Michael B. Atkins, Uma Yasothan and Peter Kirkpatrick Everolimus
In March 2009, everolimus (Afinitor; Roche), in combination with IFN-α, was the kinase activity of mTOR4. Rapamycin
Novartis), an inhibitor of mTOR, was approved in Europe for advanced RCC in has immunosuppressive, antifungal and
approved by the US FDA for the treatment 2007. Furthermore, temsirolimus (Torisel; anticancer activity 4, but its development as an
of patients with advanced kidney cancer. Wyeth), a small-molecule inhibitor of immunosuppressant was prioritized, and it
mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), was approved by the FDA for the prevention
Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) accounts for a kinase that lies downstream in the phos- of transplant rejection in 1999. Multiple
around 2–3% of cancers1,2. The primary phatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)–AKT derivatives of rapamycin have been synthesized
treatment for RCC is surgical excision, with pathway (FIG. 1a), was approved by the FDA and evaluated with the aim of improving
pharmacotherapy being used in advanced for the treatment of advanced RCC in 2007. its pharmaceutical properties, and such
stages of the disease1,2. Historically, this Despite these improvements in therapy, efforts led to the discovery and development
involved immunotherapy with interleukin-2 most patients with stage IV renal cancer of temsirolimus5 (which is administered
(IL-2) and interferon-α (IFN-α), alone or in die from disease-related complications at a intravenously) for RCC and everolimus6,7
combination, but this approach is limited by median of less than 30 months from detection (which can be orally administered). In 2003,
toxicity and generally poor response rates1,2. of metastases, and less than 10% of patients everolimus was approved for the prevention
However, recent advances in the survive 5 years3. Consequently, there is still a of transplant rejection in Europe, where it is
understanding of the molecular biology of major need for improved treatment options. marketed as Certican.
RCC — such as the discovery of the key
role of vascular endothelial growth factor Basis of discovery Drug properties
(VEGF) signalling and related pathways — The PI3K–AKT–mTOR pathway (FIG. 1a) is Everolimus (FIG. 1b) binds to FKBP12, forming
have brought about a new era of targeted dysregulated in many cancers4. Activation a complex that inhibits mTOR kinase activity,
therapy for patients with this disease2. of mTOR promotes the proliferation and and reduces the activity of the downstream
Two small molecules that inhibit the kinase survival of tumour cells, and it is also involved effectors S6 ribosomal protein kinase (S6K1)
activity of VEGF receptors — sorafenib in pro-angiogenic signalling pathways in and eukaryotic elongation factor 4E-binding
(Nexavar; Onyx/Bayer) and sunitinib (Sutent; endothelial cells4. protein (4EBP)4,6–8. Everolimus has been
Pfizer) — were approved by the FDA for The natural product rapamycin binds shown to inhibit tumour cell proliferation
the treatment of advanced RCC in 2005 and to an intracellular protein known as and angiogenesis, with the latter mediated
2006, respectively. In addition, the anti-VEGF FK506-binding protein 12 (FKBP12), and by inhibition of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α
antibody bevacizumab (Avastin; Genentech/ the resultant protein–drug complex inhibits (HIF1α) expression8,9.
a b Clinical data
factor OH The safety and efficacy of everolimus was
Tyrosine kinase evaluated in a randomized, double-blind
receptor trial involving 416 patients with metastatic
RCC whose disease had progressed despite
prior treatment with sunitinib, sorafenib
or both sequentially 8,10. Prior therapy
with bevacizumab, IL-2 or IFN-α was also
OH permitted8. The patients were randomized
PTEN in a 2:1 ratio to receive everolimus (10 mg
O O daily orally) or placebo, both in conjunction
with best supportive care8,10. The primary
endpoint was progression-free survival (PFS),
Everolimus, which was assessed by a blinded, independent
radiological review 8,10. In the final analysis,
Everolimus the median PFS for patients in the everolimus
group was 4.9 months compared with 1.9
32S,35R)-1,18- dihydroxy-12-{(1R)-2-[(1S,3R,4R)-4- months for patients in the placebo group8.
