Earth and Life

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SY 2023 – 2024

Grade: 11 Semester: First Semester

Subject: Earth and Life Science No. of Hours: 80 Hours
Course Description: This learning area is designed to provide a general background for the understanding of Earth Science and Biology. It presents the history of
the Earth through geologic time. It discusses the Earth’s structure, composition, and processes. Issues, concerns, and problems pertaining to natural hazards are
also included. It also deals with the basic principles and processes in the study of biology. It covers life processes and interactions at the cellular, organism,
population, and ecosystem levels.
A. ORIGIN AND STRUCTURE The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to: The learners: S11/12ES -Ia-e-1
OF THE EARTH understanding of:
1. State the different hypotheses
1. Universe and Solar System 1. the formation of the 1. Conduct a survey to assess explaining the origin of the
universe and the solar system the possible geologic hazards universe.
that your community may 2. Describe the different S11/12ES -Ia-e-2
2. Earth and Earth Systems 2. the subsystems experience. (Note: Select this hypotheses explaining the origin
(geosphere, hydrosphere, performance standard if your of the solar system.
atmosphere, and biosphere) school is in an area near 3. Recognize the uniqueness of S11/12ES -Ia-e-3
that make up the Earth faultlines, volcanoes, and Earth, being the only planet in
steep slopes.) the solar system with properties
3. the Earth’s internal necessary to support life.
structure 2. Conduct a survey or design 4. Explain that the Earth consists S11/12ES -Ia-e-4
a study to assess the possible of four subsystems, across whose
hydrometeorological hazards boundaries matter and energy
that your community may flow.
experience. (Note: Select this 5. Explain the current S11/12ES -Ia-e-5
performance standard if your advancements/information on
school is in an area that is the solar system
frequently hit by tropical 6. Show the contributions of S11/12ES -Ia-e-6
cyclones and is usually personalities/people on the
flooded.) understanding of the earth
7. Identify the layers of the Earth S11/12ES -Ia-e-7
(crust, mantle, core).
8. Differentiate the layers of the S11/12ES -Ia-e-8
B. EARTH MATERIALS AND The learners demonstrate an The learners:
PROCESSES understanding of:

1. Minerals and Rocks 1. the three main categories 1. identify common rock-forming S11/12ES -Ia-9
of rocks minerals using their physical and
chemical properties
2. the origin and environment 2. classify rocks into igneous, S11/12ES -Ib-10
of formation of common sedimentary, and metamorphic
minerals and rocks
2. Exogenic Processes 3. geologic processes that 3. describe how rocks undergo
occur on the surface of the weathering S11/12ES -Ib-12
Earth such as weathering, 4. explain how the products of S11/12ES -Ib-13
erosion, mass wasting, and weathering are carried away by
sedimentation (include the erosion and deposited elsewhere
role of ocean basins in the 5. make a report on how rocks S11/12ES -Ib-11
formation of sedimentary and soil move downslope due to
rocks) the direct action of gravity
4. geologic processes that 6. describe where the Earth’s S11/12ES -Ib-14
3. Endogenic Processes
occur within the Earth internal heat comes from.

5. the folding and faulting of 7. describe how magma is S11/12ES -Ic-15

rocks formed (magmatism)

8. describe what happens after S11/12ES -Ic-16

the magma is formed (plutonism
and volcanism)

9. describe the changes in S11/12ES -Ic-17

mineral components and texture
of rocks due to changes in
pressure and temperature

10. compare and contrast the S11/12ES -Ic-18

formation of the different types
of igneous rocks
11. describe how rocks behave S11/12ES -Ic-19
under different types of stress
such as compression, pulling
apart, and shearing
12. explain how the continents S11/12ES -Id-20
4. Deformation of the Crust 6. plate tectonics drift

13. cite evidence that support S11/12ES -Id-21

continental drift

14. explain how the movement S11/12ES -Id-22

of plates leads to the formation
of folds and faults

15. explain how the seafloor S11/12ES -Id-23


16. describe the structure and S11/12ES -Id-24

evolution of ocean basins
5. History of the Earth 7. how the planet Earth 17. describe how layers of rocks S11/12ES -Ie-25
evolved in the last 4.6 billion (stratified rocks) are formed
years (including the age of the
Earth, major geologic time 18. describe the different S11/12ES -Ie-26
subdivisions, and marker methods (relative and absolute
fossils). dating) to determine the age of
stratified rocks

19. explain how relative and S11/12ES -Ie-27

absolute dating were used to
determine the subdivisions of
geologic time

20. describe how marker fossils S11/12ES -Ie-28

(also known as guide fossils) are
used to define and identify
subdivisions of the geologic time

21. describe how the Earth’s S11/12ES -Ie-29

history can be interpreted from
the geologic time scale
C. NATURAL HAZARDS, The learners demonstrate an The learners:
MITIGATION, AND understanding of:

1. Geologic Processes and 1. the different hazards 1. describe the various hazards S11/12ES -If-30
Hazards caused by geological that may happen in the event of
processes (earthquakes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,
volcanic eruptions, and and landslides
2. Hydrometeorological 2. the different hazards 2. using hazard maps, identify S11/12ES -If-31
Phenomena and Hazards caused by areas prone to hazards brought
hydrometeorological about by earthquakes, volcanic
phenomena (tropical eruptions, and landslides
cyclones, monsoons, floods, 3. give practical ways of coping S11/12ES -If-32
and tornadoes or ipo-ipo) with geological hazards caused
by earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, and landslides
4. identify human activities that S11/12ES -If-33
speed up or trigger landslides
5. suggest ways to help lessen S11/12ES -Ig-34
the occurrence of landslides in
your community
3. Marine and Coastal 3. the different hazards 6. describe the various hazards S11/12ES -Ig-35
Processes and their Effects caused by coastal processes that may happen in the wake of
(waves, tides, sea-level tropical cyclones, monsoons,
changes, crustal movement, floods, or ipo-ipo
and storm surges) 7. using hazard maps, identify S11/12ES -Ig-36
areas prone to hazards brought
about by tropical cyclones,
monsoons, floods, or ipo-ipo
8. give practical ways of coping S11/12ES -Ih-37
with hydrometeorological
hazards caused by tropical
cyclones, monsoons, floods, or
ipo- ipo

