicating that you must link at least

one more Instrumented Function record to the SIF Common Cause
Failure record. The following image shows an example of how the
Common Cause Failures tab appears after you link an existing SIF
Common Cause Failure record to an Instrumented Function record.

6. Link the additional Instrumented Function record(s) to the SIF Common

Cause Failure record.

7. Click OK.

The Instrumented Function record closes, and your changes are saved.

Linking Additional Instrumented Function Records to an SIF Common Cause

Failure Record

The following instructions assume that you are viewing the Common Cause
Failures tab in an Instrumented Function record that is linked to at least one
SIF Common Cause Failure record.

128 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

To link an additional Instrumented Function record to an SIF Common Cause

Failure record:

1. In the Common Cause Failures section, select the row containing the
SIF Common Cause Failure record that you want to link to an additional
Instrumented Function record.

2. In the Related Instrumented Functions section, click the Add Existing


The Find Items window appears.

3. Perform a search for the desired Instrumented Function record.

4. In the search results, select the row containing the Instrumented

Function record that you want to link to the SIF Common Cause Failure
record, and then click the Open button.

The Find Items window closes, and the Instrumented Function record
appears in a new row in the Related Instrumented Functions grid.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

5. Click OK.

The Instrumented Function record closes, and your changes are saved.
Note that if you view the Common Cause Failures tab in the
Instrumented Function record that you just added, the SIF Common
Cause Failure record will be displayed in the Common Cause Failures

Removing SIF Common Cause Failure Records from an Instrumented Function


The following instructions provide details on removing an SIF Common Cause

Failure record from an Instrumented Function record. When you do so, you are
deleting the link between the SIF Common Cause Failure record and the
Instrumented Function record.

These instructions assume that you are viewing the Common Cause Failures
tab on the <Record ID> (Instrumented Function) window for an Instrumented
Function record that is linked to at least one SIF Common Cause Failure record.

130 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

To remove an SIF Common Cause Failure record from an Instrumented

Function record:

1. In the Common Cause Failures section, select the row containing the
SIF Common Cause Failure record that you want to remove.

2. Click the Remove button.

A confirmation message appears, asking if you really want to remove the

SIF Common Cause Failure record from the Instrumented Function

3. Click the Yes button.

The link between the SIF Common Cause Failure record and the
Instrumented Function record is deleted, and the rows in the sections
are updated in the following ways:

 The SIF Common Cause Failure record is removed from the

Common Cause Failures grid.

 The Instrumented Function record(s) that appeared in the Related

Instrumented Functions section are removed from the grid.

4. Click OK.

Your changes are saved, and the Instrumented Function record closes.

Working with the Concurrent Safe States Tab

About Concurrent Safe State Hazards and Instrumented Function Records

When you define an Instrumented Function record, you will define the safe
state to the instrumented function is responsible for taking the process in the
event that the process is in an unsafe state. In other words, if a given process
is approaching an unsafe condition, the instrumented function that monitors
that process will take the process to a condition that is specified as the safe for
that process. For example, if the temperature reaches an unsafe level, the
cooling system will be triggered to bring down the temperature to a safe state.

In some cases, if a given process is in its associated safe state at the same time
as a different process, while the individual processes are in a safe state, the

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

combination of these conditions could trigger a hazardous event. For example,

assume that to reach a safe state in a Flare system, the steam valve needs to
vent. Now assume that two steam valves need to vent at the same time. In this
case, the Flare system can become overloaded due to both processes reaching
their safe states concurrently.

In Meridium APM, the combinations of safe states that can lead to hazardous
events are referred to as concurrent safe state hazards. You can document the
concurrent safe state hazards that exist for instrumented functions via the
Instrumented Function record representing that instrumented function. In
other words, for each instrumented function that participates in a potentially
hazardous relationship, you will need to define the concurrent safe state
hazard(s) for that instrumented function.

The Concurrent Safe States tab in the <Record ID> (Instrumented Function)
window allows you manage all the concurrent safe state hazards that exist for
an instrumented function. To define concurrent safe state hazards for an
instrumented function, you will need to:

 Link the Instrumented Function record to the other Instrumented

Function record representing the instrumented function whose
concurrent safe state can cause a hazard. Instrumented Function records
can be linked to one or more other Instrumented Function records
through the Has Hazardous Event relationship.

 Describe the hazardous event that can occur when the safe state
conditions occur concurrently. Because some instrumented functions can
participate in multiple concurrent safe state scenarios, in each
Instrumented Function record, you will need to describe the hazardous
events that are associated with that instrumented function. In other
words, describing the hazardous event in one Instrumented Function
record will not automatically populate the linked Instrumented Function
record with the same description. You will need to open the linked
Instrumented Function record and enter the description of the
concurrent safe state hazard.

The following image illustrates the records that participate in a concurrent safe
state scenario in which the combination of three concurrent safe states can
lead to a hazardous event.

132 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Notice that the Instrumented Function record to which you link other
Instrumented Function records is the predecessor in the relationship. When you
are working with Instrumented Function records, it is helpful to refer to the SIS
Management data model image in which the Instrumented Function family is
the predecessor family.

The following image shows what the Concurrent Safe States tab looks like in
the <Record ID> (Instrumented Function) window.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Aspects of the Concurrent Safe States Tab in Instrumented Function Records

The Concurrent Safe States tab in the <Record ID> (Instrumented Function)
window contains the Hazard for Concurrent Safe States? check box, which
indicates whether the instrumented function represented by the current
Instrumented Function record is associated with any hazards that result from
safe states that occur simultaneously. When the Hazard for Concurrent Safe
States? check box is:

 Selected, the remaining options on the Concurrent Safe States tab are
enabled, and a message appears indicating that you must link at least
one Instrumented Function record to the current Instrumented Function
record. The additional Instrumented Function record represents the
instrumented function whose safe state can lead to a hazardous event if
it occurs simultaneously with the safe state for the current instrumented
function. After you link at least one Instrumented Function record to the
current Instrumented Function record, the message is hidden.

134 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 Cleared, the remaining options on the Concurrent Safe States tab are
disabled. This indicates that the instrumented function represented by
the current Instrumented Function record is not associated with any
concurrent safe state hazards.

After at least one Instrumented Function record is linked to the current

Instrumented Function record, the Hazard for Concurrent Safe States? check
box is disabled.

In addition, you can clear this check box only if the Individual Safe State
Detail grid is empty (i.e., there are no concurrent safe state hazards associated
with the instrumented function).

Below the Hazard for Concurrent Safe States? check box, the following
sections appear:

 Individual Safe State Detail: Contains a grid that displays the list of
Instrumented Function records that are linked to the current
Instrumented Function record. Each row in the grid represents one
instrumented function whose safe state can lead to a hazardous event if
it occurs simultaneously with the safe state of the current instrumented
function. The following information is displayed for each Instrumented
Function record that appears in the grid:

 Function ID: The ID for the instrumented function that is stored

in the IF ID field in the corresponding Instrumented Function
record. This value appears as a hyperlink, which you can click to
view the contents of the corresponding Instrumented Function

 Description: The description of the instrumented function that is

stored in the IF Description field in the corresponding
Instrumented Function record.

 Safe States: The description of the safe state that is associated

with the instrumented function, which is stored in the Safe State
Description field in the corresponding Instrumented Function

Below the grid, the following buttons appear:

 Add Existing: Displays the Find Items window, which you can use
to search for an existing Instrumented Function record and link it

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

to the current Instrumented Function record. After you link an

Instrumented Function record to the current Instrumented
Function record, a new row will appear in the Individual Safe
State Detail grid to represent that instrumented function.

 Remove: After displaying a confirmation message, deletes the

link between the selected Instrumented Function record and the
current Instrumented Function record and removes the
instrumented function from the grid. This button is disabled until
at least one Instrumented Function record appears in the
Individual Safe State Detail grid.

 Potential Concurrent Safe State Hazard: Contains a field, which stores

the description for the concurrent safe state hazards that are associated
with the current instrumented function. This field is required. If the
current instrumented function is associated with multiple concurrent
safe state hazards, you should provide a description in this field for each
of these hazards.

Defining Concurrent Safe State Hazards for Instrumented Functions

To define a concurrent safe state hazard for instrumented functions, you will
need to:

 Link to one another the Instrumented Function records whose associated

safe states can cause a hazardous event when they occurs

 Describe in each of the Instrumented Function records the hazardous

event that can occur if the safe states associated with the instrumented
functions occur simultaneously.

To define a concurrent safe state hazard for an instrumented function:

1. Open the Instrumented Function record for which you want to define a
concurrent safe state.

2. Click the Concurrent Safe States tab.

The Concurrent Safe States tab appears.

136 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

3. Select the Hazard for Concurrent Safe States? check box.

The remaining options are enabled, and a message appears, indicating

that you must link at least one Instrumented Function record to the
current Instrumented Function record.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

4. In the Individual Safe State Detail section, click the Add Existing

The Find Items window appears, and the Search In text box contains
Instrumented Function by default.

5. Perform a search for the desired Instrumented Function record.

6. In the search results, select the rows containing the Instrumented

Function records that you want to link to the current Instrumented
Function record, and then click the Open button. Keep in mind the
records you select should represent the instrumented functions whose
safe states can lead to a hazardous event if they occur concurrently with
the safe state of the current instrumented function.

The Find Items window closes, and the Instrumented Function records
that you selected appears in the Individual Safe State Detail grid.

138 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

7. In the Potential Concurrent Safe State Hazard section, enter a

description of the hazardous event that can occur if the safe states for
the instrumented functions in the Individual Safe State Detail section
occur simultaneously with the safe state for the current instrumented

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

8. In the Individual Output States section, in the first row in the grid, click
the hyperlinked ID in the Function ID cell.

The corresponding Instrumented Function record appears in a new


9. Click the Concurrent Safe States tab.

The Concurrent Safe States tab appears. You can see that the Hazard
for Concurrent Safe States? check box is selected automatically and the
Individual Safe State Detail grid contains the Instrumented Function
record to which the current record is linked (i.e., the record from which
you accessed the current record).

140 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

10. In the Concurrent Hazardous Event section, enter a description for the
hazardous event that can occur if the safe states associated with the
instrumented occur simultaneously. This should be the same description
that you entered in step 7.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

11. Click OK.

Your changes are saved, and the Instrumented Function record closes,
revealing the previous Instrumented Function record.

12. Repeat steps 8 through 11 for each Instrumented Function record that
appears in the Individual Safe State Detail grid.

13. Click OK.

Your changes are saved, and the Instrumented Function record closes.

Removing Instrumented Functions From the Concurrent Safe States Tab

When you remove an Instrumented Function from the Concurrent Safe States
tab, you are deleting the link between the Instrumented Function records.

142 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

To remove an instrumented function from the Concurrent Safe States tab:

1. Open the Instrumented Function record from which you want to remove
a linked Instrumented Function record.

2. Click the Concurrent Safe States tab.

The Concurrent Safe States tab appears.

3. In the Individual Safe State Detail section, select the row containing
the instrumented function that you want to remove.

Hint: You may want to update the text stored in the Concurrent
Hazardous Event section in the corresponding Instrumented Function
record before you remove it from the current record. To do so, click the
hyperlinked value in the Function ID cell in that row.

4. Click the Remove button.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

A confirmation message appears, asking if you really want to remove the

selected record.

5. Click the Yes button.

The link between the selected Instrumented Function record and the
current Instrumented Function record is deleted, and the instrumented
function is removed from the Individual Safe State Detail grid.

Hint: You may want to update the text stored in the Concurrent
Hazardous Event section in the current record.

6. Click OK.

Your changes are saved, and the Instrumented Function record closes.

Adding Existing Instrumented Function Records to the SIL Analysis

When you add an existing Instrumented Function record to an SIL Analysis, you
are automatically linking that record to the SIL Analysis record for the current
SIL Analysis.

To add an existing Instrumented Function record to the SIL Analysis:

1. Access the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page.

2. In the Instrumented Functions section, below the grid, click the Add
Existing Functions button.

The Find Items window appears, where you can search for an existing
Instrumented Function record.

144 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

3. If desired, in the Look For text box, type the desired search criteria,
and click the Find Now button.

The search results appear and contain only the Instrumented Function
records that are not currently linked to an SIL Analysis.

4. In the search results, select the row containing the record that you want
to add to the analysis.

5. Click the Open button.

The Find Items window closes, and the selected record is linked to the
SIL Analysis record for the current SIL Analysis and appears in the
Instrumented Functions grid.

Copying Existing Instrumented Function Records

When you copy an existing Instrumented Function record, you are creating a
new Instrumented Function record that is populated with the values from the
record that was copied and automatically linking it to the SIL Analysis record
for the current SIL Analysis. The values in all the fields from a selected record
will be copied to the new records with the exception of the following fields:

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.


 Hazards Analysis Date

 Hazards Analysis Reference

 Hazards Analysis Reference Key

To copy an Instrumented Function record:

1. Access the Instrumented Functions page.

2. In the Instrumented Functions section, select the row containing the

Instrumented Function record that you want to copy.

3. Below the Instrumented Functions grid, click the Copy Function


A new Instrumented Function record appears that is populated with

information from the source record.

4. In the IF ID field, type the ID for the instrumented function.

5. Modify the values in the remaining fields as desired.

6. Click OK.

The record is saved and appears in the Instrumented Functions section.

Modifying Existing Instrumented Function Records

To modify an existing Instrumented Function record:

1. Access the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page.

2. In the Instrumented Functions grid, locate the row containing the

Instrumented Function record whose contents you want to modify.

The Instrumented Function record appears in a new window.

146 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

3. Modify the record as desired.

4. Click OK.

The record closes, and your changes are saved.

Assessing the SIL Level for Instrumented Functions

About Assessing the SIL Level for Instrumented Functions

Before the SIL Analysis team can make recommendations for actions that
should be taken to mitigate risk for a given safety instrumented system, the
team must first assign a numeric rating to each instrumented function within
that safety instrumented system. The safety integrity level (SIL) is a numeric
value that represents an overall rating for the instrumented function. This
rating tells you to what degree the instrumented function is meeting its
requirements to mitigate risk. After you have assigned an SIL value to each
instrumented function within a safety instrumented system, the combination of
these values indicates overall safety integrity of the safety instrumented
system to which the instrumented functions belong.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

You can use the following methods to assess the SIL value for an instrumented

 Risk Matrix: Lets you use the standard Meridium APM Risk Assessment
interface to select the risk rank values for specific categories of risk.
The highest risk rank value that you select in the Risk Matrix is used to
determine the SIL value for that instrumented function. You can use the
baseline Risk Matrix or a custom Risk Matrix.

 Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA): Lets you evaluate on a granular

level the risk value associated with a given risk for the instrumented
function to determine the SIL value that is associated with each risk.
The highest SIL value that is assigned to a given risk is used to determine
the SIL value of the instrumented function with which those risks are

 Hazards Analysis Risk Assessment: Lets you select an existing Risk

Assessment record that is associated with a Hazards Analysis record to
which the Instrumented Function record is linked. The existing risk rank
values will be used to determine the SIL value for that instrumented
function automatically.

You can use more than one risk assessment method to determine the SIL value
for a given instrumented function and then compare the results of the different
methods. If you use more than one risk assessment method, however, only one
of the resulting SIL values can exist in the Selected SIL Level field in the
Instrumented Function record. To indicate whether the SIL value will be
determined by the Risk Matrix, LOPA, or Hazards Analysis Risk Assessment
method, you can select the corresponding value in the SIL Assessment Method
field in the Instrumented Function record. For example, if you select the value
Risk Matrix - Internal in the SIL Assessment Method field, the SIL value
determined by the Risk Matrix assessment method will appear in the Selected
SIL Level field.

In addition to the Select SIL Level field, SIL values are also displayed in the
Selected SIL Level column in the Instrumented Functions section on the
Instrumented Functions (IFs) page. After an SIL value exists for an
instrumented function, the SIL Analysis team can make recommendations for
actions that should be taken to mitigate the risk associated with that
instrumented function, if necessary. They can do so using Risk Assessment
Recommendation records.

For example, assume you have conducted a LOPA for the Instrumented
Function record IF - 1001, and the SIL value is 4. In this case, your SIL Analysis

148 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

team might want to create a Risk Assessment Recommendation record that

contains a recommendation for adding an additional layer of protection to that
instrumented function.

SIL Level and Required Probability of Failure

The required probability of failure is a number representing the probability

that an instrumented function will fail in a dangerous scenario. This value is
represented as a probability value (e.g., .001) and is an indicator of whether
the instrumented function is meeting its requirements to mitigate risk.

The required probability of failure is defined in the Required Probability of

Failure field in the Instrumented Function record. The required probability of
failure value is based upon the following values stored in the Instrumented
Function record:

 The SIL value, which is stored in the Selected SIL Level field. The higher
the SIL value for an instrumented function, the lower the probability
that the instrumented function will fail.

 The method used to determine the SIL value, which is stored in the SIL
Assessment Method field (e.g., Risk Matrix).

 The demand rate, which is stored in the SIL Mode field and represents
how frequently the instrumented function will be needed to protect the
safety instrumented system as a result of a failure (i.e., Low Demand,
High Demand, or Continuous).

Depending upon these values in other fields, this field is either disabled and
populated automatically or enabled so that you can type a value manually. The
following sections define how the required probability of failure is calculated
for each demand rate.

High Demand and Continuous

In an Instrumented Function record, when the value in the SIL Mode field is
High Demand or Continuous demand, the Meridium APM system assumes that
the demand rate of the instrumented function more frequent than once per
year. In these cases, the failure rate is measured by the average probability of
dangerous failures per hour (PFH). The required probability of failure is defined
by an industry standard that is associated with the SIL. The following table
contains the standard PFH values for each SIL.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Required Probability of Failure (PFH)

4 10-9 to 10-8
3 10-8 to 10-7
2 10-7 to 10-6
1 10-6 to 10-5

If you use an internal Risk Matrix to determine the SIL value, the value in the
Required Probability of Failure field on the Instrumented Function datasheet
will be populated automatically with the lowest (i.e., the most conservative)
value as the targeted probability and disabled. For example, if the SIL is 2, the
Required Probability of Failure field will be populated automatically with 1E-07
(i.e., 10-7).

If you use an internal Layer of Protection Analysis to determine the SIL value,
the value in the Required Probability of Failure field is disabled and populated
automatically with the difference between the values in the Mitigated
Consequence Frequency field and the Required Mitigated Consequence
Frequency field in the LOPA record.

If you use an SIS Assessment Method other than an internal Layer of Protection
Analysis or Risk Matrix (e.g., LOPA - External), the Required Probability of
Failure field will be enabled, and you can type the probability value manually.
In this case:

 If you modify the value in the Selected SIL Level field, the value in the
Required Probability of Failure field will be updated automatically to fall
within the correct range of values for that level.

 If you type a value that does not fall within the range defined in the
table, an error message will appear.

 If you type a value in the Required Probability of Failure field without

first typing a value in the Selected SIL Level field, an error message will

Low Demand

In an Instrumented Function record, when the value in the SIL Mode field is Low
Demand, the Meridium APM system assumes that the demand rate of the
instrumented function is less frequent than once per year. In this case, the
failure rate is measured by the average probability of failure on demand (PFD

150 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

In these cases, a risk reduction factor can also be used to indicate the
probability of failure for an instrumented function. The risk reduction factor is
the inverse of the required probability of failure, which is represented in years
in cases of low demand. For example, a required probability of failure value of
.001 would equal a risk reduction factor of 1,000, meaning that the
instrumented function would fail during a dangerous scenario about every 1,000

The required probability of failure is defined by the industry standard that is

associated with each SIL. The following table contains the standard PFD Avg
values for each SIL.

Safety Integrity Level Required Probability of Target Risk Reduction

(SIL) Failure (PFD Avg) Factor

4 10-5 to 10-4 10,000 to 100,000

3 10-4 to 10-3 1,000 to 10,000
2 10-3 to 10-2 100 to 1,000
1 10-2 to 10-1 10 to 10

If you use an internal Risk Matrix to determine the SIL value, the Required
Probability of Failure field on the Instrumented Function datasheet will be
disabled and populated automatically with the lowest (i.e., the most
conservative) value as the targeted probability. For example, if the SIL is 3, the
Required Probability of Failure field will be populated automatically with 0.001
(i.e., 10-3). The value in the Risk Reduction Factor field is the inverse of value
in the Required Probability of Failure field, so for an SIL of 3, the Risk
Reduction field on the Instrumented Function datasheet will be disabled and
populated automatically with 1,000 (i.e., the inverse of 0.001). In other words,
for an SIL value of 3, the instrumented function should not fail more than once
every 1,000 years.

If you use an internal Layer of Protection Analysis to determine the SIL value,
the Required Probability of Failure field is populated automatically in the same
way as when the demand rate is High Demand or Continuous. The value in the
Risk Reduction Factor field, however, is now populated automatically with the
inverse of value in the Required Probability of Failure field.

For an SIL Assessment Method other than an internal Risk Matrix or Layer of
Protection Analysis (e.g., LOPA - External), the Required Probability of Failure
field and the Risk Reduction field will be enabled, and you can type a value
into those fields manually. The same restrictions apply in this case as when the
demand rate is High Demand or Continuous but with the following additional

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 If you modify the value in the Required Probability of Failure field, the
value in the Risk Reduction Factor field will be populated automatically
with the inverse of the value in the Required Probability of Failure field.

 If you modify the value in the Risk Reduction field, the value in the
Required Probability of Failure field will be populated automatically
with the inverse of the value in the Risk Reduction field.

Assessing SIL Values Via the Risk Matrix

About Assessing SIL Values Via the Risk Matrix

When you assess a SIL value for an instrumented function via the Risk Matrix,
you will use the Risk Assessment interface to create a Risk Assessment record
and link it to the Instrumented Function record representing that instrumented

Specifically, you will use the Risk Matrix on the Risk Assessment interface to
select a risk rank value for each risk category that is defined in that Risk
Matrix. After you select risk rank values in the Risk Matrix, the sum of the
unmitigated risk rank values that you selected (i.e., the overall unmitigated
risk rank) is used to determine the SIL value for that instrumented function.
This value is stored in the Unmitigated Risk Rank text box above Risk Matrix on
the Risk Assessment Interface.

SIL values are stored in the SIL Level field in SIL Threshold records. SIL
Threshold records also store numeric ranges, which correspond to risk rank
values that appear in the Risk Matrix. The Meridium APM baseline database
contains SIL Threshold records that you can use for this purpose. The overall
unmitigated risk rank value will be compared to the ranges that are defined in
the SIL Threshold records. The SIL value that corresponds to the range in which
the overall unmitigated risk rank value falls is assigned to the instrumented

For example, assume that the following SIL Threshold record exists, where the
numeric range is 100 - 1000 with a corresponding SIL value of 2.

152 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

In this case, if the overall unmitigated risk rank value is 500, a SIL value of 2
would appear in the Selected SIL Level field in the Instrumented Function

Accessing the Risk Assessment Interface

The following instructions provide details on accessing the Risk Assessment

interface to select risk rank values. When you select risk rank values via the
Risk Assessment interface, you are creating a Risk Assessment record and
linking it to the selected Instrumented Function record.

To access the Risk Assessment interface:

1. Access the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page.

2. In the Instrumented Functions section, select the row containing the

instrumented function whose risk rank values you want to assess.

3. On the Assessment Tasks menu, click the Risk Matrix link.

The Risk Analysis dialog box appears, displaying the Risk Assessment

At this point, you can follow the standard procedure for assessing risk
via the Risk Matrix, and then click the Save button.

The Risk Assessment record will be linked to the selected Instrumented

Function record, and the SIL Level value will be calculated automatically
and displayed in the Selected SIL Level cell in the currently selected

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Assessing Risk via a Hazards Analysis

About Assessing SIL Values via a Hazards Analysis Risk Assessment

If you have already performed risk assessments for a Hazards Analysis via the
Hazards Analysis module, you can use one of those risk assessments to assess
the SIL value for an instrumented function. Before you can use a risk
assessment from a Hazards Analysis, you must:

1. Link the Instrumented Function record to the Hazards Analysis record

that is associated with the risk assessment that you want to use.

2. In the SIL Assessment Method field in the Instrumented Function record,

select PHA-Internal.

After you have completed these steps, on the Assessment Tasks menu, you can
click the Risk Matrix link to select which Risk Assessment record you want to
use and then view its details on the PHA Risk Assessment window.

About Mapping Values from a Hazards Analysis

When you assess the SIL value for an instrumented function using a Hazards
Analysis Risk Assessment, you will select a Risk Assessment record that has
been previously defined for a Hazards Analysis and use it to assess risk for that
instrumented function.

The risk rank values and Risk Matrix that have been defined for that risk
assessment are mapped to corresponding fields on the PHA Risk Assessment
window. The risk rank values on the PHA Risk Assessment window are used to
determine the SIL value in the same way risk rank values from the standard
Risk Assessment interface are used to determine the SIL value, with the
following exceptions:

 The risk rank values on the PHA Risk Assessment window are already
defined and cannot be modified.

 The overall unmitigated risk rank value is not always used to determine
the SIL value. The Meridium APM system determines which risk rank
values to use based upon the following criteria:

 If the risk from the Hazards Analysis has not been mitigated, the
sum of the unmitigated risk rank values is used to calculate the

154 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

SIL value in the same way as the values are calculated using the
standard Risk Assessment interface.

 If the risk from the Hazards Analysis has been mitigated, then the
sum of the mitigated risk rank values from the risk assessment
(i.e., the overall mitigated risk rank) is compared to values in SIL
Threshold records to determine the SIL value. The overall
mitigated risk rank value is displayed in the Mitigated Risk Rank
text box above the Risk Matrix on the PHA Risk Assessment

In addition, after you select a Risk Assessment record from a Hazards Analysis,
certain values that are stored in fields in Hazards Analysis Cause and Hazards
Analysis Consequence records from that Hazard Analysis are copied to
corresponding fields in the Instrumented Function record. The following table
lists the families and fields in the Hazards Analysis module that store these
values and the field in the Instrumented Function record to which they are

Instrumented Function
Hazard Analysis Family Hazard Analysis Field

Hazard Analysis Cause Cause Type Initiating Event

Hazard Analysis Cause Cause Description Initiating Event
Hazard Analysis Cause Cause Frequency (per Frequency of Initiating
year) Event (per yr)
Hazard Analysis Consequence Type Hazardous Event
Hazard Analysis Consequence Description Consequence Description

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Selecting a Risk Assessment Record from a Hazards Analysis

To use risk ranks that were defined in a Risk Assessment record in a Hazards
Analysis, you must access the PHA Risk Assessment window instead of the
standard Risk Assessment interface. The following instructions assume that the
Instrumented Function record for which you are assessing risk is linked to a
Hazards Analysis record and contains the value PHA - Internal in its SIL
Assessment Method field.

To select an existing Risk Assessment record from a Hazards Analysis:

1. On the Instrumented Functions page, select the Instrumented Function

record for which you want to define risk ranks using an existing Risk
Assessment record from a Hazards Analysis.

2. On the Assessment Tasks menu, click the Risk Matrix link.

The Search Tool appears. The Search In list is populated automatically

with the Risk Assessment family, the Linked To list is populated
automatically with the Hazards Analysis Consequence family, and the
Through list is disabled and populated automatically with the Has Risk

156 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

3. Click the Find Now button.

The search results display all the Risk Assessment records that are linked
to a Hazards Analysis Consequence record though the Has Risk
relationship family.

Note: Only Risk Assessment records that are associated with the Hazards
Analysis record to which the selected Instrumented Function record is
linked will appear in the search results.

4. Select the row containing the Risk Assessment record whose risk rank
values you want to use, and then click the Open button.

The PHA Risk Assessment window appears, displaying the read-only risk
assessment from the Hazards Analysis. In the Instrumented Function
record, the values in the following fields are calculated and populated
automatically according to the risk rank values stored in the Risk
Assessment record:

 Selected SIL Level

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Required Probability of Failure

 Risk Reduction Factor (RRF)

5. Click the button to close the PHA Risk Assessment window.

Aspects of the PHA Risk Assessment Window

The PHA Risk Assessment window functions the same as the standard Risk
Assessment interface, with some exceptions:

 The Risk Matrix and risk rank values are populated automatically with
the corresponding values from the Risk Assessment record that is
associated with the Hazards Analysis.

 The Risk Matrix is disabled, and you cannot make changes to the risk
rank values. If you want to make changes to the risk rank values, you
will need to do so from the source Hazards Analysis, and then select the
Risk Assessment record again via the SIS Management module.

 If the Risk Assessment record is linked to a Hazards Analysis Safeguard

record that is also an Independent Protection Layer (IPL), the PHA Risk
Assessment window will contain the IPL Information section. Otherwise,
this section is hidden.

 The following values are populated automatically from a Risk Assessment

record from a Hazards Analysis:

 Unmitigated Risk Rank

 Mitigated Risk Rank

 Risk Matrix

 If you select a Risk Assessment record from a Hazards Analysis that

includes safeguards that are independent protection layers (IPLs), the
PHA Risk Assessment window contains an additional sections: IPL

The following items appear on the PHA Risk Assessment window:

158 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 Unmitigated Risk Rank text box: Displays the unmitigated risk rank
value stored in the Risk Assessment record that is linked to the Hazards
Analysis record. This text box is disabled.

 Mitigated Risk Rank text box: Displays the mitigated risk rank value
stored in the Risk Assessment record that is linked to the Hazards
Analysis record. This text box is disabled.

 Risk Matrix: Displays the Risk Matrix from the Risk Assessment record for
the Hazards Analysis as read-only.

 PIF Information section: Displays values from the Instrumented Function

record for which you are assessing risk. All the fields in this section are
disabled and populated automatically with existing values from the
corresponding fields in the Instrumented Function record with the
following exceptions:

 The value in the SIL Level text box is calculated automatically

based on the unmitigated and mitigated risk rank values when you
open the PHA Risk Assessment window for the first time and then
gets copied to the Selected SIL Level field in the Instrumented
Function record. After the value is calculated initially, it will be
stored in the Instrumented Function record.

 The Initiating Event text box, Hazardous Description text box,

and Consequence Description text box are populated
automatically with values that are stored in fields in Hazards
Analysis Cause and Hazards Analysis Consequence records from
the Hazard Analysis.

 IPL Information section: Displays values that are stored in the

Independent Protection Layer records and Hazards Analysis Safeguard
records that are used to determine the mitigated risk rank in the
Hazards Analysis. This section appears on the PHA Risk Assessment
window only if the source Hazards Analysis includes Hazards Analysis
Safeguard records that are IPLs. Otherwise, this section is hidden. The
IPL Information section contains the following items:

 IPL List: Displays the list of Hazards Analysis Safeguard records

that are classified as IPLs and linked to the Hazards Analysis
Consequence record. You can select one of these records in the
list to view its mitigated risk details in the Risk grid.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Safeguard ID: This cell is disabled and populated automatically

with the value that is stored in the Safeguard ID field in the
Hazards Analysis Safeguard record.

 Equipment ID: This cell is disabled and populated automatically

with the value that is stored in the Equipment ID field in the
Equipment record to which the Hazards Analysis Safeguard record
is linked.

 IF ID: This cell is disabled and populated automatically with the

value that is stored in the IF ID field in the Hazards Analysis
Safeguard record.

 Safeguard Type: This cell is disabled and populated automatically

with the value that is stored in the Safeguard Type field in the
Hazards Analysis Safeguard record.

 Safeguard Description: This cell is disabled and populated

automatically with the value that is stored in the Safeguard
Description field in the Hazards Analysis Safeguard record.

 Risk grid: Displays in grid format the mitigated and unmitigated

risk ranks for each Risk Matrix category (e.g., environment) and
the overall unmitigated and mitigated risk ranks associated with
the IPL that is selected in the IPL List.

 IPL Credits: This value is disabled and populated automatically

with the value that is stored in the IPL Credits field in the
Independent Protection Layer record that is linked to the Hazards
Analysis Safeguard record that is selected in the IPL List. This
number represents the amount by which the risk is reduced
because of that IPL.

 IPL Type: This value is disabled and populated automatically with

the value that is stored in the IPL Type field in the Independent
Protection Layer record that is linked to the Hazards Analysis
Safeguard record that is selected in the IPL List. This cell can
contain one of the following values:

o Consequence Reducing IPLs: Reduce the severity of the

failure (e.g., fatality to injury).

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User Instructions

o Frequency Reducing IPLs: Reduce how often the failures

occur (e.g., every 100 years to every 1,000 years).

Assessing Risk via a Layer of Protection Analysis

What is a Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA)?

A Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) is type of risk assessment, which lets you
determine the SIL value that is associated with the protective instruments that
exist to mitigate the same risks for which the instrumented function exists.
When you use an LOPA to assess the SIL value for an instrumented function,
you examine the granular portions of the a scenario and assess the risk
associated with each portion, and then those individual risk values are used to
calculate the SIL value for the instrumented function.

You can conduct one LOPA per risk that is associated with an instrumented
function. After you have conducted a LOPA for all the desired risks, the highest
SIL value will be used to calculate the SIL for that instrumented function.

A LOPA consists of one LOPA record and all the records that are linked to that
record. For more details on how the LOPA family participates in the SIS
Management data model, see the illustration of the data model where the
Instrumented Function family is the predecessor.

When you conduct an LOPA, you will complete the following steps:

1. Create one LOPA record to define the risk that you are assessing.

2. Create one Independent Layer of Protection record per independent

layer of protection that exists to mitigate the risk defined in the LOPA

3. Create one Consequence Modifier record per consequence modifier that

is associated with the risk defined in the LOPA record.

After you complete these steps, the SIL value will be calculated automatically
based on the probability values defined in the Independent Layer of Protection
records and Consequence Modifier records.

Task Menus and Layer of Protection Analyses

Navigation Menu

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

The Navigation menu appears on the following pages when you are working
with a LOPA:

 LOPA Definition

 Consequence Modifiers

In addition to these pages, the Navigation menu provides to the Instrumented

Functions (IFs) page. A green arrow to the left of an option indicates the page
that you are currently viewing. The Navigation menu contains the following

 LOPA Definition: Displays the LOPA Definition page, where you can
manage LOPA records and Independent Layers of Protection records.

 Modifiers: Displays the Consequence Modifiers page, where you can

manage Consequence Modifier records.

 Return to Functions: Displays the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page,

where you can manage Instrumented Function records.

Common Tasks

The Common Tasks menu appears on the following pages when you are
working with a LOPA:

 LOPA Definition

 Consequence Modifiers

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User Instructions

The Common Tasks menu contains the following links:

 Send To: Displays a submenu with options that let you provide a link to
the current page on your desktop (create shortcut), in an email
message, or on a Home Page.

 Reports: Displays a submenu that contains the caption of the Catalog

item LOPA Report as a link. This link is enabled only if you are viewing
an existing LOPA record on the LOPA Definition page. This link does not
appear on the Consequence Modifiers page.

 Help: Displays the context-sensitive help topic for the current page.

Working with LOPA Records

About LOPA Records

LOPA records store details about the LOPA that you are conducting to
determine the SIL value for a risk that is associated with an instrumented
function. When you create a LOPA record, it will be linked to the Instrumented
Function record that is currently selected on the Instrumented Functions (IFs)

LOPA records can be linked to records in the following families:

 Consequence Modifier: Stores details about the consequences of the

risk described in the LOPA record.

 Independent Layer of Protection: Stores details about the independent

layers of protection that exist to mitigate the risk associated with the
consequences described in the Consequence Modifier records.
Independent Layer of Protection records can be linked to Equipment and
Functional Location records, which store details about the equipment or
location with which the independent layers of protection are associated.

These families also store numeric values that present probability and failure
rates. These values are used to calculate the SIL value of the Instrumented
Function whose risks you are assessing through the LOPA. The calculated SIL
value is stored in the Calculated SIL field in the LOPA record.

When you create a LOPA record, you will define the following items in the

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 The risk for which you are conducting the Layer of Protection Analysis

 The consequences that may occur if that risk is not prevented from
proceeding into an undesirable scenario.

 The events or conditions that can initiate the undesirable event.

 How often the event may occur.

 How often it is acceptable for the event to occur.

Creating New LOPA Records

Accessing the LOPA Definition Page

On the LOPA Definition page, you can create the following items:

 One LOPA record.

 One or more Independent Layer of Protection records.

Additionally, via the LOPA Definition page, you can access the Consequence
Modifiers page, where you can create one or more Consequence Modifier

The following instruction provide details on accessing the LOPA Definition page
for a new LOPA record. You can also access the LOPA Definition page by
opening an existing LOPA record.

To access the LOPA Definition page:

1. Access the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page.

2. In the Instrumented Functions section, select the row containing the

Instrumented Function record for which you want to conduct the LOPA.

3. In the Associated Risk Assessments section, click the Create New LOPA

164 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Aspects of the LOPA Definition Page

The LOPA Definition page contains the following items:

 Datasheet area: Contains the LOPA datasheet for the current LOPA

 Independent Protective Layers section: Contains a grid that displays a

list of Independent Layer of Protection records that are linked to the
LOPA record whose datasheet is displayed in the datasheet area. Each
row in the grid represents one Layer of Protection record. For each
record that appears in the grid, the following information is displayed:

 Sequence Number: The value that exists in the Sequence Number

field in the Independent Layer of Protection record.

 IPL ID: The value that exists in the IPL ID field in the Independent
Layer of Protection record.

 Description: The value that exists in the Description field in the

Independent Layer of Protection record.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Type: The value that exists in the Type field in the Independent
Layer of Protection record.

 PFD: The value that exists in the PFD field in the Independent
Layer of Protection record.

Below the grid, the following buttons appear:

 Add New IPL: Displays a new blank Independent Layer of

Protection record in a new window.

 Delete IPL: Displays a confirmation message, and then deletes the

selected Independent Layer of Protection record.

You can collapse and expand the Independent Protective Layers section using
the following buttons, which appear on the top right corner of the section in

: Indicates that the section is expanded. You can click this button to
collapse the section.

: Indicates that the section is collapsed. You can click this button to
expand the section.

The LOPA Definition page contains the following task menus:

 Navigation

 Common Tasks

 Associated Pages

Creating LOPA Records

To create a LOPA record:

1. Access the LOPA Definition page.

2. In the datasheet area, on the Definition tab, provide values for the
fields as desired. Note that the LOPA ID field is required.

166 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

3. Click the Details tab.

The Details tab appears.

4. Provide values for the fields as desired. Note that the following fields
are required:

 Frequency of Initiating Event

 Required Mitigated Consequence Frequency

5. Above the datasheet, click the Save button.

The record is saved.

Opening Existing LOPA Records

To open an existing LOPA record:

1. Access the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page.

2. In the Instrumented Functions section, select the row containing the

Instrumented Function record to which the desired LOPA record is

3. In the Associated Risk Assessments section, locate the LOPA record

that you want to open.

4. In the LOPA ID cell, click the hyperlinked Record ID for the desired

The selected LOPA record appears on the LOPA Definition page. At this
point, you can modify the LOPA record, create Independent Layer of
Protection records, and access the Consequence Modifiers page.

