Span SSN
Span SSN
Span SSN
and Evaluation Program
January 13, 2003
This research paper reports the results of research and analysis undertaken by the U.S. Census
Bureau. It is part of a broad program, the Census 2000 Testing, Experimentation, and Evaluation
(TXE) Program, designed to assess Census 2000 and to inform 2010 Census planning. Findings
from the Census 2000 TXE Program reports are integrated into topic reports that provide context
and background for broader interpretation of results.
Linda Brudvig
Planning, Research, and
Evaluation Division
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
1. BACKGROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Past research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Hypotheses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2. METHODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1 Panel design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Sample design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 SSN verification procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.4 Analytic procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.5 Variance estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.6 Applying quality assurance procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3. LIMITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4. RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.1 Are the SSNs provided accurate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.2 Are there differences in SSN verification rates between HCA and LCA . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.3 Are there differences in the valid SSN rates between the two strategies for obtaining
SSN and the two differently worded notifications of administrative records use . . . . . . . . 10
4.4 How do the SSN validation rates for the Census 2000 SPAN compare to the 1992
SQT SSN validation rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5. RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Table 8. Comparison of 1992 SQT and Census 2000 Panel 1 valid and invalid SSN rates . . . . 12
The possibility of using administrative records from other federal government agencies to
supplement census data has been investigated for some time at the Census Bureau. The use of
administrative records could potentially increase completeness of measurement by reducing
respondent burden with shorter questionnaires and improve data quality by eliminating
memory/respondent errors. The Social Security number has become a widely used personal
identifier for identifying program participants and, for this reason, the Census Bureau conducted
research about its collection and use. The purpose of the Social Security number, Privacy
Attitudes, and Notification Experiment is to assess the effects of Social Security number requests
and different notifications of administrative record use on census response behavior.
This study is one of three analytical components of the Social Security number, Privacy
Attitudes, and Notification Experiment. It examines the accuracy of respondents’ reported
Social Security numbers by comparing them to the Census Numident File and assessing overall
accuracy, differences between high coverage and low coverage areas, and differences between
Social Security number request strategies and administrative records use notification strategies.
The results are further compared to the results of the 1992 Simplified Questionnaire Test.
The analysis of the experimental data (Social Security number validation rates) was conducted
by using a simple test for statistical significance and by measuring the pairwise differences in the
validation rates among the panels. The pairwise analysis was designed so that statements about
the significance of treatment effects (i.e., differences in validation rates) can be made about all
tests simultaneously while maintaining a 90 percent confidence level.
This paper shows that, if reported, Social Security numbers are accurate. There is a small but
statistically significant difference between high and low response areas. There is no evidence
that requesting Social Security number for Person 1 only, all persons in household, or inclusion
of general or specific notification of administrative records use affects the quality of the reported
Security number. More specifically:
• The respondent-provided Social Security numbers are accurate. The overall validation rate
(based on matching Social Security number, name, gender, and year of birth to the Census
Numident File) is 94.77 percent.
• Valid Social Security number rates are high for both high response areas (95.15 percent) and
low response areas (92.80 percent). The difference is small (2.35 percent) and statistically
• The rate of valid Social Security numbers for Person 1 in each panel is high, ranging from
96.01 to 96.93 percent. The results of the pairwise comparisons show no statistical
significance when the panel requesting Social Security number for Person 1 only is
compared to the panel requesting Social Security number for all household members.
Further, the distinction between general and specific notification of administrative records
use has no measurable influence on valid responses.
• Social Security number validation rates generally show a steady decline in each panel from
Person 2 through Person 6.
• The 1992 Simplified Questionnaire Test supported the high validation rates shown in this
study when considering comparable panel design and matching variables. Overall
validation rates were 91.00 percent and 94.83 percent respectively.
Overall, the responses that we receive to requests for Social Security number are accurate.
However, to assess the usefulness of such requests within the unique environment of a decennial
census, we must also consider the reduction in mail response when Social Security number is
requested, increased Social Security number item nonresponse, the extent to which having a
valid Social Security number allows us to link to other files, and the extent to which we are able
to obtain correct information from such a link. To this end, we recommend the following
• Look at the cumulative nonresponse to requests for Social Security number (unit
nonresponse, Social Security number item nonresponse, and Social Security number invalid
rates) to obtain an indicator of the extent to which matching to administrative records could
take place.
