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Article history: Amyloid stained by Congo red has striking optical properties that generally have been poorly described
Received 1 September 2008 and inadequately explained, although they can be understood from principles of physical optics.
Accepted 2 October 2008 Molecules of Congo red are orientated on amyloid fibrils, and so the dye becomes dichroic and
birefringent. The birefringence varies with wavelength in accordance with a fundamental property of all
Keywords: light-transmitting materials called anomalous dispersion of the refractive index around an absorption
Amyloid peak. The combination of this and absorption of light, with modification by any additional birefringence
Anomalous colours
in the optical system, explains the various colours that can be seen in Congo red-stained amyloid between
crossed polariser and analyser, and also when the polariser and analyser are progressively uncrossed.
Congo red
Dichroism These are called anomalous colours.
Polarising microscopy ß 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction: amyloid and Congo red history.) Because many misquotations, misunderstandings and
misattributions of historical matters related to amyloid have been
In 1953 Missmahl and Hartwig wrote: ‘Die Entdeckung der passed from paper to paper, extracts from the most relevant papers
Doppelbrechung in der Amyloidsubstanz hat eine längere und sich are copied from the original, with translations of German and French
mehrfach wiederholende Geschichte’. (The discovery of the extracts by DBB, to allow readers to check the meaning for
birefringence of amyloid has a long and many times repeated themselves. The spelling of the German in quotations and titles of
papers in the list of references is copied exactly from the original and
so may not follow precisely the current reformed German spelling.
* Corresponding author at: Department of Cellular Pathology, Royal Free
Hospital, London NW3 2QG, UK. Tel.: +44 207 794 0500x35641;
The quotation from Missmahl and Hartwig (1953) can be used
fax: +44 207 435 3289. as an example of confusion about optical properties of amyloid,
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.J. Howie). because most of the practical and theoretical study has not been on
0968-4328/$ – see front matter ß 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
286 A.J. Howie, D.B. Brewer / Micron 40 (2009) 285–301
birefringence of amyloid alone, but amyloid stained by Congo red. treatment with sulphuric acid. This gave cellulose a property that
Indeed, the more important factor in the properties is Congo red. unmodified cellulose did not have, which was reaction with iodine
Congo red is a synthetic compound given a variety of formal to give blue (Puchtler and Sweat, 1966).
chemical names, but each molecule can be considered to consist of Application of the term amyloid to human disease was initially
two molecules of naphthionic acid (1-naphthylamine-4-sulfonic inconsistent and confused (Puchtler and Sweat, 1966; Schwartz,
acid or 4-aminonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid) coupled to one 1970). Virchow, who is usually said to have introduced the term
molecule of benzidine (diaminophenyl or 4-(4-aminophenyl)ani- into pathology, wrote a few papers which are difficult to
line) by azo groups, –N=N–. This is now given the Colour Index understand, such as Virchow (1854). He used amyloid first as a
number 22120 and name direct red 28 (Horobin and Kiernan, morphological description of various concentric structures resem-
2002). The chemical was supposedly first made in 1883 by a bling starch granules, including corpora amylacea in the brain,
method patented in 1884 by a German chemist, Paul Böttiger, who previously named by Purkinje. Later he used amyloid to mean an
had been looking for a pH indicator (Steensma, 2001). Böttiger may abnormal material detected by chemical tests, which he thought
not have been the first to make Congo red (Armstrong, 1935). resembled cellulose rather than starch. This use of the term was
Congo red was found to be a direct dye for cotton, which meant eventually to lead to the modern meaning of amyloid as
that there was no need for a mordant, or a chemical required to fix extracellular, insoluble fibrils derived from various misfolded
the colour in materials. Cotton is cellulose from plant cell walls. proteins.
The linear Congo red molecules align themselves along the linear
molecules of cellulose, with hydrogen bonds between the two 2. Optical properties of Congo red-stained amyloid and
substances (Wälchli, 1945). Congo red was the first direct dye, and orientated Congo red: the background
had great commercial success. Congo Red was originally a
trademark, and other early trade names for this included Congo, Amyloid stained by Congo red has striking optical properties
various types of Cotton Red and Direct Red, Cosmos Red, and that have mostly been badly described and inadequately
Chokusetsu Red (Rowe, 1924). Chokusetsu means direct in explained. These properties are largely due to the fact that the
Japanese. dye molecules have an orientated arrangement on amyloid fibrils,
The dye is too easily washed out of fabrics to be useful these as they do on cellulose molecules, with hydrogen bonding between
days for most colouring purposes, and there are other drawbacks amino and other groups on the dye and hydroxyl groups on
such as the toxicity of benzidine used in its manufacture, but amyloid (Puchtler et al., 1962). Solutions of Congo red, in which the
Bennhold (1922) in a short technical paper described the specific molecules are randomly orientated, generally do not show these
staining of amyloid with Congo red, and this is now one of its major properties.
