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Header 2020 2021 2022


CORONET FOODS (PVT) LTD 1000 1100 2290
2500 Year 2023
Student 1100 1100
2023 2022 Diff%
Turnover 6,911,623 6,242,037 10.7% 669,586
Cost of sales 2,881,575 2,803,264 (2.8%) 78,311
Gross profit 4,030,048 3,438,773 17.2% 591,275
Gross profit % 58.3% 55.1% 0
Other income 67,930 38,512 76.4% 29,418
Operating expenses 2,427,451 1,896,411 (28.0%) 531,040
Accounting fees 24,000 18,000 (33.3%) 6,000 33%
Advertising & marketing 143,644 170,000 15.5% (26,356) -16%
Amortisation 104,050 104,050 - -
Bank charges 1,180 935 (26.2%) 245
Commission 27,850 22,120 (25.9%) 5,730
Computer expenses 3,477 7,210 51.8% (3,733)
Consumables & cleaning 2,500 2,000 (25.0%) 500
Depreciation 546,530 450,300 (21.4%) 96,230
Entertainment 12,420 10,875 (14.2%) 1,545
Insurance 3,840 3,420 (12.3%) 420
Office expenses 996 660 (50.9%) 336
Office rent 144,000 120,000 (20.0%) 24,000
Postage 524 452 (15.9%) 72
Professional & legal fees 5,652 36,250 84.4% (30,598)
Salaries & wages - staff 548,600 435,500 (26.0%) 113,100
Salaries & wages - management 785,720 434,640 (80.8%) 351,080
Stationery 2,491 1,257 (98.2%) 1,234
Subscriptions & memberships 5,200 4,800 (8.3%) 400
Telephone & internet 8,867 7,504 (18.2%) 1,363
Training 4,043 1,521 (165.8%) 2,522
Travelling & accommodation 13,705 4,589 (198.6%) 9,116
Utilities 6,540 6,090 (7.4%) 450 7.4%
Profit / (Loss) before tax 1,476,305 1,368,520 7.9%
Taxation paid 442,236 263,853 (67.6%)
Profit / (Loss) for the period 1,034,069 1,104,667 (6.4%)
Trade creditors 186,802 219,900 -15% (33,098) -15%
Trade debtors 568,079 495,942 15%
Cash on hand 1,000 990 1%
Item 2023 2022
Turnover 6,911,623 6,242,037
Cost of sales 2,881,575 2,803,264
Gross profit 4,030,048 3,438,773
Gross profit % 58.3% 55.1%
Other income 67,930 38,512
Operating expenses 2,427,451 1,896,411
Accounting fees 24,000 18,000
Advertising & marketing 143,644 170,000
Amortisation 104,050 104,050
Bank charges 1,180 935
Commission 27,850 22,120
Computer expenses 3,477 7,210
Consumables & cleaning 2,500 2,000
Depreciation 546,530 450,300
Entertainment 12,420 10,875
Insurance 3,840 3,420
Office expenses 996 660
Office rent 144,000 120,000
Postage 524 452
Professional & legal fees 5,652 36,250
Salaries & wages - staff 548,600 435,500
Salaries & wages - manag 785,720 434,640
Stationery 2,491 1,257
Subscriptions & membersh 5,200 4,800
Telephone & internet 8,867 7,504
Training 4,043 1,521
Travelling & accommodati 13,705 4,589
Utilities 6,540 6,090
Profit / (Loss) before tax 1,476,305 1,368,520
Taxation paid 442,236 263,853
Profit / (Loss) for the peri 1,034,069 1,104,667
Item 2024
7,257,204.15 Turnover $7,257,204 (6,911,623 * 1.05)
3,025,653.75 Cost of Sales $3,025,653 (Assuming a similar COGS percentage)
4,231,550.40 Gross Profit $4,231,551 (Turnover - Cost of Sales)
Other Income $70,327 (Assuming a similar growth rate as in 2023)
71,326.50 Operating Expenses $2,501,324 (2,427,451 * 1.03)
2,500,274.53 Profit Before Tax $1,800,554 (Gross Profit + Other Income - Operating Expenses)
Taxation Paid $540,166 (Assuming a similar tax rate)
Profit After Tax $1,260,388 (Profit Before Tax - Taxation Paid)
8% 50000
10% 50000
12% 50000
14% 50000
15% 50000
Item 2025
Turnover $7,620,064 (7,257,204 * 1.05)
Cost of Sales $3,176,985 (Assuming a similar COGS percentage)
Gross Profit $4,443,079 (Turnover - Cost of Sales)
Other Income $72,444 (Assuming a similar growth rate as in 2024)
Operating Expenses $2,576,886 (2,501,324 * 1.03)
Profit Before Tax $1,938,637 (Gross Profit + Other Income - Operating Expenses)
Taxation Paid $581,591 (Assuming a similar tax rate)
Profit After Tax $1,357,046 (Profit Before Tax - Taxation Paid)
Turnover Cost of sales Gross profit Gross profit % Other income Operating expenses
2023 6,911,623 2,881,575 4,030,048 58.3% 67,930 2,427,451
2022 6,242,037 2,803,264 3,438,773 55.1% 38,512 1,896,411
Diff% 10.7% (2.8%) 17.2% 76.4% (28.0%)
Accounting fees Advertising & marketing Amortisation Bank charges Commission Computer expenses
24,000 143,644 104,050 1,180 27,850 3,477
18,000 170,000 104,050 935 22,120 7,210
(33.3%) 15.5% - (26.2%) (25.9%) 51.8%
Consumables & cleaning Depreciation Entertainment Insurance Office expenses Office rent Postage
2,500 546,530 12,420 3,840 996 144,000 524
2,000 450,300 10,875 3,420 660 120,000 452
(25.0%) (21.4%) (14.2%) (12.3%) (50.9%) (20.0%) (15.9%)
Professional & legal fees Salaries & wages - staff Salaries & wages - management Stationery
5,652 548,600 785,720 2,491
36,250 435,500 434,640 1,257
84.4% (26.0%) (80.8%) (98.2%)
Subscriptions & memberships Telephone & internet Training Travelling & accommodation Utilities
5,200 8,867 4,043 13,705 6,540
4,800 7,504 1,521 4,589 6,090
(8.3%) (18.2%) (165.8%) (198.6%) (7.4%)
Profit / (Loss) before tax Taxation paid Profit / (Loss) for the period Trade creditors Trade debtors Cash on hand
1,476,305 442,236 1,034,069 186,802 568,079 1,000
1,368,520 263,853 1,104,667 219,900 495,942 990
7.9% (67.6%) (6.4%) -15% 15% 1%
Timeline Values Forecast Confidence Interval
8-Jun-23 100
9-Jun-24 200
11-Jun-25 400
13-Jun-26 400
15-Jun-27 500
16-Jun-28 600
400 40
18-Jun-29 800
18-Jun-30 903.58947 -33068.3801622533 200
18-Jun-31 1019.62035 1926.03294884968 100


