Factory Acceptance Test Procedure
Factory Acceptance Test Procedure
Factory Acceptance Test Procedure
By Admin
August 5, 2022
Contents hide
1 Check List of Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
2 Test Procedure of FAT
2.1 Test 1: Overall System Configuration Check
2.2 Test 2: Visual Inspection
2.2.1 2.1 System Cabinet and Marshalling cabinet
2.2.2 2.2 Tabletop Console and Printer Table
2.3 Test 3: Power up Test for Engineering and Operator Workstation
2.4 Test 4: Power up Test of Controller
2.5 Test 5: I/O Loop Testing
2.6 Test 6: Engineering / Operator station Functionality
2.7 Test 7: Controller CPU Redundancy
2.8 Test 8: Power Supply Redundancy
2.9 Test 9: Diode O-ring Checking
2.10 Test 10: Controller CPU Loading
2.11 Test 11: Fail safe condition of IO check
2.12 Test 12: Serial Communication Interface Check
2.13 Test 13: Logic Check
2.14 Test 14: Scan time check
2.15 Test 15: Online Modification
2.16 Test 16: System Diagnostic Function
2.17 Test 17: Firmware check
3 EndNote
In this article, I am talking about the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) Procedure of
PLC/DCS and How it is done step by step for PLC/DCS.
Test Procedure
1. Check for the total number of System and Marshalling Cabinets
2. Check the total number of Engineering and Operator Workstations.
3. Check for the total number of Modbus TCP/IP Interface modules.
4. Check for the total number of other Hardware as per the approved System
Configuration and Bill of Material.
Test 2: Visual Inspection
2.1 System Cabinet and Marshalling cabinet
Purpose of Test
To perform the Visual / GA check and Internal Arrangement for the System and
Marshalling Cabinets.
Test Procedure
1. Check for a Total number of systems and marshaling cabinet as per the
approved GA Drawing.
2. Overall condition, dimensions, and orientation of the cabinet.
3. Overall condition, alignment, or any damage.
4. Check for the Total number of modules as per the approved GA Drawing.
5. Check for the Quantity/Model of I/O Modules.
6. Check Quantity and types of Terminal blocks.
7. Check for TB LED glowing in case of fuse failure.
8. Functional tests for Utility items (Fans & Lamps)
9. Check for the Quantity/Model of Relays, Isolators (AI, AO, DI, DO), and
Power Feed Modules.
10. Wiring Check – Ferruling, size & color of wiring, Labels, markers, the proper
size of lugs & terminals, cable dressing, etc.
11. Spot check on loose wires.
12. Earthing inside the cabinet.
To perform the Visual / GA check and Internal Arrangement for the Console.
Test Procedure
1. Check for the Total number of consoles as per the approved GA Drawing.
2. Overall condition, dimensions, and orientation of the cabinet.
3. Overall condition, alignment, or any damage.
4. Check for a Total number of various types of components.
5. Wiring Check – Ferruling, Labels markers, color & size of wiring, the proper
size of lugs & terminals, cable dressing, etc.
Power up the system and check for the healthiness of the Engineering and Operator
Test Procedure
1. Ensure that Engineering and Operator workstations are connected per system
configuration and have all requisite peripherals/accessories.
2. Boot up the Engineering and Operator workstations as per the approved System
Configuration Diagram.
Purpose of Test
Power up the system and check for the healthiness of the Controller.
Test Procedure
1. Verify that all the modules are installed as per the approved GA drawing.
2. Verify no. of clusters.
3. Verify that I/O modules are installed as per GA drawings
4. Verify that controller nodes are connected to the Control network.
5. Power up the controller and allow the controller to boot.
6. Power up I/O modules and allow the modules to boot.
7. Verify that the indicator LED on each Primary controller is AMBER.
8. Verify that the indicator LED on each Secondary controller is not lit
9. Verify that the dual indication LED on both controllers is AMBER.
Purpose of Test
To verify that the I/O Allocation configuration matches with the approved I/O wiring
table / IO Allocation document.
