Determinants of US Investment in Real Estate Abroad: Fariborz Moshirian, Toan Pham
Determinants of US Investment in Real Estate Abroad: Fariborz Moshirian, Toan Pham
Determinants of US Investment in Real Estate Abroad: Fariborz Moshirian, Toan Pham
10 (2000) 63 – 72
The purpose of this paper is to analyse and discuss those factors which are contributing to
the expansion of US FDI in real estate. The empirical results of this model of FDI in real
estate show that as US foreign financial liabilities increase, there is an accompanying increase
in its FDI in real estate. This result is consistent with the study by Russekh, F., Ruffin, R.,
1986. The role of foreign direct investment in US capital flows. Am. Econ. Rev. 76,
1127–1130, who showed that US FDI abroad is a substitute for US financial assets.
Furthermore, the empirical results indicate that as returns from the US stock market decline,
there are more incentives for US investors to invest in foreign real estate. The empirical
results also show that US financial wealth, US FDI in manufacturing and banking and US
bilateral trade contribute positively to the expansion of US FDI in real estate. © 2000
Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Since the early 1980s, according to the World Investment Report (United
Nations, 1997), world-wide flows of foreign direct investment (FDI) have grown at
unprecedented rates, to reach a total outflow of about $420 billion in 1996. The
annual average growth rate of FDI has been 33% between 1987 and 1996 which far
exceeded that of merchandise exports (12%) and nominal GDP (12%).
1042-444X/00/$ - see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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64 F. Moshirian, T. Pham / J. of Multi. Fin. Manag. 10 (2000) 63–72
2. Literature review
According to the US Commerce Department, US FDI abroad, regardless of their type and nature
is defined as the ownership by a single US citizen (or an associated group of US citizens) of at least 10%
of the voting stock of an incorporated foreign business enterprise or an equivalent interest in an
unincorporated foreign business enterprise.
Agarwal (1980) surveyed the literature in the area of FDI in the 1960s and 1970s. Lizondo (1990)
continued the work of Agarwal and incorporated most of the FDI studies from the 1980s in his article.
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In this section, hypotheses based mainly on the eclectic theory will be used to
estimate FDI in real estate. The first step is to select those factors which appear to
be the main determinants of US FDI in real estate abroad on the basis of the recent
literature about US FDI in general, manufacturing, banking and insurance abroad.
The following factors have been selected for US FDI in real estate abroad: (1) US
financial wealth, (2) returns from the US stock market, (3) US FDI in manufactur-
ing and banking abroad, (4) US foreign financial liabilities, (5) US bilateral trade
and (6) relative economic growth. The first four factors are specific to FDI in real
estate, whereas the last three factors are general factors pertinent to FDI in general.
The remaining part of this section will discuss the above factors.
Existing income and wealth are the two major determinants of the likelihood of
a country accumulating further foreign and domestic assets. A number of re-
searchers including Branson and Hill (1970), Russekh and Ruffin (1986) and Ueda
(1990) used wealth as a source of allocating financial assets between domestic and
foreign assets. Russekh and Ruffin (1986) used wealth as one of the factors
determining the amount of US foreign assets abroad. Furthermore, Ueda (1990)
66 F. Moshirian, T. Pham / J. of Multi. Fin. Manag. 10 (2000) 63–72
showed that Japan’s wealth has been one of the major causes of expansion of her
foreign financial assets. In this study, it is also assumed that US financial wealth is
allocated between domestic and foreign assets. Thus, it is expected that US FDI in
real estate abroad, as a component of US foreign direct investment, should be
related to US financial wealth. The stock of financial wealth is allocated between
domestic and foreign assets on the basis of various factors including expected
domestic and foreign rate of returns. Thus, given the findings of Russekh and
Ruffin (1986) about the relationship between US general FDI and her wealth, and
the findings of Ueda (1990) in which a close link between financial wealth and the
accumulation of foreign assets was observed, the first hypothesis to be tested is
whether US financial wealth affects the expansion of US FDI in real estate abroad.
US manufacturers and banks invest in foreign real estate not necessarily for the higher
rate of return that they expect to receive, compared with that from the US, but rather
because of the necessity of being able to invest in manufacturing or banking in foreign
countries. Thus, one can assume that as the US manufacturers and bankers expand
their operations abroad, their demand for investment in real estate in the host
countries will increase. Thus, one of the hypotheses to be tested is whether FDI in
real estate is positively correlated with FDI in manufacturing and banking.
As Russekh and Ruffin (1986) argued, given that the United States is seen as one
of the leading bankers in the world, they are able to exchange short-term liabilities
for long-term assets. Their results support the notion that capital outflows (in the
form of FDI) and capital inflows are mutually dependent. In addition, statistical data
reported in the Sur6ey of Current Business indicate a close relationship between
foreign financial liabilities of the US (which have more than tripled during the period
from 1985 to 1995), and US foreign assets (which have more than doubled during
the same period).
From a practical point of view, international investment is less risky and more likely
if the investors can identify a foreign exchange cash flow tied to the foreign asset to
be acquired. For this reason, the US foreign liabilities, to the extent that they are
assets held by foreigners, act as collateral on foreign investment thereby reducing the
perceived riskiness of foreign investment and increasing the likelihood of such
investments. Therefore, another empirical question to be addressed is whether US
foreign financial liabilities are an important factor in contributing to US FDI in real
estate abroad.
Based on the previous discussions, the proposed model for US FDI in real estate
abroad is as follows:
B = f(W, S, M, A, T, G) (1)
The model employed uses time-series data. The most important sets of data, i.e.
quarterly capital outflows in real estate, banking and manufacturing were obtained
for the purposes of this study from the International Division of the US Depart-
ment of Commerce.
