THE VERbal Test

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The verbal lest is designed to measure basic verbal ability (the ability to understand wards and
their relationships with other words and ideas], and typically include spelling, grammar, word
meanings, completing sentences, synonyms and antonyms. The items that follow test basic
verbal aptitude in a number of separale areas. A part of the verbal test measures a certain level of
competence in the use o the English language. A sixth-grade student is expected lo master rules
on subject-verb agreement, tense, ease o pronouns, correct spelling, correct usage, lag questions,
etc. The student is also expected to recognize weaknesses in style such as wordiness and
improper coordination and subordination. He/she is also expected to organize sentence parts to
form logical sentences. In the verbal analogy or word relationship test vou are asked to recognize
pairs that are simitar or parallel in nature Another part of the verbal test is devoled to assessing
your ability to understand printed material There are reading passages in this guide book Each
passage is followed by questions based on its content. The questions test the ability 1 find the
thought of a passage or selection. 2. Find implications and draw conclusions or inferences from
the text. 13 find specific details mentioned in the passage or selection. Determine the meaning of
strange or now words in the passage or selection critically evaluate or mathematically analyse a
problem based on facts in tire passage or selection.

DIRECTIONS This test consists of 125 items. Bach question is followed by nue choices Isbeled
A B.. C. O. and E Read each questions carefully and choose the correct answer from among the
given choices. Indicate your choice by darkening the appropriale circle on your answer sheet
SAMPLE QUESTION SHEET The artist SKETCHED a nips hut SKETCHED means said
destroyed drew designed colored SAMPLE ANSWER SHEET SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
FOR MARKING YOUR ANSWERS compistoly Do not make stray marks or your answer sheet
"M you make mistakes, erase the wrong answer tars compelei Make sure your answer sheet is
clean Da not spend too much time on one tem tuad do not knon te answer, go on to the next Ame
is called, review your work WAIT FOR THE SIGNAL TO BEGIN

VERBAL ANALOGY. The items below consist of a related pair of words, followed by five
lettered pairs of words. Select the dal that BEST expresses a relationship similar to that
expressed in the original pair.

1. Bridge: Ship
A) Kitchen: House
B) Cockpit : Plane
C) Passenger's seat: Bus
D) Restaurant: Hotel
E) Seashore: Beach

2. Top: Circle
a. Wheel: Square
b. Pail: Triangle
C. Arrow: Line
d. Eraser: Trapezoid
e. Cup: Diagonal

3. Antlers: Deer
A. Comb : Chicken
B. Horn: Bull
C. Headdress: Queen
D. Hair: head
E. Cup: diagonal

4. Fish : Gils
a. Elephant: Tusk
b. Birds : Wings
c. Reptiles : Scales
d. Humans: Lungs
E) Frogs: Croak

5. Pitch Frequency
A Loudness: amptitude
B. Tone: Note
C. Sound: Enerqy
d. Light: Optics
E Water: Coke

6. Fingers: Keyboard
A. Eyes: Light
B) Hands: Gloves
c. Feet: Bicycle
d. Mouth: Speak
e Body:Dress

7. Computer: hard disk

A. Rice: Granary
B) Water: Dispenser
C. Pizza • Oven
D) Chicken: coop
E. Human being: brain

8. Grainer, grain
A. Tube, toothpaste
B) Canned goods: meat loaf
C. Grinder: meat
D. Lighter: smoke
E. Match: fire

10. Swimmer: flippers

a. Boxer bolt
b. Runner: sprinter
c. Boxer gloves
d. dancer: dance
e. boxer: mouthpiece

