Athletics Notes 1º ESO
Athletics Notes 1º ESO
Athletics Notes 1º ESO
Athletics is a traditional olympic sport. It is also called “Track and field athletics” and it has many different
Running and racewalking events: These include all races from sprints to the Marathon. (Steeplechase
and hurdle races too).
Throwing Events: Javelin, Shotput, Hammer and Discus are the four throwing events.
Jumping Events: Long Jump. Triple Jump, High Jump and Pole Vault are the four types of jumps.
Multipe Event Competitions: These include the heptatlon for women and the decathlon for men.
a) Urban races: they are also called “carreras populares” in Spanish. In Spain, the most popular ones are the
“San Silvestre” races, held the 31st of December in many cities.
b) Cross country races: usually middle or long distance races. They are held in fields, parks or the countryside.
Cross country courses include hills and mud. The cross country season takes place in winter, from November
to February.
c) Mountain races: these take place in the mountain, and are very tough. You can find half marathons and
alpine marathons!!
d) Indoor track competitions: for the winter season. It is only 200m long, so not all the events are held.
e) Outdoor track competitions: For the summer season, this is the Olympic Track. It is 400m long. In this lesson
we are going to study the events that take place in this track.
1) Sprint Events:
-100 metres
-110m hurdles (men) and 100m hurdles (women)
-200 metres
-400 metres
-400m hurdles (men and women)
2) Middle Distance Events: are events longer than sprints and up to 3000 metres.
-800 metres
-1500 metres
-3000 metres steeplechase
3) Long Distance Events: are events over 3000 metres.
-5000 metres
-10000 metres
-Marathon (outside the stadium but finishing in it: 42km and 195m)
4) Relay races: are events in which four athletes participate as a team, passing a metal baton in between.
Events commonly contested are:
-4x100m relay
-4x400m relay
Here you have the 4x100m world record established in Beijing Olympics:
5) Racewalking:
B) Throwing events
All competitors take three throws. After that, the top eight take another three. Their best valid throw is
recorded and the winner is the athlete with the longest valid throw .
1) Javelin Throw: The men´s javelin weighs 800g, while women´s weighs 600g.
2) Shotput Throw: Competitors take their throw from inside a concrete surfaced circle, with a toe board
10 cm high at the front of the circle. The shot weighs 7.26kg for men, 4kg for women.
3) Hammer Throw: The hammer is a heavy metal ball attached to a wire and a handle. It weighs 7,257kg
for men, 4kg for women. Competitors swing the hammer above their head before releasing it.
4) Discus Throw: The discus has a weight of 2kg for men and 1kg for women. To complete a throw, the
competitor starts in a circle. The thrower spins around three times in the circle to gain speed, and then,
then releases his discus.
1) High Jump: competitors must jump over a horizontal bar without the aid of any devices. Here you have a
2) Long Jump: in it, competitors sprint down a runway and jump as far as they can from behind a foul line into
a sand pit (a pit filled with sand.) Here you have a video:
3) Triple Jump: The triple jump (also called hop, step and jump) is similar to the long jump, but involving a “hop,
step and jump” routine. The competitor runs along the track and must do a hop, a step and then a jump into
the sand pit. Here you have a video:
4) Pole Vault: event in which a person uses a long, flexible pole as an aid to jump over a bar. Here you have a
Events are held over two consecutive days and the winners are determined by the combined performance in
all events.