TIBCO Nimbus UPN - Universal-Process-Notation
TIBCO Nimbus UPN - Universal-Process-Notation
TIBCO Nimbus UPN - Universal-Process-Notation
Every day, billions of people interact with millions of companies or public services
to procure or provide goods or services, through trillions of transactions. These
interactions are the practical expression of business process, the efficiency of
which can generate savings or waste of global proportions. While some of these
processes are automated, the vast majority (typically ~80%) are manual processes,
carried out by people at every level of an organization.
While it is widely agreed that diagrams help users to visualize process flows, the
excessive use of symbols in some methodologies requires the consumers to be fluent
in the notation language. And the content creator must also be an expert in order to
apply the notation to real life processes. Or we have to insert a translation step where
the complexity of the process notation is converted to a format that is accessible
by users. This adds cost and imposes a training and education burden, as well as
creating a barrier to adoption. The sheer size of the potential audience demands a
simple language that needs no training or translation.
The Universal Process Notation (UPN) has been designed to meet the needs of
the general business community. UPN provides:
1 A universal and accessible notation for end-to-end process that is accessible
and comprehensible to all areas of the business.
2 A bridge to the technical approach used by IT for documenting
automated processes.
This section describes the components of UPN.
End-To-End Process
Creating a UPN based, end-to-end cross functional process which clearly
communicates business objectives to all users ideally requires a top down
approach. The object is not just to create a horizontal model from end-to-end but
also vertical visibility for the purposes of process accountability and management.
Level one is used to define the key operational and management processes of the
business displaying the senior level management accountable for each process
area, and clear, measurable outputs at each stage. The key objectives should be
derived from the corporate strategy / objectives.
Each high level process step is exploded to the next level where again the key
steps and accountabilities are documented with inputs and outputs. This process
is repeated until the appropriate task level is reached, with no limit on the number
of levels. The number of levels required is that which ensures end users are
provided clear, easy to use and consistent process driven content and will differ
from process area to process area because some processes are inherently more
complex than others.
Inputs and outputs at the top level need to be carefully considered because
they will set the scope for their child diagrams. Note: It is possible that users will
want to see a top level diagram that is more graphical and omits input output
lines, to create a more appealing and less technical top level view. This can be
achieved by creating a top level graphical view with a link to a top level process
view, beneath which the detail is provided.
Process maps should have vertical as well as horizontal integrity.
Process Map
A process map is a hierarchical collection of process diagrams. Each diagram
must conform to the rules laid out in this specification. Below level one, each
diagram represents an exploded view of a higher level process step. If we make
sure that the initial input and final output on each diagram matches those of the
higher level, or parent, process step and extend that principle all the way down
the hierarchy we can guarantee that the most lowly process contributes to the
organization’s objectives.
Activity Box
Used to describe a process step, processes are made up of activities therefore the
activity box is always described using a present tense imperative verb and a noun.
Text must be concise. Detail is provided in drill-downs or attachments and must
not include attributes which are handled elsewhere e.g. Resources.
Flow Lines
Are used to denote activity inputs and outputs, the direction of the arrow head
indicates whether the line is an input or output relative to a specific activity.
Arrows must be one way to prevent user confusion.
A suitable icon (or icons) can be displayed inside the Activity Box to provide
access to any associated documents, tools, templates or other information.
Additional Notes
Displayed as an expandable speech bubble inside the Activity Box, this provides
short notes about the activity.
External Connectors
These as used to indicate when a process falls outside the scope of the process or
map or to denote the start and finish points of a diagram.
Statement Links
Are used to visibly display a relationship between the process step and a
statement in a set of text statements. Often used in compliance mapping, for
example, to show compliance with ISO9001 or to define a set of risks and controls.
Diagram Links
This allows for the linking of Activity Boxes to similar or related process diagrams.
Are used to display people or systems that are either responsible or accountable
for the execution of an activity.
Drill Downs
Displayed inside an Activity Box are used to navigate down to the next level in the
process, i.e. they transport the user to a more detailed view of the process step.
There are four unconditional rules that must be adhered to. They are basic but
ensure the integrity of any process:
1 The activity box is the only drawing object used to display process steps
2 Process steps are always described as activities and NEVER functions
3 Inputs and outputs are always defined for every activity
4 Resources are always defined for every activity
UPN-R2. Process steps are always described as activities and NEVER functions
Processes describe activities, or tasks, that must be carried out in order to produce
an output. They are the things we do during the normal execution of business.
