The Association Between Eating Disorders and Mental Health: An Umbrella Review
The Association Between Eating Disorders and Mental Health: An Umbrella Review
The Association Between Eating Disorders and Mental Health: An Umbrella Review
Objective There have been an increasing number of systematic reviews indicating the association between eating
disorders (ED), including its risk factors, with mental health problems such as depression, suicide and anxiety. The
objective of this study was to conduct an umbrella review of these reviews and provide a top-level synthesis of the
current evidence in this area.
Method A systematic search was performed using four databases (MEDLINE Complete, APA PyscInfo, CINAHL
Complete and EMBASE). The inclusion criteria were systematic reviews (with or without meta-analysis), published in
the English language between January 2015 and November 2022. The quality of the studies was assessed using the
Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal tools for use of JBI Systematic reviews.
Results A total of 6,537 reviews were identified, of which 18 reviews met the inclusion criteria, including 10 reviews
with meta-analysis. The average quality assessment score for the included reviews was moderate. Six reviews inves‑
tigated the association between ED and three specific mental health problems: (a) depression and anxiety, (b)
obsessive-compulsive symptoms and (c) social anxiety. A further 3 reviews focused on the relationship between ED
and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) while 2 reviews focused on ED and suicidal-related outcomes.
The remaining 7 reviews explored the association between ED and bipolar disorders, personality disorders, and non-
suicidal self-injury. Depression, social anxiety and ADHD are likely to have a stronger strength of association with ED
relative to other mental health problems.
Discussion Mental health problems such as depression, social anxiety and ADHD were found to be more prevalent
among people suffering from eating disorders. Further research is necessary to understand the mechanism and
health impacts of potential comorbidities of ED.
Keywords Eating disorders, Mental health, Depression, Anxiety, Suicide, Risk factors, Systematic review, Umbrella
Long Khanh‑Dao Le
[email protected]
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Tan et al. Journal of Eating Disorders (2023) 11:51 Page 2 of 14
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), social anxiety, personality disorders, suicidal-related outcomes, bipolar
disorders and non-suicidal self-injury. Depression, social anxiety and ADHD are likely to have a stronger strength of
association with ED relative to other mental health problems.
symptoms [17]. There is evidence to suggest that the rela- AN or BN have high levels of social anxiety compared to
tionship between anxiety and AN can be bi-directional. healthy controls.
For example, the review by Lloyd et al. [18] demon- Several reviews have indicated that certain ED risk fac-
strated that the risk of anorexia is predicted to increase tors can potentially contribute to depression. The system-
in adolescents and young adults diagnosed with an anxi- atic review and meta-analysis conducted by Puccio et al.
ety disorder. Meanwhile, Kerr-Gaffney et al. [11] con- [20] suggested that eating pathology is one of the risk
ducted a systematic review and meta-analysis and found factors for depression and vice-versa. The effect of eat-
that both BN and AN were associated with social anxi- ing pathology on depression among 18,641 females aged
ety with a medium effect size of 0.71 [95% CI 0.47, 0.95; 6–50 years was shown to be significant with an effect
p < 0.001] and a large effect size of 1.65 [95% CI 1.03, 2.27; size of 0.13 (95% CI: 0.09 to 0.17, p < 0.001), which was
p < 0.001], respectively as estimated using the Cohen’s d conducted on r values [19]. A systematic review of body
statistic. The authors concluded that individuals with image dissatisfaction and depression found that in men
the perception of being underweight or dissatisfaction
Table 1 Summary of included reviews
Author (year) Type of eating Mental health Review type Number of Population Effect size of meta- Overall findings Quality score*
disorder/ risk problem included studies description (total analysis
factors (and study design sample size, age (95% CI)
if available) range and sex)
Álvarez Ruiz et al., Eating disorder (ED) Bipolar disorders Systematic review 18 studies on ED in General population N/A High comorbidity of 45%
[25] particularly bulimia (BD) patients with BD, (n = 7,750, age bipolar disorder and
nervosa and binge 8 studies on BD in range = not ED, particularly of
eating disorder patients with ED reported, bulimia nervosa and
binge eating disor‑
Tan et al. Journal of Eating Disorders
[17] anxiety symptoms, cohort and 14 cross post-partum period association between
obsessive compul‑ sectional / retrospec‑ women (n = 318,049, disordered eating
sive symptoms tive studies age range = not and depression and
reported, anxiety symptoms
sex = females) during pregnancy.
