Intern Final Qa Project On Intership

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Intern FInal QA - Project on intership

Software Testing (Trường Đại Học Quốc Tế Miền Đông)

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College of Information Technology and Engineering
PU Registration Number: 024-3-2-00759-2015
Internship Report On
Quality Assurance
Broadway Infosys



Submitted by:
Santosh Adhikari
Symbol No. 371911
Date: 28 Jun 201

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I hereby declare that the presented internship report entitled <Quality Assurance= is
uniquely prepared and submitted to Office of Dean, Faculty of Science and
Technology, Purbanchal University is my original work done in the form of partial
fulfillment of requirements for the bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) under
the supervision of Mr. Chandra Bilash Bhurtel. The report is only prepared for my
academic requirement not for any other purpose. It may not be used with the interest
of opposite party of the corporation.


Santosh Adhikari

Regd. No: 024-3-2-00759-2015

BCA 7th semester

Symbol No: 371911

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The completion of this training work could have been possible with continued and
dedicated effort and guidance of large number of faculty and staff member of the
institute. I acknowledge gratitude to all of them. I wish to acknowledge my deep
gratitude to Mr. Abhinit Karn senior QA at Broadway Infosys for his cooperation and
I am also thankful to his lab assistant that provided staunch support throughout this
training and helped me to complete training successfully. I feel great privilege to
express sincere gratitude to Mr. Chandra Bilas Bhurtel, Vice Principle at CITE and
Mr. Bhanu Niraula, The Head of Department, Science and Technology, CITE whose
guidance, constant supervision, valuable suggestions and selfless assistance have
proved to be more than helpful in the field and completion of this internship result
with excellent result.

Santosh Adhikari

BCA 7th semester

Symbol No: 371911


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This internship report contains the details of the activities carried out during the
internship conducted at Broadway Infosys. It was a real time work experience. I had
chance to learn about the different Quality Assurance tools and technology. I was able
to gather a lot of knowledge and experience from my mentor and other professionals.
It also taught us how to work in a group and be an efficient team member.

The main objective is to reflect mine achievements during internship and to be

familiar with practical aspects of the theoretical knowledge gained at college. This
report is the part of my internship project, required by Purbanchal University in the
partial fulfillment for the requirement of BCA program.


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LIST OF FIGURES......................................................................................................iv

LIST OF TABLES.........................................................................................................v

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION..................................................................................1

1.1 Background of the Study.....................................................................................1

1.2 Objectives of the Study........................................................................................1

1.3 A Brief Introduction of Organization..................................................................2

1.3.1 Introduction...................................................................................................2

1.4 Internship Placement Details...............................................................................3

1.4.1 Placement......................................................................................................3

1.4.2 Placement Description..................................................................................4

1.5 Brief Introduction of QA.....................................................................................4

1.6 Motivation............................................................................................................6

1.7 Roles and Responsibilities...................................................................................6

CHAPTER 2: ABOUT MY INTERNSHIP..................................................................7

2.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................7

2.2 Testing Methods..................................................................................................7

2.2.1 Static Testing................................................................................................7

2.2.2 Dynamic Testing...........................................................................................8

2.3 Testing Types.......................................................................................................8

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2.3.1 Back-Box Testing.........................................................................................8

2.3.2 White-Box Testing........................................................................................8

2.4 Manual Testing....................................................................................................9

2.5 Automated testing..............................................................................................10

2.5.1 Benefits of automated testing.....................................................................11

2.5.2 Jira...............................................................................................................11

2.5.3 Mantis.........................................................................................................14

2.5.4 JMeter.........................................................................................................14

2.5.5 Unified Functional Testing (UFT)..............................................................15

2.6 Testing applications through UFT.....................................................................17

2.7 Testing webpage and website through Selenium...............................................18

2.8 Keeping bug status and reporting through Jira..................................................19

CHAPTER 3: CONCLUSION AND LESSION LEARNT........................................20

3.1 Conclusion.........................................................................................................20