• Conduct analysis of the characteristics of households that provide and do not provide the
Social Security number, the accuracy of households reconstructed from administrative
records, and the effect of having and not having the Social Security number in household
reconstruction. In conjunction with the accuracy of the Social Security number, this analysis
would be an indicator of the quality of data we might expect.
• Use the cumulative nonresponse to Social Security number and the results of other
research to conduct a cost-benefit analysis to determine the extent to which we could
use administrative records data to complete household enumeration (assuming
decennial census population and housing unit universes within decennial census time
• Conduct focus groups or research similar to the Survey of Privacy Attitudes later in
the decade. This Survey of Privacy Attitudes examined patterns of attitude change in the
public’s privacy concerns between 1996, 1999, and 2000. Given the profound impact of
September 11, 2001, we may expect changing views on privacy attitudes.
• Continue to work closely with the Privacy Office and privacy advocates to stay
informed of trends in the privacy and confidentiality arena.
1.1 Overview
The Census Bureau undertakes a program of experimentation during decennial censuses to
measure the effectiveness of new techniques, methodologies, and technologies in the special
environment that a decennial census generates, such as mass temporary hiring, promotion and
outreach in coordination with local governments, the national paid advertising campaign, and the
nationwide distribution of public use forms. Results from experiments form recommendations
for subsequent testing and ultimately help design the next decennial census (Neugebauer, 1999).
Decennial censuses beginning in 2010 may rely on expanded use of administrative records
information obtained from other Federal agencies (Neugebauer, 1999). The use of
administrative records could potentially increase completeness of measurement by reducing
respondent burden with shorter questionnaires and improve data quality by eliminating
memory/respondent errors (Guarino, Hill, and Woltman, 2001). The Social Security number
(SSN) has become a widely used personal identifier for identifying program participants. For
example, citizens are required to use SSN as the taxpayer identification number. Likewise, many
other federal, state, and local government agencies collect and use SSN to administer their
programs. Since the SSN is such a widely used personal identifier, the Census Bureau
conducted research dealing with its collection and use (Leslie and Treat, 1994).
The Social Security Number, Privacy Attitudes, and Notification (SPAN) experiment consists of
three major components to achieve the research objectives. The first component uses a list-
assisted random digit dial (RDD) telephone survey to collect data on the public’s privacy
concerns; it is referred to as the Study of Privacy Attitudes in 2000 (SPA2000). The second
component analyzes the effects of different notifications, two strategies for obtaining SSN
information, and notification combined with the SSN request on response behavior and is called
the SSN notification component. The third analytical component involves the validation of
SSNs collected from four experimental panels that request it. It examines what percentage of
SSNs obtained in the experiment are valid by panel (Neugebauer, 1999). This report is the third
component. It contains a full analysis of the SSN validation.1
The goal of the SSN validation component is to examine the validation rates of the SSNs
collected from the four panels that request it. It is the first empirical research to measure the
effects of an SSN request or public notification of administrative record use on the validity of the
SSNs provided by respondents in a decennial census environment. This report examines
verifying the SSNs collected from the four panels that request it against the Census Numerical
Identification (Numident) file. It defines and examines what percentage of SSNs obtained in the
experiment are valid (direct and indirect matches) and invalid by panel (Neugebauer, 1999).
Note that planned analysis of the characteristics of households that provide and do not provide
the SSN, the accuracy of households reconstructed from administrative records, and the effect of
having and not having the SSN in household reconstruction was not undertaken because of
decennial resource considerations.
A related paper, “The Effect of Administrative Record Use Notification on SSN Reports,” focuses
specifically on response rates to the SSN item at the person level (Stapleton, 2002).
1.2 Past research
Past studies in the privacy and confidentiality realm show that people who are most concerned
with privacy participate less in surveys and censuses than those who are not concerned (Kulka,
Holt, Carter, and Dowd, 1991; Singer, Mathiowetz, and Couper, 1993; Gates and Bolton, 1998).
To study this phenomenon, qualitative and quantitative analyses have been conducted to assess
public opinion and response behavior to SSN requests on census forms (Guarino et al., 2001).
Response behaviors include mail response rates, data quality as suggested by form completeness,
SSN item response, and the validity of reported SSNs.