Limited evidence for
association between
eating and obses‑
symptoms during
pregnancy for asso‑
ciation between
disordered eating
and depressive
symptoms during
the post-partum
Conti et al., [8] Binge eating disor‑ Suicidality (i.e. Systematic review 12 cross-sectional General population N/A BED was significantly 72%
der (BED) suicidal ideation or studies (n = 71,610, associated with
attempted and/or 5 longitudinal age range = not higher risk of suicidal
committed suicide) studies reported but gener‑ behaviors (SB) and
ally involved adoles‑ suicidal ideation
cents and adults, (SI). The correla‑
sex = males and tion between BED
females) and suicide risk is
important but there
was a lack of studies
investigating the size
impact of BED on
suicide risk.
Page 5 of 14
Table 1 (continued)
Author (year) Type of eating Mental health Review type Number of Population Effect size of meta- Overall findings Quality score*
disorder/ risk problem included studies description (total analysis
factors (and study design sample size, age (95% CI)
if available) range and sex)
Cucchi et al., [28] Eating disorders (ED), Non-suicidal self- Systematic review 29 studies General population Any ED diagnosis: Lifetime history 72%
anorexia nervosa injury (NSSI) with meta-analysis (n = 6,575, Prevalence of of NSSI is highly
(AN) and bulimia component age range = 16–30 NSSI = 27.3% prevalent among
nervosa (BN) years old, (23.8–31.0%) adolescents and
Tan et al. Journal of Eating Disorders
of NSSI = 32.7%
Drakes et al., [31] Eating disorders Obsessive-compul‑ Systematic review 59 studies General population Aggregate lifetime Obsessive-com‑ 72%
sive disorder with meta-analysis (n = unclear, and current preva‑ pulsive disorder is
component age range = 12–60 lence of obsessive- prevalent among
years, compulsive disorder individuals with a
sex = males and was 13.9% [95% CI primary diagnosis of
females) 10.4, 18.1] and 8.7% eating disorder.
[95% CI 5.8, 11.8]
respectively across
Farstad et al., [29] Eating disorders, Personality disorders Systematic review 14 studies General popula‑ Pooled prevalence Avoidant and obses‑ 63%
including anorexia (PDs) with meta-analysis tion (nn= 1,884, rates ranged from sive-compulsive
nervosa (AN), component age range = not 0% (0–4%) (schizoid) PDs were associated
bulimia nervosa (BN) reported, to 30% (0–56%) with restricting AN
sex = males and (obsessive-compul‑ and binge-eating
females) sive) in individuals disorder while bor‑
with ED derline and paranoid
PDs were associated
with binge-eating/
purging AN, BN and
other EDs.
Page 6 of 14
Table 1 (continued)
Author (year) Type of eating Mental health Review type Number of Population Effect size of meta- Overall findings Quality score*
disorder/ risk problem included studies description (total analysis
factors (and study design sample size, age (95% CI)
if available) range and sex)
Fornaro et al., [26] Eating disorders, Bipolar disorder (BD) Systematic review 47 studies General population BED occurred in The comorbidity 72%
including anorexia with meta-analysis (n = 15,146, 12.5% (95%C.I.=9.4– between ED and
nervosa (AN), component age range = not 16.6%) of BD cases. BD was present in a
bulimia nervosa (BN) reported, BD occurred in 9.1% considerable num‑
Tan et al. Journal of Eating Disorders
of BN cases.
AN occurred in 3.8%
of BD cases. BD
occurred in 2%
(95%C.I.=1–2%) of
AN cases.
Goldstein & Gvion, Anorexia nervosa Suicidality (i.e. Systematic review 36 cross sectional General population N/A AN and BN were 63%
[27] (AN) and bulimia suicidal ideation or studies (nn= 2,321,441, associated with an
nervosa (BN) attempted and/or 2 longitudinal age range = not increased risk of
death by suicide) studies reported, suicidal behaviours
sex = males and and ideation.
Kaisari et al., [22] Disordered eating Attention Deficit Systematic review 72 studies including General population N/A Positive association 90%
behavior Hyperactivity Disor‑ 37 cross sectional (n = 115,418, age between ADHD
der (ADHD) studies, 11 case- range = unclear but and disordered
control studies, 6 includes children, eating. Impulsivity
cohort studies, 7 adolescents and symptoms of ADHD
longitudinal studies, adults, sex = males were positively
2 secondary analysis and females) associated with over‑
of the National Lon‑ eating in anorexia
gitudinal study of nervosa and bulimia
Adolescent Health, 3 nervosa. Further
experimental stud‑ research is needed
ies, 3 retrospective to determine the
studies, 5 prospec‑ direction of relation‑
tive studies and 1 ship and underlying
epidemiological mechanisms.