3.2 Lesson Learnt.....................................................................................................20


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Figure 1.1 : PDCA cycle................................................................................................6

Figure 2.1 : Bug Life Cycle.........................................................................................14


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Table 1.1: Placement Information..................................................................................4

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Active Server Page

Bachelor of Computer Application

College of Information Technology and Engineering

Cascading Style Sheet

Hypertext Markup Language

Plan Do Check Act

Hypertext Preprocessor

Purbanchal University

Quality Assurance

Quick Test Professional

Software Development Life Cycle

Software Quality

Structured Query Language

Unified Functional Testing


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1.1 Background of the Study

As per Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) requirement under Purbanchal

University, the students are required to go through an internship program to gain
carrier-related experience in real organization settings. Therefore, this report has been
prepared as per requirement for the partial fulfillment for the degree of BCA at
College of Information Technology and Engineering (CITE).

Internship contributed to student’s personal and professional development through

challenging work assignments. It helps students to practice and expand upon their
knowledge and skills learned in the classroom in a substantive work situation.
Internship program provide the opportunity to related theory to practice. This is one
of the effective part of learning.

This report consists of information regarding the activities conducted in internship

period. Since, learning is a greatest experience one can have which can help to
achieve the dreams of life, this internship helps to learn how the different department
works and how the employee communicated with the customers.

1.2 Objectives of the Study

Internship represents a crossover point between university and career. During

internship period, students need to analyze the existing system, evaluates loopholes
critically, and help to overcome them. The major objectives of this internship
program is highlighted as follows:

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 To strength professional skills and impersonal relationships in professional

 To fulfill the Internship as PU requirement
 To learn the impact and importance of work.
 To develop meaningful career and experience.
 To explore career interest and develop skills.

1.3 A Brief Introduction of Organization

1.3.1 Introduction

Broadway Infosys maintains uniqueness in its brand and service as a professional

computer institute in Nepal since its establishment. It basically provides computer
training in programming languages like Java, ASP.NET, C#, PHP, Oracle, and SQL
Server etc. Also it provides opportunity to learn Quality Assurance which is used to
ensure software quality and improve software performance to make sure bug free. It
further puts its sincere efforts in fulfilling the most demanded computer trainings like
web design, graphics designing, web development and open source software
customization like Joomla, WordPress, and Magneto etc.

Broadway Infosys ensures that learners is imparted with the highest quality in the
Courses they undertake. To meet the international standards in terms of IT education
and its application, they incorporate an efficient teaching methodology. It facilitate
trainees with a well-equipped lab environment and a perfect learning ambience where
they can work, learn and grow. Also, to keep the pace of the dynamic IT field, the
course curriculum is revised and updated at frequent intervals.

The Training is also designed to fulfill the requirements for internship programs for
semester students who wish to do Training, a mandatory part of their curriculum.

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Students who wish to upgrade their existing skills can also undergo the program.
Students wanting to do International Certifications should do this program.

1.4 Internship Placement Details

Internship demands the students to be a part of an organization and explore their

knowledge in the real world. Thus the first and foremost task for the internee was to
search for a proper organization where he could get maximum opportunities to build
his career by learning new things and gathering as much experience as possible.
The organization that was chosen for internship is "Broadway Infosys=, which is
located at Tinkune, Kathmandu, Nepal. The organization did select internee as a QA
intern. There was good working environment and sound facilities that energized
employees to think in a more creative way and performed in an innovative manner.
Thus, the trainee found company as a platform to enhance his knowledge in the field
of IT.

1.4.1 Placement

During the period of internship. The internee was placed in one of the Department of
Broadway Infosys. Internee also got an opportunity to learn about some of the latest
automation tools.

As an internee of QA, they have guide internee for testing and finding bugs of web
application which is developed using PHP Laravel framework. Laravel is simply a
PHP framework which provides a better development environment for web
applications. It can be used to build only web applications.

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1.4.2 Placement Description

The required duration of internship for BCA affiliated to PU, demands the time span
of eight weeks. So the internee worked for following time frame.

