THE VERbal Test
THE VERbal Test
THE VERbal Test
The verbal lest is designed to measure basic verbal ability (the ability to understand wards and
their relationships with other words and ideas], and typically include spelling, grammar, word
meanings, completing sentences, synonyms and antonyms. The items that follow test basic
verbal aptitude in a number of separale areas. A part of the verbal test measures a certain level of
competence in the use o the English language. A sixth-grade student is expected lo master rules
on subject-verb agreement, tense, ease o pronouns, correct spelling, correct usage, lag questions,
etc. The student is also expected to recognize weaknesses in style such as wordiness and
improper coordination and subordination. He/she is also expected to organize sentence parts to
form logical sentences. In the verbal analogy or word relationship test vou are asked to recognize
pairs that are simitar or parallel in nature Another part of the verbal test is devoled to assessing
your ability to understand printed material There are reading passages in this guide book Each
passage is followed by questions based on its content. The questions test the ability 1 find the
thought of a passage or selection. 2. Find implications and draw conclusions or inferences from
the text. 13 find specific details mentioned in the passage or selection. Determine the meaning of
strange or now words in the passage or selection critically evaluate or mathematically analyse a
problem based on facts in tire passage or selection.
DIRECTIONS This test consists of 125 items. Bach question is followed by nue choices Isbeled
A B.. C. O. and E Read each questions carefully and choose the correct answer from among the
given choices. Indicate your choice by darkening the appropriale circle on your answer sheet
SAMPLE QUESTION SHEET The artist SKETCHED a nips hut SKETCHED means said
destroyed drew designed colored SAMPLE ANSWER SHEET SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
FOR MARKING YOUR ANSWERS compistoly Do not make stray marks or your answer sheet
"M you make mistakes, erase the wrong answer tars compelei Make sure your answer sheet is
clean Da not spend too much time on one tem tuad do not knon te answer, go on to the next Ame
is called, review your work WAIT FOR THE SIGNAL TO BEGIN
VERBAL ANALOGY. The items below consist of a related pair of words, followed by five
lettered pairs of words. Select the dal that BEST expresses a relationship similar to that
expressed in the original pair.
1. Bridge: Ship
A) Kitchen: House
B) Cockpit : Plane
C) Passenger's seat: Bus
D) Restaurant: Hotel
E) Seashore: Beach
2. Top: Circle
a. Wheel: Square
b. Pail: Triangle
C. Arrow: Line
d. Eraser: Trapezoid
e. Cup: Diagonal
3. Antlers: Deer
A. Comb : Chicken
B. Horn: Bull
C. Headdress: Queen
D. Hair: head
E. Cup: diagonal
4. Fish : Gils
a. Elephant: Tusk
b. Birds : Wings
c. Reptiles : Scales
d. Humans: Lungs
E) Frogs: Croak
5. Pitch Frequency
A Loudness: amptitude
B. Tone: Note
C. Sound: Enerqy
d. Light: Optics
E Water: Coke
6. Fingers: Keyboard
A. Eyes: Light
B) Hands: Gloves
c. Feet: Bicycle
d. Mouth: Speak
e Body:Dress
8. Grainer, grain
A. Tube, toothpaste
B) Canned goods: meat loaf
C. Grinder: meat
D. Lighter: smoke
E. Match: fire