Management Science (Introduction) - Notes
Management Science (Introduction) - Notes
Management Science (Introduction) - Notes
MGT 208
Essential Question:
What is the importance of management science course in
business and other organizations?
Management Science
Ø It is the application of a scientific approach to solving management
problems in order to help managers make better decisions.
Ø Management Science is applying analytical principles, procedures,
and instruments to problems concerning device processes in order to
offer optimal answers to the problems for those in charge of the
Ø Management Science encompasses a logical approach to problem
Ø Also known as Operations Research, Quantitative
Methods/Analysis, Systematic Processes, Predictive Study and
Decision-Making Sciences
Characteristics of Management Science
v A main focus on decision making by the managers.
v Usage of the analytical model to the decision-making
v Examining the condition of the judgment from a
specific viewpoint
v Using methods and expertise from multiple
v A dependency on the mathematical models of shape.
v Computer widespread use.
The Management Science Approach
ü The first step of the management science process is the identification of a
problem that exists in the system (organization). The system must be
monitored continuously and closely so as to identify problems as soon as
they arise.
ü The problem may be result of a crisis or anticipatory or planning situation
which can normally be identified by the managers or management scientists.
ü The problem must be clearly and concisely defined. The limits and the degree
of the problem must be included.
ü The existence of the problem implied that the objective are not being met.
Hence, the goals of the organization must ne clearly defined.
v A management science model is an abstract representation of an existing
problem situation. It can be in the form of a graph or chart, but most
frequently a management science model consists of a set of mathematical
relationships (functional relationship consisting of variables, constants,
equations and inequalities). Model types are deterministic & probabilistic.
v A variable is a symbol used to represent an item that can take on any value.
Parameters are known, constant values that are often coefficients of
variables in equations.
Example: Consider a business firm that sells a product. The product costs $5
to produce and sells for $20. If 𝒙 represents the number of products sold,
define the functional relationship for profit, 𝒁.
Let us assume that the product is made from steel and that the business firm has 100 pounds
of steel available. If it takes 4 pounds of steel to make each unit of the product, we can develop
an additional mathematical relationship to represent steel usage:
ü Once models have been constructed, they are solved using management
science techniques which usually applies to a specific type of model.
ü We are able to say that a model is solved because the model represents a
problem. When we refer to model solution, we also mean problem solution.
ü A management science solution can be either a recommended decision or
information that helps a manager make a decision.
Ø It is the actual use of the model once it has been developed or the solution to
the problem the model was developed to solve.
Ø This is a critical but often overlooked step in the process. It is not always a
given that once a model is developed or a solution found, it is automatically
Example: Consider a business firm that sells a product. The product costs $5
to produce and sells for $20. If 𝒙 represents the number of products sold,
define the functional relationship for profit, 𝒁.
The product is made from steel and that the business firm has 100 pounds of steel available. If
it takes 4 pounds of steel to make each unit of the product, develop an additional
mathematical relationship to represent steel usage as constraint:
Specification of Model:
Maximize 𝑍 = 20𝑥 − 5𝑥
Subject to 4𝑥 = 100
Model Solution
ü A distribution problem is a specific category of problem in linear
programming. There are two major categories of distribution problems: the
problem of transportation, and the problem of assignment.
ü The problem of transportation deals with shipping from a variety of
suppliers to a number of destinations while the problem of assignment deals
with determining the right one-to-one option for any of a number of
prospective "candidates" to a number of possible "positions."
ü It is a problem solving approach developed for situations where the models
require nonlinear objective function and/or other nonlinear constraints.
ü A problem solving procedures for problems involving some sort of network
(such as roads or routes) enabling us to quickly and effectively sort out
problems in areas such as transportation system design, information system
design and project scheduling.
ü Many problems can be defined as a network (the collection of nodes and arcs) in
graphic terms. Typical circumstance is a network of transports: cities (nodes) are linked
by roads (arcs) to each other. When we evaluate the network (in this case we are
involved, for example, in distances among all the cities), the goal is always to locate the
shortest distance from one city to all other cities. Some forms of networks, instead of
lengths, can be measured by capacities and then the dilemma of maximal flow can be
resolved. The most critical factor of several problems, addressed by the help of network
models, is unit cost and the aim is to find the lowest overall cost.
Sample Networking Problem: A furniture manufacturer in Roanoke,
Virginia, must deliver a tractor trailer load of furniture to a retail store in
Washington, DC. There are a number of different routes the truck can take
from Roanoke to DC, as shown in the following road network, with the
distance for each segment shown in miles. Determine the shortest route
the truck can take from Roanoke to Washington, DC.
Management Science Techniques
ü In many situations, managers are responsible for planning, scheduling and
controlling projects that consist of numerous separate jobs or tasks
performed by a variety of departments, individuals and so forth. The PERT
(Programme Evaluation and Review Technique) and CPM (Critical Path
Method) techniques help managers carry out their project scheduling
ü Inventory models are used by managers faced with the dual problems of
maintaining sufficient inventories, or stock, to meet demand for goods and, at
the same time, incurring the lowest possible inventory costs.
Management Science Techniques
ü Waiting-line or queuing models have been developed to help managers
understand and make better decisions concerning the operation of situations
involving queues. Using mathematical models we shall see how queuing
situations can be analyzed to predict factors such as the time a customer may
have to wait in a queue before service, the likely size of queues that may build
up and the effect on queues of changing the service process.
ü Simulation is a computer-based technique used to model the operation of a
systemn or process so that experimentation can be conducted to evaluate the
consequences of alternative decisions. This technique employs co
Sample Queuing Problem: The local Food King grocery store has eight
possible checkout stations with registers. On Saturday mornings customer
traffic is relatively steady from 8 A.M. to noon. The store manager would
like to determine how many checkout stations to staff during this time
period. The manager knows from information provided by the store’s
national office that each minute past 3 minutes a customer must wait in
line costs the store on average $50 in ill will and lost sales. Alternatively,
each additional checkout station the store operates on Saturday morning
costs the store $60 in salary and benefits. The following table shows the
waiting time for the different staff levels. How many registers should the
store staff and why?
ü Decision analysis is a formal approach to decision making and can be used to
determine optimal strategies in situations where there are several decision
alternatives and where outcomes or consequences of these decisions are
ü According to the knowledge received by the manager, management challenges and relevant
methods are classified into three types: decisions under certainty (deterministic), decisions
under risk (probabilistic) and decisions under uncertainty. Of this function, we find unique
instruments: decision tables and trees..
ü It is an expansion of the decision making of two or more decision-makers to the
circumstances. All managers take simultaneous decisions (selected strategies) to
execute an acts that influences all decision-makers (players), i.e. their profits, costs
etc. For certain disputes, two or three decision-makers will collaborate, while
battling with the others. We will consider a standard case of a strategic game in
economic theory-the oligopoly model.
ü Forecasting techniques are used to predict future aspects of a business
operation. It look at time series models which analyze the movement of a
business variable over time; methods of trend projection where it forecast the
future trend in some variable; regression analysis which focuses on trying to
quantitatively explain and predict the movement in a variable; and introduce
a number of qualitative approaches to forecasting.
ü Dynamic programming lets administrators overcome certain forms of challenges
with these complex decision making. The problems are divided into several
classes. One probable classification takes the deterministic and probabilistic
models into consideration. Models also use the sequential problems to describe
the network. The Markov analysis may be viewed as a complex programming
probabilistic process.