11. Power: watt

a. temperature: Thermometer
B) Distance Length Or Length Meter See Me ght Moon Tides Earth Wind Sr Sun Day G Comet
Rotation El Star Monso 24. How could the statement "Acealeration equals speedover time" be
best construed? ^?루 A) Acceleration must be realer than speed Time is groster than speed. C)
Speed must be divided by acceleration. Dr Acceleration must be computed as the relationship of
soced and time E) Acceleration is the Square Root of speed and time. greed Eakt ask 4 nOus 25
In Albert Einstein's formula E=mo, what is meant by ^E*9 서 Energy B Electricity * Electric
Field * Entropy E) Elasticity 26. The physicist shoots two atoms of hydrogen to another two
atoms of hydrogen. The process is called FUSION,Anich meansAJ CreationDestruction *
Splitting * Shooting C) Combination 27 28. The maior tenets of Islam were entrusted to the
CALIPHATE. Caliphate means Council of Religious Leaders Islamic Army and Navy * Group
of Priests * Group of Nuns C) Council of Elders and ParentsLadMetaphysics is a philosophical
discioline which studies things which are "beyond material obiects. Which among the choices
most probably means "beyond? Physica Meta Matter E) Obrects U Material 2 30 Frodor
Dostoevsky, a Russian existent novelet said The degras of civlization can be stemined by looking
at the mature of its prisoners." Which of the followina best describes this notion? A) The more
the offenders, the higher the civilizations level Civilization schieves its highest level when there
are no more prisoners. Ci The level of civilization is a reflection of life in the orison cell The
type of prisoners determines the degree of civilization People depend upon the civilization
Hindus take a bath at and occasionally drink from the Ganges River which they consider holy
and sacred What could be the best explanation of this undertaking? They want to, be seen in
public BI Hindus are dirtv ocopie They are cleansing themselves D E Thov do not havo wator at
home They worship their gods and anddesses Gautama Suddha said. Hatred cannot be conduered
by natred, natred can only be conquered bu loud What is the meaning of the word conquerod"?
Attacked DI Pronolica _Annoved E) Lovelod Extinguished 38 B. 35 The Greak Philosopher
Plato said, "Aonearance does not represent reaity. - This means that Appearance is false. B)
Realiv is a mere illusionAppearence can be misleading D) We cannot rely on appearance alone.
티 Exocriments must be done to know the reality. In what particular situation does the saying,
*Whal is general includes the particular* acoly? * Love is Blind. * Love embraces all CY Like
father, like son D) Like teacher. like student E Filipinos are champions because Manny Pacquiao
is a Filipino In what particular situation does the statement *True love never dies" apply? Al
Priesthood and nunnary BI Giving alms to the beggars Golden wedding anniversary DI Marnage
between teenagers E) Sharing extra food to the neighbors in the statoment "Don't judge the book
by its cover.* What is meant by the term *cover? front page Hadle paqo Et outer view 30 In the
senience, "Manny Paoquiao is mentally strand as. well as artistic", which word is an adverb?
Well C) Strang E) artistio 95 Mentally D) as 37 Peocle in the rural areas exoerience the sudden
state of"obsolescence*. "Obsolescence" mostly refers to what scenario? text message from a
friend BI fax machine D) bath tub BY artesian well C) water shower 38 Hamlet said. To be or
nat to be" which is most likely an utterance of A) Paralysis Bi Defeat eT Confusion 0) Despair
E) Ignorance 39 The opposite term of "flammabia Inflamable B incombustible Extinguishable
Oxidized E) Deoxidized 4O *Rich-Poor are opposite terms strictly consioered as 다 Synonyms
Antonyms Fononongms E) Acronyms 41. Manorantia lags non. excusem 8 8 taun marie whien
means Ignorance of the law excuses no one The term which most probably signifies law° is 비
Tonoranta C) Non No one Legis 미 Excusat 1. Gringo Honasan and his men staged a coup d'efat
agsinst Corazon Aquino's government in 1989, Coup d retat is a French word adopted to English.
Which of the following is the meaning of COUP D'ETAT? AI Cuo of soup 머 Miltary Takeover
B) Spicy dish Trade Embargo C) Political Rally 43 Catherine savs lo her boyfriend John. "Ill see
you in our rendezvous " Which of the following is the synonym of RENDEZVOLISO •School
Bi C) House Plaza D) Meeting place E) Department Stare "Gist Is an English word derivative
from German Geist* which means "spirit Which of the following BEST describes the statement.
Discuss the GIST of the article? Prevailing Spinit Overall Content [) Sacred Part 티) Aesthotio
Side Ultimate Point 45 Which of the following la the entonym for matarchal? Al Matrimonial B)
Matriinsal O) Paternatste matemal patrisrenal ER If water bails at 100°C, and rain water is still
water, then: Al Water is still rain Rain boils at 100°c Water is not equal to rain. DI E) Heater
only boils rain water Rain evaporates when heated 47 In the discussion: "Love s blind God is
love. Thus God is blind* what term is probably most erroneous and defectivo? A) God is GI
Bind DI God's love El Lava MB in the statement. "To bé is to exist" how are the terms "to be and
"to exist' used in the sentenco? Al Nouns C) Coniunctiva Pronouns Infnitivos Aristollo's term
for God is the unmoved Movar: Arena #gure of speech will such term be classified? Simile
Metaphor 없 Onomatopoeia 41 요? 43. 44 "gnorantia legis non excusat" is a Latin maxim which
means "Ignorance of the law excuses no one.* term which most probably signifies law" is The
A) Ignorantia Legis g Non E) No one Excusat Gringo Honasan and his men staged a coup d'elat
against Corazon Aquino's government in 1989. Coup letat is a French word adopted to English.