Qualitative research such as the 1992 focus groups indicated extreme negative reaction to an
SSN request; however a mailout/mailback test [the 1992 Simplified Questionnaire Test (SQT)]
showed that there was a small, but significant, actual decrease (-3.4 percent) in mail response
rates. It also indicated that asking for SSN seemed to lower the response in the Low Response
Area (LRA) stratum more than the High Response Area stratum. Additionally, it showed that
respondents do a good job reporting accurate SSNs when they choose to report an SSN and that
SSNs for Person 1 were provided more accurately than Person 6 (Leslie and Treat, 1994). These
findings were unexpected and seemingly contradicted the anticipated extent to which
respondents would resist providing an accurate identifier with data linking implications (Guarino
et al., 2001).
Dillman, Sinclair, and Clark (1993) also found that asking SSN lowers survey completion rates.
These drops could be due to the respondent’s objections to providing personally identifying
information, or to the difficulty in obtaining this information for some household members.
For further investigation, a question asking respondents’ willingness to provide their SSNs on
census forms was included in a series of surveys aimed at measuring privacy attitudes of U.S.
residents over time. Singer (Singer, VanHoewyk, Tourangeau, Steiger, Montgomery, and
Montgomery, 2001) reports that the percentage of respondents willing to provide their SSN on a
census form declined from 68 percent in 1996 to 55 percent in 1999 and 56 percent in 2000. The
drop in willingness was significant between 1996 and 1999, but there was no further significant
change between 1999 and 2000.
Bates (1992) analyzed response to SSN by person number on the questionnaire. The results
indicate that the reporting of SSN becomes more difficult beyond person number two. There is
some evidence that failure to provide SSN is not always due to unwillingness. Nonresponse may
sometimes be a result of the lack of availability, or inaccessibility of the information to the
respondent. Previous research indicates that the first person on the census form (Person 1) is
usually the respondent for the entire household (DeMaio and Bates, 1990). Relationship to
Person 1 may be an indicator of item response to SSN and reflective of the respondent’s inability
to provide SSN for household members.
Bates (1992) cites focus group evidence that providing SSNs for children might be more difficult
because SSNs are not routinely used before a certain age. She found that item nonresponse to the
SSN item increased as person number increased. Presumably, this reflects the difficulty in
providing SSN for children or unrelated household members (as household members are often
listed in order by age or by relationship to the respondent). A report by Dillman, Sinclair, and
Clark (1993) noted that item nonresponse to SSN for children under age 17 was 25 percent,
substantially higher than for other questions. Dillman, Reynolds, and Rockwood (1991) report
that a focus group investigation revealed that even though some people had no objection to
providing SSNs, finding this information, especially for children and unrelated household
members, might be difficult.
Before Census 2000, no empirical research measured and assessed response behavior (such as
mail response, questionnaire item nonresponse, nonresponse to the SSN item, and the validity of
the SSNs that were received from respondents) to a particular type of SSN request (SSN
requested for all household members versus only for the person completing the form) and
notification of administrative record use (general notification that the Census Bureau may use
statistical data from other federal agencies versus more specific notification where agencies are
named) in a decennial census environment. However, some research was conducted during mid-
cycle tests. Bates studied item nonresponse to SSN in the 1992 Simplified Questionnaire Test
(SQT). She found that asking SSN significantly lowered unit response rates overall and for the
1990 LRA groups. Mail completion rates for the SSN form were 6.2 percentage points lower for
households from LRAs. However, the item nonresponse rate from residents of 1990 LRAs was
not significantly different than respondents from other areas.
Past research on notification of administrative record use is qualitative in nature and therefore
does not indicate the effect of notification on census response or accuracy of the SSNs that are
reported. However, Singer (1978) investigated the effects in face-to-face interviews of more
(versus less) information about sensitive subject matter in survey introductions. She found no
effect of varying information about content on response rates. Other findings reveal that focus
group participants are generally unsure about what effect notification will have on census
response (Guarino et al., 2001). Some believe that notification of administrative record use will
have no effect on response, while others believe that notification will decrease response. With
regard to the type of notification, focus group administrators note that many of the participants
did not understand the task of rating which notification was most persuasive in increasing
participation, and instead rated the notification specimens by which use of records they felt was
most justifiable (Aguirre International, 1995).