9. describe how coastal S11/12ES -Ih-38

processes result in coastal
erosion, submersion, and
saltwater intrusion
10. identify areas in your S11/12ES -Ii-39
community prone to coastal
erosion, submersion, and
saltwater intrusion
11. give practical ways of coping S11/12ES -Ii-40
with coastal erosion,
submersion, and saltwater
12. cite ways to prevent or S11/12ES -Ii-41
mitigate the impact of land
development, waste disposal,
and construction of structures on
control coastal processes

D. INTRODUCTION TO LIFE The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to: The learners: S11/12LT -IIa-1
SCIENCE understanding of:

1. the historical development value life by taking good care 1. explain the evolving concept of
of the concept of life of all beings, humans, plants, life based on emerging pieces of
and animals evidence
2. the origin of the first life 2. describe classic experiments S11/12LT -IIa-2
forms that model conditions which may
have enabled the first forms to
3. unifying themes in the evolve
study of life 3. describe how unifying themes S11/12LT -IIa-3
(e.g., structure and function,
evolution, and ecosystems) in the
study of life show the
connections among living things
and how they interact with each
other and with their

E. BIOENERGETICS The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to: The learners: S11/12LT -IIbd-4
understanding of:

1. the cell as the basic unit of make a poster that shows the 1. explain how cells carry out
life complementary relationship functions required for life
of photosynthesis and cellular 2. explain how photosynthetic S11/12LT -IIbd-5
2. how photosynthetic respiration organisms use light energy to
organisms capture light combine carbon dioxide and
energy to form sugar water to form energy-rich
molecules compounds
3. trace the energy flow from the S11/12LT -IIbd-6
3. how organisms obtain and environment to the cells
utilize energy
4. describe how organisms S11/12LT -IIbd-7
obtain and utilize energy

5. recognize that organisms S11/12LT -IIbd-8

require energy to carry out
functions required for life
F. PERPETUATION OF LIFE The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to: The learners: S11/12LT -IIej-13
understanding of:

1. plant and animal conduct a survey of products 1. describe the different ways of
reproduction containing substances that how plants reproduce
can trigger genetic disorders 2. illustrate the relationships S11/12LT -IIej-14
such as phenylketonuria among structures of flowers,
fruits, and seeds
3. describe the different ways of S11/12LT -IIej-15
how representative animals
2. how genes work 4. explain how the information in S11/12LT -IIej-16
the DNA allows the transfer of
genetic information and
synthesis of proteins
3. how genetic engineering is 5. describe the process of genetic S11/12LT -IIej-17
used to produce novel engineering
products 6. conduct a survey of the S11/12LT -IIej-18
current uses of genetically
modified organisms
7. evaluate the benefits and risks S11/12LT -IIej-19
of using GMOs
G. HOW ANIMALS SURVIVE The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to: The learners: S11/12LT -IIIaj-20
understanding of:

1. nutrition: getting food to make a presentation of some 1. explain the different metabolic
cells diseases that are associated processes involved in the various
with the various organ organ systems
2. gas exchange with the systems 2. describe the general and S11/12LT -IIIaj-21
environment unique characteristics of the
different organ systems in
3. circulation: the internal representative animals
transport system 3. analyze and appreciate the S11/12LT -IIIaj-22
functional relationships of the
4. the need for homeostasis different organ systems in
ensuring animal survival
5. salt and water balance and
waste removal

6. the immune system:

defense from disease

7. how hormones govern

body activities

8. the nervous system

9. the body in motion

H. HOW PLANTS SURVIVE The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to: The learners: S11/12LT -IVae-23
understanding of:

1. plant form and function design a setup on propagating 1. describe the structure and
plants using other methods function of the different plant
2. plant growth and such as hydroponics and organs
development aeroponics 2. explain the different metabolic S11/12LT -IVae-24
processes involved in the plant
organ systems

I. THE PROCESS OF The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to: The learners: S11/12LT -IVfg-25
EVOLUTION understanding of:

1. the evidence for evolution Design a poster tracing the 1. describe evidence of evolution
2. the origin and extinction of evolutionary changes in a such as homology, DNA/protein
species crop plant (e.g., rice or corn) sequences, plate tectonics, fossil
that occurred through record, embryology, and artificial
domestication selection/agriculture
2. explain how populations of S11/12LT -IVfg-26
organisms have changed and
continue to change over time
showing patterns of descent with
modification from common
ancestors to produce the
organismal diversity observed
3. describe how the present S11/12LT -IVfg-27
system of classification of
organisms is based on
evolutionary relationships
J. INTERACTION AND The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to: The learners: S11/12LT -IVhj-28
INTERDEPENDENCE understanding of:

1. the principles of the prepare an action plan 1. describe the principles of the
ecosystem containing mitigation ecosystem
measure to address current 2. categorize the different biotic S11/12LT -IVhj-29
2. biotic potential and environmental concerns and potential and environmental
environmental resistance challenges in the community resistance (e.g., diseases,
availability of food, and
3. terrestrial and aquatic predators) that affect population
ecosystems explosion
3. describe how the different S11/12LT -IVhj-30
4. how human activities affect terrestrial and aquatic
the natural ecosystem ecosystems are interlinked with
one another
Prepared by: Noted by:


Subject Teacher Academic Coordinator

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