ITM Quiz 2

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Note: There are two parts n quiz. First part of the quiz based on objective questions
while second part of the quiz based on case study. Two hours has been assigned to
complete the quiz. Moreover, the quiz shall be submitted at CUONLINE within
providing time.

Pick the most appropriate option.

1) The decision-making process begins by identifying decision criteria.

Answer: FALSE

2) A decision criterion defines what is important or relevant to resolving a problem.

Answer: TRUE

3) In the decision-making process, after allocating weights to the decision criteria, the
decision maker lists viable alternatives that could resolve the problem.
Answer: TRUE

4) Once the alternatives to solving a problem have been identified, the next step in the
decision-making process is selecting one of these alternatives.
Answer: FALSE

5) Implementing an alternative refers to the process of choosing the best alternative.

Answer: FALSE

6) A series of eight steps that begins with identifying a problem and concludes with
evaluating a decision's effectiveness is known as ________.
A) the decision-making process
B) decision support theory
C) a decision-tree analysis
D) a decision information system

7) A(n) ________ is the existence of a discrepancy between an existing and a desired

state of affairs.
A) hazard
B) risk
C) uncertainty
D) problem

8) Which of the following statements is true concerning problem identification?

A) Problems are generally obvious.
B) A symptom and a problem are one and the same.
C) Generally, what is a problem for one manager is a problem for all other managers.
D) Effectively identifying problems is not easy.

9) After identifying a problem, the next step in the decision-making process is ________.

A) identifying decision criteria

B) allocating weights to decision criteria
C) analyzing alternatives
D) developing alternatives

10) To determine the ________, a manager must determine what is relevant or

important to resolving a problem.
A) bounded rationality of a decision
B) escalation of commitment
C) weight of the decision criteria
D) decision criteria

11) Managers cannot possibly analyze all information on all alternatives, they tend to
________, rather than ________.
A) maximize; satisfice
B) neutralize; satisfice
C) satisfice; neutralize
D) satisfice; maximize

12) ________ results in a solution that is considered "good enough."

A) Escalating
B) Linear thinking
C) Intuition
D) Satisficing


We know that too much stress can be bad for our health and well-being. That connection
became even more painfully and tragically obvious at France Télécom.71 Since early 2008,
more than 40 people who worked for the company committed suicide. The situation captured
the attention of the worldwide media, the public, and the French government because many
of the suicides and more than a dozen failed suicide attempts have been attributed to work-
related problems. Although France has a higher suicide rate than any other large Western
country, this scenario is particularly troublesome. So much so, that the Paris prosecutor’s
office opened an investigation of the company over accusations of psychological harassment.
The judicial inquiry stems from a complaint by the union Solidares Unitaires Démocratiques
against France Télécom’s former chief executive and two members of his top management
team. The complaint accused management of conducting a “pathogenic restructuring.”
Excerpts of the inspector’s report, although it is not public, have been published in the French
media. It describes a situation in which the company used various forms of psychological
pressure to eliminate 22,000 jobs from 2006 to 2008. Company doctors alerted management
about the possible psychological dangers of the stress that could accompany such drastic
change. “The spate of suicides has highlighted a quirk at the heart of French society: Even
with robust labor protection, workers see themselves as profoundly insecure in the face of
globalization, with many complaining about being pushed beyond their limits.” A company
lawyer denied that France Télécom had systematically pressured employees to leave.
Company executives have realized that they need to take drastic measures to address the

issue. One of the first changes was a new CEO, Stéphane Richard, who said his priority
“would be to rebuild the morale of staff who have been through trauma, suffering and much
worse.” The company halted some workplace practices identified as being particularly
disruptive, like involuntary transfers, and began encouraging more supportive practices,
including working from home. A company spokesperson says the company has completed
two of six agreements with unions that cover a wide range of workplace issues such as
mobility, work-life balance,
and stress.

Discussion Questions
1. What is your reaction to the situation described in this case? What factors, both
the company and externally, appear to have contributed to this situation?
Firstly, I was fully shocked, disgusted, and just wounder while reading the story. I was
shocked by the initial response of the company. I was totally shocked by reading the initial
response of the company. I think, they do not respect their employee’s and they did not care
about their well-being. During this case study, I find their stupidity, which makes me angry.
Their internal conditions show’s poor work environment which has an unnecessary and
immoderate stress on the employees. After this case study, I came to know that France has a
higher suicide rate than other Western countries, which make the residents to do suicide but
not a key contributor.

2. What appeared to be happening in the France Télécom’s workplace? What stress

symptoms might have alerted managers to a problem?

The situation captured the eye of the worldwide media, the public. We all know that an
excessive amount of stress is dangerous for our health and well-being. In the France Telecom
workplace, it happens that the company was using psychological pressure and pathogenic
redesigning which affect their worker’s immense stress. Therefore, they feel of insecurity.
They perceive insignificant to the corporate and the way they were pressured and treated
created huge role conflict and overload. Some stress symptoms which may have alerted
managers to a controversy could are first the corporate doctors saying there was
psychological dangers with these factors, psychological symptoms like irritability,
dissatisfaction, anxiety, or boredom, physical factors like headaches and increased vital sign,
and behavior symptoms like change in productivity, eating habits, addictions, or fidgeting.

3. Should managers be free to make decisions that are in the best interests of the
company without worrying about employee reactions? Discuss. What are the
implications for managing change?

No, I think employees are the biggest a part of the company and the way its production will
go. They need to desire that they are significant and a component of the changes to come
otherwise the results may be drastic like this case. They must speak with their employees and
must require and acquire them to participate. While making them feel like, they are important
to the change itself. I believe that those companies which are inclusive with their employees
at all levels will be the best places to work.

4. What are France Télécom’s executives doing to address the situation? Do you think it
is enough? Are there other actions they might take? If so, describe those actions. If not,

why not?

A company lawyer denied that France Telecom did not had systematically pressured
employees to leave since 2006 to 2008. Company executives have realized that they need to
take some serious step to address the issue. Firstly, the company has changed their CEO, and
the new CEO Stephaney Richard, said that their first priority is “To rebuild the morale of
staff that has been through trauma, suffering and much worse.”. He ended some
company practices that have negative impacts like involuntary transfers and appreciate more
supportive practices like working from home. He worked with the unions to cover many
workplace issues. Foxconn’s executives hired many new workers, improved safety, and
upgraded housing and amenities.

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