Adding Existing LOPA Records to the Associated Risk Assessments Grid

The following instructions provide details on searching for an existing LOPA

record to link to an Instrumented Function record. When you search for LOPA
records, the search results will contain only LOPA records that are not already
linked to an Instrumented Function record.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

To add an existing LOPA record to the Associated Risk Assessments grid:

1. Access the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page.

2. In the Instrumented Functions section, select the row containing the

Instrumented Function record to which you want to link the LOPA

3. Below the Associated Risk Assessments section, click the Add Existing
LOPA button.

The Find Items window appears.

4. Provide the desired search criteria, and then click the Find Now button.

The search results appear.

5. In the search results, select the row containing the LOPA record that you
want to link to the selected Instrumented Function record, and then
click the Open button.

168 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

The LOPA record is linked to the Instrumented Functions record and

appears in the Associated Risk Assessments section.

Copying LOPA Records to Create New Ones

When you copy a LOPA record to create a new one, you are creating a new
LOPA record that is populated with information from the source record. If the
source LOPA record is linked to Independent Layer of Protection records or
Consequence Modifier records, those records will not be linked to the new
LOPA record.

To copy a LOPA record and create a new one:

1. Access the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page.

2. In the Instrumented Functions section, select the row containing the

Instrumented Function record to which the desired LOPA record is

3. In the Associated Risk Assessments section, select the row containing

the LOPA record that you want to copy.

4. Click the Copy LOPA button.

A new LOPA record appears on the LOPA Definition page and is

populated automatically with information from the source record.

5. In the datasheet area, in the LOPA ID field on the Definition tab, type
an ID for the LOPA. This field is required.

6. Above the datasheet, click the Save button.

The record is saved. At this point you can, link the LOPA record to
Independent Layer of Protection records and Consequence Modifier

Removing LOPA Records from the Associated Risk Assessments Grid

When you remove a LOPA record from the Associated Risk Assessments grid on
the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page, you are deleting the link between the
Instrumented Function record and the LOPA record, and the LOPA record will
no longer be associated with the current SIL Analysis.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

To remove a LOPA record from the Associated Risk Assessments grid:

1. Access the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page.

2. In the Instrumented Functions section, select the row containing the

Instrumented Function record to which the desired LOPA record is

3. In the Associated Risk Assessments section, select the row containing

the LOPA record that you want to remove.

4. Click the Remove LOPA button.

A confirmation message appears, asking if you really want to remove the

LOPA record from the SIL Analysis.

5. Click the Yes button.

The LOPA record is removed from the Associated Risk Assessments grid.

Working with Independent Layer of Protection Records

About Independent Layer of Protection Records

An independent layer of protection is a device, system, or action that exists to

prevent a risk and is independent of the event that initiates the scenario. An
independent layer of protection is external to any other layer of protection or
safety instrumented system. The effectiveness of an independent layer of
protection is quantified in terms of its probability of failure data (PFD), which
is a numeric value that represents the probability that the independent layer of
protection will fail to perform its specified function on demand.

Independent Layer of Protection records store details on probability and failure

rate data for an independent layer of protection. When you create an
Independent Layer of Protection record, you are defining the item that helps
mitigate a risk, which is also mitigated by the instrumented function. By
defining these items, you can more accurately assess the SIL value that is
associated with a given instrumented function because you are taking into
account all the mitigating factors that exist for that risk.

You can use the values in the Type list to populate an Independent Layer of
Protection record automatically with values from an IPL Type record. IPL Type

170 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

records are provided in the baseline database and can defined by an SIS
Administrator or SIS Engineer.

You should create one Independent Layer of Protection record per layer of
protection that exists. Via the Independent Layer of Protection datasheet, you
can link the Independent Layer of Protection record to the Equipment or
Functional Location record that represents the equipment or location for which
the layer of protection exists.

You can manage Independent Layer of Protection records via the Independent
Protective Layers section on the LOPA Definition page.

Creating Independent Layer of Protection Records

When you create an Independent Layer of Protection record, you are

automatically linking that record to the LOPA record with which you are
currently working. The following instructions provide details on creating a new
Independent Layer of Protection record. These instructions assume that you are
familiar with the fields in Independent Layer of Protection records and that you
want to use a value in the Type list to populate the record automatically.

To create an Independent Layer of Protection record:

1. Open the LOPA record to which you want to link the Independent Layer
of Protection record.

2. At the bottom of the Independent Protective Layers section, click the

Add New IPL button.

A new blank Independent Layer of Protection record appears in a new


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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

3. In the IPL ID field, type an ID for the record.

4. In the Type list, select the desired IPL type.

The Description field is populated automatically with the value stored in

the Description field in the corresponding IPL Type record, and if the IPL
type is associated with a:

 Fixed PFD value, the PFD field is disabled and populated

automatically with the value stored in the Default Value field in
the corresponding IPL Type record.

 PFD range, the PFD field is required.

5. If the PFD field is required, enter a value in the PFD cell.

If the value does not fall within the specified PFD range, a message will
appear, indicating that the value you entered is not valid, and you will
need to specify a value that is within the specified range.

6. In either the Functional Location or Equipment ID field, click the


The Find Items window appears, and the Search In text box is
populated automatically with either Functional Location or Equipment,
depending upon the field from which you accessed the Find Items

172 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

7. Perform a search for the desired Equipment or Functional Location


8. Select the desired record, and then click the Open button.

The Record ID for the selected record appears in the Functional Location
or Equipment ID field, depending upon the family to which the record

9. Click OK.

The record is saved and appears in the Independent Protective Layers


Deleting Independent Layer of Protection Records

When you delete an Independent Layer of Protection record, you are deleting
the link between the Independent Layer of Protection record and the LOPA
record to which it is linked and deleting the Independent Layer of Protection
record from the Meridium APM database.

To delete an Independent Layer of Protection record:

1. Open the LOPA record that is linked to the Independent Layer of

Protection record that you want to delete.

2. In the Independent Protective Layers grid, select the row containing

the Independent Layer of Protection record that you want to delete.

3. At the bottom of the Independent Protective Layers section, click the

Delete IPL button.

A confirmation message appears, asking if you really want to delete the

Independent Layer of Protection record.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

4. Click the Yes button.

The selected record is deleted and removed from the Independent

Protective Layers grid.

Working with Consequence Modifier Records

About Consequence Modifier Records

A consequence modifier is an action or event, which can increase the

probability that a risk may occur if the action is not mitigated and proceeds
into an undesirable event. Details about a consequence modifier are stored in
Consequence Modifier records, which are linked to LOPA records. When you
define a Consequence Modifier record, you are defining the event or action
that exists within a risk scenario and increases the probability or severity of the
undesirable outcome that may occur as a result of that scenario.

For example, assume that the SIL Analysis team is conducting an LOPA to
investigate the risk scenario, illustrated in the following diagram, where each
box represents a portion of the scenario, and each label indicates the family
that stores that information:

When Valve A-1001 fails, flammable gas is released into an explosive

atmosphere, and if the flame ignites, causing a vapor cloud explosion in the
vicinity of the operator, it could cause a fatal injury.

In this risk scenario, the fatal injury is consequence of the valve failure, and
the following events or actions are the consequence modifiers:

 The flame igniting

 The vapor cloud exploding

 The operator being in the vicinity of the explosion

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User Instructions

Because these actions and events appear within the risk scenario, the
probability associated with the consequence occurring is increased
exponentially. In other words, if the operator was not in the vicinity of the
blast, the probability of fatal injury would be less. By examining the granular
events that are associated with a risk, the SIL Analysis team can more
accurately assess the SIL value for the instrumented function.

Accessing the Consequence Modifiers Page

The Consequence Modifiers page lets you manage the Consequence Modifier
records that are linked to a given LOPA record.

To access the Consequence Modifiers page:

1. Open the desired LOPA record on the LOPA Definition page.

2. On the Navigation menu, click the Modifiers link.

The Consequence Modifiers page appears.

Aspects of the Consequence Modifiers Page

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

The Consequence Modifiers page displays a grid, which contains a list of

Consequence Modifier records that are linked to the LOPA record with which
you are currently working. Each row in the grid represents one Consequence
Modifier record. For each Consequence Modifier record in the grid, the
following information is displayed:

 Consequence Modifier ID: The value that exists in the Consequence

Modifier ID field in the Consequence Modifier record. This value appears
as a hyperlink, which you can use to open the Consequence Modifier

 Description: The value that exists in the Description field in the

Consequence Modifier record.

 Probability: The value that exists in the Probability field in the

Consequence Modifier record.

 Type: The value that exists in the Type field in the Consequence
Modifier record.

Below the grid, the following buttons appear:

 Add New Modifier: Displays a new blank Consequence Modifier record in

a new window.

 Remove Modifier: Displays a confirmation message, and then removes

the Consequence Modifier record from the grid.

The Consequence Modifier page contains the following task menus:

 Navigation

 Common Tasks

 Associated Pages

Creating New Consequence Modifier Records

When you create a Consequence Modifier record, you are linking that record to
the LOPA record with which you are currently working.

176 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

To create a new Consequence Modifier record:

1. Access the Consequence Modifier page.

2. Below the grid, click the Add New Modifier button.

A new blank Consequence Modifier record appears.

3. Provide values in the fields as desired. Note that the following fields are

 Consequence Modifier ID

 Probability

4. Click OK.

The record is saved and appears in the grid.

Removing Consequence Modifier Records from the Consequence Modifiers Grid

When you remove a Consequence Modifier record from the Consequence

Modifiers grid, you are deleting the Consequence Modifier record from the
Meridium APM database and the link between the Consequence Modifier record
and the LOPA record to which it is linked.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

To remove a Consequence Modifier record from the Consequence Modifiers


1. Access the Consequence Modifiers page.

2. In the grid, select the row containing the Consequence Modifier record
that you want to remove.

3. Below the grid, click the Remove Modifier button.

A confirmation message appears, asking if you really want to remove the

record from the current LOPA.

4. Click the Yes button.

The record is deleted and removed from the grid.

Promoting Instrumented Functions to ASM

About Promoting Instrumented Functions to ASM

When you promote an Instrumented Function record to ASM, the Meridium APM
system will automatically create in ASM one:

 Asset Strategy for the Equipment or Functional Location record that is

linked to the Instrumented Function record and link that Asset Strategy
to the Instrumented Function record through the Was Promoted to ASM
Element relationship.

Before you promote an Instrumented Function record to ASM, you should

specify on the SIS Management Administration page whether you want
the Meridium APM system to promote the Equipment record that is
specified in the Equipment ID field or the Functional Location record
that is specified in the Functional Location ID field.

Note: If an Asset Strategy already exists for the record that is linked to
the Instrumented Function record, the existing Asset Strategy will be

 Action record for each Inspection Task record that is linked to the
Instrumented Function record and links those Action records to the

178 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Instrumented Function record through the Was Promoted to ASM

Element relationship. The Action records that are created are are read-
only, meaning that you cannot modify the records.

 Failure Risk record for each risk category that exists in the Risk
Assessment record that is linked to the Instrumented Function record
and links the Failure Risk records to the Instrumented Function records
through the Was Promoted to ASM Element relationship. The Failure Risk
records that are created will be read-only, meaning that you cannot
modify the records.

Additionally, if you update in SIS Management the Instrumented Function

record or and records that are linked to that record, if you promote that
Instrumented Function record again, the updates that you made in SIS
Management will also saved in ASM. For example, if you link an additional
Inspection Task record to the Instrumented Function record that was already
promoted to ASM, when you promote that Instrumented Function record again,
one additional Action record will be created for the new Inspection Task record
and linked to the Asset Strategy that exists for the Instrumented Function

Before you can promote an Instrumented Function record to ASM, the

Instrumented Function record must be linked to:

 One Equipment or Functional Location record.

 On Risk Assessment record.

Note: You cannot promote to ASM an Instrumented Function record

whose risk assessment method is a LOPA.

The ASM link on the Assessment Tasks menu will be disabled until the
preceding criteria are met for an Instrumented Function record that is selected
in the Instrumented Functions pane on the Instrumented Functions (IFs)
page. When you click the ASM link, a submenu appears with the following

 Promote: If the record has not yet been promoted to ASM, the
Instrumented Function record will be promoted to ASM, and the Asset
Strategy Overview page will appear, displaying the Asset Strategy
overview for the Instrumented Function record.


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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

If the record has already been promoted to ASM, the Asset Strategy will
be updated with any changes that were made since it was first created,
and the Asset Strategy Overview page will appear, displaying the Asset
Strategy overview for the Instrumented Function record.

 View: If the record has not yet been promoted to ASM, this link is


If the record has already been promoted to ASM, the Asset Strategy
Overview page will appear, displaying the existing Asset Strategy.

Promoting Instrumented Functions to ASM

To promote an Instrumented Function record to ASM:

1. Access the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page.

2. In the Instrumented Functions pane, select the row containing the

Instrumented Function record that you want to promote to ASM.

3. On the Assessment Tasks menu, click the ASM link.

A submenu appears.

4. On the submenu, click the Promote link.

The Asset Strategy Overview page appears, displaying the Asset

Strategy overview for the Instrumented Function record.

Viewing Asset Strategies Created from Instrumented Functions

To view an Asset Strategy that was created from an Instrumented Function


1. Access the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page.

2. In the Instrumented Functions pane, select the row containing the

Instrumented Function record whose Asset Straegy you want to view.

180 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

3. On the Assessment Tasks menu, click the ASM link.

A submenu appears.

4. On the submenu, click the View link.

The Asset Strategy Overview page appears, displaying the Asset

Strategy overview for the Instrumented Function record.

Proof Testing Safety Instrumented Systems and

Instrumented Functions

About Proof Testing

Safety instrumented systems and each instrumented function within that

system needs to be tested to ensure that the system is functioning to the
standards for which it is designed. A proof test consists of a set of steps that
you need to perform to test safety instrumented systems and instrumented
functions. The conditions under which the test is conducted should represent
the normal conditions under which the system is intended to operate.

Depending on the group of equipment or devices that make up a safety

instrumented system, you will want to define a set of test steps that apply to a
given group equipment or devices. In other words, you will need to define one
set of test steps that you can reuse when you test similar systems.

For each proof test that you want to conduct, you should create at least one
record in each of the following families:

 SIS Proof Test Template: Stores details about a given proof test,
including the steps that need to be performed. For each unique set of
test steps that exists, you will need to create one SIS Proof Test
Template record to store those details.

 SIS Proof Test Template Detail: Stores the details on each specific step
that needs to be performed for the test. SIS Proof Test Template Detail
records are linked to SIS Proof Test Template records through the Has
Template Detail relationship. You should create one SIS Proof Test
Template Detail record for each step that is required for that test.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 SIS Proof Test: Stores details about a proof test that you perform,
including the test results. When you create an SIS Proof Test record, you
will need to specify the SIS Proof Test Template record that contains the
details about the proof test you want to perform. When you select the
SIS Proof Test Template record, one Functional Test Detail record will be
created for each SIS Proof Test Template Detail record that is linked to
the SIS Proof Test Template record. For each proof test that you want to
perform, you will need to create one SIS Proof Test record. You can,
however, reuse SIS Proof Test Template records.

You can think of the SIS Proof Test Template record and SIS Proof Test
Template Detail records as the specification for how the test should be
performed, and the SIS Proof Test record and Functional Test Details records as
a record of the test occurring.

To conduct a proof test, you will nee to complete the following steps:

1. Define the proof test steps that need to be performed for a given
safety instrumented system by creating one Proof Test Template record
for each type of test that will need to be performed. Creating an SIS
Proof Test Template record includes linking SIS Proof Test Template
Detail records to the SIS Proof Test Template record.

2. Create on SIS Proof Test record, which serves as a record of the test
event and stores the results of that test.

After you have completed a proof test, you can create Risk Assessment
Recommendation records to record recommendations for how a particular
proof test can be improved. For example, you may want to suggest adding or
removing a particular step from the proof test requirements.

This section of the documentation provides details on managing SIS Proof Test
Template and SIS Proof Test records. For details on how these families
participate in the SIS Management data model, see the SIS Management data
model image.

182 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Working with SIS Proof Test Template Records

Common Tasks Menu

When you are working with SIS Proof Test Template records in SIS Management,
the Common Tasks menu will appear and contains the following links:

 View Templates: Displays the Proof Test Templates page, where you
can view a list of existing SIS Proof Test Template records that are
linked to the Safety Instrumented System record or Instrumented
Function record with which you are currently working. This link is
disabled on the Proof Test Templates page.

 Create Templates: Displays a new blank SIS Proof Test Template record
on the Proof Test Template Definition page.

 Copy Template: Displays a new SIS Proof Test Template record on the
Proof Test Template Definition page that is populated with information
from the source SIS Proof Test Template record. This link is enabled only
when you are viewing an existing SIS Proof Test Template record.

 Recommendations: Displays the Recommendations dialog box, where

you can manage Risk Assessment Recommendation records that are
linked to an SIS Proof Test Template record. This link is enabled only
when you are viewing existing SIS Proof Test Template records.

 Send To: Displays a submenu with options that let you provide a link to
the current page on your desktop (create shortcut), in an email
message, or on a Home Page.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Reports: Displays a submenu that displays the caption of the Catalog

item Proof Test Template Report as a link. The Reports link appears
only on the Proof Test Template Definition page and is enabled only
when you are viewing an existing SIS Proof Test Template record.

 Help: Displays the context-sensitive help topic for the page that you are
currently viewing.

Creating SIS Proof Test Template Records

Accessing the Proof Test Template Definition Page

Accessing the Proof Test Template Definition page:

1. Access the Safety Instrumented Systems page (if you want to link the
SIS Proof Test Template record to a Safety Instrumented System record).


Access the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page (if you want to link the
SIS Proof Test Template record to an Instrumented Function record).

2. In the grid, select the record to which you want to link the SIS Proof Test
Template record.

3. On the Assessment Tasks menu, click the Test Templates link, and then
click Create.

The Proof Test Template Definition page appears.

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User Instructions

Aspects of the Proof Test Template Definition Page

The Proof Test Template Definition page contains the SIS Proof Test Template
datasheet, which is a master/detail datasheet that contains two sections:

 Master record: Contains fields that you can use to describe the proof

 Proof Test Template Details: Contains a grid that displays a list of SIS
Proof Test Template Detail records, which store details on the individual
steps that need to be performed during the proof test. Each row in the
grid represents one SIS Proof Test Template Detail record. For each
record that appears in the grid, the following information is displayed:

 Step Sequence Number

 Template Detail ID

 Step Type

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Test Criteria

 Result Criteria

 Location ID

 Equipment ID

Below the grid, the following buttons appear:

 Add New Details: Displays a new blank SIS Proof Test Template
Detail record.

 Add Existing Details: Displays the Find Items window, where you
can search for an existing SIS Proof Test Template Detail record to
link to the SIS Proof Test Template record.

 Delete Details: Displays a confirmation message, and then deletes

the selected SIS Proof Test Template Detail record.

The Proof Test Template Definition page contains the following task menus:

 Common Tasks

 Associated Pages

Creating SIS Proof Test Template Records

When you create an SIS Proof Test Template record, you are defining the proof
test and related steps that need to be performed when you test a given safety
instrumented system or instrumented function within that system. You can
create SIS Proof Test Template records and link them to records in the
following families:

 Safety Instrumented System

 Instrumented Function

The following instructions provide details on creating an SIS Proof Test

Template record that will be linked automatically to a record in the preceding
families. The SIS Proof Test Template datasheet is a master/detail datasheet.
This means that when you create the SIS Proof Test Template record, you will

186 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

also need to create SIS Proof Test Template Detail records that will be linked
automatically to the SIS Proof Test Template record.

To create an SIS Proof Test Template record:

1. Access the Proof Test Template Definition page.

2. In the master record, provide values in the fields as desired.

3. In the Proof Test Template Details section, click the Add New Details

A new blank SIS Proof Test Template Detail record appears in a new

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Note: You can link existing SIS Proof Test Template Detail records to the
SIS Proof Test Template record via the Add Existing Details button.
These instructions assume that you want to create a new SIS Proof Test
Template Detail record. For details on adding existing SIS Proof Test
Template Detail record to SIS Proof Test Template records, see the topic
for adding existing SIS Proof Test Template Detail Records to the SIS
Proof Test Template Detail record.

4. Provide values in the fields as desired, and then click OK.

The SIS Proof Test Template Detail record is linked to the SIS Proof Test
Template record and appears in the Proof Test Template Details

5. Continue linking SIS Proof Test Template Detail records as desired.

6. Above the datasheet, click the Save button.

The SIS Proof Test Template record is saved.

Viewing Existing SIS Proof Test Template Records

Accessing a List of Existing SIS Proof Test Template Records

The following instructions provide details on accessing the Proof Test

Templates page, where you can view a list of SIS Proof Test Template records
that are linked to the currently selected Safety Instrumented System record or
instrumented function record. You can use this page to view the list of proof
tests that have been defined or define a new proof test that is based on an
existing proof test.

To access the list of existing SIS Proof Test Template records:

1. Access the Safety Instrumented Systems page (if you want to view the
SIS Proof Test Template records that are linked to a Safety Instrumented
System record).


Access the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page (if you want to view the
SIS Proof Test Template records that are linked to an Instrumented
Function record).

188 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

2. In the grid, select the record whose SIS Proof Test Template records you
want to view.

3. On the Assessment Tasks menu, click the Test Templates link.

A submenu appears.

4. On the submenu, click the View link.

The Proof Test Templates page appears.

Aspects of the Proof Test Templates Page

The Proof Test Templates page contains the Proof Test Templates grid, which
displays the list of SIS Proof Test Template records that are linked to the Safety
Instrumented System record or Instrumented Function record with which you
are currently working. Each row in the grid represents one SIS Proof Test
Template record. For each record in the grid, the following information

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Template ID: The value that exists in the Template ID field in the SIS
Proof Test Template record.

 Description: The value that exists in the Template Description field in

the SIS Proof Test Template record.

 Author: The value that exists in the Author field in the SIS Proof Test
Template record.

 Created On: The value that exists in the Created On field in the SIS
Proof Test Template record.

 Modified Date: The value that exists in the Modified Date field in the SIS
Proof Test Template record.

Below the grid, the following buttons appear:

 Create Template: Displays a new blank SIS Proof Test Template record
on the Proof Test Template Definition page.

 Add Existing Template: Displays the Find Items window, where you can
search for an existing SIS Proof Test Template record to link to the
Safety Instrumented System record or Instrumented Function record with
which you are currently working.

 Remove Template: Displays a confirmation message, and then removes

the selected SIS Proof Test Template record from the Proof Test
Templates grid.

The Proof Test Templates page contains the following task menus:

 Common Tasks

 Associated Pages

Viewing an Existing SIS Proof Test Template Record

When you are viewing the list of proof tests, you can view the details of that
proof test. When you do so, you are opening the SIS Proof Test Template record
on the Proof Test Template Definition page. When you are viewing the details
of the record, you can also modify the information that is stored in the record.

190 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

To view the details of an existing SIS Proof Test Template record:

1. Access the Proof Test Templates page.

2. In the Proof Test Templates grid, locate the row containing the SIS
Proof Test Template record whose details you want to view.

3. In the Template ID cell in that row, click the hyperlinked Template ID

for the desired record.

The selected record appears on the Proof Test Template Definition

page. At this point, you can modify the record.

Working with Detail Records

Adding Existing SIS Proof Test Template Detail Records to the SIS Proof Test
Template Record

When you define a proof test in an SIS Proof Test Template record, you will
define the individual steps that should be performed for that test. If desired,
you can reuse a step that is associated with a different proof test. To do so,
you will need to search for an existing SIS Proof Test Template Detail record to
link to the SIS Proof Test Template record.

The following instructions provide details on linking an existing SIS Proof Test
Template Detail record to an SIS Proof Test Template record. For details on
creating a new SIS Proof Test Template Detail record to link to the SIS Proof
Test Template record, see the instructions for creating SIS Proof Test Template

To add an existing SIS Proof Test Template Detail record to the SIS Proof
Test Template record:

1. Access the SIS Proof Test Template record to which you want to add an
SIS Proof Test Template Detail record.

2. In the Proof Test Template Details section, click the Add Existing
Details button.

The Find Items window appears.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

3. Specify the desired search criteria, and then click the Find Now button.

The search results appear.

4. In the search results, select the SIS Proof Test Template Detail records
that you want to link to the SIS Proof Test Template record.

5. Click the Open button.

The selected records are linked to the SIS Proof Test Template record
and appears in the Proof Test Template Details section.

6. At the top of the datasheet, click the Save button.

Viewing Existing SIS Proof Test Template Detail Records

The following instructions provide details on viewing the contents of an SIS

Proof Test Template Detail record that is linked to an SIS Proof Test Template

192 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

To view an existing SIS Proof Test Template Detail record:

1. Access the SIS Proof Test Template record whose Detail records you
want to view.

2. In the Proof Test Template Details section, locate the row containing
the SIS Proof Test Template Detail record you want to view.

3. In the Template Detail ID cell, click the hyperlinked Template Detail ID.

The selected record appears in a new window.

4. If desired, you can modify the record, and then click OK.

Your changes are saved.

Removing SIS Proof Test Template Detail Records from the SIS Proof Test
Template Record

If desired, you can remove a step that you previously included in the test steps
for a proof test. To do so, you will need to remove the SIS Proof Test Template
Detail record from the SIS Proof Test Template record. When you remove an SIS
Proof Test Template Detail record from an SIS Proof Test Template record, you
are deleting the link between the SIS Proof Test Template record and the SIS
Proof Test Template Detail record, and the SIS Proof Test Template record will
no longer appear in the Proof Test Template Detail section on the SIS Proof
Test Template datasheet.

To remove an SIS Proof Test Template Detail record from the SIS Proof Test
Template record:

1. Access the SIS Proof Test Template record, which is linked to the SIS
Proof Test Template Detail record that you want to remove.

2. In the Proof Test Template Details grid, select the row containing the
SIS Proof Test Template Detail record you want to remove.

3. Below the grid, click the Delete Details button.

A confirmation message appears, asking if you really want to remove the

SIS Proof Test Template Detail record from the SIS Proof Test Template

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

4. Click the Yes button.

The selected SIS Proof Test Template Detail record is removed from the
Proof Test Template Details grid.

Copying SIS Proof Test Template Records to Create New Ones

You can use an existing proof test definition to define another similar proof
test. To do so, you can copy an existing SIS Proof Test Template record, which
will create a new SIS Proof Test Template record that is automatically
populated with information from the source record. When you create a new SIS
Proof Test Template record in this way, the SIS Proof Test Template Detail
records that are linked to the source record are also linked the new record.
These records will not, however, appear in the Proof Test Template Details
section in the new record until after you save the new record.

To copy an SIS Proof Test Template record to create a new one:

1. Access the desired SIS Proof Test Template record.

2. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Copy Template link.

A new SIS Proof Test Template record appears on the Proof Test
Template Definition page and is populated automatically with
information from the source record.

3. Modify the values in the master record as desired

4. Click the Save button.

The Proof Test Template Details section is populated automatically

with the SIS Proof Test Template Detail records that are linked to the
source record.

5. Modify the values in the detail records as desired, including creating

new SIS Proof Test Template Detail records.

6. When you are finished, click the Save button.

The record is saved.

194 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Removing SIS Proof Test Template Records

If an existing proof test is no longer valid, you can remove that proof test from
the SIL Analysis. When you do so, you are deleting the link between the SIS
Proof Test Template record and the Safety Instrumented System record or
Instrumented Function record to which it is linked.

To remove an SIS Proof Test Template record:

1. Access the Proof Test Templates page.

2. In the Proof Test Templates grid, select the row containing the SIS
Proof Test Template record that you want to remove.

3. Below the grid, click the Remove Template button.

A confirmation message appears, asking if you really want to remove the

proof test from the SIL Analysis.

4. Click the Yes button.

The selected record is removed from the Proof Test Templates grid.

Working with SIS Proof Test Records

About SIS Proof Test Records

SIS Proof Test records store details about a proof test that is executed,
including the results of the proof test. Each SIS Proof Test record will be linked
to one or more Functional Test Detail records, which store details on the steps
that you need to perform during the proof test and the results of each test

When you create an SIS Proof Test record, you will need to specify an SIS Proof
Test Template record whose details you will use to perform the proof test.
When you do so, one Functional Test Detail record will be created for each SIS
Proof Test Template Detail record that is linked to the SIS Proof Test Template
record that you specified in the SIS Proof Test record. The Functional Test
Detail records will be populated automatically with information from the
source SIS Proof Test Template Detail records.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Common Tasks Menu

When you are working with SIS Proof Test records in SIS Management, the
Common Tasks menu will appear and contains the following links:

 View Tests: Displays the Proof Tests page, where you can view a list of
existing SIS Proof Test records that are linked to the Safety Instrumented
System record or Instrumented Function record with which you are
currently working. This link is disabled on the Proof Tests page.

 Create Test: Displays a new blank SIS Proof Test record on the Proof
Test Definition page.

 Recommendations: Displays the Recommendations dialog box, where

you can manage Risk Assessment Recommendation records that are
linked to an SIS Proof Test record. This link is enabled only when you are
viewing existing SIS Proof Test records.

 Send To: Displays a submenu with options that let you provide a link to
the current page on your desktop (create shortcut), in an email
message, or on a Home Page.

 Reports: Displays a submenu that displays the caption of the Catalog

item Proof Test Report as a link. The Reports link appears only on the
Proof Test Definition page and is enabled only when you are viewing an
existing SIS Proof Test record.

 Help: Displays the context-sensitive help topic for the page that you are
currently viewing.

196 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Creating SIS Proof Test Records

Accessing the Proof Test Definition Page

Accessing the Proof Test Definition page:

1. Access the Safety Instrumented Systems page (if you want to link the
SIS Proof Test record to a Safety Instrumented System record).


Access the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page (if you want to link the
SIS Proof Test record to an Instrumented Function record).

2. In the grid, select the record to which you want to link the SIS Proof Test

3. On the Assessment Tasks menu, click the Proof Tests link.

A submenu appears.

4. On the submenu, click the Create link.

The Proof Test Definition page appears.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Aspects of the Proof Test Definition Page

The Proof Test Definition page contains the SIS Proof Test datasheet, which is
a master/detail datasheet that contains two sections:

 Master record: Contains fields that you can use to record the status of
the proof test and specify the SIS Proof Test Template record whose
details you will use to perform the proof test.

 Proof Test Details: Contains a grid that displays the list of Functional
Test Detail records that are linked to the SIS Proof Test record. Each row
in the grid represents one Functional Test Detail record. For each record
that appears in the grid, the following information is displayed:

 Step Sequence Number

 Template Detail ID

 Step Type

 Test Criteria

198 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 Result Criteria

 Location ID

 Equipment ID

If the Proof Test Status field in the SIS Proof Test record contains the value
Closed or Complete, the SIS Proof Test and Functional Test Detail records are
disabled on the Proof Test Definition page, and you can only the view the
values stored in these records.

The Proof Test Definition page contains the following task menus:

 Common Tasks

 Associated Pages

Creating New SIS Proof Test Records

When you create an SIS Proof Test record, you are creating a record of the
proof test that takes place in your facility. You can create SIS Proof Test
records and link them to records in the following families:

 Safety Instrumented System

 Instrumented Function

The following instructions provide details on creating an SIS Proof Test record
that will be linked automatically to a record in the preceding families. The SIS
Proof Test datasheet is a master/detail datasheet. When you create the SIS
Proof Test record and specify an SIS Proof Test Template record, Functional
Test Detail records will be linked automatically to the SIS Proof Test record
that are created based on the SIS Proof Test Template Detail records that are
linked to the SIS Proof Test Template record. For details on the relationships
that exist between these families, see the data model image.

To create an SIS Proof Test record:

1. Access the Proof Test Definition page.

2. In the master record, in the Functional Test Template list, select the
Template ID for the SIS Proof Test Template record that contains the

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

test information that you want to use for the proof test. This field is

3. Provide values in the remaining fields in the master record as desired.

4. Click the Save button.

The record is saved, and the Proof Test Details section is populated
automatically with Functional Test Detail records. At this point, you can
perform the proof test and record the results in the SIS Proof Test

Viewing Existing SIS Proof Test Records

Accessing the List of Existing SIS Proof Test Records

The following instructions provide details on accessing a list of SIS Proof Test
records that are currently linked to a given Safety Instrumented System record
or Instrumented Function record.

To access the list of existing SIS Proof Test records:

1. Access the Safety Instrumented Systems page (if you want to view the
SIS Proof Test records for a Safety Instrumented System record).


Access the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page (if you want to view the
SIS Proof Test records for an Instrumented Function record).

2. In the grid, select the desired record.

3. On the Assessment Tasks menu, click the Proof Tests link.

A submenu appears.

4. On the submenu, click the View link.

The Proof Tests page appears.

200 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Aspects of the Proof Tests Page

The Proof Tests page contains the Proof Test Tests grid, which displays the list
of SIS Proof Test records that are linked to the Safety Instrumented System
record or Instrumented Function record with which you are currently working.
Each row in the grid represents one SIS Proof Test record. For each record in
the grid, the following information appears:

 Test ID: The value that exists in the Test ID field in the SIS Proof Test

 Test Description: The value that exists in the Test Description field in
the SIS Proof Test record.

 Template ID: The value that exists in the Functional Test Template field
in the SIS Proof Test record.

Below the grid, the following buttons appear:

 Create Test: Displays a new blank SIS Proof Test record on the Proof
Test Definition page.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Delete Test: Displays a confirmation message, and then deletes the

selected SIS Proof Test record.

The Proof Test Templates page contains the following task menus:

 Common Tasks

 Associated Pages

Opening SIS Proof Test Records

The following instructions provide details on opening an existing SIS Proof Test
record to view its contents.

To open an SIS Proof Test record:

1. Access the Proof Tests page.

2. In the Proof Tests grid, locate the row containing the SIS Proof Test
record whose contents you want to view.

3. In the Test ID cell, click the hyperlinked ID for the record.

The selected record appears on the Proof Test Definition page.

202 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

4. If desired, you can modify the values in the fields, and then click the
Save button.

The record is saved.

Recording Proof Test Results in SIS Proof Test Records

When you perform a proof test, you can record the results of each step that is
required for that test via the SIS Proof Test record for that proof test.

To record proof test results in an SIS Proof Test record:

1. Access the SIS Proof Test record for the current proof test.

2. In the Proof Test Details section, locate the row containing the
Functional Test Detail record, which stores the details of the step for
which you want to record the results.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

3. In the Template Detail ID cell, click the hyperlinked Template Detail ID.

The selected Functional Test Detail record appears in a new window.

4. Provide values in the fields as desired to indicate the results of the test

5. Click OK.

The record closes, revealing the Proof Test Definition page. You can
continue recording test step results in this way.

6. When you are finished, click the Save button.

The record is saved.

204 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

SIL Validation

About SIL Validation

About Protective Instrument Loops

A protective instrument loop consists of interconnected instruments that work

together to serve a function that is defined for the safety instrumented system
in which they exist. When you create a protective instrument loop in SIS
Management, you are creating a Protective Instrument Loop record, and when
you define the components of the protective instrument loop (i.e., the
interconnected instruments), you are creating records in the Protective
Instrument Loop Element family and its subfamilies and linked them to the
Protective Instrument Loop record. Throughout this documentation, when we
refer to the protective instrument loop, we are referring to the Protective
Instrument Loop record and all the records that are linked to it, and when we
refer to Protective Instrument Loop Element records, we are referring to the
records that are linked to the Protective Instrument Loop.

When you are working with protective instrument loops in SIS Management, it is
helpful to visualize the components of that protective instrument loop as a
diagram. For example, the following image shows the baseline protective
instrument loop diagram as it appears on the Protective Instrument Loop
Diagram View page. When you first access the SIL Validation feature for an SIL
Analysis, this diagram will appear by default, and you can use it as a starting
point for defining your protective instrument loop.

For more details on the components of a protective instrument loop, see the
data model image, where the Protective Instrument Loop family is the

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Additionally, you can create protective instrument loop templates, which are
protective instrument loops that are specified as a template via the Protective
Instrument Loop record for that protective instrument loop. When you are
working with protective instrument loop templates in SIS Management, you will
use the same features (e.g., the diagram view shown in the preceding image).
Within these features, however, the context of the pages will specify that you
are working with a template. For more details on the SIL Validation feature,
see the topic about the SIL Validation feature.

About the SIL Validation Feature

The SIL Validation feature lets you define the various components of protective
instrument loops or protective instrument loop templates so that you can see
how the components will work together to achieve the safety integrity level
that was determined based on the risks associated with these components.

Using the SIL Validation feature, you will complete the following steps:

1. Define the components of a protective instrument loop or template.

2. Calculate results.

3. View a summary of these results in graphical format.

The SIL Validation feature includes the following pages, which you can use to
complete the preceding steps:

 Protective Instrument Loop Summary: Lets you view the Protective

Instrument Loop record and graphs, which provide a summary of the
calculated data that is stored in Protective Instrument Loop Element

 Protective Instrument Loop Grid View: Lets you view hierarchically

how the Protective Instrument Loop Element records relate to one
another in the Meridium APM database.

 Protective Instrument Loop Diagram View: Lets you represent visually

the physical components of the protective instrument loop or template
and how they work together. This is the page that appears by default
when you access the SIL Validation feature.

Each page presents a different view of the components of the protective

instrument loop and contains the following task menus:

206 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 Navigation

 SIL Validation

 Common Tasks

 Associated Pages

When you attempt to get your bearings in the SIL Validation feature, keep in
mind that each page in the feature displays a custom view of the records that
exist in the Meridium APM database.

To begin using the SIL Validation feature, you can:

 Open an existing protective instrument loop.

 Create a new protective instrument loop from scratch.

 Create a new protective instrument loop based on a template.

 Create a new protective instrument loop template from scratch.

 Create a new protective instrument loop template based on a protective

instrument loop.

 Copy an existing protective instrument loop template to create a new


Throughout this documentation, when we refer to protective instrument loops,

we are referring to the non-template protective instrument loop. When we
discuss templates for protective instrument loops, we refer to them as
protective instrument loop templates.

The SIL Validation Workflow

When you use the SIL Validation feature, you will complete the following steps:

1. Define the components of the protective instrument loop, using the

diagram view.

2. Define the properties of the components, using the grid view.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

3. Calculate the values that are defined in the records for the components.

4. View a summary of the data, using the summary view.

5. Define recommendations for the protective instrument loop.

Task Menus in the SIL Validation Feature

The Navigation Menu

The Navigation menu appears on all the pages where you are working with
protective instrument loops, but it does not appear when you are working with
a protective instrument loop template. This menu contains the following links:

 Analysis Definition: Displays the SIL Analysis Definition page, where

you can modify an SIL Analysis record or create a new one.

 Systems: Displays the Safety Instrumented Systems page, where you

can manage the Safety Instrumented System records for the current SIL

 Functions: Displays the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page, where you

can manage the Instrumented Function records for the current SIL

 Asset Health Manager: Displays the SIS - Asset Health Manager for
<Protective Instrument Loop Record ID> (Protective Instrument Loop)
page, where you can manage Health Indicator records for the current
protective instrument loop.

208 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Note: The integration between SIS Management and Asset Health

Manager (AHM) is not documented.