400 400


Values Forecast
sale 90000 Data table
growth 10%
gp 40%

sale 99000
CS 59400
gp 39600

8% 38880
10% 39600
12% 40320
14% 41040
16% 41760
18% 42480
20% 43200
22% 43920
Year Amount
8-Jun-23 100
9-Jun-24 200 99000
11-Jun-25 400
13-Jun-26 400
15-Jun-27 500
16-Jun-28 600
18-Jun-29 800

282 270 4%

Step 1 Check Input & output Tax Country PK SPRO____Financial Acc (NEW)____Financial Accounting Global Setting (NEW)-Tax on Sales/Purchase
Basic Setting____Check Calculation process____Define procedure___ Search Country or if not available
Create new Entry
Step 2 Assign country to Calculation Process
SPRO____Financial Acc (NEW)____Financial Accounting Global Setting (NEW)- tax on sales/Purchase
Basic Setting____Assign Country to Calculation process___click Position Button & enter Country Code

Step 3 Define Tax Code for sales /purchase SPRO____Financial Acc (NEW)____Financial Accounting Global Setting (NEW)- tax on sales/Purchase
Calculation____Define tax code for sales/purchase ___ Enter Country code Then Enter new Tax code
Like V1 input Tax 15% and Tax Type like for Input V then enter for next and write 15 don’t show % with
enter and click save

