Liu039 Mother Teresa
Liu039 Mother Teresa
Liu039 Mother Teresa
Read the text about the life of Mother Teresa. Some of the lines are correct. Some
have a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the box next to the line. If
the line is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines have been done for you.
2 were the shopkeepers and she led a comfortable life. However, the
nhà truyền giáo
3 she often read books with stories about missionaries in India, v
4 which she has found very interesting. She wanted to be a has
5 missionary for herself, so, when she was still a teenager, she for
6 became a nun and went to Calcutta. v
tu viện
7 There she taught them girls from rich families in a convent them
8 school. Although she never did saw them, Mother Teresa did
9 knew that the school was very near at some of the worst at
khu ổ chuột giọng nói nội tâm
10 slums. One night she heard an “inner voice” which told her v
11 to stop her work much as a teacher and help the poor instead. much
12 So, while she left the convent and began to live among the poor while
chân trần đã mặc
13 in the slums. She walked barefoot and wore a white sari, yet yet
14 just as they did. She asked for help and was not being being
thất vọng
15 disappointed. Many people sent money and presents. The v
let O Vo
16 city let her to have an old house, and she began her work with to
17 twelve other nuns. The people who came to her were every every
18 usually very ill, or even dying, but she also looked after babies v
19 who then had been left in the streets. In 1979, Mother Teresa then
20 was awarded herself the Nobel Prize. She died in 1997. herself
2 were the shopkeepers and she led a comfortable life. However, the
5 missionary for herself, so, when she was still a teenager, she for
7 There she taught them girls from rich families in a convent them
8 school. Although she never did saw them, Mother Teresa did
9 knew that the school was very near at some of the worst at
10 slums. One night she heard an “inner voice” which told her ✓
11 to stop her work much as a teacher and help the poor instead. much
12 So, while she left the convent and began to live among the poor while
13 in the slums. She walked barefoot and wore a white sari, yet yet
14 just as they did. She asked for help and was not being being
16 city let her to have an old house, and she began her work with to
17 twelve other nuns. The people who came to her were every every
18 usually very ill, or even dying, but she also looked after babies ✓
19 who then had been left in the streets. In 1979, Mother Teresa then
20 was awarded herself the Nobel Prize. She died in 1997. herself