 All Recommendations: Displays the Recommendation Management

page, where you can manage the list of Risk Assessment
Recommendation records for the current SIL Analysis.

 Revision History: Displays the Analysis Revision History page, where

you can manage the SIL Analysis Revision records that exist for the
analysis. This link is enabled only if the state of the SIL Analysis record
with which you are currently working has ever been set to Complete.

The SIL Validation Menu

The SIL Validation menu appears on all the pages within the SIL Validation
feature. A green arrow to the left of an option indicates the feature that you
are currently viewing. The SIL Validation menu contains the following links:

 Summary: Displays the Protective Instrument Loop Summary page,

where you can view a summary of the protective instrument loop.

 Grid: Displays the Protective Instrument Loop Grid View page, where
you can view the records that make up the protective instrument loop.

 Diagram: Displays the Protective Instrument Loop Diagram View page,

where you can illustrate the protective instrument loop in diagram form.

 Calculate: Calculates the values that are stored in the records that
make up the protective instrument loop.

 Recommendations: Displays the Recommendations dialog box, where

you can manage Risk Assessment Recommendation records for the
protective instrument loop. This link does not appear when you are
working with protective instrument loop templates.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

The Common Tasks Menu

The Common Tasks menu appears on all the pages within the SIL Validation
features and contains the following links:

 Save Loop: Saves the records with which you are currently working.

 Delete Loop: Displays a confirmation message and then deletes the

Protective Instrument Loop record with which you are currently working.

 Save As Template: Displays on the Protective Instrument Loop

Template page a copy of the selected Protective Instrument Loop
record, where the new record is specified as a template.

 Apply Template: Displays the Protective Instrument Loop dialog box,

where you can select the Protective Instrument Loop record whose
values you want to use to populate the current Protective Instrument
Loop record.

 Reference Documents: Displays the Reference Documents dialog box,

where you can manage Reference Document records that are linked to
the Protective Instrument Loop record.

 Reports: Displays a submenu that displays the caption of the Catalog

item Protective Instrument Loop Report as a link, which you can click to
view the Protective Instrument Loop Report.

 Send To: Displays a submenu with options that let you provide a link to
the current page on your desktop (create shortcut), in an email
message, or on a Home Page.

210 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 Help: Displays the context-sensitive help topic for the current page.

Working with Protective Instrument Loops

Creating Protective Instrument Loops

About Creating Protective Instrument Loops

When you create a protective instrument loop, you will need to complete the
following steps:

1. Create the Protective Instrument Loop record and the Protective

Instrument Loop Element records that are linked to that record. The
Meridium APM system will create the Protective Instrument Loop record
and the default Protective Instrument Loop Element records
automatically when you select to create a new protective instrument
loop for an Instrumented Function.

2. Add components to the protective instrument loop in addition to the

default components. When you add an element to the protective
instrument loop, you are creating a record and linking it to the
Protective Instrument Loop record for that protective instrument loop.

To add components to a protective instrument loop, you can use either

of the following views:

 The diagram view

 The grid view

Note: This documentation assumes that you want to use the diagram
view to add components to the protective instrument loop.

3. Define the properties of each element that is included in the protective

instrument loop diagram by providing values in the Protective Instrument
Loop Element records and the Protective Instrument Loop record. To
define the properties of a protective instrument loop, you can use either
of the following views:

 The diagram view

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 The grid view

Note: This documentation assumes that you want to use the diagram
view to define the properties of the protective instrument loop.

For details on the components of a protective instrument loop, see the data
model diagram, where the Protective Instrument Loop family is the

Creating New Protective Instrument Loops Manually

The following instructions provide details on creating a new protective

instrument loop diagram by adding elements to the default diagram. When you
create a protective instrument loop diagram, you are creating a Protective
Instrument Loop record. As you add components to the diagram, you are
creating a record in the family that represents that element.

To create a new protective instrument loop manually:

1. Access the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page.

2. In the Instrumented Functions grid, select the row containing the

Instrumented Function record for which you want to create a protective
instrument loop diagram.

3. On the Assessment Tasks menu, click the Protective Loops link.

The Protective Instrument Loop Diagram View page appears, displaying

the default protective instrument loop diagram, which you can use as a
starting point for creating your protective instrument loop.

Note: If a Protective Instrument Loop record is already linked to the

selected Instrumented Function record, a submenu appears, displaying
options that you can use to create a new Protective Instrument Loop
record or view the existing one. These instructions assume that you
want to create a new Protective Instrument Loop. In this case, if the
submenu appears, click the Create link, and the Protective Instrument
Loop Diagram View page will appear.

4. Add the desired components to the grid.

5. Define the properties of the components as desired.

212 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

6. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Save Loop link.

The protective instrument loop is saved.

Creating New Protective Instrument Loops Based on a Template

The following instructions provide details on creating a new protective

instrument loop based on a template. When you create a protective instrument
loop based on a template, the Meridium APM system will automatically:

 Populate the Protective Instrument Loop record with the information

from the Protective Instrument Loop record for the template.

 Create and populate the Protective Instrument Loop Element records

that are linked to the Protective Instrument Loop record, using the
values in the template.

 Create the diagram.

After you create a protective instrument loop based on a template, you can
modify it as desired.

To create a new protective instrument loop based on a template:

1. Access the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page.

2. In the Instrumented Functions grid, select the row containing the

Instrumented Function record for which you want to create a protective
instrument loop.

3. On the Assessment Tasks menu, click the Protective Loops link.

The Protective Instrument Loop Diagram View page appears, displaying

the default protective instrument loop diagram.

Note: If a Protective Instrument Loop record is already linked to the

selected Instrumented Function record, a submenu appears, displaying
options that you can use to create a new protective instrument loop or
view the existing one. These instructions assume that you want to
create a new protective instrument loop. In this case, if the submenu
appears, click the Create link, and the Protective Instrument Loop
Diagram View page will appear.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

4. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Apply Template link.

The Protective Instrument Loop dialog box appears, displaying a list of

Protective Instrument Loop records that are specified as templates.

5. In the grid, select the row containing the template that you want to use.

6. Click OK.

The Protective Instrument Loop dialog box closes, and the Protective
Instrument Loop Diagram View page refreshes and displays the
protective instrument loop that is populated automatically with data
from the template.

7. Modify the elements of the protective instrument loop as desired.

8. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Save Loop link.

The protective instrument loop is saved.

Opening Existing Protective Instrument Loops

About Opening Existing Protective Instrument Loops

When you open an existing protective instrument loop, you are accessing the
Protective Instrument Loop record and the associated records that make up
that protective instrument loop.

You can open an existing protective instrument loop from:

214 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 Search results that return all existing Protective Instrument Loop


 The associated Instrumented Function record in an SIL Analysis.

Accessing a List of Existing Protective Instrument Loops

When you access a list of existing protective instrument loops, you are
accessing a list of Protective Instrument Loop records, which represent the
protective instrument loop.

To access a list of existing protective instrument loops:

 On the SIS Management Start Page, click the SIL Validation link.

The Protective Loop Search page appears, displaying the list of existing
Protective Instrument Loop records.

Aspects of the Protective Loop Search Page

The Protective Loop Search page contains the Protective Loop Search
workspace, which displays the results of the query specified in the Protective

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Loop Search Query text box on the SIS Management Administration page. This
documentation assumes that you are using the baseline Safety_Loop_Search
query, which contains a State prompt that appears a list at the top of the
Protective Loop Analysis Search workspace. The State list contains a list of
record states that have been configured for the Protective Instrument Loop
family. You can choose from the following baseline states:

 Approval: Displays the list of existing Protective Instrument Loop

records whose State field contains the value Approval.

 Design: Displays the list of existing Protective Instrument Loop records

whose State field contains the value Design.

 In Service: Displays the list of existing Protective Instrument Loop

records whose State field contains the value In Service.

 Out of Service: Displays the list of existing Protective Instrument Loop

records whose State field contains the value Out of Service.

 Pending Approval: Displays the list of existing Protective Instrument

Loop records whose State field contains the value Pending Approval.

Selecting the All option displays the list of ALL Protective Instrument Loop
records that exist in the Meridium APM database. This is the default option.

After you select the desired state, you can click the Run Query button to run
the Safety_Loop_Search query and display the results in the grid at the bottom
of the page. The query results will include hyperlinked Record IDs, which you
can click to open the protective instrument loop on the Protective Instrument
Loop Diagram View - <Analysis ID> page, where <Analysis ID> is the value in
the Analysis ID field in the SIL Analysis record with which you are currently

Below the query results, options appear that you can use to navigate the

The SIL Analysis Search page contains the following task menus:

 Common Tasks

 Associated Pages

Using the Protective Loop Search page, you can:

216 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 Open an existing protective instrument loop.

 Delete a protective instrument loop.

 Calculate the SIL Validation results for one or multiple protective

instrument loops.

Common Tasks

The Common Tasks menu on the Protective Loop Search page contains the
following links:

 Find Loop: This link is always disabled.

 Delete Loop: Displays a confirmation message, and then deletes the

selected record.

 Calculate: Calculates the values that are stored in the records that
make up the selected protective instrument loop(s).

 Send To: Displays a submenu with options that let you provide a link to
the current page on your desktop (create shortcut), in an email
message, or on a Home Page.

 Help: Displays the context-sensitive help topic for the Protective Loop
Search page.

Opening an Existing Protective Instrument Loop

To open an existing protective instrument loop:

1. Access the Protective Loop Search page.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

2. In the State list, select the desired record state, and then click the Run
Query button.

The results appear in the grid.

3. In the results grid, select the row containing the Protective Instrument
Loop record that represents the protective instrument loop that you
want to open.

4. In the ID cell, click the hyperlinked Record ID.

The protective instrument loop represented by the selected Protective

Instrument Loop record appears on the Protective Instrument Loop
Diagram View - <SIL Analysis> page, where <SIL Analysis> is the value
in the Analysis ID field in the SIL Analysis record with which the
Protective Instrument Loop records is associated.

Opening Protective Instrument Loops Associated with an Instrumented Function

in an SIL Analysis

To open a protective instrument loop associated with an instrumented

function in an SIL Analysis:

1. Access the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page for the desired SIL

2. In the Instrumented Functions section, select the row containing the

Instrumented Function record that is linked to the Protective Instrument
Loop record that you want to open.

3. On the Assessment Tasks menu, click the Protective Loops link.

A submenu appears with options that let you create a new protective
instrument loop or view the existing protective instrument loop that is
associated with the selected Instrumented Function record. These
instructions assume that you want to view the existing protective
instrument loop.

4. On the submenu, click the View link.

The protective instrument loop appears on the Protective Instrument

Loop Diagram View page.

218 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Note: If the selected Instrumented Function record is associated with

more than one protective instrument loop, the Protective Instrument
Loop Search page appears, where you can search for the desired
Protective Instrument Loop record.

Working with the Diagram View

Aspects of the Protective Instrument Loop Diagram View Page

When you select to create a new protective instrument loop or open an existing
one, the Protective Instrument Loop Diagram View page will appear by
default. The Protective Instrument Loop Diagram View page contains the
Protective Instrument Loop workspace, which contains the following sections:

 Explorer pane: Contains a hierarchical view of the relationships that

exist between the records that represent the components of the
protective instrument loop. For each level in the hierarchy, an
associated element appears in the Diagram grid. When you select a level
in the hierarchy, the associated element will be highlighted in green in
the Diagram Canvas. You can hide and display the Explorer pane, using
the icon.

 Diagram Canvas: Serves as an interactive drawing interface where you

can build a diagram of the protective instrument loop. Each element
represents a record, and each line between the elements represents the
relationship that exists between those records. When you first access the
Design Canvas, baseline elements appear and serve as a starting point
for defining the protective instrument loop. You can double click an
element to display the datasheet for the record that is represented by
that element. Additionally, you can double click a blank space on the
Diagram Canvas to view the Protective Instrument Loop record for that
protective instrument loop.

 Palette pane: Contains elements that represent components of a

protective instrument loop. Each element corresponds to a family whose
records can be linked to the Protective Instrument Loop record. You can
drag an element to the Diagram Canvas to add that element to the
protective instrument loop. The Palette pane contains the following


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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Sensor Group

Final Element Group

Final Element

The icon for each element in the Palette pane includes a connection
point to the left, right, or on both sides of the icon, which indicates
where that element can be added to the Diagram Canvas. For example,
an element with only a connection point to the right can be added to
the Diagram Canvas only as the first element. An element with
connection points on both sides, however, can be added anywhere in
the diagram. You can hide and display the Palette pane using the

Above the Protective Instrument Loop workspace, the button appears,

which displays the State Assignments dialog box, where you can manage the
Security Users that are assigned to the states that are defined for the
Protective Instrument Loop family. To the right of the icon, the following
options appear:

 State indicator: Displays the current state of the Protective Instrument

Loop record.

 Operations link: Displays a submenu that lists the available operations

for the current record. You can use this option to change the state of
the Protective Instrument Loop record.

Using the Protective Instrument Loop Diagram View page, you can:

 Add elements to the protective instrument loop diagram.

 Define the properties of each element.

 Delete elements from the protective instrument loop diagram.

 Link Risk Assessment Recommendation records to the Protective

Instrument Loop record that represents the protective instrument loop.

220 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Adding Elements to the Protective Instrument Loop Diagram

When you add an element to the protective instrument loop, you are creating a
record and linking it to the Protective Instrument Loop record that represents
the protective instrument loop. Note that adding an element to the protective
instrument loop diagram does not assign properties to that element. After you
add an element to the diagram, you will still need to define its properties by
entering values in the fields in the record that it represents.

To add an element to the protective instrument loop diagram:

1. Open the desired Protective Instrument Loop record on the Protective

Instrument Loop Diagram View page.

2. In the Palette pane, select the element that you want to add to the
protective instrument loop diagram.

3. Drag the element and drop it in the desired location on the Design

The element is added to the diagram. At this point you can define the
properties of that element or link an existing Element record to the

Defining Element Properties in the Diagram View

When you define properties for an element via the diagram view, you are
entering values into fields in the record represented by that element. The
following instructions provide details on defining a new Element record from
scratch. Alternatively, you can link an existing Element record to an element.

To define element properties in the diagram view:

1. Open the desired protective instrument loop.

The protective instrument loop appears on the Protective Instrument

Loop Diagram View page.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

2. In the Diagram Canvas, double-click the element whose properties you

want to define.

The record that is represented by that element appears in a new

window. For example, the following image shows a Protective
Instrument Loop Sensor record.

222 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

3. Provide values in the fields on the datasheet as desired.

4. Click OK.

5. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Save Loop link.

Your changes are saved.

Removing Elements from the Protective Instrument Loop Diagram

When you remove an element from the protective instrument loop diagram,
you are deleting:

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 The link between the Protective Instrument Loop record and the record
that is represented by that element.

 The record that is represented by that element.

 The records that are linked to the selected record as successors.

Note: You cannot remove an element that appears in the diagram by default.

To remove elements from the protective instrument loop diagram:

1. Access the desired protective instrument loop on the Protective

Instrument Loop Diagram View page.

2. On the Diagram Canvas, right-click the element that you want to remove
from the diagram.

A shortcut menu appears.

Note: The shortcut menu does not appear if you right-click a element
that appears in the diagram by default.

3. Click the Delete link.

A confirmation message appears, asking if you really want to delete the

selected element.

4. Click the Yes button.

The selected element is removed from the protective instrument loop


Linking Existing Records to Elements in the Protective Instrument Loop

Rather than creating an Element record from scratch and linking it to the
element in the protective instrument loop, you can link an existing Element
record to an element in the protective instrument loop. Additionally, if an
element is already linked to an Element record, you can replace the existing
Element record with an existing Element record. When you do so:

 If the current Element record is not linked to any other protective

instrument loops, that Element record will be deleted.

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User Instructions

 If the current Element record is linked to one or more other protective

instrument loops, that Element record will be unlinked from the current
protective instrument loop, and will not be deleted.

The following instructions provide details on linking an existing Element record

to an element in a protective instrument loop.

To link an existing record to an element in a protective instrument loop:

1. Open the desired protective instrument loop.

The protective instrument loop appears on the Protective Instrument

Loop Diagram View page.

2. In the diagram canvas, double-click the element to which you want to

link an existing record.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

The record that is represented by that element appears in a new

window. For example, the following image shows a Protective
Instrument Loop Sensor record.

3. Click the Link button.

The Protective Instrument Loop dialog box appears, displaying a list of

existing Element records in the same family. The header on this dialog
box indicates the name of the family (e.g., Sensor). For example, the
following image shows how the Protective Instrument Loop dialog box
appears when you access it from a Protective Instrument Loop Sensor

226 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

4. Select the row containing the Element record that you want to link to
the element, and then click OK.

The Protective Instrument Loop dialog box closed, and if the element
to which you are linking an existing Element record is already linked to
an Element record that is:

 Not linked to any other Protective Instrument Loop records, a

message appears, indicating that the Element record you selected
will replace the current Element record, and then the current
Element record will be deleted. Clicking OK on this message will
delete the current Element record and replace it with the
selected Element record.

 Linked to one or more other Protective Instrument Loop records,

a message will appear, indicating that the record cannot be
deleted until it is unlinked from the current protective instrument
loop. Clicking OK on this message will unlink the current Element
record and link the selected Element record.

5. If the datasheet window is still open, on the datasheet window, click


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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

The datasheet window closes.

6. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Save Loop link.

Your changes are saved.

Unlinking Elements from a Protective Instrument Loop

The following instructions provide details on removing the link between a

record representing an element and the Protective Instrument Loop record
representing the Protective Instrument Loop. Keep in mind that every
Protective Instrument Loop must consist of at least one of ALL the following
elements by default:

 Logic Solver

 Sensor System

 Sensor Group

 Sensor

 Final Element System

 Final Element Group

 Final Element

If you remove the link between a Protective Instrument Loop record and the
only record for a required element type (listed above), the Meridium APM
system will automatically create a new, default record of that element type
and link it to the Protective Instrument Loop record.

You can remove any element from a Protective Instrument Loop only if the
record representing that element is linked to more than one Protective
Instrument Loop. In this case, the Unlink button on the datasheet for that
record will be enabled. If, however, a record representing an element is linked
to only one Protective Instrument Loop, the Unlink button will be disabled.
These instructions assume that the Unlink button is enabled.

228 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

To unlink an element from a Protective Instrument Loop:

1. Open the Protective Instrument Loop containing the element that you
want to remove.

The Protective Instrument Loop appears on the Protective Instrument

Loop Diagram View page.

2. Open the record representing the element that you want to remove
from the Protective Instrument Loop.

The record appears. The following image shows an example of a

Protective Instrument Loop System record that is linked to more than
one Protective Instrument Loop record.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

3. Click the Unlink button.

The record closes, and the link between the record representing that
element and the current Protective Instrument Loop record is removed.

Working with the Grid View

Accessing the Protective Instrument Loop Grid View Page

The Protective Instrument Loop Grid View page lets you view the elements of
the protective instrument loop by viewing the records that are represented by
those elements. Unlike the diagram view, where you can add an element to the
diagram and then define the field values in the record that is represented by
that element, in the grid view, you can add element records to the protective
instrument loop using Link and Apply buttons, which appear on the datasheet
of some element records.

To access the Protective Instrument Loop Grid View page:

1. Access the desired protective instrument loop on the Protective

Instrument Loop Diagram View page.

230 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

2. On the SIL Validation menu, click the Grid link.

The Protective Instrument Loop Grid View page appears.

Aspects of the Protective Instrument Loop Grid View Page

The Protective Instrument Loop Grid View page contains the following

 Datasheet area: Contains the datasheet for the record that is currently
selected in the Tree pane. At the top of the datasheet area, the
following option appears:

Displays the State Assignments dialog box, where you can manage the
Security Users that are assigned to the states that are defined for the
Protective Instrument Loop family.

 State indicator: Displays the current state of the Protective Instrument

Loop record.

 Operations link: Displays a submenu that lists the available operations

for the current record.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Tree pane: Contains a hierarchical view of the records that make up the
protective instrument loop. When you select a level in the hierarchy, the
corresponding record will appear in the datasheet area.

When you are viewing some datasheets for Protective Instrument Loop Element
families, the following buttons may appear:

 Link: Displays the Protective Instrument Loop dialog box, which

contains a list of records that you can link to the currently selected
record. To link one of these records to the currently selected record,
you can select the row containing the record that you want to link to the
currently selected record and then click OK.

 Apply: Displays the Protective Instrument Loop dialog box, which

contains a list of records whose contents that you can use to create a
new record that is populated automatically with information from the
source record and then link that record automatically to the currently
selected record. The new record will be linked automatically to the
currently selected record. To use an existing record to create a new
record and link it automatically to the currently selected record, you
can select the row containing the desired record and then click OK.

 Select: Displays the Protective Instrument Loop dialog box, which

contains a list of Logic Solver records from which you can select the
desired element to link to the protective instrument loop.

Working with the Summary View

Accessing the Protective Instrument Loop Summary Page

The Protective Instrument Loop Summary page lets you manage the
summarized data that is stored in the records that make up the protective
instrument loop that is illustrated in the diagram on the Protective Instrument
Loop Diagram View page.

To access the Protective Instrument Loop Summary page:

1. Access the desired protective instrument loop on the Protective

Instrument Loop Diagram View page.

2. On the SIL Validation menu, click the Summary link.

The Protective Instrument Loop Summary page appears.

232 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Aspects of the Protective Instrument Loop Summary Page

The Protective Instrument Loop Summary page displays the datasheet for the
Protective Instrument Loop record for the protective instrument loop with
which you are currently working. Below the datasheet, two graphs appear,
which display the following calculated values per element in the protective
instrument loop:

 PFD Contribution

 MTTFS Contribution

Deleting Protective Instrument Loops

When you delete a protective instrument loop (or protective instrument loop
template), you are deleting the Protective Instrument Loop record and all the
Protective Instrument Loop Element records that are linked to that record. If
you try to delete a protective instrument loop that contains an element that is
also linked to a different Protective Instrument Loop record, you will need to
remove the link between that Protective Instrument Loop Element record and

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 233

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

the Protective Instrument Loop record before you can delete the protective
instrument loop.

You can delete one or multiple protective instrument loops at one time. These
instructions provide details on deleting only ONE protective instrument loop at
a time.

To delete a protective instrument loop:

1. Access the Protective Loop Search page (for non-template protective

instrument loops)


Access the Protective Instrument Loop Template Search page (for

protective instrument loop templates).

2. In the search results, select the row containing the protective

instrument loop you want to delete.

3. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Delete Loop link.

A message appears, asking if you want to delete the selected protective

instrument loop.

4. Click the Yes button.

The protective instrument loop is deleted.

Note: If the Protective Instrument Loop record is linked to any Element

records that are linked to additional Protective Instrument Loop records,
a message will appear, indicating that you must remove the link
between these Element records and the Protective Instrument Loop
record before you can delete the protective instrument loop.

Working with Templates

About Protective Instrument Loop Templates

If you create a protective instrument loop that you want to use as a template
for creating additional protective instrument loops in the future, you can use

234 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

that protective instrument loop to create a template, or you can create a

protective instrument loop template manually.

A protective instrument loop template is the same as a protective instrument

loop, meaning that it consists of a Protective Instrument Loop record and all
the records that are linked to that record as elements of the protective
instrument loop. Each record that is associated with the protective instrument
loop for a template, however, is specified as a template via the Is Template
field in the record. Note that the Is Template field value is set by the Meridium
APM system automatically when you create a protective instrument loop
template. The field does not appear on any datasheet by default and is not
meant to be modified manually.

When you save a protective instrument loop as a template, the Meridium APM
system will automatically:

 Create a copy of the Protective Instrument Loop record.

 Create a copy of each record that is linked to the Protective Instrument

Loop record as an element of the protective instrument loop and link
those records to the Protective Instrument Loop record for the template
with one exception. When the Meridium APM system copies a Protective
Instrument Loop Final Element record, the values stored on the
Dangerous Combination of Outputs tab are not copied to the template

 Select the Is Template check box in each of the copied records (i.e.,
setting this value to true.), which identifies the protective instrument
loop as a template.

After a protective instrument loop template exists:

 As with a non-template protective instrument loop, you can view the

records that make up the protective instrument loop in the grid view,
diagram view, and summary view.

 As with a non-template protective instrument loop, you can calculate

the SIL Validation results.

 It will not appear in the query results on the Protective Loop Search

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 You can search for it on the Protective Instrument Loop Template

Search page.

As with non-template protective instrument loops, when you are working with
a protective instrument loop template, you will use the following pages to
complete the tasks associated with a protective instrument loop:

 Protective Instrument Loop Diagram View: Lets you view the

components of the protective instrument loop template as a diagram.
This is the default view.

 Protective Instrument Loop Grid View: Lets you view the components
of the protective instrument loop in record form and in a hierarchy,
which is similar to the Record Explorer pane in the Record Manager.

 Protective Instrument Loop Summary View: Lets you view the

Protective Instrument Loop record for the template and graphs, which
provide a summary of the calculated data that is stored in each
Protective Instrument Loop Element record for the template.

Note: Unlike working with these pages for a non-template protective

instrument loop, instead of displaying the text Protective Instrument Loop in
the workspace, the text Protective Instrument Loop Template will appear,
indicating that you are working with a template.

Each page presents a different view of the components of the protective

instrument loop template and contains the following task menus:

 SIL Validation

 Common Tasks

 Associated Pages

When you attempt to get your bearings with templates in the SIL Validation
feature, keep in mind that each page in the feature displays a custom view of
the records that exist in the Meridium APM database.

To begin working with protective instrument loop templates, you can:

 Create a protective instrument loop template from scratch.

236 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 Create a protective instrument loop template as a copy of an existing

protective instrument loop template.

 Save an existing protective instrument loop as a template.

 Open an existing protective instrument loop.

Creating Protective Instrument Loops Templates

About Creating Protective Instrument Loop Templates

As with non-template protective instrument loops, when you are working with
a protective instrument loop template, you will complete the following steps:

1. Create the Protective Instrument Loop record for the template and the
Protective Instrument Loop Element records that are linked to that
record. The Meridium APM system will automatically create these
records when you select to create a template:

 Based on an existing protective instrument loop.

 From scratch.

 Based on an existing template.

2. Add elements to the protective instrument loop template in addition to

the default elements (for a new template) or existing elements (for a
template that is created based on an existing template or non-template
protective instrument loop). When you add an element to a protective
instrument loop template, you are creating a record in a family and
linking that record to the Protective Instrument Loop record for that
protective instrument loop template.

To add elements to the protective instrument loop template, you can

use either of the following views:

 The diagram view

 The grid view

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Note: You can use the same instructions for adding components to a
template as adding components to a non-template protective instrument

3. Define the properties of each node that is included in the protective

instrument loop template diagram, meaning that you will provide values
in the Protective Instrument Loop Element records and the Protective
Instrument Loop record for the template.

To define the properties of the protective instrument loop template,

you can se the following view:

 The diagram view

 The grid view

Note: You can use the same instructions for defining the properties of
nodes for a template as defining the properties of nodes for a non-
template protective instrument loop.

For details on the components of a protective instrument loop, see the data
model diagram, where the Protective Instrument Loop family is the

Creating Protective Instrument Loop Templates from Scratch

To create a protective instrument loop template from scratch:

1. Access the Protective Loop Template Search page.

2. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Create Template link.

A new protective instrument loop template appears on the Protective

Instrument Loop Diagram View page.

238 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

3. Add the desired components to the grid.

4. Define the properties of the components as desired.

5. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Save Template link.

The protective instrument loop template is saved.

Creating Protective Instrument Loop Templates Based on Existing Protective

Instrument Loops

If you create a protective instrument loop that you want to use as a template
to create additional protective instrument loops in the future, you can save
that protective instrument loop as a template.

When you save a protective instrument loop as a template, you are


 Creating a copy of the source Protective Instrument Loop record and the
Protective Instrument Loop Element records that are linked to that

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Selecting the Is Template check box in the copied records.

In other words, you are creating a protective instrument loop template that is
based on a non-template protective instrument loop.

To create a protective instrument loop template based on existing

protective instrument loop:

1. Open the protective instrument loop that you want to use as a template.

2. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Save As Template link.

The page refreshes and displays the protective instrument loop

template, which is populated automatically with the information from
the source protective instrument loop.

3. Add the desired components to the grid.

4. Define the properties of the components as desired.

5. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Save Template link.

The protective instrument loop template is saved.

Copying Protective Instrument Loop Templates to Create New Ones

When you copy a protective instrument loop template to create a new one, the
Meridium APM system will automatically:

 Create a copy of the Protective Instrument Loop record for the


 Create a copy of each Protective Instrument Loop Element record that is

linked to the Protective Instrument Loop record for the template.

 Append the name of the protective instrument loop with copy. For
example, if you copy a protective instrument loop template named
Template Loop -02, the new protective instrument loop template will be
named Template Loop -02 copy.

240 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

To copy a protective instrument loop template to create a new one:

1. Access the Protective Loop Template Search page.

2. In the search results, select the row containing the protective

instrument loop template that you want to copy.

3. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Copy Template link.

The Protective Instrument Loop Template Search page refreshes, and a

new protective instrument loop template appears in a new row in the
search results.

Opening Existing Protective Instrument Loop Templates

Accessing the Protective Loop Template Search Page

On the Protective Loop Template Search page, you can search for and manage
existing protective instrument loop templates.

To access the Protective Loop Template Search page:

1. Access the SIS Management Start Page.

2. Click the SIL Validation Template link.

The Protective Loop Template Search page appears.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Aspects of the Protective Loop Template Search Page

The Protective Loop Template Search page contains the Protective Loop
Template Search workspace, which displays the results of the query specified
in the Protective Loop Template Search Query text box on the SIS
Management Administration page. This documentation assumes that you are
using the baseline Safety_Loop_Template_Search query, which contains the
State prompt that appears as a list at the top of the Protective Loop Template
Search workspace. The State list contains a list of record states that have been
configured for the Protective Instrument Loop family. You can choose from the
following baseline states:

 Approval: Displays the list of existing Protective Instrument Loop

records whose State field contains the value Approval.

 Design: Displays the list of existing Protective Instrument Loop records

whose State field contains the value Design.

 In Service: Displays the list of existing Protective Instrument Loop

records whose State field contains the value In Service.

242 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 Out of Service: Displays the list of existing Protective Instrument Loop

records whose State field contains the value Out of Service.

 Pending Approval: Displays the list of existing Protective Instrument

Loop records whose State field contains the value Pending Approval.

Selecting the All option will cause the query to return all Protective Instrument
Loop records in any state.

After you select different criteria, you can click the Run Query button to run
the Safety_Loop_Template_Search query and displays the results in the grid at
the bottom of the page. The query results will include hyperlinked Template
IDs, which you can use to open the protective instrument loop on the
Protective Instrument Loop Diagram View page.

Below the query results, options appear that you can use to navigate the

The Protective Loop Template Search page contains the following task menus:

 Common Tasks

 Associated Pages

Using the Protective Loop Template Search page, you can:

 Open an existing protective instrument loop template.

 Create a new protective instrument loop template from scratch.

 Create a new protective instrument loop template by copying an

existing protective instrument loop template.

 Delete a protective instrument loop template.

 Calculate the SIL Validation results for multiple protective instrument

loop templates.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

The Common Tasks Menu

The Common Tasks menu on the Protective Loop Template Search page
contains the following links:

 Find Template: This link is disabled.

 Create Template: Displays on the Protective Instrument Loop Diagram

View page the Protective Instrument Loop Template screen with a new
protective instrument loop template.

 Copy Template: Displays in a new row in the grid on the Protective

Loop Template Search page a new protective instrument loop template
with the same name as the source template, appended with copy.

 Delete Template: Displays a confirmation message, and then deletes the

current protective instrument loop.

 Calculate: Calculates the values that are stored in the records that
make up the selected protective instrument loop template(s).

 Send To: Displays a submenu with options that let you provide a link to
the current page on your desktop (create shortcut), in an email
message, or on a Home Page.

 Help: Displays the context sensitive help topic for the Protective Loop
Template Search page.

244 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Opening Existing Protective Instrument Loop Templates

The following instructions provide details on searching for an existing

protective instrument loop templates and opening a protective instrument

To open an existing protective instrument loop template:

1. Access the Protective Loop Template Search page.

2. In the State list, select the state that corresponds to the value in the
State field in the Protective Instrument Loop record for the protective
instrument loop template that you want to open.

3. Click the Run Query button.

The search results appear.

4. In the search results, locate the row containing the protective

instrument loop template that you want to open, and in the ID cell, click
the hyperlinked Template ID for the desired record.

The selected protective instrument loop template appears on the

Protective Instrument Loop Diagram View page.

Calculating SIL Validation Results

About Calculating SIL Validation Results

Note: The details in this section of the documentation can also be used when
working with protective instrument loop templates.

The values that are used to calculate SIL Validation results come from the
Protective Instrument Loop Element records that are linked to the Protective
Instrument Loop record. SIL Validation results for a protective instrument loop
can be calculated manually or by the Meridium APM system.

You can specify how you want to calculate the SIL Validation results via the SIL
Validation Method field in the Protective Instrument Loop record. On the
datasheet, this field appears as a list that contains the following values:

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Internal Calculation: Indicates that the results will be calculated by the

Meridium APM system. When the SIL Validation Method field contains the
value Internal Calculation, the Calculated Results section on the
Protective Instrument Loop datasheet is disabled and populated
automatically with the calculation results.

 External Calculation: Indicates that the results will be calculated

manually. When the SIL Validation Method field contains the value
External Calculation, the Calculated Results section on the Protective
Instrument Loop datasheet is enabled. You can use the fields in the
Calculated Results section to manually calculate SIL Validation results.

The Meridium APM system will calculate SIL Validation results when you click
the Calculate link, which is available in the following locations:

 SIL Validation task menu in the SIL Validation feature. This option lets
you calculate the results for an individual protective instrument loop.


 Common Tasks menu on the Protective Loop Search. This option lets
you calculate the results for multiple protective instrument loops at one

Note: You can calculate the results for multiple protective instrument
loop templates using this option on the Protective Loop Template
Search page.

Calculating SIL Validation Results for a Protective Instrument Loop

The following instructions provide details on calculating the SIL Validation

results for a single Protective Instrument Loop (or protective instrument loop
template). The results of the calculation are stored in the Protective
Instrument Loop record and can be viewed via the Protective Instrument Loop
Summary page.

To calculate SIL Validation results for a Protective Instrument Loop:

 On any page within the SIL Validation feature, on the SIL Validation
menu, click the Calculate link.

 If the results were calculated successfully, a message appears,

indicating that the results were calculated successfully.

246 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 If the results were not calculated successfully, a message

appears, indicating that the calculation was unsuccessful and that
the results have not been updated.

 If the calculation cannot be performed because values required

for the calculation have not been provided, the Missing Required
Values dialog box appears, displaying the list of fields that
require a value, sorted by the record in which the field exists. You
will need to provide the required values and then calculate the
results again.

Calculating SIL Validation Results for Multiple Protective Instrument Loops

The following instructions provide details on calculating the SIL Validation

results for more than one protective instrument loop at one time. These results
are stored in the Protective Instrument Loop record and can be viewed via the
Protective Instrument Loop Summary page.

These instructions can also be used to calculate the results for more than one
protective instrument loop template.

To calculate SIL Validation results for multiple Protective Instrument Loops:

1. Access the Protective Loop Search page (for non-template protective

instrument loops).


Access the Protective Instrument Loop Template Search page (for

protective instrument loop templates).

2. In the search results, select the rows containing the protective

instrument loops whose SIL Validation results you want to calculate.

3. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Calculate link.

The Calculation dialog box appears and displays the progress of the
calculations. After the results have been calculated, the Calculation
dialog box displays a message, indicating that the calculation operation
is finished, as shown in the following image.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Hint: To view the list of protective instrument loops that were

calculated and whether the calculation finished successfully or failed,
click the Detail>> button.

4. Click OK.

The Calculation dialog box closes.

About Calculation Details

After you calculate multiple protective instrument loops, on the Calculation

dialog box, you can click the Details>> button to view the list of protective
instrument loops that you selected to calculate and the status of that

The details of the calculation can contain the following status messages:

 External Calculation: This indicates that the value in the SIL Validation
Method field in the Protective Instrument Loop record is External.

 Failed: This indicates that the calculation failed to return results.

 Succeeded: This indicates that the calculated results were returned


 Unable to calculate: This indicates that there are some required values
missing from the protective instrument loop.

248 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

About the Missing Required Values Dialog Box

The Missing Required Values dialog box will appear if you try to calculate the
SIL validation results or save the Protective Instrument Loop record and the
values required for the SIL validation calculations have not been provided.

Note: You can save a Protective Instrument Loop record without providing the
required values. You cannot, however, successfully calculate SIL Validation
results without providing these values.

The Missing Required Values dialog box displays a grid that contains a list of
fields that are required for the calculation and for which a value has not been
provided. These fields are grouped by the Record ID of the record in which they
exist. Each row in the grid represents one field. For each field, the following
columns are displayed:

 Caption: Displays the datasheet caption for that record family.

 Value: Displays a text box, where you can provide a value for that field.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

In the Value cell in the grid, you can type a value for only some of the required
fields. In some cases, you will need to navigate to the datasheet itself to
provide a value. You will know that you can type the value directly in the
Value cell on the Missing Required Values dialog box if a cursor appears in the
Values cell when you click the cell. If a cursor does not appear, you will need
to navigate to the datasheet. For example, because the Actuator field on a
Final Element datasheet contains a list, in order to provide a value in this field,
you will need to do so via the datasheet for that family.

Below the grid, the following options appear:

 OK: Closes the Missing Required Values dialog box.

 Check: Refreshes the grid, removing fields for which you have provided
a valid value.

Protective Instrument Loop Final Element Records

About Protective Instrument Loop Final Element Records

Protective Instrument Loop Final Element records can be defined via the
<Record ID> (Protective Instrument Loop Final Element) window, which
contains the following tabs:

 Final Element: Displays the Protective Instrument Loop Final Element

datasheet, which is a custom form datasheet that contains fields that
you can use to define the final element.

 Dangerous Combination of Outputs: Allows you to define hazards

associated with combined output states for final elements.

About Defining Hazards Associated With Combined Output States

When you define a Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record, you will
need to define the potential hazards that can occur if the output state
associated with the final element is combined with the output state associated
with a different final element. While the output state associated with
individual final elements is safe, in some cases, when output states associated
with multiple final elements are combined, a hazardous event can occur. For
example, if the output state associated with Final Element A has the potential
to fill a tank half full, and the output state associated with Final Element B has
the potential to fill the same tank half full, these combined output states have

250 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

the potential to overflow the tank. In this way, Final Element A and Final
Element B have a combined output state hazard.

You can document combined output state hazards that exist for final elements
via the Dangerous Combination of Outputs tab on the <Record ID>
(Protective Instrument Loop Final Element) window. In other words, for each
final element that participates in a potentially hazardous relationship, you will
need to define the combined output state hazard(s) for that final element.

