This document provides a rubric to assess short stories for a 7th grade English literature workshop. The rubric assesses stories on elements of plot, quality of writing, development of conflict, consistency of point of view, strength of theme, and formatting/conventions. Each category is scored on a scale from 1-4, with higher scores indicating more developed or proficient demonstration of the assessed attribute in the student's short story. The total possible score is 20.
This document provides a rubric to assess short stories for a 7th grade English literature workshop. The rubric assesses stories on elements of plot, quality of writing, development of conflict, consistency of point of view, strength of theme, and formatting/conventions. Each category is scored on a scale from 1-4, with higher scores indicating more developed or proficient demonstration of the assessed attribute in the student's short story. The total possible score is 20.
This document provides a rubric to assess short stories for a 7th grade English literature workshop. The rubric assesses stories on elements of plot, quality of writing, development of conflict, consistency of point of view, strength of theme, and formatting/conventions. Each category is scored on a scale from 1-4, with higher scores indicating more developed or proficient demonstration of the assessed attribute in the student's short story. The total possible score is 20.
This document provides a rubric to assess short stories for a 7th grade English literature workshop. The rubric assesses stories on elements of plot, quality of writing, development of conflict, consistency of point of view, strength of theme, and formatting/conventions. Each category is scored on a scale from 1-4, with higher scores indicating more developed or proficient demonstration of the assessed attribute in the student's short story. The total possible score is 20.
Short Story Rubric Above Average Average Below Average
Clearly includes all elements Includes all elements but may Does not clearly include 1-2 of plot: exposition, rising not be clear to an objective elements. Hard to follow action, climax, falling action, reader. May be confusing at through most of story. Elements of Plot and resolution. Clear and times, but the basic story can Reader may be lost or easy to follow still be followed. confused 4 3 1 All are met: Some are met: Few are met: Dialogue, vivid word choice, Dialogue, vivid word choice, Dialogue, vivid word choice, stays on topic, good details, stays on topic, good details, stays on topic, good details, interesting/ creative, interesting/ creative, attention- interesting/ creative, Quality Writing attention- grabbing start, grabbing start, sentence variety attention-grabbing start, sentence variety Setting is included and attempts sentence variety to support the plot 4 3 1 Main conflict is clear and Main conflict may be attempted Main conflict is weak and not adds to the story but is not clear/partially developed Conflict developed 4 3 1 Clear and remains consistent (1st or 3rd) throughout the story Yes _____ ( 2) Point of View No _____ (1) Clear and well presented. The theme is present, but it may Theme may be present but is The theme is purposefully be simple or surface-level unclear or undeveloped Theme supported by the plot and characters of the story 2 1 3 Formatting of essay is Formatting of essay is perfect, 1 or more formatting errors perfect, and 0-3 spelling, and 4-6 spelling, punctuation, or exist, and/or 7+ spelling, punctuation, or grammar grammar errors are present. punctuation, or grammar Format and errors are present. Paragraphs and dialogue are errors are present. Conventions Paragraphs and dialogue are used somewhat appropriately Paragraphs and dialogue are used appropriately not used appropriately 2 1 3