Interestingly, current research during Census 2000 (Guarino et al., 2001) shows that: SSN
request slightly decreases response and there is no differential effect of SSN request between low
coverage areas (LCA) and high coverage areas (HCA); SSN request increases return of
incomplete forms; general notification of administrative record use slightly decreases response
while the inclusion of specific notification does not; and specific/general notification increases
response to the Person 1 SSN.
Additionally, Stapleton (2002) indicates that, for Person 1, the type of SSN request does not
affect response to the SSN item. However, for Person 1 and Persons 2 - 6, including notification
of administrative record use (regardless of type) does significantly increase the odds of a
respondent providing their SSN.
1.2.4 Summary
In summary, a review of previous and current research indicates that: asking SSN decreases
survey response rates; increases incomplete forms; results in high SSN item nonresponse; and
there is no differential effect of SSN request between HCAs and LCAs. There is some evidence
that there is no difference on response rates and SSN item response rates when respondents were
provided more information about a sensitive subject (notification of SSN use). Other research
indicates that respondents have difficulty providing this information for children and unrelated
household members. Lastly, previous research shows that when respondents do provide an SSN,
it is accurate.
1.3 Hypotheses
Relying upon prior research, three hypotheses were developed concerning the validation rates of
reported SSNs overall, by coverage area, and by person number. In the absence of past
quantitative studies regarding the effects of notification upon the validity of SSN responses, two
hypotheses were developed based on expectations from privacy research.
2. There will be little difference in validation rates between low coverage areas and high
coverage areas.
3. SSN validation rates will steadily decrease by Person number. That is, Person 2 will have
higher SSN validation rates than Person 3 and so on through Person 6.
4. Notification of administrative record use will cause small but significant drops in SSN
validation rates, with specific notification (including agency names) having a stronger effect
than general notification.
5. Requesting SSN in the absence of general or specific notification will yield higher
validation rates for Person 1 when SSN is requested only for Person 1 as compared to all
household members.
The SSN validation component will provide a better understanding of the potential ramifications
of requesting SSN on behavior regarding accuracy of SSNs in a (limited) decennial census
The experimental treatments for the SPAN experiment are implemented within ten panels. The
SSN validation component involves the four panels where SSN is requested. Households
selected for this experiment were randomly assigned to each panel (Guarino et al., 2001). Two
short form panels have forms modified with an SSN request either for all household members or
for only the person completing the form (i.e., “Person One”). Notification, beyond the statement
informing respondents that providing SSN is voluntary, is not a part of these panels. Two short
form panels combine the notification aspect and SSN request for all household members.
Each panel receives the full complement of census mailout materials in the same sequence and
timing as the official Census 2000 schedule. Experimental letters and forms are the official
census forms received by the sampled households (Guarino et al., 2001).
As noted, the two notifications are referred to as “general” and “specific.” The notification is
written in the letters accompanying the questionnaires and describes how and why the Census
Bureau may use administrative records data from other Federal agencies. The general
notification mentions the Census Bureau’s possible use of statistical data from other Federal
agencies, while the specific notification goes further to name the Federal agencies. The general
notification is:
To improve the quality of census statistics, the Census Bureau sometimes uses records from other government
agencies. Using other agencies’ records helps make the census more complete. By making better use of
government records that already exist, the Census Bureau may be able to ask you fewer questions in the census.
To improve the quality of census statistics, the Census Bureau sometimes uses records from other government
agencies, such as the Social Security Administration, the Internal Revenue Service, or agencies providing public
housing assistance. Using other agencies’ records helps make the census more complete. By making better use
of government records that already exist, the Census Bureau may be able to ask you fewer questions in the
Because providing the SSN is voluntary, the cover letter for all four panels with the SSN request
contained an additional statement:
To improve the quality of census statistics, the Census Bureau sometimes uses records from other government
agencies. For that purpose, we are asking for your social security number; however, providing your social
security number is voluntary.
The sample of households was taken from the July 1999 version of the Decennial Master
Address File (DMAF) mailout/mailback universe of over 92 million addresses. This universe
excludes samples for the Accuracy and Coverage Evaluation (A.C.E.) Listing, the contamination
evaluation, congressional addresses, list/enumerate areas, and update/leave areas.
