Biology Unit 1 Assessment Rubric Bby Tim
Biology Unit 1 Assessment Rubric Bby Tim
Biology Unit 1 Assessment Rubric Bby Tim
Key Questions: How will we know if students have achieved the desired results? What will we accept as evidence of student understanding and their ability
to use (transfer) their learning in new situations? How will we evaluate student performance in fair and consistent ways?
Standards/ A. Identifying, Explaining & the Application B. Data Analyses in Science C. Experimental Design
Skills Covered of the Scientific Method
Standards/ Skills Assessed Standards/Skills Assessed Standards/Skills Assessed
A (90-100%) - List and describe the steps of the - Carry out a multi-trial lab activity - Develop and test an
scientific method. and collect accurate and precise experiment based on an
- Identify and create scientific data. observation and scientific
B (80-89%) questions based on observations. - Analyze and interpret quantitative question that has been
- Critique the efficacy of scientific and qualitative data. created.
questions. - Develop inferences based on a given - Develop appropriate
- Make hypotheses based on a given set of qualitative or quantitative hypotheses based on a given
C (70-79%) set of scientific questions. data. scientific question and/or
- Develop justification statements observation.
Questions Assessed based on a given set of qualitative or - Utilize given information to
D (60-69%) - 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 12-23, 26-32 quantitative data. assess the effectiveness of a
given experiment.
Points Questions Assessed
NP (0-59%) - ___/24 - 2, 7, 33 Questions Assessed
- 5, 8, 11, 24, 25
- ___/5 Points
- ___/12
Summative Assessment Outcomes - Criteria
Key Questions: How will we know if students have achieved the desired results? What will we accept as evidence of student understanding and their ability
to use (transfer) their learning in new situations? How will we evaluate student performance in fair and consistent ways?
Standards Assessed
Designation Standard/Skill Performance Question Correct Answer Mark Standard/Skill Assessed
1 1
Identifying, explaining, and 2 1
A application of the scientific 3 1
method 4 1
5 1
B Data analysis in science 6 1
7 1
C Experimental design
8 2
9 2
10 2
Total Marks Breakdown 18 1
Section Marks Earned Marks Possible 19 1
20 1
21 1
Multiple Choice 26
22 1
23 1
Short Answer 15
26 1
27 1
Total Score 41
28 1
29 1
30 1
Next Steps: 31 1
32 1
Question Standard/Skill 5 4 3 2 1
Assessed (A) (B) (C) (D) (NP)
11 C Student correctly Student correctly Student correctly Student correctly Student correctly
identifies 6/7 of the identifies 4-5 of the identifies 3 of the identifies 1-2 of the identifies 0 of the
vocabulary words vocabulary words vocabulary words vocabulary words vocabulary words
13* A Student correctly Student correctly Student correctly Student correctly Student correctly
identifies 6/6 of the identifies 4-5 of the identifies 3 of the identifies 1-2 of the identifies 0 of the
vocabulary words vocabulary words vocabulary words vocabulary words vocabulary words
25 C Student develops Student develops Student develops Student develops Student develops
an accurate an accurate an accurate an accurate an inaccurate
hypothesis that hypothesis that hypothesis that hypothesis that hypothesis or a
accurately accurately accurately accurately hypothesis that
addresses each addresses 80-89% addresses 70-79% addresses 60-69% accurately
component of the of the components of the components of the components addresses 59% or
given experiment of the given of the given of the given less of the
experiment experiment experiment components of the
given experiment
26 C Student identifies 3 Student identifies 2 Student identifies 1 Student identifies Student fails to
or more or more or more improvements but identify any
appropriate and/or appropriate and/or appropriate and/or are not appropriate appropriate and/or
relevant relevant relevant and/or relevant relevant
improvements that improvements that improvements that improvements that improvements to
can be made to the can be made to the can be made to the can be made to the the experiment.
given experiment given experiment given experiment given experiment
34* B Student develops a Student develops a Student develops a Student develops a Student fails to
justification justification justification justification develop a
statement that statement that statement but statement but justification
appropriately appropriately slightly deviates deviates from the statement.
addresses the given addresses the given from the given data given data and fails
data and references data but fails to and fails to to reference the
the given scenario reference the given reference the given given scenario
scenario scenario