CDL School Bus e Book

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School Bus


QUESTIONS Lose the fear of the unknown. Study the most

common CDL school bus questions so you'll know
what to expect on the big test day.

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1. What's the special danger of loading and 9. The CDL manual indicates the last step on
unloading? picking up students at the bus stop is as
Students should be told to leave any dropped follows
objects and move to the point of safety out of make a final check to confirm all traffic stops
danger and get the driver's attention to before opening the bus door and signaling
retrieve the object. students to approach.

2. After deciding the type of evacuation that 10. If the gate comes down as you start to
is necessary, the next step you must take is cross the railroad highway crossing you
securing the bus. should
drive through the gate.
3. If you are loading students on the route
and cannot account for them 11. At bus stops where more than one child is
secure the bus, take the key and check unloaded, which procedure most likely
around and underneath the bus. prevents an unloading obstacle?
The driver counts the students as they
4. Immediately after stopping you should disembark before moving.
activate alternating red lights and ensure stop 12. What is the value of the overhead rear-
arm is extended. view mirror inside of the bus?
To monitor passenger activity.
5. What will confirm that you are driving with
anti-lock brakes? 13. To be a school bus driver, individuals
Yellow ABS malfunction lamp on the must pass the following written tests:
instrument panel will light when you start the CDL General Knowledge, Passenger
engine. Endorsement, School Bus Endorsement.

6. When should you activate your alternating 14. How should you conduct a post-trip
flashing amber warning lights? inspection?
100 to 300 feet before school bus stop. You should walk through the bus and around
the bus.
7. What is the NEXT step after securing the
bus when you have an unruly child on 15. The driver who misses the child to
board? unload at a bus stop should
Stand up and speak respectfully to the radio the dispatcher for direction and follow
offender, if a change of seating is needed, the local procedure.
have the student move to a seat near you.
16. The bus driver must accept responsibility
8. You should activate hazard lights within for supervising and controlling students
approximately how many feet before railroad while on the bus route. Who is the person in
crossing? charge?
200 feet. Bus driver.

The top 55 most common US SDL questions 1

17. If students must cross the street when 26. When checking the handicap lift, the
they get off the bus, what should they do? things you should look for are
For crossing, students should make eye leaking, damaged, or missing parts and make
contact with the bus driver and wait for the sure that the lift is fully retracted and latched.
driver's signal that it is safe to proceed.
27. Check that the entry door is not
18. Before crossing any highway-rail damaged and
crossings in a school bus, be sure the bus operates smoothly and closes securely from
has enough containment to completely clear the inside.
the railroad tracks. As a general rule, how
much space is considered an 28. When stopping on a railroad crossing the
the length of the bus plus 15 feet. driver must stop no closer than
15 feet.
19. Anti-lock brakes
keep your wheels from locking during hard 29. What should you do when a school bus
brake application. is stalled on a track at a railroad crossing?
Evacuate the bus and move students away
20. What is one of the reasons to evacuate from the tracks on the angle toward the
the school bus? oncoming train.
The bus is stalled on a rail road track, but
there is no train in sight. 30. What should you do if you have lost ABS
control at one or more wheels?
21. How far should students exit the bus and Drive normally because you still have regular
walk to? brakes but have the system serviced soon.
At least 10-15 feet away from the side of the
bus. 31. How should you brake in a bus with ABS
22. What is a passive Railroad Crossing? Apply the brakes as usual.
Railroad Crossing that does not have any type
of traffic control device. 32. When approaching the stop within the
corporate limits of a town or city, you should
23. Why is understanding the loading and activate alternating flashing amber lights
unloading procedures so critical? within how many feet before the stop?
Because more students are killed while 200-300 or approximately 5-10 seconds or in
getting on and off a school bus each year. accordance with state law.

24. The golden rule for school buses when 33. School buses are one of the safest
approaching and crossing railroad tracks is means of transportation. What two key
Stop, look, and listen. factors contribute to this impressive safety
25. What should you do when driving the Vehicles and Drivers.
school bus in high wind?
Keep a strong grip on the steering wheel and
try to anticipate gust.

The top 55 most common US SDL questions 2

34. You should adjust all the outside left and 43. The blind spot behind the bus could
right side CONVEX mirrors to see extend to how many feet?
The entire area to the rear of the mirror along 400
the side of the bus.
44. At a railroad crossing, the bus is required
35. Most states require school bus drivers to to stop at the stop line. If there is no clearly
take a physical examination marked stop line, what is the required
annually. minimum and maximum stopping distance?
No closer than 15 feet and no further than 50
36. By law, the warning lights must only be feet, where you have the best view of the
used when approaching a tracks.
stop to load or unload students.
45. All mirrors should be viewed in what
37. What color are all school buses painted? manner?
National school bus yellow. In a logical sequence to ensure that a child or
object is not in any of the danger zones.
38. What is the standard bus evacuation
procedure? 46. By law, school buses must be equipped
If time allows, notify the dispatcher about with a/an lights overhead warning

evacuation location, conditions, and type of system as a method of controlling tra c at a


assistance needed. school bus stop.

39. What is a recommended procedure when
unloading the students? 47. uring loading and unloading students

Tell students to remain seated until they are you should check your mirrors
told to exit. continuously.
40. In addition to checking for spare 48. uring loading or unloading procedure

electrical fuses, three red reflective triangles the students should cross the road in front of
and a properly charged and rated fire the bus within feet.

extinguisher, school bus drivers must also 10

inspect the following emergency equipment:
emergency kit, a body fluid cleanup kit. 49. Out of all spaces around your bus the
most important one is
41. The school bus driver may be the only to the front.
contact person from school system some
parents meet. The percentage of such 50. What is the safest way to stop unruly
parents is as high as behavior on the bus?
85%. Pull o the road in a safe location, secure the
bus, stand up, and tell the students what
42. You should adjust all the outside left and behavior you expect of them.
right side CROSSOVER/CROSS VIEW mirrors
to see
The right and left front tires touching the
The top 55 most common US SDL questions 3
51. Why is the proper adjustment and use of
all mirrors so vital to the safe operation of
the school bus?
In order to observe the danger zones around
the bus and look for the students, traffic, and
other objects in this area.

52. The most dangerous time during the

school bus ride is
When loading and unloading students.

53. The properly adjusted outside left and

right side CONVEX mirrors allow visibility in
what area?
Front of the rear tires touching the ground,
the entire side of the bus up to the mirror
mounts, and at least one traffic lane on either
side of the bus.

54. What is the most important reason for

doing a school bus inspection?
For safety required by Federal, State and
Local laws.

55. A battery box check is important. The

battery must be secure, connection must be
tight, and cell caps must be present. In
addition these items should be checked
battery connections should not show signs of
excessive corrosion, and the battery box and
cover or door should not be damaged and
should be secure.

The top 55 most common US SDL questions 4

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