Workshop Criteria

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The First (Candidature) Workshop

At this workshop 15 minutes is allocated to each student to present their draft

research proposal to the panel of assembled critics as well as their peers. A further
15 minutes is allocated for questions and critique.

The draft research proposal should include:

• the research question
• contextualisation of the research project within current theory and practice relevant
to your research area
• the scope and intent of the proposed new work
• an outline of the strategies or methods that will be used to explore the research
• factors you believe will be critical to the success of the project

The proposal will be critiqued by a panel to assist you to ensure that:

• the research question is clearly defined and posed within a workable theoretical
• the methodology to be used is realistic, the required data is available, and the
necessary resources can be accessed
• the intended outcomes are achievable

Feedback from the workshop is used to further refine the research proposal. A clear
indication will be given to you from the workshop panel members as to which areas
need further development.

Workshop One
Students presenting for their first workshop will have had their written candidature
proposal approved, and are starting their research work. The expectations for
workshop one are that the student will be able to articulate their research proposal,
describe their literature search, citing significant case studies, and describe the
theoretical field that they are going to locate their design research within. Some
internal design investigation have done to form the initial design concept.

Workshop Two
Students are now roughly half way through their research project. The expectations
for workshop two are that the student will be able to enunciate their research proposal
in some detail; articulating the research question, describing the relevant parts of
the literature search, describing their design methodology, be able to locate a site
and produce a substantial amount of work to demonstrate how they will address the
research question.

Workshop Three
Students should have almost finished their design research project; they should
be presenting an outline of the complete work from question to design. A definitive
research question, the ability to locate the research within a field of relevant practice
and theory. A clearly articulate process describing the evolution and development
of the design methodology. A clear understanding of the choice of site and a design
presentation where the student can clearly articulate the way in which the design
work both embodies the methodology and address the research question.


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