Step 4 Define Tax Account SPRO____Financial Acc (NEW)____Financial Accounting Global Setting (NEW)- tax on sales/Purchase
Posting____ Define Tax Account___ select tax Type then Select Input Tax and Specify Chat of account
Number on POP Up window After enter G/L Number for 15%,16%,13% input and for out put also
bank finance cost lease liability
106844 10000 1,958.81 8,041.19 98,802.83
98803 10000 1,811.39 8,188.61 90,614.21
90614 10000 1,661.26 8,338.74 82,275.48
82275 10000 1,508.38 8,491.62 73,783.86
73784 10000 1,352.70 8,647.30 65,136.56
65137 10000 1,194.17 8,805.83 56,330.73
56331 10000 1,032.73 8,967.27 47,363.46
47363 10000 868.33 9,131.67 38,231.79
38232 10000 700.92 9,299.08 28,932.71
28933 10000 530.43 9,469.57 19,463.14
19463 10000 356.82 9,643.18 9,819.97
9820 10000 180.03 9,819.97 -
bank finance cost lease liability
121208 11000 2,323.14 8,676.86 112,530.66
112531 11000 2,156.84 8,843.16 103,687.49
103687 11000 1,987.34 9,012.66 94,674.84
94675 11000 1,814.60 9,185.40 85,489.44
85489 12000 1,638.55 10,361.45 75,127.99
75128 11000 1,439.95 9,560.05 65,567.94
65568 11000 1,256.72 9,743.28 55,824.66
55825 11000 1,069.97 9,930.03 45,894.63
45895 15000 879.65 14,120.35 31,774.28
31774 11000 609.01 10,390.99 21,383.29
21383 11000 409.85 10,590.15 10,793.13
10793 11000 206.87 10,793.13 (0.00)

Step 1 Check Input & output Tax Country SPRO____Financial Acc (NEW)____Financial Accountin
Basic Setting____Check Calculation process____Define
Create new Entry
Step 2 Assign country to Calculation Process
SPRO____Financial Acc (NEW)____Financial Accountin
Basic Setting____Assign Country to Calculation proces

Step 3 Define Tax Code for sales /purchase SPRO____Financial Acc (NEW)____Financial Accountin
Calculation____Define tax code for sales/purchase ___
Like V1 input Tax 15% and Tax Type like for Input V t
enter and click save

Step 4 Define Tax Account SPRO____Financial Acc (NEW)____Financial Accountin

Posting____ Define Tax Account___ select tax Type th
Number on POP Up window After enter G/L Number f


Step 1 Check withholding Tax Country SPRO____Financial Acc (NEW)____Financial Accountin

Withholding tax ___Extended Withholding Tax ___Bas

Step 2 Define withholding Tax Key SPRO____Financial Acc (NEW)____Financial Accountin

Withholding tax ___Extended Withholding Tax ___Bas


Step 3 Define Business Place SPRO__Cross Application Component__ General App

____Define Place of business

Step 4 Define Section Code SPRO____Financial Acc (NEW)____Financial Accountin

Withholding tax ___Extended Withholding Tax ___Bas

Step 5 Define Withholding Tax Type SPRO____Financial Acc (NEW)____Financial Accountin

Withholding tax ___Extended Withholding Tax ___Cal
Define Withholding Tax For Invoice Posting
(A) for invoice 7A

(B) for Payment SPRO____Financial Acc (NEW)____Financial Accountin

Withholding tax ___Extended Withholding Tax ___Cal
Define Withholding Tax For Invoice Posting

Step 6 Define recipient Type SPRO____Financial Acc (NEW)____Financial Accountin

Withholding tax ___Extended Withholding Tax ___Bas

Step 7 Withholding Tax Codes SPRO____Financial Acc (NEW)____Financial Accountin

Withholding tax ___Extended Withholding Tax ___Cal


Step 8 Assign Withholding Tax Type to SPRO____Financial Acc (NEW)____Financial Accountin

Company Code Withholding tax ___Extended Withholding Tax ___Com

Step 9 Activate extended withholding Tax SPRO__Financial Acc (NEW)____Financial Accounting

Withholding tax _Extended Withholding Tax _Compan

Step 10 Create GL A/c For Withholding Tax T_Code FS00

Step 11 Define account For Witholding Tax SPRO__Financial Acc (NEW)____Financial Accounting
to be paid over Withholding tax _Extended Withholding Tax _Posting_
Define Accounts For withholding tax to be paid over

Step 12 Post Witholding Tax Transaction

Acc (NEW)____Financial Accounting Global Setting (NEW)-Tax on Sales/Purchase
eck Calculation process____Define procedure___ Search Country or if not available

Acc (NEW)____Financial Accounting Global Setting (NEW)- tax on sales/Purchase

sign Country to Calculation process___click Position Button & enter Country Code

Acc (NEW)____Financial Accounting Global Setting (NEW)- tax on sales/Purchase

ne tax code for sales/purchase ___ Enter Country code Then Enter new Tax code
5% and Tax Type like for Input V then enter for next and write 15 don’t show % with