The Dangerous Combination of Outputs tab allows you to manage all the
combined output state hazards that exist for a final element. To define
combined output state hazards for a final element, you will need to:

 Link the Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record to the other
Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record representing the final
element whose output state can cause a hazard when combined with the
output state of the current final element. Protective Instrument Loop
Final Element records can be linked to one or more other Protective
Instrument Loop Final Element records through the Has Hazardous Event

 Describe the hazardous event that can occur when the output states are
combined. Because some final elements can participate in multiple
combined output state hazard scenarios, in each Protective Instrument
Loop Final Element record, you will need to describe the hazardous
events that are associated with that final element. In other words,
describing the hazardous event in one Protective Instrument Loop Final
Element record will not automatically populate the linked Protective
Instrument Loop Final Element record with the same description.

The following image illustrates the records that participate in a combined

output state hazard scenario in which the combination of two output states can
lead to a hazardous event.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Notice that the Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record to which you
link other Protective Instrument Loop Final Element records is the predecessor
in the relationship. When you are working with Protective Instrument Loop
Final Element records, it is helpful to refer to the SIS Management data model
image where the Protective Instrument Loop family is the predecessor family.

The following image shows the Dangerous Combination of Outputs tab on the
<Record ID> (Protective Instrument Loop Final Element) window for the final
element with the Record ID Final Element template 1 2.

Aspects of the Dangerous Combination of Output States Tab in Protective Instrument

Loop Final Element Records

The Dangerous Combination of Outputs tab on the <Record ID> (Protective

Instrument Loop Final Element) window contains the Dangerous Combination
of Outputs? check box, which lets you indicate whether the final element
represented by the current record is associated with any hazards that result

252 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

from a combination of output states. When the Dangerous Combination of

Outputs? check box is:

 Selected, the remaining options on the Dangerous Combination of

Outputs tab are enabled, and a message appears, indicating that you
must link at least one Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record
to the current Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record. The
additional Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record represents
the final element whose output state combined with the output state of
the current final element can lead to a hazardous event. After you link
at least one Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record to the
current record, the message is hidden.

 Cleared, the remaining options on the Dangerous Combination of

Outputs tab are disabled. This indicates that the final element
represented by the current Protective Instrument Loop Final Element
record is not associated with any combined output state hazards. You
will need to open the linked Protective Instrument Loop Final Element
record and enter the description of the combined output state hazard.

After at least one Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record is linked to
the current Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record, the Dangerous
Combination of Outputs? check box is disabled. In addition, you can clear this
check box only if the Individual Output States grid is empty (i.e., there are no
combined output state hazards associated with the final element).

Below the Dangerous Combination of Outputs? check box, the following

sections appear:

 Individual Output States: Contains a grid that displays the list of

Protective Instrument Loop Final Element records that are linked to the
current Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record. Each row in
the grid represents one final element whose output state can lead to a
hazardous event if it is combined with the output state associated with
the output state of the current final element. The following information
is displayed for each Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record
that appears in the grid:

 Final Element ID: An ID for the final element that is stored in the
Final Element ID field in the corresponding Protective Instrument
Loop Final Element record.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Final Element Description: A description for the final element

that is stored in the Description field in the corresponding
Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record.

 Function ID: The value stored the IF ID field in the Instrumented

Function record to which the corresponding Protective Instrument
Loop Final Element record is linked.

 Function Description: The value stored in the IF Description field

in the Instrumented Function record to which the corresponding
Instrument Loop Final Element record is linked.

Below the grid, the following buttons appear:

 Add Existing: Displays the Find Items window, which you can use
to search for an existing Protective Instrument Loop Final Element
record and link it to the current Protective Instrument Loop Final
Element record. After you link a Protective Instrument Loop Final
Element record to the current Protective Instrument Loop Final
Element record, a new row will appear in the Individual Output
States grid to represent that final element.

 Remove: After displaying a confirmation message, deletes the

link between the selection Protective Instrument Loop Final
Element record and the current Protective Instrument Loop Final
Element record and removes the final element from the grid. This
button is disabled until at least one Protective Instrument Loop
Final Element record appears in the Individual Output States

 Potential Combination of Outputs Description: Contains a field, which

stores the description of the combined output state hazards that are
associated with the current final element. This field is required. If the
current final element is associated with multiple combined output state
hazards, you should provide a description in this field for each of these

Defining Combined Output State Hazards for Final Elements

To define a combined output state hazard for final elements, you will need to:

254 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 Link to one another the Protective Instrument Loop Final Element

records whose associated output states can cause a hazard if they occur

 Describe in each of the Protective Instrument Loop Final Element

records the hazardous event that can occur if the output states
associated with the final elements occur simultaneously.

To define a combined output state hazard for final elements:

1. Open the Protective Instrument Loop record that contains the final
element for which you want to define a combined output state hazard.

2. In the Diagram Canvas, double-click the Final Element node representing

the final element for which you want to define a combined output state

The Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record appears in the

<Record> (Protective Instrument Loop Final Element) window.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 255

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

3. Click the Dangerous Combination of Outputs tab.

The Dangerous Combination of Outputs tab appears.

4. Select the Dangerous Combination of Outputs? check box.

The remaining options are enabled, and a message appears, indicating

that you must link at least one Protective Instrument Loop Final Element
record to the current Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record.

256 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

5. In the Individual Output States section, click the Add Existing button.

The Search Related Final Element dialog box appears, displaying the
list of existing Protective Instrument Loop Final Element records.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 257

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

6. In the grid, select the rows containing the Protective Instrument Loop
Final Element records that you want to link to the current Protective
Instrument Loop Final Element record, and then click OK. Keep in mind
the records you select should represent the final elements whose output
states can lead to a hazardous event if they occur simultaneously with
the output state of the current final element.

The Search Related Final Element dialog box closes, and the record(s)
you selected appear in the Individual Output States grid. For example,
in the following image, you can see that two Protective Instrument Loop
Final Element records are linked to the Protective Instrument Loop Final
Element record XL0615-009 A.

258 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

7. In the Combination Hazardous Event section, enter a description for

the hazardous event that can occur if the output states associated with
the final elements occur simultaneously.

8. In the Individual Output States section, in the first row in the grid, click
the hyperlinked ID in the Final Element ID cell.

The corresponding Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record

appears in a new <Record ID> (Protective Instrument Loop Final
Element) window.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 259

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

9. Click the Dangerous Combination of Outputs tab.

The Dangerous Combination of Outputs tab appears. In addition, you

can see that the Dangerous Combination of Outputs? check box is
selected automatically and the Individual Output States grid contains
the Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record to which the
current record is linked (i.e., the record from which you accessed the
current record).

260 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

10. In the Combination Hazardous Event section, enter a description for

the hazardous event that can occur if the output states associated with
the final elements occur simultaneously. This should be the same
description that you entered in step 7.

11. Click OK.

Your changes are saved, and the Protective Instrument Loop Final
Element record closes, revealing the previous Protective Instrument
Loop Final Element record.

12. Repeat steps 8 through 11 for each Protective Instrument Loop Final
Element record that appears in the Individual Output States grid.

13. Click OK.

Your changes are saved, and the Protective Instrument Loop Final
Element record closes.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 261

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Removing Final Elements From the Dangerous Combination of Outputs Tab

When you remove a final element from the Dangerous Combination of Outputs
tab, you are deleting the link between the Protective Instrument Loop Final
Element records.

To remove a final element from the Dangerous Combination of Outputs tab:

1. Open the Protective Instrument Loop that contains the final element
whose corresponding record you want to modify.

2. In the Diagram Canvas, double-click the Final Element node representing

the final element from which you want to remove a different final

The Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record appears in a new


262 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

3. Click the Dangerous Combination of Outputs tab.

The Dangerous Combination of Outputs tab appears.

4. In the Individual Output States grid, select the row containing the final
element that you want to remove.

Hint: You may want to update the text stored in the Combination
Hazardous Event section in the corresponding Protective Instrument
Loop Final Element record before you remove it from the current
record. To do so, click the hyperlinked value in the Final Element ID
cell in that row.

5. Click the Remove button.

A confirmation message appears, asking if you really want to remove the

selected record.

Hint: You may want to update the text stored in the Combination
Hazardous Event section in the current record.

6. Click the Yes button.

Your changes are saved, and the Protective Instrument Loop Final
Element record closes.

Protective Instrument Loop Reports

About the Protective Instrument Loop Report

The Protective Instrument Loop report provides an overview of the protective

instrument loop and displays the following information:

 Loop ID: Displays the value that exists in the Loop ID field in the
associated Protective Instrument Loop record.

 Description: Displays the value that exists in the Description field in the
associated Protective Instrument Loop record.

 Long Description: Displays the value that exists in the Long Description
field in the associated Protective Instrument Loop record.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 263

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Loop Class: Displays the value that exists in the Loop Class field in the
associated Protective Instrument Loop record.

 Loop Type: Displays the value that exists in the Loop Type field in the
associated Protective Instrument Loop record.

 SIL Demand Mode: Displays the value that exists in the Demand Mode
field in the associated Protective Instrument Loop record.

 Systematic Capability Validation: Displays the value that exists in the

Systematic Capability Validation field in the associated Protective
Instrument Loop record.

 Mission Time: Displays the value that exists in the Mission Time field in
the associated Protective Instrument Loop record.

 Startup Time: Displays the value that exists in the Startup Time field in
the associated Protective Instrument Loop record.

 Required SIL: Displays the value that exists in the Required SIL field in
the associated Protective Instrument Loop record.

 Meets SIL Requirements: Displays the value that exists in the Meets SIL
Requirement? field in the associated Protective Instrument Loop record.

 Achieved SIL: Displays the value that exists in the Achieved SIL field in
the associated Protective Instrument Loop record.

 Evaluated Architectural Constraints: Displays the value that exists in

the Meets Architectural Constraints field in the associated Protective
Instrument Loop record.

 Risk Reduction Factor: Displays the value that exists in the Risk
Reduction Factor field in the associated Protective Instrument Loop

 MTTS (years): Displays the value that exists in the MTTFS Years field in
the associated Protective Instrument Loop record.

 Status: Displays the value that exists in the Status field in the associated
Protective Instrument Loop record.

264 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 Status Changed Date: Displays the date on which the value in the Status
field was updated last.

 Status Changed By: Displays the value that exists in the Last Modified
By field in the associated Protective Instrument Loop record.

 Last Modified By: Displays the value that exists in the Last Modified By
field in the associated Protective Instrument Loop record.

 Last Modified Date: Displays the value that exists in the Last Modified
Date field in the associated Protective Instrument Loop record.

In addition to the preceding information, the Protective Instrument Loop

Report contains a table, which contains various information that is stored in
the Protective Instrument Loop Element records that are linked to the
Protective Instrument Loop record.

Viewing the Protective Instrument Loop Report

To view the Protective Instrument Loop report:

1. Open the protective instrument loop or protective instrument loop

template for which you want to view the Protective Instrument Loop

2. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Reports link.

A submenu appears.

3. On the submenu, click the Protective Instrument Loop Report link.

Note: The name of the link is the caption of the Catalog item Protective
Instrument Loop Report. This link is called the Protective Instrument
Loop Report by default.

The Protective Instrument Loop report appears in the Report Viewer.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Viewing SIL Analysis Graphs

The following instructions provide details on viewing the graphs that appear on
the Graphs submenu on the Common Tasks menu when you are viewing and SIL
Analysis record. This submenu displays all the reports that exist in the Catalog
folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\SIS Management\SIL\Graphs.

To view an SIL Analysis graph:

1. Access the SIL Analysis record whose report you want to view.

2. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Graphs link.

A submenu appears.

3. On the submenu, click the link that corresponds to the caption of the
graph that you want to view. For example, click the SIL Assignment
Summary Graph link.

The selected report appears in the Graph Viewer. The following image
shows an example of the baseline SIL Assignment Summary Graph.

266 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Viewing SIL Analysis Reports

The following instructions provide details on viewing the reports that appear on
the Reports submenu on the Common Tasks menu when you are viewing and
SIL Analysis record. This submenu displays the reports that exist in the Catalog
folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\SIS Management\SIL\Reports. By default, this
folder contains the SIL Analysis Report.

To view an SIL Analysis report:

1. Access the SIL Analysis record whose report you want to view.

2. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Reports link.

A submenu appears.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 267

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

3. On the submenu, click the link that corresponds to the caption of the
report that you want to view. For example, click the SIL Analysis Report

The selected report appears in the Report Viewer.

The Safety Requirement Specifications Report

About the Safety Requirement Specifications Report

The Safety Requirement Specifications report contains all the details from an
SIL Analysis that are required to meet compliance for IEC standard 61511. You
can use this report to:

 Provide proof of compliance with IEC 61511.

 Identify gaps in compliance with IEC 61511.

The Safety Requirement Specifications report displays values that are stored in
the records that make up an SIL Analysis.

It is stored in the Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\SIS

Management\SIL\Reports and titled SRS Report. You can access the report using
the Reports link on the Common Tasks menu on the SIL Analysis Definition
page. When you access the Safety Requirement Specifications report in this
way, the Meridium APM system will automatically pass in the Entity Key for the
SIL Analysis record to which all other records that make up and SIL Analysis are

While you can run the Safety Requirement Specifications report directly from
the Catalog folder and pass in an Entity Key manually, we recommend that you
run the report via the SIL Analysis within the SIS Management module. In
addition, you should not modify the report or any of its supporting queries or

Accessing the Safety Requirement Specifications Report

The following instructions provide details on accessing the Safety Requirement

Specifications report for an SIL Analysis. When you run the Safety Requirement
Specifications report, the Meridium APM system will automatically pass in the

268 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Entity Key of the SIL Analysis record to which all other records that make up
the SIL Analysis are linked.

To access the Safety Requirement Specification report:

1. Open the SIL Analysis for which you want to view the Safety
Requirement Specifications report.

2. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Reports link.

A submenu appears, displaying the captions of the following Catalog

items as links:

 SIL Analysis Report

 SRS Report

3. Click the SRS Report link.

The Safety Requirement Specifications report appears in the Report


Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 269

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Managing Validation Failure Rate

Reference Data
About Managing Validation Failure Rate Reference
Failure rate reference data refers to data that exists to record trends in failure
rates for elements that exist in a protective instrument loop. Before you add an
element to a protective instrument loop, you can consider the failure rate
reference data that is associated with that element and make a decision on
whether or not to use that particular element.

SIS Management provides tools that you can use to view Protective Instrument
Loop Element records for sensors, logic solvers, and final elements, where the
Is Reference Data field in that record is set to True. The Is Reference Data

270 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

check box is not included on the datasheet by default. This field is used by the
Meridium APM system and is not meant to be modified manually.

When you create a Protective Instrument Loop Element record via the
Validation Failure Rate Reference Data feature, the Meridium APM system will
automatically select the Is Reference Data check box in that record.

You can use the Validation Failure Rate Reference Data feature to determine
which elements are approved for use with a protective instrument loop. After
you have determined that a given element is approved, you can select Approve
button below the datasheet. When you do so, the Meridium APM system will
automatically select the Approved Custom Device check box in that record,
and it will be available for selection in the SIL Validation feature. To approve a
Protective Instrument Loop Element record, you must be a member of the SIS
Administrator or SIS Engineer Security Group.

Task Menus in the Validation Failure Rate Reference

Data Feature


The Navigation menu in the Validation Failure Rate Reference Data feature
contains the following links:

 Sensors: Displays the Sensor Reference Data Search page, where you
can search for Sensor records.

 Logic Solvers: Displays the Logic Solver Reference Data Search page,
where you can search for Logic Solver records.

 Final Elements: Displays the Final Element Reference Data Search

page, where you can search for Final Element records.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 271

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

A green arrow to the left of an option indicates the Protective Instrument Loop
Element family with which you are currently working.

Common Tasks

The Common Tasks menu in the Validation Failure Rate Reference Data
Feature contains the following links, which are context-sensitive, meaning that
the family with which you are currently working will determine the specific
context of the link:

 Create: Displays a new blank record in the family with which you are
currently working.

 Copy: Displays a new record in the family with which you are currently
working that is populated automatically with information from the
source record.

 Delete: Displays a confirmation message and then deletes the selected


 Send To: Displays a submenu with options that let you provide a link to
the current page on your desktop (create shortcut), in an email
message, or on a Home Page.

 Help: Displays the context-sensitive Help topic for the current page.

272 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Working with Sensor Failure Rate Reference Data

Searching for Existing Protective Instrument Loop Sensor


Accessing the Sensor Reference Data Search Page

The Sensor Reference Data Search page appears by default when you access
the Validation Failure Rate Reference Data feature.

To access the Sensor Reference Data Search page:

1. Access the SIS Management Start Page.

2. Click the Manage Validation Failure Rate Reference Data link.

The Sensor Reference Data Search page appears.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 273

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Aspects of the Sensor Reference Data Search Page

The Sensor Reference Data Search page contains the results of the
Sensor_Reference_Data_Search query. This documentation assumes that you
are using the baseline query, which contains an Approved to Use prompt that
appears as a list at the top of the Sensor Reference Data Search page. The
Approved to Use list contains a list of values that correspond to the state of
the Approved Custom Device field in the Protective Instrument Loop Sensor
records. You can choose from the following baseline values:

 Yes: Displays all the existing Protective Instrument Loop Sensor records
whose Is Reference Data field is set to True and whose Approved
Custom Device check box is selected.

 No: Displays all the existing Protective Instrument Loop Sensor records
whose Is Reference Data field is set to True and whose Approved
Custom Device check box is cleared.

 Any (%): Displays all the existing Protective Instrument Loop Sensor
records whose Is Reference Data field is set to True.

This query is run automatically using the default prompt value Any (%). If you
select different criteria, you can click the Run Query button to run the query
and display the results in the grid at the bottom of the page. The query results
will include hyperlinked Record IDs, which you can use to open the Protective
Instrument Loop Sensor record on the Sensor Reference Data page.

Below the query results are options that you can use to navigate the results.

The Sensor Reference Data Search page contains the following task menus:

 Navigation

 Common Tasks

 Associated Pages

Opening Existing Protective Instrument Loop Sensor Records

To open an existing Protective Instrument Loop Sensor record:

1. Access the Sensor Reference Data Search page.

274 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

2. Provide the desired search criteria, and then click the Run Query

The results appear in the grid.

3. In the grid, locate the row containing the Protective Instrument Loop
Sensor record whose contents you want to view.

4. In the Sensor ID cell, click the hyperlinked Record ID for the desired

The selected record appears on the Sensor Reference Data page.

Creating Protective Instrument Loop Sensor Records

Aspects of the Sensor Reference Data Page

Note: You can access the Sensor Reference Data page by opening an existing
Protective Instrument Loop Sensor record or creating a new one.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 275

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

The Sensor Reference Data page displays the datasheet for a Protective
Instrument Loop Sensor record. The Protective Instrument Loop Sensor
datasheet is a master/detail datasheet, meaning that below the master record,
a Devices pane appears, which contains a list of Protective Instrument Device
records that are linked to the Protective Instrument Loop Sensor record. The
Protective Instrument Device records that appear in this pane will depend on
the values that exist in the Sensor field in the master record. You can collapse
and expand the Devices pane using the and buttons that appears in the
top right corner of the pane.

Below the datasheet, the following buttons appear:

 Save: Saves the Protective Instrument Loop Sensor record.

 Approve: Selects the Approve Custom Device check box on the

Protective Instrument Loop Sensor datasheet. After you click this button,
the label changes to Revoke Approval.

 Revoke Approval: Clears the Approve Custom Device check box on the
Protective Instrument Loop Sensor datasheet. After you click this button,
the label changes to Approve.

The Sensor Reference Data page contains the following task menus:

 Navigation

 Common Tasks

 Associated Pages

Using the Sensor Reference Data page, you can:

 Create new Protective Instrument Loop Sensor records from scratch.

 Create new Protective Instrument Loop Sensor records as copies of

existing Protective Instrument Loop Sensor records.

 Approve Protective Instrument Loop Sensor records.

 Revoke approval for Protective Instrument Loop Sensor records.

276 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Creating New Protective Instrument Loop Sensor Records from Scratch

The following instructions provide details on creating a Protective Instrument

Loop Sensor record for the Validation Failure Rate Reference Data feature. You
can also create Protective Instrument Loop Sensor records using the SIL
Validation feature.

To create a new Protective Instrument Loop Sensor record:

1. Access the Sensor Reference Data Search page.

2. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Create link.

The Sensor Reference Data page appears, displaying a new blank

Protective Instrument Loop Sensor record.

3. Provide values in the fields as desired. Note that when you select a
value in the Sensor list, Protective Instrument Device records will
appear in the Devices pane.

4. Below the datasheet, click the Save button.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 277

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

The record is saved.

Creating Protective Instrument Loop Sensor Records as Copies of an Existing One

The following instructions provide details on creating a new Protective

Instrument Loop Sensor record as a copy of an existing Protective Instrument
Loop Sensor record. These instructions assume that you are using the Validation
Failure Rate Reference Data feature. You can also create Protective Instrument
Loop Sensor records using the SIL Validation feature.

When you create a new Protective Instrument Loop Sensor record as a copy of
an existing one, the new Protective Instrument Loop Sensor record will contain
the same information as the source record, with the following exceptions:

 The Approved Custom Device check box will be clear by default. This
setting is clear by default in all new Protective Instrument Loop Sensor

 The value in the Sensor ID field will be appended with the number 1
(one). For each subsequent Protective Instrument Loop Sensor record
that you create as a copy of the same existing Protective Instrument
Loop Sensor record, an additional 1 (one) will be appended to the Sensor
ID. For example, if you create three new Protective Instrument Loop
Sensor records using the Protective Instrument Loop Sensor record with
the Sensor ID Fire Gas Sensor A, the Sensor ID values for the new records
will be:

 Fire Gas Sensor A 1

 Fire Gas Sensor A 1 1

 Fire Gas Sensor A 1 1 1

You can modify the Sensor ID value, if desired.

If the Protective Instrument Loop Sensor record is linked to Protective

Instrument Device records, those record will also be copied and linked to the
new record. When a Protective Instrument Device record is copied, the value in
the ID field will be appended with the number 1 (one). For each subsequent
Protective Instrument Loop Sensor record that you create as a copy of the same
source record (i.e., that is linked to the same Protective Instrument Device
record), an additional number 1 (one) will be appended to the ID in the new
Protective Instrument Device record. You can modify the ID value, if desired.

278 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

To create a new Protective Instrument Loop Sensor record as a copy of an

existing Protective Instrument Loop Sensor record:

1. Open the Protective Instrument Loop Sensor record that you want to
copy to create a new Protective Instrument Loop Sensor record.

The Protective Instrument Loop Sensor record appears on the Sensor

Reference Data page.

2. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Copy link.

The new Protective Instrument Loop Sensor record appears on the

Sensor Reference Data page.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 279

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

3. If desired, you can modify the record. When you are finished, click the
Save button.

Your changes are saved.

Approving and Revoking Approval for Protective Instrument

Loop Sensor Records

After you have determined that a sensor is approved for use in a protective
instrument loop, you can specify that in the Protective Instrument Loop Sensor
record. Additionally, if you later determine that a sensor is no longer approved
for use in a protective instrument loop, you can revoke that approval in the
Protective Instrument Loop Sensor record.

To approve a Protective Instrument Loop Sensor record:

1. Open the Protective Instrument Loop Sensor record that represents the
sensor that you want to approve.

2. Below the datasheet, click the Approve button.

280 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

The Approved Custom Device check box in the Protective Instrument

Loop Sensor record is automatically selected, and the label on the
Approve button changes to Revoke Approval.

3. Click the Save button.

The record is saved.

To revoke approval for a Protective Instrument Loop Sensor record:

1. Open the Protective Instrument Loop Sensor record that represents the
sensor whose approval status you want to revoke.

2. Below the datasheet, click the Revoke Approval button.

The Approved Custom Device check box in the Protective Instrument

Loop Sensor record is automatically cleared, and the label on the
Revoke Approval button changes to Approve.

3. Click the Save button.

The record is saved.

Working with Logic Solver Failure Rate Reference


Searching for Existing Protective Instrument Loop Logic

Solver Records

Accessing the Logic Solver Reference Data Search Page

The Logic Solver Reference Data Search page lets you search for existing
Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver records that are specified as reference
data via the Is Reference Data check box in that family.

To access the Logic Solver Reference Data Search page:

1. Access the SIS Management Start Page.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 281

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

2. Click the Manage Validation Failure Rate Reference Data link.

The Sensor Reference Data Search page appears.

3. On the Navigation menu, click the Logic Solvers link.

The Logic Solver Reference Data Search page appears.

Aspects of the Logic Solver Reference Data Search Page

The Logic Solver Reference Data Search page contains the results of the
Logic_Solver_Reference_Data_Search query. This documentation assumes that
you are using the baseline query, which contains an Approved to Use prompt
that appears as a list at the top of the Logic Solver Reference Data Search
page. The Approved to Use list contains a list of values that correspond to the
state of the Approved Custom Device field in the Protective Instrument Loop
Logic Solver records. You can choose from the following baseline values:

 Yes: Displays all the existing Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver
records whose Is Reference Data field is set to True and whose
Approved Custom Device check box is selected.

282 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 No: Displays all the existing Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver
records whose Is Reference Data field is set to True and whose
Approved Custom Device check box is cleared.

 Any (%): Displays all the existing Protective Instrument Loop Logic
Solver records whose Is Reference Data field is set to True.

This query is run automatically using the default prompt value Any (%). If you
select different criteria, you can click the Run Query button to run the query
and display the results in the grid at the bottom of the page. The query results
will include hyperlinked Record IDs, which you can use to open the Protective
Instrument Loop Logic Solver record on the Sensor Reference Data page.

Below the query results are options that you can use to navigate the results.

The Logic Solver Reference Data Search page contains the following task

 Navigation

 Common Tasks

 Associated Pages

Opening Existing Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Records

To open an existing Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record:

1. Access the Logic Solver Reference Data Search page.

2. Provide the desired search criteria, and then click the Run Query

The results appear in the grid.

3. In the grid, locate the row containing the Protective Instrument Loop
Logic Solver record whose contents you want to view.

4. In the ID cell, click the hyperlinked Record ID for the desired record.

The selected record appears on the Logic Solver Reference Data page.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 283

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Creating Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Records

Aspects of the Logic Solver Reference Data Page

Note: You can access the Logic Solver Reference Data page by opening an
existing Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record or creating a new one.

The Logic Solver Reference Data page displays the datasheet for a Protective
Instrument Loop Logic Solver record. The Protective Instrument Loop Logic
Solver datasheet is a master/detail datasheet, meaning that below the master
record, a Channels/Modules pane appears, which contains a list of Protective
Instrument Loop Logic Solver Channel records that are linked to the Protective
Instrument Loop Logic Solver record. You can link Protective Instrument Loop
Logic Solver Channel records to the master record or delete the link between
these records using the Add and Remove options that appears in this pane. You
can collapse and expand the Channels/Modules pane using the and
buttons that appears in the top right corner of the pane.

Below the datasheet, the following buttons appear:

 Save: Saves the Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record.

284 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 Approve: Selects the Approve Custom Device check box on the

Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver datasheet. After you click this
button, the label changes to Revoke Approval.

 Revoke Approval: Clears the Approve Custom Device check box on the
Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver datasheet. After you click this
button, the label changes to Approve.

The Sensor Reference Data page contains the following task menus:

 Navigation

 Common Tasks

 Associated Pages

Using the Logic Solver Reference Data page, you can:

 Create Protective Instrument loop Logic Solver records from scratch.

 Create Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver records that are based
upon an existing Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record.

 Create Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver records as copies of an

existing Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record.

 Link Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Channel records to a

Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record.

 Remove the links between a Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver

record and Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Channel records.

 Approve a Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record.

 Revoke approval for a Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record.

Creating Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Records from Scratch

The following instructions provide details on creating a Protective Instrument

Loop Logic Solver record from scratch using the Validation Failure Rate
Reference Data feature. You can also create Protective Instrument Loop Logic
Solver records using the SIL Validation feature.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 285

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

To create a new Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record from


1. Access the Logic Solver Reference Data Search page.

2. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Create link.

The Logic Solver Reference Data page appears, displaying a new blank
Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record.

3. Provide values in the fields as desired.

4. Below the datasheet, click the Save button.

The record is saved. At this point, you can link the desired Protective
Instrument Loop Logic Solver Channel records to the Protective
Instrument Loop Logic Solver record.

Creating Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Records Based on Existing Ones

The following instructions provide details on creating a Protective Instrument

Loop Logic Solver record based on an existing one, using the Validation Failure

286 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Rate Reference Data feature. You can also create Protective Instrument Loop
Logic Solver records using the SIL Validation feature.

To create a new Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record based on an

existing one:

1. Access the Logic Solver Reference Data Search page.

2. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Create link.

The Logic Solver Reference Data page appears, displaying a new blank
Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record.

3. In the MTTR text box, type the desired numeric value. This field is
require before you can apply an existing record.

4. In the Proof Test Interval text box, type the desired numeric value. This
field is require before you can apply an existing record.

5. In the Proof Test Coverage text box, type the desired numeric value.
This field is require before you can apply an existing record.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 287

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

6. Click the Select button.

The Protective Instrument Loop dialog box appears, displaying the list
of existing Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver records.

7. In the list, select the row containing the Protective Instrument Loop
Logic Solver record whose contents you want to apply to the new
Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record.

8. Click OK.

The new Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record is populated

automatically with information from the selected record, including the
Channels/Modules pane.

9. Below the datasheet, click the Save button.

The record is saved. At this point, you can link Protective Instrument
Loop Logic Solver Channel records to the Protective Instrument Loop
Logic Solver record.

288 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Creating Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Records as Copies of an Existing


The following instructions provide details on creating a new Protective

Instrument Loop Logic Solver record as a copy of an existing Protective
Instrument Loop Logic Solver record. These instructions assume that you are
using the Validation Failure Rate Reference Data feature. You can also create
Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver records using the SIL Validation

When you create a new Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record as a
copy of an existing one, the new Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver
record will contain the same information as the source record, with the
following exceptions:

 The Approved Custom Device check box will be clear by default. This
setting is clear by default in all new Protective Instrument Loop Logic
Solver records.

 The value in the Logic Solver ID field will be appended with a number
that is relative to subsequent copies of the same source record,
beginning with 1 (one). For each subsequent Protective Instrument Loop
Logic Solver record that you create as a copy of the same existing
Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record, the number that is
appended to the Logic Solve ID will increase by one. For example, if you
create three new Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver records using
the Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record with the Logic Solver
ID Logic Solver A, the Logic Solver ID values for the new records will be:

 Logic Solver A 1

 Logic Solver A 2

 Logic Solver A 3

You can modify the Logic Solver ID value, if desired.

If the Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record is linked to Protective

Instrument Loop Logic Solver Channel records, these records will also be copied
and linked to the new Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record. When a
Protective Instrument Logic Solver Channel record is copied, the value in the ID
field will be appended with a number that is relative to the subsequent copies
of the same source Protective Instrument Logic Solver record, beginning with 1

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 289

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

(one). For each subsequent Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record that
you create as a copy of the same source record, the value that is appended to
the ID in the new Protective Instrument Logic Solver Channel records will
increase by one (as explained above).

To create a new Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record as a copy of

an existing Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record:

1. Open the Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record that you want
to copy to create a new Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record.

The Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record appears on the Logic
Solver Reference Data page.

2. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Copy link.

The new Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record appears on the
Logic Solver Reference Data page.

290 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

3. If desired, you can modify the record. When you are finished, click the
Save button.

Your changes are saved.

Linking Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Channel

Records to Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Records

The following instructions provide details on linking Protective Instrument Loop

Logic Solver Channel records to existing Protective Instrument Loop Logic
Solver records using the Validation Failure Rate Reference Data feature. You
can also link these records using the SIL Validation feature. For details on using
the SIL Validation feature, see the SIL Validation section of this Help system.

IMPORTANT: Before you can link a Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver
Channel record to a Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record, you must
select the Manual Entry check box in the Protective Instrument Loop Logic
Solver record.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 291

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

To link a Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Channel record to a

Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record:

1. On the Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver datasheet for the record
to which you want to link a Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver
Channel record, in the Channels/Modules pane, click the Add button.

A new Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Channel record appears

in a new window.

2. Provide values in the fields on the datasheet as desired, and then click

The record is linked to the master record and appears in the grid in the
Channels/Modules pane.

3. You can continue adding records in this way. When you are finished,
below the datasheet, click the Save button.

The record is saved.

292 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Removing Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Channel

Records from Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver

When you remove a Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Channel record
from a Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record, you are deleting the
link between the two records and removing the Protective Instrument Loop
Logic Solver Channel record from the grid in the Channels/Modules pane on the
Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver datasheet.

To remove a Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Channel record from a

Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record:

1. Open the Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record that is linked
to the Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Channel record that you
want to remove.

2. In the Channels/Modules pane, select the row containing the Protective

Instrument Loop Logic Solver Channel record that you want to remove.

3. Below the grid, click the Remove button.

A message appears, asking if you are sure you want to remove the
selected record.

4. Click the Yes button.

The record is removed from the grid.

5. Below the datasheet, click the Save button.

The record is saved.

Approving and Revoking Approval for Protective Instrument

Loop Logic Solver Records

After you have determined that a logic solver is approved for use in a
protective instrument loop, you can specify that in the Protective Instrument
Loop Logic Solver record. Additionally, if you later determine that a logic

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 293

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

solver is no longer approved for use in a protective instrument loop, you can
revoke that approval in the Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record.

To approve a Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record:

1. Open the Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record that represents
the logic solver that you want to approve.

2. Below the datasheet, click the Approve button.

The Approved Custom Device check box in the Protective Instrument

Loop Logic Solver record is automatically selected, and the label on the
Approve button changes to Revoke Approval.

3. Click the Save button.

The record is saved.

To revoke approval for a Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record:

1. Open the Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record that represents
the logic solver whose approval status you want to revoke.

2. Below the datasheet, click the Revoke Approval button.

The Approved Custom Device check box in the Protective Instrument

Loop Logic Solver record is automatically cleared, and the label on the
Revoke Approval button changes to Approve.

3. Click the Save button.

The record is saved.

294 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Working with Final Element Failure Rate Reference


Accessing the Final Element Reference Data Search Page

The Final Element Reference Data Search page lets you search for existing
Protective Instrument Loop Final Element records that are specified as
reference data via the Is Reference Data check box in that family.

To access the Final Element Reference Data Search page:

1. Access the SIS Management Start Page.

2. Click the Manage Validation Failure Rate Reference Data link.

The Sensor Reference Data Search page appears.

3. On the Navigation menu, click the Final Elements link.

The Final Element Reference Data Search page appears.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 295

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Aspects of the Final Element Reference Data Search Page

The Final Element Reference Data Search page contains the results of the
Final_Element_Reference_Data_Search query. This documentation assumes
that you are using the baseline query, which contains an Approved to Use
prompt that appears as a list at the top of the Final Element Reference Data
Search page. The Approved to Use list contains a list of values that correspond
to the state of the Approved Custom Device field in the Protective Instrument
Loop Final Element records. You can choose from the following baseline values:

 Yes: Displays all the existing Protective Instrument Loop Final Element
records whose Is Reference Data field is set to True and whose
Approved Custom Device check box is selected.

 No: Displays all the existing Protective Instrument Loop Final Element
records whose Is Reference Data field is set to True and whose
Approved Custom Device check box is cleared.

 Any (%): Displays all the existing Protective Instrument Loop Final
Element records whose Is Reference Data field is set to True.

This query is run automatically using the default prompt value Any (%). If you
select different criteria, you can click the Run Query button to run the query
and display the results in the grid at the bottom of the page. The query results
will include hyperlinked Record IDs, which you can use to open the Protective
Instrument Loop Final Element record on the Sensor Reference Data page.

Below the query results are options that you can use to navigate the results.

The Final Element Reference Data Search page contains the following task

 Navigation

 Common Tasks

 Associated Pages

296 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Opening Existing Protective Instrument Loop Final Element


To open an existing Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record:

1. Access the Final Element Reference Data Search page.

2. Provide the desired search criteria, and then click the Run Query

The results appear in the grid.

3. In the grid, locate the row containing the Protective Instrument Loop
Final Element record whose contents you want to view.

4. In the Final Element ID cell, click the hyperlinked Record ID for the
desired record.

The selected record appears on the Final Element Reference Data


Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 297

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Creating Protective Instrument Loop Final Element Records

Aspects of the Final Element Reference Data Page

Note: You can access the Final Element Reference Data page by opening an
existing Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record or creating a new

The Final Element Reference Data page displays the datasheet for a
Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record. The Protective Instrument
Loop Final Element datasheet is a master/detail datasheet, meaning that
below the master record, a Devices pane appears, which contains a list of
Protective Instrument Device records that are linked to the Protective
Instrument Loop Final Element record. The Protective Instrument Device
records that appear in this pane will depend on the values that exist in the
Final Element field in the master record. You can collapse and expand the
Devices pane using the and buttons that appears in the top right corner of
the pane.

Below the datasheet, the following buttons appear:

 Save: Saves the Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record.

 Approve: Selects the Approve Custom Device check box on the

Protective Instrument Loop Final Element datasheet. After you click this
button, the label changes to Revoke Approval.

 Revoke Approval: Clears the Approve Custom Device check box on the
Protective Instrument Loop Final Element datasheet. After you click this
button, the label changes to Approve.

The Sensor Reference Data page contains the following task menus:

 Navigation

 Common Tasks

 Associated Pages

Using the Final Element Reference Data page, you can:

298 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 Create new Protective Instrument Loop Final Element records from


 Create new Protective Instrument Loop Final Element records as copies

of an existing Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record.

 Approve a Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record.

 Revoke approval for a Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record.

Creating New Protective Instrument Loop Final Element Records from Scratch

The following instructions provide details on creating a Protective Instrument

Loop Final Element record for the Validation Failure Rate Reference Data
feature. You can also create Protective Instrument Loop Final Element records
using the SIL Validation feature.

To create a new Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record:

1. Access the Final Element Reference Data Search page.

2. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Create link.

The Final Element Reference Data page appears, displaying a new

blank Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 299

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

3. Provide values in the fields as desired. Note that when you select a
value in the Final Element list, Protective Instrument Device records
will appear in the Devices pane.

4. Below the datasheet, click the Save button.

The record is saved.

Creating Protective Instrument Loop Final Element Records as Copies of an Existing


The following instructions provide details on creating a new Protective

Instrument Loop Final Element record as a copy of an existing Protective
Instrument Loop Final Element record. These instructions assume that you are
using the Validation Failure Rate Reference Data feature. You can also create
Protective Instrument Loop Final Element records using the SIL Validation

When you create a new Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record as a
copy of an existing one, the new Protective Instrument Loop Final Element

300 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

record will contain the same information as the source record, with the
following exceptions:

 The Approved Custom Device check box will be clear by default. This
setting is clear by default in all new Protective Instrument Loop Final
Element records.

 The value in the Final Element ID field will be appended with the
number 1 (one). For each subsequent Protective Instrument Loop Final
Element record that you create as a copy of the same existing Protective
Instrument Loop Final Element record, an additional 1 (one) will be
appended to the Final Element ID. For example, if you create three new
Protective Instrument Loop Final Element records using the Protective
Instrument Loop Final Element record with the Final Element ID Final
Element A, the Final Element ID values for the new records will be:

 Final Element A 1

 Final Element A 1 1

 Final Element A 1 1 1

You can modify the Final Element ID value, if desired.