uses. Congo red molecules can also be orientated in ways that have
Bennhold was not the first to use Congo red as a stain for been used in optical investigations. These include crystallisation
microscopy. Griesbach had done this in 1886 in a study of many and use of flowing solutions, which are technically difficult
azo dyes, but he did not mention amyloid (Griesbach, 1886). (Wälchli, 1945); polishing or stroking of dried drops of a solution,
Bennhold is credited as the first to report its value in detection which do not give particularly well orientated preparations
of amyloid. He discovered this in a study of intravenous (Missmahl, 1957; Taylor et al., 1974); and smearing of drying
injections of Congo red, which others had used to determine drops with a single stroke in one direction on a glass slide, which is
blood volume (Bennhold, 1923). Bennhold was a physician in the simplest way to obtain clean, well-orientated material that can
Hamburg at that time, and investigated the distribution and be used repeatedly in investigations of optical properties (Zocher,
elimination of Congo red in 21 normal people and 82 patients 1925; Missmahl, 1957). In these preparations the asymmetric
with various conditions. molecules become orientated with their long axis in the long axis
He found that in patients with what would now be called the of needle-shaped crystals, in the direction of flow, and in the
nephrotic syndrome there was more rapid clearance of Congo red direction of polishing or smearing.
from the blood than in controls and most other conditions, with When stained by Congo red, amyloid and other materials, such
appearance of the dye in the urine in nephrotic patients, which as cellulose paper and cotton, appear various shades of red in
suggests that Congo red was bound to albumin or other plasma unpolarised light, and so do solutions of Congo red and
proteins. In 10 patients said to have amyloidosis complicating preparations of orientated Congo red. This is because the dye,
pulmonary tuberculosis, most had even more rapid clearance, as usually used, has its maximal absorption of wavelengths in the
including when no Congo red appeared in the urine. Necropsy on a blue/green part of the visible spectrum. When white light is
patient with amyloidosis who died 20 h after injection gave the altered by most absorption of these wavelengths, the appearance
explanation, because the liver and spleen appeared red macro- is red.
scopically, and unstained frozen sections of liver, spleen and Congo red has to be in alkaline or weakly acid solutions for
kidney had red areas on microscopy, which showed that Congo red red to appear, when it is the disodium salt. In strongly acid
specifically bound to amyloid. conditions, as the free acid, the maximal absorption moves to
Intravenous injection of Congo red was used in clinical practice longer wavelengths in the yellow and orange, giving a violet or
for about 40 years in the diagnosis of amyloid. For example, this blue colour. This explains how Congo red can be used as a pH
was still in a guide called Today’s Tests (1968). Biopsy of an indicator, changing colour in the pH range 3–5 (Horobin and
affected organ with staining of sections by Congo red is now the Kiernan, 2002). The possibility of change of colour is another
usual way to make a diagnosis of amyloid. reason why Congo red is rarely used to dye clothes now. The
Amyloid, meaning starch-like, was first used by Vogel and peak absorption may also move to longer wavelengths when
Schleiden (1839) as a name for a material in cell walls of the seeds there is increased binding to a substrate, which is called the
of some plants: ‘Das Amyloid kommt gebildet in der Natur vor’. bathochromic shift (Amelin and Tret’yakov, 2003). The effects of
(Amyloid occurs already formed in nature.) This had a property of pH and binding may explain some of the reported differences in
starch, namely reaction with iodine to give a blue colour, but did optical properties of Congo red-stained amyloid and orientated
not have all the properties of starch. The name amyloid was Congo red, for instance in the wavelengths at which a property is
applied later in several different senses, including to cellulose after at its maximum.
A.J. Howie, D.B. Brewer / Micron 40 (2009) 285–301 287
3. Dichroism of Congo red literature. Rotation of either the polarising filter or the specimen
stage changes the appearance of orientated Congo red from red to
Congo red-stained amyloid and Congo red orientated in other virtually colourless, but the background stays uniformly bright,
ways show dichroism. This term is sometimes misused, but in because the unaided human eye is not able to detect that light is
physical optics, dichroism means that depending on the plane of polarised.
linearly polarised light illuminating a material, the specimen Neubert (1925), and later Wälchli (1945), showed that smears
shows different amounts of absorption of light, which may be seen of Congo red absorbed light polarised parallel to the direction of
as different colours or different intensity of a colour (Born and smearing more strongly than light polarised at right angles,
Wolf, 1999). confirming that orientated Congo red is dichroic. The change in
Congo red molecules only absorb light of the appropriate intensity of red is easy to see in smears of Congo red (Figs. 1–3), but
wavelength that is polarised parallel to their orientation, and do may be difficult to detect in sections of Congo red-stained amyloid,
not absorb light polarised perpendicularly. This can be seen on a in which amyloid fibrils are often haphazardly arranged (Howie
microscope fitted with only one polarising filter, which is either a et al., 2008).
