Aect Standard 1

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AECT Standard 1-Content Knowledge

Donetha Meyers

University of Arkansas Fayetteville

ETEC 5981 - EPortfolio Production

Dr. Derrick Mears

Sept. 12, 2023


1.1 Creating

Standard 1.1 is all about creating educational materials using a systems approach (Pina, 2012).

There are two projects that I created during the pursuit of my masters degree that exemplify this

standard. The first one is the artifact Strategic Action Plan Project.

In the Strategic Action Plan Project I helped guide the Barton High School Robotics team and

created a plan for them to use going forward. I conducted both in person and email interviews with

the adults involved, as well conducted a group discussion with students to ascertain the needs of the

team. Then using a combination of the DACUM and MoSCow methods those needs were prioritized

over the next few meetings. This can be seen in the artifacts of the meeting agendas, as well as in

the overall action plan paper. Students then brainstormed and shared out consequences and

solutions. They voted on solutions, with the final authority being given to the team coaches.

The second project was the LMS Project - Curriculum Map. This project relied on the ADDIE

method of design. This project was to design a unit for an online course that could be used for a

hybrid course or done fully online. I chose to create a unit for 8th grade science involving the

standards on organism reproductions. The concept map shows the results of the analysis, design

and development stages of ADDIE. The module overview also discusses the use of ADDIE during this

project. Once I had designed the layout and developed the activities and assessments I opened up

my unit for review.

1.2 Using

Standard 1.2 is about using technology to support students and enhance teaching (Pina, 2012).

There are two projects that fulfilled this requirement.

The first was the LMS Project - Canvas project. In this project I created a unit that was for a fully

online/distance learning class. I created videos for introductions, and for lectures. These videos

are kept short to keep students attention and also show me as I’m speaking to engage students

more. The course overview gives descriptions of the online interactive labs and scenarios I found

to help engage students and keep them focused. Having a way to engage students in a science

class, while being fully remote is essential to make sure students create meaningful connections

in their learning.

The second project was the Assistive Technology Website. This project was about researching,

analyzing, and then communicating ways that students with disabilities could be given the

modifications and supports they need. The website gives many different ways to help those

students with hearing, vision, and dexterity problems. Implementing some of these systems will

greatly enhance the engagement and learning of students who oftentimes feel left out because

of their disabilities.

1.3 Assessing/Evaluating

Standard 1.3 is about using appropriate technology to assess learning (Pina, 2012). This was fulfilled

with the LMS Project done in Canvas.

The LMS Project - Canvas required both formative and summative assessments. There was a pre-test

over topics to be covered. This will give the teacher an understanding of where students'

knowledge currently is and can be compared to their exit exam to see if their knowledge grew.

There were also quizzes as checkpoints to make sure that students are learning. Both the

pretest and the quizzes were created on the Canvas platform, not as separate documents to

complete. The summative assessment for the 3 module unit was for students to create a 3-5

minute video, with visual aids, on what they have learned. These videos will be created using

Flip. Students can then view other students' videos and comment.

1.4 Managing

Standard 1.4 is about collaborating and managing others (Pina, 2012). There are two projects

that demonstrate this standard.

The first project is the Strategic Action Plan Project. In this project I worked with the Barton

High School Robotics Team coaches to help guide the team. I managed the students and coaches

and guided them to create a mission statement and a team vision. I lead meetings, during which I

lead the team to identify needs and consequences if the needs are not met. At every step

students and coaches had input and made the ultimate decisions after I guided them to ask

pointed questions.

The second project was the Website Design Project. For this project I collaborated with a

teacher to create a website for his classes. This website was to house all of his presentations,

videos, and work for students and their parents to easily find. This required collaboration

between us. As I built the website I would ask him what he wanted and what he thought of the

design. At the end of the project a usability test was performed which required managing

students and adults as they completed tasks on the website.

1.5 Ethics

Standard 1.5 is about being professional and following copyright and fair use (Pina, 2012). This

portfolio demonstrates this competency. In this portfolio and its contents I have made sure to either

cite or link to the original author, or they are things that I have created after doing research, or are

from the knowledge I have gained as a student and a teacher.



Pina, A. (2012, July 16). AECT Standards, 2012 version. Association for Educational

Communications and Technology. Retrieved September 12, 2023, from

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