If the Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record is linked to Protective

Instrument Device records, those record will also be copied and linked to the
new record. When a Protective Instrument Device record is copied, the value in
the ID field will be appended with the number 1 (one). For each subsequent
Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record that you create as a copy of
the same source record (i.e., that is linked to the same Protective Instrument
Device record), an additional number 1 (one) will be appended to the ID in the
new Protective Instrument Device record. You can modify the ID value, if

To create a new Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record as a copy

of an existing Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record:

1. Open the Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record that you want
to copy to create a new Protective Instrument Loop Final Element

The Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record appears on the

Final Element Reference Data page.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 301

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

2. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Copy link.

The new Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver record appears on the
Logic Solver Reference Data page.

Approving and Revoking Approval for Protective Instrument

Loop Final Element Records

After you have determined that a final element is approved for use in a
protective instrument loop, you can specify that in the Protective Instrument
Loop Final Element record. Additionally, if you later determine that a final
element is no longer approved for use in a protective instrument loop, you can
revoke that approval in the Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record.

To approve a Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record:

1. Open the Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record that

represents the final element that you want to approve.

2. Below the datasheet, click the Approve button.

302 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

The Approved Custom Device check box in the Protective Instrument

Loop Final Element record is automatically selected, and the label on
the Approve button changes to Revoke Approval.

3. Click the Save button.

The record is saved.

To revoke approval for a Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record:

1. Open the Protective Instrument Loop Final Element record that

represents the final element whose approval status you want to revoke.

2. Below the datasheet, click the Revoke Approval button.

The Approved Custom Device check box in the Protective Instrument

Loop Final Element record is automatically cleared, and the label on the
Revoke Approval button changes to Approve.

3. Click the Save button.

The record is saved.

Working with Trip Reports

About SIS Trip Reports
SIS Trip Reports are records that store details on events, which occurred on a
safety instrumented system such as a trip alarm. For example, if during a
process, the gas pressure level increased to an unmanageable level and the
safety instrumented system turned off the gas feed, you would create one SIS
Trip Report record to record the details of that trip alarm event.

Using SIS Management, you can manage the SIS Trip Report records that exist
for all your safety instrumented systems.

When you create an SIS Trip Report record, you will link the record to a Safety
Instrumented System record. When you link the SIS Trip Report record to a
Safety Instrumented System record, the list of Instrumented Function records

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 303

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

that are linked to the Safety Instrumented System record will automatically
appear in the SIS Trip Report record. You can select the Instrumented Function
records that you want to associate with the SIS Trip Report record. When you
select Instrumented Function records on the SIS Trip Report datasheet, the
Meridium APM system will automatically create one SIS Trip Report Detail
record for each Instrumented Function record that you select and automatically
link the SIS Trip Report Detail record to the SIS Trip Report record.

SIS Trip Report Detail records store details on the Instrumented Function with
which it is associated. They also contain the decision that is made around the
particular trip event, which is stored in the Action text box. For example, you
can specify a trip event as Dangerous or Safe.

Accessing the SIS Trip Report Search Page

The SIS Trip Report Search page lets you search for and open an existing SIS
Trip Report record. Using this page, you can also access features that you can
use to create new SIS Trip Report records.

To access the SIS Trip Report Search page:

1. Access the SIS Management Start Page.

2. Click the SIS Trip Report link.

The SIS Trip Report Search page appears.

304 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Aspects of the SIS Trip Report Search Page

The SIS Trip Report Search page contains the results of the
SIS_Trip_Report_Search query. This documentation assumes that you are using
the baseline query, which contains a State prompt that appears as a list at the
top of the SIS Trip Report Search page. The State list contains a list of record
states that have been configured for the SIS Trip Report family. You can choose
from the following baseline states:

 All: Displays all the existing SIS Trip Report records that are in any

 Active: Displays the SIS Trip Report records that are in the Active state.

 Complete: Displays the SIS Trip Report records that are in the Complete

 Pending Approval: Displays the SIS Trip Report records that are in the
Pending Approval state.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 305

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Review: Displays the SIS Trip Report records that are in the Review

This query is run automatically using the default prompt value All. If you select
different criteria, you can click the Run Query button to run the query and
display the results in the grid at the bottom of the page. The query results will
include hyperlinked Record IDs, which you can use to open the SIS Trip Report
record on the SIS Trip Report page.

Below the query results are options that you can use to navigate the results.

The SIS Trip Report Search page contains the following task menus:

 Common Tasks

 Associated Pages

Opening Existing SIS Trip Report Records

To open an existing SIS Trip Report record:

1. Access the SIS Trip Report Search page.

2. In the State list, select the record state for the desired SIS Trip Report
record, and then click the Run Query button.

The search results appear in the grid.

3. In the grid, locate the row containing the SIS Trip Report record that you
want to view.

4. In the Report ID cell in that row, click the hyperlinked Record ID.

The selected SIS Trip Report record appears on the SIS Trip Report

306 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Task Menus


The Navigation menu on the SIS Trip Report pages contains the following links:

 SIS Trip Report Definition: Displays the SIS Trip Report page.

 SIS Trip Report Details: Displays the SIS Trip Report Details page. This
link is enabled only when you are viewing an existing SIS Trip Report

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 307

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Documents: Displays the Reference Documents page. This link is enabled

only when you are viewing an existing SIS Trip Report record.

 All Recommendations: Displays a list of Risk Assessment

Recommendation records on the Recommendation Management page.
This link is enabled only when you are viewing an existing SIS Trip Report

A green arrow to the left of a link indicates the feature that you are currently

Common Tasks

The Common Tasks menu on the SIS Trip Report pages contains the following

 Find SIS Trip Report: Displays the SIS Trip Report Search page, where
you can search for an existing SIS Trip Report record. This link is disabled
on the SIS Trip Report Search page.

 Create SIS Trip Report: Displays a new blank SIS Trip Report record on
the SIS Trip Report page.

 Delete: Displays a confirmation message and then deletes the selected

SIS Trip Report record, and the SIS Trip Report Search page appears.
This link does not appear on the SIS Trip Report Details page or the SIS
Trip Report Search page.

 Recommendations: Displays the Recommendations dialog box, where

you can manage Risk Assessment Recommendation records that are
linked to the SIS Trip Report record. This link is enabled only when you

308 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

are viewing an existing SIS Trip Report record. This link does not appear
on the SIS Trip Report Details page or the SIS Trip Report Search page.

 Send To: Displays a submenu with options that let you provide a link to
the current page on your desktop (create shortcut), in an email
message, or on a Home Page.

 Reports: Displays a submenu that displays the caption of the Catalog

item SIS Trip Report as a link. This link is enabled only when you are
viewing an existing SIS Trip Report record. This link does not appear on
the SIS Trip Report Details page or the SIS Trip Report Search page.

 Help: Displays the context-sensitive Help topic for the current page.

Creating New SIS Trip Report Records

Aspects of the SIS Trip Report Page

The SIS Trip Report page contains the SIS Trip Report datasheet. You can
access the SIS Trip Report page by opening an existing SIS Trip Report record
or creating a new one. When you access the SIS Trip Report page by creating a
new SIS Trip Report record, the Record ID of the SIS Trip Report record will not
appear in the page title until after you save the new record.

Above the datasheet, the following options are enabled:

Saves the current SIS Trip Report record.

Displays the State Assignments dialog box, where you can manage the
Security Users that are assigned to the states that are defined for the SIS
Trip Report family. To the right of the icon, the following items appear:

 State Indicator: Displays the current state of the SIS Trip Report

 Operations menu: Displays the operations that are available for

selection. You can use this option to change the state of the SIS
Trip Report record. This link is enabled only when you are viewing
an existing SIS Trip Report record.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

The SIS Trip Report page contains the following task menus:

 Navigation

 Common Tasks

 Associated Pages

Creating New SIS Trip Report Records

To create a new SIS Trip Report record:

1. Access the SIS Trip Report Search page.

2. On the Common Tasks menu, click the Create SIS Trip Report link.

The SIS Trip Report page appears, displaying a new blank SIS Trip
Report record.

310 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

3. In the Trip Report ID text box, type a name for the SIS Trip Report
record. This field is required.

4. In the Trip Type list, select the type of trip event that the SIS Trip
Report record represents. This field is required.

5. Provide values in the remaining fields on the SIS Trip Report tab as

6. Click the Associated Instrumented Functions tab,

The Associated Instrumented Functions tab appears.

7. In the SIS ID text box, click the button. This field is required.

The Find Items window appears, and the Search In list contains the
Safety Instrumented System family by default.

8. Specify the desired search criteria, and then click the Find Now button.

The search results appear.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 311

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

9. In the search results, select the desired Safety Instrumented System

record, and then click the Open button.

The Instrumented Functions dialog box appears, displaying a list of

Instrumented Function records that are linked to the selected Safety
Instrumented System record. The Instrumented Function records that
appear in this list automatically appear in the Associated Instrumented
Functions list on the Associated Instrumented Functions tab.

10. In the list, select the Instrumented Function records that you want to
associated with the SIS Trip Report record, and then click OK.

The Instrumented Functions dialog box closes, revealing the SIS Trip
Report datasheet, where the Record ID of the Safety Instrumented
System record appears in the SIS ID text box and the Instrumented
Function records that you selected on the Instrumented Functions
dialog box are selected in the Associated Instrumented Functions list.

Note: In the Associated Instrumented list, if you want to associate

additional Instrumented Function records with the SIS Trip Report
record, you can select the check box to the left of the desired record.

10. Above the datasheet, click the Save button.

312 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

The record is saved, and the following links are enabled on the
Navigation menu:

 SIS Trip Report Details

 Documents

 All Recommendations

Working with SIS Trip Report Detail records

Accessing the SIS Trip Report Details Page

The SIS Trip Report Details page lets you manage the SIS Trip Report Detail
records that were created automatically based on the Instrumented Function
records that are specified in the SIS Trip Report record to which the SIS Trip
Report Detail records are linked.

To access the SIS Trip Report Details page:

1. Open on the SIS Trip Report page the SIS Trip Report whose details you
want to view.

2. On the Navigation menu, click the SIS Trip Report Details link.

The SIS Trip Report Details page appears, displaying a list of SIS Trip
Report Detail records that are linked to the SIS Trip Report record from
which you accessed the SIS Trip Report Details page.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Aspects of the SIS Trip Report Details Page

The SIS Trip Report Details page contains the SIS Trip Report Details
workspace, which displays a grid with a list of SIS Trip Report Detail records
that are linked to the SIS Trip Report from which you accessed the SIS Trip
Report Details page. Each row in the grid represents one SIS Trip Report Detail
record. By default, the grid contains the following columns:

 Trip Report Detail ID: Displays the value that exists in the Trip Report
Detail ID field in the SIS Trip Report Detail record. This value appears as
a hyperlink, which you can click to open the SIS Trip Report Detail

 Instrumented Function ID: Displays the value that exists in the

Instrumented Function ID field in the SIS Trip Report Detail record. This
value appears as a hyperlink, which you can use to open the
Instrumented Function record.

 Action: Displays the value that exists in the Action field in the SIS Trip
Report Detail record.

Below the grid, the following buttons appear:

314 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 Add Trip Detail: Displays the Add Trip Details dialog box, where you
can select the Instrumented Function record that you want to use for the
SIS Trip Report Detail record.

 Remove Trip Detail: Displays a confirmation message, and then deletes

the selected SIS Trip Report Detail record.

The SIS Trip Report Details page contains the following task menus:

 Navigation

 Common Tasks

 Associated Pages

Using the SIS Trip Report Details page, you can:

 View an existing SIS Trip Report Details record.

 Create a new SIS Trip Report Details record.

 Delete an SIS Trip Report Details record.

Creating New SIS Trip Report Details Records

To create a new SIS Trip Report Details record:

1. Access the SIS Trip Report Details page.

2. In the SIS Trip Report Details workspace, below the grid, click the Add
Trip Detail button.

The Add Trip Details dialog box appears, displaying the list of
Instrumented Function records that are linked to the Safety
Instrumented System record that is linked to the SIS Trip Report record
to which the SIS Trip Report Details record is linked.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 315

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

3. In the list, select the Instrumented Function record that you want to use
to create the SIS Trip Report Details record, and then click OK.

The Add Trip Details dialog box closes, the new SIS Trip Report Detail
record is created, saved, and appears at the bottom of the list. At this
point, you can open the SIS Trip Report Detail record and modify its

Viewing SIS Trip Report Detail Records

To view an SIS Trip Report Detail record:

1. Access the SIS Trip Report Details page.

2. In the SIS Trip Report Details workspace, locate the row containing the
SIS Trip Report Detail record whose contents you want to view.

3. In the Trip Report Detail ID cell, click the hyperlinked Record ID for the
desired record.

The SIS Trip Report Detail record appears in a new window.

316 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

4. Modify the values in the fields as desired, and then click OK.

Your changes are saved.

Deleting SIS Trip Report Detail Records

When you delete an SIS Trip Report Detail record, the record and all
relationships in which it participates will be deleted from the Meridium APM

To delete an SIS Trip Report Detail record:

1. Access the SIS Trip Report Detail page.

2. In the SIS Trip Report Details workspace, select the row containing the
SIS Trip Report Detail record that you want to delete.

3. Below the grid, click the Remove Trip Detail button.

A confirmation message appears, asking if you really want to delete the

selected record.

4. Click the Yes button.

The selected record is deleted from the Meridium APM database and no
longer appears in the grid.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Revision History
About Revision History in SIS Management
In addition to the Meridium APM Framework Tool that provides revision history
for field values, which you can use to manage revisions that are made on
individual fields in a family, SIS Management provides a Revision History
feature that you can use to manage the revisions made for an entire SIL
analysis. When you create an analysis, you link records in multiple families to
the SIL Analysis record, which represents the entire analysis. When you
complete an analysis, you will change the state of the SIL Analysis record to
Complete. When you do so, a snapshot is taken of the SIL Analysis record and
each record to which it is linked, either directly or indirectly.

When the SIL Analysis record state is changed to Complete, one record in the
associated Revision family for each family that participates in the SIS
Management data model will be created. In other words, one Revision record is
created for each record that is linked to the SIL Analysis record (with the
exception of the Human Resource, Risk Assessment Recommendation, and Risk
Assessment families). Each Revision record stores a snapshot of the source
record as it appeared when the state of the SIL Analysis record was changed.
For details on how these families are related to one another, see the
illustration of the SIS Management data model.

If the analysis requires reassessment, after the reassessment takes place, the
state of the SIL Analysis record will be changed again to the Complete state
and a second set of Revision records will be created, and so on.

You can access the SIL Analysis Revision records via the Revision History link
on the Navigation menu.

Accessing SIL Analysis Revisions

The following instructions provide details on accessing the Analysis Revision
History page, where you can view the Revision records that exist for a given SIL

To access the Analysis Revision History page:

1. Open the desired SIL Analysis.

318 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

2. On the Navigation menu, click the Revision History link.

The Analysis Revision History page appears.

Note: The Revision History link is enabled only if the SIL Analysis record
for the current analysis has ever been set to the Complete state.

Aspects of the Analysis Revision History Page

The Analysis Revision History page contains the following panes:

1. Revisions pane: Contains a list of all SIL Analysis Revision records that
have been created for the SIL Analysis from which you accessed the
Analysis Revision History page. Each row in the list represents one SIL
Analysis Revision record, and each item in the list is labeled using the
value that exists in the Revision Date field in that SIL Analysis Revision
record. The rows appear in the reverse order in which they were created
and are numbered, starting with 0, where 0 is the first revision. In other
words, the most recent revision will appear first in the list. When you
select a row in the list:

 A hierarchical view of the SIL Analysis that existed at the time

that revision was created will appear in the Selected Revision

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 The corresponding SIL Analysis revision record will be displayed in

the Datasheet pane.

2. Selected Revisions pane: Displays a hierarchical view of the records

that belong to the SIL Analysis whose revision is selected in the
Revisions pane.

At the bottom of this section, the Show Changes button appears, which
you can click to view the changes that were made to the selected record
during this revision. This button is enabled only if the selected record
contains values that were changed since the previous revision.

3. Datasheet pane: Displays the SIL Analysis Revision record that is

currently selected in the Revisions pane or the Selected Revisions
pane. Above the datasheet, the Print button appears, which you can
use to print the record that is displayed in the Datasheet pane.

The following image shows the Analysis Revision History page, where callouts
have been provided to identify the numbered panes described above.

The Analysis Revision History page contains the following task menus:

 Navigation

320 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 Common Tasks

 Associated Pages

The options that appear on these task menus is consistent with the options that
appear on that menu when you are viewing it on other pages in SIS

On the Analysis Revision History page, you can:

 View the Revision record for the desired record.

 View the specific changes that were made to a given Revision record.

Common Tasks Menu

The Common Tasks menu on the Analysis Revision History page contains the
following links:

 Find Analysis: Displays the SIL Analysis Search page, where you can
search for an existing SIL Analysis record.

 Create Analysis: Displays a new blank SIL Analysis record on the SIL
Analysis Definition page.

 Open Analysis: This link is disabled.

 Delete: This link is disabled.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Send To: Displays a submenu with options that let you provide a link to
the current page on your desktop (create shortcut), in an email
message, or on a Home Page.

 Help: Displays the context-sensitive help topic for the Analysis Revision
History page.

Viewing the Datasheet for a Revision Record

To view the datasheet for a Revision record:

1. Access the Analysis Revision History page.

2. In the Revisions pane, select the row that represents the revision of the
SIL Analysis that you want to view.

The corresponding SIL Analysis Revision record appears in the Datasheet

pane, and the corresponding revisions appear in the Selected Revision

3. In the Selected Revisions pane, select the Revision record whose

datasheet you want to view.

The Revision record for the selected record appears in the Datasheet

Viewing Changes That Were Made Between Revisions

To view changes that were made between revisions:

1. Access the Analysis Revision History page.

2. In the Revisions pane, select the revision for which you want to see the
modified values.

3. In the Selected Revisions pane, select the record for which you want to
see the modified values.

4. At the bottom of the Selected Revisions pane, click the Show Changes

322 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

The Changes dialog box appears.

5. Review the changes and click OK when you are finished.

The Changes dialog box closes.

Working with Risk Assessment

Recommendation Records and the SIL
About Risk Assessment Recommendation Records and
the SIL Analysis
Risk Assessment Recommendation Records store recommendations for an action
that you should be taken on the item that is represented by the record to
which the Risk Assessment Recommendation record is linked. In SIS
Management, you can link Risk Assessment Recommendation records to records
in the following families:

 Instrumented Function

 Protective Instrument Loop

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 323

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 SIS Proof Test

 SIS Proof Test Template

You can manage Risk Assessment Recommendation records for individual

records within SIS Management via the Recommendations dialog box.
Additionally, via Recommendation Management, you can mange Risk
Assessment Recommendation records for:

 One SIL Analysis

 ALL SIL Analyses

The Risk Assessment Recommendation datasheet contains two tabs:

 General Information: Contains fields that you can use to describe the
recommendation, assign the recommendation to a Meridium APM user,
and specify due dates for the recommendation.

 Alert: Contains fields that you can use to schedule alerts to be sent to
specified recipients when a recommendation or reevaluation is due.

After you link a Risk Assessment Recommendation record to an individual

record, the Risk Assessment record is part of the SIL Analysis.

Managing Risk Assessment Recommendation Records

for Individual Records

Accessing the Recommendations Dialog Box

The Recommendations dialog box lets you manage Risk Assessment

Recommendation records that are linked to individual records within the SIL
Analysis. Using the Recommendations dialog box, you can:

 View the Risk Assessment Recommendation records that are currently

linked to a record.

 Create new Risk Assessment Recommendation records and link them to a


324 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 Link existing Risk Assessment Recommendation records to a record.

 Remove Risk Assessment Recommendation records from the analysis.

The following instructions assume that you are viewing one of the following
pages within SIS Management and that the Recommendations link is enabled
on a task menu on that page:

 Instrumented Functions (IFs)

 Proof Tests

 Proof Test Templates

 Protective Instrument Loop

Note: The Recommendations link should not be confused with the All
Recommendations link, which appears on the Navigation menu.

To access the Recommendations dialog box:

 On the appropriate task menu, click the Recommendations link.

The Recommendations dialog box appears.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Aspects of the Recommendations Dialog Box

The Recommendations dialog box displays a list of Risk Assessment

Recommendation records that are linked to the record that is currently
selected. Each row in the list represents one Risk Assessment Recommendation
records. For each Risk Assessment Recommendation record that appears in the
list, the following information is displayed:

 Recommendation ID: The ID for the recommendation as it appears in

the Recommendation ID field in the Risk Assessment Recommendation

 Recommendation Headline: The description of the recommendation as

it appears in the Recommendation Headline field in the Risk Assessment
Recommendation record.

Below the list, the following buttons appear:

 Add new Recommendation: Displays a new Risk Assessment

Recommendation record in a new window, where you can create a new
Risk Assessment Recommendation record. After you save the new
record, it will appear in the list on the Recommendations dialog box.

 Add Existing Recommendations: Displays the Find Items window,

where you can search for an existing Risk Assessment Recommendation
record to link to the selected record.

 Delete Recommendations: Displays a confirmation message, and then

removes the Risk Assessment Recommendation record from the SIL
Analysis. This link is enabled only if a Risk Assessment Recommendation
record appears in the list.

 Close: Closes the Recommendations dialog box, revealing the page

from which it was accessed.

326 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

Adding Risk Assessment Recommendation Records to the SIL


Creating New Risk Assessment Recommendation Records

The following instructions provide details on creating a new Risk Assessment

Recommendation record via the Recommendations dialog box. These
instructions assume that you are familiar with the fields in the Risk Assessment
Recommendation family.

To create a new Risk Assessment Recommendation record:

1. Access the Recommendations dialog box.

2. Below the grid, click the Add New Recommendation button.

A new Risk Assessment Recommendation record appears in a new


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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

3. On the General Information tab, in the Target Completion Date box,

type or select the date that corresponds to the date on which the
recommended task should be completed. This field is required.

4. On the General Information tab, provide values in the remaining fields

as desired.

5. If desired, on the Alert tab, provide values in the fields to schedule an

alert to be sent to the assignee when the recommendation is due.

Note: On the Alert tab, you can also schedule an alert to be sent to a
list of recipients when the recommendation is due for reevaluation.

5. Click OK.

328 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

The selected record appears in the list on the Recommendations dialog

box and is linked to the record that is currently selected on the page
from which you accessed the Recommendations dialog box.

Adding Existing Risk Assessment Recommendation Records to the SIL Analysis

The following instructions provide details on searching for an existing Risk

Assessment Recommendation record to add to the SIL Analysis. When you add
an existing Risk Assessment Recommendation record to the SIL Analysis, you
are linking the Risk Assessment Recommendation record to an individual record
within the SIL Analysis.

To add an existing Risk Assessment Recommendation record to the SIL


1. Access the Recommendations dialog box.

2. Below the grid, click the Add Existing Recommendations button.

The Find Items window appears.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

3. If desired, in the Look For text box, provide search criteria, and then
click the Find Now button.

The search results appear.

4. In the search results list, select the desired record, and click the Open

The selected record appears in the list on the Recommendations dialog

box and is linked to the record that is currently selected on the page
from which you accessed the Recommendations dialog box.

Removing Risk Assessment Recommendation Records from the SIL Analysis

When you remove a Risk Assessment Recommendation record from the SIL
Analysis, you are deleting the link between the Risk Assessment
Recommendation record and the record to which it is linked that belongs to the
SIL Analysis. After you delete this link, the Risk Assessment Recommendation
record is no longer part of the SIL Analysis.

To remove a Risk Assessment Recommendation record from the SIL Analysis:

1. Access the Recommendations dialog box.

2. In the grid, select the row containing the Risk Assessment

Recommendation record that you want to remove from the SIL Analysis.

3. Click the Delete Recommendations button.

A confirmation message appears, asking if you really want to remove the

link between the Risk Assessment Recommendation record and the
record to which it is linked.

4. Click the Yes button.

The selected Risk Assessment Recommendation record is removed from

the Recommendations list and the SIL Analysis.

Using the Status Field in Recommendations

You can use the values in the Status list in a Risk Assessment Recommendation
record to facilitate a workflow to track the progress of the recommendation.

330 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

The Status list contains the following values:

 Approved: You can use this status to indicate that the recommended
action has been approved and can be assigned to someone to implement
in your facility.

 Created: This status indicates that the Risk Assessment

Recommendation record and the associated recommendation are new.
This is the default state.

 Pending Review: You can use this status to indicate that the
recommended action is assigned to someone so that they can review it
and obtain approval to implement the suggested action.

 Reviewed: You can use this status to indicate that the recommended
action has been reviewed and is waiting for approval.

 Rejected: You can use this status to indicate that the recommended
action has been not been approved.

 Cancelled: You can use this status to indicate that the previously
approved or reviewed action will no longer be implemented.

 Superseded: You can use this status to indicate that the previously
approved or reviewed action will no longer be implemented because a
different action supersedes it.

Depending on the value that exists in the Status field, you will need to assign
the Risk Assessment Recommendation to an analysis team member or the
individual within your organization who is responsible for the current task
associated with that recommendation. Additionally, when the Status field
contains a certain value, in order to change that value, you must be logged in
as the user to whom the record is assigned based on the current value in the
Status field. For example, only the person whose name appears in the Reviewer
Name field can change the value in the Status field to Reviewed.

The following diagram illustrates the workflow that you can use when working
with the Status field to track the progress of a given recommendation. The
boxes represent a Status value that appears in the Status field, and the arrows
represent actions taken by the current assignee.

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Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Scheduling Risk Assessment Recommendation Alerts

About Scheduling Risk Assessment Recommendation Alerts

The Alerts tab on the Risk Assessment Recommendation datasheet contains

fields that you can use to schedule an email message to be sent to a Meridium
APM user (i.e., a user who has a Human Resource record in the Meridium APM
database). You can schedule alerts to be sent when:

332 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

 A recommendation is due.

 A recommendation is due for reevaluation.

When you save a Risk Assessment Recommendation record that is in the

Approved or In Progress state and whose alert schedule has been defined on
the Alerts tab, the following items are automatically created in the Meridium
APM database:

 One Alert record that is linked to the Risk Assessment Recommendation


 One Scheduled Item in the Meridium APM Schedule Manager.

After these items exist, the email message will be sent to the specified
recipients according to the schedule that is defined in the Risk Assessment
Recommendation record.

Scheduling Alert to Notify an Assignee When a Recommendation is Due

Via the Alert tab on the Risk Assessment Recommendation datasheet, you can
schedule an alert to be sent to an email address when a recommendation is due
or when it is due for reevaluation. The following instructions provide details on
using the fields on the Alert tab on the Risk Assessment Recommendation
datasheet to schedule an alert to be sent to a recipient when a
recommendation is due.

These instructions assume that you are familiar with adding Risk Assessment
Recommendation records to an SIL Analysis.

To schedule an Alert to notify an assignee when a recommendation is due:

1. Open the Risk Assessment Recommendation record for which you want
to configure alerts.

2. Click the Alert tab.

The Alert tab appears.

3. If desired, select the Alert Assignee When Due? check box, and then
click in a different field.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 333

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

The following fields are enabled and required:

 Days Before Due Date to be Notified

 Frequency of Alert After Due Date

4. In the Days Before Due Date to be Notified field, type a numeric value
that represents the number of days prior to the due date that the
assignee should be notified.

5. In the Frequency of Alert After Due Date list, select the value that
represents the frequency by which an assignee should be notified after
the due date has passed.

6. In the Implementation Alert Text field, type the message that you want
to appear in the alert email message that is sent to the assignee.

Note: These instructions assume that you have specified a Meridium APM
user as the assignee on the General Information tab and that a valid
email address stored in that user's Human Resource record.

7. At the bottom of the Risk Assessment Recommendation datasheet, click


The record is saved.

Scheduling an Alert to Notify Assignees When a Recommendation is Due for


Via the Alert tab on the Risk Assessment Recommendation datasheet, you can
schedule an alert to be sent to an email address when a recommendation is due
or when it is due for reevaluation. The following instructions provide details on
using the fields on the Alert tab on the Risk Assessment Recommendation
datasheet to schedule an alert to be sent to a recipient when a
recommendation is due for reevaluation.

To schedule an alert to notify assignees when a recommendation is due for


1. Open the Risk Assessment Recommendation record for which you want
to configure alerts.

334 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

2. Click the Alert tab.

The Alert tab appears.

3. If desired, select the Reevaluate? check box, and then click in a

different field.

The following fields are enabled and required:

 Reevaluation Date

 Reevaluation Alert Body Text

4. In the Reevaluation Date box, type or select the date on which the
reevaluation is due.

5. In the Reevaluation Notification List, select the check box to the left of
the Meridium APM user who will receive the reevaluation alert.

Note: A valid email address must be stored in this user's Human

Resource record to receive a reevaluation alert.

6. In the Reevaluation Alert body Text field, type the message that you
want to appear in the alert email message that is sent to the assignee.

Viewing the List of Risk Assessment Recommendation

Records for the Current SIL Analysis
The following instructions provide details on viewing the list of Risk Assessment
Recommendation records that are associated with the current SIL Analysis.

To view the list of all Risk Assessment Recommendation records the current
SIL Analysis:

1. Open the desired SIL Analysis record.

2. On the Navigation menu, click the All Recommendations link.

The Recommendation Management page appears, displaying the results

of the SIL Analysis Recommendations query, which returns a list of all

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 335

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

the Risk Assessment Recommendation records that are associated with

the SIL Analysis with which you are currently working.

Viewing the List of Risk Assessment Recommendation

Records for All SIL Analyses
The following instructions provide details on viewing the list of Risk Assessment
Recommendation records that are associated with ALL SIL Analyses in the
Meridium APM database.

To view the list of Risk Assessment Recommendation records all SIL


 On the SIS Management Start Page, click the Manage

Recommendations link.

The Recommendation Management page appears, displaying the results

of the All SIL Analyses Recommendations query, which returns the list of
Risk Assessment Recommendation records that are currently associated
with an SIL Analysis.

Working with Inspection Task Records

and the SIL Analysis
About Inspection Tasks Records
Inspection Task records store details on when a task should be performed on
the item represented by the record to which the Inspection Task record is
linked, including the due date for the task. For example, you can create an
Inspection Task to perform a Proof Test.

In SIS Management, you can link Inspection Tasks records to records in the
following families:

 Safety Instrumented System

 Instrumented Function

336 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

You can manage Inspection Task records for individual records within SIS
Management via the View option on the Tasks submenu. Additionally, you can
view a list of the Inspection Task records for ALL SIL Analysis via Task
Management. After you link an Inspection Task record to an individual record,
the Inspection Task record is part of the SIL Analysis.

Managing Inspection Tasks Records for Individual


Creating Inspection Task Records

When you create an Inspection Task record, you are linking that record to the
currently selected record on the page from which you accessed the Inspection
Task record. Doing so automatically adds the Inspection Task record to the SIL
Analysis. These instructions assume that you are familiar with the fields in the
Inspection Task family.

To create an Inspection Task record:

1. Open the SIL Analysis record for the desired SIL Analysis.

2. Access either the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page or the Safety

Instrumented Systems page, depending on the family to which you want
to link the Inspection Task record.

3. In the grid, select the row containing the record to which you want to
link the Inspection Task record.

4. On the Assessment Tasks menu, click the Tasks link.

A submenu appears with options that you can use to create a new
Inspection Task record or view a list of existing Inspection Task records
that are already linked to the currently selected record.

5. On the submenu, click the Create link.

A new Inspection Task record appears in the Task Builder.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 337

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Note: The Next button is disabled on this screen.

6. Provide values in the fields as desired. Note that the Task ID field is

7. Click the Finish button.

The record is saved.

Viewing the List of Inspection Task Records that are Linked

to an Individual Record

The following instructions provide details on viewing the list of all the
Inspection Task records that are linked to an individual record.

338 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

User Instructions

To view the list of Inspection Task records that are linked to an individual

1. Open the SIL Analysis record for the desired SIL Analysis.

2. Access either the Instrumented Functions (IFs) page or the Safety

Instrumented Systems page, where you can locate the record whose
Inspection Task records you want to view.

3. In the grid, select the row containing the record to which you want to
link the Inspection Task record.

4. On the Assessment Tasks menu, click the Tasks link.

A submenu appears with options that you can use to create a new
Inspection Task record or view a list of existing Inspection Task records
that are already linked to the currently selected record.

5. On the submenu, click the View link.

The Task List page appears, displaying the list of existing Task records
that are linked to the currently selected record. At this point you can
modify the records as desired by clicking the hyperlinked Task ID in the
Task ID cell.

Viewing the List of Inspection Task Records for All SIL

The following instructions provide details on viewing the list of Inspection Task
records that are associated with ALL SIL Analyses.

To view the list of Inspection Task Records for all SIL Analyses:

 On the SIS Management Start Page, click the Manage Tasks link.

The Tasks List page appears, displaying the results of the All SIL
Analyses Tasks query, which returns a list of Task records that are
associated with all existing SIL Analyses. At this point you can modify
the Task records by clicking the hyperlinked Task ID in the Task ID cell.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 339

Reference Information

Associated Pages
The Associated Pages menu appears throughout SIS Management and displays
Associated Pages that have been configured for the families that participate in
the SIS Management data model. The baseline Meridium APM database does not
contain Associated Pages for SIS Management families by default.

Catalog Folder Structure

About the SIS Management Catalog Folder Structure
The SIS Management Catalog folders contain queries, graphs, and reports that
appear throughout SIS Management and display information contained in the
records that make up an SIL Analysis. The Catalog folder
\\Public\Meridium\Modules\SIS Management contains the following subfolders:

 Dashboards: Contains the Asset Safety dashboard.

 LOPA: Contains the following subfolders:

 Queries: Contains queries that are used by a Layer of Protection


 Reports: Contains the LOPA Report and one subfolder,

Subreports, which contains the supporting reports for the LOPA

 PIF: Contains the following subfolders:

 Queries: Contains queries that support the reports in the Reports


Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 341

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Reports: Contains the reports that are available when you are
viewing Instrumented Function records on the Instrumented
Functions (IFs) page.

 Proof Test Templates: Contains the following subfolders:

 Queries: Contains the Proof Test Template Query, which supports

the Proof Test Template Report, which is stored in the Reports

 Reports: Contains the Proof Test Template Report.

 Proof Tests: Contains the following subfolders:

 Queries: Contains queries that support the Proof Test Report,

which is stored in the Reports folder.

 Reports: Contains the Proof Test Report.

 Protective Instrument Loop: Contains the following subfolders:

 Queries: Contains queries that support the Protective Instrument

Loop Report, which is stored in the Reports folder.

 Reports: Contains the Protective Instrument Loop Report and one

subfolder, Subreports, which contains a report that supports the
Protective Instrument Loop Report.

 Queries: Contains queries that appear on various pages throughout SIS

Management and are used to display search results for records in an
individual family and the following subfolder:

 Dashboard Queries: Contains queries that are used to display

results on the Asset Safety dashboard.

 SIL: Contains the following subfolders:

 Graphs: Contains graphs that are available when you are viewing
an SIL Analysis record on the SIL Analysis Definition page.

 Queries: Contains queries that support baseline SIL Analysis


342 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

 Reports: Contains the SIL Analysis Report, which is available when

you are viewing an SIL Analysis record on the SIL Analysis
Definition page.

 SIS Trip Report: Contains the following subfolders:

 Queries: Contains queries that support the SIS Trip Report, which
is stored in the Reports folder.

 Reports: Contains the SIS Trip Report, which is available when

you are viewing an SIS Trip Report record on the SIS Trip Report

Dashboards Folder
The dashboard that is listed in the following table is stored in the Catalog
location \\Public\Meridium\Modules\SIS Management\Dashboards. In this table,
the value listed in the Dashboard column refers to the dashboard name. The
baseline caption is the same as the dashboard name.

Dashboard Behavior and Usage

Asset Safety Displays the Asset Safety dashboard on the Dashboard page.

LOPA Folder
The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\SIS Management\LOPA contains
the following subfolders:

 Queries: The following table displays the queries that exist in the
Queries subfolder.

Query Name Behavior and Usage

LOPA Consequence A search that displays a prompt for the Entity Key for a
Modifiers Search LOPA record and then displays a list of Consequence
Modifier records that are linked to the specified LOPA
record. The results of this query appear by default on the
Consequence Modifiers page.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 343

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Query Name Behavior and Usage

LOPA ILP Search A search that displays a prompt for the Entity Key for a
LOPA record and then displays a list of Independent Layer
of Protection records that are linked to the specified LOPA
record. The results of this query appear by default in the
Independent Protective Layers pane on the LOPA
Definition page.
LOPA_Analysis_Search A search that displays a prompt for the Entity for a LOPA
record and then displays the LOPA records that are linked
to a given Instrumented Function record. The result of this
query appears by default in the Associated Risk
Assessments pane on the Instrumented Functions (IFs)

 Reports: The following table displays the items that exist in the Reports

Item Name Behavior and Usage

LOPA Report Displays a prompt for the Entity Key for a LOPA record and
then displays in the Report Viewer information about the
Layer of Protection Analysis that exists in the LOPA record and
records that are linked to that LOPA record.
Subreports A subfolder that contains the reports with the following
o LOPA Consequence Modifiers Report: Supports the
LOPA Report.
o LOPA ILP Report: Supports the LOPA Report.

PIF Folder
The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\SIS Management\PIF contains
the following subfolders:

 Queries: The following table displays the queries that exist in the
Queries subfolder.

344 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Query Name Behavior and Usage

PIF Query Displays a prompt for the Entity Key for an Instrumented
Function record and then displays information that is stored in
the fields in that Instrumented Function record. The results of
this query appear by default on the Instrumented Functions
(IFs) page.
PIF Risk Matrix Displays a prompt for the Entity Key for an Instrumented
Result Query Function record and then displays the risk rank values that are
linked to that Instrumented Function record.

 Reports: The following table displays the reports that exist in the
Reports subfolder.

Report Name Behavior and Usage

If Report Displays a prompt for the Entity Key for an Instrumented
Function record and then displays in the Report Viewer
information about the Instrumented Function that exists in the
Instrumented Function record and records that are linked to
that Instrumented Function record.
If Risk Matrix Supports the IF Report.
Result Report

Proof Test Template Folder

The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\SIS Management\Proof Test
Template contains the following subfolders:

 Queries: The following table displays the query that exists in the
Queries subfolder.

Query Name Behavior and Usage

Proof Test Displays a prompt for the Entity Key for an SIS Proof Test
Template Query Template record and then displays information that is store in
that SIS Proof Test Template record. The results of this query
appear by default on the Proof Test Templates page.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 345

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Reports: The following table displays the report that exists in the
Reports subfolder.

Report Name Behavior and Usage

Proof Test Displays a prompt for the Entity Key for an SIS Proof Test
Template Report Template record and then displays in the Report Viewer
summary information that is stored in that SIS Proof Test
Template record.

Proof Tests Folder

The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\SIS Management\Proof Tests
contains the following subfolders:

 Queries: The following table displays the queries that exist in the
Queries subfolder.

Query Name Behavior and Usage

SIS Proof Test Displays a prompt for the Entity Key for an SIS Proof Test
Query record and then displays information that is store in that SIS
Proof Test record. The results of this query appear by default
on the Proof Tests page.
SIS Proof Test Supports the SIS Proof Test Query.