polariser, which is between the light source and the specimen, or Some crystals show different colours as a manifestation of
an analyser, which is between the specimen and the observer. Such dichroism, but this is not usually the case with orientated Congo
filters were often of the type called Nicol prisms or Nicols in the old red, which just changes intensity of the red colour. Congo red
Figs 1–3. Three images of the same field of a smear of Congo red, with the specimen rotated to different angles relative to the marked plane of polarisation of either a polariser
alone (p) or an analyser alone (a). In Fig. 1, streaks, such as the one arrowed in each image, are almost colourless when perpendicular to the plane of polarisation. There are
intervening areas that are dark red, and do not change colour on rotation. These are where the dye dried haphazardly because it was not streaked by imperfections in the slide
used to make the smear. In Fig. 2, streaks at 458 to the plane of polarisation have a redder appearance than in Fig. 1. In Fig. 3, streaks are deepest red when parallel to the plane
of polarisation. This illustrates dichroism in the orientated streaks that change intensity of colour, with intervening non-orientated, non-dichroic areas. Reproduced from Lab.
Invest. 2008; 88: 232–242 with permission.
288 A.J. Howie, D.B. Brewer / Micron 40 (2009) 285–301
the two axes, and is reduced the more the dichroic object is turned
from an orientation of 458 to the polariser.
This mechanism was postulated to be part of the explanation of
the brightness of Congo red-stained amyloid between crossed
polariser and analyser (Goldstein, 1969; Taylor et al., 1974). The
contribution of this mechanism was shown to be negligible at the
thicknesses of sections of Congo red-stained amyloid in routine
use, in which the amount of absorption by Congo red was too small
to have a significant rotatory effect (Howie et al., 2008).
Colours would not be apparent in preparations examined in 1953 (Missmahl and Hartwig), several years before this was
light of a single wavelength, called monochromatic light, even demonstrated by electron microscopy, is but one indication of its
using a range of different wavelengths, as Neubert did for many of inherent possibilities’.
his observations. Materials would only have appeared bright or Romhányi (1971) seems to have been a little put out by
dark in the colour of the light used. He recognised that his Missmahl’s attempt to discard his previous error, and he wrote,
preparations between crossed polariser and analyser in white light again in English: ‘It is not quite clear why Heller et al. (1964)
could show a different colour from Congo red in unpolarised light, referring to Missmahl and Hartwig (1953) claimed that they
but he was not particularly concerned with colours. He did not predicted the micellar ultrastructure of amyloid on polarisation
report a range of these, and just said that smears of Congo red optical grounds’.
appeared yellow.
Wälchli (1945) was interested in determining the mechanism 8. Normal dispersion of the refractive index, and destructive
of the interaction between Congo red and cellulose fibres, but he interference
did not describe seeing any unexpected colours during studies of
birefringence, even though he was aware of the work of Neubert For colours to appear, wavelengths of light must be transmitted
(1925). It may be that he only examined the dyed fibres in unequally. Birefringence, alone or combined with other factors,
monochromatic light of different wavelengths. must affect wavelengths differently through the spectrum to give
To return to amyloid, the study by Missmahl and Hartwig colours transmitted by a crossed analyser.
(1953) showed that Congo red-stained amyloid appeared green, Materials that transmit light but do not absorb it, such as many
and only green, between crossed polariser and analyser. Although types of glass, have a slightly different refractive index for different
they included a reference to the paper of Ladewig (1945), they did wavelengths (Hartshorne and Stuart, 1970). There is a gradual
not mention his precise description of how the colours seen in reduction in refractive index as the wavelength increases. This is
Congo red-stained amyloid changed from green to yellow and back called normal dispersion of the refractive index. Because the
to green with rotation of the specimen. refractive index for violet is higher than that of blue, and blue of
They also disagreed with the suggestion made by Divry (1927), green, and so on, white light is split into the spectrum when a beam
Romhányi (1943) and Ladewig (1945) that these findings indicated passes through a triangular prism, and red is refracted least.
that amyloid has an ordered micellar structure. Instead, they A birefringent material that does not absorb light, such as
interpreted their findings to be due to pre-existing connective unstained amyloid, shows normal dispersion of the refractive
tissue fibres included in the amyloid deposits and masked by them. index in both the fast and slow axes. The birefringence of unstained
Thus Missmahl and Hartwig (1953) wrote: ‘Daher möchten wir amyloid, which is the difference between the refractive indices of
auf Grund dieser Befunde über die Doppelbrechung an Amyloida- the two axes, is the same at every wavelength (Taylor et al., 1974).
blagerungen im Gewebe im Gegensatz zu Romhány und Ladewig For any particular specimen, all wavelengths have the same
aus der Anisotropie keine Rückschlüsse mehr auf die Feinstruktur retardance. Wavelengths are transmitted equally by unstained
dieses Eiweißes ziehen, sondern annehmen, daß die Doppelbre- amyloid. Between crossed polariser and analyser, this appears
chung auf die in den Geweben präexistenten und durch white, which is another way to say colourless.
