Leases (Books of Lessee)

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Lease – a contract or part of a contract that

conveys the right to use the underlying asset for - exclusions from cost of ROUA:
a period of time in exchange for consideration.
- leasehold improvement (under PPE;
▪ lessee – entity that obtains the right to use an depreciated using the shorter between the
underlying asset. lease term and useful life)

Operating Lease Model for Lessee: - executory costs (expense)

- lessee is permitted (not required) to make - refundable security deposit (receiv.)

an accounting policy election to apply
- subsequent measurement: cost model (cost
operating lease accounting in two optional
less accumulated depreciation less
accumulated impairment)
(1) short-term lease – 12 months or less.
Annual Depreciation = Cost – R.V.
(2) low value asset – a matter of professional Useful Life
judgment; no threshold indicated. - (useful life) transfer of ownership/title or
purchase option (reasonably certain) =
- use the original cost of the asset as the useful life
basis for its value (judging low value
assets), whether it is new or old. - no transfer of title or purchase option =
useful life vs. lease term (shorter)
- made on a lease-by-lease basis (individual
basis) - (residual value) transfer of title or
purchase option = residual value at the
- lease payments as an expense in either end of lease term
straight line basis over the lease term or
another systematic basis. - no transfer or purchase option =
guaranteed residual value
Finance Lease Model for Lessee:
- other measurement models: (1) fair value
- lessee is required to initially recognize: model for IP; (2) revaluation model for PPE.
(1) right-of-use asset – represents the right
of the lessee to use an underlying asset over
the lease period. (2) lease liability – obligation to pay

- non-current asset; can be presented - initial measurement: PV of lease payments;

separately or part of PPE. using the following rates in order of priority:

- initial measurement: cost (1) implicit rate – interest rate that cause
the PV of lease payments and unguaranteed
PV of Lease Payments XX residual value to be equal to the fair value
Initial Direct Costs Incurred by of the underlying asset.
the Lessee
Lease Bonus XX (2) incremental borrowing rate – rate of
Lease Incentives (XX) interest that a lessee would have to pay to
Estimated Cost of XX borrow over a similar term, and with a
Dismantling, Removing, and similar security, the funds necessary to
Restoring the Underlying
obtain an asset of a similar value to the
right-of-use asset in a similar economic
Fixed Lease Payments XX
Variable Lease Payments XX
Option Price XX
Guaranteed Residual Value XX
Termination Penalties XX
Lease Payments XX

- subsequent measurement: amortized cost.

Amortized Cost = CA, beg. – Principal
Payment (Lease Payment – Interest
Interest Payment = CA, beg. x Rate

▪ lessor – entity that provides the right to use

an underlying asset.
Carrying Amount of ROUA XX
Cash Payments XX
Total Consideration XX
Balance of Lease Liability (XX)
Cost – Purchased Asset XX

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