 Reports: The following table displays the report that exists in the
Reports subfolder.

Report Name Behavior and Usage

Proof Test Report Displays a prompt for the Entity Key for an SIS Proof Test
record and then displays in the Report Viewer summary
information that is stored in that SIS Proof Test record.

346 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Protective Instrument Loop Folder

The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\SIS Management\Protective
Instrument Loop contains the following subfolders:

 Queries: The following table displays the queries that exist in the
Queries subfolder.

Query Name Behavior and Usage

Protective Instrument Displays a prompt for the Entity Key for a Protective
Loop Query Instrument Loop record and then displays information that
is stored in that Protective Instrument Loop record. This
query supports the Protective Instrument Loop Report that
is stored in the Reports folder.
Protective Displays a prompt for the Entity Key for a Protective
Instrument Loop Instrument Loop record and then displays information that
Sensor System is stored in the Protective Instrument Loop System records
Subquery that are linked to the Protective Instrument Loop record.
This query supports the Protective Instrument Loop Report
that is stored in the Reports folder.

 Reports: The following table displays the items that exist in the Reports

Item Name Behavior and Usage

Protective Displays a prompt for the Entity Key for a Protective

Instrument Loop Instrument Loop record and then displays in the Report Viewer
Report summary information that is stored in that Protective
Instrument Loop record.
Subreports A subfolder that contains the PIL Sensor System Report, which
supports the Protective Instrument Loop Report.

Queries Folder

About The Queries Folder

The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\SIS Management\Queries


Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 347

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Queries that support various features with the SIS Management module,
including those that support the reports that make up the SRS Report.

 A subfolder, Dashboard Queries, that contains queries that are used to

display content on the Asset Safety dashboard.

To simplify the documentation, the items that are stored in this folder are split
up into the following groups:

 Queries that support modules-specific pages.

 Queries that support the SRS Report.

 Dashboard Queries folder.

Queries That Support Module-Specific Pages

The following queries are stored in the Catalog

folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\SIS Management\Queries and support
module-specific pages within SIS Management.

Query Name Behavior and Usage Notes

Add_SIS_Trip_Report_Detail_Search A search that displays prompts for None

the Entity Key for a Safety
Instrumented System record and
an SIS Trip Report record and then
displays information that is stored
in both records.
ALL SIL Analyses Recommendations Displays a list of all the Risk None
Assessment Recommendation
records that are linked to any SIL
Analysis record.

348 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Query Name Behavior and Usage Notes

ALL SIL Analyses Tasks Displays the following prompts and The results
then displays a list of all the Task of this query
records that meet the specified appear by
criteria. default on
 Asset ID: The IDs for the the Task List
Equipment and Functional page when
Location families in the you access it
Meridium APM database. from an SIL
Analysis in
 Task Family: The names of
the Task families that exist
in the Meridium APM
and display
Task records
that are
with an SIL
Export_SIL_Analysis_Search Displays a prompt for the record This query is
state of an SIL Analysis, and then used by the
displays a list of SIL Analysis SIS
records that meet the specified Management
criteria. The State prompt Export
contains a list of record states Builder.
that are configured for the SIL
Analysis family. By default, this
list contains the following baseline
 All
 Active
 Complete
 Pending Approval
 Planning
 Review
Final_Element_Reference_Data_Search A search that displays a prompt The results
and then displays a list of Final of this query
Element records whose Is appear by
Reference Data field value is set default on
to True. the Final
Data Search

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 349

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Query Name Behavior and Usage Notes

IF_Safety_Loop_Search A search that displays a prompt The results

for the record state of a of this
Protective Instrument Loop query
record, and then displays a list of appear by
Protective Instrument Loop default on
records that are linked to a the
particular Instrumented Function Protective
record. The State prompt contains
a list of record states that are
configured for the Protective
Instrument Loop family. By page when
default, this list contains the you search
following baseline values: for
 All
 Approval loops
 Design associated
 In Service with an
 Out of Service
 Pending Approval

Logic_Solver_Reference_Data_Search A search that displays a prompt The results

and then displays a list of Logic of this query
Solver records whose Is Reference appear by
Data field value is set to True. default on
the Logic
Data Search

350 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Query Name Behavior and Usage Notes

Safety_Loop_Search A search that displays a prompt The results

for the record state of a of this query
Protective Instrument Loop record appear by
and then displays a list of default on
Protective Instrument Loop the
records that meet the specified Protective
criteria. The State prompt Loop Search
contains a list of record states page.
that are configured for the
Protective Instrument Loop family.
By default, the list contains the
following baseline values:
 All
 Approval
 Design
 In Service
 Out of Service
 Pending Approval
Safety_Loop_Template_Search A search that displays a prompt The results
for the record state of a of this query
Protective Instrument Loop appear by
record, where the Is Template default on
field value in that record is Yes, the
and then displays a list of Protective
Protective Instrument Loop Loop
records that are specified as Template
templates and meet the specified Search page.
Sensor_Reference_Data_Search A search that displays a prompt The results
and then displays a list of Logic of this query
Solver records whose Is Reference appear by
Data field value is set to True. default on
the Sensor
Data Search
SIL Analysis Recommendations Displays a prompt for the Entity None
Key for an SIL Analysis record and
then displays a list of Risk
Assessment Recommendation
records that are linked to the
specified SIL Analysis record.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 351

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Query Name Behavior and Usage Notes

SIL_Analysis_Search A search that displays the By default,

following prompts and then this query
displays a list of SIL Analysis appears on
records that meet the specified the SIL
criteria. Analysis
 State: The record states Search page
that have been configured and is used
fro the SIL Analysis family. by the SIS
By default, this list Management
contains the following Import
values: Builder.
o All
o Active
o Complete
o Pending Approval
o Planning
o Review
 SIL Analysis Owner: The
names of the users whose
names appear in the Owner
field in a SIL Analysis
SIS Find ASM Actions for IF Displays a prompt for the Entity None
Key for an Instrumented Function
record and is used to find ASM
Actions that were created when
the specified Instrumented
Function record was promoted to
SIS Find ASM Risk for IF Displays a prompt for the Entity None
Key for an Instrumented Function
record and is used to find ASM
Risks that were created when the
specified Instrumented Function
record was promoted to ASM.
SIS_Trip_Report_IF_Search A search that displays a prompt None
for the Entity Key for a Safety
Instrumented System record and
then displays information that is
stored in the SIS Trip Report
record that is linked to the
specified Safety Instrumented
System record.

352 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Query Name Behavior and Usage Notes

SIS_Trip_Report_Search A search that displays a prompt The results

for the record state of an SIS Trip of this query
Report record and then displays a appear by
list of SIS Trip Report records that default on
meet the specified criteria. The the SIS Trip
State list contains a list of record Report
states that are configured for the Search page.
SIS Trip Report family. By default,
this list contains the following
baseline values:
 All
 Active
 Complete
 Pending Approval
 Review

Queries That Support The SRS Report

The following queries are stored in the Catalog

folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\SIS Management\Queries and support the
SRS Report and subreports stored in the \SIL\Reports folder.

Query Name Behavior and Usage

SRS_Report_Query Displays a prompt for the Entity Key of

the SIL Analysis record to which all the
records that make up an SIL Analysis are
linked and then displays values stored in
fields that are required in the following
 Instrumented Function
 Safety Instrumented System
 SIL Analysis
This query supports the main SRS Report.
SIL_Analysis_Doc_Query Displays a prompt for the Entity Key of
the SIL Analysis record to which all the
records that make up an SIL Analysis are
linked and then displays all the Reference
Document records that are linked to that
record. This query supports the subreport

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 353

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Query Name Behavior and Usage

SRS_SubReport_Query Displays a prompt for the PIF ID for an

Instrumented Function record and then
displays values stored in records that
make up a protective instrument loop.
This query supports the subreport
SRS_Sensor_Query Displays a prompt for the PIF ID for an
Instrumented Function record and then
displays values stored in records that
make up a protective instrument loop.
This query supports the subreport
Final_Element_Query Displays a prompt for the PIF ID for an
Instrumented Function record and then
displays values stored in records that
make up a protective instrument loop.
This query supports the subreport
IF_Common_Cause_Failures Displays a prompt for the PIF ID for an
Instrumented Function record to which
SIF Common Cause Failure records are
linked and then displays the values stored
in the following fields in the SIF Common
Cause Failure records that are linked to
the specified Instrumented Function
 CCF Description
 CCF Mitigation
This query supports the subreport IF
IF_Concurrent_Safe_State Displays a prompt for the PIF ID for the
Instrumented Function record to which
Instrumented Function records are linked
and then displays the values stored in the
following fields in the Instrumented
Function record:
 Concurrent Safe State Hazard
 PIF Description
 Safe State Description
This query supports the subreport IF

354 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Query Name Behavior and Usage

Final_Element_Hazardous_Event_Comb Displays a prompt for the PIF ID for the

Instrumented Function record and then
displays values stored in records that
make up a protective instrument loop.
This query supports the subreport

Dashboard Queries Folder

The queries listed in the following table are stored in the Catalog location
\\Public\Meridium\Modules\SIS Management\Queries\Dashboard Queries. In this
table, the values listed in the Query column refer to the query names. The
baseline query captions are the same as the query names.

Query Behavior and Usage

Analysis States Used to return results that are displayed in the Hazards
Analysis Schedule section on the Asset Safety dashboard.
In the baseline database, this query is configured to return
Hazards Analysis records by state.
Calibration Used to return results that are displayed in the Calibration
Recommendations Recommendations section on the Asset Safety dashboard.
Calibration Used by the Calibration Recommendations source query to
Recommendations - display content on the Asset Safety dashboard.
Calibration Results - Used by the Calibration Results for Graph source query to
Fail display content on the Asset Safety dashboard.
Calibration Results - Used by the Calibration Results for Graph source query to
Pass as Found display content on the Asset Safety dashboard.
Calibration Results - Used by the Calibration Results for Graph source query to
Pass as Left display content on the Asset Safety dashboard.
Calibration Results All Used by the Calibration Results for Graph source query to
display content on the Asset Safety dashboard.
Calibration Results Used to return results that are displayed in the Calibration
for Graph Pass/Fail Results for Last 12 Months section on the Asset
Safety dashboard.
Calibration Tasks Used to return results that are displayed in the Calibration
Schedule section on the Asset Safety dashboard.
Calibration Tasks - All Used by the Calibration Tasks source query to display
content on the Asset Safety dashboard.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 355

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Query Behavior and Usage

Filter Widget Used to return results that are displayed in the Content
Filter section on the Asset Safety dashboard.
HAZOP Analyses Used by one or more source queries to the Asset Safety
Last 5 Years Used by one or more source queries to the Asset Safety
Overdue Hazards Used to return results that are displayed in the Hazards
Analysis Analysis Schedule section on the Asset Safety dashboard.
Overdue Proof Test Used to return results that are displayed in the Proof Test
Tasks Schedule section on the Asset Safety dashboard.
Proof Tests States Used by one or more source queries to the Asset Safety
Proof Tests States by Used by one or more source queries to the Asset Safety
State dashboard.
Proof Tests States for Used by one or more source queries to the Asset Safety
Graph dashboard.
Proof Test States Used by one or more source queries to the Asset Safety
with Functional dashboard.
Protective Instrument Used by the Quantity of Protective Instrumented Loops by
Loop States State for Graph source query to display content on the
Asset Safety dashboard.
Proven In Use Device Used by the Proven In Use Devices by Type for Graph
Types source query to display content on the Asset Safety
Proven In Use Devices Used by the Proven In Use Devices by Type for Graph
by Type source query to display content on the Asset Safety
Proven In Use Devices Used to return results that are displayed in the Proven in
by Type for Graph Use Devices by Type section on the Asset Safety
Quantity of Hazards Used by one or more source queries to the Asset Safety
Analysis dashboard.
Quantity of Used by the Quantity of Protective Instrumented Loops by
Protective State for Graph source query to display content on the
Instrumented Loops Asset Safety dashboard.
Quantity of Used by the Quantity of Protective Instrumented Loops by
Protective State for Graph source query to display content on the
Instrumented Loops Asset Safety dashboard.
by State

356 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Query Behavior and Usage

Quantity of Used to return results that are displayed in the Quantity

Protective of Protective Instrumented Loops section on the Asset
Instrumented Loops Safety dashboard.
by State for Graph
Quantity of SIF Trips Used to display results that are displayed in the Quantity
of SIF Trips section on the Asset Safety dashboard.
Quantity of SIL Used by one or more source queries to the Asset Safety
Analysis dashboard.
Quantity of SIL Used by one or more source queries to the Asset Safety
Analysis by State dashboard.
SIF Spurious Trip Used by one or more source queries to the Asset Safety
Reports dashboard.
SIF Trip Report Types Used by the Quantity of SIF Trips source query to display
content on the Asset Safety dashboard.
SIF Unsafe Trip Used by one or more source queries to the Asset Safety
Reports dashboard.
SIL Analysis States Used by one or more source queries to the Asset Safety
SIL Distribution Used by the SIL Distribution for Graph source query to
display content on the Asset Safety dashboard.
SIL Distribution for Used to return results that are displayed in the View SIL
Graph Distribution section on the Asset Safety dashboard.
SIS Proof Test Pass Used to return results that are displayed in the Proof
Fail Tests Pass/Fail section on the Asset Safety dashboard.
SIS Proof Tests Failed Used by the SIS Proof Test Pass Fail source query to display
content on the Asset Safety dashboard.
SIS Proof Tests Passed Used by the SIS Proof Test Pass Fail source query to display
content on the Asset Safety dashboard.
What If Analyses Used by one or more source queries to the Asset Safety

SIL Folder
The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\SIS Management\SIL contains the
following subfolders:

 Graphs: The following table displays the graphs that exist in the Graphs

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 357

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Behavior and Usage Notes

SIL A bar chart that displays a summary None

Analysis of the Risk Rank values that are
Risk Graph associated with each Instrumented
Function record that is linked to the
specified SIL Analysis. When you
open this graph from the SIL
Analysis Definition page, the value
for the SIL Analysis that you are
currently viewing is passed in to the
ENTY_KEY prompt to return the
results for that analysis.
SIL A pie chart that shows a breakdown When you open this graph
Assignment of the Selected SIL Level values in from the SIL Analysis
Summary the Instrumented Function records Definition page, the value for
Graph that are linked the specified SIL the SIL Analysis that you are
Analysis. This graph is based upon currently viewing is passed in
the query SIL Assignment Summary to the ENTY_KEY prompt to
Query, which is stored in the folder return the results for that
\\Public\Meridium\Modules\SIS analysis.
Management\SIL\Queries and
returns a count for each Selected
SIL Level value. For example, if five
Instrumented Function records that
are linked to the SIL Analysis record
contain the value 2 in the Selected
SIL Level field, the count for level 2
would be 5. Each count is displayed
as a percentage in the SIL
Assignment Summary Graph.

 Queries: The following table displays the queries that exist in the
Queries subfolder.

Query Name Behavior and Usage

SIL Analysis Displays risk assessment details that are associated with all SIL
Mitigated Risk Analysis records.
SIL Analysis Query Displays a prompt for the Entity Key for an SIL Analysis record
and then displays information that is stored in the specified
SIL Analysis record.

358 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Query Name Behavior and Usage

SIL Analysis Risk Displays a prompt for the Entity Key for an SIL Analysis and
Query then displays risk rank details for the Instrumented Functions
that are linked to the specified SIL Analysis record.
SIL Assignment Supports the graph SIL Assignment Summary Graph and
Summary Query returns a count for each Selected SIL Level value in the
Instrumented Function records that are linked to the specified
SIL Analysis.

 Reports: The following table displays the items that exist in the Reports

Report Name Behavior and Usage

SIL Analysis Displays a prompt for the Entity Key for an SIL Analysis record
Report and then displays in the Report Viewer summary information
for the specified SIL Analysis record.
SRS Report Displays a prompt for the Entity Key for the SIL Analysis record
to which all the records that make up an SIL Analysis are
linked and then displays in the Report Viewer the Safety
Requirement Specifications report for the specified SIL
Analysis. While you can run the report from the Catalog and
manually enter the Entity Key for the SIL Analysis record, we
recommend that you access the report only from within the
SIS Management module. You should not modify the SRS
Report or any of the supporting queries and subreports.
Subreports The SubReports folder stores the following reports that
support the SRS Report, and are supported by queries stored
in the Queries folder:
 Final_Element_Subreport
 IF Subreport
 Loop_Report
 SIL_Doc_Report

SIS Trip Report Folder

The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\SIS Management\SIS Trip
Report contains the following subfolders:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 359

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

 Queries: The following table displays the queries that exist in the
Queries subfolder.

Query Name Behavior and Usage

SIS Trip Report Displays a prompt for the Entity Key for an SIS Trip Report
Recommendations record and then displays the list of Risk Assessment
Recommendation records that are linked to the specified SIS
Trip Report record.
SIS Trip Reports Displays a prompt for the Entity Key for an SIS Trip Report
Query record and then displays the list of SIS Trip Report records and
information that is stored in each record.

 Reports: The following table displays the report that exists in the
Reports subfolder.

Report Name Behavior and Usage

SIS Trip Report Displays a prompt for the Entity Key for an SIS Trip Report
record and then displays in the Report Viewer summary
information that is associated with the specified SIS Trip
Report record and the records that are linked to that SIS Trip
Report record.

Family Field Descriptions

Consequence Modifier
Consequence Modifier records store information about an event or action that
can increase the probability that a risk may occur if the risk is not mitigated
and proceeds into an undesirable event. The following table provides an
alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Consequence
Modifier family and appear on the Consequence Modifier datasheet, unless
otherwise specified. The information in the table reflects the baseline state
and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.

360 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Data
Description Behavior and Usage
Caption Type

Consequence Character The ID for the You must type your own
Modifier ID consequence value manually. This value
modifier. appears in the Consequence
Modifier ID cell on the
Consequence Modifiers page
and is used to distinguish the
Consequence Modifier record
from other Consequence
Modifier records. This field is
Description Character The description of You can type your own value
the consequence manually.
Type Character The type of You can type your own value
consequence manually.

Independent Layer of Protection

Independent Layer of Protection records store details about a device, system,
or action that exists to prevent a risk and is independent of the event that
initiates the scenario. The following table provides an alphabetical list and
description of the fields that exist for the Independent Layer of Protection
family and appear on the Independent Layer of Protection datasheet, unless
otherwise specified. The information in the table reflects the baseline state
and behavior of these fields.

Field Data
Description Behavior and Usage
Caption Type

Description Character A description of the On the datasheet, this field

independent layer of appears as a text box labeled
protection. Description. When you select
a value in the Type list, this
field is populated
automatically with the value
stored in the Description
field in the corresponding IPL
Type record.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 361

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Data
Description Behavior and Usage
Caption Type

Equipment Character The ID for the On the datasheet, this field is

ID Equipment record that disabled and contains a
is linked to the button, which you can click
Independent Layer of to search for the Equipment
Protection record record that you want to link
through the Safety to the Independent Layer of
Analysis Has Protection record.
Equipment Relationship
Equipment Number The Entity Key for the The Meridium APM system
Entity Key Equipment record that uses this value to populate
is linked to the the Equipment ID field in the
Independent Layer of Independent Layer of
Protection record. Protection record. This field
does not appear on the
Independent Layer of
Protection datasheet by
Functional Character The ID for the On the datasheet, this field is
Location Functional Location disabled and contains a
record that is linked to button, which you can click
the Independent Layer to search for the Functional
of Protection record Location record that you
through the Has want to link to the
Functional Location Independent Layer of
Relationship family. Protection record.
Functional Number The Entity Key for the The Meridium APM system
Location Functional Location uses this value to populate
Entity Key record that is linked to the Functional Location field.
the Independent Layer This field does not appear on
of Protection record. the Independent Layer of
Protection datasheet by

362 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Data
Description Behavior and Usage
Caption Type

IPL ID Character The ID for the On the datasheet, this field

independent layer of appears as a text box labeled
protection (IPL). IPL ID, in which you can
enter your own value. This
value appears in the
Independent Protective
Layers section on the LOPA
Definition page and is used to
distinguish the Independent
Layer of Protection record
from the other Independent
Layer of Protection records.
This field is required.
PFD Number A number representing On the datasheet, this field
the probability that the appears as a text box labeled
independent layer of PFD. Depending upon the IPL
protection will fail to type that you select in the
mitigate the risk. Type list, the PFD field will
 Disabled and
automatically with a
default value.
 Required. If the PFD
field is required. A
rule is applied to this
field that checks the
value you enter
against a range that is
defined by the
selected IPL type.
If you do not select a value in
the Type list and type a
custom value in the Type
text box, the PFD field is
required, but the Meridium
APM system will be unable to
prevent you from entering an
invalid PFD value.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 363

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Data
Description Behavior and Usage
Caption Type

Sequence Number A number indicating On the datasheet, this field

Number the order in which the appears as a text box labeled
Independent Layer of Sequence Number and is
Protection record must populated automatically with
appear in the grid in a number relative to the
relation to the other existing Independent Layer of
Independent Layers of Protection records that are
Protection records. already linked to the same
LOPA record. For example, if
two Independent Layer of
Protection records are
already linked to a LOPA
record, when you create a
third Layer of Protection
Analysis record and it link it
to the same LOPA record, the
Sequence Number field will
be populated automatically
with the value 3. You can
modify this value, if desired.
Type Character The type of On the datasheet, this field
independent layer of appears as a list labeled
protection. Type and contains the IPL
Type records that exist in the
database. The IPL Type
record that you select in this
list is used to determine the
PFD value that is associated
with the independent layer
of protection represented by
the Independent Layer of
Protection record.
Alternatively, you can enter
a custom value in the Type

Instrumented Function
Instrumented Function records store details about a specific function of an SIS.
The following table provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields
that exist for the Instrumented Function family. The information in this table
reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not

364 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Caption Data Type Description Behavior and Usage Datasheet/Tab

Abnormal Character A short On the datasheet, this field Safety

State description of appears as a list labeled Abnormal Requirement
the specific States and contains the following Specification
abnormal values: datasheet
state of the  Start-Up
 Shutdown
 Bypass
 Maintenance
 Emergency
 Other
This field is enabled and required
only if ABNORMAL is selected in
the Operation Modes list.
Otherwise, this field is disabled.

Concurrent Text A description In the UI, this field is displayed Potential

Safe State of the without a field caption, and the Concurrent
Hazard hazardous value is set by default. You can Safe State
event that remove this text and enter your Hazard
could occur if own value. This field contains a section on the
the safe state button, which you can click to Concurrent
associated access the Text Editor. Safe States
with the tab on the
instrumented <Record ID>
function (Instrumented
occurs Function)
simultaneously window
with the safe
state of a

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 365

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Caption Data Type Description Behavior and Usage Datasheet/Tab

Concurrent Logical A logical field In the UI, this field appears as a Concurrent
Safe State that stores the check box labeled Hazard for Safe States
Hazard? value True or Concurrent Safe States?, which tab on the
False and you can select to indicate that the <Record ID>
indicates safe state for the instrumented (Instrumented
whether the function can lead to a hazardous Function)
safe state event if that safe state occurs window
associated simultaneously with the safe state
with the of a different instrumented
instrumented function.
function can
cause a
event if it
with a safe
state of a
function. By
default, this
field contains
the value

366 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Caption Data Type Description Behavior and Usage Datasheet/Tab

Consequence Text A description On the Instrumented Function Instrumented

Description of the risk datasheet, this field appears as a Function
that is text box labeled Consequence datasheet
associated Description and contains a
with the button, which you can click to
hazardous access the Text Editor.
event that
If the value in the SIL Assessment
exists in the
Method field is PHA - Internal,
after you select a Risk Assessment
Event field.
record from a Hazards Analysis,
this field is populated
automatically with the value in the
Consequence Description field in
the Hazards Analysis Consequence
record that is linked to the Risk
Assessment record you selected.

Demand Character The demand On the datasheet, this field Safety

Rate(Source) rate (i.e., Low contains the text Low Demand by Requirement
demand or default. You can remove this text Specification
High demand). and enter your own values. datasheet

Equipment ID Character The ID of the On the datasheet, this field is Instrumented

Equipment disabled and contains a button, Function
record whose which you can click to search for datasheet
Entity ID is the desired Equipment record.
stored in the After you select an Equipment
Equipment record, a link is created between
Key field. the selected Equipment record and
the Instrumented Function record.
In addition, the Equipment ID will
appear automatically in the
Equipment ID field.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 367

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Caption Data Type Description Behavior and Usage Datasheet/Tab

Equipment Number The Entity Key The Meridium APM system uses this None
Key of the value to populate the Equipment
Equipment ID field that appears on the
record that is Instrumented Function datasheet.
linked to the
Failure Rate Character The unit of On the datasheet, this field Instrumented
UOM measure that appears as a list labeled Failure Function
is associated Rate UOM and contains the datasheet
with the value following values:
in the  PFD Avg.
Probability of
Failure field. When the value in the SIL Mode
field is High Demand or
Continuous, this value is disabled
and populated automatically with
PFH. When the value in the SIL
Mode field is Low Demand, this
value is disabled and populated
automatically with PFH.

368 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Caption Data Type Description Behavior and Usage Datasheet/Tab

Frequency of Number The number of On the datasheet, this field Instrumented

Initiating times per year appears as a text box labeled Function
Event (Per that the Frequency of Initiating Event (per datasheet
yr) initiating yr), in which you can enter your
event occurs. own value.
If the value in the SIL Assessment
Method field is PHA - Internal,
after you select a Risk Assessment
record from a Hazards Analysis,
this field is populated
automatically with the value in the
Cause Frequency (per year) field in
the Hazards Analysis Cause record
that is linked to the Hazards
Analysis Consequence record that
is linked to the Risk Assessment
record you selected.

Function Character The type of On the datasheet, this field Instrumented

Type instrumented appears as a list labeled Function Function
function. Type and contains the following datasheet
baseline values:
 Safety
 Protective

Functional Character The ID of the On the datasheet, this field is Instrumented

Location ID Functional disabled and contains a button, Function
Location which you can click to search for datasheet
record whose the desired Functional Location
Entity Key is record. After you select a
stored in the Functional Location record, a link
Functional is created between the Functional
Location Key Location record and the
field. Instrumented Function record. In
addition, the Functional Location
ID will appear automatically in the
Functional Location ID field.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 369

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Caption Data Type Description Behavior and Usage Datasheet/Tab

Functional Number The Entity Key The Meridium APM system uses this None
Location Key of the value to populate the Functional
Functional Location ID field.
record that is
linked to the
Hazardous Character A description On the datasheet, this field Instrumented
Event of the event appears as a text box labeled Function
for which the Hazardous Event, in which you datasheet
instrumented can enter your own value.
function exists If the value in the SIL Assessment
to prevent or Method field is PHA - Internal,
mitigate risk. after you select a Risk Assessment
record from a Hazards Analysis,
this field is populated
automatically with the value in the
Consequence Type field in the
Hazards Analysis Consequence
record that is linked to the Risk
Assessment record you selected.

Hazards Date The date the On the datasheet, this field is Instrumented
Analysis Date Hazards disabled and populated Function
Analysis automatically with the value datasheet
record to stored in the Last Modified Date
which the field in the Hazards Analysis record
Instrumented that is linked to the Instrumented
Function Function record and whose ID
record is appears in the Hazards Analysis
linked was last Reference field.

370 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Caption Data Type Description Behavior and Usage Datasheet/Tab

Hazards Character The Record ID On the datasheet, this field is Instrumented

Analysis of the Hazards disabled and populated Function
Reference Analysis automatically with the value datasheet
record that is stored in the Hazards Analysis
linked to the Reference field in the SIL Analysis
Instrumented record. There must be a value in
Function this field before you select the
record. PHA - Internal option in the SIL
Assessment field. Otherwise, an
error message will appear.

Hazards Number The Entity Key This field is used by the Meridium None
Analysis for the APM system to populate the
Reference Hazards Instrumented Function record with
Key Analysis information from the Hazards
record that is Analysis record that is linked to
linked to the the Instrumented Function record.
I/O Text A description On the datasheet, this field Safety
Functional of the appears as a text box labeled I/O Requirement
Relationship relationship Functional Relationship Details Specification
Details between the and contains a button, which datasheet
inputs and you can click to access the Text
outputs for Editor.
the process,
details such as
logic and

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 371

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Caption Data Type Description Behavior and Usage Datasheet/Tab

Initiating Character A short On the datasheet, this field Instrumented

Event description of appears as a text box labeled Function
the initiating Initiating Event, in which you can datasheet
event whose enter your own value.
description If the value in the SIL Assessment
exists in the Method field is PHA - Internal,
Initiating after you select a Risk Assessment
Event record from a Hazards Analysis,
Description this field is populated
field. automatically with the value in the
Cause Type field in the Hazards
Analysis Cause record that is linked
to the Hazards Analysis
Consequence record that is linked
to the Risk Assessment record you

Initiating Text A description On the datasheet, this field Instrumented

Event of the event appears as a text box labeled Function
Description which could Initiating Event Description and datasheet
initiate a contains a button, which you
series of can click to access the Text Editor.
events that
If the value in the SIL Assessment
present the
Method field is PHA - Internal,
risk whose
after you select a Risk Assessment
record from a Hazards Analysis,
exists in the
this field is populated
automatically with the value in the
Cause Description field in the
Hazards Analysis Cause record that
is linked to the Hazards Analysis
Consequence record that is linked
to the Risk Assessment record you

372 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Caption Data Type Description Behavior and Usage Datasheet/Tab

Last Modified Character The name of On the datasheet, this field is Instrumented
By the user who disabled and updated Function
last modified automatically whenever the record datasheet
the record. is modified.

Last Modified Date The date on On the datasheet, this field is Instrumented
Date which the disabled and populated Function
record was automatically. datasheet
last modified.
Maintenance Text A description On the datasheet, this field Safety
and Test of the appears as a text box labeled Requirement
Requirements requirements Maintenance and Test Specification
for Requirements, and the value is datasheet
maintenance set by default. You can remove
and testing this text and enter your own
procedures for values. This field contains a
the button, which you can click to
instrumented access the Text Editor.

Maintenance Logical A logical field None None

Override that stores the
value True or
False and
whether the
procedures for
Manual Logical A logical field None None
Shutdown that stores the
value True or
False and
whether the

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 373

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Caption Data Type Description Behavior and Usage Datasheet/Tab

Max Process Number A number On the datasheet, this field Safety

Variable representing appears as a text box labeled Max Requirement
the upper Process Variable, in which you can Specification
value for the enter your own value. This value datasheet
process combined with the value stored in
variable the Min Process Variable field
range. make up the process variable

Min Process Number A number On the datasheet, this field Safety

Variable representing appears as a text box labeled Min Requirement
the lower Process Variable, in which you can Specification
value for the enter your own value. This value datasheet
process combined with the value stored in
variable the Max Process Variable field
range. make up the process variable

Normal Text A description On the datasheet, this field Safety

Operation of the normal appears as a text box labeled Requirement
Mode operating Normal Operation Mode, and the Specification
mode for the values is set by default. You can datasheet
instrumented remove this text and enter your
function. own values. This field contains a
button, which you can click to
access the Text Editor.

374 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Caption Data Type Description Behavior and Usage Datasheet/Tab

Operation Character The mode of On the datasheet, this field Safety

Mode operation for appears as a list labeled Operation Requirement
the Modes and contains the following Specification
instrumented values: datasheet
function.  NORMAL: This is the value
that is selected by default.
 ABNORMAL: If you select
this value, the following
fields are enabled:
 Abnormal States
 Operation Mode

Operator Text A description On the datasheet, this field Safety

Interface of the appears as a text box labeled Requirement
Requirement Operator Operator Interface Requirement, Specification
Interface and the value is set by default. datasheet
requirements. You can remove this text and enter
your own values. This field
contains a button, which you
can click to access the Text Editor.

PIF ID Character An ID for the On the datasheet, this field Instrumented

instrumented appears as a text box labeled IF Function
function. ID, in which you can enter your datasheet
own value. This value will appear
in the list of Instrumented
Function records on the
Instrumented Functions (IFs) page.
This field is required.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 375

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Caption Data Type Description Behavior and Usage Datasheet/Tab

PIF Character Stores a On the datasheet, this field Instrumented

Description description of appears as a text box labeled IF Function
the Description, in which you can datasheet
instrumented enter your own value.
function. This
field is
displayed on
datasheet by
Pre Alarm Number A number On the datasheet, this field Safety
representing appears as a text box labeled Pre Requirement
the point on Alarm, in which you can enter your Specification
the process own value. datasheet
variable range
at which the
should be
Process Text A description On the datasheet, this field Safety
Service of the appears as a text box labeled Requirement
Description specifications Process Service Description, and Specification
for the the value is set by default. You can datasheet
process remove this text and enter your
service. own values. This field contains a
button, which you can click to
access the Text Editor.

Process Number A number On the datasheet, this field Instrumented

Speed representing appears as a text box labeled Function
the time in Process Speed with an additional datasheet
seconds that label, (Seconds) to the right of the
the process field. You can enter your own
for which the value directly in the Process
instrumented Speed cell.
function exists
takes to

376 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Caption Data Type Description Behavior and Usage Datasheet/Tab

Required Number A number that If the value in the SIS Assessment Instrumented
Probability of represents the Method field is Risk Matrix - Function
Failure target Internal, this field is disabled and datasheet
probability populated automatically based on
that an the SIL requirements from the Risk
instrumented Matrix.
function If the value in the SIS Assessment
failure will field is Layer of Protection
occur. Analysis Internal, this field is
disabled and populated
automatically with the difference
between the values in the
Mitigated Consequence Frequency
field and the Required Mitigated
Consequence Frequency field on
the LOPA datasheet.
For all other SIS Assessment
methods, you can type a value
directly into the Required
Probability of Failure cell. Note
 The value you type must
fall within a certain range,
which is determined by the
value in the Selected SIL
Level field. If you modify
the value in the Selected
SIL Level field, the value in
this field will be updated
automatically to fall within
the correct range of values
for that level.
 If you try to type a value
into the Required
Probability of Failure cell
without first selecting a
value from the Selected SIL
Level list or you type a
value that is outside of the
acceptable range, an error
message will appear.
 If the value in the SIL Mode
field is Low Demand, when
you type a value into the
Required Probability of
Failure cell, the value in
the Risk Reduction Factor
field will be populated
automatically with the
Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 377
inverse of the value you
type. Likewise, if you type
a value in the Risk
Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Caption Data Type Description Behavior and Usage Datasheet/Tab

Required SIF Text A description On the datasheet, this field Safety

Action of the action appears as a text box labeled Requirement
that the Required SIF Action and contains Specification
instrumented a button, which you can click datasheet
function to access the Text Editor.
performs in
response to a
Reset Text A description On the datasheet, this field Safety
Requirement of the appears as a text box labeled Requirement
requirements Reset Requirement, and the value Specification
for resetting a is set by default. You can remove datasheet
process after this text and enter your own
it has been values. This field contains a
tripped. button, which you can click to
access the Text Editor.

Response Number A numeric On the datasheet, this field Instrumented

Time value that appears as a text box labeled Function
represents the Response Time with an additional datasheet
time in label, (Seconds), to the right of
seconds that it the field. You can enter your own
takes for the value directly in the Response
instrumented Time cell.
function to
respond to the
event and
bring the
process to a
safe state.

378 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Caption Data Type Description Behavior and Usage Datasheet/Tab

Risk Number A number If the value in the SIL Mode field is Instrumented
Reduction representing Low Demand and the value in the Function
Factor (RRF) the factor by SIS Assessment Method field is datasheet
which the risk Layer of Protection Analysis -
should be Internal or Risk Matrix - Internal,
reduced for this value is disabled and
the populated automatically with the
instrumented inverse of the value in the
function. Required Probability of Failure
For all other SIS When the value in
the SIL Mode field is Low Demand
and the value in the SIS
Assessment Method field is not
Layer of Protection Analysis -
Internal or Risk Matrix - Internal,
this field is enabled and you can
type a value directly into the Risk
Reduction Factor cell. Note that:
 The value you type must
fall within a certain range,
which is determined by the
value in the Selected SIL
Level field. If you modify
the value in the Selected
SIL Level field, the value in
this field will be updated
automatically to fall within
the correct range of values
for that level.
 If you try to type a value
into the Risk Reduction
Factor cell without first
selecting a value from the
Selected SIL Level list or
you type a value that is
outside of the acceptable
range, an error message
will appear.
 If you type a value into the
Risk Reduction Factor cell,
the value in the Required
Probability of Failure field
will be populated
automatically with the
inverse of the value that
you type. Likewise, if you
type a value into the
Required Probability of
Confidential and Proprietary InformationFailure
of Meridium,
the value in 379
– V3.

the Risk Reduction field will

be populated automatically
Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Caption Data Type Description Behavior and Usage Datasheet/Tab

Safe State Text A description On the datasheet, this field Instrumented

Description of the safe appears as a text box labeled Safe Function
state to which State Description and contains a datasheet
the process button, which you can click to
should be access the Text Editor.
taken via the
Selected SIL Number A number On the datasheet, this field is Instrumented
Level representing disabled and populated Function
the SIL value automatically if the value in the datasheet
that is SIL Assessment Method field is
required for anything other than External.
the If the SIL Assessment Method field
instrumented contains an External value, this
function. field is enabled and appears as a
list that is populated with values
System Code Table. You can select
a value from the list.
If a value exists in the Required
Probability of Failure field, and
you try to delete the value in the
Selected SIL Level field, an error
message appears, and you will not
be able to delete the value.

SIL Analysis Number The Entity Key This field is used internally by the None
Key of the SIL Meridium APM system.
record to
which the
record is

380 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Caption Data Type Description Behavior and Usage Datasheet/Tab

SIL Character The method On the datasheet, this field Instrumented

Assessment used to assess appears as a list labeled SIL Function
Method the risk Assessment Method and contains datasheet
associated the following values:
with the  Risk Matrix - Internal
 Layer of Protection Analysis
 PHA - Internal
 ALARP - External
 Event Tree
 Fault Tree
 LOPA - External
 Risk Graph
 Risk Matrix - External
If you select the PHA - Internal
option, there must be a value in
the Hazards Analysis Reference
field. Otherwise, an error message
will appear.

SIL Mode Character The SIL mode On the datasheet, this field Instrumented
that is defined appears as a list labeled SIL Mode Function
for this and contains the following baseline datasheet
instrumented values:
function based  Low Demand
on the code
 High Demand
 Continuous

SIS System ID Character The ID of the On the datasheet, this field Instrumented
Safety appears as a list labeled SIS ID and Function
Instrumented contains the values that exist in datasheet
System record the SIS ID field in the Safety
to which the Instrumented System records that
Instrumented are linked to the SIL Analysis
Function record with which you are
record is currently working.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 381

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Caption Data Type Description Behavior and Usage Datasheet/Tab

Site Character A description None None

Description of the site
that is
specified in
the Site ID
Site ID Character The ID of the On the datasheet, this field is Instrumented
site that is disabled and populated Function
associated automatically with the value in the datasheet
with the Site ID field of the associated SIL
instrumented Analysis record.
Spurious Trip Number A number On the datasheet, this field Instrumented
Limit (per yr) representing appears as a text box labeled Function
the number of Spurious Trip Limit (per yr), in datasheet
times per year which you can enter your own
it is value. This value is used to
acceptable for determine the value in the Meets
a spurious trip STR Limit field in a Protective
to occur for Instrument Loop record that is
this linked to the Instrumented
instrumented Function record.