Amyloidabscheidung maskierten Fasern zurückzuführen ist’. This does not mean that every birefringent, non-absorbing
(Because of this, in contrast to Romhány and Ladewig, we do material appears white. This is because even though the retardance
not wish to draw any conclusions as to the fine structure of this is the same at every wavelength, the phase difference is not the
protein from the findings on the birefringence of amyloid same. For instance, a retardance of 400 nm is a whole wavelength
deposition in the tissues, but we accept that the birefringence of light in the violet band, but is rather over half of 700 nm, the
arises from pre-existing fibres in the tissues that are masked by the wavelength of light in the red band. At this retardance, violet is not
amyloid deposition.) transmitted because its phase difference means it is linearly
In a later study, Missmahl (1957), who has been mentioned a polarised in the plane of the polariser and cannot pass the crossed
few times and was a physician in Tübingen under the direction of analyser. Other wavelengths are elliptically polarised and are
Bennhold, made important observations on the birefringence of passed by the analyser to different extents. The appearance is
amyloid fibrils and non-amyloid fibres before and after staining white lacking violet, which is yellow.
with Congo red. He also investigated smeared preparations of This effect is called destructive interference. There are hardly
Congo red. These showed dichroism, and also, between crossed any noticeable effects of interference until the retardance is over
polariser and analyser, ‘demselben Grün wie die amyloidhaltige about 300 nm. As the retardance progressively increases above
Faser’ (the same green [colour] as the amyloid-containing fibres). this, various wavelengths and combinations of them in turn cannot
This is the usual finding in smears of Congo red (Howie et al., 2008), pass the analyser, and the resultant interference colours form a
which makes the report by Neubert (1925) of a yellow colour series known as Newton’s scale (Bennett, 1967; Hallimond, 1970;
difficult to understand. Hartshorne and Stuart, 1970).
Diezel and Pfleiderer (1959), who were in the Institute of The relatively large values of retardance required to produce
Pathology at the University of Heidelberg, reported green and destructive interference are uncommon in biological material. An
yellow colours in Congo red-stained amyloid between crossed example of something that can give such retardance is surgical
polariser and analyser, as Ladewig (1945) had done. They wrote suture material in sections of pathological specimens. The
that Romhányi (1956) described the colour as green. In fact, he did retardance of unstained amyloid is so small that interference
not. He was mainly concerned to refute the mistaken claim by does not occur, and no colour is seen.
Missmahl and Hartwig (1953) that the birefringence was not due A commonly ignored fact in the literature on Congo red-stained
to amyloid, but was due to fine connective tissue fibres. amyloid is that green is produced by absorption from white light of
Missmahl persisted in this highly individual and incorrect wavelengths at both ends of the spectrum, meaning violet and red
interpretation of the structure of amyloid until 1964, when he light. Absorption of either colour alone does not give green, but
sought to disown it (Heller et al., 1964). In this paper, written in gives yellow and blue respectively. Any green colour can be
English, he and his co-authors wrote in reference to polarising matched by a suitable mixture of yellow and blue. To give green by
microscopy: ‘The prediction of the fibrillar structure of amyloid in destructive interference, the lowest retardance of white light must
294 A.J. Howie, D.B. Brewer / Micron 40 (2009) 285–301
more plausibly explained by uncrossing of polariser and analyser, die das Objekt in Diagonalstellung zeigt, ist keine reine Inter-
as described in Section 6 (Fig. 10). ferenzfarbe, sondern eine Mischung dieser mit der Absorptions-
farbe’. (The colour that the object shows in the diagonal position is
11. Contribution of absorption to the colours of Congo red- not a pure interference colour but a mixture of this with the
stained amyloid and orientated Congo red between crossed absorption colour.) In Section 8, interference was shown to have no
polariser and analyser contribution.
Missmahl (1962) explicitly dismissed any contribution from
Anomalous dispersion of the refractive index around the absorption: ‘Da an dünnen Schichten, wie sie in 5–10 mm dicken
absorption peak of Congo red, with compensation from strain histologischen Schnitten vorliegen, die Absorption des Farbstoffes
birefringence if present (Section 10), explains some optical zwischen gekreuzten Polars nicht in Erscheinung tritt, muss
properties of Congo red-stained amyloid, but was mentioned in dementsprechend die Doppelbrechung grün sein’. (In thin films as
Section 9 to be not the only contributor to the colours. As light of in 5–10 mm thick histological sections the absorption of the dye
the appropriate wavelengths and in the appropriate plane of between crossed polars does not become evident. Accordingly the
polarisation passes through the absorbing axis, some is inevitably birefringence must be green.)