Page 7 of 14
Table 1 (continued)
Author (year) Type of eating Mental health Review type Number of Population Effect size of meta- Overall findings Quality score*
disorder/ risk problem included studies description (total analysis
factors (and study design sample size, age (95% CI)
if available) range and sex)
Kerr-Gaffney et al. Eating disorders (ED), Social anxiety disor‑ Systematic review 38 cross-sectional General population AN diagnosis: Significant differ‑ 81%
[11] including anorexia der (SA) with meta-analysis studies, 12 included (n = 8,501, d = 1.65 (1.03–2.27) ences of AN and BN
nervosa (AN) and component in meta-analysis age range = 12–45 BN diagnosis: between ED groups
bulimia nervosa (BN) years old, d= 0.71 (0.47–0.95) and healthy controls.
Tan et al. Journal of Eating Disorders
tion (n = 74,852
disordered eating, der (ADHD) studies. participants, age disordered eating
anorexia nervosa range = 5–49 years or developing ED in
(AN), bulimia ner‑ old, sex = males and later life.
vosa (BN) and binge females)
eating disorder (BED)
Lloyd et al., [18] Anorexia Nervosa Anxiety Systematic review 8 studies, including General population N/A Anxiety disor‑ 81%
(AN) 4 retrospective case (n = 1,670,312, age der diagnosis in
control studies and range = unclear, general may predict
4 prospective cohort sex = males and increased ano‑
studies females) rexia nervosa risk.
However, longitu‑
dinal associations
between specific
anxiety disorders
and subsequent AN
onset unclear.
Mandelli et al., [32] Eating disorders, Obsessive-compul‑ Systematic review 32 studies General population Lifetime and current OCD comorbidity in 81%
including anorexia sive disorder with meta-analysis (n = unclear, comorbidity rates: EDs is a significant
nervosa (AN), component mean age 19% and 14% in AN phenomenon,
bulimia nervosa (BN) range = 15–45 years, patients; 13% and 9% affecting almost one
and binge eating sex = males and in BN patients. fifth of the patients
disorder (BED) females Higher lifetime in cross-sectional
estimates based on observations and
prospective follow up to nearly 40% in
up studies: 44% in prospective follow-
AN patients; 19% in up studies.
BN patients.
Page 8 of 14
Table 1 (continued)
Author (year) Type of eating Mental health Review type Number of Population Effect size of meta- Overall findings Quality score*
disorder/ risk problem included studies description (total analysis
factors (and study design sample size, age (95% CI)
if available) range and sex)
Miller et al., [30] Eating disorders, Border personal‑ Systematic review 122 studies General population Affective instability Nine symptoms of
including anorexia ity disorder (BPD) with meta-analysis (n = unclear, was the BPD symp‑ borderline personal‑
nervosa (AN), symptoms component age range = 12 tom most elevated, ity disorder were
bulimia nervosa (BN) years and above, while anger was the significantly elevated
Tan et al. Journal of Eating Disorders
and binge eating sex = males and BPD symptom least in patients with EDs
disorder (BED) females elevated, in patients compared to con‑
with EDs compared trols. Certain symp‑
to controls. toms of BPD play a
more prominent role
in the comorbidity
(2023) 11:51
Table 1 (continued)
Author (year) Type of eating Mental health Review type Number of Population Effect size of meta- Overall findings Quality score*
disorder/ risk problem included studies description (total analysis
factors (and study design sample size, age (95% CI)
(2023) 11:51
Puccio et al., [20] Eating pathology Depression Systematic review 42 studies assessing General population Correlation value for Eating pathology is 63%
with meta-analysis longitudinal relation‑ (n = 73,115, eating pathology on one of the risk fac‑
component ship between eating age range = 6–50 depression = 0.13 tors for depression
pathology and years old, (0.09–0.17) with and vice-versa.
depression sex = males and p < 0.001
females) Correlation value
for depression
predicting eating
pathology = 0.16
(0.10–0.22), p < 0.001.
Silva et al., [9] Body image Depression Systematic review 5 cross-sectional General population N/A Depression or 63%
studies (n = 35,518, depressive symp‑
age range = 18 years toms were associ‑
and older, ated with body
sex = males and image for both men
females) and women.