Test Procedure
Loop testing will be carried out by feeding the signal directly from marshaling. And
Loop drawing will be used to identify individual loop wiring details.
For each loop, at least one point of the range should be checked.
Check operator station readings and record each observation.
The various loop details as mentioned below in the table along with the channel
no as mentioned in I/O The allocation document shall match.
Loop Loop
Loop Details
Type Description
Tag No
Description/Range/Units/Alarm Limits as per Point database.
Open Analog Input
Measured variables on 0, 50, 75, and 100 percent of input variation
Loops Loops
across the Loop Range.
Check indication in Graphics also.
Device Loops Tag No.
(Digital Description as per Instrument IO List.
Input) Check the Close & Open, On &Off, Run or Stop status
corresponding to Energize & de-energize state of the loops.
Loop Loop
Loop Details
Type Description
Check indication in Graphics also.
Check for the alarm message in the graphic as well as the alarm list.
Tag No.
Description as per Instrument IO List.
Device Loop Check the following:
(Digital a) 0V & 24V across the loop corresponding to
Output) Close/Stop, Open/Start Commands.
b) Check for the Continuity across the loop
corresponding to Pot-Free Signals.
Tag No.
Description /Range/ Units/Alarm Limits / Controller Action as per
Point database.
Measured variable on 0, 50 & 100 percent of input variation across
the Loop Range.
Closed Simple Closed
Forced output on 0, 50 & 100 percent and
Loops Loops
observation at Marshaling cabinets.
Check for the PID tuning parameters.
Ensure the AOT signal is inverted (FO) or else not inverted (FC)
wherever required.
Check for the Loop operation from Graphics.
I/O Loop Testing Check
Test Procedure
Test Procedure
1. Verify controller subsystem nodes are already booted by checking the H/w
structure in
2. plant explorer (Navigate My e-plant-> Control Structure-> Root-> Control
Network->, project -> Controllers on the left-hand side of plant explorer.
3. Select aspect “System status on Top right-hand side of plant explorer”. Verify
that Controller.
4. and I/O Module status is shown with a green circle”. Also, verify system
diagnostic on operator station.
Test Procedure
Purpose of Test
To verify that AC800M controller CPU loading is within the permissible limit.
Test Procedure
Open Plant explorer (My e-plant). Navigate Control structure -> Root-> Control
Network-> in the left-hand side of plant explorer.
Purpose of Test
To know the values in case of Controller and Module bus Failure
Test Procedure
Verify the last known value on the AO and DO Modules.
Verify that all CI867 modules are in running condition. Verify that all the tags are
configured as per the customer Modbus list.
Check the functionality by establishing communication with Mods can. Simulate and
verify that the data is being read in the engineering station.
Purpose of Test
To check the scan time configured for all types of loops Analog open, Analog Close, and
digital loop as per the customer Requirement.
Test Procedure
1. The below test procedure will be carried out in any of the controller modules
selected randomly.
2. Open Control Builder on Engineering Station.
3. Select an application under which loop/object needs to be modified.
4. Select any object and carry out the necessary modifications.
5. Download the application to the controller.
6. Open Plant explorer on the Engineering station.
7. Search for the modified object in the plant explorer and verify that changes are
applied to the object.
8. Go offline in Project explorer on Engineering Station.
9. Repeat the above steps for the newly added tags.
10. Verify the availability of objects in plant explorer with the requisite
Purpose of Test
To check the configuration, and system diagnostic of Process and Safety Control
Systems and view the status in graphics.
I hope now you have an idea about the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) Procedure of
From my side, I will try to cover all the topics in my next articles. So, stay connected.
I hope these resources and Knowledge will become helpful to you in the future. And I
continue to make this type of resource and knowledge-sharing posts on my website.
And if you have any suggestions then feel free to ask in the comments and through email
id. want to write an article on the website, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us by this
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I hope you like this article, you can also like my previous article on the Job roles of
instrumentation engineers.