absorbed. The optical density spectrum of orientated Congo red Both absorption and birefringent effects are maximal around
between crossed polariser and analyser is not just that expected the absorption peak of Congo red, but have opposite outcomes.
from birefringence alone, but is the net result of absorption and Absorption reduces the transmission of light while birefringent
birefringent effects (Fig. 15) (Howie et al., 2008). This is analogous effects give transmission. Absorption does not cancel birefringent
to insertion of a coloured screen in the optical path of a non- effects completely to give no transmission which would appear
absorbing birefringent material (Goldstein, 1969). black, nor do the two processes balance each other to give equal
This means that the green appearance of Congo red-stained transmission of all wavelengths which would appear colourless,
amyloid between crossed polariser and analyser in ideal conditions because their effects are not mirror images of each other (Fig. 15).
(Fig. 6) is a different shade from the green that would be seen if This is because birefringent effects are symmetric around the
only birefringent effects contributed to it. Similarly, the blue and peak, and persist longer towards the red end of the spectrum than
yellow that are respective results of effects of negative birefrin- absorption, which is asymmetric and declines rapidly on the
gence at wavelengths below the absorption peak and positive longwave side of the peak. There is not a symmetrically rapid
birefringence above the peak (Fig. 14), and are blended to give decline in absorption on the shortwave side because Congo red has
green (Fig. 13), are different shades of blue and yellow from those another absorption peak in the ultraviolet, and the two curves of
that would be seen if absorption had no effect. What the absorption overlap at the violet end of the visible spectrum (Fig. 4)
theoretically unabsorbed shades of green, blue and yellow would (Howie et al., 2008).
be can only be guessed, given the difficulties of prediction of colour Because in ideal conditions green is the transmitted colour of
perception from wavelength distributions, especially in low levels Congo red-stained amyloid between crossed polariser and
of illumination (Davson, 1990; Born and Wolf, 1999). analyser, there seems an assumption in some papers, not
There seems to have been no measurement of the optical supported by measurement, that there must be maximum
density curve of orientated Congo red between crossed polariser transmission of green wavelengths, which are approximately
and analyser before that of Howie et al. (2008). Many papers 510–570 nm, or 490–570 nm if blue/green wavelengths are
appear to assume that birefringence, usually by an unstated included. The maximum transmission is actually of yellow and
mechanism, is solely responsible for the colours transmitted by the orange wavelengths, about 575–600 nm, as a result of the net
analyser. Neubert (1925) realised that absorption must occur, effects of absorption and birefringence (Fig. 15). The appearance is
although he thought that the colour of a smear between crossed not yellow or orange because there is least transmission of violet at
polariser and analyser was due to this and interference: ‘Die Farbe, about 420 nm and red at 700 nm, and relatively more absorption at
the two ends of the spectrum is perceived as green, irrespective of
the position in the spectrum of the most transmission and least
absorption (Howie et al., 2008).
The physiology of colour vision is complicated but is a crucial
part of the perception of green. When light levels are reduced, as in
a microscopic field when polariser and analyser are crossed,
wavelengths in the green, compared with longer wavelengths such
as those in the yellow and orange, appear brighter than they do in
usual levels of illumination (Davson, 1990). This increases the
perception of green in these conditions. Also of physiological
relevance, there has been no formal study of the influence of
defective colour vision on the perception of the colours produced
by Congo red, but so-called colour blindness occurs in pathologists
just as in the general population (Rigby et al., 1991). In theory this
must affect the colours seen and reported. Perhaps this is why
Neubert (1925) reported only yellow in smears of Congo red
between crossed polariser and analyser.
Even in ideal conditions, green is only seen in sections or on
smears between crossed polariser and analyser if the amount of
Fig. 15. Optical density spectrum of orientated Congo red aligned at 458 to the plane Congo red is by definition enough to produce perceptible effects,
of polarisation between crossed polariser and analyser (red line), corresponding to but does not exceed a certain thickness. As thickness increases,
the observed green colour in Figs. 6 and 13, with curves of the two factors
contributing to it. The green line is the contribution of birefringence expected from
both absorption and birefringent effects increase, but absorption
retardance. The blue line is the contribution of absorption of streaks at 458 to a becomes increasingly dominant (Goldstein, 1969). The net effect is
polariser. Reproduced from Lab. Invest. 2008; 88: 232–242 with permission. that shorter wavelengths such as blue and green are increasingly
298 A.J. Howie, D.B. Brewer / Micron 40 (2009) 285–301
absorbed and transmitted less, longer wavelengths such as yellow 12. Measurements of retardance of Congo red-stained amyloid
and red are still not absorbed but have increased transmission, and and orientated Congo red, with suggested explanations of the
the colour changes progressively from green through yellow to colours seen
orange and then to red with increasing thickness.