The sample was equally allocated to two strata that reflect expected difference in the population
composition by race, tenure, and anticipated Census 2000 mail return rates (taken from previous
census experience). These strata are based on 1990 census tract level race and tenure data and
referred to as low and high coverage areas (LCA and HCA, respectively). The LCA stratum was
expected to contain a high proportion of African-American and Hispanic populations and renter
occupied housing units. When selection of the sample households was conducted, nearly 81
percent of the total DMAF universe consisted of households within the HCA stratum.
Oversampling of the LCA occurred to equally allocate the sample across the two strata.
Approximately 52,000 households were selected and randomly assigned to each experimental
panel. The mailout sample size for each of the ten panels consisted of a little over 5,200
addresses, equally allocated to the HCA and LCA strata (i.e., around 2,600 addresses per
stratum). Specific details about address omissions such as undeliverables and duplicates and
replacements can be found in Guarino et al., 2001.
The total number of households selected in this experiment (i.e., Panels 1 through 4) was 20,998.
For this paper, we examine the accuracy of the SSNs that were reported2 for all persons in these
housing units that returned their questionnaires by mail. There were a total of 21,745 reported
SSNs as shown by panel in Table 1.
Cases with a reported SSN that is less than nine digits or is missing are counted as missing values. Item
nonresponse rates for SSN are presented in a separate report.
2.3 SSN verification procedures
The unedited person records with SSN entries on the questionnaires from housing units within
the mailout/mailback experimental sample Panels 1, 2, 3, and 4 were matched to the Census
Numident file to determine the validity of the SSN that was provided. The Census Numident file
is provided by the Social Security Administration (SSA) and is reformatted for Census use. It
includes the following information, if available: SSN, first, middle, and last name, year of birth,
gender, alternate or previous names, and race (Administrative Records Research Staff, 2000).
See the Appendix for an abbreviated version of the verification procedures.
The analysis of the experimental questionnaire data is conducted by measuring the pairwise
differences in SSN validation rates among the panels. The analysis is designed so that
statements about the significance of treatment effects (i.e. differences in SSN validation rates)
can be made about all tests simultaneously while maintaining a 90 percent confidence level (the
Census Bureau Standard). For a more complete discussion on pairwise analysis, refer to the SSN
notification component (Guarino et al., 2001).
Since the analysis is done at the person level, a clustering effect at the household level must be
considered because each household has one respondent for all household members. This is done
within WesVar, treating the survey as a one-stage sample design, and treating each household as
a primary selection unit (PSU). Since this creates well over the maximum number of PSUs that
WesVar can handle, clusters were grouped randomly into 256 "pseudo" clusters. To take into
account the stratified sample design in the data analysis, WesVar was used to compute standard
errors for all estimates using a stratified jackknife approach. This replication option is suitable
for stratified designs with two or more PSUs per stratum (Stapleton, 2002).
We applied quality assurance procedures throughout the creation of this report. They
encompassed how we determined study methods, created specifications for project procedures
and software, designed and reviewed computer systems, developed clerical and computer
procedures, analyzed data, and prepared this report (U.S. Census Bureau, 2000).
While this experiment was conducted during a decennial census, it was conducted using a small
sample of the entire population. If extended to the entire nation, results of such a request would
likely be very different because the media attention concerning the privacy issues of asking for
SSN would likely be magnified.
The planned analysis of the characteristics of households that provide and do not provide the
SSN, the accuracy of households reconstructed from administrative records, and the effect of
having and not having the SSN in household reconstruction was not undertaken because of
decennial resource constraints. In conjunction with the accuracy of the SSNs, this analysis
would be an indicator of the quality of data and usefulness of collecting SSN in future surveys
and censuses.
Accurate SSNs for this study are the valid SSNs–those where the SSN and name provided by the
respondent match an SSN, name, and, as needed, year of birth and gender on the Census
Numident file. There are five categories of valid outcomes that resulted from the SSN
verification matching process. For each, the SSN matches and the:
• parsed name matches the Numident. A parsed name is one that is placed into first, middle,
and last name fields, if available. This match is flagged as a “1.”
• parsed name matches the alternate name on the Numident. An alternate name is any
previous name such as a maiden name or a name before a name change . This match is
flagged as a “2.”
• parsed name matches the concatenated name on the Numident. A concatenated name is one
where all the letters in the first, middle, and last name are merged together with no spaces.
This match is flagged as a “3.”
