A Midsummer Nights Dream Character Quotation Cards
A Midsummer Nights Dream Character Quotation Cards
A Midsummer Nights Dream Character Quotation Cards
with my sword,
“With cunning hast thou
And won thy love, doing
filched my daughter’s heart,
thee injuries;
Turned her obedience,
But I will wed thee in
which is due to me,
another key,
To stubborn harshness.”
With pomp, with triumph
Egeus (Act 1, Scene 1)
and with revelling.”
Theseus (Act 1, Scene 1)
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“And I may hide my face,
let me play Thisbe too. I’ll “Ill met by moonlight,
speak in a monstrous little proud Titania.”
voice…” Oberon (Act 2, Scene 1)
Bottom (Act 1, Scene 2)
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“How low am I, thou
painted maypole? Speak! “She was a vixen when
How low am I? I am she went to school,
not yet so low And though she be but
But that my nails can little, she is fierce.”
reach unto thine eyes.” Helena (Act 3, Scene 2)
Hermia (Act 3, Scene 2)
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