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European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine

ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 7, Issue 2, 2020

A Case report on impact of physiotherapy

rehabilitation on partial claw hand secondary to
borderline tuberculoid Hansen disease.

Swapna Jawade1, Sugat Jawade2

1.Assistant Professor, Department of Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, Ravi Nair Physiotherapy
College, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, Wardha, Maharashtra, India.
Email id: [email protected], Orcid Id-
2. Associate professor, Dermatology Department, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences,
Wardha, Maharashtra, India. Email ID: [email protected]
Abstract: Background: Hansen’s disease known as leprosy originated by Mycobacterium
leprae is a chronic infectious disease. It hampers mostly skin and peripheral nerves.Claw hand
is secondary impairment following Hansen’s disease specially those not gone under
physiotherapy treatment. .Primary goal of physiotherapy rehabilitation is to reverse the
functional impairment caused by Hansen’s disease and customize lifestyle modification to
restore functional day to day activities. In this case report presented that modified
physiotherapy rehabilitation of partial Ulnar clawing following borderline tuberculoid
Hansen’s disease have very important role in regaining range of motion
(ROM) ,sensation ,muscle strength and improve hand grasp. Case Presentation: A 30 year old
female reported to Dermatologist with the complaints of light coloured lesion over her right
arm, loss of sensation of lesion and tingling numbness over right hand since 7 months and
was diagnosed as a borderline tuberculoid Hansen’s disease with partial Ulnar clawing of
right hand. Then she was referred to physiotherapy for the rehabilitation after one month of
multidrug therapy with the complaints of loss of sensation, weakness in attempting grasp with
difficulty in doing functional activities. Patient was on lumbrical blocking splint to stretch the
impaired fingers and regain range of motion. In physiotherapy rehabilitation, TENS, motor
point electrical stimulation, Maitland’s mobilization, mirror therapy with sensory re-education
and strengthening exercises was given for 6 weeks, 5 days per week. Conclusion: In this case
used modified physiotherapy rehabilitation for partial Ulnar clawing following borderline
tuberculoid Hansen’s disease aid in early regain of sensation, ROM and hand muscle strength
and restore functional grasp.
Keywords: Hansen’s disease, partial claw hand, physiotherapy rehabilitation

Hansen’s disease known as leprosy originated by Mycobacterium leprae is a chronic infectious
disease. It hampers mostly skin and peripheral nerves.(1) Non- traumatic peripheral neuropathy
is a common clinical presentation of Hansen disease. Peripheral nerve damage secondary to
Hansen’s disease results into sensory loss, muscle contracture, deformities of fingers and muscle

European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 7, Issue 2, 2020

weakness.(2) Partial claw hand is complication of impairment of Ulnar nerve in which muscles
get weak which are innervated by Ulnar nerve which results into imbalance between interossei
and lumbricals. This imbalance is marked by proximal interphalangeal (PIP), distal (DIP)
interphalangeal joint flexion and metacarpophalangeal (MCP) hyperextension. Loss of
interphalangeal joint extension and MCP flexion caused by weak intrinsic muscles and strong
extrinsic muscles results into hyperextension deformity at MCP joint. Ulnar nerve does not
supply to flexor digitorum profundus and flexor digitorum superficialis muscles which results
into flexion at PIP and DIP joint leading loss of grasp function.(3) (4) Claw hand is secondary
impairment following Hansen’s disease specially those not gone under physiotherapy treatment.
(5)Primary goal of physiotherapy rehabilitation is to reverse the functional impairment caused by
Hansen’s disease and customize lifestyle modification to restore functional independence of
In this case report presented that modified physiotherapy rehabilitation of partial Ulnar clawing
following borderline tuberculoid Hansen’s disease have very important role in regaining range
of motion (ROM) ,sensation ,muscle strength and improve hand grasp.

Case description:
A 30 year old female noticed light coloured lesion over her right arm since 7 months. She had
visited the dermatology department of AVBRH with the complaints of loss of sensation of lesion
and tingling numbness over right hand after few days of appearance of lesion. She had also
complained of difficulty in holding objects and doing fine movements. Patient reported that
Hypopigmented patch was initially pea sized which was gradually increased coin sized lesion.
Dermatologist referred the patient for NCV studies and diagnosed as borderline tuberculoid
Hansen disease with partial Ulnar clawing of right hand. Then she was referred to physiotherapy
for rehabilitation after 15 days of multidrug therapy with the complaints of loss of sensation on
right arm, weakness in attempting grasp with difficulty in doing functional activities. There was
no history of trauma, diabetes mellitus, hypertension or joint pain. Patient family and personal
history was insignificant. Patient was conscious, cooperative and oriented. She had no sign of
pallor, citrus, clubbing, lymphadenopathy or edema.

