A Midsummer Nights Dream Character Quotation Cards

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“Hippolyta, I woo’d thee

with my sword,
“With cunning hast thou
And won thy love, doing
filched my daughter’s heart,
thee injuries;
Turned her obedience,
But I will wed thee in
which is due to me,
another key,
To stubborn harshness.”
With pomp, with triumph
Egeus (Act 1, Scene 1)
and with revelling.”
Theseus (Act 1, Scene 1)
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“I beg the ancient privilege

of Athens;
As she is mine, I may “You have her father’s
dispose of her; love, Demetrius;
Which shall be either to Let me have Hermia’s – do
this gentleman you marry him.”
Or to her death, according Lysander (Act 1, Scene 1)
to our law.”
Egeus (Act 1, Scene 1)
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“Ay me! For aught that I

could ever read, “Love looks not with the
Could ever hear by tale eyes, but with the mind;
or history, And therefore is winged
The course of true love Cupid painted blind.”
never did run smooth.” Helena (Act 1, Scene 1)
Lysander (Act 1, Scene 1)

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“But herein mean I to

“Nay, faith, let me not
enrich my pain,
play a woman: I have a
To have his sight thither,
beard coming.”
and back again.”
Flute (Act 1, Scene 2)
Helena (Act 1, Scene 1)

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“And I may hide my face,
let me play Thisbe too. I’ll “Ill met by moonlight,
speak in a monstrous little proud Titania.”
voice…” Oberon (Act 2, Scene 1)
Bottom (Act 1, Scene 2)

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“You do impeach your “Your wrongs do set a

modesty too much scandal on my sex!
To leave the city and We cannot fight for love,
commit yourself as men may do;
Into the hands of one that We should be wooed, and
loves you not.” were not made to woo.”
Demetrius (Act 2, Scene 1) Helena (Act 2, Scene 1)

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“Help me, Lysander, help

me! Do thy best
To pluck this crawling “My mistress with a
serpent from my breast! monster is in love.”
Ay me, for pity! What a Puck (Act 3, Scene 2)
dream was here!”
Hermia (Act 2, Scene 2)

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“Thy love? - out, tawny “You thief of love! What,

Tartar, out; have you come by night
Out, loathed medicine! And stol’n my love’s heart
O hated potion, hence!” from him?”
Lysander (Act 3, Scene 2) Hermia (Act 3, Scene 2)

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“How low am I, thou
painted maypole? Speak! “She was a vixen when
How low am I? I am she went to school,
not yet so low And though she be but
But that my nails can little, she is fierce.”
reach unto thine eyes.” Helena (Act 3, Scene 2)
Hermia (Act 3, Scene 2)

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“Egeus, I will overbear your

“My Oberon, what will;
visions have I seen! For in the temple, by and
Methought I was by, with us
enamoured of an ass.” These couples shall eternally
Titania (Act 4, Scene 1) be knit.”
Theseus (Act 4, Scene 1)

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“More strange than true. “The lunatic, the lover,

I never may believe and the poet
These antique fables, nor Are of imagination
these fairy toys.” all compact.”
Theseus (Act 5, Scene 1) Theseus (Act 5, Scene 1)

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“If we offend, it is with

our good will. “If we shadows have offended,
That you should think, Think but this, and all is mended:
we come not to offend, That you have but slumbered here
But with good will. While these visions did appear;
To show our simple skill, And this weak and idle theme,
That is the true No more yielding but a dream.”
beginning of our end.” Puck (Act 5, Scene 1)
Quince (Act 5, Scene 1)
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