Acc (NEW)____Financial Accounting Global Setting (NEW)- tax on sales/Purchase

Tax Account___ select tax Type then Select Input Tax and Specify Chat of account
window After enter G/L Number for 15%,16%,13% input and for out put also

Acc (NEW)____Financial Accounting Global Setting (NEW)

Extended Withholding Tax ___Basic Setting____Check Withholding Tax Country

Acc (NEW)____Financial Accounting Global Setting (NEW)

Extended Withholding Tax ___Basic Setting____Define withholding Tax Key

Income from Salary

TDS on Security
Interest Income
Payment to Contractor
Insurance Commission

ation Component__ General Application Function____Place Of Business

Acc (NEW)____Financial Accounting Global Setting (NEW)

Extended Withholding Tax ___Basic Setting____PK

Acc (NEW)____Financial Accounting Global Setting (NEW)

Extended Withholding Tax ___Calculation____Withholding Tax Type___
Tax For Invoice Posting
TDS SEC 194 C-1% INV 194C
TDS SEC 194 C-2% INV 194C
TDS SEC 194 C-2% INV 194C
TDS SEC 194 C-10% INV 194i
TDS SEC 194 C-10% INV 194J

Acc (NEW)____Financial Accounting Global Setting (NEW)

Extended Withholding Tax ___Calculation____Withholding Tax Type___
Tax For Invoice Posting
TDS SEC 194 C-1% PAY 194C
TDS SEC 194 C-2% PAY 194C
TDS SEC 194 C-2% PAY 194C
TDS SEC 194 C-10% PAY 194i
TDS SEC 194 C-10% PAY 194J

Acc (NEW)____Financial Accounting Global Setting (NEW)

Extended Withholding Tax ___Basic Setting____Check Recipient Type

Acc (NEW)____Financial Accounting Global Setting (NEW)

Extended Withholding Tax ___Calculation____Withholding Tax Code

TDS SEC 194 C-1% INV 7A

TDS SEC 194 C-2% INV 7B
TDS SEC 194 C-2% INV 7C
TDS SEC 194 C-10% INV 7D
TDS SEC 194 C-10% INV 7F
TDS SEC 194 C-1% PAY A7
TDS SEC 194 C-2% PAY B7
TDS SEC 194 C-2% PAY C7
TDS SEC 194 C-10% PAY D7
TDS SEC 194 C-10% PAY F7

Acc (NEW)____Financial Accounting Global Setting (NEW)

Extended Withholding Tax ___Company code____Assign Withholding Tax

c (NEW)____Financial Accounting Global Setting (NEW)

tended Withholding Tax _Company code__ Activate Extended Withholding Tax

Under tax payable

194-C Payment to Contracts
194-J Technical Services

c (NEW)____Financial Accounting Global Setting (NEW)

tended Withholding Tax _Posting__ Account for withholding Tax___
withholding tax to be paid over
Automatic Payment Run System (4 Process) Create PO invoice
1) Enter Parametre 1) Create Purchase Order (MEZ1N) 3) Maintain GR Cleaning A/C (MR11)
2) Create Payment proposal 1 ) Vendor Number 1) Company Code (1710)
3) Edit payment Proposal 2) Vendor Number
4) Carried payment run Purchase Organization (1710) 3) Po Number
Purchase Group (001) PO Date start and end then Execute:
Company Code (1710)
1) Go to F110 4) Post Invoice (MIRO) (RE)
Show Display (Run Date) Like Today Enter, Amount,Qtr, in line Item 1) Fill Invoice Detail
and (Identification) mention any code Here then Post
like Demo EXIT TRANSACTION /N Showing Line Item PO Below
Fill Line Item As received In invoice
2) Select Parameter In Bucket and enter Total Amount Always tax
1) date option Like today 12 oct 21 2) Post GRN (MIGO) sign show (WE) If tax invoice then post
2) documents date where payment run 2) Select Goods Receipt Click Invoice Documents (Display)
Like 30 sep 21 3) PO Number > Follow on Documents > then
3) company code 4) Payment method Showing Line Item PO Below > Accounting Documents
Like Cheque/Transfer or both can write and click on OK Financial entry Appear for GRN
4) Next Payment date like (20 oct 21)
5) Vendor Range For Like Zero 0 from Z Dr STOCK Temporary Account (GRN)
Save Parameter Cr Temporary Account (GRN) VENDOR A/C
If u have any issue Click on desire field &
press F1 5) GR Classsification (F.19) 6) GR Cleaning (FAGLL03)
1) G/L Account Num ( ) 1) G/L Account Num ( )
3) Go to Status > proposal and fill Column 2) Company Code (1710) 2) Company Code (1710)
For Refresh Shift+F12 or Status For PO Invoice 2 Way & 3 way check during posting invoice
2) Edit Proposal then Click ü Ok show invoices Step 1 2 way check
Double Click on Invoices show detail (if want to Go ME23n & enter Po number to click beside pencil Bucket
Check the Reason for the invoice Like Hold,block For Qty Check Click left side (del/inv box)
any again double click and see
if want to fix this issue (to select realocate below Step 2 3 way check
and fill Go FBL3n and fill (GR Code like G/L 201 and enter)
If u want to Block payment Double click and select
Block Click Ok and Save Step 3 Invoice Post
Authorized person click Payment Run Go MIRO Enter invoice detail as in invoice also enter po
If want to see Payment list Click on Edit > Payment number then will show (GR Amount below) always enter
then Click Payment list and Click Nike Sign Ok invoice Total Amount with click tax bucket