Table 1.1: Placement Information

Organization Name Broadway Infosys

Start date: 5th March, 2019
End date: 10th June, 2019
Total duration 3 Months
Intern position QA
Office Hour 10:00 AM to 5 PM

1.5 Brief Introduction of QA

Quality Assurance is popularly known as QA Testing, is defined as an activity to

ensure that an organization is providing the best possible product or service to
customers. QA focuses on improving the processes to deliver Quality Products to the
customer. An organization has to ensure, that processes are efficient and effective as
per the quality standards defined for software products. Quality assurance has a
defined cycle called PDCA cycle or Deming cycle. The phases of this cycle are:
 Plan
 Do
 Check
 Act

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Figure 1.1: PDCA cycle

These above steps are repeated to ensure that processes followed in the organization
are evaluated and improved on a periodic basis. Let's look into the above steps in

 Plan - Organization should plan and establish the process related objectives
and determine the processes that are required to deliver a high-Quality end
 Do - Development and testing of Processes and also "do" changes in the
 Check - Monitoring of processes, modify the processes, and check whether it
meets the predetermined objectives.
 Act - Implement actions that are necessary to achieve improvements in the

An organization must use Quality Assurance to ensure that the product is designed
and implemented with correct procedures. This helps reduce problems and errors, in
the final product.

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1.6 Motivation

As it is one of the reputable institutions, at first, the internee came to know about it
through internet and CAN Infotech. But later after meeting and consulting with the
representative, the internee became familiar with their vision and objectives. They
provide favorable environment for the trainees by providing instructors and advising
with proper guidelines whenever necessary.

1.7 Roles and Responsibilities

As an intern, the internee’s responsibilities at Broadway Infosys was to cover the test
as per the requirement and as assigned. For this it required knowledge and skills about
various SDLC and understanding of test principles, testing types like black box
testing & white box testing, error reporting, bug finding, use of automation tools and
use of SQL etc. and general knowledge of programming languages like PHP, C, C++,
JAVA, CSS etc. The main responsibility was to ensure that the web application
developed or any application/software developed must be bug free, meet the quality
standards and most importantly meet the expectations of client. While pursuing
internship as QA, it also requires continuous interactions with project managers and
developers too. During my internship period internee mostly worked on a web

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2.1 Introduction

Internee’s first day at internship mostly passed by getting basic concept and required
knowledge about QA. The internee made quite detailed notes each day about what he
learned as well as of the tasks he had to do each day throughout the internship. Since
these tasks are mostly project related, he can’t disclose these though so daily
reporting isn’t possible.

The internee’s 1st day at internship was at 5th march 2019, which was Tuesday. He got
in at 10:00 am as was instructed to me by mail. He was given a quick tour of the
company and shown the place where from where he had to work. There were few
other internees there as well so shook hands with every internee there and waited for
supervisor to come.

After couple of minutes the supervisor came and we had a 5 minutes introductory
session. Then he began to explain basic concepts with the starting question, what is
QA? Then he started giving theoretical knowledge about QA till 1PM. From1PM
to1:30 PM lunch break was provided. After lunch break again it continued till 5PM.
This process continued for about 7 days where many topics like SDLC and brief
concept of SQ was also given. The internee was given detailed theoretical information
at a rapid pace during these 7 days.

2.2 Testing Methods

2.2.1 Static Testing

It is also known as Verification in Software Testing. Verification is a static method of

checking documents and files. Verification is the process, to ensure that whether we

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are building the product right i.e., to verify the requirements which we have and to
verify whether we are developing the product accordingly or not.

2.2.2 Dynamic Testing

It is also known as Validation in Software Testing. Validation is a dynamic process of

testing the real product. Validation is the process, whether we are building the right
product i.e., to validate the product which we have developed is right or not.

2.3 Testing Types

2.3.1 Back-Box Testing

Black box testing, also known as behavioral testing, is a software testing method in
which the internal structure/design/implementation of the item being tested is not
known to the tester. These tests can be functional or non-functional, though usually
functional. This method is named so because the software program, in the eyes of the
tester, is like a black box; inside which one cannot see. This method attempts to find
errors in the following categories:

 Incorrect or missing functions.