This was shown by Howie et al. (2008) on smears of Congo red, Congo red-stained amyloid and orientated Congo red show a
and by Diezel and Pfleiderer (1959) using sections of liver change in the sign of the retardance, and so of birefringence,
containing amyloid at nominal thicknesses from 10 to 100 mm. around the absorption peak, in accordance with anomalous
The minimum and maximum thicknesses of Congo red required to dispersion of the refractive index in the absorbing axis and normal
give green are not known, because observations such as those of dispersion in the non-absorbing axis (Figs. 11 and 12) (Howie et al.,
Diezel and Pfleiderer (1959) on sections depend upon variables 2008). With absorption, and strain birefringence if present, this
such as the amount of amyloid at any point and the conditions of explains the colours seen between crossed polariser and analyser
staining, even if the stated thickness of a section is accurate. (Sections 9–11).
Wolman and Bubis (1965) suggested that green is only seen in a There have been a few other published measurements of the
narrow range of thicknesses, between 2 and 20 mm. In the retardance of Congo red, but surprisingly none has shown a change
thicknesses of sections used in everyday practice, the problem is in the sign of birefringence. All have reported only positive
more likely to be insufficient amyloid to give perceptible birefringence. This may be because a change in sign was not
birefringent effects than an excess of amyloid, giving colours recognised by the method of measurement, and the authors were
other than green in ideal conditions. Colours produced by the unaware of the theory of anomalous dispersion, which is not
mechanism of excessive absorption can be distinguished from mentioned by any of them. Without knowledge of this theory, any
those resulting from compensation by strain birefringence because explanation of the mechanism that produces the colours is
strain birefringence gives colours that change when the slide is incomplete and unsatisfactory.
rotated, while colours due to absorption in thick specimens stay Neubert (1925) was the first to show that the birefringence
the same in every quadrant during rotation (Howie et al., 2008). of orientated Congo red varies with wavelength. In his study
The contribution of absorption to the optical density curve of of textile fibres, he measured the retardance over a range of
Congo red orientated at 458 between crossed polariser and wavelengths. In all cases he found that the birefringence of
analyser is that of Congo red orientated at 458 to a polariser or unstained fibres did not vary significantly with wavelength, but
an analyser alone (Figs. 4 and 15). When the polariser or analyser is staining with Congo red increased the birefringence, and the
rotated from the crossed position, the absorption either increases, increase was different at different wavelengths. At some
if the plane of the polariser or analyser approaches the plane of the wavelengths the dyed fibres appeared isotropic, meaning non-
absorbing axis of the orientated Congo red, or decreases, if the birefringent, whereas at other wavelengths the birefringence was
polariser or analyser is turned the opposite way towards the non- increased.
absorbing axis, as expected from dichroism (Section 3). At the same From the fact that the dyed fibres were dichroic, he deduced
time, irrespective of the direction of rotation of the polariser or that the dye molecules were orientated and that the variation of
analyser, the background lightens, and birefringent effects decline, birefringence with wavelength was in some way a consequence of
as described in Section 4. this. He found that smears of Congo red were similarly dichroic and
The net result of the varying combination of decreasing that their birefringence varied with wavelength in the same way as
birefringent effects and increasing dichroic effects is that the the birefringence of Congo red-stained fibres.
colour changes from green in perfect conditions either to yellow, He measured the retardance of a smear of Congo red at five
orange, bright red and then dull red as the polariser or analyser is different wavelengths. He did not draw a graph of these results but
turned towards the absorbing axis of Congo red, or to light green or presented them in a two line table, with an unusual arrangement of
blue/green, bright white, and then colourless as the filter is turned longest wavelengths to the left and shortest to the right, probably
the other way (Howie et al., 2008). The two extreme appearances to reflect the order of increasing frequency of radiation. In the more
are those of pure dichroism. usual order, his values of retardance were nil at a wavelength of
The Cotton effect was proposed as the explanation of this 430 nm in the violet/blue, 30 nm at 480 nm in the blue, 110 nm at
change of colour by Benditt et al. (1970): ‘Slight uncrossing of the 530 nm in the green, 130 nm at 580 nm in the yellow, and 90 nm at
polarizer in one direction produces a yellow to yellow-orange color 630 nm in the red.
in the stained material, and uncrossing a similar amount in the He gave this description of the colour of smears, with an
opposite direction produces a blue-green color. . .. The rotation of explanation: ‘Auffallend ist, daß die Schichten verschiedener Dicke
the yellow-orange and blue-green light in opposite directions is im weißen Licht zwischen gekreuzten Nikols alle ein leuchtendes
obviously consistent with a Cotton effect.’ This has already been Gelb zeigen. Mit hilfe des Quarzkeiles kann man nun leicht
mentioned in Section 5 to be negligible. Isotropie des aufgestrichenen Kongorots für die Strahlen von den
If there is strain birefringence in the optical system, as there Wellenlangen l = 430–450 nm (also für blaues Licht) feststellen.