Startup And Text A detailed On the datasheet, this field Safety

Restart description of appears as a text box labeled Requirement
Procedure the startup Startup and Restart Procedure, Specification
and restart and the value is set by default. datasheet
procedures for You can remove this text and enter
the process. your own values. This field
contains a button, which you
can click to access the Text Editor.

382 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Caption Data Type Description Behavior and Usage Datasheet/Tab

Survival Text A description On the datasheet, this field Safety

Requirement of the appears as a text box labeled Requirement
requirements Survival Requirement, and the Specification
for the value is set by default. You can datasheet
instrumented remove this text and enter your
function to own values. This field contains a
survive a button, which you can click to
catastrophic access the Text Editor.
event, such as
Trip Mode Character A short On the datasheet, this field Safety
description of appears as a text box labeled Trip Requirement
the trip mode Mode, and the values is set to de- Specification
(i.e., energize energize to trip by default. You datasheet
to trip or de- can remove this text and enter
energize to your own value.

Trip Point Number A number On the datasheet, this field Safety

representing appears as a text box labeled Trip Requirement
the point on Point, in which you can enter your Specification
the process own value. datasheet
variable range
at which the
trip alarm
should be
Unit Character A description None None
Description of the unit
that is
specified in
the Unit ID
Unit ID Character The ID for the On the datasheet, this field Instrumented
unit where the appears as a text box labeled Unit Function
instrumented ID, in which you can enter your datasheet
function own value.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 383

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Functional Test Detail

The following table provides a list of the fields that exist in the Functional Test
Detail family. This list is not comprehensive.

Field Data Description Behavior and Usage

Caption Type

As Found Number The maximum as-found This field is enabled only in

Travel travel time allowed, in Functional Test Detail records
Time seconds. For example, that are linked to records
Limit the value might representing final elements.
indicate the maximum
amount of time it takes
a switch to change
from open to close.
As Found Number A value that indicates You can type a value in this
Trip Point the performance of the field manually. This field is
proof test (i.e., the enabled only in Functional
value you found in the Test Detail records that are
field). linked to records representing
sensors, final elements, or
logic solvers.
As Found Number The error between the This field is enabled only in
Trip Point value you found in the Functional Test Detail records
Error field (i.e., As Found that are linked to records
Trip Point) and the representing sensors, final
acceptable range (i.e., elements, or logic solvers.
Trip Point Error Limit).
As Left Number The maximum as-left This field is enabled only in
Travel travel time allowed, in Functional Test Detail records
Time seconds. that are linked to records
Limit representing final elements.

384 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Data Description Behavior and Usage

Caption Type

As Left Number A value that indicates You can type a value in this
Trip Point the final performance field manually. This field is
of the proof test. If the enabled only in Functional
value in the As Found Test Detail records that are
Trip Point field is linked to records representing
within the Trip Point sensors, final elements, or
Error Limit, you might logic solver.
not make adjustments,
and the As Left Trip
Point will be the same.
If the As Found Trip
Point is not within the
Trip Point Error Limit,
you may make
adjustments, and will
enter the new adjusted
trip point as the As Left
Trip Point.
As Left Number The error between the This field is enabled only in
Trip Point value you left in the Functional Test Detail records
Error field (i.e., As Left Trip that are linked to records
Point) and the representing sensors, final
acceptable range (i.e., elements, or logic solvers.
Trip Point Error Limit).
Equipment Character The Record ID of the You can select the associated
ID Equipment record Equipment record by clicking
against which the step the in the Equipment ID
should be performed. field.
Location Character The Record ID of the You can select the associated
ID Functional Location Functional Location record by
record against which clicking the in the
the step should be Location ID field.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 385

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Data Description Behavior and Usage

Caption Type

Pass/Fail Character The status of the proof This value indicates the
test step. status of the proof test step
identified in the Step
Sequence Number and Step
Type fields. This field will
contain one of the following
values: Pass, Fail, Skip,
Complete. This field is
populated automatically
based upon other values in
the record. The value in this
field will be set automatically
to Pass if any of the following
conditions is true:
 The Trip Point, Trip
Point Error, and Travel
Time Limit fields are
 For logic solvers,
sensors, and final
elements, the value in
the As Found Trip Point
field is within the range
established by the Trip
Point Limit field.
 For final elements,
the value in the As Found
Travel Time is within the
range established by the
Travel Time Limit.
 If the Trip Point and
Trip Point Error fields are
empty but the Travel
Time Limit field is not,
the pass/fail status will
be determined solely by
Travel Time Limit. The
opposite is true as well.
Result Text A description of an This field is populated
Criteria acceptable result of automatically and cannot be
the test. modified.

386 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Data Description Behavior and Usage

Caption Type

Step Number A number that This field is populated

Sequence represents the order in automatically.
Number which the step should
be performed, relative
to other steps.
Step Type Character The type of step. This field is populated
automatically. When this
field contains the value
Sensor or Final Element, the
following fields will be
enabled: Trip Point, Trip
Point Direction, Trip Point
Error Limit, and Trip Point
Units. The Travel Time Units
field is also enabled when
this field contains the value
Final Element.
Test Text The nature of the test. This field is populated
Criteria automatically and cannot be
Template Character An alphanumeric value This value is generated
Detail ID that identifies the automatically and cannot be
Functional Test Detail modified.
Travel Number The maximum This field is populated
Time acceptable travel time automatically with the value
Limit for this step, in in the Travel Time Limit field
seconds. in the associated SIS Proof
Test Template Detail record
and disabled unless the value
in the Step Type field is Final
Trip Point Number A value that defines This field is populated
when the element will automatically with the value in
activate an SIS the Trip Point field in the
shutdown. For associated SIS Proof Test
example, a trip point Template Detail record and
on a water heater disabled unless the value in the
might be 140 degrees, Step Type field is Final
a temperature that Element.
would scald someone.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 387

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Data Description Behavior and Usage

Caption Type

Trip Point Character The trend of Trip Point This field is populated
Direction values. automatically with the value in
the Trip Point Direction field in
the associated SIS Proof Test
Template Detail record and
disabled unless the value in the
Step Type field is Sensor or Final
Trip Point Number A number identifying This field is populated
Error the range from the Trip automatically with the value in
Limit Point, plus or minus, the Trip Point Error Limit field in
within which the As the associated SIS Proof Test
Found Trip Point value Template Detail record and
must fall to be disabled unless the value in the
acceptable. For Step Type field is Sensor or Final
example, if the Trip Element.
Point is 5, and the Trip
Point Error Limit is 3,
the As Found Trip Point
must fall within plus or
minus three of the Trip
Point (i.e., from 2 to
Trip Point Character The unit of measure This field is populated
Units associated with the automatically with the value in
value in the Trip Point the Trip Point Units field in the
field. associated SIS Proof Test
Template Detail record and
disabled unless the value in the
Step Type field is Sensor or Final

LOPA records store details about the Layer of Protection Analysis they
represent. The following table provides an alphabetical list and description of
the fields that exist for the LOPA family and appear on the LOPA datasheet,
unless otherwise specified. The information in the table reflects the baseline
state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.

388 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

Analysis Type Character The type of This field does This field does
analysis that not appear on not appear on
you are the datasheet the LOPA
conducting. by default and is datasheet.
with the value
Calculated SIL Number The SIL value This field is This field does
that is disabled and not appear on
required to populated the LOPA
mitigate the automatically datasheet.
risk that is with the SIL
associated value that is
with the associated with
Instrumented the value in the
Function Required PIF
record to PHD field.
which the
LOPA record
is linked.
Comments Text Additional On the Definition tab
information datasheet, this
about the field appears as
Layer of a text box
Protection labeled
Analysis. Comments and
contains a
button, which
you can click to
access the Text
Description Text A description On the Definition tab
for the Layer datasheet, this
of Protection field appears as
Analysis. a text box
Description and
contains a
button, which
you can click to
access the Text

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 389

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

Description of Character A description This field is Details tab

Initiating Event of the populated
initiating automatically
event that is with the value
specified in in the Initiating
the Initiating Event
Event field. Description field
in the
Function record.
You can modify
this value if
Enabling Character A description You can type Details tab
Event/Condition of the event your own value
Description that will manually.
allow the risk
that is
with the
event, which
is described
in the
Event field,
to be
(e.g., the
only operates
nine months
of the year).

390 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

Enabling Number A number You can type Details tab

Event/Condition that your own value
Probability represents manually. The
the value must be
probability greater than 0
value that is (zero) and less
associated than or equal to
with the 1 (one).
enabling This value is
event and multiplied by
the initiating the value in the
event. This Frequency of
value is used Initiating Event
to determine field to
the determine the
probability of value in
an Unmitigated
unmitigated Consequence
event Frequency field.
occurring. If this field is
empty, a default
value of 1 will
be used in that

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 391

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

Frequency of Number A number This field is Details tab

Initiating Event representing required and is
the number populated
of times per automatically
year that the with the value
initiating in the
event that is Frequency of
specified in Initiating Event
the Initiating (per yr) field in
Event field the associated
will occur. Instrumented
Function record.
You can modify
this value, but it
must be greater
than 0 (zero). If
you type a value
less than 0
(zero), a
message will
appear, and
when you click
OK, the
modified value
will be reverted
back to its
original value.
This value is
multiplied by
the value in the
Probability field
to determine
the value in
Frequency field.

392 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

Initiating Event Character A brief This field is Details tab

description populated
of the event automatically
that could with the value
cause the in the Initiating
risk that is Event field in
described in the associated
the Instrumented
Unacceptable Function record.
Consequence You can modify
field to be this value if
mitigated. needed.
LOPA ID Character The ID for You can type Definition tab
the Layer of your own value
Protection manually. The
Analysis. value will
appear on the
Functions (IFs)
page and is used
to distinguish
the LOPA record
from other LOPA
records. This
field is required.
Mitigated Number A number This field is Definition tab
Consequence representing disabled and
Frequency the mitigated populated
consequence automatically.
frequency, or The value is
the calculated by
consequence multiplying the
frequency value in the
after layers Unmitigated
of protection Consequence
have been Frequency field
added. by the value in
the Total IPL
PFD field.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 393

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

Required Number The This field is Definition tab

Mitigated maximum required. On the
Consequence allowable datasheet, this
Frequency frequency at field appears as
which the a list labeled
initiating Required
event can Mitigated
occur for the Consequence
risk that is Frequency and
described in contains the
the following hard-
Unacceptable coded values:
Consequence  1E-04
 1E-05
 1E-06
You can select a
value from the
list or type your
own value. If
you type your
own value, it
must be greater
than 0 (zero). If
you modify this
value to be less
than 0 (zero), a
message will
appear, and
when you click
OK, the
modified value
will revert back
to its original
value. If you
enter a value
other than the
baseline values
in the list, it
will then be
added to the

394 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

Required PIF Number A number This field is Details tab

PFD representing disabled and
the target populated
probability automatically.
that a failure This value is
will occur. calculated
automatically as
the difference
between the
value in the
Frequency field
and the value in
the Required
Frequency Field.
This value is
used to
determine the
values in the
Required PIF
Risk Reduction
Factor and
Calculated SIL
Level fields.
Required PIF Number A number This field is Details tab
Risk Reduction representing disabled and
Factor the factor by populated
which the automatically
risk should with the inverse
be reduced. of the value in
the Required PIF
PHD field.
Title Character A short You can type Definition tab
description your own value
for the Layer manually.
of Protection

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 395

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

Total IPL PFD Number The PFD This field is Details tab
value disabled and
associated populated
with all the automatically.
IPLs in place The value is
for this calculated by
consequence. multiplying the
values in the
PFD fields of
Layer of
associated with
the LOPA
Total CM Number The sum of This field is This field does
Probability the values disabled and not appear on
that exist in populated the LOPA
the automatically. datasheet.
Probability This field does
fields in the not appear on
Consequence the LOPA
Modifier datasheet by
records that default.
are linked to
the LOPA
Unacceptable Character A description This field is Details tab
Consequence of the risk populated
for which you automatically
are with the value
conducting in the
the Layer of Consequence
Protection Description field
Analysis. in the
Function record.
You can modify
this value if

396 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

Unmitigated Number A number This field is Details tab

Consequence representing disabled and
Frequency the populated
unmitigated automatically.
consequence The value is
frequency, or calculated by
the multiplying the
consequence value in the
frequency Frequency of
before layers Initiating Event
of protection field by the
have been value in the
added. Enabling

Protective Instrument Loop

Protective Instrument Loop records store details about protective instrument
loops for a safety instrumented system. The following table provides an
alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Protective
Instrument Loop family and appear on the Protective Instrument Loop
datasheet by default. The information in this table reflects the baseline state
and behavior of these fields.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 397

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Data Type Description Behavior and Usage

Achieved SIL Number A number This field appears as a list in the

representing Calculated Results section on the
the overall datasheet and contains the
SIL value for following options:
the  0 (zero)
 1
loop.  2
 3
 4
When the value in the SIL Validation
Method field is External
Calculation, the Achieved SIL field
is enabled, and you can select a
value from the list.
When the value in the SIL Validation
Method field is Internal Calculation,
the Achieved SIL field is disabled
and populated automatically with
the lowest value of the values
stored in the following fields:
 Calculated SIL
 Calculated SIL Architectural
 Calculated SIL Systematic
For example, if the value in each of
these fields was 2, the value in the
Achieved SIL field would be 2. If the
value in two of the fields was 2 and
the value in one of the fields was 1,
the value in the Achieved SIL field
would be 1.

398 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Data Type Description Behavior and Usage

Availability Number A number This field appears as a text box,

representing which is displayed in the Calculated
the Results section on the datasheet
percentage of and is enabled or disabled based
time between upon the following criteria:
proof tests  When the value in the SIL
that the Validation Method field is
protective External Calculation, the
instrument Availability field is enabled,
loop is and you can type a value
protecting directly into the Availability
the safety cell.
 When the value in the SIL
Validation Method field is
Internal Calculation, the
Meridium APM system
calculates this value
automatically and displays
that value as read-only in
the Availability field.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 399

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Data Type Description Behavior and Usage

Calculated Number A number This field appears as a text box,

SIL representing which is displayed in the Calculated
the SIL value Results section on the datasheet
for the and is enabled or disabled based
protective upon the following criteria:
instrument  When the value in the SIL
loop, which is Validation Method field is
the value External Calculation, the
stored in the Calculated SIL field is
Loop PFD Avg enabled, and you can type a
field. value directly into the
Calculated SIL cell.
 When the value in the SIL
Validation Method field is
Internal Calculation, the
Meridium APM system
calculates this value
automatically, based on the
value in the Loop PFD Avg
field, and displays one of the
following values as read-only
in the Calculated SIL field:
o 0 (zero)
o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4

400 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Data Type Description Behavior and Usage

Calculated Number The SIL value This field appears as a text box in
SIL for the the Calculated Results section on
Architectural protective the datasheet and is enabled or
Constraints instrument disabled based upon the following
loop, which is criteria:
based on  When the value in the SIL
architectural Validation Method field is
constraints External Calculation, the
defined in the Calculated SIL Architectural
Test Constraints field is enabled,
Architecture and you can type a value
Constraints directly into the Calculated
field. SIL Architectural
Constraints cell.
 When the value in the SIL
Validation Method field is
Internal Calculation, the
Meridium APM system
calculates this value
automatically, based on the
value in the Test
Architecture Constraints
field, and displays one of the
following values as read-only
in the Calculated SIL
Architectural Constraints
o 0 (zero)
o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 401

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Data Type Description Behavior and Usage

Calculated Number The SIL value This field appears as a text box in
SIL for the the Calculated Results section on
Systematic protective the datasheet and is enabled or
Capabilities instrument disabled based upon the following
loop, which is criteria:
based on  When the value in the SIL
systematic Validation Method field is
capabilities External Calculation, the
defined in the Calculated SIL Systematic
failure rate Capabilities field is enabled,
data and you can type a value
associated directly into the Calculated
with each SIL Systematic Capabilities
protective cell.
 When the value in the SIL
loop element.
Validation Method field is
Internal Calculation, the
Meridium APM system
calculates this value
automatically, based on the
systematic capabilities
defined in the failure rate
data associated with each
protective instrument loop
element, and displays one of
the following values as read-
only in the Calculated SIL
Systematic Capabilities field:
o 0 (zero)
o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4
If the value in the Systematic
Capability Validation field is False,
this value is set to NA.

402 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Data Type Description Behavior and Usage

Calculated Number A number This field appears as a text box in

STR representing the Calculated Results section on
the spurious the datasheet and is enabled or
trip rate for disabled based upon the following
the criteria:
protective  When the value in the SIL
instrument Validation Method field is
loop. External Calculation, the
Calculated STR field is
enabled, and you can type a
value directly into the
Calculated STR cell.
 When the value in the SIL
Validation Method field is
Internal Calculation, the
Meridium APM system
calculates this value
automatically and displays
that value as read-only in
the Calculated STR field.
Demand Character A value that This field is disabled and populated
Mode indicates how automatically with the value stored
frequently in the SIL Mode field in the
the Instrumented Function record that
protective is linked to the Protective
instrument Instrument Loop record.
loop will be in
demand. In
other words,
loop will be
needed to
protect the
system as a
result of a

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 403

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Data Type Description Behavior and Usage

Description Character A brief You can type a value directly into

description of the Description cell.
Final Number A percentage This field appears as a list labeled
Element MCI that Final Element MCI and contains the
represents following options:
the  MCI 0 (0%): Indicates that
Maintenance repair actions are never
Capability performed.
 MCI 1 (60%): Indicates that
repair actions are effective
60 percent of the time.
 MCI 2 (90%): Indicates that
repair actions are effective
90 percent of the time.
 MCI 3 (99%): Indicates that
repair actions are effective
99 percent of the time.
 MCI 4 (100%): Indicates that
repair actions are always
performed perfectly.
ID Character The ID of the You can type a value directly into
protective the ID cell. This value is required
instrument and must be unique. If you do not
loop. type a unique value into the ID cell,
you will not be able to save the
Protective Instrument Loop record.
Last Character The name of This field is disabled and populated
Modified By the user who automatically with the name of the
last modified Meridium APM Security User who
the record. last modified the Protective
Instrument Loop record.
Last Date The date on This field is disabled and populated
Modified which the automatically with the date on
Date record was which the Protective Instrument
last modified. Loop record was last modified.

404 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Data Type Description Behavior and Usage

Logic Solver Number A percentage This field appears as a list labeled

MCI that Logic Solver MCI and contains the
represents following options:
the  MCI 0 (0%): Indicates that
Maintenance repair actions are never
Capability performed.
 MCI 1 (60%): Indicates that
repair actions are effective
60 percent of the time.
 MCI 2 (90%): Indicates that
repair actions are effective
90 percent of the time.
 MCI 3 (99%): Indicates that
repair actions are effective
99 percent of the time.
 MCI 4 (100%): Indicates that
repair actions are always
performed perfectly.
Loop Class Character A value that This field appears as a list labeled
indicates Loop Class and contains the
whether the following options:
protective  Safety: Indicates that the
instrument protective instrument loop is
loop is designed to mitigate risks
designed to related to safety. For
mitigate example, a safety loop
safety risks or might prevent a high motor
commercial current from causing a fire.
 Protective: Indicates that
the protective instrument
loop is designed to mitigate
commercial risks only. For
example, a protective loop
might prevent low lube
pressure from causing a
mechanical failure where
there is no safety risk

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 405

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Data Type Description Behavior and Usage

Loop PFD Number A number This field appears as a text box in

Avg representing the Calculated Results section on
the the datasheet, which is enabled or
probability disabled based upon the following
that the criteria:
protective  When the value in the SIL
instrument Validation Method field is
loop will fail. External Calculation, the
Loop PFD Avg field is
enabled, and you can type a
value directly into the Loop
PFD Avg cell.
 When the value in the SIL
Validation Method field is
Internal Calculation, the
Meridium APM system
calculates this value
automatically and displays
that value as read-only in
the Loop PFD Avg field.
Loop PFH Number A number This field appears as a text box in
representing the Calculated Results section on
the the datasheet, which is enabled or
probability disabled based upon the following
per hour that criteria:
the  When the value in the SIL
protective Validation Method field is
instrument External Calculation, the
loop will fail. Loop PFH field is enabled,
and you can type a value
directly into the Loop PFH
field cell.
 When the value in the SIL
Validation Method field is
Internal Calculation, the
Meridium APM system
calculates this value
automatically and displays
that value as read-only in
the Loop PFH field.

406 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Data Type Description Behavior and Usage

Loop Type Character A value This field appears as a list labeled

representing Loop Type and contains the
the category following options:
of the  Analysis
 Flow
loop, based  Level
on the type of  Load
data that the  Pressure
sensor is  Speed
 Temperature

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 407

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Data Type Description Behavior and Usage

Meets Character A value that This field appears as a list labeled

Architectural indicates Meets Architectural Constraints in
Constraints whether the the Calculated Results section on
protective the datasheet and contains the
instrument following options:
loop's  Incomplete
 Yes
meet the  No
requirement  NA
defined by This value is set to Incomplete by
the value in default.
the Required When the value in the SIL Validation
SIL field. Method field is External
Calculation, the Meets Architectural
Constraints field is enabled, and you
can select a value from the list.
When the value in the SIL Validation
Method field is Internal Calculation,
the Meets Architectural Constraints
field is disabled and populated
automatically. After you calculate
the SIL Validation results, the Meets
Architectural Constraints field is
populated using the following logic:
 If the value in the Calculated
SIL Architectural Constraints
field is greater than or equal
to the value in the Required
SIL field, this value is set to
 Otherwise, this value is set
to No.
If the value in the Test
Architectural Constraints field is
Not Consider, this value is set to

408 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Data Type Description Behavior and Usage

Meets Character A value that This field appears as a list labeled

Availability indicates Meets Availability Target in the
Target whether the Calculated Results section on the
protective datasheet and contains the
instrument following options:
loop's  Incomplete
 Yes
meets the
availability  No
requirement  NA
defined in the This value is set to Incomplete by
Instrumented default.
Function When the value in the SIL Validation
record that is Method field is External
linked to the Calculation, the Meets Availability
Protective Target field is enabled, and you can
Instrument select a value from the list.
Loop record.
When the value in the SIL Validation
Method field is Internal Calculation,
the Meets Availability Target field is
disabled and populated
automatically. After you calculate
the SIL Validation results, the Meets
Availability field is populated using
the following logic:
 If the value in the Demand
Mode field is Low Demand,
and the value in the
Availability field is greater
than or equal to the value
stored in the Availability
Target field in the
Instrumented Function
record that is linked to the
Protective Instrument Loop
record, this value is set to
 Otherwise, this value is set
to No.
If the value in the Demand Mode
field is High Demand or Continuous,
this value is NA.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 409

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Data Type Description Behavior and Usage

Meets SIL Character A value that This field appears as a list labeled
Requirement indicates Meets SIL Requirement in the
whether the Calculated Results section on the
protective datasheet and contains the
instrument following options:
loop's SIL  Incomplete
value meets
 Yes
the SIL
requirement  No
defined in the  NA
Required SIL This value is set to Incomplete by
field. default.
When the value in the SIL Validation
Method field is External
Calculation, the Meets SIL
Requirement field is enabled, and
you can select a value from the list.
When the value in the SIL Validation
Method field is Internal Calculation,
the Meets SIL Requirement field is
disabled and populated
automatically. After you calculate
the SIL Validation results, the Meets
SIL Requirement field is populated
using the following logic:
 If the value in the Achieved
SIL field is greater than or
equal to the value in the
Required SIL field, this value
is set to Yes.
 Otherwise, this value is set
to No.

410 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Data Type Description Behavior and Usage

Meets STR Character A value that This field appears as a list labeled
Limit indicates Meets STR Limit in the Calculated
whether the Results section on the datasheet
protective and contains the following options:
instrument  Incomplete
 Yes
spurious trip
rate meets  No
the spurious  NA
trip rate This value is set to Incomplete by
requirement default.
defined in the When the value in the SIL Validation
Instrumented Method field is External
Function Calculation, the Meets STR Limit
record that is field is enabled, and you can select
linked to the a value from the list.
Instrument When the value in the SIL Validation
Loop record. Method field is Internal Calculation,
the Meets STR Limit field is disabled
and populated automatically. After
you calculate the SIL Validation
results, the Meets STR Limit field is
populated using the following logic:
 If the inverse of the value
stored in the MTTS field is
greater than or equal to the
value stored in the Spurious
Trip Limit (per yr) field in
the Instrumented Function
record that is linked to the
Protective Instrument Loop
record, the value in the
Meets STR Limit field is set
to No.
 Otherwise, the value in the
Meets STR Limit field is set
to Yes.
If the Protective Instrument Loop
record is part of a protective
instrument loop template, this
value is set to NA.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 411

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Data Type Description Behavior and Usage

Meets Character A value that This field appears as a list labeled

Systematic indicates Meets Systematic Capabilities in
Capabilities whether the the Calculated Results section on
protective the datasheet and contains the
instrument following options:
loop's  Incomplete
 Yes
meets the  No
systematic  NA
capability This value is set to Incomplete by
requirement default.
defined in the When the value in the SIL Validation
Required SIL Method field is External
field. Calculation, the Meets Systematic
Capabilities field is enabled, and
you can select a value from the list.

When the value in the SIL Validation

Method field is Internal Calculation,
the Meets Systematic Capabilities
field is disabled and populated
automatically. After you calculate
the SIL Validation results, the Meets
Systematic Capabilities field is
populated using the following logic:
 If the value in the Calculated
SIL Systematic Capabilities
field is greater than or equal
to the value in the Required
SIL field, this value is set to
 Otherwise, this value is set
to No.
If the value in the Systematic
Capability Validation field is False,
this value is set to NA.

412 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Data Type Description Behavior and Usage

Mission Time Number A number You can type a value into this field
that manually. This value is measured in
represents in years.
years the
time that the
loop will be in
use before it
is replaced.
MTTFS Number A number This field appears as a text box in
that the Calculated Results section on
represents the datasheet, which is enabled or
Mean Time To disabled based upon the following
Fail Safe criteria:
(i.e., the  When the value in the SIL
average Validation Method field is
amount of External Calculation, the
time between MTTFS field is enabled, and
protective you can type a value directly
instrument into the MTTFS cell.
loop failures
 When the value in the SIL
that occur
Validation Method field is
during safe
Internal Calculation, the
Meridium APM system
calculates this value
automatically and displays
that value as read-only in
the MTTFS field.
This value is measured in years.
Required SIL Number A number This field is disabled and populated
representing automatically with the value stored
the SIL value in the Selected SIL Level field in the
that is Instrumented Function record that
required for is linked to the Protective
the Instrument Loop record.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 413

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Data Type Description Behavior and Usage

Risk Number A number This field appears as a text box in

Reduction representing the Calculated Results section on
Factor the factor by the datasheet and is enabled or
which the risk disabled based upon the following
should be criteria:
reduced for  When the value in the SIL
the Validation Method field is
protective External Calculation, the
instrument Risk Reduction Factor field is
loop. enabled, and you can type a
value directly into the Risk
Reduction Factor cell.
 When the value in the SIL
Validation Method field is
Internal Calculation, the
Meridium APM system
calculates this value
automatically and displays
that value as read-only in
the Risk Reduction Factor
Sensor MCI Number A value that This field appears as a list labeled
represents Sensor MCI and contains the
the following options:
Maintenance  MCI 0 (0%): Indicates that
Capability repair actions are never
Index. performed.
 MCI 1 (60%): Indicates that
repair actions are effective
60 percent of the time.
 MCI 2 (90%): Indicates that
repair actions are effective
90 percent of the time.
 MCI 3 (99%): Indicates that
repair actions are effective
99 percent of the time.
 MCI 4 (100%): Indicates that
repair actions are always
performed perfectly.

414 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Data Type Description Behavior and Usage

SIL Character A value that This field appears as a list labeled

Validation represents Loop Class and contains the
Method the type of following options:
method used  Internal Calculation:
to calculate Indicates that the Meridium
the SIL APM system will calculate
Validation the SIL Validation results.
results for the When this option is selected,
protective the Meridium APM system
instrument calculates the values in all
loop. cells in the Calculated
Results section
automatically and displays
them as read-only.
 External Calculation:
Indicates that you will type
SIL Validation results directly
into cells on the Protective
Instrument Loop datasheet.
When this option is selected,
all cells in the Calculated
Results section are enabled,
and you can type values
directly into those cells.
Startup Time Number A number You can type a value into this field
representing manually. This value is measured in
the amount of hours.
time needed
for the
loop to be
restored after
a failure.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 415

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Data Type Description Behavior and Usage

Systematic Logical A value that If this value is True, the protective

Capability indicates instrument loop will use systematic
Validation whether the capabilities. If this value is False,
SIL value for the protective instrument loop will
the not use systematic capabilities.
loop will
account for
which are
defined in the
failure data
for each
loop element.
Test Character A value that This field appears as a list labeled
Architecture indicates the Test Architecture Constraints and
Constraints level of contains the following options:
safety  IEC 61508: Indicates that
certification the elements in the
that is protective instrument loop
associated have been certified
with the according to the IEC 61508
elements in standard.
 IEC 61511: Indicates that
the elements in the
protective instrument loop
have been certified
according to the IEC 61511
 Not Consider: Indicates that
the architectural constraints
will not be considered in the
SIL calculation.

Protective Instrument Loop Final Element

Protective Instrument Loop Final Element records store details about final
elements for a protective instrument loop. The following table provides an
alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Protective

416 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Instrument Loop Final Element family. The information in this table reflects the
baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.

Field Data Behavior and

Description Datasheet/Tab
Caption Type Usage

Custom Number A numeric value On the Final Element

PVST representing datasheet, this datasheet
Coverage the percentage field appears as
of possible a text box
failures that labeled Custom
could be PVST Coverage,
detected by the in which you
partial valve can enter your
stroke test. own value.
Description Character A description On the Final Element
for the final datasheet, this datasheet
element. field appears as
a text box
Description, in
which you can
enter your own

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 417

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Data Behavior and

Description Datasheet/Tab
Caption Type Usage

Dangerous Logical Stores the value In the UI, this Dangerous

combination True or False field appears as Combination of
of outputs? indicating a check box Outputs tab on
whether the labeled the <Record
output Dangerous ID> (Protective
associated with Combination of Instrument
the final Outputs?, Loop Final
element can which you can Element)
lead to a select to window
hazardous event indicate that
if it occurs the final
simultaneously element is
with the output associated with
associated with a combination
a different final of outputs
element. hazard. This
check box is
clear by
default. When
you select this
check box, the
Events field is
enabled and
Final Character An ID for the On the Final Element
Element ID final element. datasheet, this datasheet
field appears as
a text box
labeled Final
Element ID, in
which you can
enter your own
value. This
value is
displayed in the
diagram to
identify the
final element.
This field is

418 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Data Behavior and

Description Datasheet/Tab
Caption Type Usage
Hazardous Text A description of In the UI, this Potential
Events the hazardous field appears as Dangerous
event that can a text box Combination of
occur if the without a Outputs
output caption and Description
associated with contains a section on the
the final button, which Dangerous
element occurs you can click to Combination of
simultaneously access the Text Outputs tab on
with the output Editor. When the <Record
of a different the Dangerous ID> (Protective
final element. Combination of Instrument
Outputs? check Loop Final
box is selected, Element)
this field is window
enabled and
Otherwise, this
field is
PVST Number A numeric value On the Final Element
Interval representing datasheet, this datasheet
the frequency field appears as
at which the a text box
partial valve labeled PVST
stroke test Interval, in
should be which you can
performed. enter your own
value. This field
is enabled only
if the Partial
Valve Stroke
Testing check
box is selected.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 419

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Data Behavior and

Description Datasheet/Tab
Caption Type Usage

PVST Character The unit of On the Final Element

Interval measure datasheet, this datasheet
UOM associated with field appears as
the value stored a list labeled
in the PVST PVST Interval
Interval field. UOM. You can
select a value in
this list. This
field is enabled
only if the
Partial Valve
Stroke Testing
check box is

Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver

Protective Instrument Loop Final Element records store details about logic
solvers for a protective instrument loop. The following table provides an
alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Protective
Instrument Loop Logic Solver family and appear on the Protective Instrument
Loop Logic Solver datasheet. The information in this table reflects the baseline
state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.

420 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Data Behavior and Datasheet

Caption Type Usage Tab

Approved Logical Indicates This field appears Logic Solver

Custom whether or as a check box Details tab
Device not the logic labeled Approved
solver that is Custom Device.
identified in This value is
the Exida disabled and
Name field is populated
approved for automatically by
use in the the Meridium APM
protective system with one of
instrument the following
loop. values:
 If this value
is True, it
the device is
an approved
 If this value
is False, it
that the
device is not
an approved

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 421

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Data Behavior and Datasheet

Caption Type Usage Tab

Architectural Character Indicates the If the value in the Logic Solver

Type level of safety Manual Entry field Details tab
certification is False, this value
of the logic is disabled and
solver based populated
on compliance automatically with
with standard one of the following
IEC 61508. values based on the
device identified in
the Exida Name
 A
 B
If the value in the
Manual Entry field
is True, this field is
enabled, and you
can type a value
directly into the
Architectural Type
Availability Number A number This field appears Calculated
representing as a text box Results
the labeled section on the
percentage of Availability. The Logic Solver
time between Meridium APM Details tab
proof tests system calculates
that the logic this number
solver is automatically and
operating in displays it as read-
the protective only in the
instrument Availability text
loop. box.
Calculated Number A number This field appears Calculated
PFD Avg representing as a text box Results
the labeled Calculated section on the
probability PFD Avg. The Logic Solver
that the logic Meridium APM Details tab
solver will system calculates
fail. this number
automatically and
displays it as read-
only in this cell.

422 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Data Behavior and Datasheet

Caption Type Usage Tab

Calculated Number A number This field appears Calculated

PHF representing as a text box Results
the calculated labeled Calculated section on the
probability of PHF. The Meridium Logic Solver
failure per APM system Details tab
hour for the calculates this
logic solver. number
automatically and
displays it as read-
only in this cell.
Calculated Number A number This field appears Calculated
STR representing as a text box Results
the spurious labeled Calculated section on the
trip rate for STR. The Meridium Logic Solver
the logic APM system Details tab
solver. calculates this
automatically and
displays it as read-
only in this cell.
Description Character A brief You can type a Logic Solver
description of value directly into Details tab
the logic the Description
solver. cell.
Equipment Character The Record ID This field contains Logic Solver
of the an button, Details tab
Equipment which you can click
record to to search for the
which the desired Equipment
Protective record.
Loop Logic
Solver record
is linked.
Exida Name Character The name of This field appears Logic Solver
the logic as a text box Details tab
solver device. labeled Device
Name and is
disabled. This value
is populated

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 423

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Data Behavior and Datasheet

Caption Type Usage Tab

Functional Character The Record ID Tthis field contains Logic Solver

Location of the an button, Details tab
Functional which you can click
Location to search for the
record to desired Functional
which the Location record.
Loop Logic
Solver record
is linked.
Logic Solver Character An ID for the You can type a Logic Solver
ID logic solver. value directly into Details tab
the Logic Solver ID
cell. This value is
required and must
be unique.
Manual Entry Logical Indicates This field appears Logic Solver
whether you as a check box Details tab
will enter labeled Manual
data in a Entry. If this value
Protective is True, the Add
Instrument button in the
Loop Logic Channels/Modules
Solver section on the
Channel Protective
record Instrument Loop
manually or page is enabled.
the Meridium You can use the
APM system Add button to add a
will populate Protective
this value Instrument Logic
automatically. Solver Channel
record to the
Instrument Loop. If
this value is False,
the Add button is

424 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Data Behavior and Datasheet

Caption Type Usage Tab

MTTFS Number A number This field appears Calculated

representing as a text box Results
Mean Time To labeled MTTFS. The section on the
Fail Safe for a Meridium APM Logic Solver
logic solver system calculates Details tab
(i.e., the this number
average automatically and
amount of displays it as read-
time between only in this cell.
logic solver This value is
failures that measured in years.
occur during
MTTR Number A number You can type a Logic Solver
representing number directly Details tab
Mean Time To into the MTTR cell.
Repair, or the The value that you
time it takes enter must be
to repair the between 4 and 336.
logic solver Otherwise, an error
after a failure message will
is detected. appear. This value
is required.
Proof Test Number A number You can type a Logic Solver
Coverage representing number directly Details tab
the into the Proof Test
percentage of Coverage cell. The
failures that number that you
are detected enter must be
by the proof between 0 and 100.
test (i.e., how Otherwise, an error
effectively message will
the proof test appear. This value
identifies is required.
failures). For
100% proof
test coverage
indicates that
the proof test
would identify
100% of the
failures that

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 425

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Data Behavior and Datasheet

Caption Type Usage Tab

Proof Test Number A number You can type a Logic Solver

Interval representing number directly Details tab
the monthly into the Proof Test
interevals at Interval cell. The
which the number that you
proof test enter must be
should be between 1 and 360,
performed. or an error message
will appear. This
value is required.
Reference Date The date on This field appears Failure Data
Data Date which that as a text box Reference
the reference labeled Reference tab
data was Data Date and
published for displays the
the device Calendar feature.
that is When the value in
identified in the Manual Entry
the Exida field is True, this
Name field. field is enabled,
and you can select
a date manually.
When the value in
the Manual Entry
field is False, this
value is disabled
and populated
automatically with
the date on which
the reference data
was published for
the device that is
identified in the
Exida Name field.