 Interface errors.
 Errors in data structures or external database access.
 Behavior or performance errors.
 Initialization and termination errors.

2.3.2 White-Box Testing

White box testing (also known as Clear Box Testing, Open Box Testing, Glass Box
Testing, Transparent Box Testing, Code-Based Testing or Structural Testing) is

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a software testing method in which the internal structure/design/implementation of

the item being tested is known to the tester. The tester chooses inputs to exercise
paths through the code and determines the appropriate outputs. Programming know-
how and the implementation knowledge is essential. White box testing is testing
beyond the user interface and into the nitty-gritty of a system.

This method is named so because the software program, in the eyes of the tester, is
like a white/transparent box; inside which one clearly sees.

2.4 Manual Testing

Manual testing is the process of testing the software manually to find the defects.
Tester should have the perspective of end users and to ensure all the features are
working as mentioned in the requirement document. In this process, testers execute
the test cases and generate the reports manually without using any automation tools.
Here in Broadway test cases were written using MS-excel for manual testing. The
practice of writing test cases in Excel gave me chance to make a logical table for
calculations as well as for testing various outcomes were calculated according to
input and were displaying correct output or not. In general I covered with this
following topics to write manual test cases.

 Test case ID
 Test title
 Test summary
 Pre conditions
 Test Priority
 Test steps
 Test data
 Expected Result

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 Actual result
 Status

2.5 Automated testing

Automation testing is the process of testing the software using an automation tool to
find the defects. In this process, testers execute the test scripts and generate the test
results automatically by using automation tools. Some of the famous automation
testing tools for functional testing are QTP/UFT and Selenium. Automated software
testing's main benefit is that it simplifies as much manual effort as possible. If unit
testing consumes a large percentage of a QA team's resources, for example, then this
process should be evaluated as a candidate for automation. Automated testing tools
execute tests, report outcomes and compare results with earlier test runs. Automated
tests can run repeatedly at any time of day. This approach fits in with continuous
testing, software development practices.


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2.5.1 Benefits of automated testing

 Run test Quickly and Effectively

 Cost Effective
 Technically Beneficial
 Reports Clarity

During my internship period I got opportunity to learn about some automated testing
tools which I have described as following:

2.5.2 Jira

Jira is a highly popular tool used by QA teams for tracking bugs, new feature
requests, and tasks. Its customizable nature allows for a broad set of use cases when it
comes to managing software development projects. Jira is great for managing high
volume backlogs and for bringing teams together to focus on the work that matters.
The most common way software testing teams use Jira is to log bugs and new

Jira can also be used as a test case management tool, but because Jira has not been
specifically designed for this role, a number of time-intensive configurations need to
be made to make it operable. For this reason, an increasing number of users are
choosing to integrate Jira with a reliable, purpose-built test case management tool,
such as TestLodge. The integration gives them access to the twin resources, letting
them get on with the actual job of testing far quicker than by using Jira alone. Some
specific features of Jira that are useful for Test Case Management:

 Link to bugs and requirements

 Custom issue types such as test case and user story
 Multiple affects/fix for versions
 Automatic and manual issue assignment

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 Subtasks for manual testing

 Integrates with source code repository
 Reporting
 Issue comments and attachments
 Customizable

After running test cases written on excel, bugs used to be detected. These bugs were
recorded by creating token at Jira and were used to be assigned to the developers to
solve using Jira. While emailing bugs to the developers or walking up to a developer
can be useful, but with such a large team it can hamper workflow and slow the pace
of work. To reduce this, bugs status is recorded in Jira, a project management
software which can be accessed in a browser. Jira allows a developer to create a new
entry for each bug and provide detailed information to reproduce the bug. In addition,
bugs can be given relations to other bugs and priorities for fixing. Bugs are either
open, resolved (fixed but require validation), fixed in next release or closed. They are
reported in different categories, which can be filtered.