Create Down payment G/L WORKING

1) Insert vendor Number 2) Select Special G/L (A) enter FBL1N VENDOR LINE ITEM DISPLAY FBL5N CUSTOMER LINE ITEM
and Manualy click on desire amount or Invoice Amount F-48 DOWN PAYMENT STIMULATE DISPLAY ENTRY
Then click Post Special Key use for down
Payment A FB50 G/L ENTRY
FSOO Create G/L Account (option there) for (Dawn payment) OB41 Posting Key FBL3N G/L LINE ITEM DISPLAY
Asset , Liabilities,Expense,revenue GL ------ 40 DR 50 CR OOBD4 FOR CHART OF ACCOUNT
Click And select above one and Click Customer ---- 1 DR 15 CR
on New or copy and edit vendor ---- 25 DR 31 CR
in description Fill (Account Group,Select P&N or B/L)
& Short & Long Text OBB8 Payment Term F-02 G/L ENTRY
In Control Area fill (currency,Rec Acc Type,Sort Key 1 There are 3 Date in SAP System 40 G/L POSTING KEY (DEBIT)
Line item Tick) Posting date, documents date & 50 G/L POSTING KEY (CREDIT)
Create/bank/interest fill (field Status group Go67) Entry date ( NOTE we can not change Mostly use for Different Currency Like
Entry date always) USD Charges deduct
Baseline date as you enter in system Type SA G/L to G/L Entry
may be posting date or docments date Type KR Vendor Invoice
Type KA Vendor Invoice Reversal
Type KE Material Invoice
Type KZ Vendor Payment
OBXR Link Dawn Payment Rec Acc with Customer Rec Acc Type RV Bill Generate
and click option down payment and enter Show pop up
Chart of Acc and enter then fill (Rec Acc (acc Receivable) OB41 Posting Key
which was in master data) then (special Acc fill G/l # ) If witholding tax vendor not Coming
Then click save error in posting key go to OB41
F-29 1) post costumer down payment Click on Tax Button and Tick Optional
FBL5N 2) CUSTOMER Line Item View Always Click Special G/l with
FB01 -Post Document
FB02 - Change Document
FB03 — Display Document
FBL1N - Display Vendor Line Items
FBL5N-Customer Line Item
FBL3N — Display G/L Line Items
FS10N — Display GL Balances
FB50- Posting Multiple GL Items in one screen
FB60 — Post Incoming Invoices
FD01 -Create Customer Code
FD02 — Change Customer Code
FD03- Display Customer Code
FD05 — Block Customer Code
FD10N — Customer Balance Display

FB70-Book Client Invoice

F-28-Customer Receipt
F-29-Post Customer Down Payment
FD10N-Customer Balance
FBL5N-Customer Line Item
Display Entry (Stimulate)
FB60-Book Vendor Invoice
F-53-Vendor payment
FK10N-vendor Balance
FBL1N-Vendor Line Item Display
F-48-Down payment
Use Special Key For down Payment A
F-90-Direct Post Purchase Invoice without vendor
F-44--Clear Vendor Line Items
FK01 -Create Vendor Master
FK02 — Change Vendor Master
FK03 — Display Vendor Master
F-48 — Post Vendor Down Payment
F-54— Clear Vendor Down Paymen

FB50-G/L Entry
FS10N-G/L Balance
FBL3N-G/L line Item Display
OOBD4-Chart of Account
OB41 Posting Key
GL------ 40DR 50 CR
Customer------ 1DR 15 CR
Vendor------------- 25DR 31 CR
control F8 for change Layout

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