usually is, which introduces compensation and gives colours other Auf Grund der Kenntnis der Isotropie des Objekts für diese Farben
than green when Congo red is between crossed polariser and ist dann ohne weiteres verständlich warum die Schichten alle
analyser, rotation of either polariser or analyser gives various other zwischen gekreuzten Nikols gelb aufleuchten.’ (It is striking that
colours, from the combination of the usual birefringent and films of Congo red of different thickness in white light between
dichroic effects interacting with the effects of strain birefringence. crossed Nicols all show a bright yellow [colour]. One can easily
Such colours can be replicated under controlled conditions in establish, with help of a quartz wedge, that the smear is isotropic
smears of Congo red by use of an elliptical compensator rotated to for light of wavelengths of 430–450 nm (that is for blue light). On
different extents and in opposite directions, with gradual the basis of the knowledge of the isotropy of the films for these
uncrossing of the polariser and analyser (Howie et al., 2008). colours it can be readily understood why the films light up yellow
This variety of colours can be easily seen in practice but has between crossed Nicols.)
hardly ever been reported (Figs. 9 and 10). Indeed, some published By ‘readily understood’ he meant that failure to transmit blue
figures said to illustrate ‘apple-green birefringence’ actually show light would change white to yellow. He did not give a reason why
effects of uncrossing of the polariser and analyser. birefringence varied with wavelength.
A.J. Howie, D.B. Brewer / Micron 40 (2009) 285–301 299
Wälchli (1945) in a detailed study confirmed and extended the Diezel and Pfleiderer’s explanation of the change of retardance
work of Neubert (1925). He examined the optical properties of with wavelength is confused. They were misled by their attempt to
molecules of Congo red and other substances in solution, including explain the green and yellow colours they describe, which they
in flowing solutions. He found that the birefringence of Congo red suggested arose because the section was thicker in the yellow
was positive with respect to the direction of flow and so from this areas than the green areas. The only evidence they presented for
observation he deduced that the birefringence was positive with this was a claim that the birefringence in the yellow areas was on
respect to the long axes of the molecules or micelles. Whether he average twice as great as in the green areas. They gave no details of
used white light or monochromatic light for this observation is how these measurements were made.
unclear. He calculated the birefringence of 100 crystals of Congo In making such measurements the long axis of amyloid fibrils
red at only one wavelength, 656 nm, which is red light. must be arranged at 458 to the plane of polarisation, because in this
He repeated the observation of Neubert (1925) on smears of position the retardance is at its maximum, and in settings away
Congo red. He found again that the smears were positively from this position in either direction the retardance becomes less
birefringent with respect to the direction of smearing. He copied (Section 4). In a histological section containing amyloid, it may be
Neubert’s results on retardance, reversing the order of the difficult to find fibrils of sufficient length lying in the plane of the
wavelengths. He assumed arbitrarily that Neubert’s smear was section to enable such an orientation to be made. Further it would
0.93 mm thick and on that basis converted Neubert’s five values of be surprising if during rotation of the slide necessary to orientate it
retardance to birefringence, and produced a graph of birefringence appropriately the green or yellow areas did not change colour, as
against wavelength, with a peak at 580 nm, which is yellow light. Ladewig (1945) showed. The most likely explanation of the green
This appears to be the first graph published of the relation between and yellow seen by Diezel and Pfleiderer is not different
birefringence and wavelength in Congo red. thicknesses, but effects of strain birefringence (Figs. 7 and 8).
Wälchli also measured the effect of Congo red on the Missmahl (1962, 1968) twice published a graph of retardance of
birefringence of ramie fibres and cellophane film. Like Neubert, Congo red-stained amyloid against wavelength with 21 evenly
he found that the birefringence was increased and the increase was spaced points. This had a sharply convex appearance, rising from a
not the same at all wavelengths. It was least in blue light of retardance of 8 nm at a wavelength of 440 nm, to about 18 nm at
wavelength 430–450 nm and greatest in green light of wavelength 530 nm, and falling to about 8 nm at 640 nm, with a slight
550–560 nm. He offered no explanation of this. concavity on the down slope. This graph has a close resemblance to
Missmahl (1957) found that staining with Congo red made no that of Diezel and Pfleiderer (1959). Missmahl did not give a
significant difference to the retardance of non-amyloid fibres and reference or describe how he had made the measurements. In an
that the retardance was the same in green light, wavelength earlier work he had only made measurements of retardance at two
520 nm, and red light, wavelength 680 nm, the only two wavelengths (Missmahl, 1957). His explanation of the optical
wavelengths he used. With amyloid fibrils he found that the properties of Congo red-stained amyloid was complicated and
retardance was increased by staining with Congo red, and the confused (Missmahl, 1957, 1962).
