Summer 2023
Summer 2023
Summer 2023
historical society
Summer 2023 Volume 29 Issue 3
Second annual ice cream social .........................1 Upcoming program schedule............................. 4
President’s greetings ..........................................2 Membership form ..............................................5
Archive report ....................................................2 Books available for purchase ............................ 6
Programs held at HACC ....................................3
Accepting 2023 memberships. They can be mailed to the post office box
listed in the membership form or can be paid at a meeting.
Membership Form
Name _______________________________________________________
Mailing Address ______________________________________________
City, State, Zip Code __________________________________________
Phone number _______________________________________________
Email address ________________________________________________
Annual: I would be willing to -
Individual, $10 __ be a board member/officer
Family, $20 __ help with archiving
Business, $125 __ help write grants
Lifetime: __ membership development
Individual, $75 Mail membership dues to -
Family, $125 Holmen Area Historical Society,
Business, $500 PO Box 535, Holmen, WI 54636 5
Booklet about Holmen’s past available to public
HAHS President Barb Anderson shared stories of Holmen’s past as well as actual arti-
facts from the early years of the village and surrounding area with second graders at Prairie
View Elementary and Sand Lake Elementary.
The sessions included stories about how the Holmen was discovered by European ex-
plorers and then settled by immigrants from those countries.
Using a slide presentation created with the help of archivists Barb Johnson and Pam
Hanson, Barb showed photos of pioneer life including settlers standing by their log homes,
folks building a barn, ice harvesting and other activities.
Among the items from the HAHS archive and Barb’s personal collection were a bread
riser pan, ice tongs, bottles from the creamery, a school dress and a small travel trunk.
Students were provided a work book containing historic photos along with activities encouraging further study of
Holmen’s history. The study booklet is available to the public for $5.
The Holmen Area Historical Society newsletter, edited by Pat McKnight, is published seasonally to keep
members and supporters informed about its activities.