Gene (2-hydroxyethoxy)-3methoxycyclohexyl]-1
expression -methylethyl}-19,30-dimethoxy-15,17,21,23,29, Indications
Proliferation, cell survival, angiogenesis hexatriaconta-16,24,26,28-tetraene-2,3,10,14,20- Everolimus is approved by the FDA for the
pentaone; C53H83NO14; Mr = 958.2 treatment of patients with advanced RCC
Figure 1 | Selected signalling pathways and drugs for RCC. a | A simplified overview of the after failure of treatment with sunitinib or
PI3K–AKT–mTOR pathway, together with points of action of drugs for RCC. b | Everolimus. sorafenib8. ▶
Nature Reviews | Drug Discovery
▶ Analysing issues in the treatment of RCC sorafenib suggests that the mTOR pathway of action, may offer benefit in the adjuvant
is Michael B. Atkins, M.D., Professor of might contribute to the acquired resistance to setting relative to observation or even VEGF
Medicine at Harvard Medical School and VEGF pathway blockade. However, it remains pathway inhibitors.
Leader, Renal Cancer Program, Dana-Farber/ to be determined whether sustained blockage Of note, mTOR inhibition represents
Harvard Cancer Center, Boston, uSA. of the VEGF pathway in combination with the first effective tumour-targeted
mTOR pathway inhibition might be superior treatment approach in RCC; however, the
A recent Cambridge Consensus Conference to mTOR inhibition alone. Furthermore, mechanisms underlying this effect remain
identified five research priorities to tackle mTOR pathway inhibitors as initial therapy uncertain. For example, it is unclear to what
the critical obstacles to the successful might improve the outcome for some patients. extent the therapeutic benefit is mediated
treatment of patients with RCC11. In order Identifying tumour-based molecular markers, by anti-angiogenic effects, perhaps by
of importance, the first is determination of such as S6K1 or AKT activation status, that diminished HIF-1 production, compared
the mechanisms of acquired resistance to could help predict preferential sensitivity to with direct effects on cell proliferation
VEGF-targeted therapy, which will probably mTOR inhibition over either VEGF pathway mediated by mTOR inhibition. The modest
involve the study of key signalling pathways inhibition or immunotherapy is a focus of activity of everolimus and other rapamycin
used by RCC cells to adjust to the loss of active investigation. In addition, the value analogues in RCC suggests that there may
VEGF signalling. Second is the identification of functional imaging (PET scans) to provide be additional benefit for targeting more
of new targets (particularly those within the early information regarding effectiveness proximal components of the PI3K–AKT
tumour) followed by testing inhibitors of and potentially onset of resistance to mTOR pathway. Nevertheless, the activity of mTOR
those targets in defined patient populations. pathway inhibition is also currently being inhibitors such as everolimus in patients
Third is identification of predictive and studied. Even in patients in which mTOR with RCC serves to heighten the enthusiasm
surrogate biomarkers, which will help inhibition and VEGF pathway inhibition are for identifying and exploring additional
select patients for particular therapies and both effective, it is conceivable that quality of tumour-specific targets for this disease.
provide early information on treatment life might be superior if the potentially less Michael B. Atkins is at the Beth Israel Deaconess
efficacy. Fourth is exploration of combination toxic mTOR inhibitor is provided as initial Medical Center, 375 Longwood Avenue,
versus sequential therapy with the aim of therapy. Alternatively, the combination of MS-413, Boston, Massachusetts 02215, USA.
determining the most beneficial approach for an mTOR inhibitor and a VEGF pathway Uma Yasothan is at IMS Health, 7 Harewood Avenue,
patients with RCC. Fifth is the determination inhibitor might produce better tumour London, NW1 6JB, UK.
of mechanisms of response to current shrinkage and longer PFS than either agent Peter Kirkpatrick is at Nature Reviews Drug Discovery.
agents, with a particular emphasis on how used alone. Although promising, such e-mails: [email protected]; UYasothan@
de.imshealth.com; [email protected]
this might lead to the development of more ‘horizontal’ combinations will probably need
effective agents and more rational treatment to be significantly better than the single doi:10.1038/nrd2924
sequencing. agents used in sequence to justify the added 1. Cohen, H. T. & McGovern, F. J. Renal-cell carcinoma.
