Leases (Books of Lessee)
Leases (Books of Lessee)
Leases (Books of Lessee)
- initial measurement: cost (1) implicit rate – interest rate that cause
the PV of lease payments and unguaranteed
PV of Lease Payments XX residual value to be equal to the fair value
Initial Direct Costs Incurred by of the underlying asset.
the Lessee
Lease Bonus XX (2) incremental borrowing rate – rate of
Lease Incentives (XX) interest that a lessee would have to pay to
Estimated Cost of XX borrow over a similar term, and with a
Dismantling, Removing, and similar security, the funds necessary to
Restoring the Underlying
obtain an asset of a similar value to the
right-of-use asset in a similar economic
Fixed Lease Payments XX
Variable Lease Payments XX
Option Price XX
Guaranteed Residual Value XX
Termination Penalties XX
Lease Payments XX