increase was greater in green light, with a change of retardance Taylor et al. (1974) used a method called phase modulation
from 8.7 to 18.0 nm, than in red light, with a change from 8.7 to microspectrophotometry to make various measurements on
9.7 nm. He measured the retardance of a smear of Congo red and sections of amyloid, either unstained or stained with Congo red,
found a marked difference in the retardance measured in green and preparations apparently made by buffing dried Congo red on a
light compared with red light, 54.5 nm compared with 15.2 nm. slide with a glass rod. The retardance was only measured at
Missmahl was aware that such differences in retardance with wavelengths between 420 nm in the violet and 590 nm in the
wavelength must have an important influence on the appearance yellow. For apparently one section of Congo red-stained amyloid
of Congo red-stained amyloid in white light between crossed and one smear of Congo red, the graphs showed a small positive
polariser and analyser. Partly because he thought that under such retardance below about 490 nm in the blue, either no retardance or
circumstances Congo red-stained amyloid appeared only green, his a tiny positive retardance at about 500 nm in the blue/green, and a
explanation was severely incomplete. He wrote that green was peak of positive retardance at about either 560 nm in the green or
seen because the retardance was greater in green light than in red 580 nm in the yellow.
light, which was accordingly less transmitted. This is the same These curves of retardance against wavelength are completely
error as the explanation of Wolman and Bubis (1965). Both violet different in shape from those published by Wälchli (1945), Diezel
and red must be relatively more absorbed and relatively less and Pfleiderer (1959), and Missmahl (1962, 1968), all of whose
transmitted to give green. retardances were positive, and Howie et al. (2008), who had both
Diezel and Pfleiderer (1959) extended the observations of positive and negative retardances (Fig. 12). Possible explanations
Neubert (1925). They measured the retardance of Congo red- of this discrepancy are that the sudden change in retardance
stained amyloid at 14 wavelengths throughout the visible around an absorption peak was detected but the retardances at the
spectrum. They published a graph in which the retardance, shortest wavelengths were not recognised to be negative, or that
beginning at approximately 8.5 nm at a wavelength of 440 nm in somehow their method confounded effects of birefringence and
the blue, rose steeply to a maximum of about 21 nm at a absorption.
wavelength of 550 nm in the green, and then descended with a Taylor et al. (1974) reported ‘classical green birefringence’ in
slight concavity to a minimum of about 6 nm at a wavelength of Congo red-stained amyloid between crossed polariser and
680 nm in the red. analyser. They gave a highly complicated and unsatisfactory
For some reason they described this graph in the legend to the explanation of this, based on three processes: the Cotton effect,
figure as being of birefringence (‘Doppeltbrechung’) plotted which was mentioned in Section 5 to be insignificant in practice;
against wavelength. They defined birefringence correctly as rotation of the plane of linearly polarised light by different
retardance or path difference (‘Gangunterschied’) divided by absorption in two axes, which was mentioned in Section 3 to be
section thickness. They actually plotted retardance against also insignificant in practice; and birefringence, although they did
wavelength, as is evident from the values of retardance they give not make it clear how, due to this mechanism, ‘a drastic increase in
in a table. They also labelled the vertical axis with the Greek capital retardation occurs in the green portion of the spectrum with a peak
letter for gamma, which is the accepted symbol for retardance. value between 560 and 570 nm’.
300 A.J. Howie, D.B. Brewer / Micron 40 (2009) 285–301
13. Anomalous colours anomalous polarization color’. Taylor et al. (1974) used the phrases
‘anomalous polarization colors’ and ‘green-blue anomalous color’.
The features of Congo red-stained amyloid that can be seen in
various conditions of polarised light can be explained using
14. Conclusion
principles of physical optics. A final problem is to decide a
description that can be used in everyday practice to report the
Congo red-stained amyloid between crossed polariser and
finding of the characteristic colours. For various reasons, many of
analyser can be said to show an anomalous colour, such as green, if
the expressions used are inadequate or inaccurate, such as ‘green
that is the only colour, or anomalous colours, such as yellow/green
dichroism’ or ‘apple-green birefringence in polarised light’ or
and blue/green, commonly called yellow and green. This combina-
‘apple-green birefringence in cross-polarised light’.
tion, or yellow and blue, is more often seen in practice than pure
Colours transmitted by an analyser when a material is
green. The various other colours apart from red seen when the
examined between crossed polariser and analyser are called
polariser or analyser is progressively rotated from the crossed
anomalous, meaning they are different from the colour seen in
position are also anomalous colours, and are explained by the
unpolarised white light, but they are not explained by Newton’s
combination of absorption and changes in birefringence due to
scale of interference colours (Hartshorne and Stuart, 1970).
anomalous dispersion of the refractive index, usually with
Anomalous colours are well known in crystallography but seem
additional effects of strain birefringence in the optical system.
neglected in biological microscopy. One of us described anomalous
colours in collagen stained with eosin, toluidine blue, and other
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