N. Engl. J. Med. 353, 2477–2490 (2005).
The recent approval of everolimus toxicity and cost that is associated with the 2. Garcia, J. A. & Rini, B. I. Recent progress in the
provides an opportunity to address some extended use of two agents. Finally, mTOR management of advanced renal cell carcinoma.
CA Cancer J. Clin. 57, 112–125 (2007).
of these issues. The activity of everolimus inhibitors such as everolimus, because of 3. Motzer, R. J. et al. Overall survival and updated results
in patients with resistance to sunitinib or their tolerability and unique mechanism for sunitinib compared with interferon alfa in patients
with metastatic renal cell carcinoma. J. Clin. Oncol. 1
Jun 2009 (doi: 10.1200/JCO.2008.20.1293).
4. Faivre, S., Kroemer, G. & Raymond, E. Current
development of mTOR inhibitors as anticancer agents.
Box 1 | The market for rCC Nature Rev. Drug Discov. 5, 671–688 (2006).
5. Rini, B, Kar, S. & Kirkpatrick, P. Temsirolimus.
Analysing the market for rCC is Uma yasothan, ims health, london, UK. Nature Rev. Drug Discov. 6, 599–600 (2007).
6. Schuler, W. et al. SDZ RAD, a new rapamycin
several new targeted drugs for rCC — sunitinib (sutent; pfizer), sorafenib (nexavar; Bayer/onyx) derivative: pharmacological properties in vitro and
and temsirolimus (torisel; Wyeth) — have recently been approved in the United states. in 2008, in vivo. Transplantation 64, 36–42 (1997).
7. Sedrani, R. et al. Chemical modification of rapamycin:
sunitinib and sorafenib (which have been approved for rCC as well as other cancer indications) the discovery of SDZ RAD. Transplant Proc. 30,
had sales of €622 million and €344 million, respectively, with strong year-on-year growth of 28% 2192–2194 (1998).
8. Food and Drug Administration. FDA labelling
and 62%, respectively12. temsirolimus, an injectable mtor inhibitor that was approved for rCC information. FDA web site [online],
~1.5 years after sorafenib and sunitinib, had 2008 sales of €78 million12. http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/
label/2009/022334lbl.pdf (2009).
in march 2009, everolimus (Afinitor; novartis), an oral mtor inhibitor, was approved by the fDA 9. Lane, H. A. et al. mTOR inhibitor RAD001 (everolimus)
for the treatment of advanced rCC in patients who have failed to respond to sunitinib or sorafenib. has antiangiogenic/vascular properties distinct from a
VEGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Clin. Cancer Res. 15,
its pivotal study was halted early when initial results showed that everolimus more than doubled 1612–1622 (2009).
progression-free survival compared with placebo10. 10. Motzer, R. J. et al. Efficacy of everolimus in advanced
renal cell carcinoma: a double-blind, randomised,
in europe, everolimus (marketed as Certican) is approved for the prevention of organ rejection placebo-controlled phase III trial. Lancet 372, 449–456
following heart or kidney transplantation, and had 2008 sales of €55 million for this indication12. (2008).
11. Atkins, M. B. et al. Innovations and challenges in renal
in may 2009, everolimus was granted a positive recommendation for approval in the eU cancer: summary statement from the Third Cambridge
for the treatment of rCC. Although rCC is a market with considerable unmet medical need, Conference. Cancer 115, S2247–S2251 (2009).
12. IMS MIDAS (2008).
the major market potential for everolimus is anticipated to be from other cancer indications,
13. Hauber, A. et al. JP Morgan European Equity Research
including gastric and breast cancers, tuberous sclerosis complex, lymphoma, liver cancer and Report (JP Morgan Chase and Company, 29 Jan 2009).
neuroendocrine tumours, for which the product is in late-stage clinical trials. Analysts estimate Competing financial interests
that everolimus could have peak sales of Us$364 million in 2015 (REF. 13). M.B.A declares competing financial interests: see web version
for details.