SMD = standardized mean difference; OR = odds ratio
*The quality score was calculated from the total score out of 11 based on the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Critical Appraisal Checklist for Systematic Reviews questionnaire
Page 10 of 14
Tan et al. Journal of Eating Disorders (2023) 11:51 Page 11 of 14
due to low weight was observed by idealizing a larger ED and non‑suicidal self‑injury
body, whereas women perceived their body larger than it A systematic review and meta-analysis by Cucchi et al.
was by idealizing a lean body [21]. Both of these condi- [28] reported that, among patients with various EDs,
tions were associated with the presence of depression or the prevalence of a lifetime history of non-suicidal self-
depressive symptoms although the review was unable to injury (NSSI) was 27.3% (95% CI 23.8–31.0%) for ED,
conclude whether more severe body image dissatisfaction 21.8% (95% CI 18.5–25.6%) for AN, and 32.7% (95% CI
increased chances of also having depressive symptoms or 26.9–39.1%) for BN. Based on 29 studies and 6,575 par-
both conditions co-exist. ticipants, the review concluded that NSSI is a significant
correlate of ED and prevalent among adolescents and
ED and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder young adults with ED.
A systematic review conducted by Kaisari et al. [22] on
disordered eating behaviour and (ADHD) among 115,418 ED and personality disorders
participants (including both male and female popula- The systematic review and meta-analysis conducted by
tions) suggested that the impulsivity symptoms of ADHD Farstad et al. [29] on ED and personality disorders (PD)
were positively associated with overeating in AN and BN. included 14 studies and showed that pooled prevalence
Similarly, Levin & Rawana [23] explored the association rates of PD ranged from 0% (95% CI: 0–4%) (for schiz-
between AN, BN and BED and ADHD among 74,852 oid) to 30% (95% CI 0–56%) (for obsessive-compulsive)
participants and showed that childhood ADHD increases in individuals with ED. The authors concluded that
the risk of disordered eating or developing ED in later increases in perfectionism, neuroticism, low extraver-
life. The systematic and meta-analysis of ED on ADHD sion, sensitivity to social rewards, avoidance motivation,
by Nazar et al. [24] showed that the pooled odds ratio of negative urgency and high-self-directedness was found in
diagnosing any ED in ADHD populations was 3.82 (95% the people presenting with EDs. This finding is consist-
CI 2.34–6.24). BN has the highest odds ratio (5.71, 95% ent with another review that investigated the association
CI 3.56–9.16) followed by AN (4.28, 95% CI 2.24–8.16) between EDs and symptoms of borderline personality
and BED (4.13, 95% CI 3.00–5.67). On the other hand, disorder [30]. The authors found that nine symptoms of
the pooled odds ratio of diagnosing ADHD in people borderline personality disorder were significantly ele-
with eating disorders was 2.57 (95% CI 1.30–5.11) [24]. vated in patients with EDs compared to controls.
In a meta-analytic review of 59 studies, the lifetime
ED and bipolar disorder and current prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disor-
The systematic review by Álvarez Ruiz & Gutiérrez-Rojas der was reported to be 13.9% [95% CI 10.4–18.1%] and
[25] found that the severity of BN and BED in women 8.7% [95% CI 5.8–11.8%] respectively across EDs, which
was higher among patients with bipolar disorder. The evi- included all ED subtypes [31]. Another meta-analysis
dence from their review suggested that there is a comor- review reported lifetime comorbidity rates for obsessive-
bidity between ED and bipolar disorder, with prevalence compulsive disorder of 19% in AN patients and 14% in
rate of EDs in bipolar disorder patients ranging from 5.3 BN patients based on cross-sectional studies [32]. These
to 31%. In addition, a more recent meta-analytic review rates increased to 44% in AN patients and 18.5% in BN
of 47 studies reported the lifetime prevalence of AN, BN patients when longitudinal studies were considered.
and BED as 3.8% (95% CI 2–6%), 7.4% (95% CI 6–10%)
and 12.5% (95% CI 9.40–16.6%) among individuals with
bipolar disorder, respectively [26]. Quality of included systematic reviews
The scores achieved by the included reviews ranged from
45% (i.e. 5 out of 11 questions) to 100% (i.e. 11 out of 11
ED and suicidal factors
questions). On average, the reviews met 72% of the JBI
A systematic review of 12 cross-sectional and 5 longi-
criteria. The details of the score are presented in Table S3
tudinal studies on BED and suicidal factors among ado-
in the supplementary information file. Overall quality
lescents and adults found that BED is associated with a
was acceptable and most reviews performed well in the
higher risk of suicide, including suicidal behaviours and
design of review question, inclusion criteria, search strat-
ideation [8]. Similarly, the systematic review by Goldstein
egy and criteria used for study appraisal. The main loss
& Gvion [27], which included 36 cross-sectional stud-
of scores were from the criteria of methods to minimize
ies and 2 longitudinal studies, suggested that eating dis-
errors in data extraction and assessment of publication
orders with purging behaviour, impulsivity and specific
interpersonal features were associated with greater risk
of suicidal behaviours.
Tan et al. Journal of Eating Disorders (2023) 11:51 Page 12 of 14
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