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Nursing Process I

Fundamentals of Nursing


Nursing process:
The systematic approach used to guide client care. A D P I E

A Assessment
→ Gather info & review history
1st Chest pain

Objective Data → Observed


Stomach ache

Example: physical exam, vitals signs, ASSESSMENTS

signs & symptoms, labs, etc

Subjective Data → what the client Says (reports)


Example: stomach ache, chest pain,

headache, nausea, etc)

D Diagnosis: Nursing Diagnosis Maslow’s ATI Questions

→ Identify problems Q1: Client with pneumonia … oxygen sat. 89% …
most appropriate nursing diagnosis?
Using the assessment data collected, the goal is to
address both actual or potential health problems Impaired gas exchange
for the client.

It is mainly used to help shape clinical judgment about a client’s ATI Questions
physical & psychological status, but may also include the client’s social
Q2: Client with Crohn's disease … feels overwhelmed
factors, family, or community experiences. & has not had any outside support since her recent
divorce. Which nursing diagnoses are best for the
Physical needs always come before psychological needs, as outlined plan of care? (SATA)
by the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
For example: We are always going to prioritize an airway issue before Risk of deficient fluid volume
we treat an emotional one. Just think what is going to kill your client Ineffective coping
the fastest & that should help guide which nursing diagnosis to place Imbalanced nutrition
first on your care plans.

Develop an action plan with specific goals & desired OUTCOME of
Planning: Plan of Care the plan & always discuss this plan with the client to assess that
→ Goals, outcomes, & action plan
perceived needs are being met. Don’t forget about the patient’s
opinion here, but make sure patient’s desire is realistic, obviously.
S - Specific goals
M - Measurable goals ATI Question
A - Attainable goals … MOST appropriate way to assess if the plan of
care correlates with the client's perceived needs?
R - Realistic goals
Discuss the plan of care with the client
T - Timely goals
Poorly written outcome:
“Client will walk without dizziness.”
SMART outcome:
“Client will demonstrate improved activity
tolerance as evidenced by walking 20 feet
without dizziness by day 3 of hospitalization.”

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