• standardized name matches the Numident. A standardized name is a more formal version of
a name, for example, Debbie is standardized to Deborah and Jim to James. This match is
flagged as a “5.”
• standardized name matches the concatenated name on the Numident. This match is flagged
as a “7.”
Note that direct matches are defined as flags 1 and 2 and, for this study, are considered stronger
matches than indirect matches, flags 3, 5, and 7.
Invalid (not accurate) SSNs are:
• invalid entry. The last two digits of the SSN are non-numeric. (Records with fewer than
nine digits or all nine digits of the SSN blank are not in universe.) These are flagged as a
• the SSN is in the Numident but the name doesn’t match. These are flagged as a “B.”
Table 2 confirms our expectation that the SSN verification rates for valid SSNs are high overall
and for each panel.
As shown in Table 3, when examining the direct and indirect matches of the valid SSN entries, it
is clear that most are direct matches with an overall match rate of 94.33 percent compared to the
overall indirect match rate of 0.44 percent. Invalid SSNs are quite low with an overall rate of
5.23 percent.
Table 3. Verification rates for valid and invalid SSNs by panel
Panel 3 Panel 4
Panel 1 Panel 2 (All SSNs, (All SSNs,
All (All (One general specific
Verification Status Panels SSNs) SSN) notification) notification)
SSN Valid: 94.77% 94.83% 96.05% 93.96% 94.94%
Direct match 94.33% 94.29% 95.40% 93.57% 94.65%
Indirect match 0.44% 0.54% 0.65% 0.39% 0.29%
SSN Invalid 5.23% 5.17% 3.95% 6.04% 5.06%
4.2. Are there differences in SSN verification rates between HCAs and LCAs?
Table 4 shows that the valid SSN rates for both HCA and LCA are very high at over 90 percent.
As expected, the difference between them is small; the rate for HCA is 2.35 percentage points
higher than LCA and this difference is statistically significant.
4.3 Are there differences in the valid SSN rates between the two strategies for
obtaining SSN and the two differently worded notifications of administrative
records use?
In order to examine for significance the differences in the valid SSN rates between the two
strategies for obtaining SSN (SSN requested for all household members versus only for the
person completing the form) and the two differently worded notifications of administrative
records use (general notification that the Census Bureau may use statistical data from other
federal agencies versus more specific notification where agencies are named), pairwise
comparisons of Person 1 valid SSN rates are considered among the panels for which this
information is requested (Panels 1 - 4). Since Panel 2 requested SSN only for Person 1, our
pairwise comparison is limited to Person 1. Each of these four panels receives some degree of
notification of the possibility of administrative record use due to the statement in the cover letter
explaining the request for SSN. As shown in Table 5, the rate of valid SSNs for Person 1 in each
panel is very high, ranging from 96.01 percent to 96.93 percent, a difference of less than one
percentage point.
Table 6 shows the results of the pairwise comparisons. There is no significant difference in the
valid SSN rate when the panel requesting only one SSN is compared to the panel requesting all
SSNs. From the perspective of Person 1, these forms do not differ in their request for SSN and,
therefore, no difference in response to this item is expected. Further, the distinction between
general and specific notification has no measurable influence on valid responses to the SSN item
for Person 1.
These results were unexpected; however, they confirm the findings from the 1992 SQT,
discussed in the next section.
Table 7 shows the valid SSN rates for Persons 2 - 6 for the panels that requested it. Again, valid
SSN rates for each person are similar in each panel. For example, the Person 2 valid SSN rates
are all over 95 percent. We see that each of the panels show high validation rates for all persons
and, as expected, for most, there is a steady decline in each panel from Person 2 through Person
6 (the exception is a slight increase for Person 5 in Panel 4).
4.4 How do the SSN validation rates for the Census 2000 SPAN compare to the 1992
SQT SSN validation rates?
As part of the 1992 National Census Test I, the 1992 SQT SSN validation project included a
panel that requested the SSN for each person living in the housing unit. The SSA validated the
SSNs collected during the test by matching them to their NUMIDENT (Numerical
Identification) file. The SSA’s NUMIDENT file is a transaction file of SSN applications. It
contains a record for each update made to persons’ data associated with an SSN. This includes
full name, date of birth, race, and gender.
The 1992 SQT panel is most like the Census 2000 SPAN Panel 1 where SSN was requested for
all household members and general or specific notification of administrative record use was not
included. The Census Bureau’s Numident file match used matching variables similar to the 1992
SQT match (SSN, name, date of birth, and gender), but the verification process was different.