In Jira the filter categories were as following:

 Bugs
 Resolved (bugs supposedly fixed, require validation before closing)
 Fixed in next release (not fixed in current version but in next version of editor)

While using Jira for reporting bugs, first knowing bug life cycle is must. Bug life
cycle is the process of creating ticket, assigning to the developer, fixing the bug and
closing the ticket.


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The following figure shows the bug life cycle step by step

Figure 2.1: Bug Life Cycle


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2.5.3 Mantis

ANTIS is an open source bug tracking software. It can be used to track bug for
various software projects. We can easily download and install the Mantis for our
use. Mantis bug tracker now also provides a hosted version of the software.

Some salient features of Mantis bug tracker are:

 Access Control: We can control user access at a project level

 Customize: We can easily customize Mantis as per your requirements.
 Mobile Support: Mantis supports iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone
 Plugins: An ever-expanding library of plugins to add custom functionality to
Mantis Issue Tracker.

2.5.4 JMeter

The Apache JMeterTM is pure Java open source software, which was first developed
by Stefano Mazzocchi of the Apache Software Foundation, designed to load test
functional behavior and measure performance. You can use JMeter to analyze and
measure the performance of web application or a variety of services. Performance
Testing means testing a web application against heavy load, multiple and concurrent
user traffic. JMeter originally is used for testing Web Application or FTP application.
Nowadays, it is used for a functional test, database server test etc.

Advantages of JMeter

 Open source license: JMeter is totally free, allows developer use the source
code for the development


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 Friendly GUI: JMeter is extremely easy to use and doesn't take time to get
familiar with it.
 Platform independent: JMeter is 100% pure Java desktop application. So it
can run on multiple platforms.
 Full multithreading framework. JMeter allows concurrent and simultaneous
sampling of different functions by a separate thread group.
 Visualize Test Result: Test result can be displayed in a different format such
as chart, table, tree and log file.
 Easy installation: You just copy and run the *.bat file to run JMeter. No
installation needed.
 Highly Extensible: You can write your own tests. JMeter also supports
visualization plugins allow you to extend your testing.
 Multiple testing strategy: JMeter supports many testing strategies such as
Load Testing, Distributed Testing, and Functional Testing.
 Simulation: JMeter can simulate multiple users with concurrent threads, create
a heavy load against web application under test.

2.5.5 Unified Functional Testing (UFT)

UFT/QTP is an automated functional Testing tool that helps testers to execute

automated tests in order to identify any errors, defects or gaps in contrary to the
expected results of the application under test. It was designed by Mercury Interactive
and later on acquired by HP. Full form of QTP is Quick Test Professional while UFT
means Unified Functional Testing. UFT/QTP is the best testing tool because of
following reasons.

 It is an icon-based tool that automates the regression and Functional Testing

of an application
 Both technical, as well as a non-technical tester, can use Micro Focus QTP
 It provides both features- Record as well as Playback


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 We can test Desktop as well as the Web-based applications

 It allows Business Process Testing (BPT)
 QTP Testing is based on scripting language VB script
 Micro Focus's UFT uses VBScript to automate applications
 It supports the largest pool of software development environments like SAP,
Oracle etc.
 QTP tool helps the testers to perform an automated functional testing

Some advantages of QTP Automation

 It supports record and playback

 It uses an active screen to record scripts and helps tester in referring the screen
object properties
 It has excellent object identification process or mechanism
 It supports different add-ins like Oracle, Java, .NET, Web Forms etc.
 It allows you to enhance the existing tests even without the AUT through an
active screen.
 It supports popular automation frameworks- keyword driven testing approach,
modular testing approach, data-driven testing approach, etc.
 It comes with an inbuilt IDE.
 Different types of suites like Smoke, Regression, and Sanity can be easily
 It supports XML.
 Test reporting is possible through QTP for analysis purpose.