Clinical findings:
She was haemodynamically stable. On finding she had well defined, single hypo pigmented
patch of size 5×3 cm present over right arm. She had a partial clawing of little and ring finger of
right hand with hyperextension at MCP joint and flexion at PIP and DIP joint of little and ring
finger. Muscle wasting of thenar and hypothenar was seen over right hand. On palpation there
was thickening of ulnar nerve. ROM of flexion, extension, abduction and adduction at PIP and
DIP of ring and little fingers were reduced due to joint contracture .Muscle power testing of hand
muscles was performed on the basis medical research counselling (MRC) grading has been
mentioned in table no.1. On sensory examination there was loss of pain and touch sensation over
hypopigmented patch. There was loss of perception to touch and temperature on medial two
fingers (little and ring finger) of right hand.Frommet's test (book test) and card test was positive
in right hand. Functional outcome was 2/10 taken on patient –specific functional scale.

Physical therapy intervention

European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 7, Issue 2, 2020

Patient had treated for six weeks, 5 days per week. Patient and her family education were done
before commencement of intervention. Patient was on lumbrical blocking splint to stretch the
impaired fingers and regain range of motion of flexion at MCP joint and flexion and extension at
interphalangeal joint of ring and little fingers. In first 2 week ,Electrical muscle stimulation was
applied to stimulate individual motor point of Abductor digiti minimi, Interrossoi, lumbricals and
flexor digitorium profundus by using pen electrodes , electrical pulse at frequency less than 1/s
(0.05-0.1 ms) .Low-frequencies (2Hz) transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
applied for 10 minutes .(7) Passive ROM exercises was given initially to fingers in adduction and
abduction in pronation which helps in further regains of strength of interosseous muscles and
maintained mobility of joint, ligament and muscle for 10 repetitions, 2 sets. Mirror therapy along
with sensory re-education was given for 30 minutes a day with tactile stimuli of different
textures and shapes. Then progressed to active assisted exercises by placing MCP joint at 90º and
fingers flexed and extended with the help of unaffected hand. Mainland’s mobilization was given
for 1-2 oscillation/sec for 1 minute to improve ROM. Myofascial release technique was applied
with foam roller lasting for 30 second (5×3 sets) and 1 minute rest and massage given on
shortened muscle to reduce tightness. From 4 week active exercises was started for finger, MCP
joint. Free home exercises of pronation and supination ROM was taught to patient with
screwdriver and handle which help to stimulate the nerve. Once Voluntary muscle activity
returns in 4 weeks progressed to strengthening exercises with manual and mechanical resistance,
10 repetitions with 2 sets of Interosseous muscles and lumbricals. In case report above modified
physiotherapy rehabilitation helped to early improvement of sensation, ROM, muscle strength
and resume functional independence in day to day activities.
Table No.1 MRC grading scale

Hand muscles Right hand left hand

Abductor digiti minimi 1 5

Interrossoi 1 5

Lumbricals 4th and 5th fingers 1 5

flexor digitorium profundus of 2 5

4th and 5th finger

Flexor Capri ulnaris 2 5

Hansen’s disease known as leprosy originated by Mycobacterium leprae is a chronic infectious
disease. It hampers mostly skin and peripheral nerves. (1) Partial claw hand is complication of
impairment of Ulnar nerve in which muscles get weak which are innervated by Ulnar nerve
which results into imbalance between interossei and lumbricals. (3)(4) In this case report
modified physiotherapy rehabilitation has been used in borderline tuberculoid Hansen disease
with partial Ulnar clawing in regaining range of motion, sensory re-education and muscle
strength and improve hand grasp and functional activities. Lumbrical blocking Splint helps in

European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 7, Issue 2, 2020

reverse of functional impairment and restores the ROM without compromising day to day
activities. Low-frequency (2Hz) transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation restores healing of
leprous ulcer by release of endogenous corticosteroids discussed by Kaada, Birger.(7) K Leanne,
et al. observed that early sensory reeducation along with mirror therapy and late sensory
reeducation were equally effective.(8) In this case mirror therapy along with sensory education
started immediately which helped the patient to restore the sensation. Santhosh Rath studied that
immediate joint mobilization is safe and reduced deformity and increased ROM of fingers than
immobilization.(9) (10) Myofascial release technique was applied with foam roller lasting to
reduce tightness of shortened muscle. Strengthening of hand muscle done with manual and
mechanical load to restore functional grasp. In this case modified physiotherapy rehabilitation
aid in early regain of sensation, ROM and hand muscle strength and restore functional grasp.

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