Lecture 9 - English Proverbs
Lecture 9 - English Proverbs
Lecture 9 - English Proverbs
Most of
these are not actually acronyms as they cannot be pronounced, but that is what they are called nonethe-
less. While it is hard to definitely say whether or not the effect of internet slang is mostly beneficial or
detrimental, there are very important positives and negatives. While it has lessened the use of correct
grammar, it has made writing more popular among the younger generations. Internet has definitely made
its mark in popular culture and will most likely be prominent for quite some time, maybe for as long as
the internet exists. Internet slang will continue to evolve and meet the communication needs of its users,
despite any criticism it may receive.
1. A glance at the evolution of ―internet slang‖ as a necessity to frequent, text–based communication [Electronic
resource] / Ed. M. Cattron. – Emotion in an emotionless medium, 2013. – Mode of access:
http://www.personal.psu.edu – Date of access: 27.02.2014
2. Internet slang [Electronic resource] – Know your meme, 2013. – Mode of access:
http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/internet–slang – Date of access: 03.03.2014
3. Letter repetition [Electronic resource] / Ed. Danger Dan. – American English Online, 2013. – Mode of access:
http://americanenglishonline.tumblr.com – Date of access: 01.03.2014
4. Rage Guy [Electronic resource]. – Teh meme wiki, 2013. – Mode of access:
http://meme.wikia.com/wiki/Rage_Guy – Date of access: 02.03.2014
УДК 811.111‘37
Nowadays business has an increasing influence on the development of international relations. The
problem of understanding is considered to be one of the most important issues in the process of cross–
cultural communication. Differences between languages, due to the variety of cultures, are clearly evident
in the lexical systems of languages, especially in phraseology. Proverbs can tell us a lot about the
mentality of any nation.
The aim of this research is to identify the specific features of English proverbs and the peculiarities of
their translation into Russian. According to A.V.Koonin, proverbs are kinds of communicative
phraseological units. A proverb is usually a short saying in a rhythmically organized form [3, p. 339].
I.V.Arnold defines a proverb as ―a short familiar saying expressing popular wisdom, a truth or a moral
lesson in a concise and imaginative way‖ [1, p.161]. From the point of view of their grammatical
structure, proverbs are always sentences. In the context a proverb can act as an independent sentence or as
a part of a complex sentence.
The object of our study is 33 proverbs connected with the topic ―Money and wealth‖ that we have
selected from different sources [2, 4, 5, 6]. Selecting proverbs on this topic we paid attention to the
presence of such lexical items as ‗money, wealth, penny‘. The analysis has shown that from the point of
view of their grammatical structure only 2 of the selected proverbs are imperative sentences (Never spend
your money before you have it; Lend your money and lose your friend) and all the others are declarative
sentences. 26 proverbs are simple sentences (Money begets money, Money has no smell, Time is money),
7 proverbs are complex sentences (Money often unmakes the men who make it, Money calls but does not
stay, it is round and rolls away).
Scientists studying proverbs speak about different expressive means. The main lexical expressive
means found in proverbs are repetitions and contrasts [3, p.351]. As a result of our research, we have
found out the following lexical expressive means in the proverbs connected with the topic ―Money and
3. non–antonymous contrasts (the opposing items are not antonyms in the lexical system): Muck and
money go together. – Богатый совести не купит, а свою погубит.
As for the peculiarities of the translation of English proverbs into Russian, they can be divided into
those having full and partial equivalents. Our analysis has shown that only 4 English proverbs connected
with the topic ―Money and wealth‖ have full Russian equivalents. They have the same meaning, lexical
composition and grammatical structure. For example:
Money begets money. – Деньга деньгу наживает; Money has no smell. –Деньги не пахнут; Money
often unmakes the men who make it. – Деньги часто губят тех, кто их наживает; Time is money. –
Время – деньги.
All the other selected proverbs have only partial equivalents. The examples are the following: Wealth
like want ruins many. – Залез в богатство, забыл и братство; Money doesn’t grow on trees. – Деньги
не щепки, на полу не подымешь; Не that has no money needs no purse. – Голому разбой не страшен;
His money burns a hole in his pocket. – Деньги жгут ему карман; A fool and his money are soon
parted. – У дурака в горсти дыра; Money is a good servant but a bad master. – Умный человек –
хозяин деньгам, а скупой – слуга; Muck and money go together. – Богатый совести не купит, а свою
погубит; Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain. – Знание лучше богатства; Money makes
the world go round. – Деньги правят миром; He that has money in his purse cannot want a head for his
shoulders. – Есть чем звякнуть, так можно и крякнуть; It is easy to spend someone else's money. –
Из чужого кармана платить легко; Lack of money is the root of all evil. – Бедность не грех, а до
греха доводит; Love of money is the root of all evil. – Деньги глаза слепят; Money calls but does not
stay, it is round and rolls away. – Деньги, что вода; Money is round, and it rolls away. – Где
прибыток, там и убыток; Money can't buy happiness. – И через золото слезы текут; Money saved
is money earned. – Сбережешь – что найдешь; Never spend your money before you have it. – Цыплят
по осени считают; You pay your money and you take your choice. – Кто платит музыканту, тот и
заказывает музыку; Money to spare likes good care. – Деньги счет любят; Penny and penny laid up
will be many. – Копейка рубль бережет; Lend your money and lose your friend. – В долг давать –
дружбу терять; Abundance of money ruins youth. – Богатство родителей – порча детям.
There are some synonymous proverbs: Money is power. – Деньги все двери открывают; С
деньгами на свете, так и дурак в карете; Money masters all things. – Деньги все двери открывают;
Money runs the world. – Деньги все двери открывают; Золото не говорит, да много творит;
Money speaks. – Деньги все двери открывают; Money talks. – Деньги все двери открывают; Money
opens all doors. – Золотой ключик все двери отпирает.
So, as our analysis has shown, English proverbs connected with the topic ―Money and wealth‖ have
mainly partial equivalents in Russian, and the item ‗money‘ is represented in them more often than in
their Russian variants.
1. Арнольд, И.В. Лексикология современного английского языка (на английском языке): учеб.для ин–тов
и фак. иностр. яз. / И.В. Арнольд. – 2–е изд. – Москва: Высш. шк., 1973. – 304 с.
2. Деньги, благосостояние | Пословицы и поговорки [Электронный ресурс] / Режим доступа: http://la–