For example, the 1992 SQT matched on full name and the Census 2000 SPAN Panel 1 match for
name included parsed, alternate, standardized, and concatenated names in its match. These
differences limit the extent to which the 1992 SQT results can be compared to the Census 2000
SPAN Panel 1 results.
Table 8 shows that, generally, the valid SSN rates are high and the invalid rates are low for both
the 1992 SQT and Census 2000 Panel 1. Based on these results, we can say that respondents do
a good job reporting accurate SSNs when they choose to report an SSN.
Table 8. Comparison of 1992 SQT and Census 2000 Panel 1 valid and invalid SSN rates
Verification Status 1992 SQT* Census 2000 Panel 1
Valid (SSN and name matched; date of birth and gender 91.00% 94.83%
matched as required by matching process)
Invalid (SSN, name, or other non-match) 9.00% 5.17%
*Race is not included as a matching variable.
This paper shows that, if reported, SSNs are accurate. There is a small but statistically
significant difference between HCA and LCA. There is no evidence that requesting SSN for
Person 1 only, all persons in household, or inclusion of general or specific notification of
administrative records use affects the quality of the reported SSN.
However, to assess the usefulness of requesting SSN within the unique environment of a
decennial census, we must also consider the reduction in mail response when SSN is requested,
increased SSN item nonresponse, the extent to which having a valid SSN allows us to link to
other files, and the extent to which we are able to obtain correct information from such a link.
To this end, we recommend the following research:
• Look at the cumulative nonresponse to SSN (unit nonresponse, SSN item nonresponse, and
SSN invalid rates) to obtain an indicator of the extent to which matching to administrative
records could take place.
• Conduct analysis of the characteristics of households that provide and do not provide the
SSN, the accuracy of households reconstructed from administrative records, and the effect of
having and not having the SSN in household reconstruction. In conjunction with the accuracy
of the SSNs, this analysis would be an indicator of the quality of data we might expect.
• Use the cumulative nonresponse to SSN and the results of other research to conduct a cost-
benefit analysis to determine the extent to which we could use administrative records data to
complete household enumeration (assuming decennial census population and housing unit
universes within decennial census time constraints).
• Conduct focus groups or research similar to the Survey of Privacy Attitudes later in the
decade. This Survey of Privacy Attitudes examined pattens of attitude change in the public’s
privacy concerns between 1996, 1999, and 2000. Given the profound impact of September
11, 2001, we may expect changing views on privacy attitudes.
• Continue to work closely with the Privacy Office and privacy advocates to stay informed of
trends in the privacy and confidentiality arena.
I wish to thank Debbie Bolton and Randall Neugebauer for their initiation, design, and
implementation of this Census 2000 experiment; Henry Woltman, Joan Hill, Jennifer Guarino,
Courtney Stapleton, and Jason Machowski for the statistical expertise and guidance; Dean
Judson and Debbie Wagner for processing the SSN verification data; and George Train and
Jacques Wilmore for processing the verification data for analysis.
Bates, N. “Revised Item Nonresponse Results for Social Security Number From the Simplified
Questionnaire Test (SQT),” Memorandum to Robert D. Tortura and Susan M. Miskura, dated
June 18, 1992.
DeMaio, T.J., and Bates, N.A. (1990) “Who Fills Out the Census Form?,” Proceedings of the
Survey Research Methods Section of the American Statistical Association.
Dillman, Don A., Sinclair, Michael D., and Clark, John R. (1993) “Effects of Questionnaire
Length, Respondent Friendly Design, and a Difficult Question on Response Rates for Occupant-
Addressed Census Mail Surveys,” Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 57, pp 289-304.
Gates, G.W., and Bolton, D. (1998) “Privacy Research Involving Expanded Statistical Uses of
Administrative Records,” Proceedings of the Section on Government Statistics and Section on
Social Sciences of the American Statistical Association.
Guarino, J.A., Hill, J.M., and Woltman, H.F. “Analysis of the Social Security Number -
Notification Component of the Social Security Number, Privacy Attitudes, and Notification
Experiment.” U.S. Census Bureau; Planning, Research, and Evaluation Division. July 3, 2001.