Therefore we always describe the steps in a process as activities by using a present
tense imperative verb followed by a noun. We DO something to SOMETHING.
UPN-R3. Inputs and outputs are always defined for every activity
UPN focuses on the result, or outcome, of a process step instead of the activity.
This applies to every step along the way so that each one clearly communicates
an expected outcome. This ensures that customers and suppliers of the process
flow can define, agree and clearly communicate handoffs; and where a drill down
is created on a step, the scope of the child process diagram is clearly defined.
Therefore every activity must have a minimum of one each clearly defined input
and output. There may be more than one of each.
Application of the UPN rules is mandatory. The guidelines that follow provide further
tools to communicate the content and then identify improvement opportunities.
These are practical guidelines arising from years of practical application of the
UPN with hundreds of customers on millions of process diagrams. Departure from
these guidelines should only be allowed where there is an identified business
need that cannot be met by the standard rules and guidelines.
The ability to apply the guidelines is a good indicator of the health of a process.
For instance, when applying the UPN to existing processes, authors and subject
matter experts may find instances where it is impossible to achieve alignment
with these guidelines due to the instability of previously undocumented
processes. The rigor of UPMN will reveal activities that have no definable outputs;
users are unclear why an action is carried out at all, or what the correct sequence
is. Successful application of the guidelines may only be realized after several
iterations of process improvement.
At higher levels use the accountable role, at lower levels use the responsible
role, to ensure only one ‘role’ resource per activity box.
Given the hierarchical nature of the UPN, high level process steps
may have a large number of resources involved in the execution
of the lower level steps. Attempting to display all of these against
a single activity box will make the diagram unreadable for the
average user. The best approach is to identify the resource that
is accountable for the overall execution of the step. This resource
may not even play a part in the lower levels but they have overall
accountability for the output of the high level activity.
Note: When automated activities are found in the process flow it is often useful
to display the system, or systems, that perform the activity as a resource. When
doing so it is recommended that a suitable identifier is used to clearly denote
a ‘system’ type resource from a ‘human’ type. This may be a prefix such as
[s] against the resource name. However, it must be recognized that individual
systems cannot be made accountable if any step in the process fails. It is
recommended that a further human role is included as a contact point in the
event of an issue with the system execution of the step. If a whole diagram
is describing automated steps then it would only be necessary to add an
accountable resource to the parent activity.
If all these guidelines are followed it should never be necessary to have more than
one role resource on an activity box. If you still need to do so, the possibility exists
that your activity needs breaking into more than one activity, or requires a drill down
(in which case you can use an accountable resource on the parent activity).
Drill Downs
The look and feel guidelines above describe the limitation on the number of activities
to display on a single diagram. This leads to a hierarchy in the process map in which
the content creator describes each level of the process in terms of the key steps. For
each key step the author will create a new level as a drill down which will describe
the parent activity in more detail. The UPN Application should facilitate the creation
of the drill downs and place no limit on the number of levels allowed.
Data transfers / transforms as a result of an activity in a process flow, and
completion of a process step may require a user to make reference to other
content. End users still require access to this data in order to make changes,
create it for the first time or to validate. Just as the notation is easy to follow it
should be equally easy for the user to access the associated data.
This additional information is normally available in the form of an attachment
menu that is directly accessible from the activity box.
IT departments may take a different view – that the technical tools used for
process automation can be extended into the manual process area. This is not a
practicable solution. The complexity of those notations is such that the amount
of training required to generate process content, even using a cut down version
of the symbol palette puts the tool beyond the reach of ordinary business users;
and the content created requires additional training of the end user audience, to
interpret the more complex notation. Both of these are a bar to adoption outside
the IT department. It makes more sense to allow IT to add their complexity where
they need it than to force the business to adopt a language that is more complex
than they need for the vast majority (~80%) of the business processes that will
never be automated.
UPN provides a simple notation for use by line of business managers to document,
improve, publish and manage their business processes, the majority of which will
never be automated. Its simple notation makes process accessible to all users
instead of creating “shelfware,” and through the capabilities of the underlying
application can provide an extensible solution for IT departments.
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