In this study, similar to the study by Moshirian (1997), US FDI in real estate,
banking and manufacturing abroad are converted from a historical-cost basis to
current values. This ensures that both dependent and independent variables are
compatible with each other. For instance, the US FDI in real estate abroad for
1985:I is constructed on the basis of the book value of FDI in real estate in 1984
which has been corrected for the exchange rate variations and inflation of 1985:I.
The result is then added to the quarterly capital outflows in real estate for that
Data relating to the independent variables are obtained from various issues of the
Sur6ey of Current Business and International Financial Statistics published by the
IMF. The Standard and Poor’s 500 Index has been obtained from the Centre for
Research in Security Prices.
Standard Ordinary Least Squares were used to estimate the parameters of Eq.
(2). It was suspected that the US FDI in manufacturing and banking variables may
be endogenous (in other words, this variable and US FDI in real estate abroad may
have been inter-related), and so the instrumental variable (IV) procedure was then
applied to account for any simultaneity bias problems.
Various diagnostic tests for heteroskedasticity were conducted, including White’s
general heteroskedasticity test, and a test for Autoregressive Conditional Het-
eroskedasticity of order 1-ARCH(1). With regard to serial correlation, the standard
Durbin – Watson test was used to test for first-order serial correlation. Higher order
serial correlation was tested by the Breusch–Godfrey Lagrange Multiplier test for
general autocorrelation (whether autoregressive or moving average). Lastly, the
Jacque – Bera statistic was used to test for normality in the residuals.
Eq. (2) was then estimated by the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM). The
GMM was intended to correct for any simultaneity bias problem associated with
the use of endogenous variables as independent variables. In addition, if applied
correctly, it accounts for general forms of heteroskedasticity and serial correlation
as well as measurement errors in the explanatory variables. The GMM does not
correct for non-normal residuals.
White’s heteroskedastic-consistent covariance matrix is used to correct the resid-
uals for general (and unspecified) forms of heteroskedasticity. Use of the GMM was
therefore not only based on possible simultaneity bias, but to correct for het-
eroskedasticity and serial correlation—this being dependent upon these problems
being evident in the data. The optimal set of GMM estimates were then found by
70 F. Moshirian, T. Pham / J. of Multi. Fin. Manag. 10 (2000) 63–72
minimizing the J-statistic. The optimal results for the GMM procedure are reported
in Table 1. The high value for the adjusted R 2 and the low value of the J-statistics
indicated that the model is well specified. Therefore, the following interpretation of
the results is justified.
Table 1
Regression results for US FDI in real estate, 1985:I–1995:IVa
OLS, ordinary least square; IV, instrumental variable; GMM, generalised methods of moments;
WHET, White test for heteroskedasticity.
Jacque–Bera test statistic for normality; P-value in parenthesis.
* Estimate is significantly different from zero at the 5% level. Student t-statistics are shown in
** Estimate is significantly different from zero at the 1% level Student t-statistics are shown in
F. Moshirian, T. Pham / J. of Multi. Fin. Manag. 10 (2000) 63–72 71
previous studies such as Goldberg and Johnson (1990) who found that FDI in banking
and manufacturing are complementary.
US foreign financial liabilities (A) are statistically significant with a positive sign.
This result indicates that for the US, capital outflows and capital inflows are positively
related to each other. As US foreign financial liabilities increase, there is an
accompanying increase in her FDI in real estate. Therefore, an increase in US foreign
financial liabilities can be interpreted as a greater capacity for the US to engage in
foreign investment activities. This result is consistent with the study by Russekh and
Ruffin (1986) who showed that US FDI abroad is a substitute for US financial assets.
The bilateral trade variable (T) is statistically significant with a positive sign
indicating that trade activities between the US and her trading partners contribute
to the expansion of US FDI in real estate in these counties. This result is also
consistent with studies of FDI in manufacturing and banking where the trade variable
was shown to be an important determinant of foreign investment. The relative
economic growth variable is not statistically significant at the 5% level, indicating that
the bilateral trade and the FDI in manufacturing and banking variables are more
influential in determining the amount of FDI in real estate.
7. Conclusion
Real estate investment has long been confined to markets that investors are familiar
with. US institutional investors did not appear interested in international diversifica-
tion in the 1970s and early 1980s. During this time they only diversified with different
property types and region within their own country. However, since 1985 FDI in real
estate made by US investors has increased fourfold. The purpose of this paper was
to analyse and discuss those factors which contributed to the expansion of US FDI
in real estate over the period 1985–1995.
A model for US FDI in real estate has been proposed which is comprised of certain
explanatory variables peculiar to FDI in real estate, as compared to FDI in general
and/or FDI in manufacturing or banking. A number of hypotheses were made about
the major factors contributing to the expansion of US FDI in real estate. The
empirical results of this study’s model of FDI in real estate show that US financial
wealth, US FDI in manufacturing and banking, US bilateral trade, foreign current
account balance and US foreign financial liabilities contribute positively to the
expansion of US FDI in real estate. Furthermore, the empirical results indicate that
as returns from the US stock market decline, there are more incentives for US
investors to invest in foreign real estate. Given some of the above factors which can
be generalised as those factors that the US private investors consider as universally
important factors in determining their amount of FDI in real estate, one would expect
that, with better foreign market access and ‘right of establishment’ for investment
in the ‘Post Uruguay Era’, US private investors (corporations and individuals) may
increase and further diversify their investment in real estate over and above the current
five major recipient countries of real estate investment from the US (i.e. the UK,
Canada, Mexico, France and Italy).
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