Kulka, R.A., Holt, N.A., Carter, W., and Dowd, K.L. (1991) “Self-Reports of Time Pressures,
Concerns for Privacy, and Participation in the 1990 Mail Census,” Proceedings of the Annual
Research Conference.
Leslie, Theresa F., and Treat, James B. “Results From the Verification of Social Security
Numbers Collected During the 1992 National Content Test I.” U.S. Census Bureau; Decennial
Management Division and Decennial Statistical Studies Division. December 14, 1994.
Neugebauer, Randall, “Census 2000 Experimentation Program Master Plan: The Social Security
Number, Privacy Attitudes, and Notification Experiment.” U.S. Census Bureau; Planning,
Research, and Evaluation Division. November 5, 1999.
Singer, E. 1978. “Informed Consent: Consequences for Response Rate and Response Quality in
Social Surveys,” American Sociological Review, Vol. 43, Issue 2, pp 144-162.
Singer, E., Mathiowetz, N.A., and Couper, M. (1993) “The Impact of Privacy and
Confidentiality Concerns on Survey Participation: The Case of the 1990 U.S. Census,” Public
Opinion Quarterly, Vol 57, pp 465-482.
Singer, E., Van Hoewyk, J., Tourangeau, R., Steiger, D.M., Montgomery, M., Montgomery, R.,
“1999 - 2000 Surveys of Privacy Attitudes.” U.S. Census Bureau; Planning, Research, and
Evaluation Division. December 10, 2001.
Stapleton, Courtney N. (2002) “The Effect of Administrative Record Use Notification on Social
Security Number Reports,” Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section of the
American Statistical Association.
U.S. Census Bureau. “Census 2000 Evaluation Program Quality Assurance Process.” Decennial
Statistical Studies Division and Planning, Research, and Evaluation Division. July 31, 2000.
Appendix: Abbreviated Social Security Number Verification Procedures3
Using the last two digits of the SSN, invalid entries (non numeric) are flagged and not run
through the verification program.
1) parsed (placed into first, middle, and last name fields, if available)
2) standardized names are added (for example, Debbie is standardized to Deborah; Jim to
• SSN for the input record is matched to the Numident. Nonmatches are assigned an A flag.
• SSN on the input file matches the Numident file. The input record is run through a series of
matches until it is flagged. (Each subsequent match implies that the input record was a
nonmatch at the previous step. For example, a record that does not match the Numident
name, goes to the match for the Numident alternate name. If it matches the Numident
alternate name, it is assigned a 2 flag and does not go to next match.)
• The parsed name on the input record is matched to the Numident as follows:
• Matched to the Numident name–a match on all or part of the name goes to a
decision logic table that includes birth year (+-2) and gender. If certain conditions
are met, it is assigned a 1 flag
• Matched to the Numident alternate (previous) names–a match on all or part of the
name goes to a decision logic table that includes birth year and gender. If certain
conditions are met, it is assigned a 2 flag.
• The parsed name on the input record is concatenated (that is, all names are joined
together with no spaces) and matched to the Numident–a match on all or part of the
name goes to a decision logic table that includes birth year. If certain conditions
are met, it is assigned a 3 flag.
Source: Administrative Records Staff. “Statistical Administrative Records System, 1999–Social Security
Number Verification Programming Specification,” U.S. Census Bureau; Planning, Research, and Evaluation
Division. October 12, 2000.
• The parsed name on the input record is concatenated and matched to the Numident
alternate names–a match on all or part of the name goes to a decision logic table
that includes birth year. If certain conditions are met, it is assigned a 4 flag.
• The standardized name on the input record is matched to the Numident as follows:
• Matched to the Numident name–a match on all or part of the name goes to a
decision logic table that includes birth year and gender. If certain conditions are
met, it is assigned a 5 flag
• Matched to the Numident alternate (previous) names–a match on all or part of the
name goes to a decision logic table that includes birth year and gender. If certain
conditions are met, it is assigned a 6 flag.
• The standardized name on the input record is concatenated (that is, all names are
joined together with no spaces) and matched to the Numident–a match on all or part
of the name goes to a decision logic table that includes birth year. If certain
conditions are met, it is assigned a 7 flag.
• The standardized name on the input record is concatenated and matched to the
Numident alternate names–a match on all or part of the name goes to a decision
logic table that includes birth year. If certain conditions are met, it is assigned an 8