426 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Data Behavior and Datasheet

Caption Type Usage Tab

Reference Character The specific This field appears Failure Data

Data failure data as a text box Reference
Reference reference as labeled Reference tab
it appears in Data Reference.
the Exida data When the value in
source that is the Manual Entry
identified in field is True, this
the Reference value is enabled,
Data Source and you can type a
field. value directly into
the Reference Data
Reference cell.
When the value in
the Manual Entry
field is False, this
field is populated
automatically with
the data reference
for the device that
is identified in the
Exida Name field
and displayed as
read-only in this

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 427

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Data Behavior and Datasheet

Caption Type Usage Tab

Reference Character A number that This field appears Failure Data

Data represents the as a text box Reference
Revision number of labeled Reference tab
times the Data Revision.
reference When the value in
data has been the Manual Entry
revised in the field is True, this
Exida value is enabled,
database. and you can type a
value directly into
the Reference Data
Revision cell.
When the value in
the Manual Entry
field is False, this
field is populated
automatically with
the data revision
for the device
identified in the
Exida Name field
and is displayed as
read-only in this

428 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Data Behavior and Datasheet

Caption Type Usage Tab

Reference Character The source of This field appears Failure Data

Data Source the reference as a text box Reference
data (e.g., labeled Reference tab
Exida). Data Source.
When the value in
the Manual Entry
field is True, this
value is enabled,
and you can type a
value directly into
the Reference Data
Source cell.
When the value in
the Manual Entry
field is False, this
field is populated
automatically with
the data source for
the device
identified in the
Exida Name field
and is displayed as
read-only in this
SIL Number A number that This field appears Calculated
Architectural represents the as a text box Results
Constraints SIL value for labeled SIL section on the
the logic Architectural Logic Solver
solver, which Constriants. The Details tab
is based on Meridium APM
the system calculates
architectural this number
constraints automatically and
that are displays it as read-
defined in the only in this cell.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 429

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Data Behavior and Datasheet

Caption Type Usage Tab

SIL Number A number that This field appears Calculated

Systematic represents the as a text box Results
Capability SIL value for labaled SIL section on the
the logic Systematic Logic Solver
solver which Capabilities and is Details tab
is based on enabled or disabled
the based upon the
systematic following criteria:
capabilities  When the value
that are in the Manual
defined in the Entry field is
failure rate True, the SIL
data. Sytematic
field is
enabled, and
you cant type a
value directly
into the SIL
 When the value
in the Manual
Entry field is
False, the
Meridium APM
calculates the
based on the
that are
defined in the
failure rate
data associated
with the logic
solver device,
and displays
one of the
values as read-
only in the SIL
 0 (zero)
430 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.
 1
 2
Reference Information

Safety Instrumented System

Safety Instrumented System records store details about the safety
instrumented system they represent. The following table provides an
alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Safety
Instrumented System family and appear on the Safety Instrumented System
datasheet, unless otherwise specified. The information in this table reflects
the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.

Field Caption Data Description Behavior and Usage


Abnormal Mode Text A detailed On the datasheet, this field

Description description of the appears as a text box labeled
abnormal mode of Abnormal Mode Description
operation. and contains a button,
which you can click to access
the Text Editor. This field is
enabled only if ABNORMAL is
selected in the Operation
Modes list. Otherwise, this
field is disabled.
Abnormal State Character A short description On the datasheet, this field
of the specific appears as a list labeled
abnormal state of Abnormal State and contains
the operation. the following values:
 Start-Up
 Shutdown
 Bypass
 Maintenance
 Emergency
 Other
This field is enabled and
required only if ABNORMAL is
selected in the Plant
Operation Mode list.
Otherwise, this field is

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 431

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Caption Data Description Behavior and Usage


Communication Character The type of On the datasheet, this field

Links communication appears as a text box labeled
link that exists Communication Links, in
between which you can enter your
components within own value.
the logic solver
and any other
network device.
For example,
Is Default SIS Logical Indicates whether This field does not appear on
the Safety the datasheet by default.
System record is
the default.
Last Modified Character The name of the On the datasheet, this field is
By user who last disabled and updated
modified the automatically whenever the
record. record is modified.
Last Modified Date The date on which On the datasheet, this field is
Date the record was last disabled and populated
modified. automatically.
Logic Solver ID Character The ID for the logic On the datasheet, this field
solver that is appears as a text box labeled
associated with Logic Solver ID, in which you
the safety can type your own value.
instrumented This value should correspond
system. to the value stored in the
Logic Solver ID field in the
Protective Instrument Loop
Logic Solver record that
represents the desired logic

432 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Caption Data Description Behavior and Usage


Logic Solver Character The type of logic On the datasheet, this field
Type solver. appears as a list labeled
Logic Solver Type and
contains the following
baseline System Codes in the
System Code Table :
 Relay
Long Text A statement On the datasheet, this field
Description describing the appears as a text box labeled
purpose of the Long Description and
safety contains a button, which
instrumented you can click to access the
system. Text Editor.
Manual Text A description of On the datasheet, this field
Shutdown the method by appears as a text box labeled
Description which the safety Manual Shutdown
instrumented Description and contains a
system can be button, which you can
manually shut click to access the Text
down. Editor.
Mission Time Number A numeric value in On the datasheet, this field
years that appears as a text box labeled
represents the Mission Time with an
time that the additional label, Years, to
safety the right of the text box. You
instrumented can enter your own value
system will be in directly in the Mission Time
use before it is cell. This value should be
replaced or equal to or greater than the
remanufactured. length of time specified in
the Target SIS Test Interval

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 433

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Caption Data Description Behavior and Usage


Operation Character The mode of On the datasheet ,this field

Mode operation for the appears as a list
safety labeled Plant Operation
instrumented Mode and contains the
system. following values:
 NORMAL: This is the
value that is selected by
 ABNORMAL: If you
select this value, the
following fields are
 Abnormal State
 Abnormal Mode
Plant ID Character The ID of the plant This field does not appear on
in which the safety the datasheet by default.
system exists.
Power Source Character A description of On the datasheet, this field
the power supply appears as a text box labeled
to the safety Power Source, in which you
instrumented can enter your own value.
Reset Text A description of On the datasheet, this field
Procedure the method by appears as a text box labeled
which the safety Reset Procedure and
instrumented contains a button, which
system can be you can click to access the
reset. Text Editor.
SIS Description Character A description for On the datasheet, this field
the safety appears as a text box labeled
instrumented SIS Description, in which you
system. can enter your own value.

434 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Caption Data Description Behavior and Usage


SIS ID Character A name for the On the datasheet, this field

safety appears as a text box labeled
instrumented SIS ID, in which you can enter
system. your own value. This field is
required, and a rule exists on
the field that checks to see if
the value that you enter is
unique. If the value that you
enter is already specified for
an existing Safety
Instrumented System record,
a message will appear,
indicating that the value is
already in use. You will need
to specify a different value
before you can save the
Site Character A description of This field does not appear on
Description the site that is the datasheet by default.
specified in the
Site ID field.
Site ID Character The ID of the Site On the datasheet, this field is
record associated disabled and populated
with the safety automatically with the value
instrumented stored in the Site ID field in
system. the associated SIL Analysis
record. You should not
modify this value.
Target SIS Test Number A number that On the datasheet, this field
Interval represents the appears as a text box labeled
interval in months Target SIS Test Interval, in
by which regular which you can enter your
testing will be own value.
performed on the
Unit Character A description of This field does not appear on
Description the unit specified the datasheet by default.
in the Unit ID

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 435

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Caption Data Description Behavior and Usage


Unit ID Character A description of On the datasheet, this field

the area in which appears as a text box labeled
the safety Unit ID, in which you can
instrumented enter your own value.
system exists.

SIF Common Cause Failure

SIF Common Cause Failure records store details about a failure or a condition
within a plant that can affect the operation of multiple instrumented functions
(i.e., common cause failures). The following table provides an alphabetical list
and description of the fields that exist for the SIF Common Cause Failure family
and appear on the SIF Common Cause Failures datasheet. The information in
the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

Field Data
Description Behavior and Usage
Caption Type

CCF Text The description of the This field is required. On the

Description common cause failure. SIF Common Cause Failure
datasheet, you can click the
button to define this value
manually via the CCF
Description dialog box.
CCF ID Character The ID for the This field is required. On the
common cause failure. Common Cause Failures tab
on the <Record ID>
(Instrumented Function)
window, this value appears as
a hyperlink, which you can
click to view the contents of
the corresponding SIF
Common Cause Failure record
in a new window.
CCF Text A brief description of This field is required. On the
Mitigation ways to mitigate the SIF Common Cause Failure
effect of the common datasheet, you can click the
cause failure. button to define this value
manually via the CCF
Mitigation dialog box.

436 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

SIL Analysis
SIL Analysis records store details about an SIL Analysis. The following table
provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the SIL
Analysis family. The information in this table reflects the baseline state and
behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.

Note: The field captions that are displayed in the following table may differ
from the datasheet captions.

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

Analysis Character A brief You can type SIL Analysis

Description description your own value tab on the SIL
for the SIL manually. Analysis
Analysis. datasheet
Analysis End Date The date on You can type or SIL Analysis
Date which the SIL select the tab on the SIL
Analysis will desired date. The Analysis
end. start date must datasheet
be later than the
date in the
Analysis Start
Date field, or an
error message
will appear.
When you copy a
SIL Analysis
record, the value
in this field is not
copied to the
new record.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 437

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

Analysis ID Character The ID for the You can type SIL Analysis
SIL Analysis. your own value tab on the SIL
manually. This Analysis
field is required, datasheet
and the value
you enter must
be unique with
respect to the
Analysis ID in
other SIL Analysis
records. Note
that if you open
an existing SIL
Analysis record
and delete the
value in the
Analysis ID field,
if you then
retype that same
value and try to
save the record,
an error message
will appear
indicating that
the Analysis ID
already exists.

438 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

Analysis Re- Number A number On the SIL Analysis

evaluation indicating datasheet, this tab on the SIL
how many field appears as a Analysis
years after text box that is datasheet
the labeled Hazards
completion of Next
the Hazards Reevaluation
Analysis that Interval with an
is associated additional label,
with the SIL Years, to the
Analysis that right of the text
the Hazards box. If the SIL
Analysis Analysis record is
should be re- linked to a
evaluated. Hazards Analysis
record, this field
is populated
with the value in
the Reevaluation
Interval field in
the Hazards
Analysis record
that is linked to
the SIL Analysis

If the SIL Analysis

record is not
linked to a
Hazards Analysis
record, this field
is enabled and
you can populate
it manually.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 439

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

Analysis Start Date The date on You can type or SIL Analysis
Date which the SIL select the tab on the SIL
Analysis will desired date. The Analysis
begin. analysis end date datasheet
must be earlier
than the date in
the Analysis Start
Date field, or an
error message
will appear.
When you copy
an SIL Analysis
record, this field
is populated
with the current

440 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

Equipment ID Character The ID for the On the SIL Analysis

Equipment datasheet, this tab on the SIL
record that is field is disabled Analysis
linked to the and contains a datasheet
SIL Analysis. button, which
you can click to
search for an
record to link to
the SIL Analysis
record. After you
select an
record, the
Equipment ID
field is populated
with the ID
stored in the
The Equipment
ID value appears
as a hyperlink,
which displays in
a new window
the Equipment
record with that
ID. The selected
record should
represent the
equipment for
which the SIS
exists to mitigate
the risk of failure
on that
When you copy
an SIL Analysis
record, the value
in this field is not

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 441

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

EquipmentKey Number The Entity This field does None

Key of the not appear on
Equipment the SIL Analysis
record that is datasheet by
linked to the default.
SIL Analysis
Facilitator Character The name of This field does None
the SIL not appear on
Analysis team the SIL Analysis
member who datasheet by
is specified as default.
the Facilitator
on the SIL
Analysis Team

442 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

Functional Character The ID for the On the SIL Analysis

Location ID Functional datasheet, this tab on the SIL
Location field is disabled Analysis
record that is and contains a datasheet
linked to the button, which
SIL Analysis you can click to
record. search for an
Location record
to link to the SIL
Analysis record.
After you select
a Functional
Location record,
the Functional
Location ID field
is populated
with the ID from
Location record.
The Functional
Location ID
appears as a
hyperlink, which
displays in a new
window the
Location record
with that ID. The
Location record
should represent
the location for
which the SIS
exists to mitigate
the risk of failure
on that location.
When you copy
an SIL Analysis
record, the value
in this field is not

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 443

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

Functional Number The Entity This field does None

Location Key Key of the not appear on
Functional the SIL Analysis
Location datasheet by
record that is default.
linked to the
SIL Analysis
Hazards Date The value If the SIL Analysis SIL Analysis
Analysis Date that exists in record is linked tab on the SIL
the Last to a Hazards Analysis
Modified Date Analysis record, datasheet
field in the this field is
Hazards populated
Analysis automatically
record whose with the value in
record ID the Last Modified
appears in the Date field in that
Hazards Hazards Analysis
Analysis record. If the SIL
Reference Analysis record is
field. not linked to a
Hazards Analysis
record, this field
is enabled, and
you can populate
it manually.

444 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

Hazards Character The ID of the On the SIL Analysis

Analysis Hazards datasheet, this tab on the SIL
Reference Analysis field is disabled Analysis
record that is and contains a datasheet
linked to the button, which
SIL Analysis you can click to
record. search for an
existing Hazards
Analysis record
to link to the SIL
Analysis record.
After you select
the Hazards
Analysis record,
the Hazards
Reference field is
with the Record
ID from the
Hazards Analysis
The Hazards
Analysis ID
appears as a
hyperlink, which
opens in a new
window the
Hazards Analysis
record with that
Note: In order
to link a
Analysis record
to an SIL
Analysis record,
you must have
at least View
privileges to
the Hazards
Analysis family.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 445

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

Hazards Number The Entity This field does None

Analysis Key for the not appear on
Reference Hazards the SIL Analysis
Key Analysis datasheet by
record that is default.
linked to the
SIL Analysis
Hazards Character The numeric If the SIL Analysis SIL Analysis
Analysis value that is linked to a tab on the SIL
Revision exists in the Hazards Analysis Analysis
Revision record, this field datasheet
Number field is populated
in the Hazards automatically
Analysis with the value in
record whose the Revision
Record ID Number field in
appears in the that Hazards
Hazards Analysis record.
Analysis If the SIL Analysis
Reference record is not
field. linked to a
Hazards Analysis
record, this field
is enabled, and
you can populate
it manually.

446 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

Hazards Date The date on This field is SIL Analysis

Reevaluation which the populated tab on the SIL
Date Hazards automatically Analysis
Analysis that with the output datasheet
is associated of the following
with the SIL calculation:
Analysis Hazards
should be re- Reevaluation
evaluated. Date = Hazards
Analysis Date +
Analysis Re-
If the SIL Analysis
record is not
linked to a
Hazards Analysis
record (i.e., the
record from
which the values
in the calculation
shown above are
mapped), this
field is enabled,
and you can
populate it
On the
datasheet, this
field is labeled

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 447

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

HAZOP State Character The current If the SIL Analysis SIL Analysis
state of the record is linked tab on the SIL
Hazards to a Hazards Analysis
Analysis Analysis record, datasheet
record that is this field is
linked to the populated
SIL Analysis automatically
record. with the state of
that Hazards
Analysis record.
If the SIL Analysis
record is not
linked to a
Hazards Analysis
record, this field
is enabled, and
you can populate
it manually.
Is Deleted Logical Specifies The value in this None
whether the field is used by
SIL Analysis the Meridium
record has APM system. You
been removed should not
from the SIL modify this
Analysis value. This field
Search page. does not appear
on the SIL
datasheet by
Last Modified Character The name of This field is SIL Analysis
By the Meridium disabled and tab on the SIL
APM Security populated Analysis
User who last automatically datasheet
modified the with the name of
record. the user who was
logged in when
the record was
last modified.
When you copy
an SIL Analysis
record, the value
in this field is not

448 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

Last Modified Date The date on This field is SIL Analysis

Date which the disabled and tab on the SIL
record was populated Analysis
last modified. automatically. datasheet
When you copy
an SIL Analysis
record, the value
in this field is not
Long Text A detailed On the SIL Analysis
Description explanation of datasheet, this tab on the SIL
the SIL field contains a Analysis
Analysis that button, which datasheet
you want to you can click to
conduct. access the Text
Loss of SIS Text A description On the General SIS
Energy of how the datasheet, the Requirements
Sources safety field appears as a tab on the SIL
instrumented text box labeled Analysis
system Loss of Energy datasheet
responds to a Sources, and the
loss of value is set by
energy. default. You can
remove the
default text and
type your own
values. This field
contains a
button, which
you can click to
view the Text

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 449

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

Normal Text A description The value in this Safety

Operation of the field is set by Requirement
Requirement requirements default. You can Specifications
for the remove the tab on the SIL
normal mode default value and Analysis
of the type your own datasheet
instrumented values. This field
function. contains a
button, which
you can click to
view the Text
Owner Character The name of This field is SIL Analysis
the SIL disabled and tab on the SIL
Analysis team populated Analysis
member who automatically datasheet
is specified as with the first and
the Process last name of the
Owner on the team member as
SIL Analysis it appears in the
Team First Name and
Members Last Name fields
page. in the user's
Human Resource
Process Character The name of This value is used None
Owner the SIL to populate the
Analysis team Owner field and
member who does not appear
is specified as on the SIL
the Process Analysis
Owner on the datasheet by
SIL Analysis default.

450 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

Requirement Text A description The value in this Safety

for SRS of the field is set by Requirement
Review requirement default. You can Specifications
for the safety remove the tab on the SIL
requirement default value and Analysis
review. type your own datasheet
values. This field
contains a
button, which
you can click to
view the Text
SIF Bypass Text A description The value in this General SIF
Requirements of the bypass field is set by Requirements
requirements default. You can tab on the SIL
for the remove the Analysis
instrumented default value and datasheet
function. type your own
values. This field
contains a
button, which
you can click to
access the Text
SIF Common Text A description The value in this General SIF
Cause Sources of the sources field is set by Requirements
for common default. You can tab on the SIL
cause failures remove the Analysis
in default value and datasheet
instrumented type your own
functions. values. This field
contains a
button, which
you can click to
access the Text

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 451

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

SIF Demand Text A description The value in this General SIF

Mode of of the field is set by Requirements
operation demand mode default. You can tab on the SIL
associated remove the Analysis
with an default value and datasheet
instrumented type your own
function. values. This field
contains a
button, which
you can click to
access the Text
SIF Text A description The value in this General SIF
Diagnostics of component field is set by Requirements
diagnostics default. You can tab on the SIL
for an remove the Analysis
instrumented default value and datasheet
function. type your own
values. This field
contains a
button, which
you can click to
access the Text
Emergency Text A description The value in this General SIF
Requirement of the field is set by Requirements
requirement default. You can tab on the SIL
for an remove the Analysis
instrumented default value and datasheet
function in type your own
the case of values. This field
emergency. contains a
button, which
you can click to
access the Text

452 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

SIF Failure Text A description The value in this General SIF

Modes of the field is set by Requirements
configuration default. You can tab on the SIL
of remove the Analysis
instrumented default value and datasheet
function type your own
failure values. This field
modes. contains a
button, which
you can click to
access the Text
SIF Manual Text A description The value in this General SIF
Shutdown of the manual field is set by Requirements
shutdown default. You can tab on the SIL
operation for remove the Analysis
an default value and datasheet
instrumented type your own
function. values. This field
contains a
button, which
you can click to
access the Text
SIF Text A description The value in this General SIF
Maintenance of the manual field is set by Requirements
Overrides override default. You can tab on the SIL
procedures remove the Analysis
needed for default value and datasheet
maintenance type your own
on an values. This field
instrumented contains a
function. button, which
you can click to
access the Text

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 453

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

SIF Pre-Alarms Text A description The value in this General SIF

of the pre- field is set by Requirements
alarms for an default. You can tab on the SIL
instrumented remove the Analysis
function. default value and datasheet
type your own
values. This field
contains a
button, which
you can click to
access the Text
SIF Process Text A description The value in this General SIF
Interfaces of process field is set by Requirements
interfaces for default. You can tab on the SIL
instrumented remove the Analysis
functions. default value and datasheet
type your own
values. This field
contains a
button, which
you can click to
access the Text
SIF Proof Test Text A detailed The value in this General SIF
Procedures description of field is set by Requirements
the proof test default. You can tab on the SIL
procedures remove the Analysis
associated default value and datasheet
with an type your own
instrumented values. This field
function. contains a
button, which
you can click to
access the Text

454 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

SIF Protection Text A description The value in this General SIF

Mode of the way in field is set by Requirements
which the default. You can tab on the SIL
instrumented remove the Analysis
function will default value and datasheet
respond in type your own
protection values. This field
mode. contains a
button, which
you can click to
access the Text
SIF Text A description The value in this General SIF
Regulations of all the field is set by Requirements
and Standards regulations default. You can tab on the SIL
and standards remove the Analysis
associated default value and datasheet
with an type your own
instrumented values. This field
function. contains a
button, which
you can click to
access the Text
SIF Spurious Txt A description The value in this General SIF
Trip Rate of the field is set by Requirements
acceptable default. You can tab on the SIL
spurious trip remove the Analysis
rate for an default value and datasheet
instrumented type your own
function. values. This field
contains a
button, which
you can click to
access the Text

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 455

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

SIF Trip Reset Text A description The value in this General SIF
of the reset field is set by Requirements
procedures in default. You can tab on the SIL
the case of a remove the Analysis
tripped default value and datasheet
instrumented type your own
function. values. This field
contains a
button, which
you can click to
access the Text
SIS Design Text A description The value in this General SIF
Requirements of the design field is set by Requirements
requirements default. You can tab on the SIL
for the safety remove the Analysis
instrumented default value and datasheet
system. type your own
values. This field
contains a
button, which
you can click to
access the Text
SIS Electrical Text A description The value in this General SIF
Power of the specific field is set by Requirements
electrical default. You can tab on the SIL
requirements remove the Analysis
for the safety default value and datasheet
instrumented type your own
system. values. This field
contains a
button, which
you can click to
access the Text

456 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

SIS Text A description The value in this General SIF

Environmental of the field is set by Requirements
Conditions environmental default. You can tab on the SIL
operating remove the Analysis
conditions of default value and datasheet
the safety type your own
instrumented values. This field
system. contains a
button, which
you can click to
access the Text
SIS Interfaces Text A description The value in this General SIF
of the field is set by Requirements
interfaces for default. You can tab on the SIL
the safety remove the Analysis
instrumented default value and datasheet
system. type your own
values. This field
contains a
button, which
you can click to
access the Text
Logic Solver Text A description The value in this General SIF
Failure of how the field is set by Requirements
Response logic solver default. You can tab on the SIL
responds to a remove the Analysis
failure. default value and datasheet
type your own
values. This field
contains a
button, which
you can click to
access the Text

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 457

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

SIS Sequence Text A description This field is General SIF

of Events of sequence populated Requirements
Recording of event automatically. tab on the SIL
recordings You can remove Analysis
that exist for the default value datasheet
the safety and type your
instrumented own values if
system. needed. On the
datasheet, the
SIS Sequence of
Recording text
box contains a
which you can
click to access
the Text Editor.
SIS Software Text A description This field is General SIF
Requirements of the populated Requirements
software automatically. tab on the SIL
programing You can remove Analysis
languages the default value datasheet
that are and type your
permitted for own values if
use. needed. On the
datasheet, the
SIS Software
text box contains
a button,
which you can
click to access
the Text Editor.
Site Character A description This field does None
Description of the site not appear on
specified in the SIL Analysis
the Site ID datasheet by
field. default.

458 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

Site ID Character The ID of the On the SIL Analysis

site datasheet, this tab on the SIL
associated field appears as a Analysis
with the SIL list labeled Site datasheet
Analysis. ID and contains
IDs for existing
Site Reference
records as they
appear in the
Name field in the
associated Site
record. The
record that you
select here is
used to identify
which risk matrix
to display when
you create Risk
records in SIS
Management. If
this field is
empty, the
default risk
matrix will be
SRS Text A long The value in this Safety
Methodology description of field is set by Requirement
the default. You can Specifications
methodology remove the tab on the SIL
for the Safety default value and Analysis
Requirement type your own datasheet
Specification values. This field
report. contains a
button, which
you can click to
access the Text

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 459

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

SRS Purpose Text A long The value in this Safety

and Scope description of field is set by Requirement
the purpose default. You can Specifications
and scope of remove the tab on the SIL
the Safety default value and Analysis
Requirement type your own datasheet
Specification values. This field
report for the contains a
SIL Analysis. button, which
you can click to
access the Text
SRS Standards Text A description The value in this Safety
Use of the field is set by Requirement
standards that default. You can Specifications
are used remove the tab on the SIL
within the default value and Analysis
Safety type your own datasheet
Requirement values. This field
Specification contains a
report. button, which
you can click to
access the Text
System Text A description The value in this General SIF
Definition of the safety field is set by Requirements
instrumented default. You can tab on the SIL
system. remove the Analysis
default value and datasheet
type your own
values. This field
contains a
button, which
you can click to
access the Text
Unit Character A description This field does None
Description of the unit not appear on
that is the SIL Analysis
specified in datasheet by
the Unit ID default.

460 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Data Behavior and

Field Caption Description Datasheet/Tab
Type Usage

Unit ID Character The ID for the On the SIL Analysis

unit where datasheet, this tab on the SIL
the safety field appears as a Analysis
instrumented text box labeled datasheet
system for Unit ID, in which
which you are you can type
conducting your own value.
the SIL

SIS Proof Test

SIS Proof Test records store details about a proof test that is executed,
including the results of the proof test. The following table provides an
alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the SIS Proof Test
family and appear on the SIS Proof Test datasheet, unless otherwise specified.
The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these

Field Caption Data Description Behavior and Usage


Cleared All Logical Indicates whether On the datasheet, this field

Bypasses and or not you have appears as a check box
Forced Logic cleared all labeled Cleared All Bypasses
bypasses and and Forced Logic, which you
forced logic while can select to specify that you
performing the have cleared all bypasses and
proof test. forced logic while performing
the proof test.
Commencement Date The date on On the datasheet, this field
Date which you began appears as a text box, where
performing the you can type or select the
proof test. desired date and time.
Completion Date The date on On the datasheet, this field
Date which you appears as a text box, where
completed the you can type or select the
proof test. desired date and time.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 461

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Caption Data Description Behavior and Usage


Equipment Character The current state On the datasheet, this field

Operating State of the equipment appears as a list labeled
that you are Equipment Operating State
testing. and contains the System
Codes that exist in the
Code Table. You can choose
from the following baseline
 On-Line (ON-LINE)
 Off-Line (OFF-LINE)
 Not Applicable (NA)

Functional Test Logical A value that On the datasheet, this field

Closed indicates appears as a check box
whether or not labeled Functional Test
the proof test has Closed, which you can select
been completed. to specify that you are
finished with the proof test,
meaning it is closed. When
you select this check box, all
fields on the SIS Proof Test
datasheet become disabled
Functional Test Character Stores the On the datasheet, this field
Status current status of appears as a list labeled
the proof test. Functional Test Status and
contains the System Codes
that exist in the
System Code Table. You can
choose from the following
baseline values:
 Active
 Complete
 Closed

462 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Caption Data Description Behavior and Usage


Functional Test Character The Record ID of On the datasheet, this field

Template the SIS Proof Test appears as a list labeled
Template record Functional Test Template
that was used to and contains a list of Record
create the SIS IDs for the existing SIS Proof
Proof Test Test Template records. When
record. you create an SIS Proof Test
record, this field is required.
After you select an SIS Proof
Test record in the list and
save the record, the field is
SIS Tester Name Character The name of the On the datasheet, this field
user who is appears as a list labeled SIS
responsible for Tester Name and contains the
performing the names of the:
proof test.  Security User who created
the SIS Proof Test record.
 Members of the MI SIS
Administrator, MI SIS
Engineer, or MI SIS User
Security Groups.
Task Addressed Number The Record ID of On the datasheet, this field
the Inspection appears as a list labeled Task
Task record that Addressed and contains the
is addressed by Record IDs of the Inspection
the proof test. Task records that are linked
to the Instrumented Function
record or Safety Instrumented
System record to which the
SIS Proof Test record is linked.
Test Character A description of On the datasheet, this field
Description the proof test. appears as a text box labeled
Test Description, in which
you can enter your own value.
Test ID Character The ID for the On the datasheet, this field
proof test. appears as a text box labeled
Test ID, in which you can
enter your own value.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 463

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Caption Data Description Behavior and Usage


Test Summary Text A summary of the On the datasheet, this field

proof test that appears as a text box labeled
was performed. Test Summary and contains a
button, which you can
click to access the Text
Type of Test Character The type of proof On the datasheet, this field
test that you appears as a list labeled Type
performed. of Test and contains the
following baseline values:
 Functional Test
 System Validation

SIS Or PIF Key Number The Entity Key of This field does not appear on
the Instrumented the datasheet by default.
Function record
or Safety
System record to
which the SIS
Proof Test record
is linked.

SIS Proof Test Template

The following table provides a list of the fields that exist in the SIS Proof Test
Template family.

464 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Data Description Behavior and Usage

Caption Type

Author Character The name of the user On the datasheet, this field
who defined the proof appears as a list labeled
test. Author and contains the
names of users who have an
associated Human Resource
record in the Meridium APM
database. When you create
an SIS Proof Test Template
record, by default, this field
contains the name of the
user who is currently logged.
Modified Character The name of the user On the datasheet, this field is
By who was logged in disabled and populated
when the SIS Proof Test automatically.
Template record was
last modified.
Modified Date The date on which the On the datasheet, this field is
Date SIS Proof Test disabled and populated
Template record was automatically.
last modified.
Pre-Test Text A description of the On the datasheet, this field
Conditions required conditions of appears as a text box labeled
the equipment or Pre-Test Conditions and
system on which the contains a button, which
proof test will be you can click to access the
performed. Text Editor.
Template Character A brief description of On the datasheet, this field
Description the proof test. appears as a text box labeled
Template Description, in
which you can enter your
own value.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 465

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Data Description Behavior and Usage

Caption Type

Template Character The ID for the proof On the datasheet, this field
ID test template. appears as a text box labeled
Template ID, in which you
can enter your own value.
When you create an SIS Proof
Test Template record, this
field is populated
automatically with PPT and
the current date and time.
You can remove the default
value and enter your own
value directly in the
Template ID cell.

SIS Proof Test Template Detail

The following table provides a list of the fields that exist in the SIS Proof Test
Template Detail family. This list is not comprehensive.

Field Data Description Behavior and Usage

Caption Type

Equipment Character The Record ID of the You can select the associated
ID Equipment record Equipment record by clicking
against which the step the in the Equipment ID
should be performed. field.
Location Character The Record ID of the You can select the associated
ID Functional Location Functional Location record by
record against which clicking the in the
the step should be Location ID field.
Result Text A description of what is None
Criteria considered to be an
acceptable result of
the step.

466 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Field Data Description Behavior and Usage

Caption Type

Step Number A number that When you create a new SIS

Sequence represents the order in Proof Test Template Detail
Number which the step should record this value is set
be performed, relative automatically based upon the
to other steps. values in existing SIS Proof
Test Template Detail records.
You can modify this value
manually in both new and
existing records.
Step Type Character The type of step. On the datasheet, you can
select the step type from a
list of the following options:
 Pretest Setup
 Sensor
 Logic Solver
 Final Element
 Post Test Procedure

Template Character An alphanumeric value None

Detail ID that identifies the SIS
Proof Test Template
Detail record.
Travel Number A number that This field is enabled only in
Time quantifies the SIS Proof Test Template
Limit maximum acceptable Detail records that are linked
travel time for this to records representing final
step, in seconds. elements.
Trip Point Number A number that defines This field is enabled only in
when the element will SIS Proof Test Template
activate an SIS Detail records that are linked
shutdown. to records representing
sensors, final elements, or
logic solvers.
Trip Point Character The trend of Trip Point This field is enabled only in
Direction values. SIS Proof Test Template
Detail records that are linked
to records representing
sensors, final elements, or
logic solvers.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 467

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Field Data Description Behavior and Usage

Caption Type

Trip Point Number A value that defines This field is enabled only in
Error the range, plus or SIS Proof Test Template
Limit minus, within which the Detail records that are linked
Trip Point value must to records representing
fall to be acceptable. sensors, final elements, or
logic solvers.
Trip Point Character The unit of measure This field is populated with a
Units associated with the list of System Codes that
value in the Trip Point exist in the UOME System
field. Code table. This field is enabled
only in SIS Proof Test
Template Detail records that
are linked to records
representing sensors, final
elements, or logic solvers.

System Code Tables Used by SIS

The following table provides and alphabetical list and description of the System
Code Tables that are used by the SIS Management module. This list is not

Code Table System Code Table ID Notes

Used to populate the Type field in

MI_IPL_TYPE Independent Layer of Protection
SIL Used to populate the SIL
Assessment MI_SIL_ASSESSMENT_METHOD Assessment Method field in
Method Instrumented Function records.
Used to populate the Voting field
in Protective Instrument Loop
Group records when the group
Vote type is Final Element.

468 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Code Table System Code Table ID Notes

Used to populate the Voting field

SIL Sensor in Protective Instrument Loop
Vote Group records when the group
type is Sensor.
Used to populate Trip Point Units
Unit of
UOME field in SIS Proof Test Template
Detail record.

Parameters for the SIS Management URL
There is one root URL associated with SIS Management: meridium://SIS. A link
constructed from the path alone will open the SIS Management Start Page. In
addition, you can use any of the parameters described in the following table.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 469

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Parameter Description Accepted Notes

Name Value(s)

Page Specifies the Search The Page parameter is required.

page that Definition To see examples of URLs that
you want to include these parameters, see the
view. topic Examples of SIS
Management URLs.

Module Specifies the SA To see examples of URLs that

family of the SV include these parameters, see the
records that topic Examples of SIS
you want to Management URLs.
view on the PTTemplate
page ProofTest
specified by
the Page

470 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Parameter Description Accepted Notes

Name Value(s)

AnalysisType Specifies SISTripReport The AnalysisType parameter Lets

that you you view records in the SIS Trip
want to view Report family instead of the
records in default SIL Analysis family.
the SIS Trip You can use the AnalysisType
Report parameter with any of the
family rather following Page parameter values
than records to specify that SIS Trip Report
in the SIL records should be displayed on
Analysis those pages instead of SIL Analysis
family. records:
 Search
 Definition

EntyKey Specifies the A numeric Entity This parameter is required if:

specific Key  Page=Definition and you
record that want to view a specific
you want to record. You can use the
view. Module parameter,
EntyKey parameter or
AnalysisType parameter. If
you do not use the EntyKey
parameter in this case, a
new record will appear
according to the Module
parameter value. I you do
not use one of these
parameters, a new SIL
Analysis record will appear
on the SIL Analysis
Definition page by
 Page=Team
 Page=Documents
 Page=SIS
 Page=PIF
 Page=SILValidation
 Page=SILValidationView
 Page=HealthIndicator
 Page=ReferenceDate

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 471

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Parameter Description Accepted Notes

Name Value(s)

AnalysisKey Specifies the A numeric Entity This parameter is required if:

SIL Analysis Key  Page=LopaDefinition
record that
 Page=LopaModifiers
is linked to
the records  Page=HealthIndicator
that you  Page=PTTemplateList
want to  Page=ProofTestList
view.  Module=ProofTest

PIF Key Specifies the A numeric Entity This parameter is required if you
Instrumented Key want to view a specific
Function Instrumented Function record
record that that is linked to another record
is linked to specified in the URL. This
the record parameter can be used with the
that you AnalysisKey, AnalKey, or EntyKey
want to parameters. If
view. Module=PTTemplate or
Module=ProofTest, the EntyKey,
AnalysisKey, and PIF Key
parameters are required.
AnalKey Specifies the A numeric Entity The AnalKey parameter is
SIL Analysis Key required if:
record that  Page=SILValdiation
is linked to
 Page=SILValidationView
the records
and EntyKey=<Entity Key
that you
want to
view. When you use the AnalKey
parameter, the PIFKey or SISKey
parameter is required. You can
use the PIFKey parameter with
the AnalysisKey parameter,
AnalKey parameter, or EntyKey
parameter. Where you use the
PIFKey parameter depends upon
the URL that you want to

472 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Parameter Description Accepted Notes

Name Value(s)

SISKey Specifies the A numeric This parameter is required if you

Safety EntityKey value want to view a specific record
Instrumented for an SIL Analysis that is linked to a Safety
System record. Instrumented System record and
record that can be used with the AnalysisKey,
is linked to AnalKey, or EntyKey parameters.
the record
that you
want to
LopaKey Specifies the A numeric Entity This parameter is required if:
LOPA record Key  Page=LopaDefinition
that you
 Page=LopaModifiers
want to
view. When you use the LopaKey
parameter, the AnalysisKey and
PIFKey parameters are required.
You can use the PIFKey parameter
with the AnalysisKey parameter,
AnalKey parameter, or EntyKey
parameter. Where you use the
PIFKey parameter depends upon
the URL that you want to

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 473

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Parameter Description Accepted Notes

Name Value(s)

Type Specifies the FinalElement The Type parameter is required if

records that LogicSolver Page=ReferenceDataList.
you want to If Page=ReferenceData, you can
view in the optionally use the following Type
Validation parameter values to view a record
Reference in a family other than the default
Data Sensor family:
 Final Element: Displays
Final Element records.
 Logic Solver: Displays Logic
Solver records.
 Sensor: Displays Sensor
If Page=ReferenceData and you
omit the Type parameter, a
Sensor record will be displayed by
default. If you include it, the
value can be set to either
FinalElement or LogicSolver.
In other words, omitting the Type
parameter when
Page=ReferenceDate has the same
effect as setting it to Sensor.
Note that if Page=ReferenceData
and the Type parameter is
included, the EntyKey parameter
is required.

Examples of SIS Management URLs

 meridium://SIS

Displays the SIS Management Start Page.

 meridium://SIS?Page=Search

Displays the SIL Analysis Search page.

 meridium://SIS?Page=Search&Module=SV

474 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

Displays the Protective Loop Search page.

 meridium://SIS?Page=Search&AnalysisType=SISTripReport

Displays the SIS Trip Report Search page.

 meridium://SIS?Page=Definition

Displays a new SIL Analysis record on the SIL Analysis Definition page.

 meridium://SIS?Page=Definition&Module=PTTemplate&AnalysisKey=12

Displays on the Proof Test Template Definition page a new SIS Proof
Test Template record that will be linked to the Safety Instrumented
System record with the Entity Key 123456 that is linked to the SIL
Analysis record with the Entity Key 789101.

 meridium://SIS?Page=LopaModifiers&LopaKey=123456&AnalysisKey=78

Displays in the Consequence Modifiers page list of Consequence

Modifier records that are linked to the Instrumented Function record
with the Entity Key 111213 that is linked to the SIL Analysis record

 meridium://SIS?Page=SILValidation&EntyKey=123456&AnalKey=78910

Displays the Protective Instrument Loop record with the Entity Key
123456 that is linked to the Instrumented Function record with the
Entity Key 111213, which is linked to the SIL Analysis record with the
Entity Key 789101.

 meridium://SIS?Page=ReferenceDataList&Type=LogicSolver

Displays the Logic Solver Reference Data Search page.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 475

Meridium APM SIS Management V3.

Instrumented Function
A specific need required of a safety instrumented system to monitor the
conditions of a process.

Maintenance Capability Index (MCI)

A value 0 through 4 that measures the effectiveness of the repair processes for
an element in a protective instrument loop. The following list defines each MCI

 MCI 0: Indicates that repair actions are never performed.

 MCI 1: Indicates that repair actions are effective 60 percent of the time.

 MCI 2: Indicates that repair actions are effective 90 percent of the time.

 MCI 3: Indicates that repair actions are effective 99 percent of the time.

 MCI 4: Indicates that repair actions are always performed perfectly.

Proof Test
A test that consists of a set of steps that you need to perform to test safety
instrumented systems and instrumented functions. The conditions under which
the test is conducted should represent the normal conditions under which the
system is intended to operate.

Protective Instrument Loop

A set of interconnected instruments that work together to serve a function that
is defined for the safety instrumented system in which they exist.

476 Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3.

Reference Information

SIL Value
A numeric rating representing the overall level of protection that a safety
instrumented system provides.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Meridium, Inc. – V3. 477

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