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2.6 Testing applications through UFT

UFT/QTP is an automated functional Testing tool that helps testers to execute

automated tests in order to identify any errors, defects or gaps in contrary to the
expected results of the application under test. It was designed by Mercury Interactive
and later on acquired by HP. UFT/QTP is the best testing tool because of following

 It is an icon-based tool that automates the regression and Functional Testing

of an application
 Both technical, as well as a non-technical tester, can use Micro Focus QTP
 It provides both features- Record as well as Playback
 We can test Desktop as well as the Web-based applications
 It supports the largest pool of software development environments like Oracle.
 QTP tool helps the testers to perform an automated functional testing

QTP/UFT allows tester to test both web pages and websites as well as desktop
application (both online and offline). Here we can run and test any application either
by writing codes manually or by using record button, going to desire application and
giving the test input, stopping record button and making the code by adding attributes
and giving a set of conditions to check.


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2.7 Testing webpage and website through Selenium

Selenium is a free (open source) automated testing suite for web applications across
different browsers and platforms. It is quite similar to QTP/UFT but difference is only
that Selenium focuses on automating web-based applications. Testing done using
Selenium tool is usually referred as Selenium Testing.

As Selenium is an open source software and platform independent, it is more popular

than QTP/UFT. Also compared to QP/UFT, it is easier to use. Selenium was
previously Firefox extension which later grew up and became today’s web base
application testing tool. Selenium has 4 components by far. They are

 Selenium Integrated Development Environment

 Selenium Remote Control
 WebDriver
 Selenium Grid

Selenium also allows record and play button like QTP/UFT but it didn’t support
complex locators like XPath and link name. Thus, selenium Remote control and
WebDriver fused and created Selenium 2 which later got improved and became
Selenium 3.

Selenium allows tester to create a test code for each component such as dropdown,
button or text field and provide detailed testing to find the bug. It uses different
functions such as find.Element and select.Element to find the exact component to test
and select the exact component to test.


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2.8 Keeping bug status and reporting through Jira

After running test cases written on excel, bugs used to be detected. These bugs were
recorded by creating token at Jira and were used to be assigned to the developers to
solve using Jira. While emailing bugs to the developers or walking up to a developer
can be useful, but with such a large team it can hamper workflow and slow the pace
of work. To reduce this, bugs status is recorded in Jira, a project management
software which can be accessed in a browser.

Jira allows a developer to create a new entry for each bug and provide detailed
information to reproduce the bug. In addition, bugs can be given relations to other
bugs and priorities for fixing. Bugs are either open, resolved (fixed but require
validation), fixed in next release or closed. They are reported in different categories,
which can be filtered.

In Jira the filter categories were as following:

1. Bugs
2. Resolved (bugs supposedly fixed, require validation before closing)
3. Fixed in next release (not fixed in current version but in next version of editor)

While using Jira for reporting bugs, first knowing bug life cycle is must. Bug life
cycle is the process of creating ticket, assigning to the developer, fixing the bug and
closing the ticket.


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3.1 Conclusion

The Internship period at Broadway Infosys has been very productive and helpful.
There is a big difference in the PU academic course and the tasks and activities
during the actual work. In college we learn how quality is important and some basic
quality software benefits and features, where during internship, it is learnt far more
than the basics. Alongside of manual test case writing, various automation tools use
and how to tackle and report bug in reality is learnt.

Lastly, the internship was a wonderful experience in the exposure to the professional
field. The internee learned so much from there and it helped him to grow by many
folds. This internship showed one thing that the college course is so old fashioned and
outdated and has to be updated. In near future if opportunity is provided, the internee
surely would love to be a QA specialist in Broadway Infosys to pay how it helped in
the internship.

3.2 Lesson Learnt

Working at Broadway Infosys provides the internee with the following aspects:

 Work experience in group.

 Develop the interpersonal, managerial and entrepreneurial skills that are crucial
in every professional and employee’s career development.
 Importance of time and punctuality.
 Time management skills.
 Time commitment while doing any work.


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Report Formatting (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2019, from

Selenium (n.d.). Retrieved June 17, 2019, from

Jira (n.d.). Retrieved 18, 2019, from

Jira (n.d.). Retrieved 18, 2019, from


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