Which of the following is the meaning of COUP D 'ETAT? A) Cup of soup Military Takeover
B) Spicy dish Trade Embargo C) Political Rally Catherine says to her boyfriend John, "I'll see
you in our rendezvous. " Which of the following is the synonym of RENDEZVOUS? A) School
House D) Meeting place E) Department Store C) Plaza "Gist* IS an English. word derivative
from German 'Geist" which means "soirit" Which of the following BEST describes the
statement, "Discuss the GIST of the article? Prevalling Spirit B) Overall Content Sacred Part
Aesthetio Sida Ultimate Point 45 Which of the following is the antonym for matriarchal?
Matrinas! Br Patsarahaie E) maternal .; If water bails at 100°C, and rain water is still water, then
A) Water is stil rain BP Rain boils at 100°c Water is not equal to rain. D) Heater only boils rain
water. E) Rain evaporates when heated. 6Z in the discussion: "Love is blind. God is love. Thus
God is blind" what term is probably mast erroneous and defective? A) God b alme Es lave B) IS
48 in the statement. 'To be is to exist" how are the terms "to be and "to exist' used in the
sentence? As Nouns Pronouns Conunaive Aaverbs 49 Aristotle's term for God is the
"unmoved Mover", Which figure of speech will such term be classified? A) Simile
Onomatopoeia E) Hyderbale B) Metachor P 51. 52 53 54 put a nail in the comin" Which of the
following is the BEST meaning of this idiomatic excression? A) Ignore the thing D) Hit with a
nait B& Finalize the event E) Nail somebody to the coffin C) Fix the coffin cow's meat: beef;
deer's meat: A) Tenderloin? C) Mutton B Barbecue D) Venison E) Park The term "inspiration"
denotes lively behavior. Which of the following is the synonym of "expiration"? A) Weakness C)
Fragility E) Brokenness B Exhaustion D) Malleability ""Eating like a horse' is a common
idiomatic expression Which of the following is CLOSELY RELATED to this diam? AI Fast BY
Voraciously C) Timidly D) Slowly E\. Dirtily Which of the following particular situations does
te saying. "Love is blind" apply? A) Teenage relationships Couple with different preferences e1)
Love despite physical deficiencies D) Love between beautiful lady and handsome man E)
Married couple each of whom with different religion 56. In the sanience "Careson is humble,"
which of the following is the function of the word humble* aside fram using il as an adective? A
Adverh 미 Subient DI EI infinitive dangler G1 sublective comclement Analyze why the sentence
is INCORRECT: *You, who is our savior, will be remembered forever. Wrong use of Pronouns
Incorrect use of pronoun CI Wrong spelling and syntax By Adiectival clause is defective E Past
tense of the verb and predicale 57 Draw the BEST conclusion All scholars are intelligent Salman
is a scholar. Therefore: Al He is a scholar 31 Salman is not a scholar Saiman must be intelligent.
DI All scholars are not Salman. Some scholars are like Salman Fa From the root word
"recognize" is the denvative word recognizabia syllable "abia Which of the following refors to
the E Sorry 임 Autofix 58. The word in Love Is a many solendored thing can be best applied in
what particular situation? * Arranged mamage * . Pre-marital relations D) Broken families ET
Unexpected love affairs C) Divorce G0 When the amount of heal entering a reservoir equals the
amount of heat coming out of it, the reservoir is said to be in equilibrium. Which of the following
is the BEST meaning of Equilibrium? A) Proportion 이 Symmetry E) Precision Bl/Balance D
Opoosition 61 Breathing is the process by which air enters and leaves the lungs. When you
breathe you inhale and exhale. One inhalation and one exhalation make up a complete breath
From the preceding statements, breathing important to life? why iS Exhaling is not important. B)
Humans need to exhale air. We need a complete breath. . 더 Air passes through the lungs. All
humans need to breathe air B. Farmars use forizers to make their claris healthy. When the rain
falls. the fertilzers how with the rainwater to the sea. This resuls in algal blooms (thick algal
growth on the surface of the water) which are not good for the coral reefs. Which of the
following makes algal bloom harmful for the coral reefs? A) dries up the sea eats the coral
reels el blocks the sunlight DI makes the sea salty E) blooms underwater 63 People crowd the
beaches during summertime. Which of the following questions CANNOT be answered by the
above statement? Aj/Why do people crowd the beaches? B) What do people do during
summertime? C\ When do the beaches become crowded? DI Where do people crowd during
summertime? E) Who goes to the beaches during summertime? Early Grocks held the geocentric
("Earth-centered"\ view of the universe, believing that Earth was a sphere that stayed motioniess
at the center of the universe. Orbiting Earth wore the seven wanderers (planetar in Greek) which
included the Moon. Sun, and the known planets - Mercury, Venus, Mars Jupiter, and Saturn 64.
Which term means moving around"? Al Motioniess Stayed 8 Wanderers Orbiting E Beame 65.
Fram the passage, which of the following statements is IMPLIED?미The sun is motionless *
Moan used to be a planel. * Early Greeks were geocentric.Earth orbits the seven wanderers. El
Sun was not the center of the universe. IDENTIFYING ERRORS. Some parts of the sentences
below are underlined and marked A. B, C, and D. These parts may or may not have an error. If
the sentence has an error, choose the lettered part that makes it wrong. If the sentence has NO
ERROR choose E. Indicate your answer by shading the appropriate circle on the Answer Sheet
66. Either Noel or his friends make the presentationA B for tomorrow's event NO ERROR D 67
The principal's recomendation is needed B for the approval of of every teacher's maternity leave

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