Uht Unflavoured Milk UHT: Ultra High Temperature. UHT Milk Is The One Which Is Subjected To Very High Temperature (Thermal Treatment) With An

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UHT: Ultra High Temperature.

UHT milk is the one which is subjected to very high temperature (thermal treatment) with an
aim of destroying all the microorganisms and the spores. UHT products are highly perishable
and easy to store since they can be stored at room temperature.

UHT products are produced by sterilizing the milk. this is done at a temperature of 135 to 140oC.
the temperature that acts as the Critical control point is 140 oC. the shelf life of UHT products is
between 3 to 6 months. Once the product is opened the first time, it needs to be refrigerated so
that it does not go bad


1.Receive raw milk

from approved

B1. Receiving of H2O2, primary

2.QualityTests(anti &secondary packaging
Fail Pass
biotics – OPRP) fromapproved suppliers

Rejectand send
3. Pump through sieve
back to Supplier

B2. Storage of packaging&

4. Deaeration H 2 O2

Ice water < 0oC 5. Chilling< 10oC

6. Storage in Silo< 10oC

7. Pump through Sieve(OPRP)

8. Preheat at pasteurizer (55-65oC) Steam, Compressed

air, Power

9.Bactofugation Water, Compressed air,

Power, Hydraulic oil

Water, Compressed air,

10. Separation
Power, Hydraulic oil

11.Standardization (B.F:3.6-3.8%, 1.5-2.5%) Compressed air,

Cream out
Compressed air, Power,
12.Homogenization (150bars)
Water, heavy oil

Steam, Compressed
13.Pasteurisation85oC/15sec OPRP
air, Power, Water
19.Sterilisation(135 – 145oC/3sec) CCP1

Steam, Compressed
air, Power, Water
B4. Packaging, longitudinal
strips, and H2O2
Plastic and paper 20.Hydrogen peroxide spraying on
Waste packaging (Conc 34-45%) &Aseptic
Steam, Compressed FillingCCP2
air, Power, Water

Paper and Plastic

21. Date coding waste

B5. Insert Straws on

22. Straw application (super machine
Compressed air, Power milk only)

B6. Cartons

Compressed air, Power 24.Shrink wrapping (super milk only) B7.Shrink wrap

Clean pallets 25.Palletising Paper and plastic

B8. Stretch wrap
26.Stretch wrapping

27. Transport to warehouse with

a truck

28.Storage in warehouse

29.Release and distribute


General process flow

By-product Storage


Process Diversion/Recycle Decision making process

Process inputs

Waste process flow



The steps of production of flavoured milk are almost the same as the unflavoured milk. it only
differs at the stage of mixing.

UHT flavored milk includes vanilla, strawberry, chocolate.

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